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Holmesian Feline 01-01-2012 06:27 PM

Kat's 50 Ficlets of the Duplicity of Severus Snape- Sa13+
Original Picture by ~Monday-----AR from Deviant Art

Disclaimer: The HP universe and the character of Severus Snape is property of JK Rowling.

Severus Snape was a man of few words most of the time, yet even in those few words we learn of the complexities that make up the man he was both in front of and behind the scenes. So keep an eye out for stories on the good, the bad and the greasy sides of our beloved potions master.

1. Accio 2. Avada Kedavra 3. Braking Charm 4. Blasting Curse 5. Colloportus6. Crucio 7. Confundus 8. Diffindo9. Disapparate 10. Engorgio 11. Expecto Patronum 12. Furnunculus 13. Flagrate 14. Horn Tongue 15. Hurling Hex 16. Impedimenta 17. Imperio 18. Incarcerous 19. Jelly Legs 20. Knitting Charm 21. Langlock 22. Legilimens 23. Levicorpus 24. Lumos 25. Mobilicorpus 26. Morsmordre 27. Muffliato 28. Nox 29. Obliviate 30. Oppugno 31. Orchideous 32. Petrificus Totalus 33. Point Me 34. Protego 35. Quietus 36. Reducto 37. Relashio 38. Rictusempra 39. Sectumsempra 40. Sonorus 41. Scourgify 42. Silencio 43. SpeRevelio 44. Stupefy 45. Tarantallegra 46. Tergeo 47. Twitchy Ears Hex 48. Unbreakable Vow 49. Wingardium Leviosa 50. Waddiwasi

50 Potions Brewed - - - 12 Detentions Given

The students’ abdominal work was going to be the death of him.

Snape couldn’t honestly understand how they could possibly get the answers wrong when they were all right there in the lessons and books. They just had to pay attention to what was going on around them and actually use their brains.

Pay Attention…ha!

With a grumble he summoned a headache tonic from his stock to him, the man not willing to stand and get it for himself. He caught it in hand with ease despite his throbbing head, downing it in one swallow.

Now to push through the pain-developing work that started it all, his quill already moving and marking the dozens of mistakes. The potions master couldn’t even been to think of what was worse…Longbottom blowing up cauldrons in class or one of the Weasleys making unintelligent guesses on their homework. Maybe he should just summon a book to clock himself in the head and knock him out until he was either retired or dead.

Yeah…that would work.

Holmesian Feline 01-01-2012 07:21 PM

2. Avada Kedavra

He nearly flew like the bat he was often likened to as he made his way up to the astronomy tower. Time was of the essence and he knew that the moment was upon them. The moment he had been dreading all term since first learning of Draco’s assignment.

“Mr. Malfoy is to kill you,” the younger man told the wizened wizard whose fate would be chosen this very night.

“So be it,” Dumbledore returned, the two both knowing his time was short anyway.

The memory was clear as day yet as he got closer and closer to the highest point of the castle, his heart often thought as empty beat heavily within his chest. Finally Snape came across the scene, the blonde haired boy standing across from the white with his fellow death eaters circled round.

This was it…now or never. It was either him or leave the man who he had trusted his life and very soul for years to the likes of Bellatrix and Greyback.

And with two simply words as his wand was raised, the line was drawn and his decision was made.

“Avada Kedavra!”

Holmesian Feline 01-04-2012 10:09 PM

His lips were moving a mile a minute muttering counter curses in the hope of counteracting whatever spell was being used to jinx the first year’s broom. Merlin knew if it would work without knowing the actual spell but it wasn’t like the potions master had a limited knowledge of spells to work from.

All he knew however was that no amount of the charmed broom’s magic would save Potter from a nasty fall should he or the boy himself lose complete control.


The cry went out through the tower of seats he was in, yet Snape did his best to ignore it. It wasn’t until he felt the warmth at his feet and a fellow spectator motioned to his robes edge burning that he couldn’t well avoid paying attention to his predicament.

