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Holmesian Feline 05-28-2012 08:40 PM
26. Morsmorde

Severus Snape was not habitual reader of the Daily Prophet by most means, reading its pages only at times when he felt the need to keep appraised of the things within the movable ink. Being up at Hogwarts preparing for the upcoming term, however , he was around other members of staff who were. It was there he happened upon the picture of the events at the Quidditch World Cup, the familiar ghastly shape shown above the ruined campgrounds a sight he had thought perhaps to never see again.

The Dark Mark.

He unconsciously rubbed his left arm as it lay hidden beneath the sleeve of his dark robe. Quickly stopping it once he registered he was doing so to try and avoid the looks from those who knew of his past. No need to raise suspicions within a group often engaged in needless chatter and gossip.

What did it all mean?

He dared not speak anything aloud, simply staying his quiet, non-personable self. Snape only knew that perhaps he needed to step up his attention. For the past three years seemed to be culminating towards an even deeper trouble for the wizarding world. Merlin help them all.

Holmesian Feline 05-31-2012 02:07 AM
27. Muffliato

A cloaked finger entered the Hog’s Head appearing no different to many of the other patrons who graced the pub’s threshold. Lowering his hood slightly as he took a seat near the back, Severus hid behind his unkempt black locks, nursing a firewhisky to provide a reasonable cover.

He had been on patrol like many times before when the death eater lucked out that evening in particular. Taking his leave for the restrooms, the former Slytherin found himself closer to the backrooms and about to pass them to head back up front when he heard a disembodied voice.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…”

Snape had caught it as he eavesdropped through the cracked open door, no wards set in place to block his intentions. His heart nearly stopping as the ramifications of what he was hearing became clear.

“Hey you…get out of here!” the wizened pub owner shouted at him upon sighting. He moved to physically throw him out with raised wand but Severus took the hint. Besides…he had someone waiting who would no doubt want to know what he had heard.

Holmesian Feline 06-11-2012 01:04 AM

"Turn out that light!"

Bloody portraits…
Snape rolled his eyes. But no matter, the potions master extinguished the light from his wand with a wordless spell and stormed back down the corridor from whence he had come.

Bloody parchment…
Something was up with it but he couldn’t be sure what it was. Abnormally large nose…other people’s business…as if. He was a spy for Merlin’s sake, it was his job to keep track of all sorts of things with charmed objects near the top of the list.

Bloody lycanthrope…
Lupin always had to get in the middle of things, especially when in concern with a certain Gryffindor. He could be just as annoying as Potter or Black ever were.

Bloody POTTER…
His wand had been lit first and they hadn’t complained about the light then.

Sigh…competing with another Potter…Great…just great.

Holmesian Feline 06-27-2012 07:29 PM

The use of a penseive was a unique experience the first time around. Acquiring a memory from one’s brain even more. Yet only after acquiring one for a mystery Christmas present and letting the dust cover over it for nearly a year to the following holiday, had Snape finally attempting to put it into use.

With a touch of his wand to his temple and the quiet spoken words of the proper incantation, the potions master slowly pulled the wand tip away gathering a wisp of memory to appear. His mind blanked for a moment as if someone had hit him with a memory charm.

What in Merlin’s Beard?

Whatever had happened, his memory of a particularly painful event in his childhood was less poignant, yet still there in the background. The seemingly simple activity had managed to provide a way to mask his less-then-perfect memories of his life but still keep track of them. You never knew when something might prove useful after all.

He just didn’t want to worry about dealing with them every time his mind chose to go back and dwell.

Holmesian Feline 06-28-2012 12:09 AM

“Snivelous…dear Snivelous.”

The sickenly sweet sound of James Potter’s voice rang down the stone hallway. The Slytherin doing his best to ignore him and continued to walk off to one class or another. That was until running feet could be heard behind him and suddenly his way was blocked by another presence.

“Care to get out of my way,” Severus said looking at his nemesis standing in front of him, his hand itching on the handle of his wand within his robe pocket. “Now why in the world would we want to do that?” Sirius Black asked rhetorically standing his ground beside his best friend.

Snape glared with such intensity, he imagined Black and Potter being attached by hundreds of quills sent attacking the two Gryffindors nibs first. Or so he thought he was imagining it…though hearing the exclamations of surprise from his targets, he snapped out his daze to notice his wand arm raised. The pointed quills leaving marks on their arms as they stood with rolled-up shirt sleeves.

