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SS100: 100 Drabbles for a Greek Girl by D.A Forever - Sa13+
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100 Drabbles for a Greek Girl by D.A Forever - Sa13+
Made by Samia
Hi there! For those don't already know me, I'm Gracie. And these drabbles are my tool to explore the past, present and maybe even future () of my most recent former school character, Delphinia Suvari.
Also, this thread is dedicated to Sammy (Samia!) and her current school character, Nathaniel Aspen AKA Delphi's best friend. Without them, Delphi and I wouldn't have come this far.
Disclaimer: The HP universe belongs to J. K. Rowling, and any SSRPG characters in these drabbles other than my own are used with permission from their creators.
My Prompts ღ 1. Herbology2. Muggle Studies3. Transfiguration4. Ancient Runes5. Astronomy6. Divination7. Care of Magical Creatures8. Potions9. Defense Against the Dark Arts10. Arithmancy11. History of Magic12. Charms13. Quidditch14. Hogwarts, A History15. Room16. Dragonhide gloves17. Cauldron18. Whomping Willow19. Wand20. Hogsmeade21. Veela22. Kneazles23. Telescope24. House elf25. Sorting Hat26. Quill27. Owl28. Timeturner29. Pensieve30. Feast31. Dress robes32. Common room33. Classroom34. Parseltongue35. Pureblood36. Muggle37. Animagus38. Patronus39. Duel40. Spell41. Thestrals42. Portraits43. Headmaster44. Ford Anglia45. Licorice Wand46. Dungeon47. Portkey48. Leprechaun49. Yule Ball50. Boggart51. Act52. Bore53. Chase54. Dare55. Egg on56. Fight 57. Goblin58. Hoot59. Ignore60. Joke61. Kiss62. Amortentia63. Mooch64. Nap65. Ooze66. Pace67. Quell68. Roar69. Slap70. Spook71. Untie72. Vex73. Warn74. X-tinguish75. Yodel76. Zap77. Cheerful78. Letter79. Nils80. Artemis81. Depression82. Careful83. Fearful84. Angry85. Snappish86. Daring87. Staircase88. Sweet Tooth89. Past90. Present91. Future92. Chocolate93. Chicken94. Allergic95. Snowball96. Socks97. Dictionary98. Pajamas99. Trunk100. Homework
91. Future ღ
There she stood in what appeared to be a private little meadow, surrounded by beautifully healthy grass and wild flowers in bloom, eyes trained on something not too far ahead.
There she stood, quiet as ever, simply watching the scene before her.
The little girl with her long dark hair, several strands dancing with the air. Her green, green eyes.. not so unlike the nature around her. And that smile.
Sitting perched on handmade swing, a man held out his arms.
The same silly smile she had adored as a teenager.
His smile.
SPOILER!!: Guest Stars
Nikolaos Suvari: the Dad Konstantina Suvari: the Mum Eros Suvari: the big brother she never knew João 'Nils' Rocha: the big brother Callidora Suvari: the 'little' half-sister Nathaniel Aspen: the Best Friend / Boyriend Jana R. Aspen: Boyfriend's little sister Apollo DeVille: the 'adoptive' sort of brother Rylan Knight-DeVille: Apollo's son, the 'nephew' Artemis Carlen: the 'adoptive' sort of sister Brett Carlen: Artemis's husband Carlina I. Carlen: Artie and Brett's daughter Athena DeVille: the guardian Erimentha Galanis: the 'aunt' Demetria Fotos: the 'adoptive' sort of cousin Juliet Fotos: Demetria's daughter Nikator Fotos: Demetria's son Mickail Fotos: Demetria's son Gorgios *insertlastnamehere*: No one important!
Delphinia sat, curled up in a cushy chair in her hotel room, tears making trails down her cheeks at an incredible speed. She had wiped away the first couple of tears to fall, and that was all - then she gave up, because it was useless.
Sobs shook her body, her head buried in the blanket she'd wrapped around herself moments earlier. Mumbled, choked words escaped the Suvari that she could barely understand herself - If only she had a timeturner to undo her mistake. If only she didn't need one at all. How could she be so stupid?
