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Tazzie 11-05-2011 03:21 AM

100 Drabbles for the Ice Cream Princess - Sa13+
Hey, yo! Tazzie here, and I'm on a quest to successfully create 100 drabbles for my current former SSRPG Hogwarts character, Beatrice Evangeline "Beezus" Castell.

Disclaimer: The HP universe and everything in it, yes, that includes your Patronus Charm...all belongs to our Queen, J.K. Rowling.

Credits go to the respective owners of other characters mentioned here as well.

100 Drabbles

SPOILER!!: Prompts!

SPOILER!!: Mentioned Characters
(sorted by appearance)

Erin Heyman - WitchLight27 [15][29][39][56][61]63][93]
Mordred Mordaunt - Stefan [18][57]
Prof. Josephina Hadley - PhoenixRising [19]
Kurumi Hollingberry - sweetpinkpixie [19][28][54]
Katelyn Star - PureBlood64 [22]
Prof. Hecate Lafay - Droo [30][55]
Harvey Watson - EW_FAN [31]
Jonathan Kim - hjhm [34][48][61][65]
Louisa Carter - Magical Soul [42]
Indy Hutchinson - RachieRu [43][44]
Headmaster Gaellen Tate - Cassirin [46]
Dylan Montmorency - Govoni [51][58][71][76][77][81]
Prof. Edvard Roslund - Nordic Witch [54]
Prof. Erik Vinteren - Erik Vinteren [60]
Prof. Everett Scabior - Kaos.Doodles [66]
Elliot Morganzo - kayquilz [67]
Elijah Wilde - Leeness [68]
Alice Fischer - lemon [69]
Melanie Sung - iBeJenn [69]
Elise Fairfield - laurange [70]
Prof. Gemma Cerulean - LezleighD [83]
Prof. Peyton Barlow - Anna Banana [84]
Groundskeeper Alistaire Firth - hpluvr037 [84]
Spike Hutchinson - hermygirl [92] [96]

25. Sorting Hat

A stern-looking witch placed a shabby wizard's hat on a stool at the center of the Great Hall. Not long after, she called "Beatrice Evangeline Castell!"

And a girl with brown hair sat on the stool and put on the hat.

"You have been through a lot," the hat said.
"Wait--are you...talking to me?" She asked.
"Most certainly. Now where to put you?"

The girl did not reply to this. After a minute, the hat said "Well then let's hope you'll do good." Before the girl could inquire about what the hat was talking about, it shouted "Ravenclaw!"

Tazzie 11-05-2011 07:58 AM

28. Timeturner
“Beezus, watch out!” Her best friend yelled while she ran after her as she walked confidently on the sparkling floors of the Great Hall.

“Watch out for whaaa-..!” And with a loud BAM! She fell on the floor. What poise!

The students sitting on the four House Tables started chuckling and giggling.

“I tried to tell you about this,” and her best friend held up a banana peel. Who in Merlin’s beard placed that thing there? Didn’t they know it was dangerous?

“Gah, I wish I had a timeturner.” She muttered as she ashamedly covered her face with her hands.

Tazzie 11-05-2011 08:07 AM

38. Patronus
“Sis, wake up!” Her sister, Bambi said while shaking her shoulder.

“Whaaaat?” She mumbled sleepily as she covered her face with her pillow.

“Mom! Dad! She won’t get up.” She heard her sister say. Then suddenly two pairs of hands started tickling her.

“What’re…” She giggled. “…you doing?” Now, she was undeniably awake.

“Happy Birthday!” Her mother and father exclaimed while her sister was holding a cake.


Just then, Beatrice opened her eyes. It had been such a wonderful dream. With a sigh, she stood up. If only that scene would come true, she might even conjure a perfect Patronus.

Tazzie 11-05-2011 12:16 PM

88. Sweet Tooth
It was a Hogsmeade weekend so Beatrice and her friends went to the only wizarding village in all of Britain. With excitement, they went into Honeydukes Candy Shop.

“You sure do love sweets Bee,” her friend said upon seeing that she was carrying an awful amount of treats. After gathering all the goods they wanted, they headed to the counter.

“That would be nine galleons Miss,” the shopkeeper said while Beezus looked into her purse for her payment.

