Red Bangs && High Heels <3
+50 for the pre-Hogwarts Gold
For Tegz,
who inspires me.
♥ { To Do List }
1. Accio
2. Avada Kedavra
3. Braking Charm
4. Blasting Curse
5. Colloportus
6. Crucio
7. Confundus
8. Diffindo
9. Disapparate
10. Engorgio
11. Expecto Patronum
12. Furnunculus
13. Flagrate
14. Horn Tongue
15. Hurling Hex
16. Impedimenta
17. Imperio
18. Incarcerous
19. Jelly Legs
20. Knitting Charm
21. Langlock
22. Legilimens
23. Levicorpus
24. Lumos
25. Mobilicorpus
26. Morsmordre
27. Muffliato
28. Nox
29. Obliviate
30. Oppugno
31. Orchideous
32. Petrificus Totalus
33. Point Me
34. Protego
35. Quietus
36. Reducto
37. Relashio
38. Rictusempra
39. Sectumsempra
40. Sonorus
41. Scourgify
42. Silencio
43. SpeRevelio
44. Stupefy
45. Tarantallegra
46. Tergeo
47. Twitchy Ears Hex
48. Unbreakable Vow
49. Wingardium Leviosa
50. Waddiwasi
Pink = Done
Theme #1: Accio
The Story of Grades
"Gold, please don't."
Gold Laksh looked up from her desk, and her bright, green eyes gave a little roll. "You're such a spoilsport, Sachie," she said, as she closed her Arithmancy textbook, and rose gracefully to her feet. "What difference can two butterbeers make?"
"We have an exam tomorrow," Sachie glared at her. "THE exam. This is it, Gold - fourth year final. Tomorrow.
Accio Arithmancy book."
"Why doesn't that worry me?"
"Because," Sachie had risen to her feet, too, but the blonde's lips were pursed, and she was far from happy. Quite unlike Gold, who was now leafing rather lazily through a storybook she had bought, yesterday. "This is NOT a game. You need to understand that, Gold Laksh. There is more to life than parties! Than boys!"
"Such as?"
"Grades, you idiot!"
Gold raised an eyebrow. "Remind me how many O's I had, last term, Sachie."
"But of course - you always manage to get good grades, Miss High Heels," Sachie muttered darkly. "It's not fair, Gold. Why don't you have to study, like the rest of us? How can you REMEMBER?"
Gold grinned.
-- She really wasn't in the mood to argue.