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100 Drabbles for A Music Lover- Sa 13+ Made by Kat (Holmesian Feline) Hey, guys! :hello: I'm Alicia. These Drabbles are about my Snitchseeker charrie Aditya Rehman also known as Adi. He along with his family are the only persons I own. Anyone else mentioned, will be noted down. I hope you enjoy these drabbles! :x3: Disclaimer: All characters from the Harry Potter Universe are owned by Our one and only Queen, Ms. JK Rowling :loved: Mentioned Charries: Ira Banner (Ollivander's employee)- Tegz Annabeth Glasswall- IvanaR Dylan Callaghan (Scribbulus kid)- Rupert-Grint-Fan Minerva Wheatborn- Bazinga Ariel Bride- Zoom Kace Lecium- hpfan18 Tessa A Hart- TheDoctor Cuthbert Mordaunt- SlytherinSistah Professor Lafay- Droo Hannah Lockwood- PhoenixStar Archer B. Blevins (Pet Adoption assistant)-Destiny Professor R French- Professor R French Alec Summers- hermionesclone Benjamin Atreyu & Conrad- Holmesian Feline Sander Strand- FireboltAvis88 Sophie Newell- Anna Banana Angel Valentine- Harry173 Aubrey "AJ" Valentine- PhoenixStar Mr Kitridge- Nordic Witch Professor Thompson- Charely Potter Professor Morgan- Bazinga Pips- Pips Professor Culloden- StarShine Agatha Hapgood- Hey Ju Henric Nicolei- Symphora Marsha Hanover- stormdancer Ilia Valke- VRSCIKA Larissa Mikos- DinosaursOnASpaceship Lux Carrington- Squishy SPOILER!!: The Prompts! Adi was so excited for his new wand! At Ollivander’s , he was tended to by a man who liked to answer his questions with one word. But he was very helpful! The first wand Adi tried was a total disaster. When he waved it, boxes of wand jumped off the shelves. The second wand splintered a chair’s legs. The third wand fixed the problems caused by the first two, though. His new wand… 10 2/3 inch robust Hazel, Hippogriff feather core. It can also detect water underground by emitting tear shaped puffs of smoke. This wand is totally cool! |
At the North End of the platform, waiting for the train to arrive for his first ride to Hogwarts, Adi kept dodging students from all directions. Only one thing was on his mind: Be careful! If he wasn’t, the excited students would surely crash into him with their trunk and animal cages. Even as he kept chatting with Anna, Adi had to keep a sharp eye out. “Are these people blind?’’ he kept asking himself. Maybe magic did something to the eyes. He hoped the train would arrive soon so he did not have to worry about being careful anymore. |
It was great day and Adi was in a good mood. At Scribbulus, he was amazed at the bottles of ink zooming around from shelf to shelf. Laughing at the sheer sight of it all, he excitedly followed one of the bottles. But he was not watching where he had been going and crashed into a kid his age. Adi laughed at the sight of the kid’s ink splattered face but then apologised. The kid, who had zero of humour got angry, grabbed an ink bottle and threw ink on Adi’s face and hair. Adi had never been so vexed. |
Adi was nervous for the Sorting. He didn’t know why; it wasn’t like he had to do some sort of test. He watched as the students before him were Sorted and soon it was his turn to try on the Sorting Hat. Now, his nerves had ebbed away and he was feeling excited at the prospect of finding out his House. The Hat spoke in his head, describing all his qualities while the eleven year old listened, fascinated and also impatient. Finally, the Hat made its decision and shouted it out, the one word echoing through the Great Hall: HUFFLEPUFF! |
The Hufflepuff common room was full of people! Badgers! Badgers were everywhere! Adi wondered what was going on. That was, until he saw cake and fooooood! It was a party! Awesome! But celebrating what? He found Min the Prefect who explained to him they were celebrating the birthdays of the September born Puffers. Adi thought it was quite a brilliant idea. The common room got really, really busy in no time, with Puffers chattering and eating and there even was a sulky person and their Head of House. Adi could not think of a better place to hold a party! |
It was time for some pajama fun! The prefects had organised an event where the students can don their Pajamas and hang out. Adi wore one of his favourites- his Batman PJ! He had no difficulty in selecting it; after reading the notice for the event, his thoughts almost instantly flashed to that PJ. At the event, Adi hung out with Ariel where the two made a stuffed Hippogriff and Unicorn respectively. At the Bonfire, he and Kace chatted while they filled their stomachs with hot chocolate, pickles, sandwiches and of course, s’mores! It was the best Pajama party ever! |
Adi had not been expecting the telescopes in the Astronomy Tower to be so dusty! It was if they had been locked away for ages and someone had tossed away the key. They were coated with layers of dirt and grime. But, he’d be needing one for his Scavenger Hunt so he needed to get one cleaned thoroughly. So the boy got to work, cleaning one of the scopes the muggle way- by hand. Not that he minded. He feared he might break something if he used magic. Repeatedly, Adi shined and polished the scope until it was shiny again! |
Adi was chatting with the chatterbox Tess whom he had just met in Diagon Alley while they nommed on sandwiches. Tess had never tried avocado on a sandwich so Adi offered to share. It was a huge mistake. Tess started to loose focus and began gasping for breath. Adi was in a panic but managed to keep his head and hurried off to find an adult. He literally ran into a man but he didn’t mind. It was an adult, right? He grabbed the man’s arm and hurried him to Tessa. It turned out she was seriously allergic to avocado. |
Adi was very fascinated by Thestrals. He thought they were so because they could only be seen by those who have seen someone die. He had no idea something like that was entirely possible until his mother told him about them. She told him that they pulled the carriages at Hogwarts. Adi figured that the carriages would look weird since they would look as if they were pulling themselves. However, Adi would not be seeing these weird carriages for a while as he made his way to the Castle via the Lake. But he’d see those fascinating carriages… sometime soon! |
It was his first time using a Portkey and Adi was rather excited. For the Wandlore Seminar’s trip to the Forrest of Dean, he partnered up with a young Slytherin named Cutty. The two were given an old high heeled shoe as their Portkey. He had no idea what to expect he found it to be quite an awesome and fun way to travel the moment his feet left the ground. It was as if he were being hurtled towards another dimension at maximum speed. What a rush he felt! It was definitely one of Adi’s favourite ways to travel. |
Adi for the first time got a close look at the Whomping Willow when he decided to complete his Potions homework in its vicinity. Obviously he did not get too close to it for two reasons: One being he did not want to be one of the Tree’s victims and two, he did not want the Groundskeeper or any of the Professors yelling at him. He wondered if it had a brain of its own, unlikely as it seemed. Adi did think the tree was a cool one because let’s face it, were there other trees that enjoyed whacking people? |
