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100 EPIC Drabbles for the Hogwarts Founders - Sa13+ Drabbles completed: 100/100 C O M P L E T E ! With these drabbles I will try to create a story of the Founders from the beginning when Hogwarts was just a dream the four shared, to Salazar Slytherin's departure from the school, and their eventual passings. Some of the drabbles will be connected directly like a dialogue, while others will be connected in a different way. I hope you all enjoy reading these as much as I enjoy writing them! Disclaimer: The Harry Potter characters and universe belong to J.K. Rowling. ●○78. author's choice: Unite○● Gazing out the window with his wild red hair blowing in his face, Godric Gryffindor knew that the world was in need of change. Innocent blood spilled by anxious hands, surely there something they could do to protect wizardingkind. It was for this very reason that he had owled the three people he trusted most. They needed to put their dream into action, now. Three loud popping noises one after the other, and now there were four people in the tower, each with the same look of horror on their faces. “My friends, now is the time. We must unite.” |
●○98. Pajamas○● ●○98. Pajamas○● It certainly didn’t take a Legilimens to realize what the lion was talking about and yet, here he was wearing his emerald green pajamas and matching night cap. Only his best friend had the ability to make him leave his precious pet in the middle of the night. However, now it seemed as though the man had asked them all to be here simple to state the obvious. “So you decided tonight was the perfect time to throw a pajama party?” the man hissed with distain. “Godric, don’t you think there are more important issues at hand. Like those people…” |
●○64. Nap○● ●○64. Nap○● “Aw, was little Salazar woken up from his nap?” laughed a raven haired maiden as she adjusted the diadem she wore with her graceful alabaster hands. She did not mind being owled at such a late hour for she usually did not sleep until she had completed a new design in her magical architecture journal she kept in her private study. Yet, the matters the four of them needed to discuss were not of the lighthearted games they used to discuss. Still, not even she could deny that the snake raised a valid point. “Godric, what are we to do?” |
●○24. House elf○● ●○24. House elf○● Helga, while of course just as concerned as the other three about the well being of wizarding children, there was another concern weighing heavily in her heart. “I’ll teach the lot and teach them all the same,” she said firmly in her jolly voice. “But, I must insist that we provide a safe haven for the house elves as well. They are being terribly mistreated.” With a wave of her wand, she summed a table with four flowery tea cups and lemon cookies. It was clear that they would be discussion for quite some time. “Tea?” she offered the others. |
●○19. Wand○● ●○19. Wand○● “Now that we are in agreement,” Godric said as he took his dragon heatstring wand from his crimson robes. “Let us hold arms and make a vow. ” The three nodded as they each took another’s hand until they had formed an unbreaking circle. “Do you, as the founders, promise to watch over the young minds we seek to educate?” “I do,” they all repeated in unison. “Will you, to the best of your abilities, protect those of your house from harm?” “I do.” Then, on the winds of fire, the four were bound together in greatness to change wizardingkind. |
●○28. Timeturner○● ●○28. Timeturner○● Sitting down at her desk, Rowena put on a pair of rather large goggles that made her eyes appear to be ten times their usual size. She then pulled from her drawer several pieces of parchment with detailed drawings of a necklace with an hour glass on it. A black box sat beside the parchment. Tapping it three times with her wand, the lid vanished revealing the box’s contents. Taking the necklace out, she examined her handy work. “Perhaps their God could have created the world in one day instead of seven, if he had one of these,” she smiled. |
●○76. Zap○● ●○76. Zap○● His back hunched over the table and his quill flying over the parchment, Salazar continued to draw four shields that would come to represent the four houses. While he would never admit it to the others, he rather enjoyed the simple are of drawing and design. If they asked, he would simply say that he hired a Muggle artist and then Obliviated them. As he worked, a cockroach scuttered across the floor. He glared at the nuisance and took his wand from his pocket. “Just as annoying as those Muggles,” he hissed. *ZAP* That cockroach wouldn’t be bothering him anymore. |
●○34. Parseltongue○● ●○34. Parseltongue○● “Yes my precious,” Salazar said as he stroked his successful creation. “You will come to do great things. You will help me rid the school we are about to build of all those unfit to study magic.” He continued petting the baby snake that hung over his shoulder as it licked his cheeks with its forked tongue. “Yes, of course. You needn’t be afraid. I am building a special chamber for you to call home. No harm will come to you my precious.” Helga looked at her bearded friend. “Salazar, would you please stop talking like that. It frightens me.” |
