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| Every Flavour Bean Collection This sweet stash of flavours is where you can indulge in a wide array of completed SS100, SS50, SS25, and EEFD challenges. |

08-30-2006, 07:00 PM
| | Imi's 100 Drabbles on Harry the Boy who Loves Ginny - Sa13+ |
08-31-2006, 01:22 PM
#26 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Room Small, dark, and cold, there wasn’t really much room to hide in the closet at Grimmauld Place. “what are we doing here?” Ginny hissed at Harry who had grabbed her seconds before and bundled her in to the cupboard with him. “Ssshhh!” He answered, pointing to the small crack in between the doors he whispered, “ Watch” So she did. Minutes later Hermione came out the room looking rather frazzled, her hair was bushier and she looked flushed. Seconds after Ron stumbled out looking rather pleased with himself. “ I told you something was going on between them!” Harry muttered.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 01:30 PM
#27 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Slap Her screams of fury echoed around the courtyard. She stamped her foot and bellowed; he fists clenched her hair crackling murderously. Fury pulsating through her veins. It’s strange, Harry thought, staring at Ginny Weasley in all her furious glory, how perfect she could look even though she was livid. Ron, Hermione and himself looked on as Ginny bellowed at Malfoy, it was quite amusing to watch the self-centred guy shy away from her. As they turned away, all but Harry, Ginny’s slap resonated off the courtyard walls. “NICE ONE GIN!” Harry called in support. She curtsied back before storming off.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 01:35 PM
#28 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Authors Choice - Jealousy She was being rational minded, no matter what anyone else thought, she was, she was, oh she really was. Tears began to smart in her eyes at the humiliation, the guilt, and the horror at what she had just seen and done. Harry had only helped pick her up off the floor and she had jumped on him after all, but that hadn’t stopped her from cursing her into oblivion. She hated being so jealous. A tear slipped from her eyes, quickly followed by another one, and another. Jealousy was so powerful, no wonder it was called ‘Love’s Ugly Twin’.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 01:48 PM
#29 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Chicken Sauntering out to feed the chickens Ginny swung the pail of chicken feed about. Opening up the coop she grabbed a handful of feed and dropped it in the middle of the coop. instantly chickens ran from all sides to meet her as she emptied the pail. A clucking came behind her as an escaped Chicken taunted her. “Oh no!” She moaned, closing the pen. The chicken ran. She followed. Harry walked past to see her chase after a chicken that was heading their way. Suddenly Ginny collided with something firm and feel to the floor. “Oh…Harry” “Gin” He replied.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 02:03 PM
#30 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Quidditch The players zoomed around on their brooms. To Ginny this was pure adrenaline rush. To Harry, this was freedom. To Ron, this was embarrassing. To Hermione, this was Quidditch. “Good luck Harry” Ginny called, speeding past him. “Good luck Ginny!” Harry replied. She waved back, tagging her opposing chaser. “Hope you break your nose Scarhead!” Malfoy called imitating Ginny’s voice. The Quaffle bounced off the back of Draco’s head and he turned to see Ginny holding it safely. “I hope you fall of your broom Malfoy!” She told him then flew off to score a goal. Harry flew off laughing.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 03:08 PM
#31 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Headmaster The headmaster Albus Dumbledore smiled benignly as Harry walked into the office. Cradled, protectively, calmly, was Ginny. The look of pure fury and determination etched onto Harry’s face told him that this was not a good visit, that and the fact that Ginny’s face was paling further. Worry began to course through his veins, and it soon found its way to his face as Madam Pomfrey was quickly summoned. This was the down side to his position, seeing and hearing things like this as Harry began to explain to him what had happened. But then, he was headmaster after all.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 03:09 PM
#32 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Yule Ball The hall was full of twirling whirling swirling couples, music pulsated through the hall. Dress robes swished, arms linked. Laughter rustled over the noise of drinks being poured and glasses chinked. Harry led his date onto the floor and began to swirl along with the rest of the mass. Ginny was near them, dancing on her partners toes she laughed before catching sight of Harry. Their eyes met and they couldn’t bring themselves to tear their gaze away from the other. This was the very first Yule Ball and Harry and Ginny were lost in the world of the other.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 03:10 PM
#33 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Angry “Why are you angry?” Harry asked her, his voice pleading, his eyes worried. “Because of you!” Ginny replied, there was no need for her to raise her voice, she already had his attention, and she just wanted him to understand now. “Why are you angry because of me?” Harry asked. Ginny was staring into his emerald green eyes upset anger pouring through. He took her hands in his. “I’m angry because I love you, and I don’t know what to do about it!” Ginny revealed, relief shooting through her. “I love you too” Harry told her, before sharing a kiss.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 03:11 PM
