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SS100: 100 Drabbles for a Greek Girl by D.A Forever - Sa13+
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100 Drabbles for a Greek Girl by D.A Forever - Sa13+
Made by Samia
Hi there! For those don't already know me, I'm Gracie. And these drabbles are my tool to explore the past, present and maybe even future () of my most recent former school character, Delphinia Suvari.
Also, this thread is dedicated to Sammy (Samia!) and her current school character, Nathaniel Aspen AKA Delphi's best friend. Without them, Delphi and I wouldn't have come this far.
Disclaimer: The HP universe belongs to J. K. Rowling, and any SSRPG characters in these drabbles other than my own are used with permission from their creators.
My Prompts ღ 1. Herbology2. Muggle Studies3. Transfiguration4. Ancient Runes5. Astronomy6. Divination7. Care of Magical Creatures8. Potions9. Defense Against the Dark Arts10. Arithmancy11. History of Magic12. Charms13. Quidditch14. Hogwarts, A History15. Room16. Dragonhide gloves17. Cauldron18. Whomping Willow19. Wand20. Hogsmeade21. Veela22. Kneazles23. Telescope24. House elf25. Sorting Hat26. Quill27. Owl28. Timeturner29. Pensieve30. Feast31. Dress robes32. Common room33. Classroom34. Parseltongue35. Pureblood36. Muggle37. Animagus38. Patronus39. Duel40. Spell41. Thestrals42. Portraits43. Headmaster44. Ford Anglia45. Licorice Wand46. Dungeon47. Portkey48. Leprechaun49. Yule Ball50. Boggart51. Act52. Bore53. Chase54. Dare55. Egg on56. Fight 57. Goblin58. Hoot59. Ignore60. Joke61. Kiss62. Amortentia63. Mooch64. Nap65. Ooze66. Pace67. Quell68. Roar69. Slap70. Spook71. Untie72. Vex73. Warn74. X-tinguish75. Yodel76. Zap77. Cheerful78. Letter79. Nils80. Artemis81. Depression82. Careful83. Fearful84. Angry85. Snappish86. Daring87. Staircase88. Sweet Tooth89. Past90. Present91. Future92. Chocolate93. Chicken94. Allergic95. Snowball96. Socks97. Dictionary98. Pajamas99. Trunk100. Homework
91. Future ღ
There she stood in what appeared to be a private little meadow, surrounded by beautifully healthy grass and wild flowers in bloom, eyes trained on something not too far ahead.
There she stood, quiet as ever, simply watching the scene before her.
The little girl with her long dark hair, several strands dancing with the air. Her green, green eyes.. not so unlike the nature around her. And that smile.
Sitting perched on handmade swing, a man held out his arms.
The same silly smile she had adored as a teenager.
His smile.
SPOILER!!: Guest Stars
Nikolaos Suvari: the Dad Konstantina Suvari: the Mum Eros Suvari: the big brother she never knew João 'Nils' Rocha: the big brother Callidora Suvari: the 'little' half-sister Nathaniel Aspen: the Best Friend / Boyriend Jana R. Aspen: Boyfriend's little sister Apollo DeVille: the 'adoptive' sort of brother Rylan Knight-DeVille: Apollo's son, the 'nephew' Artemis Carlen: the 'adoptive' sort of sister Brett Carlen: Artemis's husband Carlina I. Carlen: Artie and Brett's daughter Athena DeVille: the guardian Erimentha Galanis: the 'aunt' Demetria Fotos: the 'adoptive' sort of cousin Juliet Fotos: Demetria's daughter Nikator Fotos: Demetria's son Mickail Fotos: Demetria's son Gorgios *insertlastnamehere*: No one important!
"Actually.. it really has nothing to do with where I'm from," Delphinia explained, picking apart a blade of grass. Her green eyes slowly lifted, finding Nathan's. "It's more to do with my mom.." She trailed off.
The blade of grass was forgotten as Nathan grabbed her hands, giving her a squeeze that said so many words, without saying anything at all.
She didn't talk about her parents much.
"It was special to mom. She saved her first kiss for the man she would fall in love with.. my father. So, it is special to me."
Nathaniel Aspen belongs to the amazing and brilliant Samia, aka my Babehberreh <3
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"Mummy?" Hopping from stone to stone, Delphinia held onto her mother's hand, both for balance and the feeling of security. "What is amortentia?"
Casting a look down at her daughter, Konstantina hurried further down the street, frown deepening. Those horrible women and their gossiping. Konstantina shook her head, stopping as she took her little one's hands.
"It is an awful potion that no one should ever use on another human being. It creates confusion and obsession, it takes away a person's own free will. There is never a right reason to use such a potion, do you understand, my love?"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
The question brought Delphinia back down to earth, turning her head to look at her godmother. A half-puzzled look crossed her face, briefly. "What is who like?"
Craddling her steaming cup of tea between her hands, Athena offered that motherly, warm, knowing smile that made Delphi want to squirm under her watchful eyes. "The boy you've been writing to this whole time. That is what you're waiting for, isn't it? A letter?"
Delphinia shrugged, leaning against the countertop behind her. "Just a boy."