●○88. Sweet Tooth○● ●○88. Sweet Tooth○● Please as a peach about being in charge of the food menus, Helga summoned her cook book and used her wand to charm the pages to turn for her as the book levitated in front of her face. “Oh yes! This will do nicely!” she smiled clapping her hands together. “Treacle fudge pie!” With another wave of her wand, bowls and spoons began whisking together this sweet delight. “Let’s see…what else…Pumpkin Pasties sound delightful as well.” More bowls and spoon began their sugary preparation. Helga’s eyes glowed with anticipation. “And the best part is I am the only taste tester!” |
●○14. Hogwarts, A History○● ●○14. Hogwarts, A History○● Godric paced his study like the wild lion he had come to be known as. He had his tied back with some spare leather, but wisps of his fiery mane still found their way in front of his face and causing him even more agony. “Why is this so difficult?!” he roared pounding his fists on his desk. A small vase holding a single golden lily fell and threatened to roll off the desk. Catching it, Godric smiled remembering Rowena picking it for him earlier that day. “Hogwarts,” he smiled looking at the flower. “That shall be the school’s name.” writer's note: In an interview, Rowling stated that she named the wizarding school after lilies called Hogwarts she had seen in Kew Gardens. |
●○94. Allergic○● ●○94. Allergic○● “Helga, these Pumpkin Pasties are absolutely delightful,” Rowena smiled using her royal blue handkerchief to wipe the corners of her mouth. “Especially the crust. What all did you put in it?” “You know I never reveal my secrets,” the blonde laughed kicking her feet up as she returned to her work in the kitchen. Looking around, Rowena found some lose parchment with HELGA’S SECRET RECIPES written on it. Looking down the list, the corners of her mouth curled into a smile. “Here we are…” Her eyes grew big and she looked as though would faint. “PEANUTS!? YOU KNOW I’M ALLERGIC!” |
●○97. Dictionary○● ●○97. Dictionary○● “For the last time, no I will not have dinner with you,” Rowena snapped pushing Salazar’s hand out of the way. “I only came here tonight to discuss those additional plans you wanted to add to the school’s design.” She unrolled a rather large piece of parchment with detailed architectural drawings of a great castle. “Aw, just a simple candlelight dinner won’t hurt,” he whispered back trying to grab her hand again. “I was under the impression you preferred brains over brawn.” “Look up scumbag in the dictionary,” she snapped rolling up the parchment. “Your picture is next to it.” |
●○36. Muggle○● ●○36. Muggle○● {tangy} mini challenge “Turned you down again did she,” Godric laughed putting his feet up on the table. “Put your feet down,” Salazar said forcing him to do so with the flick of his wand. “You know, we should forbid that spell. People like you would take away the free will of Muggles with it.” “Perhaps,” the snake hissed returning to his drinks. “I have been studying them recently, for you three’s benefit.” He returned to the table and placed a pitcher on the table. “New potion?” “Don’t insult me. This is some tangy Muggle drink that tastes worse than a Hippogriff sings.” |
●○3. Transfiguration○● ●○3. Transfiguration○● {Christmas} mini challenge “You are just as bad as he is,” Rowena said rolling her eyes at Godric and roughing up his mane a bit with her delicate hands. “Conjuring mistletoe from your wand. I don’t even like that plant.” “So, are you saying if I had conjured something different you would have been pleased?” he asked with a slight eyebrow wiggle. “Perhaps.” Smiling, he removed his wand from his pocket and drew a great circle in the air before saying the spell silently in his head. A bouquet of lilies erupted from his wand and smile appeared on her face. “Happy Christmas.” |
●○73. Warn○● ●○73. Warn○● {second person} mini challenge You have nothing to be afraid of for these changes will bring no harm to you. By adding the additional chamber will protect the foundation against those who are not worthy. Now, pick up your pen and feel it as it draws a smooth line on the parchment. Yes, very good. Now, you should make sure that the entrance is somewhere hard to find. No, you know that making the entrance on the same floor is not a good idea. Perhaps you should draw it on the second floor? Perfect. When you are released, you will not remember this discussion. writer's note: in case you are wondering what is going on, this is Salazar using Legilimency on Rowena to have her draw the Chamber of Secrets on the plans to Hogwarts Castle |
●○85. Snappish○● ●○85. Snappish○● Helga scratched her head with her quill as she looked down at her cook book trying to think of another sweet invention. It wasn’t enough to just create some basic recipes for the house elves to follow when cooking in the kitchens of their school, she needed to leave a mark. Leave a mark…that gave her an idea! Being rather fond of licorice, she summoned a bowl of the goo and, with another flick of her wand, formed hundreds of small black balls. “You ought to try one, Rowena,” she laughed offering the bowl. “They can be a wee sharp.” |