Putting it out quickly, the professor turned back to the skies to check for his target once more. But it was too late and his focus was broken and his gaze looked out to a pitch filled with relief as the Gryffindor seeker regained his seat.

“That ones for you Potter…” he muttered, thinking back to another black haired boy, as he sat back down himself.

Holmesian Feline 01-09-2012 02:00 AM

4. Blasting Curse

It was supposed to be a simple attack without warning.

In and out and the team of identically clad figures would have done what the Dark Lord had directed with no one the wiser until it was too late. Yet within a few minutes of their appearance on the scene it had turned into utter chaos. The ministry had apparently gotten notice and members of an auror squad had met up with them wands drawn.

"Confringo!" the raven-haired former Slytherin cast, shooting it at the wall nearest his opponent. He was rewarded with an explosion that caught the unsuspecting auror in the side sending him sprawling.

Satisfied that his tail had been subdued, Severus spun back to the direction his fellows were in, his death eater robes billowing in his movements. The familiar green light show soon appeared in the sky signaling their work here was done despite interference.

“You will pay for their interference…the Dark Lord will not be pleased,” Dolohov remarked loudly with a laugh as the trio regrouped. Snape had just enough time to notice the outcome of their attack…his first real act as a death eater, before they disappeared into identical puffs of black smoke.

Holmesian Feline 02-06-2012 08:35 PM

“My office NOW…Mr. Potter!” Snape’s words rang out through the emptying classroom, the weight of them feeling as if they were physically pushing the young man in question towards the offending room. Shutting the door behind him with a slam, the potions master sealed it with a wordless spell and flick of the wrist. The squelching of the magic taking hold the only sound in the dungeon room as the two men starred at each other.

“Do you delight in testing your limits?” Severus questioned the stubborn Gryffindor with words that had double-meaning. The boy was just as annoying as his father at times. Maybe not always as he gave the impression that it was, but more times then he cared to think about.

“Of course not…Professor,” Potter answered, adding the last as a formality.

“Then I would advise not questioning my words,” the potions master warned.

“Can I go now?”

Snape’s only answer a motion to leave that simultaneous freed the door, the boy leaving and doing his best not to appear to rush. “10 points from Gryffindor…” he muttered as he was left alone. Keeping Potter safe was one thing…didn’t mean he had to be nice about it.

Holmesian Feline 02-19-2012 08:57 PM
6. Crucio

He bowed down, half-kneeling in pain, the shadow of the dark lord hovering over him as he circled like a vulture rather then the snake he was so often compared to. Snape had known to expect punishment for his insolence in delaying his answer to the dark mark’s call.

"Why....isss it that you return now, Ssseverus?" Voldemort hissed, watching the younger man as he reacted to his own actions. “Even Luciusss returned by my side when I called.”

“My apologies milord,” Severus replied careful not to raise his eyes to the resurrected man. “It was imperative to stay behind. To keep my cover and make it appear as if I return on Dumbledore’s order.”

“I ssssee,” the dark lord replied sending another bout as an afterthought, the curse hitting the potions professor for but a moment before it was removed again. “Very well…he will certainly regret the day he trusted you,” he added with a hissing cackle before turning with a florish and leaving the room, a gaggle of deatheaters afraid to challenge the man more creature then human following in his wake.

“Yes…he will,” Severus replied in agreement his exact meaning unsure.

Holmesian Feline 03-01-2012 04:59 AM

His parents’ voices could be heard from the kitchen as he stood on the top of the staircase. Tobias Snape loud and half-drunken it was safe to assume and Eileen’s more quiet…stoic.

A boy of about eight stood almost timidly as he listened, his limp black locks half-covering his face where a look of befuddlement marred his milky skin. All Severus had done was try to repeat what he had done that afternoon on his own at the dinner table for his parents to see. The pale boy having been quite taken by surprise when a leaf had turned into a frog in the palm of his hand like out of one of those stories his mother told when he was younger and his father wasn’t around. And all he had been doing was seeking help from his confusion on how it had happened.

That’s when it had started….his father’s yelling.

