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| Every Flavour Bean Collection This diverse stash of flavours is where you can indulge in a wide array of completed SS100, SS50, SS25, and EEFD challenges. |

08-31-2006, 10:56 AM
| | 100 Quidditch Matches with Nabiya and Katie Bell - Sa13+ 1. Herbology 2. Muggle Studies 3. Transfiguration 4. Ancient Runes 5. Astronomy 6. Divination 7. Care of Magical Creatures 8. Potions 9. Defense Against the Dark Arts 10. Arithmancy 11. History of Magic 12. Charms 13. Quidditch 14. Hogwarts, A History 15. Room 16. Dragonhide gloves 17. Cauldron 18. Whomping Willow 19. Wand 20. Hogsmeade 21. Veela 22. Kneazle 23. Telescope 24. House elf 25. Sorting Hat 26. Quill 27. Owl 28. Timeturner 29. Pensieve 30. Feast 31. Dress robes 32. Common room 33. Classroom 34. Parseltongue 35. Pureblood 36. Muggle 37. Animagus 38. Patronus 39. Duel 40. Spell 41. Thestrals 42. Portraits 43. Headmaster 44. Ford Anglia 45. torch 46. Dungeon 47. Portkey 48. Leprechaun 49. Yule Ball 50. Boggart 51. act 52. bore 53. Chase 54. Dare 55. Egg on 56. Fight 57. Gape 58. Hoot 59. Ignore 60. Joke 61. Kiss 62. Lope 63. Mooch 64. Nap 65. Ooze 66. Pace 67. Quell 68. Roar 69. Slap 70. teem 71. Untie 72. Vex 73. Warn 74. x-tinguish 75. Yodel 76. Zap 77. Cheerful 78. author's choice 79. author's choice 80. author's choice 81. Depression 82. Careful 83. Fearful 84. Angry 85. Snappish 86. Daring 87. Plaid 88. sweet tooth 89. Past 90. present 91. Future 92. Chocolate 93. Chicken 94. Allergic 95. Snowball 96. Socks 97. Dictionary 98. Pajamas 99. Newspaper 100. Homework |
09-07-2006, 09:11 PM
#76 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff And this is for my dear Lissy. Drabble #75 - Arithmancy Professor Matthias Wenlock had an odd habit of shouting out numbers at the most random times. Katie had never minded it before, but today he had just about snapped her composure. The Slytherin team had been making their lives miserable all week by following them around and trying to hex them in dark corridors. Her nerves were frazzled enough, and she had taken to walking around with her wand ready. During a nasty run-in with Flint, Wenlock had showed up and promptly announced, “A three and seven! I’m expecting an invitation for one, eh?” The Arithmancy professor was clearly bonkers. |
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09-08-2006, 02:56 AM
#77 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Dedicated to my Kirstie who chose the number. Drabble #76 - Classroom The classroom was full of Gryffindors and Ravenclaws, all competing to be the loudest and best. Professor Flitwick was late and the class was taking advantage of the rare occurrence. Katie rolled her eyes as she observed them all, they were like lions at the watering hole. The thought made her laugh to herself. Roger Davies scooted closer to her on the bench and peered over her shoulder, “Whatcha laughing at, Bell?” Another eyeroll. “Nothing. Go away.” He shuffled closer still, “Come on…share with me…you know you want to.” “Davies, given the choice, I wouldn’t share this classroom with you.” |
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09-08-2006, 03:23 AM
#78 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #77 - Depression Depression was not something Katie dealt with very well. Even second hand depression seemed baffle her. So when she stopped by the bathroom in between classes and overheard the sounds of a girl crying in one of the stalls, she quickly thought of a way to escape without being seen or heard. Just as she was inching towards the door, the door to the stall opened and the Ravenclaw seeker stepped out. Her eyes were puffy and her face was pale. Katie carefully averted her eyes from the sight. “Hi Cho.” Cho burst into tears again “I loved him, Katie…” |
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09-08-2006, 01:13 PM
#79 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #78 - Bore Katie smiled absently at the blathering idiot sitting across the table from her in Madam Puddifoots. She wondered again why she had agreed to go along with him today. He was such a bore, definitely worse than Lockhart had been. For the past half hour, they had covered most of his childhood history and when he had stopped talking, she had foolishly hoped that it could possibly signal the end of their expedition. But Davies had only ordered some tea (to soothe his throat so he could go on) and indeed went on with the not-so-sordid story of his life. |
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09-08-2006, 01:21 PM