●○47. Portkey○● ●○47. Portkey○● {April Fool's} mini challenge Awakening the following morning with a few bit marks on her hands from Helga’s latest concoction, but still with a smile on Rowena’s face as she had managed to finish the blueprints for Hogwarts castle. “Funny how I don’t remember,” she mused rolling up the parchment. She then picked up one of the lilies she had given to her three friends and felt herself pulled from the navel to their secret location. “Won’t they be surprised when they touch these!” Landing with the grace of a swan, she laughed as her friends joined her with loud thumps. “Surprise!” she teased. |
●○40. Spell○● ●○40. Spell○● “Another one of your inventions?” Salazar hissed brushing all the grass off of his black robes and pulling bits of it out of his beard. “Of course,” Rowena winked unraveling the parchment that contained the blueprints for their school. “It is finished and I wanted to make sure you were all here for the grand revealing.” Levitating the parchment in the air so everyone could see, she flicked her wand and the ground around them began to shake and mutate until a magnificent castle stood before them. She then pointed her wand at parchment, “Incendio!” The map was no more. |
●○38. Patronus○● ●○38. Patronus○● The four friends gazed on their dream with gaping mouths. It was even more beautiful than they had envisioned – and that was saying something considering Rowena had shown them the blueprints. There were many towers and turrets that seemed to paint the sky and made magic even more magical. The castle brought tears to their eyes. “Shall we owl all the families?” Helga squeaked clapping her hands. “We need a Headmaster and Professors first,” Salazar yawned. “There is only one way to handle this,” Godric grinned as a silver lion appeared from his wand and ran off into the distance. |
●○43. Headmaster○● ●○43. Headmaster○● “As a professor, sure, but this man cannot be our Headmaster,” Helga said turning over a piece of parchment in her hands. “Agreed, which is why I think we should go back to my idea and appoint me Headmaster,” Salazar nodded. “Surely you all see the benefits of a Legilimens as a Headmaster?” “I do not agree with your methods of selection,” Godric reputed pointing his finger accusingly. “None of us should be,” Rowena said raising her voice to make sure she was heard. “It is said that power corrupts, but actually it's more true that power attracts the corruptible.” |
●○65. Ooze○● ●○65. Ooze○● “You are so slimy! I’m surprised your pet isn’t jealous of the way you slither around,” Rowena snapped resisting the urge to throw her cauldron at him. “There is no need for you to be hostile,” Salazar frowned. “I just stopped by to see if you had changed your mind about dinner.” Rowena squeezed the boom berres in her hand too tightly and released more juice than was needed into her cauldron therefore ruining the potion inside. It bubbled and turned into a grey jelly. “No, I have not.” “For now,” he winked. Clearly, she needed a little extra persuasion. |
●○31. Dress robes○● ●○31. Dress robes○● With the first ever term of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry fast approaching, Helga just could not bring herself to wear some old frock se had previously. This occasion called for something much less frumpy. Running her hands over the various fabrics and colors, she squealed with delight when she found dress robes in a charming goldenrod. “This is simply perfect!” she exclaimed taking it off the rack and rushing over to the changing rooms. To her horror, she found the garment wouldn’t fasten around her waist. “I guess I need to find a new taste tester,” she frowned. |
●○58. Hoot○● ●○58. Hoot○● “Hoot! One, two, three! Hoot!” Godric stopped in front of one of the many tapestries in the castle. He could have sworn that he heard Helga’s voice, but she was nowhere to be seen. Just then, a door appeared before him and Helga came walking out wrapping in nothing but a towel and flapping her arms wildly. Her face turned as red as a cherry and Godric’s stood still with his jaw hanging open. “Helga, what in Merlin’s beard are you doing?!” “E-E-E-E-Exercise,” she stammered. “Owlerobics to be exact.” “Why?” “I can’t fit into my new dress robes.” “I’ll never understand women…” |
●○6. Divination○● ●○6. Divination○● “Well, how do I look?” Godric asked leaning his elbows on the table in hopes of catching a glimpse of something in Rowena’s smoky crystal ball. “Godric, you know I am no expert on the subject. I am much better at Arithmancy.” “I know, but I don’t trust anyone else when it comes to such matters!” “Don’t you think you are being a bit over dramatic?” she said roller her eyes. “WHAT COLOR ARE THEY?!” Godric growled under his breath. “Fine you overgrown kitten,” she laughed. “I see…you in crimson robes with gold accents.” “I knew it!” he said triumphantly. |
●○48. Leprechaun○● ●○48. Leprechaun○● “I don’t care how qualified he is! I thought we agreed that I would teach Charms!” Helga said in a huff. “Students in the back of the room won’t be able to see his demonstrations!” “Helga! I’m surprised hearing this coming from you,” Rowena frowned looking at the updated staff list. “He is only half, so students will be fine. Just means he is a short redhead.” “But…Charms are my specialty!” the blonde continued to whine. “Godric said we need to be flexible this first term,” Rowena sighed. “Fine, but then I get to teach Transfiguration!” Maybe Charms next term? writer's note: Hey! We are a quarter of the way through already! |
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