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{Paws: 99 + 1 for Crookshanks} - Sa13+ http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i9...aMaxie/Cat.png One Hundred for Crookshanks For my Liisa Eighteenth August, 2009. <3 { To Do List } 2. Muggle Studies 3. Transfiguration 4. Ancient Runes 5. Astronomy 6. Divination 7. Care of Magical Creatures 8. Potions 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts 10. Arithmancy 11. History of Magic 12. Charms 13. Quidditch 14. Hogwarts, A History 15. Room 16. Dragonhide gloves 17. Cauldron 18. Whomping Willow 19. Wand 20. Hogsmeade 21. Veela 22. Kneazle 23. Telescope 24. House elf 25. Sorting Hat 26. Quill 27. Owl 28. Timeturner 29. Pensieve 30. Feast 31. Dress robes 32. Common room 33. Classroom 34. Parseltongue 35. Pureblood 36. Muggle 37. Animagus 38. Patronus 39. Duel 40. Spell 41. Thestrals 42. Portraits 43. Headmaster 44. Ford Anglia 45. Torch 46. Dungeon 47. Portkey 48. Leprechaun 49. Yule Ball 50. Boggart 51. Act 52. Bore 53. Chase 54. Dare 55. Egg on 56. Fight 57. Gape 58. Hoot 59. Ignore 60. Joke 61. Kiss 62. Lope 63. Mooch 64. Nap 65. Ooze 66. Pace 67. Quell 68. Roar 69. Slap 70. Team 71. Untie 72. Vex 73. Warn 74. x-tinguish 75. Yodel 76. Zap 77. Cheerful 78. Author's choice 79. Author's Choice 80. Author's Choice 81. Depression 82. Careful 83. Fearful 84. Angry 85. Snappish 86. Daring 87. Plaid 88. Sweet Tooth 89. Past 90. Present 91. Future 92. Chocolate 93. Chicken 94. Allergic 95. Snowball 96. Socks 97. Dictionary 98. Pajamas 99. Newspaper 100. Homework ______________________ Theme # 4: Ancient Runes Uruz, Rune of Strength. Crookshanks sniffed, placing a paw on the top of the plastic rune stone, perhaps to check if it felt edible – it did not – before grabbing it between his teeth. It felt squishy, like soft polystyrene and, while the cat had no plans to eat it for lunch, Scabbers was missing and the rune stone would certainly make an amusing replacement. Hermione Granger looked up from her tome, wondering what her favourite pet was up to. Just chewing on a rune stone. WAIT! A rune stone? Alarmed, she stood up. Had Crookshanks been visiting the Runes classroom? |
Theme # 27: Owl It was well past midnight, and the residents of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry lay, fast and peacefully asleep, in beds that seemed to snore with the weight of dreams and warmth. In the far distance, a solitary owl hooted by itself, and a single, yellow light flickered through a half open window in gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid’s rather interesting cabin. Crookshanks was not in a great mood: Hermione had taken his plastic rune by force, and he had not had dinner in protest. The fur ball stretched his legs, his eyes gleaming in the gloom of the night. |
Theme # 64: Nap ”Crookshanks, down boy, down –” Hermione Granger's voice was shrill. Crookshanks let go of the thing between his teeth – which was, incidentally, Ronald Weasley's hand – but continued to growl at the red-haired man who was trying to protect Scabbers from the cat's furious grip. “It’s a bad rat,” he tried to tell his brown-eyed owner. “It’s going to eat us all.” But Ron was shouting his head off, and Hermione was pink in the face. Not glad, Crookshanks rubbed his furry head against the latter’s leg, before curling up to fall asleep. |
Theme # 1: Herbology Herbology was not Crookshanks ’s favourite subject. Today, following an unsuspecting Hermione into the greenhouses, the fur-ball was not sure what he disliked more, the little potted plant that he knew was fond of screaming, or the giant vines that had what looked like dozens of tiny, white eyes. Disgusting things. He found himself a cosy spot at the back of the greenhouse as the glass doors slid shut, and Professor Sprout took charge. The cat was alert, on the lookout: Hopefully, the bad rat was not going to make the mistake of following the red-haired man here. |
Theme # 28: Time-turner "Coming, guys." Hermione Granger's voice floated down the staircase and, moments later, Crookshanks could see her slender figure following the red-haired man and the green-eyes through the portrait hole. Growwwwwwll. The little time-turner would not budge. Crookshanks sniffed at it, sensed something mysterious, and growled again, his voice lower but more fierce, this time round. The time-turner continued to lie at his feet - it was his own fault the thing was there, in the first place - clearly unaffected by the noise. Bad, inedible thing. Crookshanks turned it over with a paw, then left it alone. |
Theme # 02: Muggle Studies Crookshanks sniffed. The classroom smelled of tanned leather, and the furball rubbed his head against a carboard box that lay, by the door. He liked this smell. It reminded him of his owner's new shoes, the red heels she had bought, this summer. "Crookshanks!" Hermione scolded, as she stepped into the Muggle Studies classroom, and the orange cat walked over to her, a bit of a red jogger - the closest equivalent he could find to her red heels - between his teeth. "You shouldn't have touched those! God knows what they were here for and -" Crookshanks continued to chew. |