Something about not normal…and one of you…that was all Severus made out at first, his mind still torn himself on what was wrong. When was being like one’s parent all that bad?

Holmesian Feline 03-03-2012 02:22 AM
8. Diffindo

To cut or to sever…


Even my name sounds more bad then good. As if even at birth I was meant to be like a knife cutting through whatever it was I was working with.
Snape shook his head and tried to go back to his thinking on the original word he was studying.

To cut…

Like a sopohorous bean for the Draught of Living Death.

No...You’re supposed to crush the bean to get the juice if you have any sort of skill to know what you’re doing.

“Having fun with your inner monologue?”
“Much…do you mind?”
“No…of course not. Just want to know…are you old Snape or young Snape?”
“Does it matter?”
“Well it would make it clearer.”
“It’s my monologue. As long as I know, that’s all that matters.”
“Fine…fine…just one more thing.”

Snape sighs and points wand and I raise my hands in surrender.
“Okay…okay…I’m going…I’m going.”

Holmesian Feline 03-07-2012 12:32 AM

He had failed.

Severus had tried to protect his former friend as soon as he had realized the prophecy he had overheard was about her son. Had nearly begged the Dark Lord to leave her be yet he should have known it wouldn’t have worked. For even if he had agreed to spare her life, Severus should have known the brave Gryffindor that Lily was wouldn’t stand by at let her own child simply die in front of her.

So as the day changed from All Hallo’s Eve to the morning after, the potions master was alone in the eerily quiet home at Godric’s Hollow. Alone but for the Boy Who Lived awake in the crib beside him. His emotions were nearly spent as he took his time mourning a life so recently lost and a friendship so long ago divided.

With sounds beginning to be heard from below, Snape knew it was only a matter of time before he was joined upstairs. And surely he couldn’t be found by friend or foe. So with a sigh and one final look at Lily’s limp form, he turned away and disappeared with a pop.

Holmesian Feline 03-21-2012 01:14 AM
10. Engorgio

“Who stands here as representative for the new recruit?” Riddle asked looking to his gathered supporters for an answer as Severus stood to the front of the room in the place of honor for the evening. Tonight was his initiation…the day he finally became part of something in hopes of belonging.

“I do,” Lucius answered, the blonde stepping forward looking quite smug about the fact almost as if hit by a spell. At least it seemed to the raven-haired teenager a few years younger then his companion. It had taken a bit of persuasion for Snape to agree until events had finally pushed him over the edge. So Malfoy appearing as if his success was such a n accomplishment was a joke…it wasn’t his actions that did it.

Someone’s head needed a good Reducio.

Focus Snape…this is it. The moment when those who had hated you would have reason to fear you. His attention brought back as the man who called himself Voldemort appeared back before him having missed any response to the blonde deatheater as his mind had wandered.

“Arm forward Severus Snape….and take my mark.”

The Dark Mark blooming on his pale skin.

It was done.

Holmesian Feline 03-21-2012 05:37 PM

The first time it had happened, it had been quite a surprise to the repentant potions master.

He knew the significance, the shadowy form’s human counterpart so recently deceased and no doubt on his mind as she was one of the reasons for his change of heart. But even when they had been friends, the spell had never pointed to her. It had been a completely different shape the few times he had managed it so why should it have changed all of a sudden?

“EXPECTO PATRONUM!” he cast, thinking of one of the rare sweet moments in his life to bring him out of his melancholy. The doe formed once more, prancing from the tip of his wand before turning to face him looking almost sadly. As if feeling sorry for him.

Snape couldn’t help but sigh…Perhaps it wasn’t going to help his mood.

Holmesian Feline 03-24-2012 01:08 AM

Severus had been deep at work in the quiet potions lab, testing out improvements to the standard boil-cure potion. Sure it was simplistic and something that was taught to first and second years but one had to start somewhere when one was bored, and he had already mastered those brews of his year.

