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Old 09-20-2006, 09:16 PM
SlytherinSissa SlytherinSissa is offline
Slytherin Sissa's 100 Drabblings of Lucius and Narcissa - Sa13+

So these are my drabbles of Lucius and Narcissa. The stories are just kind of thrown together and don't go in any particular order but I guess they're somewhat connected. The main premise through all of them is that their marraige was arranged and they found out when they were still at Hogwarts. Lucius despises Narcissa while she likes him and throws the marriage in his face. A bit of a tumultuous relationship, really. The stories are going to span their school years and adult lives. Hopefully their ages will be obvious within the text

1. Herbology 2. Muggle Studies 3. Transfiguration 4. Ancient Runes 5. Astronomy 6. Divination 7. Care of Magical Creatures 8. Potions 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts 10. Arithmancy 11. History of Magic 12. Charms 13. Quidditch 14. Hogwarts 15. Room 16. Dragonhide gloves 17. Cauldron 18. Whomping Willow 19. Wand 20. Hogsmeade 21. Veela 22. Kneazle 23. Telescope 24. House elf 25. Sorting hat 26. Quill 27. Owl 28. Timeturner 29. Pensieve 30. Feast 31. Dress robes 32. Common room 33. Classroom 34. Parseltongue 35. Pureblood 36. Muggle 37. Animagus 38. Patronus 39. Duel 40. Spell 41. Thestrals 42. Portraits 43. Headmaster 44. Ford Anglia 45. Torch 46. Dungeon 47. Portkey 48. Leprechaun 49. Yule Ball 50. Boggart 51. Act 52. Bore 53. Chase 54. Dare 55. Egg on 56. Fight 57. Gape 58. Hoot 59. Ignore 60. Joke 61. Kiss 62. Lope 63. Mooch 64. Nap 65. Ooze 66. Pace 67. Quell 68. Roar 69. Slap 70. Teem 71. Untie 72. Vex 73. Warn 74. X-tinguish 75. Yodel 76. Zap 77. Cheerful 78. Author’s choice 79. Author’s choice 80. Author’s choice 81. Depression 82. Careful 83. Fearful 84. Angry 85. Snappish 86. Daring 87. Plaid 88. Sweet tooth 89. Past 90. Present 91. Future 92. Chocolate 93. Chicken 94. Allergic 95. Snowball 96. Socks 97. Dictionary 98. Pajamas 99. Newspaper 100. Homework

#78--Author's Choice--Arranged Marriage

Lucius sat in his room at Malfoy Manner pining over the dungdomb of an arranged marriage announcement to Narcissa Black. Not even his boar’s hair hairbrush and peroxide could cheer him up today. All he could think of was what he could possibly do about it—

Killing her: One Avada Kedavra curse.
Aftermath: Disposal of one body and possible death of two parents.
Upside: Moot marriage contract.
Downside: Life term in Azkaban and/or death.
Can’t risk hair.
Conclusion: Make her life a living hell—priceless!
Crucio—Again, Azkaban=split ends.
Cold demeanor—possibility.
Future child a hate scapegoat—Bingo!
Old 09-23-2006, 12:36 AM   #2 (permalink)

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Lucius found a slug in his soil during Herbology one day. Gagging at the thought of touching it, he made Goyle grab it and slip it into Narcissa’s pot.

She wasn’t paying all that much attention when transferring soil and overzealously flung dirt in the direction of her second pot. The dirt, and slug, overshot the pot and connected with Lucius; the dirt on his hands and the slug slapping his cheek.

A high-pitched scream resounded around the greenhouse. Narcissa turned and saw Lucius, arms flailing, and screaming. Her jaw dropped.

“That’s my future husband? Does he even create testosterone?”
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Old 09-24-2006, 03:26 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Lucius stood in front of a mirror looking into crazed eyes and watching himself shake, his wand twitching in his hand.

“Lucius, are you ok?” Goyle was standing in the doorway.

“I can’t take it. I can’t marry her.”

“There are better ways—”

“She yodels, Goyle! Yodels!”

Lucius rushed at him, grabbing Goyle’s collar, his eyes wild and hair crazed. Roots were starting to show.

“Lucie, lets lookie in the library. You need to calmies now.”

Lucius put his head on Goyle’s shoulder, his thumb in his mouth and wept while Goyle patted his hair and ushered him away.