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"Aunt Deeeelly," Rylan called, knocking lightly on the jarred door before walking in to find 'Aunt Delly' laying across her bed. The little boy frowned. She looked sad. "Want a cauldron cake, Aunt Delly?" He asked, offering the sweet in his hand, he waved it under her nose. Smell?
When he received the smallest of smiles, Rylan beamed back.
"No thank you, Ry-Ry." Delphi mumbled, wiping at her eyes to make sure she wasn't crying in front of the boy. "But thank you for asking."
Rylan frowned again, and climbed onto the bed with her. "Are you okay, Aunt Delly?"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 12-12-2013 at 03:54 PM.
Hearing a knock at the door, Konstantina shifted the bundled baby in her arms, raising out of the rocking chair as she heard her husband shout 'I've got it,'. Still, she stood and proceeded down the hall. A smile stretched across her tired lips as she saw her husband hugging a dark haired young man.
"João," She would have hugged him herself, but her arms were full. "I'm so glad to see you.. How are you?"
"Nils," The young man corrected with a gentle smile. Her question fell on deaf ears though, when he noticed the baby in her arms.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Konstantina's expression softened more, if that were even possible. The ghost of memories flashed before Nils eyes, she could see it. Exchanging a glance with her husband, Nikolaos, the woman stepped closer to the man she had once considered a son.
"Is this her?" Nils asked, though it was a silly question. When Konstantina nodded, and offered to let him hold her, the eighteen-year-old very carefully accepted the bundled child - his sort of little sister, Eros' little sister.
"Hey.. little Delphi," He whispered to the sleepy baby girl, adjusting the blanket around her face. "You are beautiful, aren't you?"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Delphinia couldn't have been happier, running down the halls of her family's house with her big brother chasing her. She skidded to a halt in front of the wall that held all her mum and dad's portraits, and turned her head to see if he had caught up yet.
The four-year-old beamed up at Nils, and after getting him to pick her up, she wanted to play her favorite game ever. "Who's that?" Delphi asked, leaning in Nils' arms to point at one of the photos.
"That's our brother. His name was Eros," Nils said, "He was my big brother."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Delphinia's curious green eyes followed the woman with her dark hair and blue eyes as she walked through the door, her parents were talking to her, hugging her. Mum looked surprised.
"Delphinia, my love," Konstantina started, taking her daughter by the hand to stand in front of her. "This is Artemis Galanis, she's a very good friend of our family."
The seven-year-old sort of studied the woman, Artemis, with interest before offering anything to say. "Did you know my brother?" She asked, and added quickly, "Eros. Not Nils."
Her question seemed to take Artemis by surprise.
"Hello." Was that better?
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Laying across her bed, in her old bedroom in Artemis and Brett's house, Delphinia buried her head in her pillows, sniffling every now and again while Callidora sat by her side, stroking her hair in an attempt at comfort.
"I'm sure you guys are fine, Delphinia," Callidora said, "Nathaniel is a good guy, he has to know you didn't do anything wrong-"
"No what?" The younger girl frowned. "Delph, really.."
Delphi's face appeared as she pushed herself up, "It was wrong. The whole thing was wrong. And my first kiss.."
"That didn't count. He kissed you."
"You don't understand.."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"Ahhhh, GOTCHA!" Seven-year-old Delphinia proclaimed, turning to run away with her stick firmly in hand. Once she had reached where she wanted to be, several feet away, she turned abruptly on her feet and held her stick out in front of her, waving it wildly in the air. "Unguard!"
Nikolaos smiled, a mischievous look in his eyes. With a glance at the 'wand' in his hand, he tossed it over his shoulder and ran after his little girl, swinging her up into his arms as she squealed excitedly, her laughter filling the yard. "Daddy, that's now how the game works!"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
At barely fifteen-years-old, Delphinia was an orphan.
She couldn't do this, couldn't take it anymore. Everyone was standing by as the funeral took place, all dressed in black, with her standing in front. Nils was next to her, his hand on her shoulder, and Artemis was on the other side.