“You were saying…”

Holmesian Feline 07-01-2012 08:46 PM

Severus knew the great Harry Potter was to be coming to Hogwarts this term. Even if he hadn’t the connections he had, the rumors spread by the staff over the summer break had been hard to avoid. He knew of the implications to the wizarding world…but hadn’t realized the personal ones.

It was the moment the Boy Who Lived faced the staff table after sitting down that stopped him…doing him in. The same green eyes meeting across the Great Hall as had when Lily and he had looked from their respective tables after their own sorting. Him to Slytherin…his best and only friend to Gryffindor.

The potions master did his best to appear his normal cool demeanor throughout the rest of the sorting and the feast until he was alone once more.

“Orchideous,” he cast quietly, a single white lily appearing from his wand tip almost unconsciously as he leaned against the door of his quarters. The physical…living reminder of a woman who shared the flower’s name.

Had it really been nearly a decade since his world had been turned upside down?

His former best friend dead…indirectly because of him.

Holmesian Feline 07-10-2012 09:49 PM
32. Petrificus Totalus

Did the auror really think he was doing a good job here? His occasional comments aimed towards Snape across the otherwise quiet space only served to give the death-eater some clue where the other man was. And just where to stay away from to avoid him.

He’s gonna get himself killed by that revealing…he was being generous by not firing spell upon spell at him in response. But then again, he had a task to do and wasn’t about to be waylaid by his follower too much.

Must be a newbie.

Else too arrogant for his own good.

Severus on the other hand was a quiet as a mouse maneuvering through the muggle warehouse in search of the last target.

The auror spoke again, breaking the lingering silence.

“Petrificulus Totalus!” Snape cast after turning the corner, catching his hunter and leaving him prey. “That will teach you when to just shut up.” The man continuing on with a sneer.

Holmesian Feline 07-11-2012 11:58 PM

The tall green hedges were imposing to say the least.

And nothing a good compass would really help with as it was a far more complicated maze in that respect.

Severus cast a few final spells, letting them linger on the area as they took hold. Their magical effects finishing his responsibility with the third task and allowing him to focus back on other things. The potions master weaved his way back towards the beginning where the rest of the helpers were slowly returning. His dark robes

"The west side is finished and secure..." Snape drolled in his usual smooth cool tone as he approached the former auror charged with overseeing the maze’s design. Who best then the resident DEFENSE professor to do so after all? Okay so there was a touch of envy in that thought.

One more year passed over.

Not to mention the potions master had felt odd about the man since the beginning of the new year. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. And nothing was sending clear signs as to what it could be.

As always.

Holmesian Feline 07-12-2012 03:26 AM
34. Protego


The word cut through the smoky air like a knife as the group tried to make its escape from the scene of the great wizard’s death. Bellatrix having set Hagrid’s hut aflame in their wake.

Snape effortless deflected familiar spell away from him, its home-grown words causing the professor no harm .

“Don’t you dare….Potter!” he spat with a snarl. “Don’t you dare use my own spell against me.”

Yes, he revealed himself for who he used to be while in school. If only Potter could understand…not that he wanted to explain himself to the boy…young man.

Still, no one but the man who now lay dead at his own hand would know why he had done all of what he had done. No…not even him…not all of it anyway. There were things even the great Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore would never know much less understand of the man who he had…controlled all these years.

Severus Snape was an enigma, of his own choosing.
If only to shield himself from the effects of others.

Holmesian Feline 07-26-2012 01:10 AM
35. Quietus

One minute the Dark Lord’s voice rang out across the grounds of the great school….the next all was quiet and one could only imagine what was going through everyone’s head as the silence permeated the crowds on both sides of the battle.

For Severus it was the wonderings of what would happen next. Would Potter answer? Would the Boy who Lived win or would Voldemort have the final say?

Would his sacrifices be for naught?

All to soon the silence around him was ended as he joined the man in question within the Shrieking Shack. A place that brought back many a memory of his time as a student as well as a professor. Unfortunately the fate he was saved from by his enemy…was cast upon him by his very master.

Too bad the sonorus spell was not still in effect. No one would hear of the final order that ended my life.

Snape spotted movement off in the shadows as he lay bleeding to death, not sure if he was hallucinating.

Or would they?

Holmesian Feline 07-26-2012 11:40 PM
36. Reducto

Did Karkaroff not understand?