#80 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #79 - Act Her date with Davies was a flop, and now Katie was determined to lift her spirits somehow. Armed with her broomstick, she attacked the pitch with hopes of flying free for an hour before practice. Upon arrival she realized that someone else had the same idea. Flint was in the sky, trying to pull off a Quidditch move. Deciding not to let him stop her, she went on and kicked off into the sky. They ended up having a mini practice session, without exchanging a word. Katie realized that she didn’t have to act happy around Flint. She was happy. |
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09-08-2006, 01:26 PM
#81 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #80 - Ooze “Uh oh.” *CRACK* Every head in the dungeon turned to Katie. The Slytherins were laughing, while her classmates looked sympathetic. She didn’t notice this as Snape glared icily at her over his notes. She tried to be brave, to call on the Gryffindor courage. But that was hard to do when one’s cauldron is oozing orange slime onto one’s notes. “Miss Bell. 5 points from Gryffindor for sheer idiocy.” She felt like crying, “And one weeks' detention.” The lump in her throat was enormous now! But when she walked into detention and found Flint scrubbing chairs, tears of hilarity came. |
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09-08-2006, 03:16 PM
#82 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble#81 - Ancient Runes “Are you sure that’s correct, Katie?” Katie turned to face the person who had asked the question and blushed, “I don’t know…I’m just trying to get my work done and hand it in.” Percy frowned and sat down beside her, pulling the piece of parchment towards him. “Katie…this whole thing is atrocious!” She shrugged and dragged the scroll back in front of her, “Leave me alone, Percy…I have Ancient Runes in the morning.” Fifteen minutes later, she went through the homework and bit back a laugh. Percy was right, the squiggly lines were never going to pass for ancient runes. |
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09-08-2006, 03:27 PM
#83 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #82 - Herbology Katie met a group of older Slytherins as she was making her way to Herbology. One of them, the good-looking one, leered at her as she tried to pass them on the narrow path. “Give it a rest, Pucey.” The one with the crooked teeth said. Katie smiled gratefully at him, but was only given a blank look in return. Pucey grinned at his friend and clapped him on the shoulder, “Got an interest, eh, Flint?” “Put a lid on it, Pucey.” He said and stalked off towards the castle. Katie hurried off but peeked a look at Marcus Flint. |
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09-08-2006, 04:13 PM
#84 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #83 - Pajamas She ran her hands over the smooth material and raised it to her cheek. She could still smell his slightly woodsy scent. If she tried hard enough, she could almost feel the warmth of his skin. A tear dropped onto the black silk and Katie hastily packed the pajamas into a trunk with the rest of Marcus’ things. They had gotten married a year ago, but he had been called to war only three days after the wedding. Nobody had heard from him for seven months and now they were saying he was dead. But Katie knew he was alive. |
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09-09-2006, 11:04 AM
#85 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Dedicated to Vonnie Drabble #84 - Hoot An owl hooted somewhere above her and Katie ducked under the cover of the trees and shadows, it wouldn’t do to get caught tonight. She inched closer towards the broom shed and mentally cursed the twins for talking her into this. The owl hooted again, and due to her frazzled nerves, Katie dashed the rest of the way to the shed and quickly made her way inside. - The Slytherin team walked onto the pitch amidst gales of laughter. Their robes were bright pink, and Flint had “Dandy” written on his. Of course, only the spectators could see all this. |
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09-09-2006, 11:22 AM
#86 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #85 - Daring “OUCH!” Katie yelled as the Bludger hit her in the side. Forgetting her chase of the Slytherin chaser, she turned her broom around and zoomed towards the Beater. She could see Oliver shouting at her to turn back, but that Bludger had hit her one too many times. She had no idea why she was so daring, especially as the Slytherin Beater looked like a mountain on his broomstick. Before she could reach out to grab his bat and clobber him with it, another bigger Slytherin swooped down on them and glared at the Beater. Flint scared the beater away. |
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09-09-2006, 11:34 AM
