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Old 08-30-2006, 07:45 PM
LovelyLunaLovegood LovelyLunaLovegood is offline
Default Brianna's 100 Drabbles about Lily and James - Sa13+

1. Herbology
2. Muggle Studies
3. Transfiguration
4. Ancient Runes
5. Astronomy
6. Divination
7. Care of Magical Creatures
8. Potions
9. Defense Against the Dark Arts
10. Arithmancy
11. History of Magic
12. Charms
13. Quidditch
14. Hogwarts, A History
15. Room
16. Dragonhide gloves
17. Cauldron
18. Whomping Willow
19. Wand
20. Hogsmeade
21. Veela
22. Kneazle
23. Telescope
24. House elf
25. Sorting Hat
26. Quill
27. Owl
28. Timeturner
29. Pensieve
30. Feast
31. Dress robes
32. Common room
33. Classroom
34. Parseltongue
35. Pureblood
36. Muggle
37. Animagus
38. Patronus
39. Duel
40. Spell
41. Thestrals
42. Portraits
43. Headmaster
44. Ford Anglia
45. torch
46. Dungeon
47. Portkey
48. Leprechaun
49. Yule Ball
50. Boggart
51. act
52. bore
53. Chase
54. Dare
55. Egg on
56. Fight
57. Gape
58. Hoot
59. Ignore
60. Joke
61. Kiss
62. Lope
63. Mooch
64. Nap
65. Ooze
66. Pace
67. Quell
68. Roar
69. Slap
70. teem
71. Untie
72. Vex
73. Warn
74. x-tinguish
75. Yodel
76. Zap
77. Cheerful
78. author's choice - Deny
79. author's choice - Ring
80. author's choice - Diricawl
81. Depression
82. Careful
83. Fearful
84. Angry
85. Snappish
86. Daring
87. Plaid
88. sweet tooth
89. Past
90. present
91. Future
92. Chocolate
93. Chicken
94. Allergic
95. Snowball
96. Socks
97. Dictionary
98. Pajamas
99. Newspaper
100. Homework

Hi I'm Brianna and obviously this is my 100 drabbles and its about Harry's parents James and Lily Potter. This is my first fanfic but I have others that in the process of completion. I believe some of these drabbles will be better than others. I will occasionally introduce a couple of my own characters like Katelyn Cassidy to make the story more of my own.And with that info... Enjoy!

~ It'll be harder to get this done b/c of school, dance, work, and homework but i will get it done and it'll take longer then expected

- Thanks to PinkNeon from the One Million Before... thread for choosing the number for the word for Drabble Twenty Two - 58.Hoot
- Thanks to Laura_H from the One Million Before... thread who suggested the number for the word in Drabble Twenty Three. - 16.Dragonhide gloves
- Thanks to Mafia Leader B from the One Million Before... thread who randomly suggested the number 52 for the word from the mandatory list in Drabble Twenty Four - 52.Bore
- Thanks to Sarah a.k.a the figment of my imagination(TomsLovelyLady) for suggesting the number for the word in Drabble Twenty Five while i was in the One Million Before... thread - 17. Cauldron
- I'm thanking Lizzie aka Blackgirl for choosing the number for the word in Drabble Thirty Five when we were in the TP thread yesterday - 76. Zap
- Thanks to Jenna a.k.a Ravenclaw6 a.k.a My S.S sister a.k.a Mrs. Shepherd(or maybe not depends on if you talk to Chikie or Jenna) for choosing the number for the word in Drabble Thirty Six when we were in the T.P. thread - 42. Portraits
- Thanks Chikie(chickensoup08, Mrs. Shepard, or Chief of Staff at SS Grace Hospital) for suggesting the word Chicken and for being Sirius's girlfriend in Drabble 39
-Drabble Fifty Five is dedicated to weasleyseekerpadfoot(my little brother) because its his lucky number
Old 09-04-2006, 04:01 AM   #26 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Twenty Five - The Third Rejection - 17. Cauldron