The way the man went about acting suspicious and revealing his dark mark to him. What if there had been others around? Did he not realize there was enough going on that had an air of mystery and danger that needed to be concerned about then just the darkening of the skin of their left arms? Although it did leave a ache and the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

What did it all mean?

Another swish…another rustle as more flowers met their bitter end.

And on top of that, the last thing Snape needed was playing chaperone to a Great Hall filled with hormonal teenagers. Scratch that…a castle filled with hormonal teenagers.

“Gallagher! Nimitz! Get back to the ball or back to each of your dorms this minute!”

“Yes Professor Snape…” the couple mumbled as they struggled to gather themselves and scamper off as fast as they could. At least they had the smarts to avoid the Slytherin HOH as soon as possible.


Another bush feels the wrath of his spell work.

Holmesian Feline 08-06-2012 12:36 AM

This was it…he would finally find out what was up with Lupin.

Severus had gotten Black to spell the beans, telling him to head to the Whomping Willow that evening. The revelation had come after quite a bit of force, the Gryffindor giving in to his pressure so it had seemed trustworthy.

So with his cloak on and wand lit the Slytherin made his way across the grounds under the cover of darkness, the shadows only broken by the occasional stripe of moonlight through the clouds. Pressing the knot to quiet the tree, he passed into the tunnel and carefully picked his way through. It was only when he reached the end and stepped into what would later be called the Shrieking Shack that he heard growling and was greeted with something he surely hadn’t expected.

A werewolf!

“RELASHIO!” he cast sending the spell towards the creature as he quickly backed up towards the tunnel where he had come from. The first spell that came to mind to keep himself after the reach of the gaping mouth as it howled at him.

Black, you will pay!

Holmesian Feline 08-06-2012 01:47 AM

Snape inwardly groaned as a look to his schedule for the next class told him just who he would be handling. Fourth year Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs which meant only one thing…

The Weasley twins.

Yeah sure, everyone else might explode into a fit of laughter at their antics, other than most staffers that probably was. But to him they were nothing more than two red-headed nuisances. As if he didn’t have enough stress with his Gryffindor classes with Longbottom melting every other cauldron he worked with and Finnegan with his explosive tendencies.

The last few minutes of peace passed too quickly for his liking, the two houses soon filtering into his classroom as Snape watched them with a steady eye. With a few stern directions and the rest of the notes written on the board, the potions master left them to begin brewing while he made circuits of the dungeon room.

“Don’t…even…try…it Mr. Weasley…” Severus said, speaking each word with emphasis as the one twin held what looked to be a firecracker just above the cauldron as if to drop it within. His blackened glaring cutting off the laughter and giggles of those around them.

Holmesian Feline 08-12-2012 06:12 PM
39. Sectumsempra

He had had it with Potter and Black.

They were pushing on his last nerve and no one else seemed to be bothered by it. Or rather they got away with it either because no one spoke up or thought it was funny and left it alone. The professors surely didn’t see or believe enough of it to do anything about it. And two, or rather three and four if Lupin and that know-nothing Pettigrew joined in, against one was never a good thing.

Severus was working on something to teach them a lesson…teach anyone a lesson if they chose to cross him the wrong way. It took many months over the course of the term but finally he had it the way he wanted. Incantation…wand movement and all. Even the counter-curse if need-be…a silly little musical number he was sure he would be the only one to do properly.

Snape flipped through the potions text he had taken to writing notes and corrections in, finding an empty spot within the margins and took out his quill. In fancy cursive he added three simple words…


For Enemies

Holmesian Feline 08-31-2012 12:04 AM

Severus begrudgedly entered the staff room, a meeting having been called before the start of the next term. It was still pretty empty despite his waiting until the latest possible minute to leave his brewing for far more tedious work. Taking a seat at the furthest end, the potions master awaited the start, mulling over a cup of tea he poured for himself.

“YOUR DEATH IS UPON YOU! I have SEEN it!” the voice of one Sybil Trelawney rang down the table as she walked behind him breaking into his thoughts. The man thankful to keep his cool lest he spill his cup and making a mental note to ban her from the dungeons. Her attention was clearly on the hapless DADA professor of this term, the man having the decency to look both shock and bewildered at her pronouncement.

Did she really need to yell right next to his ear? He mused to himself trying to get the ringing out of his head.

“…Dimwit” Snape muttered under his breath.