Last edited by SlytherinSissa; 09-24-2006 at 01:52 PM.
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Old 09-27-2006, 07:49 PM   #4 (permalink)

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#16—Dragonhide Gloves

Narcissa, infuriated by the way Lucius had been treating her since finding out about their marriage arrangement, grabbed one of Lucius’s own dragonhide gloves off of the arm of the sofa and slapped him across the face with it.

“Maybe now you’ll start showing me some respect. Nothing can get you out of this.”

Lucius said nothing but stared, slack-jawed, up at the crazy blonde standing in front of him. She kept talking but he heard none of what she was saying. He didn’t care about blood purity or family name. The inbreeding had curdled the Blacks. Witch was nuts.
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Old 09-30-2006, 03:05 AM   #5 (permalink)

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#2—Muggle Studies

Lucius was face down on his table, his forehead resting on a piece of parchment he should have been taking notes on. He didn’t know what was worse: learning muggle medicines that he couldn’t pronounce or listening to Narcissa snipe under her breath to her friends.

“Seriously, is there a reason we need to take Muggle Studies? What use is it? Muggles are only good for practicing curses on.”

As much as her voice made him twitch, he couldn’t help but agree. That thought alone gave him a headache. He groaned and tried to settle himself deeper into the table.
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Old 10-02-2006, 02:29 AM   #6 (permalink)

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Narcissa sat in the library, quill in hand, researching for her next test. She had been trying to catch Lucius’s eye in a more positive light for some time now but her efforts were failing and she was getting frustrated. Her concentration was lacking. She tried to shake it off but the thoughts kept coming back to her—her life with him. If he didn’t wise up soon, her future may not be as pleasant as she imagined it would be. She kept rereading the same line of her text while silently flirting with the idea of a love potion.
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Old 10-04-2006, 09:25 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Narcissa had offered him everything from pumpkin pasties to a piece of her glazed ham from dinner. He didn’t know why but Lucius attempted to ignore her all the same. But she was getting persistent. Dropping hints was more like hurling boulders. He got the feeling she was trying to feed him something and made a conscious effort to eat only what he had gotten himself. She was getting aggravated by this and kept trying to force a piece of cake on him atdinner.

“I’m on a diet. Now bugger off!”

She threw the cake aside and stormed off.
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Old 10-07-2006, 02:31 AM   #8 (permalink)

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#55—Egg On

The Dark Lord was egging him on, trying to coax him to get Narcissa to join his ranks. Voldemort knew she was weak but wanted the bodies. The more he could brand, the better.

But Lucius thought on it. Narcissa had always been reluctant to join the Death Eaters. He knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it and very nearly resented her for that.

“My Lord, she’s not like her sister. She’d be of no use to you.”

“I’ll be the judge of that. Just bring her to me.”

“Yes, my Lord.”

Lucius would pay to see this show.
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Old 10-09-2006, 01:37 AM   #9 (permalink)

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“Father, I need to get on the Quidditch team. Potter’s been on a year already and Slytherin needs a new Seeker.”

“Dumbledore doesn’t bend the rules for the right people. Perhaps a gift to the team would suffice.”

“Lucius, don’t you think Draco should at least try out for the team? It looks like you’re buying—”

“Shut up, Narcissa. The team could do with better brooms and Draco’s a natural athlete. You’ve kept him out of Durmstrang. Don’t keep him away from this.”

Lucius’ eyes alone told Narcissa to leave it be. She hated his demented idea of fathering.
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:26 AM   #10 (permalink)

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#7—Care of Magical Creatures

“My son was mauled by a hippogriff and you expect me to calm down? I’ll have the thing beheaded!”

“Lucius, it could have been an accident and the cut wasn’t that bad—”

“I can’t believe they let that incompetent half-breed teach children. This is all Dumbledore’s doing, that filthy muggle lover. He has a soft spot for ineptitude. I’ll have that giant’s job and the hippogriff’s head for this.”

“What happened to our normal Care of Magical Creatures class? They used to be fairly interesting.”

“Dumbledore happened, Narcissa. We just weren’t there long enough to feel his mudblood-loving effects.”
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Old 10-12-2006, 12:44 AM   #11 (permalink)

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#31—Dress Robes

Lucius donned his dress robes and walked down to the Great Hall. The Triwizard Tournament had been cancelled at the last minute due to the unpopularity regarding mounting death tolls but they decided to hold the ball anyway.