James added the final ingredient when Professor Slughorn walked over to his cauldron and said " Good job Mister Potter " and then he watched Slughorn walk over and look in Lily's cauldron and said " Perfect Miss Evans ". Lily turned and smiled at Katelyn who was across the room as the professor walked to look at more cauldrons.
" So Evans do you want to go to Hogsmeade with me ? " James whispered from the seat next to Lily.
" I already told you that I will rather date a troll than you " replied Lily.
" I doubt that " answered James as he smiled at her.
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Old 09-04-2006, 05:39 AM   #27 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Twenty Six - Ironically - 94. Allergic

" Can I speak to you for a moment? " James asked Katelyn who was talking to another gryffindor of their year named Anna.
" Whats wrong James?" replied Katelyn.
" Nothing, I just wanted to know if Evans liked Lilies " answered James.
" Why ? " questioned Katelyn.
" I think I'm going to buy them for Valentine's Day to give to her " James answered as he ran his hand through his hair.
" You can't do that " she replied back to him.
" Why ? "
"Ironically Lily is allergic to Lilies" replied Katelyn.
" Really ? " questioned James who could not believe what she said.
" yeah " Katelyn said as she nodded.
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Old 09-04-2006, 06:20 AM   #28 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Twenty Seven - Its a Charm Bracelet - 26. Quill

"What's that?" asked Katelyn who was holding a stuffed animal she had recieved from her new boyfriend Remus Lupin.
" Its a charm bracelet " Lily replied as she examined the miniature wand and quill on it.
" Who gave it to you?" Katelyn asked even though she already knew the answer.
" James Potter " she replied back.
" Well, do you like it?" Katelyn continued with the questioning of her friend.
" Yeah but its not the kind of jewelry I like to wear " answered Lily.
" Then why are you wearing it? "
" I was just trying it on to see how it looked " replied Lily.
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Old 09-04-2006, 07:14 AM   #29 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Twenty Eight - Brief Meeting - 29. Pensieve

Albus Dumbledore had just finished emptying a recent memory into his pensieve when someone knocked on the door to his office.
" Come in. I've been expecting you two " he answered as he sat down.
" How did you know? " replied James as he and Lily walked into the office and sat down.
" You two are always arguing with each other " he answered as Lily handed him a note from a professor. He read the note then continued with a smile " Next time try to argue quietly ". He dismissed them and watched them depart as he thought they'd be a perfect pair.
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Last edited by LovelyLunaLovegood; 09-04-2006 at 07:16 AM.
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Old 09-05-2006, 06:51 AM   #30 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Twenty Nine - I wish - 66. Pace

" How do you think you did on the finals? " questioned Remus who continued to pace.
"Aced it" replied James
"Excellent" answered Sirius as Peter decided not to answer the question.
" I think I failed the Herbology final " continued Remus.
" If you failed the Herbology final then Prongs hates Lily " answered Sirius with a smile.
"I wish" said a voice from behind James and Sirius.
Remus laughed as James and Sirius turned to see Lily walking towards Katelyn who was near the lake.
" Bad luck Prongs but look on the bright side, you still have three whole years left " replied Sirius.
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Old 09-05-2006, 07:39 AM   #31 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty - A Hidden Letter - 99. Newspaper

Lily had just passed through the barrier to get back between platforms nine and ten when she spotted her parents. She ran up and hugged her mothere who was smiling and then hugged her father who handed her a newspaper afterwards so he could carry her school stuff. They started to walk away when a voice called " Evans ".
Lily turned around to see James ruffle his hair and then hand her an envelope." Whats this?" she asked.
" Just read it " he answered then said " bye " as he ran towards Sirius.
She looked at the letter for the next minute.
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Old 09-05-2006, 08:41 AM   #32 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty One - Are You Sure? - 75. Yodel

