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Election EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Ministers for Magic, Sherman Clark [IC January 2086 - December 2089; OOC February 2015 - June 2016] & Althea Scabior [IC January 2090 - December 2093; OOC February 2016 - June 2017]
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
As employees step into the area, there are tables set up to have wands weighed and a name tag ID picked up. This year, there is a camera set up beside the table to take employee pictures for the IDs. The pictures come out from the end of the camera as soon as they are taken, and this particular camera has a habit of flashing before the picture is taken, prematurely.
That deer-in-headlights look you have going on totally suits you!
★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
Last edited by hermionesclone; 02-12-2016 at 08:58 PM.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Sometimes Simon wished he could be more relaxed at these orientations, especially the more casual ones such as this one had proven to be. All outside and out from under the dark environs of the Ministry itself that new and returning employees would be greeted with tomorrow. However he was one of the few people that fell under the guise of working guests. Granted he had employees under him handling certain stuff, but he was working on overseeing stuff as well as getting his hands occasionally dirty.
So there he was currently meandering behind the tables. His jacket settled down somewhere out of sight so he was in his shirtsleeves under vest and over slacks. Now to see who was going to be coming in among the new and familiar faces. And who would be gracing the hallowed halls for the latest year under his watchful eye.
If you guess Ember BRIGHTEN you indeed are CORRECT.
"OOH what a lovely DAAAAY!" she said, arms wide, as she entered the orientation. This was fantastic. This was lovely. Ember was bouncing like a chihuahua on caffeine. "LOVELY!" she shouted at the man who was already there.
Almost tripping over her wedges, she quickly caught herself and grabbed an ID badge thing. She needed her picture taken...SHE NEEDED HER PICTURE TAKEN. She still wasn't used to the engagement ring Dmitry had put on her finger, but she sure did like to flash it when she DID remember it was there. Speaking of the fiance...where was he? HAD SHE LOST THE FIANCE ALREADY?
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Rucole Club Club|| film lyfe || mac and cheese queen|| *exits with trunkshot*
Fallon was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to be here today. HERE WITH HER DEAR NEPHEW, DECLAN ARTURIS HAZELWOOD. She could cry and she actually might. "I can't believe we're workmates now." Here comes the wibble..."Look how you've grown!"
He had obviously forgotten Aunt Fallon worked at the ministry, otherwise he might have never actually applied. "Okay for one--you were literally eight when I was born. Granny got saucy with a new fellow and that's how you were born and I got a new Step-Grandda. So, you're not that older than me. Second--Auntie Fal, I'd really, really appreciate it if you didn't release the waterworks so early into the year, yeah?" Dec walked up to the table. "Do I need to do this thing?"
Fiddling with the black belt on her beige dress the blond 20 year old made her way into the area of orientation, where new employees had to pick up ID tags, get their wands weighed and go through the security procedure. Claudette wished that Luc was there to hold her hand, but alas. She had lost him somewhere when they had arrived at the minstry building. Hopefully he'd find her before she did something embarrassing.
Taking her place in the queue to get assistance Claudette noted the camera beside each table with fascination. Was it a muggle camera or one of magical creation? She'd soon find out. Hopefully it wasn't one of those joke cameras that made everyone's features look big and distorted.
Things like this had never been her strong suit. As she stepped inside, Michele quietly busied herself with stripping off her coat; it was positively frigid outside, but in here was much warmer and though the bright red coat was beautiful, it was unnecessary now. She draped it lightly over her arm, and with the lightest flick of her wrist her wand appeared in her hand as if conjured. In reality it had merely shot out of a disillusioned holster on her wrist, but others needn't know that and she would keep its presence to herself.
She flicked her wand lightly at her feet, silently ending a charm she had cast about them earlier to keep them warm and dry in the weather. Then, after a quick look around, the young woman joined the queue for a badge. The camera caught her attention as it flashed, and she grimaced. Perhaps she could bypass that.
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
First ministry orientation. check!
Dress and shoes. check!
Super nervous and excited. check!
Fiddling with the black belt on her beige dress the blond 20 year old made her way into the area of orientation, where new employees had to pick up ID tags, get their wands weighed and go through the security procedure. Claudette wished that Luc was there to hold her hand, but alas. She had lost him somewhere when they had arrived at the minstry building. Hopefully he'd find her before she did something embarrassing.