#87 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #86 - Hogsmeade Katie stepped on something that squelched. “Urgh…what the heck was that?” She asked nobody in particular as she looked around her feet. There was nothing there, so she assumed it was just her imagination. But as she climbed into the carriage that would take her from Hogsmeade and to Hogwarts, her right shoe went on squelching. Someone laughed behind her and she grit her teeth in annoyance. Flint leaned in and told her in a conspiratorial tone, “You must have stepped in some thestral dung.” “Right…whatever those are.” She said, rolling her eyes at his back. Thestrals in Hogsmeade…yeah right. |
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09-09-2006, 11:47 AM
#88 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #87 - Roar The crowd roared as Higgs caught Katie around the neck and nearly unseated her. Oliver came zooming up the pitch but turned back when Hooch pointed him back to the hoops. Katie rubbed her neck, wincing as she coughed dryly. In the Slytherin showers later, a very angry Marcus Flint descended on a smug Terrence Higgs. “Higgs, I said clobber the keeper. Not Katie. Idiot!” Despite the anger on Flint’s face, Higgs laughed, “Why? What’s it to you what I do to Katie, eh?” Flint growled and stalked out of the showers, wondering if Terrence and Katie doing anything together? |
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09-09-2006, 11:56 AM
#89 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #88 - Homework She called this homework? The woman was insane, there was no two ways about it. Oh well…there was nothing she could do but make it all up as she went along. The next day, she sat in the Great Hall with a few of her friends, each had their palms extended to her while she struggled with the lines. They all left later to let her organize her notes, and as she chewed on the end of her quill she noticed a shadow looming over her. Marcus Flint sat himself beside her, “Would you like to read my palm, Katie?” |
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09-09-2006, 12:10 PM
#90 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #89 - Boggart Marcus shut his eyes tightly against the sight that greeted him. He had pulled the door to the broom closet open and found Adrian Pucey kissing Katie Bell. He fought the urge to grab Adrian and strangle him. Instead her slammed the door shut and turned to get as far away from the corridor as possible. Katie stood behind him, watching him with a strange expression. “Wha- How’d you get there?” She regarded him with cool disdain, “I need a broom, Flint.” She pulled the door open and screamed. Flint looked inside and found a pile of worms. “Damn boggart.” |
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09-09-2006, 12:18 PM
#91 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #90 - Lope Katie loped across the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley towards the older boy. “Oli! I’m going to Hogwarts!” The older boy grinned down at her and mussed her hair affectionately, “Well, all those other kids better watch out then!” Katie grinned up at him happily, now Oliver would surely fall in love with her. Now that she was mature enough to go to school. She’d even try out for the Quidditch team just to impress him. “Should I expect to see you on the team?” he asked her playfully, knowing full well about her childish crush on him. “Of course!” |
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09-09-2006, 12:33 PM
#92 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #91 - Muggle Katie sat in her new flat, eating cereal for dinner and laughing over the book she was reading. A knock on her door had her bounding across the room (and losing a bunny slipper along the way) and pulling the door open. Her smile evaporated when she saw who her first visitor was. “What are you doing here, Flint?” The unwanted surprise inched his way into her flat and looked around, “Nice place, Katie…I was wondering if you’d like to go for dinner.” “I’m reading.” He picked up the book, “Miggs the Mad Muggle? Surely I’m a more desirable date…” |
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09-09-2006, 12:53 PM
#93 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #92 - Astronomy Her entire body ached, the bruise on her thigh had a bruise of it’s own and her mind was exhausted. Oliver had put them all through the drills today, and at this moment she was questioning her sanity. Was Quidditch worth all this pain? And to heap salt onto the wound, she had to trudge up to the Astronomy tower tonight for their midnight lesson. She nearly fell asleep during dinner, and she had Alicia to thank for stopping her from getting a faceful of soup. Alicia wasn’t there in Astronomy with her. Everyone heard her snores loud and clear. |
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09-09-2006, 01:03 PM
