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Old 10-26-2006, 01:58 PM
starlightangel starlightangel is offline
Default Imi's 50 Dramione Spells - Sa13+

Hiya! Here's my 50 Ficlets on the



Credit To Kazzer123 at Vogue Graphics for the stunning banner

I'll turn them Multicoloured when i've done them!

1. Accio 2. Avada Kedavra 3. Braking Charm 4. Blasting Curse 5. Colloportus 6. Crucio 7. Confundus 8. Diffindo 9. Disapparate 10. Engorgio 11. Expecto Patronum 12. Furnunculus 13. Flagrate 14. Horn Tongue 15. Hurling Hex 16. Impedimenta 17. Imperio 18. Incarcerous 19. Jelly Legs 20. Knitting Charm 21. Langlock 22. Legilimens 23. Levicorpus 24. Lumos 25. Mobilicorpus 26. Morsmordre 27. Muffliato 28. Nox 29. Obliviate 30. Oppugno 31. Orchideous 32. Petrificus Totalus 33. Point Me 34. Protego 35. Quietus 36. Reducto 37. Relashio 38. Rictusempra 39. Sectumsempra 40. Sonorus 41. Scourgify 42. Silencio 43. SpeRevelio 44. Stupefy 45. Tarantallegra 46. Tergeo 47. Twitchy Ears Hex 48. Unbreakable Vow 49. Wingardium Leviosa 50. Waddiwasi

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*


Hermione screamed, a book was flying past her ear. This wasn’t exactly what she wanted when she came to the library. She had in fact, expected some quiet, away from the noisy world of the Gryffindor Common Room. To have a book nearly clip her ear was not her idea of peace.
Hermione looked up, the normally placid hazel orbs she had as eyes flickering with murderous anger. She pushed back her bushy brunette mane of hair as her eyes met the cold glittering silvery eyes of none other than Draco Malfoy. Upon the pale delicate features was a smirk. “What do you think you’re playing at?” Hermione hissed angrily, spying a furious Madam Pince scowling in the background.
“Nothing Mudblood, just summoning some books I need.” He drawled. “Accio” And flicked his wand casually again, causing a small avalanche of books to zoom across the library.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Madam Pince cried in distress, scurrying across the library as fast as she could.
“Sorry Madam,” Draco smirked, “Granger wanted a book and I summoned it for her that’s all.”
“Well be more careful with your wand Mr Malfoy!” She snapped, as Hermione fumed at a…smiling Malfoy?
Old 10-26-2006, 03:41 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Avada Kedavra!

“You wouldn’t dare” Draco taunted, yet the look of pure panic flickered within his eyes.
“How’d you know?” Hermione retorted, “You don’t know me!”
“I do!”
“NO, you DON’T!” Hermione roared, her wand outstretched, angry red sparks constantly streaming from the end.
“I do” He replied quietly, “I know, that, you don’t have the pure desire to kill someone Hermione, I know you can’t do this. You won’t kill me.” His voice was strangely calm, smooth, soft.
“You used my name” She stated, amazed.
“Yeah, I did” This was beginning to turn into a game of state the obvious.
“Why?” Her wand dropped slightly, the sparks only spitting from the end in a half hearted attempt to show she was still angry, well…sort of.
“This is so hard for me to say…there is something I want to tell you…but I don’t know how…”
“Tell me what?” Hermione’s voice had hardened; it was a sharp contrast to the quickly softening tones of Draco.
“Hermione I –“
“ADVADA KEDAVRA!” Some unknown body roared, a jet of neon green light smashed into him and he fell, lifeless.
“NOOOOOO!” Hermione screamed, the tears welling up in her eyes, rivers already splashing down her cheeks.
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Old 10-26-2006, 03:54 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Breaking Charm!