#34 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Depression She was painfully aware of the nothingness that killed her from the inside. Drip. The pain slaughtered her hope, her dreams, and her life. Drip. The mirror reflected a broken image. The mirror wasn’t broken, it was her. Drip. She had tried everything. Love. Life. Laughter. But all that came out was false, fake, forced. Drip. She was older now. Her beauty and red hair had faded. Drip. She swallowed the draught and climbed into bed. She felt as though she had failed him. Failed Harry. She promised she would be fine without him. Ninety years on. It still hurt.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 05:06 PM
#35 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Sweet Tooth Chewing methodically through her large burger and chips in the great hall for dinner Ginny looked about the Hall in a non interested way. “Hey” Harry had just sat down opposite her, throwing his bag onto the table he started to pile his plate up with hotdogs. “What are you doing?” “Indulging my sweet tooth” Ginny replied sarcastically. Harry looked up and noticed what she was eating; he gave her a funny look. “That's sweet?” He grabbed the sugar and with a cheeky look tipped it over her chips. “Now it’s sweet” he said as Ginny stared open-mouthed at him.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 05:13 PM
#36 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Hoot Errol and Hedwig seemed to be having some kind of convocation. Hedwig would ruffle her feathers and Errol would hoot admiringly, Hedwig would hoot back and Errol would look as though he’d been chided. Ginny and Harry looked on at the pair of owls with confused and disbelieving looks on their faces. “You know, I don’t think Hedwig likes being hit on” Ginny commented as Hedwig snapped her beak at Errol. “She’ll get over it; I think she likes it really.” Harry said, spooning cereal into his mouth. They were lucky they never knew what the owls were really saying.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 05:44 PM
#37 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Dress Robes Ginny spun majestically about on the stand at Madam Malkins, the light blue fabric twisting at her feet, the colour fading to a darker blue at the top. The strapless dress complimented Ginny’s figure perfectly, it was a treat to the eyes to see her in it. Her smile only added to the beauty that was Ginny Weasley. Her brothers came into the shop with Harry and Hermione and were quickly asked for their opinion by Mrs Weasley. Gushing compliments from Hermione, her brother’s grunted approval and Harry stared speechless at her, unable to say a word until… “You look…incredible”
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 05:58 PM
#38 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 History Of Magic Only Professor Binns could induce such a stupor in a class. Thought Harry as he carved ‘I heart G.W’ into the desk with his quill. Nobody was paying attention at all. Even Hermione, who was normally so attentive, was only scribbling down a note every thirty seconds or so. Not her usual constant scribbling. The lesson finished. Ginny Weasley jumped suddenly, waking herself up sharply. It was History of Magic and she must not fall asleep. She must not…must do something interesting. She thought and decided to search the desk for any new graffiti. She found one. ‘I heart G.W’
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 06:16 PM
#39 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Dare The game of truth or dare was getting a little out of hand, thought Ginny, as Hermione ran about the garden waving her underwear above her head. Harry had already had to change all of his clothes the other way. Ron had lost the use of both his arms for the rest of the evening - he was resorting to using his mouth and feet to do things with. So much mess! Ginny, well, she had to wear all her clothes inside out and then let the guys do her make up. She was never going to live this down…
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 06:35 PM
#40 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Portkey “RUN!” Harry shouted his lungs and throat complaining with the strain of his yell. “RUN!” Why wasn’t she running? He thought desperately waving for Ginny to retreat, to get out of here, to go where it was safe. “I’M NOT GOING WITHOUT YOU!” She screamed back. “PLEASE RUN!” Harry bellowed, she would leave she would he wasn’t going to see her hurt. He ran towards the portkey kicking it towards Ginny in an attempt to get her out of here faster. She caught it. Her scream of disappointment and fear reached his ears as he turned to meet his fate.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 08:46 PM
#41 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Dictionary Madam Prince scowled. This was not the way she wanted to be spending her Monday morning. She sat at her desk sorting through her files of loaned books and whatnot when a hyperactive giggle shrilled through the library. “QUIET!” She snapped, looking up to see Ginny beaming across the library, but not at her at that Potter boy. He was grinning back, holding his wand upright. Madam Prince stood up and walked over to the youngest Weasley. “What are you doing young lady?” she said sharply. “I’m researching …curses Madam” Ginny answered. “So what, are you doing with the Dictionary?”