Taking her place in the queue to get assistance Claudette noted the camera beside each table with fascination. Was it a muggle camera or one of magical creation? She'd soon find out. Hopefully it wasn't one of those joke cameras that made everyone's features look big and distorted.
Autumn tried to relax. There was nothing to be afraid of - it was just an Employee Orientation. She just had to be herself and make a good first impression on her new co-workers. This was what she told herself over and over again in her mind as she made her way into the area. Wand weighing and name tag pick-up, she could do this! She just had to make sure she looked pretty for the picture.
Joining the growing queue, the eighteen-year-old took out her wand and then returned it to her bag. No, she might look suspicious and get caught by security. She wanted to talk to somebody to make herself less nervous, but she did not know anybody here yet. Wait, she could make new friends! The blond lady in front of her seemed to be around her age. "Uh, hi." She said, tapping her on the shoulder. "Are you new too? Not that you look like a newbie, I just wondered because I am one." SMILE.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Thomas was nervous as he was glad that he had been accepted into the ministry but now that he was here he hardly knew what to do but he knew that he would have to wait and get his picture taken for his id badge and get his wand weighed but he really wanted to get to know some of his fellow employees
Autumn tried to relax. There was nothing to be afraid of - it was just an Employee Orientation. She just had to be herself and make a good first impression on her new co-workers. This was what she told herself over and over again in her mind as she made her way into the area. Wand weighing and name tag pick-up, she could do this! She just had to make sure she looked pretty for the picture.
Joining the growing queue, the eighteen-year-old took out her wand and then returned it to her bag. No, she might look suspicious and get caught by security. She wanted to talk to somebody to make herself less nervous, but she did not know anybody here yet. Wait, she could make new friends! The blond lady in front of her seemed to be around her age. "Uh, hi." She said, tapping her on the shoulder. "Are you new too? Not that you look like a newbie, I just wondered because I am one." SMILE.
Claudette went up on her tiptoes to try see past the persons ahead of her in the line. Even though she had heels she wasn't super tall like her uncle. She just needed to relax and await her turn. Given what Luc had told her then she was supposed to be in for a treat. At Employee Orientations something exciting or gossip worthy always happened. At least that was what all of Luc's and her mother's stories had led her to believe.
Hearing how the queue grew behind her Claudette was just about to tap the person ahead of her to inquire about why things were moving at snail pace when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Turning to take in the appearance of another woman about her own age, Claudette smiled brightly. "Hi, yes I am new too, this is my first day." Holding her hand out for a shake she introduced herself. "I'm Claudette Poignant, I will be working in International Magical Cooperation." That was a mouthful.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Ameh
Things like this had never been her strong suit. As she stepped inside, Michele quietly busied herself with stripping off her coat; it was positively frigid outside, but in here was much warmer and though the bright red coat was beautiful, it was unnecessary now. She draped it lightly over her arm, and with the lightest flick of her wrist her wand appeared in her hand as if conjured. In reality it had merely shot out of a disillusioned holster on her wrist, but others needn't know that and she would keep its presence to herself.
She flicked her wand lightly at her feet, silently ending a charm she had cast about them earlier to keep them warm and dry in the weather. Then, after a quick look around, the young woman joined the queue for a badge. The camera caught her attention as it flashed, and she grimaced. Perhaps she could bypass that.
Official first job orientation. And Chloe was definitely dressed for the occasion. She even apparated here all on her own, without waiting for her father, despite the fact that he was going to be here as well.
What she really wanted was to find the food buffet. And to meet her new co-workers. But no, instead she had to be greeted by a magical camera taking their pictures. If Hayley or Grace was here, she'd probably insist on a goofy group photo with them, but alas, they were still in Hogwarts for another five months. She was all on her own and meant to be professional, because she couldn't get fired before her first day on the job. No doubt her parents would slaughter if that happened. She was the oldest. The responsible one. Wasn't she?
"They don't waste time getting our picture taken," Chloe rolled her eyes at another young woman waiting in the queue.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Here we go, Altair. The one and only Altair Alvis Årud was officially a ministry employee. AAÅ was going to be working not at the ministry back home home being Norway but all the way in London. It had taken him a little wandering around, but Altair had found the place and was ready to go!
And that meant meeting all the new people. Please be fun, people. Please be not-so-ancient, too. Altair didn't see anyone familiar at first glace, but that was hardly surprising. If this whole orientation ended up being too dreadful he could always find his old classmate Amrita.