Hermione had never understood Quidditch. Why anyone would enjoy flying about throwing a ball about, while having other balls hit at you? It was completely beyond her. However, what was not beyond Hermione, the idea of supporting your best friends in the sport they loved. So, that was why, she was stood, waving around a gold and scarlet banner and shouting her head off in support.
Luna was stood next to her, equally as noisy, only possibly louder aided by her famous lion hat that seemed to be suffering from something to become even louder than it already was. Suddenly, in what didn’t seem to be one of Luna’s funny moments as Hermione preferred to call her random outbursts of hilarity, Luna gasped in horror.
“Hermione!” Luna grabbed onto her sleeve and tugged forcefully, “Look!”
Hermione did as she was told; the terror in Luna’s voice was genuine. “Oh, my gosh…” She muttered, terrified. Draco was speeding too fast after the snitch, headed towards the stands, he couldn’t stop in time. He probably hadn’t even noticed. Every one was silent. Hermione had whipped out her wand and was uttering a breaking charm as fast as she could.
She’d saved him.
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Old 10-26-2006, 04:07 PM   #4 (permalink)
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There she was. The vision of pure beauty. The epitome of complete perfection. She was, only able to be described as heavenly. But even then the words didn’t quite seem to suit how beautiful she was. It didn’t quite seem to fit the way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way that, when she walked, her hair would toss slightly from side to side. The way she studied, a look of pure concentration etched upon that perfect face. The way that, when she looked at you…she really looked at you. He really loathed having to hide his affections.
This was probably why Draco was sat in the library, peering through the bookshelves at her. He smiled slightly as the waves of mahogany hair tumbled forward as she turned a page. He gazed at her, mesmerised as her hazel eyes scanned the pages, her tiny hands propping up her head.
Then he got an idea. Taking out his wand he muttered “Orchideous” and a beautiful bouquet of white roses burst from the end. Gathering them up he tied a green ribbon round the end and walked past, placing them on the desk beside her.
Thank goodness for an empty library.
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Old 10-26-2006, 04:23 PM   #5 (permalink)
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“OPPUGNO!” Hermione shrieked, aiming her wand at Malfoy, the curse exploded from her and bounced off a corridor wall, and Hermione screamed in anger.
“Wow…Good shot Mudblood! What are you going to do? Take out the Portraits next?” Malfoy taunted sarcastically, this didn’t seem to be one of his better retorts, but it was still enough to bring tears to Hermione’s eyes.
There was a crowd around the pair of seventh years most of them jeering for Hermione to win, scowling at Draco, angered by him. He pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes and straightened up his robes. Brushing dust off the corner, he looked back up at a now crying Hermione, and he felt guilty.
“You know what Malfoy?” Hermione seethed, “I think you are a pathetic little scumbag who can’t do a thing for himself, you need to be told what to do by your Daddy and Voldemort.” A collective gasp rattled through the crowd at his name, “I hate you”
“Yeah” Malfoy began to reply. “I hate you too” Strangely, Hermione began to approach him, her wand in her pocket. Draco let a small smile grace his features and walked to meet her.
They kissed.
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Old 10-26-2006, 04:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
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“What are you doing here?” Hermione hissed, spinning around on the spot knocking over her telescope, which, in turn spilt ink over the extensive mass of work that she had done.
“Ohhhhh!” She mumbled, hurriedly dabbing at the parchment with a tissue.
“Here, let me” He said, gently, and kindly which for him towards her, was unusual. He dabbed up the ink then a sudden look of realisation came over his face.
“Wait, we do have wands!” He cleared it up with in an instant. Then set to setting up her equipment again, while she watched suspiciously.
“You didn’t answer my question.” She told him, lighting up her wand as it began to get darker, the stars weren’t enough light anymore.
“Draco” she said quietly as he didn’t reply.
“I’m here looking for something” He answered finally.
“well…to be honest…you…” He held his hand out and it held her hair band that she had lost earlier, “You had dropped this in the hall and just walked away.”
“I thought I’d lost this” She replied, taking it from him and smiling very slightly at him.
“WHO’S THERE?” Filch shouted, up the tower stairs.
“Nox” Draco whispered, holding Hermione too him…
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Old 10-26-2006, 05:01 PM   #7 (permalink)
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The trees were too tall, too close, to large. They trapped her thin frame within their scratching green grasp, holding her too them. So much so that when she tried to run, it was only to be stopped to a stumble, one that ripped at her clothing, her skin, her hair.
She did not scream.
As she braved it on through the spiky jungle she saw a flash of platinum blonde ahead. Some one else was trying to make an escape from the screams behind. The blonde beacon fell; only, there was no shout of pain. She lost sight of the person in front and continued to battle on.
She tripped. She fell. She saw the blonde again.
“Draco!” She whispered
“Hermione!” He gasped.
“MORSMORDRE!” Snape bellowed.
The pair of them concealed themselves and held each other, this time it really was for dear life. Hermione looked at Draco, and as something split above their heads she gently pressd her lips to his.
“I believe,” She whispered in explanation, “that everyone should have a last kiss before they die – which there is a big chance we will” she finished quickly.
“I like your belief” He whispered back, and kissed her.
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Old 10-26-2006, 05:26 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Expecto Patronum!