Finding 3 measures of crushed snake fangs seemed to work better then four and a lower temperature was ideal when warming the potion at the integral moments, the Slytherin wrote down notes as he worked. At last he was finished, setting his stirring rod and wand aside.

Now where could he find a person to shoot a certain spell at so he could test if it worked? His ebony eyes looking upward almost as if searching for the Gryffindor tower through the ceiling of the room.

Potter? Black?

Nah. He’d want them to KEEP their boils.


Holmesian Feline 04-03-2012 11:27 PM
13. Flagrate

The words of the latest plan of attack were written there plain as day for those gathered servants to see, ablaze in lettering made of fire itself. New ones added as they were spoken from the Dark Lord’s lips. Were the theatrics really necessary? He mused as he listened. A simple explanation of what was to happen and what each cloaked figure was to do or not do would have been enough. But now was not the time for speaking it was a time for behaving as any truly obedient servant.

“Enough!” Riddle exclaimed with a roar as two of his followers disagreed over one thing or another, the flaming words flaring up in reaction before the Dark Lord ended the magic. “It will be done as I say and it will be done tonight." Severus nodded as did the others, the potions master ready to attend to his task.

“If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon, eh Snape?” Rookwood mused as he passed the other man in his dispersal. The man laughing as he left leaving Snape as he briefly glanced back into the emptying room.

A dragon isn’t that far from a snake after all.

Holmesian Feline 04-08-2012 04:10 AM

There were two Gryffindors who were lucky he couldn’t move his tongue at the moment. Shoot…he couldn’t even FEEL his tongue as he sat on the edge of the bed in the hospital wing nearly seething.

And it was a good thing…for their sakes. Else he would be using it to cast ever hex he could think of…and even a few he might make up to get them back for what they had done.

“Sit still Mr. Snape, or else I’ll sedate you,” the school matron warned sternly as she went about fixing the issue. A mixture of magic and prankster creativity having hit the Slytherin half-blood full on that she now had to sort through.

Fighting the urge to glare, Severus reluctantly obeyed. It wasn’t like he could do anything until he was healed and wasted energy was just that…wasted energy. But when he was free…oh when he was free.

Potter and Black were done for.

Holmesian Feline 04-14-2012 12:58 AM
15. Hurling Hex

You are up in the stands watching a friend of yours playing quidditch when suddenly he seems in very grave danger. His broom was bucking and shifting and threating to throwing him off.

A hurling hex! Someone was cursing the broom!

Your eyes look around and land upon the form of the potions professor, his mouth moving quickly as if muttering something. It was HIM!

Without a second thought you rush down from where you sit and up closer to him, knowing you have to stop him from hurting Harry but still not sure how. Finally you light Professor Snape’s robe’s on fire, hoping it would distract him at least. And when the broom stops its jerky movements you know you are successful. The pale man suddenly focused more on the flames lapping at his hem then the actions on the pitch.

Take that Professor Snape…for trying to hurt a student.

Holmesian Feline 04-20-2012 03:55 AM

Severus was doing his best to escape from the castle. It seemed it wasn’t his day today and he really wasn’t going to push his luck any more than he had to. So far so good and he was just a young man and his potions book and the outside world.


The jinx coming from the unfortunately familiar voice was heard only seconds before its effects took place. Severus froze in place unable to move further forward as he was stopped by the spell. However still able to move in general, he spun around, wand raised at his attackers.

“Expelliarmus.” Sirius cast stopping the Slytherin from attacking back. “Nice one James,” he added congratulating his best friend on the catch as the two Gryffindors laughed over the situation.

Snape sighed as his wand went flying despite his grip on the wood. “Yes…great catch…when its two against one,” he remarked trying to stand firm but slowly stepping back as he debated what to do next.

“I wouldn’t be so smug then,” James remarked about to cast something more when his own wand was misplaced.

“Detention Potter…Black.”

Temporary Justice.

Holmesian Feline 04-20-2012 03:57 AM
17. Imperio

Snape stood in the ministry courtroom, his ankles and wrists shackled with magical restraints. As if he could do much without his wand that had been previous handed over. His fate would be decided within these walls, the Wizamagot all staring out at him with their judgmental eyes surely thinking two words.