It was time for Adi’s second Potions lesson! When he got to class, besides Professor Lafay he noticed a cat. No but wait. A closer look he could see differences. It wasn’t a cat but a Kneazle! He could tell because its ears were larger and the tail was different. It was his first encounter with a creature of its kind but he did recognise it because he had read about them in a few books which had pictures, thankfully. Adi really wanted to pet the Professor’s kneazle but somehow figured she would not be cool with him doing that. |
A dictionary. Yep, that’s what Dylan needed. Every time Adi thought about the incident at Scribbulus it made him super mad. Causing that ink splatter on the other kid’s face had been a complete accident and he had at once apologized. Okay, he did so after laughing a bit because let’s face it. Dylan did look a lot funny. However, it seemed Dylan did not know the meaning of “sorry”. Adi suggested him getting a dictionary but that aggravated the other boy even more for he grabbed a bottle of ink and splashed its contents onto Adi’s hair and face. |
Hannah continued to warn Adi about him following her around. But Adi wasn’t scared plus he was stubborn so he continued to ignore the girl’s warnings. Besides, what was the worse she could do? Hex him? Or perhaps a curse? He was pretty confident that she would do no such thing to him unless she wanted to get into trouble. And he was sure that she didn’t want to. So the boy continued to follow her whenever he could. During Muggle Studies and even for a bit at the Dungeon corridors. He could not resist. It was too much fun. |
Adi was tasked with going into the Forbidden Forest to complete the scavenger hunt for Astronomy. Needless to say the boy was scared. He decided he didn’t want to spend more time than necessary so he hurriedly set up his telescope and began his search of the sky for the star or constellation. It seemed to be taking forever to find it and he really wanted to get out of the Forest for he kept hearing weird sounds. Suddenly, he heard a loud hoot and he jumped. He found it was only the hoot of an owl that startled him. |
Adi had never felt so much anger towards anyone. It felt like he was beyond angry at Hannah right then for she had hexed him. He was now the owner of a mouth that totally lacked teeth. Blinking away his tears of frustration, the angry first year marched over to the Slytherin girl and as best as he could demanded his teeth back. Since he couldn’t speak he made use of hand gestures. Finally, after some time he got his teeth back but that did nothing to reduce his anger. So instead, the boy turned and walked away from Hannah. |
Adi wanted to adopt a pet though he wasn’t sure what he wanted. But as soon as he laid his eyes on the cherry croaking toads, he knew he had to have one. He managed to convince his somewhat reluctant mother to let him get one and not long after, Adi happily filled out an application. He was approved in no time by the assistant and received a greenish and brown toad with enormous eyes named Gus. Gus was happily croaking away and Adi was told his two year old toad had a hidden talent- It could croak the alphabet! |
Adi had high expectations about Arithmancy. Sadly, they were dashed when he met Professor French during his very first Arithmancy lesson. The boy quickly formed an opinion of the man being sort of crazy and absentminded. Since when was this Jermey guy the founder of Gryffindor House? Despite his scepticism about the man actually knowing anything about the subject, Adi had to admit he did have fun with the lessons particularly the one where they used beards. But he seriously hoped Professor Wack-a-Doodle, as he referred to the man in his head, would not stick around for the next term. |
Adi had to practice the Shield Charm as part of DADA homework. The spell was posing a great deal of challenge to him though. He had partnered with Alec, which was lucky for Adi because the older boy was rather patient with him. Alec suggested Adi pretend he was a Superhero and Alec was a villain in order to motivate him. He also was given the advice to shout the spell’s incantation since that helps in putting more emphasis on it. Adi did just that! In no time and with Alec’s great tips, he was able to master the spell. |
Socks had been the cause of Adi being frantic the night before he was to board the Hogwarts Express for the start of his second year. He had gotten everything pack when he had suddenly remembered about them but he could not find them anywhere. He searched, even getting his mother to help. He unpacked his trunk, strewing his books, clothing and other stuff all over his bedroom floor and bed. Still no socks. He was about to give up when he inspiration struck. Why not check under the bed? Sure enough, there they were, his three pairs of socks. |
Conrad the owl was as quiet as his owner, Benjamin. When Adi met the two at Platform 9 3/4, the owl wasn’t one who joined in with the rest of owls in hooting the place down. Conrad perched quietly in his cage listening as Adi blabbered to him. Still the owl remained quiet as if sizing Adi up. The boy introduced his toad, Gus. Conrad seemed unsure of what to make of Gus, too for he was still quiet. After some coaxing from Benjamin, Conrad moved towards Adi and Gus and hooted. Adi figured that meant they could be fiends. |
Adi was rather abruptly called away from his Mathematics class in fourth grade by the Headmaster of his Primary school. With palms cold and sweaty he reluctantly left the classroom as his classmates’ curious eyes followed him out the door. As the Headmaster ushered him into his office, Adi’s thoughts ran over the event of yesterday. All he did was smash a window when he was showing a kid how to bat properly. But the funny thing was, he wasn’t in trouble. The Headmaster actually wanted him to join the school’s cricket team! Not what he expected, but Adi accepted. |
Adi didn’t pay much attention about what was happening around him during the chaos in Astronomy class until he spotted the silvery glow that turned out to be a Patronus. A stag to be exact. He was very much impressed as he had never seen a real Patronus. The second year found out it was his friend Sander who cast it. He watched with interest as the Patronus galloped out of the classroom with a message for the Headmistress. His mind focused on the Stag, he wondered what form his Patronus would take. Maybe Sander can start giving him lessons. |
Sweets! Sweets everywhere! It was Adi’s final year at Muggle school and it was therefore his final Christmas party there as well. In addition to the usual food, there was a table laden with sweets! Adi was in heaven! He had recently developed a sweet tooth to which his mother objected to with a relish. But Adi didn’t care. He was a kid and which kid didn’t love sweets? He approached the table. He was going to have a bit of everything! Gummy worms, M&Ms, Mars Bars and loads of other chocolatey stuff. The latter were his favourite. Sweets ruled! |