Altair joined the line and waited for his photo to be taken. Was his hair looking alright? Pffft. Who was he kidding, course it was. The teen ran a hand through his messy hair while taking a quick look around. Messy hair wasn't frowned up here, was it?? He ruffled his hair up a bit.
Fallon was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to be here today. HERE WITH HER DEAR NEPHEW, DECLAN ARTURIS HAZELWOOD. She could cry and she actually might. "I can't believe we're workmates now." Here comes the wibble..."Look how you've grown!"
He had obviously forgotten Aunt Fallon worked at the ministry, otherwise he might have never actually applied. "Okay for one--you were literally eight when I was born. Granny got saucy with a new fellow and that's how you were born and I got a new Step-Grandda. So, you're not that older than me. Second--Auntie Fal, I'd really, really appreciate it if you didn't release the waterworks so early into the year, yeah?" Dec walked up to the table. "Do I need to do this thing?"
Ember had worked for a few months with Fallon. She remembered Fallon. Someone was still here from the OLD DAYS! The old days meaning three years ago ish"Fallon! Hi--" she smiled, swinging her blonde hair behind her. "It's so nice to see you again! DO you remember me?" she asked, firstly, because if Fallon didn't remember her, this would be so awkward.
"And hi there..." she waved at the guy with her. "My name's Ember...I used to work with--" she cocked an eyebrow. "Your aunt." Hehehe. It made her giggle. That was sooooo funny. "But then I left. But now i"m back. So." HEEHE.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Official first job orientation. And Chloe was definitely dressed for the occasion. She even apparated here all on her own, without waiting for her father, despite the fact that he was going to be here as well.
What she really wanted was to find the food buffet. And to meet her new co-workers. But no, instead she had to be greeted by a magical camera taking their pictures. If Hayley or Grace was here, she'd probably insist on a goofy group photo with them, but alas, they were still in Hogwarts for another five months. She was all on her own and meant to be professional, because she couldn't get fired before her first day on the job. No doubt her parents would slaughter if that happened. She was the oldest. The responsible one. Wasn't she?
"They don't waste time getting our picture taken," Chloe rolled her eyes at another young woman waiting in the queue.
It shouldn't have come as a suprise that others would speak to her - after all, this had been billed as both a job orientation and a chance to meet their new coworkers- but the voice still managed to catch Michele off her guard and she looked up from picking a stray bit of lint from the coat over her arm. Were all the others here going to be this... young? She couldn't recall having the occasion to feel old until right at that very moment.
"Non, they certainly do not," she agreed quietly, giving the younger woman a light smile. She cast a look at the camera, watching it flash at another unfortunate soul, and sighed. "I rather do not enjoy 'aving my photo taken. I do not suppose there is a way to avoid it, though."
Her old job hadn't required it, but she supposed as this one did, she would have to live with it. And it was no reason for her to forget her manners. Michele offered a hand lightly to the other woman, the one not currently encumbered by her coat, as they were given space to move in front of the table to find their nametags. "My name is Michele. You are new here as well, yes? First job?"
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Claudette went up on her tiptoes to try see past the persons ahead of her in the line. Even though she had heels she wasn't super tall like her uncle. She just needed to relax and await her turn. Given what Luc had told her then she was supposed to be in for a treat. At Employee Orientations something exciting or gossip worthy always happened. At least that was what all of Luc's and her mother's stories had led her to believe.
Hearing how the queue grew behind her Claudette was just about to tap the person ahead of her to inquire about why things were moving at snail pace when someone tapped her on the shoulder. Turning to take in the appearance of another woman about her own age, Claudette smiled brightly. "Hi, yes I am new too, this is my first day." Holding her hand out for a shake she introduced herself. "I'm Claudette Poignant, I will be working in International Magical Cooperation." That was a mouthful.
Autumn ran a hand through her black hair. Was this name tag ID permanent? If so, she wanted to look perfect for the picture. She could not walk around the Ministry with an ugly ID that did not match her pretty face. Thinking about this somehow made her less nervous about the Employee Orientation she was about to enter.