"Just a boy? That is all?"
"Just.. my best friend, I guess."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Green eyes locked on the small gold heart dangling from a chain in her hand, studying it. Delphinia remembered playing with the necklace when she was very young, she remembered sitting in her mother's lap, her fingers tracing over the engraved letters 'K.T' on the front.. especially when her mother would take her along to visit with Erimentha.
They would talk for hours, and Delphi entertained herself by playing with the locket around her mother's neck. Opening and closing it, looking at the picture of their small family. When she was just a baby... when they were still alive.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 10-16-2013 at 01:34 PM.
Curled up with her knees to her stomach and her small feline companion wrapped in her arms, Delphinia laid motionless in her bed. It wasn't even curfew yet for the Ravenclaw, nor had it been when she had taken to her sleeping quarters. She was currently the only Seventh year girl in the dormitory.
Short dark hair rest on her pillow, partially of her face. Hiding the tears drops that fell from her eyes. As the tears turned to sobs that shook her body, Delphi buried her face in her pillow. "I miss him so much.." She mumbled to Philia.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 09-25-2013 at 05:35 PM.
As Delphinia found herself on Platform 9 3/4, her luggage trailing a little too close, she began pushing her way through the crowds with Philia, the small grey and white kitten she'd recently adopted held secured in one arm.
When the Hogwarts Express was mere feet away, Delphi paused. This was her third and last year, her last time aboarding the train to go to school. It felt surreal.
A tug from behind made her turn. Nathan took her trunk, and her hand.
"Ready to go back, Delphi?"
With one last glance around the platform, Delphi smiled.
"Yeah, I'm ready."
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"What was that?" Gorgios sounded annoyed, his voice low but not so low that she couldn't hear him.
The celebration was over, for the most part. Everyone had gone off to another part of the house, doing their own things. Talking, laughing, reminiscing.
Delphinia paused from cleaning up, turning her head toward him. "What are you talking about?"
"The boy, Delphinia, from that school you go to."
"What about him?" Delphi asked, not terribly excited with where this was going.
"Why is he here?" Gorgios pressed.
"Because he's my best friend, and I invited him here!" Delphi answered, rather defensively.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Delphinia sat in the sand, burying her own feet as the boy who had decided to sit by her began to talk. She knew him, not very well but from when they were young. He had gone to her school.
"Just wanted to," Delphi mumbled, though it wasn't entirely truthful. Her parents had died, she hadn't wanted to stay in Greece.
"Oh, I see." Gorgios considered her answer, giving the reserved young girl a friendly smile. "Well, how about ice cream? On me."
The boy offered her a hand up.
"Sure thing!"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Delphinia sat back in a beach chair, her knees up and a baby boy wiggling in her arms as she watched the dark haired child in the water climb out and run toward them.
The girl began to dig through her mother's bag while her parents watched with curiosity until she found what she was looking for.
With a grin, she threw it in the pool and jumped in.
"No, Sweetheart! Mommy needs her keys!" Delphinia panicked, imagining herself unlocking the front door of their Muggle apartment with her wand.
Full of excitement to be home, Delphi bounced down the hall toward the kitchen where she could hear voices. Delphi stopped just inside when she noticed a small child seated at the table that looked familiar, though she'd never met him before.
"Did Demetria have another kid?"
The question was serious.
Athena gave her a soft, warm smile, a tired look in her eyes.
It was Apollo who broke the silence.
"No, he's mine."
Delphi might not have been the best student in Divination, but never in her wildest dreams would she have predicted the child belonged to Apollo.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 06-16-2013 at 10:02 PM.
Admittedly, she had been in utter shock when she found out Apollo was a father. Not just a father, but the father of a toddler she'd never even known existed.
Apollo was someones daddy.
But now, sitting in the child's new room at his Grandparent's house, Delphinia absolutely adored the boy.
"Ry-Ry! Come to Aunt Delly!" With her arms open, Delphi beamed.
"His name is Rylan." Apollo tossed her a glare.
"But I like Ryley!"
"His mother named him Rylan, not Ryley, or Ry-whatever."
Rylan jumped into her arms, just as he had their lives, and stole her heart forever.
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 06-17-2013 at 03:26 PM.
When Delphinia had started her first year at Hogwarts, as a transfering fifth year, it had come as quite the surprise to enter the Great Hall. Not only because the four tables were positively flooded with too much food, but the sorting hat. That had been a strange experience all in it's own.
Memories clouded her mind, but the brush of an arm against hers brought her back to the feast. Green eyes shifted to Nathan, the Hufflepuff boy beside her, a smile falling on her lips.
Nathan had taken her plate and was piling her favorite foods on it.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Delphinia had a sweet tooth, and so did Nathan. It kind of worked out well for them. Neither were very picky with candy, not really.. Though Delphi personally preferred something chocolate most days.
With dinner over, dessert filled the four tables in rows of sweet, sticky, warm goodies that brought a small smile to her lips. That was one of her favorite things about Hogwarts. The house elves made excellent food.