“I daresay you have a sweet tooth.”

“Yeah.” Beezus replied with a forced smile. And now I don’t have any money left!

Tazzie 11-05-2011 01:30 PM

6. Divination
Beezus yawned. She was in Divination Class and their Professor tasked them to do Water Scrying. They were to look in the bowl with water in it and wrote down their observations.

“Hello Professor,” a voice suddenly spoke. She looked around and saw a handsome boy smiling sheepishly at the door.

“You are late. Class has already started,” the Professor said. “Go sit beside Miss Castell. There isn’t any more vacant seat.” He added.

“Hey.” The boy said as he sat down beside her. Beezus gave him a sweet smile in reply. Turns out, Divination isn’t too bad after all.

Tazzie 11-05-2011 03:41 PM

84. Angry

“Oi, Beezus’ got a boyfriend…” Dylan, her cousin sang. The boy was actually on the act of annoying her right now because she had accidentally shown him a picture of her and a friend of hers from Hogwarts. The boy on the picture had been holding her hand, thus the teasing.

“Stop!” She snapped at him.

“Beezus is now….” He started singing again.

“I said stop!” She yelled as she pushed him of the chair he was seated on.

“You're angry?” Dylan asked.

With a sigh, Beezus rolled her eyes as she walked away from her cousin who continued singing.

Tazzie 11-06-2011 03:11 AM

15. Room
“And they all lived happily ever after.” Beatrix, her mother read. Beezus snuggled up close to her mother as she closed the storybook and placed it on the bedside table. She had just heard the story of Cinderella, a muggle whose wishes came true and became happy with her Prince.

“Will I have my Prince Charming too Mum?” The little Beezus asked her mother innocently.

“Yes darling.” Her mother said in a hushed voice.

“Really?” And then she yawned. Slowly, her eyes started to close. Leaving her only the sight of a purple and star speckled ceiling inside her room.

Tazzie 11-06-2011 05:51 AM

50. Boggart

“NOOOO !!” Beatrice yelled.Tears dripping from her eyes, making it almost difficult to see anything inside her room.

“Baby, what happened?!” Her Aunt Belinda asked as she ran towards the sobbing Beatrice.

“She’s…she’s…Bambi…” Beatrice stuttered.

“Bambi? Beatrice, Bambi is dead.” Said Belinda while she cupped Beatrice’s face and started wiping the girl’s tears.

“But…Bambi..she was here…” Beezus violently wiped her cheeks with the back of her hand. “There…I saw her.” And she pointed under her bed. “She was covered in blood..”

Her Aunt bent down and looked under her bed, “It was only a boggart, baby.” She told her niece.

Tazzie 11-06-2011 06:38 AM

69. Slap

Friday Nights at the Muggle World meant barbecues. And tonight was Friday which meant that Beatrice, her cousin, Dylan, her Aunt, Belinda and a few other friends were out in the wide backyard. They were laughing, chatting and enjoying.

“Dylan, can I try?” Beezus asked, referring to her cousin’s work which was to watch and grill the barbecue.

“No. You’re too careless.” He answered.

Just then, Beezus slapped his face.

“Why did you do that?!” He commanded.

She shrugged nonchalantly, “There was a mosquito on your cheek.”

Dylan narrowed his eyes and sighed exasperatedly as he watched Beezus walk away.

Tazzie 11-06-2011 01:07 PM

53. Chase

“Hit it, would you?” Dylan said irritably. It was his fifth pitch and Beezus still couldn’t hit the apple he was throwing.

“Alright.” She answered, clutching the broom tightly in hands. Her arrogant cousin had decided to help her train for Quidditch before she attends Hogwarts, yet she wasn’t showing any progress at all.

“Oh, I give up.” Her cousin sighed and flew toward her. “You’re hopeless.” He added and gave her a smirk.

She snorted, poked his head and flew to the other side of the field.


And their supposed to be practice had turned into a chase.

Tazzie 11-06-2011 01:21 PM

1. Herbology
“Gloves, trowel, watering can, fertilizer, and the bouncing bulbs.” She muttered while inspecting her needed things before going inside the Student Garden to do their assignment. She would be planting the bouncing bulbs tonight.