Made by Kat (Holmesian Feline) Benjamin is Adi’s best friend. Benny or The Dragon, as he liked to refer to him, was a quiet dude. The two fist met at Platform 9 ¾ at the start of their second year and over the course of the next few months, they became fast friends often partnering in class or to do homework. Adi only wished that the Dragon would speak more as he often found himself talking more. One thing Adi considered doing is brewing the Babbling Beverage and slipping it to Benny. He decided if Benny doesn’t speak more soon, he just might do that. |
Adi loved the Muggle world. Not only because he had been brought up in it all his childhood but because he thought Muggles were awesome! He had a lot more Muggle friends than he had wizarding. His first crush had been a pretty muggle girl who lived next to him. His closest friends, who also had been a part of his school’s cricket team were all muggles. Plus his dad and his family were all Muggles. So, yes, Muggles weren’t as bad as some thought. They should be respected because they went about without having magic to solve their problems. |
Made by Holmesian Feline Cars were something that held Adi’s interest. Especially the older models and particularly the Ford Anglia. His obsession all started with that car when he read about Arthur Weasley’s enchanted Anglia. Adi had done a bit of research online and found out that only about a million and a half were made before they were replaced by another car. What a pity that was. But on the bright side, it had become a classic. But the boy now wanted to become a collector of Ford Anglia. Hmmm. Aditya Rehman, collector of strictly Ford Anglias. That sounded pretty good to him! |
It had been the Quidditch match match Adi had been looking forward to for two reasons. The first being it was Hufflepuff House that was playing and the second being his best friend, Benny was making his debut on the Gryffindor team as a Beater. Would Adi be in a dilemma as to whom he would be supporting? Of course not. He fully supported his House’s team as much as he supported Benny. Even if Benny did some damage to Puffer team members. It was double fun to watch that match and in the end, it was Hufflepuff that won. |
Adi was now fast asleep with his head propped up against the side of his bed in his dorm. He was sitting crossed legged on the floor doing the extra credit part of the History of Magic homework when he had unexpectedly dozed off. In his left hand, he was still clutching his pencil that he was using to draw his amulet which he had created earlier. Suddenly his head lolled forward and his eyes flashed open. Yawning, he looked at his scattered books around him. Though it could be boring at times, Hogwarts homework was better than Muggle homework. |
Though it wasn’t a kiss on the lips, it was the first time Adi had kissed a girl. Truthfully, he had not planned it at all. It just happened, like a reflex. It was Valentine’s Day and he had met up with Sophie at the Ball who happened to be his Valentine and date. Adi had just given her the present he had gotten her when an impulse took over causing him to lean forward and plant the kiss on her cheek. The Puffer felt awkward afterwards and was red in the face but he thought it was worth it. |
It had been that time again at his Muggle school. The time of the year where a class did a play for the annual fund raiser and unfortunately it was Adi’s class’s turn. He was not happy about it as putting on an act had never been his thing. Adi got the part of an evil dragon which liked to steal various shiny things from villagers and hoarded them. Truthfully, he enjoyed every bit of the play. His teacher praised him on his acting abilities which he then knew weren’t so bad. Hey, maybe he could be an actor someday. |
Tired. Adi was super tired and in need of a very much deserved nap. He had just returned from a Transfiguration lesson which involved him getting away from an Acromantula, though it wasn’t a real one, thank Merlin- then he had to swing across a ravine on a rope and finally paddle a boat across a swamp. Of course being caught in the aging disaster didn’t help. His arms felt as if they would fall off at any moment and his feet hurt like crazy. So yes, Adi had collapsed onto his bed, taking a nap before his next class. |
Cheerful is something Adi always was. That was, until that silly aging ailment came along in his second year at Hogwarts. Adi found himself slowly turning into a grumpy old boy, being annoyed about every little thing; from dropping quills on the floor, forgetting where he left his books but mostly he was grumpy because of the slowness that came with the mysterious aging. Slow was definitely not his thing as it took him AGES to get to and from classes. But, the Puffer decided he wasn’t going to let that hold him back. He was going to be cheerful! |
It was that time again. It was time to cram everything into the trunk as Adi’s second year at Hogwarts came to an end. Two years seemed to have practically flown by but the contents of his trunk seem to grow ever so much. And for that reason it was why he was having trouble closing his trunk. As a last resort, he even climbed onto the lid to try to get it to shut but that didn’t work either. Grumbling to himself and after much rearrangement of his belongings, Adi finally got the trunk’s lid to shut properly. Whew! |
Pace. Yes, Adi must pace nervously right now in his room for that result from his last Math test was almost out. Well, it would be out the next day but he felt as though it might be out any minute. Adi was sure he did terribly as he had not done much studying for the test. His mother was going to be super mad at him for failing. His dad…well, he was more understanding. Then the results came out and what do you know? Adi passed! He passed by three marks but still, he would take that over failing. |
It was almost his tenth birthday and Adi was looking forward to receiving that one present- a racing bike. His parents knew he wanted one more than ever since the previous year. On the morning of his birthday, he sprinted down to the living room and there it was- a shiny, new, red racing bike! There were other presents nestled on the floor around the it but the ten year old paid no attention to them as he hurried to examine his bike closely. He grinned widely. His parents knew exactly what he wanted. This was the best present ever! |
Being ignored was not a good feeling. Why would one of his oldest friend from Primary School ignore him? Adi came back from his first year at Hogwarts to find that happening. When he tried to get an explanation from his friend, he was ignored even further. After much pestering by Adi, the other boy finally admitted that it was because Adi went off to “some foreign school” without so much as a goodbye. Adi felt guilty because it was true he had left without saying farewell. But in the end, the two became good friends again, all hostility gone. |