She might have better luck predicting he won’t be a professor next term.

Holmesian Feline 10-01-2012 06:29 PM

Severus was normally meticulous about the cleanliness of his classroom and the materials of his trade. However there were times like now that allowing grunge among the various cauldrons and tools that currently littered the classroom was a positive aspect. At least for punishment purposes.

“Ah…Mister Halliforth, you’re early. Good…gives you more time for your task. You’ll certainly need it.”

Snape watched as the disrespectful Gryffindor surveyed the room, watching curiously for the reaction of the 4th year to the mess.

“You will remain here until everything is cleaned to my satisfaction. Your wand please.” His words were cool and unfeeling, in essence his usual self as he held out his hand for his request though he was willing to summon it if need be. The Gryffindor obeyed however, handing it over.

“Enjoy your evening…” Severus mused before turning in a flash of black robes and disappearing from the classroom. The lock snapping shut behind him.

It was going to be a long night.

Holmesian Feline 11-01-2012 10:59 PM

42. Silencio

“Snarky Snape…Snarky Snape…”

The voice of Hogwarts’ resident poltergeist rang through the hollow dungeon corridors. The man in question trying to grade the mid-winter exams in his office. Unfortunately the annoying sounds were carrying quite well and making him glower at the various parchments more than anything.

“…does whatever a snarky Snape does.”

From experience, Severus knew there was little use and threats and the like. They simply didn’t work on Peeves. And so far ignoring the ghost was only making Peeves continue on.

If only magic worked on ghosts.

The potions master shook his head and roughky placed down his quill once more and got to his feet. It seemed like he was going to have to be ghost hunter instead of professor for the time being and find the Bloody Baron at the very least. He would be getting little to no work done at this rate if the Slytherin specter couldn’t control his fellow spirit.

And if he couldn’t…well…he was going to start working on modifying a certain spell.

Holmesian Feline 11-10-2012 07:52 PM

The potion was clearly not one he was familiar with which was certainly saying something. Snape had spent much time studying what he could about all the known potions as well as making his own. And now he had this mystery to solve.

“SpeRevelio…” he cast over the small cauldron where he had emptied the vial into. The spell doing its job and revealing just what the make-up of the bronze-colored liquid was.

“Jobberknoll feathers…for memory.”

“Yet fluxweed for changing appearance.”

Just what was this potion for?

After a while he had given up and stormed up to the half-empty Great Hall for the remnants of dinner. Lupin approached the man once his classmate, cautious of the agitated former Slytherin. “You look like your wand is in a knot.”

“Well not that it is you’re business…” he started before sighing and gradually revealing his dilemma to the noisy Gryffindor.

The lythanthrope, to his credit, was a simple, quiet listener as he sipped from his water goblet, long ago finished with his own dinner. “Did you ever think that was the purpose of the potion right there…providing a riddle?” Lupin questioned getting up ready to leave.

“Happy Birthday Severus.”

Holmesian Feline 11-21-2012 05:26 PM



A collection of spells had been shot back and forth as the two students continued their duel. It had started out friendly within the aspects of the dueling club but the duo had each expanded to a full on fight. Severus standing his own against the older student he had been paired off with.



The scene was familiar, the potions master dressed in all black rather than his house colors being the main change Snape’s recollection. However he was also certain Lockhart had nothing on his previous opponent on this stage. They bowed, showing proper dueling form to the students surrounding them before engaging each other. The spell was the same yet the outcome was different.


The dirty blonde haired man went flying and there might have been slight smirk on the former Slytherin’s face had he not been reminded of one thing.

This was the man who won out taking his job.

Holmesian Feline 11-21-2012 07:07 PM

Severus hated school breaks.

They were usually spent dancing around his father whenever he had to go home to Spinner’s End or skipping the visit totally when he could manage to use Hogwarts as an escape. And even then, that meant worrying about his mother alone with her drunk muggle husband.

The latest break had arrived and he was sitting up in his cold dorm trying to decide which option he wanted to choose this time around. His half-empty trunk open and waiting should he need to pack. “Should I or shouldn’t I…” Snape mused, grateful his roommates were all busy enjoying time with friends and girlfriends before they were separated leaving him alone to his decision.

As time wore on and there were dancing, fluttering insects in his stomach as he reread his mother’s latest letter with concern at the hidden messages, he had made his choice. “That man better not try anything,” he grumbled as he quickly loaded up his trunk with what he would need to keep himself sane for his time at home.