“That looks fine now,” Beatrice said, referring to the hole that she dug in the loose soil.

She then approached the container with bouncing bulbs inside. And as she took one out, it slipped from her hands and bounced off to the top of her head.

“Come back!” She called out. But the crop continued to bounce and bounce and bounce and bounce.

“Bouncing bulb crop!”

Tazzie 11-06-2011 03:16 PM

73. Warn
“I warn you Bambi. Not that one.” Beezus said, glaring at her sister.

“Why Beezus? It’s not yours.” Her sister said in reply. “It doesn’t have your name on it.”

“I don’t care. Just don’t touch it.”

“But I also love Pumpkin Muffin!” Bambi insisted.

“I said no.” But Bambi was fast and the little girl had grabbed the muffin even before Beezus could do anything.

“Bambi, no!” Too late. Bambi already ate the muffin and after a minute, a pair of antlers grew on her head.

Beezus sighed, “See? I warned you. That was supposed to be for Dylan.”

Tazzie 11-06-2011 04:54 PM

100. Homework
“Hey Bee, have you answered our Homework in Muggle Studies yet?” Her best friend asked, sitting at the edge of her bed inside their Dormitory.

“Not yet.” She answered as she took off her socks. “I don’t even know what our Homework is.”

Her best friend giggled all of a sudden. “Oh, then you should read the set of questions.” She said, thrusting her own parchment with the list of questions on it to Beezus.

“Who is your crush inside the school and why? Can be a student or Professor as long as of the opposite gender.” Beezus read.


Tazzie 11-08-2011 03:21 PM

83. Fearful
“Mum, where are you going?” Beezus asked, her heart racing as she watched her mother sprint to the door and hurriedly put on her coat with a much shaken expression.

Beatrix approached her, grasped her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “I’ll just be fetching Daddy from work.” Her mother brushed the hair off her face. “Take care of Bambi, okay?”

“Yes.” She answered shortly, bewildered.

As her mother left, she turned on the television and saw a report about a burning hospital. The same hospital that her father works.

Then a thought struck her, could her Father be inside?

Tazzie 11-09-2011 03:33 PM

60. Joke
It was a cold winter afternoon. Beatrice and Erin can be found inside the school library rummaging through the huge pile of books to prepare for their exams.

“Bee!” Erin suddenly squealed.

She looked up from the book she was reading and gave her friend an inquiring stare.

“Did you know that Quidditch matches will be cancelled and the Cup would just be given to Slytherin?”

Beezus instantly rose to her feet, “What?!” She exclaimed.

Erin laughed.

“What’s funny?” asked Beezus.

“Oh, chill. I was joking!” Her friend responded.

Beezus pouted as she retook her seat while Erin kept laughing.

Tazzie 11-28-2011 11:52 AM

75. Yodel
Beatrice walked down into the Hogwarts Grounds with a very pleasant mood, she was even yodeling as she went. The flowers that she had passed also seem to join in on her yodeling session which made that warm spring day even more marvelous. The refreshing rays of light from the sun penetrated amiably into her forehead while she looked up at the blue skies and at the same time taking light steps closer into the Small Waterfall.

“It’s such a fine---” She started and.. BLAM! Beatrice slipped.

“ what happens..when you walk while yodeling.” She groaned, massaging her hips.

Tazzie 11-29-2011 12:59 PM

19. Wand
Chocolate was never her choice of flavor. But her mother exceptionally liked it and because it was her birthday, she decided to bake a cake that was made from her mother’s preference.

“A cake!” Dylan, her cousin exclaimed as he came rushing into the kitchen.

“Yes it is.” Beezus replied, placing the baking pan with the cake inside on the table.

“But..Beezus,” Dylan said with a confused look. “It’s heart-shaped.” Then he looked at her. “Does that mean you’re a girl?”

Beatrice gave one surprised look which turned into a glare, picked up her wand and pointed it towards Dylan.

Tazzie 12-11-2011 07:39 AM

23. Telescope
“Come on Beezus,” Mordred said, pulling her towards the telescope. They were at the Observatory to watch a meteor shower.

“Alright.” She whisked the boy’s arm that was pulling hers. She hadn’t really intended that they be together that time, but given the circumstances, she really didn’t have any choice. Besides, they were good friends now.