Theme # 03: Transfiguration It was not a nice day. Crookshanks had crept out of the common room in search of some crunchy, nutritious bug in the wee hours of morn, but returned without one. He had barely gotten over the disappointment, when the sun broke through a stream of clouds, and the red-haired man had remembered he had not practiced the latest set of spells their year had been taught in the last Transfiguration lesson. "Go away," Crookshanks had tried to tell the red-haired man. But the red-haired man was ruthless, and turned him into a small, silver pin, anyway. |
Theme # 05: Astronomy Hermione Granger picked up her Astronomy textbook, and heaved a sigh as she flipped it open. She was to take the exam tomorrow, and the practical the evening after, but she was far from pleased with her preparation, thorough though it was. Crookshanks attempted to curl up at his owner's feet, but he was not satisfied. She paid him little attention, and did not even reach out to stroke him.In the end, he sat up, stretched, and headed out of the warm interiors of the Gryffindor common room in search of the red-haired man's squeaky rat. |
Theme # 06: Divination It was good to be able to jump. Crookshanks sank his teeth into the shoe of a Slytherin who had tried to kick him out of the way and, when the boy had scurried away, leaped into the Divination classroom. His owner was, of course, not present: Crookshanks was pretty sure she did not take this class anymore, because she had not come here for quite a while. He found himself a little spot at the back, far from the fumes of the little fires. Ah yes, he liked this place - it guaranteed him several hours of undisturbed, peaceful sleep. |
Theme # 07: Care of Magical Creatures They had a class on kneazles, today. "Reckon this will be tough?" Ron asked and, with a grin, Hermione stuck her new quill behind her ear. She was pretty sure this would be easy - she did, after all, have a pet that was part-kneazle. Crookshanks had eaten, and now he was bored. He arrived at the foot of a staircase, where he curled up and went to sleep, because he had nothing else of interest to do. He could have followed his owner to Care of Magical Creatures, he knew, but he did not want to meet any ... relatives. |
Theme # 08: Potions Crookshanks lifted his nose, and sniffed the air. It did not smell right, so he waited, paws at the ready -- but no threat of harm came and, at long last, the cat allowed himself to let his guard relax. Not let it down, of course - a wise cat was alert at the most peaceful of times. The orange furball gave a little, unhappy wag of his tail, and forayed further into the depths of the potion-ingredients closet. There was a crash, as he stepped into something that stuck to his paws, and Crookshans jumped into the air. Stupid closet. |
Theme # 19: Wand Crookshanks was a rather cross, orange cat, when he finally managed to squeeze his way out of the closet of potion-ingredients. They had wet his fur, the things inside that damp place, and it stuck up in many directions now, bristling with wet, dark blue liquid. "Crookshanks!" He looked up, and was pleased. It was Hermione, and she looked rather appalled at the state she had found him in. She siphoned the goo off with a flick of her wand, then picked him up and whisked him away, off the scene of the crime before Professor Snape could arrive. |
Theme # 09: Defense Against the Dark Arts BAH! Crookshanks would have grumbled, if he could. The cat attempted to stretch his legs, but it was not to be: the wickerwork basket that housed him, at the moment, was not spacious enough to meet his idea of fun. "MEOOOWWW," he growled. "Oh, Crookshanks," Hermione said, with a shake of her head. The basket lay at her feet, and her eyes were fixed on Professor Lupin, as the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts demonstrated a nifty spell. "You have to stay in there, for a while." How could he let her know he did not want to? |
Theme # 10: Arithmancy Crookshanks flicked his tail as he jumped down the arm of the sofa, and into Hermione's lap. Parchment flew in all directions, and she gave a little yelp of surprise as the bottle of ink that rested on top of the notebook in her lap, toppled over. Fortunately for her, it was not unscrewed; she gave a shake of her head, then proceeded to scold him. In response, he stretched a bit. "Crookshanks!" She chided, quite mortified by his ignorance. "What do you think you're -?" He curled up on top of her Arithmancy textbook, and closed his eyes. |
Theme # 11: History of Magic Unlike the larger part of the student body at Hogwarts, Crookshanks possessed a happy collection of memories associated with the classes of that ghost, Professor Cuthbert Binns. He eased into the said teacher's lesson now, eyes bright and tummy quite satisfied. "Harry, Ron, wake up!" Hermione said rather angrily, as she poked the boy closest to her, in the back. "I swear, I will NOT lend you my notes this term, or -" Crookshanks blinked at his owner as he passed her. She gave him a surprised look, and then he had leapt into her lap for a good nap. |
Theme # 12: Charms It had been a rather boring day, until Crookshanks had spotted a niffler by the gamekeeper's cabin. He had tried to scare it away with a rather peculiar meow, but the niffler had refused to budge. It had, in fact, ignored him rather completely. Crookshanks had not been pleased at this, and had followed the thing to its owner, who had made use of the creature to locate several, silver charms she had lost, the other day. The charms were pretty, but Crookshanks growled at them. Why should a niffler be able to locate them, when he could not? |