Green eyes swelled with tears. She couldn't do this. Lip quivering. She couldn't do this. Someone stepped forward to speak about her parents, and Delphi snapped. Turning abruptly away from the gathering, she kicked off her shoes, and took off at a run with Nils and Artemis shouting after her.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"You're almost a whole decade old, Delphinia," Nikolaos said, watching his daughter climb onto a chair at the table and help herself to the plate of fresh baked cookies her mum had just put down. "Do you know what you want for your big birthday?"
Konstantina smiled adoringly at the pair, before busying herself with more cookies to be baked.
Delphinia paused in her cookie eating, and made a face. "What's that? Decade sounds old. I'm not old, Daddy. I'm not even ten-years-old yet." She protested, before shoving the rest of the cookie into her mouth. "I want a kneazle."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 10-16-2013 at 01:36 PM.
Delphinia was well on her way toward the entrance to the Ravenclaw common room, when she paused, shifting the books in her arms. With all the recent events and possible rumors floating around school about her and Nathan, thanks muchly to Nathan's now ex-girlfriend - who she was housemates with and dorm mates as well, - Delphi wasn't so sure about entereing the common room anymore.
No, she would sit and read elsewhere. It was quieter, and easier, than dealing with nonsense. With that decided, Delphinia took a seat against the corridor wall, and opened a book on her lap.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Delphinia could hear a knock on the door from where she was, in the baby's room, and started toward the bedroom door to proceed down the hall when she heard Nathan answer the door, and her half-sister's voice follow his.
Cradling the bundled infant closely, Delphi made it to the front room before Nathan and Callidora could move to another room or come find her first.
"Awww, look at that pretty baby," Dora smiled widely, holding out her arms to take the baby. "I want to hold my niece." The baby yawned, once settled in her auntie's arms. "Nap time."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
When her parents asked her to go brush her teeth, they probably didn't have in mind what a young Delphinia was up to. At first, it had started out as her bringing her stool over to the counter, the grabbing of her tooth brush, and then .. well, somehow or another, tooth paste oozed from the tube she squeezed between both hands, covering her tooth brush, the sink, counter, and the pretty new dress her mummy had just bought her for some event.
"Oops," Delphi mumbled, realizing her mistake as she glanced down at the glob on her dress. "Daaaadddyyyy!"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
It was the holidays, and Delphinia was feeling on the grown up side, which wasn't hard when you were surrounded by little kids. Well, sort of. Juliet was only four years younger than her, but the girl's little brothers were just.. little.
"Okay, Juliet, you can help me make the food," Delphinia began, putting the items she'd pulled out of the fridge on the counter along with everything else. "Nikator, you can jam up the toast.. and um," That was about it. "Mickail, stop mooching off the toast!" Delphi frowned, and snatched it from the toddler's hand. "You can wait."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
When Nathan had found out that Delphi didn't know how to produce a Patronus, he insisted he help her learn how to. It would be fun, Nathan said. No pressure, either.
"Remember, think of the happiest memory you can, and hold on to it." Nathan instructed patiently, as Delphi prepared herself, wand at the ready - pointed at a defense dummy.
Delphi gave a slight nod, as if to say she was ready - and closed her eyes, thinking. Her eyes fluttered back open, her wand raised, "Expecto Patronum!" She exclaimed, and watched a silver swan emerge from her wand.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Snuggled up to Nathaniel on their couch, Delphinia curled her feet in, her body resembling a ball against his side. Her head rested against his shoulder, one hand playing with his.
The Christmas tree was light up with colorful lights, twinkling in the darkened room, torn wrapping paper laid tossed aside on the floor. "Merry Christmas," Delphi whispered, green eyes glancing up.
"Merry Christmas, Delphi," Nathan repeated, a smile playing on his lips.
Delphi moved, straightening up. "I have one more thing for you," She confessed, and stood to retrieve it, even though she could have used a summoning spell.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 10-16-2013 at 01:38 PM.
Standing near the window, her sister at her side, Delphinia shook her head. Where was Nathan, again? Oh yes, going to pick up coffee and goodies.
"I dare you, come on!" Callidora continued, practically bouncing on her feet. "It's April first, Delphinia!"
Again, Delphi shook her head. Her hand came to rest just under her chin, eyes watching for the return of her boyfriend. Also, nope. Not happening, sister.