People poured over the fields that lead up to Hogwarts, spells seemed to illuminate the sky, figures falling like rain as the beams of fatality shot across the death riddled atmosphere. Then they came.
Like murderous ghosts they came, swooping down upon the mass of fearful witches and wizards that fought desperately for some kind of hope at survival. They came, left, right, and from any direction they stole the souls of those who dared to hope. Yet, in places, the air shimmered with memories, of silver animals gleefully chasing back the ones who murdered with no life themselves.
Then he saw her, challenged with three of them she battled on, her patronus wavering with it’s power, but it was still there.
“Hermione, no!” He cried, shocked, panicked. “EXPECTO PATRONUM!” He bellowed, the air around him blew up in a world of silver. His patronus chased away her demons. She fell to the floor, and he ran to her. Carrying her to safety he wiped away the tears that were going to fall. Settling himself deep in the castle with her he pulled her body on to his lap. He did nothing but hold her. Swallowing his pride with it.
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Old 10-26-2006, 05:43 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Defence Against the Dark Arts was always an interesting lesson, but now that it was being taught with the Slytherins.
“Now, I know this is unorthodox,” The new Professor told the class, “But I am going to teach some of you how to use the Imperious Curse.” A collective gasp blew through the class, followed by a wave of stunned muttering. “Now, I’m going to pair you up, the first name I call in that pair is ‘A’ DO NOT CHANGE IT!” The normally calm professor shouted suddenly and continued to rattle off a list of names.
“Potter, Nott!” Harry glared at Theodore who snarled in reply.
“Patil, Goyle!” Parvarti’s head hit the desk, Goyle simply smirked.
“Granger, Malfoy!” Hermione clenched her fists. Malfoy scowled.
After half an hour, Hermione had mastered the curse. Before the pair knew it they had been picked on to demonstrate to the class.
“Imperio” Hermione cried, pulling Malfoy under her control.
“Tell him to tell you something personal about himself, you’ll be surprised. Ask him why he bullies you.” The professor urged her.
“Tell me…Tell me why you bully me…” Hermione asked him thoughtfully, not expecting much of an answer.
“Because I love you.”
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Old 10-26-2006, 06:07 PM   #10 (permalink)
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The room was dark, well, it was also cold. But it would be. Being a dungeon. Hermione had landed herself a detention. Trust Draco. She shivered pulling her cloak closer too her, wrapping her arms around her legs. She was also waiting for Draco. She had settled herself upon a desk, expecting to be here a while, only a warm presence made themselves comfortable behind her, pulling her into his embrace, wrapping his own cloak around her. The presence kissed her cheek, holding her close.
“Hey there,” He whispered into her ear, hugging her.
“Hey back” She giggled, “You know, this is kind of fun keeping this quiet.”
“I know” He smirked, “I’m loving it” She lightly jumped off the desk and spun about, kissing him lightly.
“Noooo” Draco moaned as a tease as she pulled away, Hermione laughed and Draco hugged her, kissing her forehead. He then stroked her soft brown hair, tucking strands of it behind her ear. Hermione gazed back running her fingers through his hair. The pair kissed softly as the door opened.
“OBLIVIATE!” Draco shouted aiming his wand at the door. A moan came from the victim and Draco pulled Hermione closer into his kiss.
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Old 10-26-2006, 06:24 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Point Me!