It was late at night when Lily and her parents arrived back from the train station. Her father went to bed while her mother decided to wash the dishes. " Lily " Kathryn Evans called as her daughter was sitting at the table with a cup of milk and a yodel.
" What? " Lily replied as she ate and stared at the envelope in front of her.
" Was that boy your boyfriend ?" Kathryn asked as she froze.
" Who? Potter? No way , I don't even like him " replied Lily the instant her mother asked the question.
" Are you sure? " Kathryn asked while watching Lily.
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Last edited by LovelyLunaLovegood; 09-05-2006 at 08:44 AM.
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Old 09-05-2006, 07:26 PM   #33 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Two - Sounds like a crush - 28. Timeturner

The envelope from James was relocated to Lily's desk in her bedroom where it remained for the first three weeks of the summer. Everytime Lily entered the room she slooked at it and began to think of James.
"I'm not reading it" she said to herself as she stuffed the envelope into her school trunk. "Okay, maybe one day when I'm ready" she tolde herself out loud as she sat down to write an essay explaining the correct ways to use a timeturner.
"Sounds like the freak has a crush" Petunia replied to a friend as she passed Lily's room.
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Old 09-05-2006, 09:26 PM   #34 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Three - Second Untitled Drabble - 11. History of Magic

" Now , History of Magic is defintely going to be an easy OWL " Lily said as they entered the Professore Binn's classroom classroom.
" For you " replied Katelyn.
" Don't say that, you're going to do good too " commented Lily as they sat down in their seats.
" Hey Katelyn, Can I talk to Lily alone for a minute ?" questioned James who was siting next to Lily.
" What Potter ?" asked Lily as James ruffled his untidy black hair.
" Did you read it ? " asked James.
" I don't know if I want to " replied Lily.
" Well, Come find me when you do " replied James as he walked away.
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Old 09-07-2006, 01:10 AM   #35 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Four - He called you Lily? - 84. Angry

"Why did he call you Lily?" questioned Katelyn as they sat down in the Great Hall.
"All I know that it has to do with that letter he gave me last June"
"Did you read it?" Katelyn asked.
"No" replied Lily.
"Maybe the letter said that he no longer has feelings for you".
"Maybe thats it but I'm not reading it" Lily said as she put some chicken on her plate. " I think he's a little angry" she added.
"If you're not reading it then I am, wait, Where is it?" replied Katelyn ignoring her friend.
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Old 09-07-2006, 02:49 AM   #36 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Five -" I get to Zap you..." - 76. Zap

"Hey look its Lily" Remus whispered to James as they walked in the halls.
" I can't believe I wrote that letter for nothing " replied James. " Ouch What was that for?" he added as he turned around to see Sirius with a mischevious smile.
"What was what?" replied Sirius still smiling.
"That electric shock" replied James.
" Oh, that, well I get to zap tou when you talk about Lily " answered Sirius.
"Hey, Moony was the one who pointed her out to me" James answered back.
"Ouch" shouted Remus as Sirius zapped him with some spell.
" You deserved it too Moony " replied Sirius.
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Old 09-07-2006, 03:44 AM   #37 (permalink)

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Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Six - Another Untitled Drabble - 42. Portraits

"Does it work?" questioned Peter.
" I believe it does " answered Remus.
"What is Lily doing with Will Santano?" James asked his friends as he looked at the Maurader's map.
" Maybe they're looking at the portraits" replied Remus.
" Or maybe they're finishing up their date " answered Sirius before he realized he still had a friend who was obsessed over Lily.
" No thats not what they're doing, they're sharing class notes " Remus said as he lightly smacked Sirius on the back of the head.
" What? Does she have a new boyfriend ? " asked James.
" Maybe " answered Sirius who was looking at his shoes.
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Old 09-12-2006, 03:27 AM   #38 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Seven - Another Drabble - 24. House elf