Some of his former…associates had chosen to lie to cover their tracks. Claimed they were under the imperious curse, their actions controlled by others. He might have considered some kind of defense for himself but his heart was not in it. Not when the one person he had cared anything about was now dead by his former master’s hand.

“I stand in defense of this man,” the great Albus Dumbledore spoke, rising to his feet from the gallery around the courtroom.

His words spoke of an offer of life…and freedom. Or rather just life, seeing as he learned years down the line that the offer had strings attached. Strings that were attached to the one living connection to the woman who was the reason for his darkened heart.

Lily’s son.

Holmesian Feline 04-25-2012 07:29 PM

April brought with it many things.
Rain…flowers…warmer weather.

But for four years in Hogwarts’ history it also brought on the birthday and the antics of two troublesome red-headed twins. This year was the fake hippogriff dung that they had used in their potion with thankfully none-too-bad negative results…other than Snape’s anger.

It was probably a good thing Dumbledore wasn’t around and able to use legitimacy on him. He doubted the headmaster would be pleased at the images in his head for their punishment. Ropes tying them to the Whomping Willow were one of the ideas that came to mind.

“It was only a joke…” Fred remarked.
“…no harm was meant,” George finished.

“Detentions for both of you Misters Weasley,” the potions master informed the two Gryffindors, their faces falling in response. “And I doubt you’ll find them funny.”

Though perhaps he would…depending on what he was allowed to have them do.

Holmesian Feline 05-02-2012 01:59 AM
19. Jelly Legs

The night had not gone well and Voldemort had taken it out on his followers, himself included. Spell upon spell had been cast and he hadn’t been able to escape much. After apparating to Hogsmeade, Snape had done his best to continue his journey to relative safety. His legs felt like liquid as he struggled to make his way back towards the castle.

Collapsing on the courtyard steps, he was found like Dumbledore and the school matron, the former having went in search of the potions master after no response had been sent at his message. If asked how he had managed, he doubted he could answer, having no clue how he had eventually made it very nearly unable to stand.

“Poppy…see that he’ll be alright,” the elder man instructed the woman beside him.

“Yes Headmaster,” Madam Pomfrey replied, conjuring a stretcher and helping him upon it.

“Do behave for the woman, Severus,” Dumbledore mused as they headed away from him, the man in question unable to answer as he slipped in and out of consciousness.

Holmesian Feline 05-03-2012 01:08 AM

Surely when something was up with a Gryffindor student, speaking with said student should land on the shoulders of the head of house…right? Yet somehow Snape found himself with the insufferable know-it-all facing him waiting for him to speak.

Darn bloody McGonagall and her calling in favors.

“Miss Granger, do you have any clue as to why you are here?

“No professor,” she answered, apparently for once NOT knowing it all. “Was there something about my homework?”

Severus shook his head, waving off the inquiry. “No, there is not. But for one, you will cease and desist any and all knitting activities. And you are not to make any further clothes for the house-elves. Is that understood?”

“Yes Professor Snape. Is that all?”

“Indeed,” he answered folding his arms. “Kindly see yourself out.” The girl obeying for once without too much fuss. With a sigh he leaned back ever so slightly in his chair and shook his head.

Gryffindors…always trying to save the world.

Holmesian Feline 05-04-2012 01:34 AM
21. Langlock

Of all the Dark Lord’s followers he had to be saddled with to share his home with it had to be the former Marauder. Pettigrew almost made his time around Lupin and even...Merlin forbid…Black while doing Order business seem more bearable with his annoying antics. Almost. And he couldn’t quite get it through his head that Snape more often than not needed, no preferred, quiet when he was brewing.

“Wormtail…if you do not be quiet, I will make you be quiet,” Severus spoke coldly at his companion. His ebony eyes narrowing at the short rat-like man as if daring him to test his threat.