Midnight in the castle, the school seemed calm. It wasn’t filled with the loud chatter, the noisy footsteps, and the excitable laughter. The school seemed to be sleeping. It was drifting into a world of slumber, but there were two people who could not enjoy the gentle embrace of sleep.
One, who was bold, brave, and brainy. The other, cold, cunning, and cruel. The pair were opposites. One was dark, the other light. One was pale eyed the other was bright eyed. One was calm and collected, the other was quick to retort. Both, however, adored the silvery moonlight.
The footsteps of the cold cunning Slytherin echoed quietly down the hall. His wand was out, the tip beaming. It was all he did; wander the frozen halls as they slept. The gentle tapping of the brown haired Gryffindor reached his ears as the echo of his own footsteps reached her.
Both their wands were placed in their hands. Both muttered “Point Me”. Both of them followed their wands, the wands that took them through the halls that talked. Both allowed their hearts to over take their minds that night. Both found love that dark night in the school that slept.
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Old 10-26-2006, 06:41 PM   #12 (permalink)
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“Who’s foot is that?”
“That’s a foot?”
“I can’t see anything!”
“Where’s my wand!”
“Malfoy get your backside off my arm!”
“Shut it Potter!”
“Ouch RONALD!”
“Who else is in here?”
“Oh ok, fine, if you Gryffindor losers can’t figure things out just all say you’re name, I’ll go first Draco Malfoy”

“What are we doing here?”
“Why are we here?”
“How about how did we get here if you’re going to ask questions”
“Is that a Crumple Horned Snorkack?”
”Luna, now is not the time for your stupid-“

“Where is my wand?”
“Just, stop…moving!”
“You know what I’ve found my wand”
“I’m really not liking this at all”
“No? Really? And here was me, thinking it was some kind of holiday!”
“It is it is! I’m going to have to tell Daddy there are Crumple Horned Snorkacks at Hogwarts!”
“I’m not able to look Luna!”
“I’m hungry”
“Ron honestly!”
“It wasn’t me!”
“Yeah right”
”It was me”

“Oh for goodness sake Goyle you ate earlier”
“Harry, where are your glasses?”

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Old 10-26-2006, 06:58 PM   #13 (permalink)
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The Gryffindor Common Room was loud, like it normally was. Hermione had found that this was actually the best place to write in her diary. It was stupid logic really; write your diary where everybody could see you. But it worked. Luckily the Gryffindors were noisy, boisterous people who loved to play about and things like writing a diary when there could be fun to be had was pointless. So Hermione could satisfy herself by scribbling away like a mad woman in her little notebook, and no one, would know what she was doing. Only today, she wasn’t writing in her diary, she was writing a note to her other half. Draco Malfoy.
The diaries were like two way mirrors, only, you couldn’t see the other, just read what they were writing.
‘Hermione, help! I’m doing my charms homework and I can’t remember the charm that cleans things!’ Wrote a desperate Draco.
‘It’s easy, begins with an ‘S’’ Teased Hermione.
‘Hey!’ he answered.
‘Think Draco!’
‘I can’t!’
‘Oh ha ha! It’s Scorigify’
‘Hermione, I owe you.’
‘I know you do’
‘Actually, I love you’
And so Hermione smiled sweetly, and saved that bit of writing within her own diary forever.
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Old 10-26-2006, 07:12 PM   #14 (permalink)
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“ohhhh!” Peeves cackled, he was good at cackling – he’d been practising, “what do we have here?”
Hearing him, a pair of love struck teenagers had jumped apart, stunned the pair of them desperately trying to shhh the delighted poltergeist who was grinning disturbingly.
“Don’t tell Peeves!”
“PEEVES!” Barked Hermione, “If you don’t leave those two alone right now, I will be forced to remind you of an incident that happened four years ago now.” She threatened, rolling a bit of chewed gum in her fingers.
“Oh no Granger, what’s that? You showed your knickers to the world? Please don’t do that, no one wants to be mentally scared.”
“Oh Shut up Malfoy, no one thinks you’re clever!” She snapped. “Waddiwasi!” Hermione flicked her wand at Peeves and the gum began to play with Peeves’s insides.
“Really? I bet some one does”
”Your pets don’t count Malfoy”

Peeves bounced off the ceiling behind them.
“Oh Gosh, You are just so funny!” Draco drawled in reply, “Actually, my parents think I’m clever.”
“Yeah right, I bet they do.”
”They do!”
”Sure Malfoy, sure” Hermione nodded in a patronising way and Draco scowled angrily.