It was a stubborn knot. Adi stared down at his right sneaker in frustration. It seemed unlikely that he would ever be able to untie the complicated knot he had mistakenly tied. He continued to tug on the laces, hoping it would come loose but it remained stubborn. Ugh! This is what he got when he didn’t bother to tie the laces properly and instead just hurriedly did some random knots because he was too busy concentrating on the cricket match. But in his defense, it was an important match. So now, he’d just have to deal with his mistake. |
Adi was daring enough to do this! He was going to brew the Babbling Beverage and somehow slip it into his best friend’s pumpkin juice. Benny must speak more even if it meant that nonsense was going to come out of his mouth. Adi was doing this also just for his amusement because really, who would not want to get a first hand view of the effects of the Potion? The Puffer couldn’t help but wonder if Benny would get angry at him...it was the main reason his plan was so daring. But it was a risk he would take. |
What Adi felt he needed right now was a Pensieve. So many thoughts were in his head and making him feel like he was about to go insane at any moment. What were these thoughts about? The usual stuff: homework, classes and so on but the prominent one was about Angel and Benny. Adi was jealous and annoyed at Angel for hanging out so much with his best friend. He felt Benny had no more time for him. He told no one about this and hence it was all trapped in his head. Now, where could he get a Pensieve? |
Was it possible to die of boredom? Adi was finding his cricket coach quite a bore right now. The man was droning on and on about strategies for their upcoming match against another cricket club. The fact that it was 9 AM did not help one bit. Adi was still sleepy as he had to be up early that morning. Adi tried to yawn discreetly behind his hands but his coach caught him. “Sleep is for the weak, Rehman! Look alive!’’ The boy jumped and forgot about his yawn. Ugh! It was back to being bore out of his wits. |
Adi likes to joke around. He loves saying silly stuff but worries about saying something to someone who doesn’t have a sense of humour and ends up hurting their feelings. But all that changed when he met AJ. She was just as much of a jokester as he was. The best part was she never got offended at any joke he made. She always has a smart and ingenious comeback that in turn never offends Adi. They’re a well matched pair when it comes to jokes and sarcasm. It’s great to have a friend with a great sense of humour. |
Hogsmeade was one of the best places to visit anytime in Adi’s opinion. The place seemed to have everything especially if you’re looking for candy. It was no surprise his favourite shop there was Honeydukes. If he were allowed, he knew for sure he would choose to live there. So many candies to choose from! Adi wished he could just buy everything in there. Another favourite place of his in Hogsmeade is The three Broomsticks. Could he purchase every bottle of the delicious beverage that was called Butterbeer? Yep, Hogsmeade was certainly an awesome place to hang out when bored. |
His and AJ’s friendship had changed the moment she said those words at the Lake. The awkward was thick in the air and Adi knew that he didn’t feel the same way about her. Was it okay to say he was worried about their friendship? Fearful, even? After Benny, AJ was his next closest friend. Adi missed hanging out with her and the two of them cracking jokes. He needed to talk to her but decided to give it a bit more time so all the uncomfortable feelings would blow off. But he was confidents things would be normal soon. |
Adi wished he owned a timeturner. Why? Because Mr Kitridge and Professor Thompson apparently decided it was cool to hold the Book Club meeting and the Care of Magical Creatures meeting at the same time. So, the boy had to make a choice which was a tough one. The first meeting was going to be dealing with one of his favourite book- Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them. Care of Magical Creatures was his favourite subject. In the end, Adi chose the Book Club because he figured it wasn’t often he got into a discussion about his favourite book. |
What really was depression? That was something Adi often wondered. He was most times if not all the time full of energy and cheerfulness. Depression looked pretty bad and really, he was sorry for those who suffered from it. He loved going through each day feeling happy and that is why the boy tried to let nothing or anyone bother him, if he could help it. But he also knew sometimes it couldn’t be helped. Adi wished the world could just cure depression with a couple of smiles. Wouldn’t that be something cool? There would be only happy people then! |
Adi sure could not get enough of the delicious stuff that was chocolate. He liked any type or whatever shape they came in but his favourite was definitely Chocolate Frogs. He seemed to have gotten addicted to them this past term and often he can be seen biting a Frog’s head off. He even found that he could motivate himself to complete homework when he decided to reward himself with one or two or even three afterwards. He knew he should be wary of all the chocolate he was consuming but who could help it? The stuff was surely addictive. |
Things had changed with regards to Adi’s feelings for Divination. In his first year, he detested the subject because he figured it was all made up. But now in his third year, he found himself actually enjoying it. He knew Professor Morgan and her teaching methods had to a lot to do with that but during the last lesson, he had found out that some of the interpretations about him that he had arrived at using his birth chart were true. This perplexed Adi as he always believed the subject to be opinionated but who knew some truth lurked there? |
House Elf watching had becoming one of Adi’s favourite things to do. He found that out when he would visit the Kitchen for a snack. Imagine his delight when he found out that a few would be helping out during the second Divination of the term. He particularly like the elf called Pips. Like Pips himself said, he is a good House elf. Pips refilled the students’ cups with hot chocolate as the other elves either cleaned or helped with ingredients the students were to use for baking. Adi decided that House elves were one of his favourite magical creatures. |
It was bad. Really bad. There was a nasty gash on Adi’s left knee. Blame it on the piece of sharp wood he had fallen on. The pain was intense and the ooze of blood made it even worse to look at. Adi gritted his teeth, grabbed the cricket ball he had been after and limped back to his team mates. That’s the game of cricket for you. Loads of injuries and this was probably Adi’s worst yet. He got the wound cleaned, managed to stem the ooze and get back into the game. A “little scratch” wouldn’t stop him. |