Callidora sighed, and turned abruptly at the sound of the front door opening. "Nathan," She said, calmly - giving Delphi a funny look before looking back to Nathaniel, "Delphinia is expecting."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 12-01-2013 at 01:45 AM.
When Nathan walked through the door and Callidora blurted out her words, causing Nathan to pause near the counter, where he set down the coffees and sugary treats, Delphinia almost put her head in her hands.
"You told her?" Nathan asked, acting shocked as his green eyes came to rest on Delphi, who appeared confused - for a split second.
Callidora froze, staring wide-eyed at her sister's boyfriend. "I was just joking.. wait," Dora frowned, "what?" .. Were they serious?
As Delphi's half-sister looked from Nathan to her, and back again, Delphi quickly found her in a fit of giggles.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 10-04-2013 at 12:11 AM.
Finally, her nephew had arrived.. in all green, with a funny looking hat. "What are you dressed as, Ry?" Delphi asked, eyeing the small boy as she let him into the kitchen, cookie preparation scattered across the counters.
"A leprechaun, Aunt Delly." Rylan replied, matter-of-factly as he stepped up onto his stool. "It's Saint Patrick's day."
"Oh, and who's teaching you about that?"
"Nana Brooks," The boy answered.
Delphi rolled out some dough, and placed some in front of him as she worked on the rest. "Did she dress you, too?"
"Yes," Rylan said.
"Figures," Delphi mumbled under her breath.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 12-01-2013 at 01:47 AM.
Spread out on her bed, Delphinia flipped a page of the book that laid in front of her, and the another. Almost absently, her hand reached for a licorice wand in the package next to her and raised it to her mouth. Green eyes remained fixed on the book, as she nibbled the tip of the candy wand.
"Enjoying your book?" A voice asked, near the door. Artemis' smiling face appeared, as Delphi looked up and returned the look. Artie's boyfriend being the local bookstore owner was a definite plus, and it helped that he was a nice guy, too.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"ZZZZ, ZZAAAAP, ZZAAAAP," Ten-year-old Delphinia made sound effects to follow the jerky moment of her hand, pretending the stick between her fingers was very much alive. "ZAPZAPZAPZAP!"
Juliet frowned, and took a step back. She offered no words, and merely stared.
"Juliet!" Delphi sighed, hoping down from the couch she stood on so she could go over to the six-year-old in question. "Juliet, you are suppose to do something about it."
"About what?"
"About the rogue wand, silly!"
The younger of the two nodded, uttering a quick "Ohhh," before swiftly pulling the stick from her friend's hand, and throwing it.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
For some reason, Nils had owled her to ask if she would like to accompany him to a Quidditch game. He also told her to ask Artemis if she minded, too.
"Right over here," Nils said, walking just a little bit ahead of her as he gestured toward their seats.
Once settled beside her older brother, Delphi glanced sideways at him. "So.. who's playing again?"
"Um.. Montrose Magpies, and.." Nils paused, clearly trying to remember. "Oh look, here they come. There's Curtis Diggory and Alexis Chosen.. Chasers, I think."
Briefly, Delphi wondered if Nils liked Quidditch anymore than she did.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
With All Hallows Eve fast approaching, the small family had many things to finish up. Costumes, treats, and jack-o-lanterns.
Delphinia smiled, walking into the kitchen with her children and husband, where their pumpkins sat on the countertop. "Okay, we're going to carve our pumpkins very carefully-"
"With knifes?" Interrupted her young daughter, who stared up at her expectantly with wide green eyes.
"No, that's too dangerous." Exchanging a look with her husband, Delphi pulled out her wand and stepped up to the counter, while her husband grinned.
"Okay kids, come back here with me and let mommy open the pumpkins."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 12-01-2013 at 01:49 AM.
Similar to the time Delphi had tried to make Nathaniel, her best friend, a birthday cake by scratch all on her own, when eggs somehow ended up on everything in the kitchen, and flour covered the floor, the pumpkin she'd cast a spell on to open the top with magic, went BOOM.
Pumpkin guts flew all over, splatting the ceiling, as well as the floor. When heads began to be uncovered, and Delphinia could properly see again, she looked sheepishly over at her family: Her husband, her daughter, and her son.
All three were covered in orange goe.
"Oops.. sorry."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.