“You know what Granger? You really are unbearable”
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Old 10-26-2006, 07:54 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Sometimes, life really was interesting. When the DA had been learning the shield charm, no one had thought it could be used for a new wizarding game that the twins and Harry had come up with in a way to keep people practising shield charms. It was becoming a huge hit, and thankfully, the Death Eaters had not caught wind of it yet.
“Protego!” Called Neville as a stream of water came at him from no where. It didn’t hit him and he fired one back. Sooner or later, a room full of twenty odd teenagers were attempting to drench each other while producing powerful shield charms.
It was working. Harry had never seen such strong charms before. Ron was taunting Hermione into stunning him.
“C’mon Hermione!” he whined in a voice that he knew annoyed her.
“No!” She laughed. “No!”
“I bet I can, stun me!”
“Oh come on! Pretend I’m Malfoy!” Ron shouted, expecting a curse to come his way. Instead Hermione paled, a strange smile whipped over her face and she wouldn’t do anything.
“What Draco?”
”DRACO!” Ron shrieked.

Harry began to suspect something, yet he knew, this probably wasn’t induced by a strong imperious curse.
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Old 10-26-2006, 08:23 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Knitting Charm!

It was something to be said. Watching the esteemed Slytherin Pureblood Draco Malfoy practising Knitting Charms, was priceless. In fact, it was that muggle credit card advert worthy.

Wand – seven Galleons
Books – thirty five Galleons
Being high and mighty and still learning how to knit in front of your arch nemesis – Priceless.

Somehow, as he saw Potter smirk at him from across the library, he knew he would never live this down. What was more was that his ‘scarf’ seemed to be turning into a huge holed jumpsuit for an octopus with three more legs and expecting some kind of alien. Whatever he tried he just couldn’t get the hang of it.
Draco scowled in frustration and was about to throw down his wand before hearing a voice behind him.
“Wave your wand, don’t flick it, in an ‘S’ shape” It was Hermione; he suppressed his surprise at her helping him and did as she said. Within seconds he had preformed a perfect Knitting Charm.
“Thanks” he muttered.
“No problem.” She answered. “Now, help me with these books in thanks and we won’t talk about us being nice to each other ever again.”
Draco grinned, he almost liked her. Almost.
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Old 10-26-2006, 08:52 PM   #17 (permalink)
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There was a small amount of time within the lives of Hermione and Draco Malfoy where nothing was happening at all. There was a large amount of time where they needed each other. There was a time where the periods within the couples lives overlapped with another. The time of the war.
“please don’t go” She sobbed, the tears trickling down her face in glittering rivers. “please”
“I wish I didn’t have to” Draco choked on his own sobs, yet they were dry, his horror at what he was about to do was still sinking in.
“Please! Draco! You’ll be hurt!”
“I know that Hermione, but I have too!”
“You don’t! No, Draco…you really don’t!” The tears splashed down her face freely there was nothing stopping the complete fear of what the person she loved was about to go through.
“I do! I’m expected to disappearate in a minute!”
“Oh Draco…”
“You can change, honestly you can, just don’t do this!” Hermione was scared for him.
“Hermione, I’m so sorry, but I promise you I will come back” He ran his fingers over her cheek, wiping away a stray tear. Lifting up her chin he kissed her and swiftly disappearated.
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Old 10-26-2006, 09:18 PM   #18 (permalink)
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“Listen to me Draco” Lucius Malfoy commanded his only son. “We can do this the easy way, or if you so insist the hard way. Tell me what you are so involved with and I will let things go.”
“I can’t Father” he gasped, pain ripping through him.
“Yes. You. Can.” Lucius demanded.
“No, Father, I can’t”
“And why exactly is that?”
“Because it’s a secret!”
“You shouldn’t have any secrets from me Draco.” Draco remained silent, cuts littered his body, bruises decorated his pale skin. His blonde hair was plastered to his forehead with damp sweat, his eyes swam with tears. But to cry in front of his Father would be like suicide.
“TELL ME!” He thundered.
“NO!” Draco retorted as loudly.
“Don’t be difficult with me Draco” He warned lazily, spinning his wand about in his fingers.
“I’m not”
“I said don’t be difficult” His voiced sharpened.
“I wasn’t been difficult.”
Draco gave his father a defiant stare. His grey eyes boring into his fathers ones.
“Oh you tire me, Crucio” He flicked his wand at Draco and as he twitched in pain, all Draco could think of was the girl he was doing this for. Hermione.
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Old 10-26-2006, 11:42 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Petrificus Totalus!