The graduated Gryffindor, to his weak credit, finally did what was asked, going back to puttering around the dark house leaving the potions master to his work. Except it wasn’t too last long before Wormtail eventually returned to the room being loud in his shuffling movements and mumbling. Snape’s hand grasped loosely on his wand in his pocket, ready to take aim until the potion beside him turned the desired color signaling it was time for the next step. The wand falling from his hold back into his pocket.


Another time.

Holmesian Feline 05-12-2012 12:52 AM

The first time it had happened, the first time Potter had managed to block the spell and reversed it, the onslaught of his own memories had been quick flashes through his inner eye. He almost hadn’t registered it at first until he noticed the black hair in each flashing frame wasn’t the messy locks inherited by James Potter’s son but the greasy black strands he himself had been cursed with from one Tobias Snape.

“Enough!” he said breaking the silence and the progression of the memories, his ink-black eyes closing for a moment to regain himself. Severus wasn’t about to keep any sort of connection open between them while the weakness existed…not when the very reason for the occlumency lessons was the Dark Lord’s connection to Potter.

Finally he opened his eyes once more to see a fifth year halfway between his usual smugness and transfixed surprise. “Taken back by what you saw…hmm Mr. Potter?” he questioned pretending to be bemused and returning to his normal cool persona. Not that he was waiting for an answer from the boy in any way “You’re dismissed.”

Holmesian Feline 05-16-2012 08:08 PM

As Potter left, Severus starred off to one corner of the dank dungeon room before it hit him. He didn’t know what the boy had in fact seen out of the memories he had pulled from his mind to keep them safe ironically. Who would have thought the Gryffindor was more likely to see them in the penseive then in his mind.

…if only he hadn’t be called away.

With a sigh the potions master turned back to the offensive bowl, walking closer and debating his actions before delving into the swirling. One moment he was safe in his office, the next he was unarmed and defenseless because of the boy who had been the bane of his existence during their time at Hogwarts as students. Within moments he was also hanging upside down being taunted until a familiar redhead stepped in to stop them.

The memory was as fresh as the day it happened, etched forever into his mind.

“Of course it had to be THAT day,” he muttered to himself as he slipped away from the past.

The day he made one of the biggest mistakes of his life and pushed his best friend…and Potter’s mother…away.

Holmesian Feline 05-26-2012 03:08 PM

With the flick of a match, the room was illuminated from the pitch black bedroom. Severus knew he couldn’t trust a light since anything too bright might seep beneath the door and alert a passerby he was still awake so a candle would have to do.

Freedom…well the only freedom he had when he was home for summer break unless he managed time with Lily and that was quick becoming less and less. Bloody sorting hat putting her in Gryffindor…with THOSE two.

Severus shook his head to rid his mind of such things, turning his thoughts instead to the books atop his trunk. The few things his father hadn’t turned against since they weren’t exactly…magic. He didn’t dare keep the charms, transfiguration and DADA texts lying around but Herbology and potions were safe. What would a muggle find wrong with gardening and cooking? Though thank goodness Tobias Snape didn’t think it was sissy.

Picking up the nearest one, he sat back and opened it, reading to his heart’s content and absorbing all he could about asphodel and yarrow and everything in-between until his candle wore out and he was once more in the dark.

Holmesian Feline 05-27-2012 01:46 AM
25. Mobilicorpus

"Severus, please.”

Her words were pleading…almost as if wishing for his assistance as she floated above the table. A far cry from the rest of his former colleagues who no doubt want him to pay for his actions. But then anyone would be desperate when one’s life was on the line. His reaction was cold and unfeeling as he looked at the Dark Lord at the head of the table though his black irises couldn’t help but flicker every once and a while to the former Muggle Studies professor.

What would she do should the roles have been reversed?

And then the familiar two words were spoken and the woman was lucky she could no longer feel her body as it was devour by Nagini.

When the time came and the role was reversed his death wasn’t as swift and unfeeling. Yet unlike Charity’s demise, his own pleading eyes met far more willing ones to assist his wishes.

Karma let him off the hook for once in his life.

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