Or else he’d be the one dancing.

Holmesian Feline 11-22-2012 09:48 PM
46. Tergeo

Snape apparated into an alley near the muggle community that made up his childhood. The dusty darkened way a perfect cover to appear as well as gather himself once more before moving. “Tergeo….” he cast quietly against his robes attempting to clean them. Just because he dealt with blood didn’t mean he had to wear it on himself nor face the types of questions from his busy-body neighbors that make things complicated.

Finally walking out into the hazy morning sunlight tentatively, the death eater tried not to favor his one leg. His evening had been rough but the victims of his spells and those of the others had faced rougher. With a discreet wave of his hand he unlocked the door of the run-down house that he called his own, slipping in the dusty abode and leaning back against the door once closed. The man sighing as he took in the sight of the interior.

If only he could clean his demons from his mind as well as the blood.

Holmesian Feline 11-22-2012 10:43 PM

Knee-deep in subjects to study for the upcoming OWLs, Severus was camped out at a table in the Hogwarts library. Various books were piled up around him, his quill scratching across the parchment in front of him as he worked. He lifted an absent hand to rub his ear, glancing at the feather in his writing hand thinking perhaps he had brushed against it making it tickle.

Shaking his head, Snape went back to work, trying to focus on History of Magic at the moment. He reached up again after a few moments and brushed his ear. His quill nowhere near. What was up with them?

The Slytherin glanced around now swearing he was hearing something only to spot two very familiar Gryffindors. The messy-haired one with his wand out at his side.

Potter…of course.

“Keep it up…” he murmured to himself with a roll of his eyes as he returned to his work once more. “And you’ll get more than itchy ears.'

Holmesian Feline 11-22-2012 10:48 PM
48. Unbreakable Vow

“You will watch over Draco and protect him.”

“I will protect and keep an eye on him.”

“If he should be unable to complete his task you will do it.”

“I will complete his task if he is unable to carry it out himself.”

Like he wanted to be bonded to any of the Malfoys for any reason, least of all the youngest. But regardless of his desires he was indeed tied to Draco and, as he learned later on, his orders to carry out the death of one Albus Dumbledore. And unfortunately it was far more binding then even the Dark Mark engrained on his pale skin.

“Could he at least try not to get caught?” he grumbled to himself as he sulked in his personal lab. The Dark Lord certainly doesn’t need another idiotic follower that was only going to mess things up or get themselves killed. And he himself didn’t need the boy bringing him down with him.

Holmesian Feline 12-06-2012 12:46 AM

Snape felt like he was floating…like suddenly all ties to earth were cut by the single bite from his former master’s familiar. He didn’t know how long he had been there or how long he would but the feeling of weightless was unnerving. A past memory of a similar feeling of being levitated none to pleasant. At least he wasn’t upside down this time, that plus and the appearance of an old friend in his mind’s eye with a smile aimed his way made it bearable.

He was brought back to reality as he felt the tangy taste of his own blood within his mouth, the damage done by Nagini no doubt working against him as time wore on. Black eyes met green as Severus peeled open his eyelids that had grown heavy and for a moment believed himself to still be seeing the redhead of his vision.

A blink dispelled that myth as the messy black hair of his father was made apparent in the shadows of the Shrieking Shack. A silent look of understanding seemed to pass between them for once and as Potter held the bottled memories, Snape could only manage one word.


Holmesian Feline 12-12-2012 09:17 PM

I didn’t know the person who was stupid enough to continuously schedule Slytherins and Gryffindors together in lessons but once more the two houses were in class together. It was a free period and studying was the recommended activity. However leave it to a group of lions to break that up with a little playing around, the trio joking with Lupin looking on over the edge of his textbook. Black even had that snitch that Potter seemed to carry around everywhere since he had caught it.

Settling in to my own studying, it was every once in a while interrupted by the echo of the classroom’s candles on the golden surface of the ball across the center of the room. I gritted my teeth and tried to bare it but after a while enough was enough. My hand discretely slipping my wand out.

“Waddiwasi…” I cast quietly, aiming the spell at the snitch and sending the glittery object into the laughing boy’s mouth much to his surprise.

“Detention, Mr. Snape!” the professor’s voice rang out as he managed to catch what happened.

Didn’t matter much to me. The look and sound of Black nearly choking made it worth it.

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