Three people were running about. Yelling. It was that frightened type of run. The type of run that means you don’t care how much noise you make, just as long as you get out of there. The type of run that lets everyone know that you’re doing your best to save your life.
That was the type of run that Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were doing at three in the morning on a Saturday. Running about Hogwarts, yelling their heads off. Only…they weren’t the only three. So were Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle and Draco Malfoy, only, in a much more dignified manner of course. They were Slytherins after all.
Soon enough, the Gryffindor trio became separated; Ron was to meet with Crabbe and Harry with Goyle as they ran about the castle. It was however, Hermione and Draco’s tale that was the most interesting. They crossed paths several times, only the noise from themselves drowned out the other. Until…
“Petrificus Totalus!” Hermione chanted. Draco fell like a board. “oops…”
“hmmhhmmnnn!” Draco tried to say, but it was the full body bind.
“Draco Malfoy?” Hermione stepped over the body on the floor and brushed his cheek. “Hi.”
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Old 10-26-2006, 11:43 PM   #20 (permalink)
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“STUPEFY!” Screamed Hermione.
“PROTEGO!” Bellowed Ron.
“STOP IT!” Shouted Harry.
“They won’t listen to you Harry,” Ginny told him, clutching his hand in her own.
“I think I figured that out” He sighed, watching the red streams of light miss the other, only, it wasn’t just red beams of light, it was other curses too. What was even more pathetic about it was this was the courtyard, and the pair of them were fighting over something as stupid as homework.
“You’re fighting in front of EVERY BODY!” Ginny yelled, to no avail, the hexes came streaming just as thick and as fast as they had been before.
Draco and his cronies had been watching from a corner for a while. Pushing his hair out of his silvery grey eyes; he stepped forward in to the courtyard and headed towards a small war. Continuing his stride towards Hermione he reached out and grabbed her. The crowd that had gathered around the battling pair watched in amazement as Malfoy kissed a Mudblood.
“If you want to stop a fight Potter, that works,” He drawled, wiping his mouth and looking disgusted, “Now I have to clean out my mouth.” He walked away, cringing.
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Old 10-27-2006, 03:16 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Something was booming across the stands. It was loud commanding and creating a lot of crazed cheers. This was Quidditch at its absolute best. The delighted screams of the crowd echoed about in a frenzy. Banners of Gold and Scarlet, Silver and Green waved across the stands like the sea. But down in the changing room, an argument was breaking out between Ron Weasley, and Draco Malfoy.
“What do you mean you think you might like Hermione?”
“Well, when somebody starts to like someone else, they start to know about it Weasel King.”
“So you might like her?”
“I think like…could be an understatement…”
Harry Potter looked over to the two rowing teenagers, rolling his eyes, knowing the game wouldn’t be good one unless it got sorted out.
“Sonurous!” He said, flicking his wand towards the two. “Oh no! Wrong spell!” He gasped.
“I THINK I MIGHT LOVE HERMIONE” Draco boomed, not realising he was telling the whole world.
In the stands it was silent, Hermione flushed.
“You what?” Ron struggled to say.
“He what?” Hermione breathed to Luna.
“I think Malfoy loves you” She whispered back as the entire school looked stunned.
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Old 10-27-2006, 04:10 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Twitchy Ears Hex!