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 08:59 PM
#42 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Portraits The walls tittered in a disapproving manner, it was almost parental the way they cooed and whispered over the couple in the corridor. The boy was tall, with jet black hair and emerald eyes. The girl, shorter than him, had a mass of long red hair and deep chocolate eyes. They were stood close together, late at night, deep in convocation and rushed kisses. “Reminds you of when their parents used to do this doesn’t it?” The portraits muttered, fawning over the couple. “Young love is so sweet Violet” Said the fat lady smiling benignly, gazing at her two Gryffindors.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 10:52 PM
#43 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Telescope Brandishing her telescope as her weapon, young Ginny Weasley wandered into the corridor of the Burrow. She’d heard something land on the grass outside and didn’t know what it was, but if it was burglars, she’d make sure they’d be sorry for breaking into her turf. Peering out the window she saw her fathers car with the twins, Ron and…Harry Potter…Harry, she fled from the window as quickly as possible and went to bed again, her head full of excited squeals. Harry’d no idea that he’d meet his future wife today. She’d already decided that at the age of six.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 11:01 PM
#44 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Future Taking a deep breath Ginny took one step forward. To her, this was a huge step, it was something that made her a woman. Ginny stepped once more and took Harry’s hand. “Come on” she said calmly, leading him in to the doorway of Godrics Hollow. Going back to the past was something that would let the future come easily, peacefully. Yet to lead someone into their tormented history was a noble task, it took heart, and Ginny would do that for the man she loved as she lead him into his past, and what was to be his future.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 11:34 PM
#45 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Mooch “Mooooooch” Ginny said, keeping back a giggle as she sat in the common room with Hermione and Ron, practising his charms on her. Why she’d agreed to this she didn’t know, but what she did know was that ‘Mooch’ was a very funny word. “Mooch” she said, testing out the word in her mouth, and she repeated it several times before collapsing into fits of hysteria. Harry came down from the boys’ dorm, clutching several books. He sat down and pulled out his quill then noticed a shaking Ginny wrapped up in silent mirth. “What have you done to her?”
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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08-31-2006, 11:50 PM
#46 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3
With thanks to XxHPaddict17xX who helped me choose the number. Cauldron The lesson sped by, it went surprisingly easily too, considering Snape was in such a mood it was a miracle is sarcastic comments hadn’t reduced anyone to tears just yet. Ginny dipped her ladle into the potion and scooped out several vial sized amounts. Labelling them she took them up to Snapes desk. Placing them on the wooden surface she retreated before she got a sarcastic swipe. A loud clatter took Snapes attention though and she turned to see her cauldron on the floor. Instantly she received an earful from Snape. She wondered if Harry got this all the time…
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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09-01-2006, 12:01 AM
#47 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3
For Nabiya, who chose this number. Torch The darkness burned into the eyes, it was difficult to see further than a foot in front of you. Harry felt his way blindly to a torch, fumbling for his wand he lit it and the darkness was illuminated with and orangy glow. He hated this part of the school and it was just past midnight so he really shouldn’t be here. Not really paying attention to what he was doing he suddenly walked into something, or somebody. A clatter hit the floor and his Torch dropped to the floor extinguishing. “Harry?” A girl’s voice questioned. “Ginny?” He asked back.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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09-01-2006, 12:21 AM
#48 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Authors Choice – Wrath “Because if you really loved me! You would have endured my wrath!” Ginny called after Dean angrily as he stormed out the common room. Ginny smirked delightedly as Harry came from the Boy’s dormitory and jumped onto his favourite sofa, sinking into it lazily. “what was all that about?” He asked a now annoyed Ginny as she sank into the chair next to him. “Dean, he says he still loves me” Harry struggled with the Green Eyed Monster for a few moments before he answered her. “Really?” He would have to step up his game. His crush was getting stronger.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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09-01-2006, 12:28 AM
#49 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Newspaper The sun shone golden strands across the grounds of Hogwarts, along the edges of the Forbidden forest the shadows glittered. Ginny slowly walked around each and every land mark of the school. The sun softly kissing her bare arms, face and her neck. The places Harry had once kissed. She reached her destination soon enough and she sat by the grave. It’s white marble surface cool against the heat of the summer sun. “I’ll always be yours Harry, you know that” She whispered softly, lying down the newspaper on his grave. The newspaper that told the world of his passing.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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09-01-2006, 12:58 AM
#50 (permalink)
| Hippogriff
Join Date: Aug 2004 Location: In the stars.
Posts: 22,879
First Year | GWFC/BWFC My <3 Past In most peoples histories there is love, laughter and joy. There are memories of fresh childhood innocence, of pure untouched parental love. In Harry Potters there was screams, shouts, pain, of a cupboard under the stairs, fear, then the one person who mad it all worth while. Ginny. He could remember her laugh, her smile, her touch; her kiss…Harry could remember everything about her, the way she moved, the way she stood up to him, her stubbornness… In some peoples past there was happiness. In Harry Potters, there was light within the darkness. Ginny was his candle in the dark.
__________________ Graphics made by: Thumper Zoe loves Imi the most! ♥ |
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