Adi was starting to enjoy those friendly duels he had now grown accustomed to having every term with his friends in the Dueling Arena. He found that a duel against Benny or even one against AJ was the best. Benny was just as good or perhaps even better at it than he was. AJ, despite being two years younger than him, wasn’t to be underestimated. Although these duels were fun, Adi wondered how he would do in a real one if the need should arise. Meh. He would just have to trust that the friendly duels would have paid off. |
In the past, Adi could not ever remember being more addicted to sugary stuff as he was now. Sure he adored ice cream, chocolatey stuff and gum ever since he was a kid. But now? That adoration has soared to a new height. Admittedly, at first it kind of bothered him but not anymore! That was all in the past. Sugary stuff were awesome and he could not go a day without eating at least one Chocolate Frog. He even had a handy stash for whenever he was home and one in his dorm at Hogwarts for late night studies. |
Whenever Adi was away from Hogwarts and he missed the ancient Castle with the moving stairways, the huge number of classrooms and talking portraits, he would pick up his copy of Hogwarts, A History and have a nice, long read. He read the book so many times since he had first gotten it a couple of years ago that he almost knew the words printed on each page by heart. Adi never got bored of the book, instead it made him feel rather knowledgeable about Hogwarts. Plus it always made him feel like he was actually back there, wandering about. |
Adi had been looking forward to the Start of Term Feast more than usual for two reasons. One, he missed Hogwarts and two, he was a Hufflepuff Prefect. Little did he know that he was going to be tested as a Prefect both before and during the Feast. After all the events took place, Adi began to feel he wasn’t fit to be a prefect and became sad, which was unusual for him. Luckily, AJ took it upon herself to come cheer him up. Soon, he was laughing and joking again. Thanks to AJ, he could have enjoyed the Feast. |
Ever since Adi found out about Boggarts, he wondered what his would be. Recently he stopped wondering for he found the answer. His Boggart would definitely be a life without his two best friends, AJ and Benny. He just couldn’t picture himself alone without those two. Joking with AJ or teasing Benny about Angel or just hanging out with them was something he was used to. Of course, his feelings of insecurity (which had somewhat grown this year) didn’t help even though he tried to shake them off. But Adi would have to think positively, right? That would be best. |
Dragonhide gloves were important not only In Herbology but apparently also in Potions. During their first lesson of the term, Professor Culloden made using the gloves one of the options to keep ingredients clean. Adi opted to use gloves but the thing was, he forgot to use them at first. Why? Because Benny had distracted him by acting strangely and unusually happy. Adi had no idea how he managed to not make a mistake with the Potion but forgot about the gloves. It was a good thing Cosgrach hadn’t noticed otherwise Adi would have had to start all over again. |
A Staircase wasn’t that bad if you don’t trip down it. But they would be a whole lot better if they didn’t move. Despite spending so long at Hogwarts, Adi never quite got used to the moving staircases. Sometimes when he was using them, they would shift unexpectedly causing the poor boy to grab onto the sides for balance. Other times they would shift just as he was about to place a foot on a stair in front of him and that was scary because he would narrowly escape a nasty tumble. The advantages and disadvantages of those moving staircases… |
Chasing after fairies was no easy task. Darn, were those little creatures super fast! Adi had once again partnered up with Benny in Care of Magical Creatures to catch them in jars. At first he had no problem freezing one for an easy capture for Benny but the second fairy? It was a cheeky and mischievous, he could tell by the way it danced in front of his face and stared at him as if daring the boy to catch it. After giving chase to the fairy and multiple attempts at the Freezing Charm, Adi finally managed to stop it. |
Adi just had to egg on his fairies. It was a race after all. “YOU CAN DO IT!’’ he shouted to the two tiny creatures which were racing with Benny’s. One of his was neck to neck with his friend’s. “Go, go, go!’’ The little fairies were racing their hearts out and it was so close! But at the last moment, one of Benny’s pulled ahead, winning the race. “Well done,’’ the boy complemented his two and even Benny’s as well. They had all worked hard but in the end it was Cheeky, the not so sociable fairy that won. |
Angel Valentine was the crazy, hyper and sometimes annoying little sister Adi never had. She always seemed to find it fun to tease him especially about AJ. She also seemed to know him very well despite knowing him for a short time since she figured out that he was crushing on AJ before Adi himself figured it. Angel is super cool and very loyal. Sometimes Adi wonders why she wasn’t Sorted into Hufflepuff. But he supposed all that bravery in her is used for standing up for what’s right. Adi couldn’t have asked for a better and awesome little sister. |
What was one of Adi’s favourite childhood memories? Having a snowball fight with his Muggle friend in his front yard. “Think fast,’’ yelled Adi as he quickly heaved a particularly larger than average snowball at his neighbour and long-time friend Divya. Unfortunately for her and fortunately for him, she was too slow. The snowball crashed onto her shoulder. Laughing, Adi ducked behind a tree. Divya was not going to get her revenge. Or so he thought. “Hey, Adi!’’ Adi turned at the sound of his friend’s voice. Without hesitation, she tossed a snowball at him. SPLAT! Right on his face. |
Adi was thinking about his future. Now that he had been recommended by Professor Culloden to the Most Extraordinary Society of Potioneers, he was thinking of taking a career in Potions. O course that was only part time. His mind was totally set on becoming a Magizoologist but specializing in Hippogriffs. “Having two career options wouldn’t so be bad,’’ Adi thought to himself. “The most important thing would be to balance my time between them.’’ But that would only be needed if he chose to have both careers at the same time. Either way, it was going to be fun! |
Adi was seriously irritated. He lay face down on his bed in the Puffer Boys Dorm. It had been a tough day of exams and though he was still confident he had passed, he was irritated that he had made some silly mistakes when answering a few questions. “Stupid, stupid, stupid,’’ he muttered as he pummeled his pillow with his left fist. He had even been snappish with some of his friends, which wasn’t good. It hadn’t been their fault that he made the mistakes. “I guess I had better go find Benny and the rest and apologise to them.’’ |