“So you like him?” Ginny sent to Hermione.
“Yeah, I think I do” She wrote back, it was handy having two sets of two way diaries sometimes, especially in History of Magic.
“Oh my god. I can’t believe it, I mean, you’re supposed to be the one with the brains!” Ginny scribbled back in reply.
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” She replied quickly.
“HELLO! It’s Malfoy we’re talking about here!”
“I Do know that Ginny, it is my crush we’re on about here!”
“Urgh, I’m sorry, but of all the people to fancy…Draco? Come on!”
“I know, it’s mad but…I just do!”
“Sounds like you have a taste for guys who pick on you Hermione!”
“Yeah…I suppose.” Hermione sighed, but this didn’t seem to be noticed in the slumbering class taught by Professor Bins. “Ah well, so what class are you in anyway?”
“Defense Against the Dark Arts, it’s a boring one – all theory, we’re supposed to be learning about the twitchy ears hex.”
“Sounds like it, I remember that lesson, and they’re dead easy. All you need to know is that they’re irritating.”
“Yeah I got that, anyway, class is about to end see you later!”
”See you!”
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Old 10-27-2006, 04:11 PM   #23 (permalink)
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It was just like Malfoy. Send something that pretty much anyone could figure out how to get the message. So, as Hermione sat by her bed in the Gryffindor girls’ dormitory, watching the window, she smiled as she saw the owl nearing. However, she knew, in these times, it might not be news she would like to know.
The owl swooped through the window she had left open and landed on her knee, sticking its leg out so she could remove the note attached. She unfurled the fresh parchment and took her wand out from her pocket. Just as she had expected, there was nothing there.
“SpeRevelio” She whispered, waving her wand over the blank parchment and his handwriting shimmered into view.

Hey, He had written

Well you know that I’m going, and I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I can promise you this. I’m not on the side you think I am. I’m on yours. This is because I love you, and I can’t imagine myself fighting against you. You have changed me and I owe you. I love you. I’ll come back to you.

Tears slipped down her face as she kissed the ragged parchment.
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Old 10-27-2006, 04:26 PM   #24 (permalink)
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“So, how are we going to get to the kitchen tonight?” Ron asked Harry in Herbology.
“You’re not planning to get yourself a midnight feast again are you? You know what happened last time!” Hermione snapped.
“Well if you don’t want to hear it, you don’t have too! Muffiato!” Ron snapped back and suddenly, Harry and Ron’s voices were obscured.
“Muffliato” Said a voice next to her. It was Malfoy.
“I hate that spell!” She hissed furiously.
“I know” Came the cheeky deep voice of Draco, “That’s why I used it.”
“You what?” she whispered, “Wait; hang on, how come I can hear you?”
“I used it on us two.” He answered his lip curling in amusement at her complete shock.
“Well, I needed to talk to you Hermione.”
“You used my name”
“Yes and I think you might have to get used to it.”
“Well personally I think you have to explain this now.”
“Erm…this isn’t an easy thing for me to say but…I really like you. I don’t mean to keep picking on you…it’s just that well, I have a reputation and it would be strange if didn’t bully you at least once a day…I’m sorry Hermione.”
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Old 10-27-2006, 04:41 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Wingardium Leviosa!

Mist swirled around the castle in a dreamy like state. The splats of rain splashed across the windows like artwork, the chilling breeze blowing about in a swirling state. The clouds were a soft grey. The whole world seemed to be slow. Very slow. Everything seemed calm. There was no need to panic today. No need to train and prepare for a battle that was to rip apart everything. There was no need to feel anything but calm.
The day was also one of rest. It was a Wednesday but it was rare. It was the only one that had ever had that class were not in session. Instead. Hermione had taken to sitting on the chairs on the astronomy tower. She let the soft rain drip down her skin, and to her, just wipe away every horror she would have to endure. Soon enough she found herself drifting away into a world of nothingness.
“Wingardium Leviosa” Whispered her secret admirer, and he let her drift in his control. He would not let her fall. He would not let her go anywhere he could not see her. He would watch over her until the grip of death took over him.
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