Delphi's green eyes focused on a fruit-filled pastry, before her attention shifted to Nathan as he placed a big piece of cake on the plate in front of her.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Snow crunched beneath her feet as she made her way around the grounds, petite hands buried in her cloak that was wrapped snuggly around her small frame. Her destination was the lake today, where she thought a certain Hufflepuff boy would be. Kind of tall, dark haired, brilliant green eyes so much like her own..
Her lips turned up in a smile, spotting him several feet out nearer to the frozen lake. Where he stood was about the same place they had first met, Delphi thought.
Without a second thought, Delphinia bent and picked up a handful of snow.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
It had been a few years since her parents passing. It was probably about time that Delphinia start going through things.. not that she intended on giving the house up, because it was hers now. Athena held on to the key for her, and took care of things that came up.
Nathan was somewhere, probably exploring the house - perhaps he had found her old bedroom, still in it's childlike form, - while Delphi sat on the floor, going through letters.
A single tear fell down her cheek, followed by another, and then the letter was abandoned. "Nathan?" Delphi called.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
How was it, that she could even have a sister? A half-sister.
Delphinia had only asked herself that question, and more, a million times now. She should have been happy not to be the last Suvari, but she wasn't. At all.
Laying on the couch in her and Nathan's apartment, her hands tucked under her head, Delphi continued to frown.
She'd met the girl.
Her name was Callidora.
She almost looked just like her. Her eyes were a bit blue, rather than plain green. Her hair was dark. Just a little darker than her own.
But they still looked alike.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Delphinia took a deep breath as she took the stairs toward her childhood home, the one she'd grown up in her whole life - up until her parent's death.
It had been a year. A whole year, since she'd last seen the house. Since going off to Hogwarts.
The sixteen-year-old paused near the front door, turning the key over in her hand. A slight movement on her left that was caught out of her eye made her turn, curiously.
A small grey and white kitten stare back at her, while pacing near the bushes.
"Oh, hello there.. are you lost?"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"Waaaaaaait," Yelled four-year-old Delphinia Eumelia Suvari, running around barefoot just outside her home. "Waaaait, Miss Butterfly!"
The small girl frowned, arms at her sides as she gave up the chase. Her lips jutted out, full on pouting. Little Delphi plopped herself down on the ground, and laid back, not at all concerned about getting dirt in her short brown hair as she gazed up at the afternoon sky.
"Did she get away, my love?" Konstantina asked, coming to stand over her daughter with a loving smile playing on her lips.
Delphinia nodded, awkwardly. "Yes mummy, she did." Sigh.
Silly butterfly.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Pitter-patter of little feet sounded down the hall, and a wide smile formed on the woman's pink lips. "Hello, little love." Delphinia turned toward the door to see her daughter dance in, twirling in her pretty new dress.
"Did daddy help you get ready?"
The little girl nodded, "Yes!" She announced happily, offering her mother a big smile.
Delphinia bent over to straighten the bow in her little girl's hair, and took her small hands in her own. "Are you excited to go to Aunt Jana's birthday party?"
The child bounced up and down, excited as ever. "Yes, I am!"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
"Aunt Delphi!" Five-year-old Rylan DeVille shouted, racing down the hall when he heard her voice. His Grandma Athena was holding the door open, waiting for the young woman to come inside. Beside her was a man Rylan hadn't ever seen before, and was curiously staring at.
"It's not polite to stare, Rylan." Said Apollo, who appeared to only have come to see who was at the door. After Aunt Delphi hugged his grandma, she was hugging his dad.
Rylan frowned, before looking at the man again. The one his Aunt Delphi had brought along. "Will you help with my socks?"
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
In all honesty, Delphinia couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her older brother. She had seen him, briefly, when her parents had died. But properly? A good, proper visit? She couldn't remember.
Excitement twisted her insides, as she wrung her hands nervously. It was unfortunate, Nathan wasn't with her. She had hoped for the two to meet. Her older brother, and her best friend.
Her green eyes traveled, glancing at everything near her, all the shops with their holiday decorations.
"Delphinia?" She heard a voice call, almost uncertainly, and turned.
"Nils!" Delphi shouted, and ran straight for his arms.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
When Demetria had asked her to fill in for her missing model, Delphinia had thought she was absolutely bonkers. She didn't know a thing about being a model, didn't watch what she ate closely, or at all - she didn't even know how to pose. But that hadn't stop Demetria from believing in her. Or using her.
"Okay, now sit here-" 'Tria said, guiding the younger girl into place. "-There. Wait, fix your hair.. yeah, just right there.. good, now smile-" The Greek woman sighed, "-No, not that I'm a little girl smile."
"Demetria!" Delphi laughed, and smiled cheerfully.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Short brown strands fell forward, hiding her eyes but still allowing her to see the book spread out on her lap, knees tucked under her awkwardly in a over-stuffed armchair residing in the Galanis's personal library.
Delphinia was focused, content, and every few moments her hand would change the page she was on, or reach for a piece of candy in the bowl on the side table.
The room was silent, no one around but her. Everyone else was in the kitchen, she thought.
Or not.
Delphinia nearly jumped out of her seat, and socks. "Juliet Fotos!" She shouted.
Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.