"Lily" Katelyn called to her friend who couldn't keep her eyes open.
"What?" replied Lily.
" You look as tired as a house elf " answered Katelyn.
" Oh, well I met Will in the corridor last night "
" What were you doing? ".
" Just walking and talking " answered Lily.
"Sure" replied Katelyn.
"Its the truth and he accused me of having a relationship with James, just like Tom did"
"What are you going to do?" asked Katelyn.
" Its been four months and he doesn't trust me, I think its over " replied Lily as she noticed James watching her by the portrait hole.
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Last edited by LovelyLunaLovegood; 09-12-2006 at 03:29 AM.
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Old 09-13-2006, 02:09 AM   #39 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Eight - "I don't believe her" - 3. Transfiguration

Katelyn and Remus were sitting and studying together when James asked " Why aren't you with Lily?" to Katelyn as he and Sirius were playing gobstones.
" She's studying for our Transfiguration OWL in the library" answered Katelyn as she looked up from her book.
" Why?" asked Sirius.
" OWLs start tomorrow Padfoot " replied Remus.
"Oh, well we're already experts in Transfiguration. Right Prongs?" answered Sirius with a smirk.
"Does she not want to be her because of me?" asked James who didn't here Sirius's question.
"Obviously, she hates you" replied Sirius.
"She always says that but I don't believe her" said Katelyn.
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Old 09-19-2006, 02:09 AM   #40 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Thirty Nine - "I think you're right" - 93. Chicken

"Can you pass the chicken?" Peter asked as he began to stuff his face in.
James passed the dish to Peter as Sirius and his girlfriend Chikie passed. "That should be me and Lily" he said to Remus who was sitting next to him at the Gryffindor table.
"No, you and Lily would want to be in a relationship like the one I have with Katelyn" replied Remus.
James looked at Lily and Katelyn who were sitting nearby and then he looked at Remus. " I think you're right " replied James as he watched Sirius and Chikie flirt like crazy.
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Last edited by LovelyLunaLovegood; 09-19-2006 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 09-21-2006, 04:05 AM   #41 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Forty - Thinking - 7. Care of Magical Creatures

All the fifth years were sitting in the Great Hall at their own desks as they took their Care of Magical Creatures OWL. Sirius looked up from his finished exam to check on how his friends were doing. He saw Peter frozen with fear and Remus was checking his exam for the fourth time. Sirius then turned to the direction of James, who was staring at Lily Evans like always. Sirius watched James and Lily as he thought of how to get Lily to go on a date with James. He gave up on that and began to watch Chikie.
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Old 09-23-2006, 05:37 AM   #42 (permalink)

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Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Forty One - Plaid - 87. Plaid

The Marauders had just got on the train and they had already turned a hufflepuff's luggage a nasty pattern of plaid, hexed Severus several times, and luckily got stuck in a compartment with Lily, Katelyn, and Sirius's girlfriend Chikie. As the boys sat down, James made sure he had a spot next to Lily.
"Hello Beautiful" James said as he sat down.
Lily just rolled her eyes and moved closer to the window but James followed.
"Hi Potter" replied Lily who was avoiding James's face as she turned to Chike and said " So, What were you saying?".
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Last edited by LovelyLunaLovegood; 09-25-2006 at 05:11 AM.
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Old 09-25-2006, 04:30 AM   #43 (permalink)

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Third Year
Default Drabble Forty Two - Inattentive - 15. Room

James and Sirius left their school trunks near the staircase and were already upstairs in James's room. Sirius pulled out a notebook from under James's bed while James was sitting on the floor talking.
"I made up my mind" stated James.
"About our scheme or about Lily" replied Sirius who was reading something out of the notebook.
" Yes, I've decided I'm going to ask her out for in the nicest way possible " answered James with a inattentive expression.
"Sure,but we need to add to this plan first" replied Sirius who handed the book to James.
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Old 09-25-2006, 05:10 AM   #44 (permalink)

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Default Drabble Forty Three - One Last Time - 97. Dictionary