He was going with a pretty Slytherin girl that caught his eye, much to Narcissa’s dismay. He saw her briefly from afar and realized that she did look quite nice in her dress robes. That thought, though, quickly left him when he remembered the psychosis just waiting underneath the thin layer of paint. He shuddered and proceeded to look for his date.
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Old 10-14-2006, 11:01 PM   #12 (permalink)

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“Fitting that the Irish would have leprechauns as their mascot.”

“Well, it’s either that or a shamrock, dear. There’s a bit more personality in a leprechaun now isn’t there?”

“What would you know about personality, Narcissa? Your sister is obviously the one with it all.”

“Not in front of Draco,” Narcissa muttered through clenched teeth.

“He hasn’t heard a thing. Besides, he’s busy laughing at the Weasleys lunging for the gold. Don’t they know it’s fake? Then again, I guess anything shiny would catch their eye, wouldn’t it?”

“There aren’t enough Galleons in the wizarding world to help that filth.”
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Old 10-18-2006, 12:27 AM   #13 (permalink)

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When their son failed to disembark from the train, Lucius left Narcissa on the platform to look for him. He wasn’t all that worried, really. Draco was probably still discussing things with his mates. The events of the last few weeks have stirred things up a bit.

His steps began to squish as he walked down the corridor. Looking down he saw some sort of ooze had crept along the carpeting. Then he saw them; Draco, Crabbe and Goyle, all disgustingly slug-like and unconscious.

Lucius rolled his eyes and shook his head. Behind him, Narcissa screamed at the oozing sight.
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Old 10-21-2006, 06:29 PM   #14 (permalink)

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While Narcissa and Draco shopped for the upcoming school year, Lucius decided to discretely wander down to Knockturn Alley for some business. On his way down Diagon Alley, he spotted Arthur Weasley. He was hard to miss, really, what with that horrendous, obviously homemade plaid jumper he was wearing. They locked eyes and approached one another.

“Did the misses make the jumper for you, Arthur? Really, does buying one cost that much more?”

“The children aren’t here to keep the peace, Lucius.”

Arthur lunged but he was held back. Molly had appeared by his side. Lucius smirked and walked away.
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Old 10-24-2006, 11:55 PM   #15 (permalink)

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#25—Sorting Hat

“Black, Narcissa!”

Lucius watched as a girl with platinum blonde hair approached the stool that sat the sorting hat. Even with only a year’s difference, she carried a naivety that Lucius didn’t see in the other first years. Lucius looked over at Bellatrix who was staring at him.

“Blonde things are in your future, Lucius Malfoy.” Bellatrix hissed.

Lucius looked back at the stool and saw Narcissa walking towards the table, having missed her placement in Slytherin. He hoped a Black wasn’t in his future. He heard about them and knew how unhinged they all were. Too pureblood for him.
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Old 10-30-2006, 12:17 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Veela or not, they were beautiful. Lucius could no longer hear the crowd around him. All of his attention was centered on the veela but he made sure to remain calm. He didn’t want himself to come off as desperate. That could drive them away.

He watched and smiled as they danced only for him. He felt a sharp pain at his side, like his skin was being twisted. Instantly he could hear the roar of the crowd and see Narcissa’s face behind Draco.

“I’m your wife, remember?”

Lucius sneered and settled himself in his chair, rubbing his bruising skin.
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Old 11-01-2006, 02:04 PM   #17 (permalink)

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Lucius hated approaching the front gate of Hogwarts. He wished he could actually disapparate inside the walls so he wouldn’t have to see the thestrals. Of course he had seen numerous people die, at his own hand no less, but those creatures were truly disturbing to look at. While he didn’t regret his murders, he did wish he wasn’t able to see such animals.

Narcissa told him to just focus on the castle; not look anywhere else. He told her to keep her mouth shut. She hadn’t a clue what she was talking about since she had never seen them.
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Old 11-04-2006, 08:33 PM   #18 (permalink)

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#4—Ancient Runes

Lucius stared down at his parchment that contained his Ancient Runes assignment. To him, all they were were a bunch of lines that, on occasion, made some interesting shapes. He sighed heavily and collected his things to leave the room. As he looked up, Narcissa was staring at him, brow furrowed.

“You know, the runes aren’t that difficult to decipher,” she said, looking at him sneer at her.