#94 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #93 - Author's Choice (Pain) Katie was nearly at the Hogwarts gates when something gripped her body in intense pain. It had started at her finger, but it was impossible to tell as within seconds the stabbing, searing feeling had spread towards the rest of her body. She longed to cover her ears from the bloodcurdling scream she heard, it scared her. Then she realized that the scream came from her own mouth. Was this it? Was she going to die? That was her last thought, before she collapsed onto the ground. The ripped package lay beside her, a beautiful necklace tangled in her fingers. |
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09-09-2006, 01:09 PM
#95 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #94 - Common Room The common room was crowded this evening, but despite the fact that the circular room was teeming with people, the atmosphere was subdued. Katie sat beside George Weasley, holding his hand as he tried very hard not to weep. She had no words, nothing to say that would make the Weasleys feel better. Not when she herself was scared, so scared that she might have easily lost someone herself. It was a selfish thought, and it filled her with guilt, so she put both arms around George as a tear slid down his cheek. What if it had been Marcus? |
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09-09-2006, 01:19 PM
#96 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Protego : Shield Charm. Drabble #95 - Charms Katie had never been very good with Charms, but this one spell was her specialty. It was probably due to the Weasley twins. It was always good to have this in handy when one was friends with the destructive duo. So right now, with Marcus Flint standing across from her in front of the door of her flat, she thanked her stars that Fred and George had tried to prank her so many times. “Well…thank you for dinner.” She said nervously. “It was my pleasure…” Her knees wobbled as he leaned in to kiss her, her wand whipped out “Protego!” |
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09-09-2006, 01:24 PM
#97 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #96 - Room Katie watched Ron and Lavender, her disgust for their behaviour evident on her face. She watched as Hermione fled the room and sighed. Harry was too much of a pansy to deal with his mate, and Hermione was obviously not going to say anything about it. So, for the sake of every Gryffindor and possibly the rest of the school (there was no telling where else the two were snogging), Katie took it upon herself to end this disgusting charade. She chucked a heavy tome at Ron’s head, grinning in satisfaction when he whipped around in anger. “Get a room!” |
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09-09-2006, 01:31 PM
#98 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #97 - Spell Katie gritted her teeth as she attempted the Summoning spell over and over with no effect. There was something definitely wrong with her wand, she thought angrily. “Accio!” The rock hardly twitched. “Accio!” She contemplated picking the rock up and tossing it into the lake. “ACCIO YOU STUPID ROCK!” Derisive laughter followed her outburst, and she flushed in anger and embarrassment at being caught having a tantrum. “Bugger off, Flint.” “You know…if you wanted to summon me, all you needed to do was call.” She snorted, on second thought, maybe she should chuck the rock at Flint. “Accio stupid rock.” |
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09-09-2006, 01:48 PM
#99 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff Drabble #98 - Author's Choice Her mind dimly registered her surroundings. She was in a firm bed, and everything smelled like a florists. Her eyelids felt like they were weighted down by an anchor, and her mouth tasted of sawdust. Where was she? What was going on? She felt something warm gripping her hand, and the voice that spoke would have made her smile. If she could. “Katie…” it said, “Please wake up…” She recognized the voice. And she tried to do as it wanted her to. “Katie…I love you.” Her eyes shot open and she blinked, Marcus grinned, “I knew you love me too.” |
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09-09-2006, 05:23 PM
#100 (permalink)
| Sphinx
Join Date: Jun 2004 Location: GMT +8
Posts: 48,776
| Nabs!Ama | | The Happy Hufflepuff This is supposed to be a crossover with Peony (Meandering) and her drabbles. Drabble #99 - Author's Choice Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin. Katie was sitting up in the stands with her friend, Cho Chang. They had only started talking a few days ago, when both realized that the other was a Tornadoes fan. * Cedric saw the Snitch, but as he zoomed towards it, Flint banged into his side. It was a pure accident (he could see it from the shock on the other guy’s face). They were both unseated and were slowly falling to the ground. “This is it” Cedric thought, “Cho will never know…” * In the stands, Katie’s heart stopped beating as she watched Marcus fall. |
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