Lily pulled out a dictionary as her friend Katelyn walked into the living room. " What are you doing here " Lily replied as her friend sat down next to her.
" My dad figured I would like spending the rest of the summer with one of my friends and I thought I would tell you what I heard about James" replied Katelyn.
" What about James? " asked Lily.
" I heard that he is going to ask you out for the last time" answered Katelyn.
"Like James would ever stop" said Lily.
"You might want to tell him how you really feel" replied Katelyn.
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Old 09-25-2006, 05:30 AM   #45 (permalink)

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Default Drabble Forty Four - First NEWT Class - 12. Charms

Lily entered her NEWT Charms class when she heard the voice of James Potter. She smiled for a second then sat down in the front of the classroom.
" I guess I'm in Charms with the beautiful Lily Evans " James said as he sat down beside her.
She rolled her eyes and then asked "What do you want Potter?" as she wondered if this was the moment he would ask her out.
" Nothing Today Evans " replied James with a smile as the two of them stared into each other's eyes.
"Okay" replied Lily as she looked away from him
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Old 09-25-2006, 05:44 AM   #46 (permalink)

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Default Drabble Forty Five - "Sure" - 54. Dare

" Hey Prongs " called Sirius as he watched his new girlfriend Nabiya talk to Lily.
"What Padfoot?"asked James as he looked up from his astronomy essay.
" I dare you to ask Lily to that school dance " continued Sirius.
" I thought of it but she'll say no again, but I'm not gonna turn a dare down " replied James as he headed towards Lily and then said " Can I speak to you Evans?". They then walked near a portrait and James asked " Will you go to the dance with me?".
Lily looked at him for a minute then said "sure".
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Old 09-25-2006, 06:01 AM   #47 (permalink)

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Third Year
Default Drabble Forty Six - "Ready?" - 49. Yule Ball

Lily looked in the mirror at herself. She had just finished putting her make up on and she was about to join her date down in the common room. She couldn't believe that she agreed to go to the Yule Ball with James Potter. She grabbed her purse and headed down to the common room with her best friend, who was ready at the exact same time. They walked down the staircase and saw their dates waiting. Katelyn walked away with Remus as James said "Ready?" and grabbed Lily's hand as they walked out of the common room.
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Old 09-25-2006, 06:14 AM   #48 (permalink)

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Third Year
Default Drabble Forty Seven - Yule Ball - 31. Dress Robes

The four of them headed down the staircase and headed towards the Great Hall. Lily couldn't believe how handsome James and Remus looked in their dress robes, which seemed to dressed perfectly to match the dresses they were wearing. As she walked down the stairs, she couldn't help but stare at her that were laced with James's. She couldn't help but believe that being with James was the best thing in her life at that moment. When they entered the Great Hall, Lily looked up and saw James looking down at her with his hazel eyes.
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Old 09-25-2006, 06:28 AM   #49 (permalink)

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Default Drabble Forty Eight - A kiss - 61. Kiss

It was an hour since the dance had ended and James and Lily were the last ones to enter through the portrait hole into the common room.
" I'm surprised but I had fun tonight fun tonight " Lily said as they walked near the stairs to the girls' dormitory.
" Me too, umm Lily, Can I kiss you? " James asked as he ruffled his dark hair and looked at the ground.
" You don't have to ask " replied Lily as she blushed.
James took one long look into her emerald green eyes and then lent in and gently kissed her lips.
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Old 09-26-2006, 03:58 AM   #50 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Isabella "Izzy" Wright
Third Year
Default Drabble Forty Nine - A Continuous Argument? - 41. Thestrals

Katelyn looked at Lily and then to James, who were both staring into each other's eyes from across the common room. "Did the two of you have fun at the dance?" she said with a smile.
"Lets just say that the night was a continuous argument" replied Lily.
"Oh" replied a shocked Katelyn. Then she continued by saying "But why are you two staring at each other like that?"
"I was just looking around the room for ideas on that essay about thestrals" replied Lily immediately.
" So you didn't notice that you were staring at him" asked Katelyn.

Been Kidnapped by college..Will be returned soon
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