“Did I say they were?”

“You looked confused.”

“Your eyes deceived you.”

He rolled his eyes, grabbed his bag and sped out of the classroom, Crabbe and Goyle scurrying in his wake.
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Old 11-07-2006, 12:47 AM   #19 (permalink)

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Narcissa didn’t know about any of Lucius’s missions. She didn’t bear his mark so she wasn’t privy to such information. There were times when Voldemort sent him after certain witches and wizards. Other times it was after muggles. Of course, the muggles didn’t pose a threat; they were just polluting the Earth with their non-magic blood.

Lucius was hunting now, for one particular muggle that Voldemort set him after. This one knew of the wizarding world and was spreading nasty lies about it. The man had to be silenced and Voldemort trusted Lucius to do it. Lucius loved muggle-hunting anyway.
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Old 11-08-2006, 04:11 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Lucius and Narcissa stood with Draco on the platform just before the train departed. A bark broke through their conversation and Lucius looked towards the noise.

There, with Harry Potter, was a large, shaggy, black dog quite excited to be out.

“That dog looks awfully familiar.”

“That dog looks awful. How does it not look like any other dog, Lucius?”

“The face, it looks…oh you clever Black.”


“That’s Sirius Black. He’s an animagus. Has been since Hogwarts. Draco, get on the train. Utilize this.”

“Yes, Father.”

“Black’s on the run and Dumbledore’s hiding him. Fudge should know about this.”
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Old 11-09-2006, 01:04 AM   #21 (permalink)

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#44—Ford Anglia

Lucius stood in the lobby of the Ministry of Magic, a Daily Prophet in his hand. He was talking to Fudge when a pop sounded nearby and Lucius saw the look on Fudge’s face drop. He turned and saw Arthur Weasley approaching.

“A Ford Anglia, Weasley? Couldn’t have picked anything nicer to fly about in?” Lucius smirked. “Narcissa was saying how a tree stump with wheels would have been a better buy.”

Arthur started to reply but was cut off by Fudge who proceeded to yell, his voice echoing off the marble walls. Lucius looked on as Arthur turned red.
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Old 11-10-2006, 01:15 AM   #22 (permalink)

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Lucius sat in the sitting room of Malfoy Manor, newspaper in hand. A picture of the Dark Mark danced across the front page.

“Do you know who conjured it?” Narcissa asked.

Lucius looked up at her, disdain on his face. “No, I don’t. It was none of us at the Quidditch World Cup but only Death Eaters know how to cast it. Someone’s working alone, making us all look bad.”

“But the Dark Lord’s on the rise, isn’t he?”

“That mark wouldn’t have been conjured if he wasn’t. Someone’s trying to prove loyalty. They can only hide for so long.”
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:33 AM   #23 (permalink)

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#11—History of Magic

Lucius was searching the stacks for Wizarding Warriors: Migrations to the Island for his History of Magic essay. He located it on an upper shelf. Just as his fingers grazed it, so did another set. He looked over his arm and saw Narcissa reaching for the same book. Lucius quickly yanked it away from her. She looked at him, stunned.

“We could share it, you know. I do need it too.”

“And I could turn myself into a one-legged house elf. But I won’t. You can have it when I’m done.”

Lucius’s hair swished as he turned and walked away.
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:34 AM   #24 (permalink)

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“You are chicken, Narcissa! You speak of muggle-hating yet you refuse to join us! You have no force behind your words!”

“Why should I join? You know as well as I that I wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure. I’m not Bella!”

“You certainly aren’t. She doesn’t stop with just words.”

“You carry enough action for both of us. Why does he need me?”

“Unfortunately, you’re my wife. Your actions reflect upon me. The last thing I will have is the Dark Lord thinking that I’m weak because my wife refuses to act. You’ve two choices; join or die.”
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Old 11-10-2006, 03:35 AM   #25 (permalink)

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Being careful not to wake Narcissa, Lucius rose from bed and walked down to the study. He lit a candle and sat in silence, his head in his hands. He didn’t know how much longer he could put up with this charade. Publicly he had an aesthetically pleasing family. Privately, he felt nothing for Narcissa and resented Draco for being a product of his mother. Should he abandon them? Just disappear, bury himself in the Dark Lord’s work? But it was his house after all. Perhaps he could make Narcissa disappear. Draco could possibly be more tolerable then, without her.
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