Theme # 13: Quidditch Crookshanks did not understand the hype about Quidditch. It eluded him how sweating it out for a cup that you might not gets your hands on, after all, could please one. He had to admit, though, that the snitch was rather shiny, and made him want to chase it to the end of the world. But even the little ball could not make him like the sport - could not make him like it because the red-haired man with the bad rat often played it, and Crookshanks did not like the red-haired man with the bad rat, one bit. |
Theme # 14: Hogwarts, A History It was well past curfew but one orange cat had, of course, the advantage of no such restrictions of time. Crookshanks stepped into the Gryffindor common room now, and his eyes were bright as they scanned its warm interiors. He spotted his owner in a comfortable sofa by the fireplace, and went over. She scratched him behind the ear, but paid him no further attention, because she had an exam the next day. Crookshanks did not like that. So he gripped one end of Hogwarts, A History between his teeth, and tugged until she looked up, and heaved a sigh. |
Theme # 15: Room For the most part, Crookshanks hated the train ride to, and back from, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It meant a wickerwork basket, and he did not like the little room that provided him. He did not even like - had had a good bite out of - the little cushions his owner had brought along, this time round, for his convenience. But the ride was still more bearable, this time. Not because of the cushions, but because his owner had placed a nifty charm on his basket: he had more room to stretch in, and more room to curl up. |
Theme # 16: Dragonhide gloves Oh, goodie! It was his owner's birthday, today. She was neck-deep in wrappings as she untied ribbons, and peeked into gift boxes, and Crookshanks was glad of that: it meant he could indulge in the chocolate fudge at the table without any disturbance - it was not meant for him, of course, but it still tasted quite nice. Then Hermione squealed as she fished out a set of brand new dragonhide gloves, and Crookshanks meowed in surprise. She looked over at him, gave a little yelp of astonishment, and he knew at once that he was in trouble. Oops. |
Theme # 17: Cauldron ... and what was this? Crookshanks had taken a quick peek in the lounge. His owner had returned from Diagon Alley, and her arms had been full of new things before she had emptied these on to the table in the hall. He had sneaked up to it, sniffed at the stuff, and recognized the smell of fresh parchment and shoe-polish, when he saw a new cauldron. Now why would she need that? He climbed on to its brim and was about to take a good look inside, when he lost his balance and fell, bottom first, into it. OUCH! |
Theme # 20: Hogsmeade Brrr, it was cold. Crookshanks eyed his owner as she slipped into a short, red jacket, and wondered where he could get one for himself. Maybe he ought to rub his head against Hermione's feet... perhaps that would let her know he was cold? Hermione pulled on her new dragonhide gloves, a happy sparkle in her brown eyes. She was excited for this trip. Hogsmeade was always such a fun place! She wrapped a scarf around her neck, and left the castle. Crookshanks followed her at a very close distance, his eyes on her jacket. He wanted one, too. |
Theme # 100: Homework It was bright, summer-time weather, but Hermione Granger's mood was far from sunny: she knew very well that the one option she had at her disposal, right now, was to re-write the essay she had written last night - but how could she, when the class it was to be handed in in, was less than twenty minutes away? Oh, how could she explain to Professor Snape that she had awoken this morning to find her essay on the properties and uses of moonstone, of good service, as night-time toy, to one orange, rather bandy-legged cat? |
Theme # 99: Newspaper Summer vacation; and a simple breakfast at the Granger residence. Mr. Granger picked the newspaper from the doormat, and sank into a chair at the dining table. Then he proceeded to relate the headline of the day to his wife, who was in conversation with her daughter. Crookshanks sat in his owner's lap, curled up but very alert. He stretched, raised his head a bit to look at his owner's father, and tried to make a face because he felt rather ignored. When that did not work, he sprang on the table, and upset the jug of juice. |
Theme # 98: Pyjamas Crookshanks loved the smell of fresh laundry. He rubbed his head against Hermione's bare feet now, as she sat down on her bed, and began to fold a fresh stack of pyjamas. She laughed as he sprang into her lap, and attempted to rub his head against a silk pyjama. This led him to purr - until his eye was caught by little sparkles. It was a pyjama that bore little ducks, and he bit into it quite happily. Hermione tugged it away. "You silly cat! If it fits in your mouth, it doesn't mean you can eat it!" |
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