Red With Black:

50 by Senorita for Blaise & Ginny
In sweet memory of all those sweet memories I have shared with and on SS.
16/ 3/ 07 :: 16/ 3/ 08 Finished :: 3rd April, 2008
{ To Do List }
1. Accio
2. Avada Kedavra
3. Braking Charm
4. Blasting Curse
5. Colloportus
6. Crucio
7. Confundus
8. Diffindo
9. Disapparate
10. Engorgio
11. Expecto Patronum
12. Furnunculus
13. Flagrate
14. Horn Tongue
15. Hurling Hex
16. Impedimenta
17. Imperio
18. Incarcerous
19. Jelly Legs
20. Knitting Charm
21. Langlock
22. Legilimens
23. Levicorpus
24. Lumos
25. Mobilicorpus
26. Morsmordre
27. Muffliato
28. Nox
29. Obliviate
30. Oppugno
31. Orchideous
32. Petrificus Totalus
33. Point Me
34. Protego
35. Quietus
36. Reducto
37. Relashio
38. Rictusempra
39. Sectumsempra
40. Sonorus
41. Scourgify
42. Silencio
43. SpeRevelio
44. Stupefy
45. Tarantallegra
46. Tergeo
47. Twitchy Ears Hex
48. Unbreakable Vow
49. Wingardium Leviosa
50. Waddiwasi
Pink = Done
Theme # 1: Accio
"You think the spell Potter used was
cool?" Blaise Zabini scoffed at the first year. "Are you sure you're even a Slytherin, Denver?"
Marcus shivered.
You get odd-ones-out in every breed, Blaise thought.
Well?” he demanded impatiently.
“I – ye – NO!” Marcus squeaked, red-faced. “M-most fourth year-rr-s c-can’t d-do it. M-my f-friend said s-so.”
Blaise rolled his eyes. “Let me show you a little practical, Denver.” He raised his wand lazily, just as a group of girls – third years, Gryffindors all of them – filed out from Potions class. “
Accio parchment!"
A roll of parchment in the hands of the nearest girl zoomed neatly towards him. All of the girls looked over, but retreated on seeing him – A Slytherin, and not the very friendliest one, either. The one whose parchment he now held, however, did not.
“What’s your problem, Zabini?” Her voice was fierce.
“You can speak, Weasley? By the sight of your robes, anyone would have thought otherwise.”
She elbowed him so hard, he had to grab the nearest wall for support. Snatching her roll of parchment from him, Ginny Weasley stormed off. Zabini raised an eyebrow, a slight smile crossing his face as he turned around.
She was – – Impressive.
You do get odd-ones-out in every breed, after all.