Her smile widened as the lady said she was a new employee too. Oooh, a handshake, this was new. She took her hand and shook it, feeling all professional. "Nice to meet you, Claudette. I am Autumn Carey, Department of Magical Games and Sports." International Magical Cooperation sounded cool! That must be where they dealt with foreign things. "Are you excited to start work?" She asked.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
She had done it! She had gotten a job at the ministry and now she was at Orientation. She nervously looked around as she smoothed down her white skirt and took a deep breath! She could do this! Sure she was just a lowly assistant.. But she could do this!
At least she was going to be able to eat now!
It was a shame there was no art-related positions in the ministry! Appraiser maybe? She could have totally done that! Sje just hoped working here wouldn't kill her soul.. But she had to eat! And pay her rent..
Maybe she should have taken...
Nope! Noopppppeee!
Okay! She took a few steps forward and looked around at everyone.. Here came Fate.
Last edited by MunchyBubbles; 02-13-2016 at 08:24 PM.
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,088
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Val figured the orientation would be tedious. He was entering the corporate side of employment after all which had more outcomes than his previous jobs. His eyes glanced around. Well, this was reminding him of his school years with all the people standing around. Oh and the camera too.
His eyes rolled upward. Well, at least his hair wasn't drooping over his face.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Well, you know, guess who was back?
Three guesses.
If you guess Ember BRIGHTEN you indeed are CORRECT.
"OOH what a lovely DAAAAY!" she said, arms wide, as she entered the orientation. This was fantastic. This was lovely. Ember was bouncing like a chihuahua on caffeine. "LOVELY!" she shouted at the man who was already there.
Almost tripping over her wedges, she quickly caught herself and grabbed an ID badge thing. She needed her picture taken...SHE NEEDED HER PICTURE TAKEN. She still wasn't used to the engagement ring Dmitry had put on her finger, but she sure did like to flash it when she DID remember it was there. Speaking of the fiance...where was he? HAD SHE LOST THE FIANCE ALREADY?
And we have an excited employee.
Remarkably not a new face who was filled with the energy of a new job and adventure. Nope…Simon remembered this face. And he wasn’t sure lovely was quite the word he’d used to describe stuff but it was a nice day and decent weather despite the time of year. “Hello…and welcome back,” he greeted with a simple nod as she grabbed her tag like a pro. A duo of personal next in line to take her picture which would be magically added to her file and badge later on.
Originally Posted by iekenstein
Here we go, Altair. The one and only Altair Alvis Årud was officially a ministry employee. AAÅ was going to be working not at the ministry back home home being Norway but all the way in London. It had taken him a little wandering around, but Altair had found the place and was ready to go!
And that meant meeting all the new people. Please be fun, people. Please be not-so-ancient, too. Altair didn't see anyone familiar at first glace, but that was hardly surprising. If this whole orientation ended up being too dreadful he could always find his old classmate Amrita.
Altair joined the line and waited for his photo to be taken. Was his hair looking alright? Pffft. Who was he kidding, course it was. The teen ran a hand through his messy hair while taking a quick look around. Messy hair wasn't frowned up here, was it?? He ruffled his hair up a bit.
There was a young man who seemed to be at least a touch nervous or perhaps curious at the whole experience. “Hello and welcome,” Simon greeted offering the young man a polite smile. See…security wasn’t all bad and mean. Or MLE as a whole for that matter. Despite what SOME people might say about it. Just necessary procedures to start the year off right with ids and wand-weighing and pictures for all.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Full of excitement - and slightly nervous - Daisy was ready to do this orientation thing. She was an official employee of the Ministry and things couldn't have been better for her even though she missed her baby and was half-tempted to head back home and see her. She had to keep telling herself that Violet would be okay; she was in great hands.
Hands first moved to her hair, making sure that it looked impeccable, and then drifted down to her shirt and skirt. Once she was satisfied that she was looking at her very best she felt ready for the camera to take her picture. Would be pretty dreadful if she ended up with a horrid ID card but at least she didn't have a case of raccoon eyes, having slept wonderfully the night before.
Smiling, she joined the queue and waited for her turn.
Leopold was shocked he actually got a job. He was not serious with the application at all and hoped they would rejected him and he would go home tell his parents he tried and that was it. He could go back to doing what he loved. Which is spending money that he had not worked for. He really wanted a drink. But now did not seem like the time. It was time to get his picture taken. Sigh.
Look at all the people here.
Could he just get this over with before it became tedious AND boring.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Fate </3
She had done it! She had gotten a job at the ministry and now she was at Orientation. She nervously looked around as she smoothed down her white skirt and took a deep breath! She could do this! Sure she was just a lowly assistant.. But she could do this!