“What’s yodelling?’’ nine year old Adi asked his music teacher Mr Pickett curiously. Without really concentrating, he played a poked a few keys on the piano in front of him. An off key melody could be heard. “It’s a variety of singing, Adi,’’ the man explained patiently and attempted to turn Adi’s attention back to the piano. He was not to be distracted, however. “Can you yodel?’’ “Yes.” Adi said nothing but watched Mr Pickett until he sighed and cleared his throat. He began a note in a low pitch then switched to falsetto. “Cool! I want to try, too!’’ |
“I want to be a Hippogriff,’’ Adi announced to Benny. In return for that statement, Adi got a confused look. “Nothing in the way of you transfiguring me into one like I want to transfigure you into a Dragon. I meant for my Animagus choice,’’ explained the Hufflepuff, already off into a daydream about zipping through the air. “I’d have a nice, shiny brown coat of feathers and those fierce orange eyes. And those wings! Those awesome, huge wings…” “Sounds cool,’’ Benny replied, still watching Adi but now in amusement. “Hippogriff obsessed boy.” “Yep, I am… Dragon obsessed best friend.” |
Adi recited the twelve uses for Dragon blood once more, his eyes occasionally flicking towards his bestie who was studying across the table from him in the Library for OWL exams. If Benny knew how badly Adi wanted to turn him into one of the giant creatures! The Hufflepuff was confident that he would not harm the Gryffindor but poor Benny must be wary of one of Adi’s dearest ambitions. “Draconifors,’’ he muttered. “What?” Benny questioned frowning over his book. “Nothing… Dragon.” Adi had to quell the urge, regretting telling Benny he wouldn’t try the spell on him this year. |
http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/a...ps0db9476f.jpg “Amortentia is the most powerful love Potion in existence. It causes a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker,’’ eleven year old Adi read from one of the potions book he had been given by his mother. “Why would anyone want to be in love?’’ he wondered out loud to himself and his eyes flicked towards the posters of his favourite cricketers on his bedroom wall. “Cricket and music is all you need.” Love was quite boring to him. Little did the soon to be Hufflepuff know that he would be falling for AJ Valentine in a few years’ time. |
“I am NOT a chicken!” nine year old Adi told his friends hotly. But to be honest, he was nervous to go own up to his neighbour, grump old Mr. Barry. This was the second time in one week he had accidentally smashed two of the man’s windows with a cricket ball. The first time he had shouted so badly at Adi. It wasn’t Adi’s fault he could hit a ball that good. “Then go own up,’’ Divya stated calmly. “Your parents will just have to pay for the damages again.” “I am going,’’ Adi shot back with determination . |
SLAP! Adi didn’t even have time to react until Agatha’s hand had met his cheek. She was that fast. The sound of the slap echoed in his ear while his cheek stung. He was NOT expecting that! Instinctively he reached for a wand, for a moment intending to hex the Slytherin girl. “You don’t hex girls,’’ his brain said. But he continued to look coldly at Agatha. What was her problem? She didn’t like receiving a taste of her own medicine, did she? Luckily for her, Adi didn’t need to use magic. His two fairies were extracting revenge for him. |
“I don’t like writing with quills,’’ first year Adi complained to no one in particular as he laid on his belly doing his homework in his dorm. Right now he was using a pen even though he had started out with an Eagle feather quill. “Too accustomed to pens and pencils,’’ he continued to mutter as he turned the pages of his Herbology textbook. But what he wanted the most was a Quick Quotes Quill. Then he would never have to write for himself ever again! Little did he know that those quills liked to exaggerate stuff that was said. |
The Portraits of Hogwarts always fascinated Adi. He loved watching the occupants move from one portrait to another. Better yet, he enjoyed talking to them! Such as the one of the woman in the Room of Serenity who was giving him a tip on scrying with the crystal ball. “But it’s always the same disappointment. Maybe I’m just not er… releasing my mind enough?” he said when the woman suggested he must release his mind. That was easier said than done though. But he would take all the tips he could get since OWLs were around the corner after all. |
"I dare you." Those words echoed in Adi’s head. He eyed his best friend and shook his head with a grin. “Well played, Dragon.'' It was a smart move and the perfect way to get rid of his reluctance. Benny knew that Adi would not back down from a dare. What was this dare? Adi had to eat a fly. He took the immobilised fly. "Is it okay if I just swallow this?'' he asked. "Swallowing is acceptable." There was NO WAY Adi was actually going to chew the thing so he popped the fly into his mouth and swallowed. |
The Prefect event of his fifth year reminded Adi of a Yule Ball. Except for the fact that it was not Christmas night nor was there a Triwwizard Tournament in progress. But it was a masquerade Ball so that meant formal dance. “How am I going to find any of my friends?” he mused to one of the Hippogriffs absently at the Carriage Rides as he patted the creature. He could not remember what Benny and AJ would be dressed as thanks to those spells. The Hippogriff tossed its head. “I suppose I can hang out with you instead, pal.’’ |
“Want to be a lepcan for Divya’s party, mama,’’ five year old Adi announced to his mother as he sat on the kitchen counter snacking on a scone covered in a healthy dollop of grape jam. “A what?” Indira Rehman asked curiously. “A lepcan.’’ “I have no idea what that is, Adi.’’ “A lepcan,” the boy tried again. ‘’Dad showed me a picture of one in the book he was reading to me.’’ “He means a leprechaun,’’ Saieed Rehman said with a laugh from the doorway. “That’s a great idea, Adi! You’ll definitely win a prize for the best costume.’’ |
“Having fun?” Adi scowled at his group of friends but especially at his long -time friend. “Watch it, Divya. Next time the ball might not hit a classroom window.’’ He was kidding but he resented the fact that he had to serve detention just because he accidentally smashed ANOTHER window at his primary school. Besides, no one complained about his batting talent when he was playing for the school in tournaments. “Sure, sure.’’ Divya smirked and dodged a well- aimed wad of paper Adi tossed her which instead bounced off of Trevour’s broad forehead. “Missed.’’ “I was aiming for Trevour.’’ |