Beezus moved away from the telescope and urged the Slytherin boy to take a look on it. Then she looked up at the dark sky and started singing, “Catch a falling star and..”

“Are you reciting a poem?” Mordred asked irritably with a smirk.

Tazzie 12-21-2011 01:01 PM

10. Arithmancy
“I’ll give you ten minutes to answer that problem.” Said Professor Josephina Hadley, their Arithmancy Professor.

Beatrice was hopeless when it comes to numbers so she always needs help when they’re tasked to do Arithmancy calculations and one person who’s always there to help her was Kurumi.

“Uhm..Kurumi, how do you get the value of this when the minuend isn’t given?” Beatrice asked the Prefect.

“You need to multiply this by 100, and then add the answer to the sum of these two numbers then subtract it by the value given.”


Merlin help her, she would never understand this!

Tazzie 12-31-2011 09:10 AM

86. Daring

The warm summer breeze touched her face as she tossed the strands of her hair that was covering her eyes away. She looked at the snuggling couples near the shore, such demonstrative creatures.

Beatrice never liked Public Display of Affection and even if she would be stuck in a relationship, not ever would she show it in front of an audience. Hence, her sour expression. Looking at the couples reminds her of some “friends” at school who already likes snogging despite their young ages. And she really had to admit, they were too daring and she was infuriated by it.

Tazzie 12-31-2011 01:44 PM

46. Dungeon
As soon as you set foot on the lowest step of the staircase, you are greeted by the smell of various chemicals. Chemicals that may or may not cause harm to a person’s health status. There’s also the unfamiliar cold rush of wind that seems to be coming from underneath the stone floor. With that, you get goose bumps and certain thoughts would immediately come rushing into your mind, such as ‘How can the Slytherins stand this kind of environment?’

Yes, you’re on your way into the Dungeon. A place like no other where only snakes can bear to linger.

Tazzie 12-31-2011 03:42 PM

94. Allergic
“Hey. Give me some of that.” Beezus demanded, taking a handful of chocolate-coated peanuts from Katie’s hand.

The She-snake snorted but allowed her to get some anyways.

A few hours later, Beatrice’s cheeks began to swell uncontrollably, as if it was inflating and all of a sudden, red spots began to appear all over her face. Not only that, but the veins in her fingers are also appearing in broad daylight! That was because of the peanuts! It had chocolate which she was allergic to.

“Erm...Taz, don’t you think that’s too much for an allergic reaction?”

“You think so?”

Tazzie 01-01-2012 06:04 AM

52. Bore
Yawn. Beezus gave out a big yawn as she rested her head on her knees. This was one boring, cold night. The common room was already starting to get quieter as her fellow Eagles started to get ready for bed. Unlike her, who was seemingly not in the mood to rest.

She looked at the thousands of books carefully piled on the shelves around her. Maybe she could find one that teaches a spell that prevents human boredom or perhaps one that would teach her how to make a spider web flavored ice cream.

“Boredom sure makes me think nonsense.”

Tazzie 01-01-2012 06:16 AM

42. Portraits
“Are you saying that it's really true?” Beatrice gave her cousin a brow raise.

“Of course.” The boy answered, and then he dramatically swished his head, giving the children around him a scary look.

“They say that when midnight strikes and you are looking at the mirror while there is a portrait of someone dead behind you…then…” He allowed the last word to remain hanging which ignited more frightened shouts and squeals from the children. “Then….”

“Oh, don’t you think that’s just too dramatic?” Beatrice insisted.

“Beezus! This story’s for children so would you kindly slip away?"

“Pfft.” She snorted.

Tazzie 01-01-2012 06:32 AM

63. Mooch
“Presents!” Beezus shouted happily as she neared the white Christmas tree where presents for everyone in their family are placed.

“What’s this? A baseball cap?” Dylan, her cousin inquired as he started opening one of his presents. He seems not too happy about it though, he was hoping somebody would actually give him a new cellphone, a sort of communication device in the Muggle world.

She on the other hand opened hers and found out that it was a new broomstick! Just exactly what she was hoping to get!

“Now that’s a mooch.” Dylan commented bitterly upon seeing her present.

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