It was a good thing that Adi was good at Charms. He was having fun levitating Henric from the ground up to the Tree house. "ADI!! Are you mental?!! Put me down this instant!" Henric was shouting at the top of his voice. "Maybe I am.'' The sixth year could not help himself. This was too fun! He moved his wand in a direction, sending his buddy in said direction. He was concentrating fully despite Henric’s epic flailing. "Quit freaking out, will you? Suppose I loose concentration and drop you?'’ Henric wouldn’t be too angry with him for this… right?! |
Adi half hung off his bed on his stomach in his dorm as he rummaged through his trunk. So what if it was close to midnight? It was the perfect time for a quick snack. “Woah! Gus! You startled me!’’ His toad had come hopping out from under the bed, its tongue swatting at flies and other tasty insects around. “Looks like we are snack buddies tonight, Guster.’’ Aha! Licorice wands! Why not save the Chocolate Frogs for tomorrow? Adi flopped onto his back. “Too bad we can’t do magic with these.’’ Never the less, he pointed the wand. “Aguamenti!’’ |
At first, Adi wouldn’t call his and Benny’s situation a fight. It was more of a misunderstanding but that was until he decided to bang his best friend’s shoulder with his elbow. Now it really was a fight since those were the physical kind. "Not sorry about that,'' he muttered as he passed by Benny in the History of Magic classroom. How DARE Benny suggest he was a liar? One thing was sure, when this class over, he would make it clear to the other boy: They were not going to be best friends anymore. That’s what Benny wanted, right? |
“Wouldn’t a Goblin be better for you, Adi?” “No, dad. Goblin scary. They look mean. Lepcan look happy and they have gold!’’ Saieed Rehman laughed as he set down the green top hat on Adi’s bed. They were getting ready for Divya’s costume part tomorrow. The five year old was so excited that he had made his father lay out the entire costume. He was now playing with the fake beard. “Look, dad. I’ve got a hairy face.’’ The happy boy laughed as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. Someday he would have a beard of his own. |
“I bet I can roar louder than you, AJ,’’ Adi told his girlfriend randomly as they hung out together over the summer of 2087. Knowing her, they would surely have a roaring contest and he was determined to win this. He threw back his head so that his hair flopped back to let out a test roar. “RAWWWWWWWR!’’ His head righted back, he grinned at AJ. “How’s that for starters, baby? I would make the best Gryffindor mascot, wouldn’t I?’’ Adi was pleased with that roar. He knew he could do another even better though. Prepare to go down, AJ! |
http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/a...rilfools-1.jpg Adi was up extra early to watch his prank unfold. The large toy spider was dangling above Benny’s head so when he woke up he would get the shock of his life. Then it all happened! “AHHHHhhhh!’’ screamed Benny, sitting up so that he was smacked in the face with the spider then quickly backing away in obvious terror. His bestie on the other hand, was laughing his head off as he snapped pictures with a camera every few seconds to capture the reactions. “This is the best summer yet, isn’t it, Benny? These are definitely going into an album!’’ |
The room had a piano… and a drum kit and an assortment of instruments. Adi loved the fact that he was able to teach Marsha the basics of the piano that day. What an enthusiastic student she was! He taught her hand and finger placements for the notes except A and B. ‘’So where is the a and the b key? if it's a scale, does that mean these two are those keys?’’ Adi was pleased with the question as he pointed out the two keys. The music classroom was one of the best rooms at Hogwarts in his opinion. |
Sitting at the Hufflepuff study table, Adi tried to zone in on the meanings of the Runes he was supposed to be refreshing his mind on. Nope, it wasn’t working. On purpose, he looked towards the bookshelf. Surely there was something more interesting to read. Could it be?! Were those comics?! Yes! There were a few comic books sticking between miscellaneous books. Adi snagged an Avengers one, knowing fully well this was Moxley’s doing. “Thank you, Professor Head of House!’’ What became of his Runes textbook? It lay forgotten on the table with Gus the toad now supposedly reading it. |
Human Transfiguration! No other type of Transfiguration beat this in Adi’s opinion. He seemed to have more luck using it on others rather than himself for some reason. He was eyeing his reflection in the mirror in his dorm on Christmas Eve of 2087. “Seriously?” he questioned himself. “Is a purple, spiky beard a Santa beard?’’ But he had to admit, he did look really good despite the style. But then again, he did look handsome no matter what. “Come on, Adi! Let’s get you a white, flowing beard. What would Bellaire or Beatrice think if you can’t do this?” |
Adi was far, far more concerned about his food as he sat at the Hufflepuff table with Benny. But his friend had other plans apparently. "So how about Herbology next..." Now focused on pouring himself a glass of pumpkin juice, Adi agreed. "Sure. As long as the topic's not manure,'' he joked happily. "Yeah....no manure. Or compost." "No compost, no manure. Sounds good to me.'' The Badger laughed as he wrapped a scone in a napkin for later. Studying worked up HUGE appetites, okay? Also, he had had enough of composts and manure to last him for quite a while. |
“You need to remember to clean your cauldron, Benny,’’ Adi told his boyfriend patiently. He tilted his head. “I expect nothing but an O for your NEWT result in Potions, okay? So that means focusing.’’ Too bad Adi wouldn’t be there to help with the practical but he had confidence in Benny. Being the excellent friend that he had always been, the Hufflepuff vanished the ingredients in Benny’s cauldron. “My Dragon needs to start all over.’’ But don’t worry, he was here to continue keeping an eye on things. Let the brewing of the Draught of Living Death continue! |
“You're supposed to take the cauldron off the fire, Benny!” Adi jumped off from the workstation he had been lounging on to hurry over to the Gryffindor. He managed to pull him away from the cauldron by the hand but not before said Lion was splashed across the arms with the contents from the cauldron. Adi took a look at his friend. "We're supposed to be brewing a CURE not a cause.’’ He indicated to the boils on his boyfriend’s hands and arms. ‘'It’s my fault. I distracted you.’’ Now he needed to re-brew the Cure for Boils. |
Adi was sure his jaw had dropped. Maybe he hadn’t heard right. “No way! You’re part Veela?!’’ How had he not known this? He had never felt the effects of Ilia being a part Veela and he wondered if that was the reason. But then his friend explained that she used runic bangles and Concealment Charms. “Oh… that’s why I’ve never noticed before.’’ He doubted Henric had too otherwise he would have said something surely. The Hufflepuff grinned. “You’re my Veela girl,’’ he said as the surprise sank in. It was from that day on that it became Ilia’s nickname. |
http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/a...anners/ron.jpg Adi had a difficult time refraining from laughing at Benny who was sitting on the counter top of their apartment’s kitchen. All because of a spider… but he did say he would be a hero and save the day. So, out came his Hippogriff feather core wand. The arachnid tried to scurry away as though sensing something bad was about to happen to it but too late! With a faint zap! the spider went still. “The dragon is safe from the mean spider,’’ he teased his boyfriend. Into the thrash went the creature. No spider was messing with his Benny. |
"Incendio." The shriek nearly had him jumping out of his skin. WHUT was going on? Adi's eyes followed Ilia's gaze. AHHH! It was a spider! A mini one but who cared? It still had eight legs! Stupid creepy, crawley thing. But before he could so much as react further, Ilia had come through... by Incendioing the creature. WAAAAAH! GO, ILIA! But... FIYAAAAAH! The tapestry was on fire! "Aguamenti!'' Adi’s wand out in a flash and he was casting the incantation a split second later. Mercifully he had gotten to take things into control early and the small blaze was outed. |
The Hippogriff and Dragon besties were rarely late to a Magical Creatures class. “I wonder what we’ll be learning about today,’’ mused Benny as he and Adi headed towards the Forest. “Dunno but I hope it’s a super interesting creature,’’ replied Adi as he jumped over some fallen branches, pretending they were twenty times their current size and that he was a Superhero. “Maybe it will be a class observing a Griff and a Dragon together in one habitat.’’ “Don’t they already have one of each of those around everyday?’’ Benny teased. “Oh, yeah! We’re Hogwarts’s resident griff and dragon!’’ |
It was a pity Benny didn’t have a stash of Chocolate Frogs Adi could snag when his own supply ran low. But Sours were not half bad. Benny now had the entire stock of Sour Patch kids now and though he was sharing, the dragon could be protective of his stash. “Need to borrow one of your quills,’’ Adi said casually, leaning closer to Benny with the pretense of getting the writing apparatus during one of their study sessions in the Room of Requirement. “Or maybe a few of these.’’ Grinning, he showed his boyfriend the handful of snagged Kids. |
''Do I look okay?” Adi asked Benny as he turned this way and that before the mirror to check out his new dress robes. The besties and boyfriends would be attending a formal event at their University in Edinburgh. “You make yours really good. It brings out your eyes.’’ Excuse him for wanting to admire Benny. The once Hufflepuff fidgeted with the collar of his robes, smoothing out any creases. “Right. I’m done. I think I’m good now.’’ Staring at the two reflections in the mirror, he said happily, “We’re definitely going to be the best looking couple there.’’ |
Dark. It was really dark in the dungeons but Adi was up for exploring that secret passage. He only wished he had some company. He need not wish too much for someone bumped into him. It was Larissa and she was crying. The Hufflepuff was concerned! "Larissa? What's wrong?'' "J-just...s-stuff." "Wanna talk about the stuff?'' "I'm...sure you wouldn't want to hear about my stupid problems. I....don't...want to be a bother to you." "This Hufflepuff won't think that your problems are stupid today. You found him in a good mood.'' Adi was ALWAYS ready to help his friends whenever he could. |
Blood status didn’t have to matter, right? The recently turned eleven year old asked his dad that after his mother had told him about the four Hogwarts Houses. He was particularly interested in Slytherin and his acceptance of pure blood students. “It doesn’t to everyone,’’ Saieed Rehman. “If it did, your mother wouldn’t have married me.’’ Adi looked from his father to his mother whom was nodding in agreement as she fixed Adi some scones and grape jam. His father had a good point, cementing his belief that blood status should not matter. He was happy being a half blood. |
(For Whitty and Lux. Ali and Adi love you guys lots <3) If there could be a Muggle Studies lesson on Princesses or rather Ariel the Little Mermaid, Lux would in heaven. Adi eyed her as they brushed through their notes from said class for their final exams in the common room. “Next time we go to Diagon Alley, I’ll get you the biggest mermaid balloon and I’ll work some magic so that she’ll have red hair and a green fish tail.’’ He grinned in amusement at the thought though he was serious about doing this now. “Moxley should do a lesson on Ariel just for you, my fat little mermaid sister.’’ |
“Harry Potter just stared at the Snake at the Chamber of Secret’s entrance, imagined it was a real one and just spoke to it in Parseltongue?’’ Eleven year old Adi raised an eyebrow as he sat by the fire in the Hufflepuff common room. Seriously, the stuff imagination was capable of... Did this mean that he could try to do the same? If only he could find a snake scribed somewhere around… but how would he speak the snake language? He didn’t have a clue as to what it sounded like. “I suppose I’ll hiss and hope for the best.’’ |
(My final three drabbles are for Kat (Holmesian Feline), my best friend here on SS & probably in the world. I love you, girl <3) Textbook and other school materials in hand? Check! All Adi needed now was his best friend then they would head up to the Astronomy Tower for their study session. He arrived at the portrait of the Fat Lady expecting Benny to be there waiting for him as they had planned but his lion was missing. “He probably fell asleep,’’ Adi mused. Perhaps Glider the Coyote Patronus could wake him? No matter he couldn’t send a message with his Patronus as yet. Glider’s presence should be enough to wake the boyfriend. “Expecto Patronum! Go get Benny, Glider. Sleeping Beauty time’s over.’’ |
“Wanna help me with my patronus?” Benny asked. “I'd really like to! It’s about time you're able to cast one,’’ was Adi’s reply. “Yeah...certainly got enough happy memories to work with.’’ “Which memory are you going to use? Maybe the dragon one?” But not even that memory of being a dragon helped much and the memory had to be switched. “Expecto patronum!!’’ “Look! Legs! Your patronus is four legged like mine, Benny.’’ He looked back at his boyfriend, noticing the he was smiling. “What were you smiling at?” “You...when you first kissed me.” “That’s the memory you used?’’ “Uh huh.’’ |
It was Newt Scamander and Charlie Weasley! Nope, not really. It was actually Adi and Benny dressed like the two creature lovers from Wizarding history for this lesson. But it was fitting, was it not, for the best friends to be dressed as Newt and Charlie? After all, the four of them were fond of creatures with Newt having a close tie with Hippogriffs due to his mother being a Hippogriff breeder and Charlie worked with dragons for most of his life. Too bad Newt and Charlie could not have known each other. They too could have been best friends. |
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