At least she was going to be able to eat now!
It was a shame there was no art-related positions in the ministry! Appraiser maybe? She could have totally done that! Sje just hoped working here wouldn't kill her soul.. But she had to eat! And pay her rent..
Maybe she should have taken...
Nope! Noopppppeee!
Okay! She took a few steps forward and looked around at everyone.. Here came Fate.
Well. . . this was boring.
Seb had expected a lot more. . . but oh well, I guess. . .
His mind had been al screwy ever since he came back from the Leaky Cauldron. Fate. . .
The beautiful young woman had been plaguing his mind from the moment he had lain eyes on her. . .
He missed her. His dreams were riddled by her presence and so was his heart. And he still carried that regret he had felt when he left her there, all alone. . .
What were you thinking? Leaving her. . . when she had actually made you happy?
What if she got that job here at the Ministry. He didn't want her to starve, but there was no way she would accept the offer he had made after everything. But he wasn't ready to face her. . . he wasn't ready for that feeling to return. . .
Might as well mingle, just to get her off of your mind for two seconds. . .
He wandered around for a little while before finally stepping into the queue behind woman wearing a white skirt. "Well, this is quite boring. . ." he said, trying to make small talk, "I'm Seb, by the way."
Your social-skills are impeccable, mate.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Seb:/
Originally Posted by Nc.Ap.
Well. . . this was boring.
Seb had expected a lot more. . . but oh well, I guess. . .
His mind had been al screwy ever since he came back from the Leaky Cauldron. Fate. . .
The beautiful young woman had been plaguing his mind from the moment he had lain eyes on her. . .
He missed her. His dreams were riddled by her presence and so was his heart. And he still carried that regret he had felt when he left her there, all alone. . .
What were you thinking? Leaving her. . . when she had actually made you happy?
What if she got that job here at the Ministry. He didn't want her to starve, but there was no way she would accept the offer he had made after everything. But he wasn't ready to face her. . . he wasn't ready for that feeling to return. . .
Might as well mingle, just to get her off of your mind for two seconds. . .
He wandered around for a little while before finally stepping into the queue behind woman wearing a white skirt. "Well, this is quite boring. . ." he said, trying to make small talk, "I'm Seb, by the way."
Your social-skills are impeccable, mate.
Fate was waiting in line to check in when she heard a voice behind her that instantly seemed to freeze her blood and yet shoot warmth through her veins at the same time..
Seb.. She could barely breathe.. And she wanted to jump up and down, and cry and slap him all at the same time!
He had been haunting her dreams and her thoughts and she could still feel the warmth of his lips against hers.. In that brief magical moment in the bar.
Perhaps.. In the daylight... It would be different! Maybe it was a trick of a dimly lit bar! Maybe it was the ever so slight buzz of the drink she had had to make her almost instantly fall for him.
She slowly turned around and her mouth nearly fell open!
Oh Holy Night! He was utterly dazzling.. Her mind short circuited and all she could do was stare at him for a moment! She should have been slapping him for what he did to her in the bar.. She should have been yelling at him! But all she could do was stare!
Well, this was it. He was here. Three years after giving up work, he was going back to it. And it was nearly thirty years since he'd been to one of these orientation things as someone who had to mingle. Looking at all the younger people that surrounded him in the queue, was enough to make even him have a tinge of jealousy of youth.
But he wouldn't go back to that time. Not work-wise anyway. He'd built up a lifetime's worth of experience, that the MLE Department Head thought was worthy of a leadership role here. He'd been pleasantly surprised to be offered the job, having been expecting to start at the bottom again. Yet she was trusting him with his own division, and Anderson was going to do everything in his power to make sure it ran smoothly.
For now, though, he was here. In a queue. Removing his jacket because he was suddenly too hot. And wondering what kind of face he'd be pulling when that randomly flashing camera at the far end took his photo.
Mer ran a hand down her dress smoothing it out as she looked around at all of the other new workers near her. Some were well, very young and there seemed to be some older people in the mix as well…were most of those transfers like she and Pey were?
Running a hand through her brown hair the new Hag-lady just grinned around at everyone. So? Who was in charge of this shindig?
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Autumn ran a hand through her black hair. Was this name tag ID permanent? If so, she wanted to look perfect for the picture. She could not walk around the Ministry with an ugly ID that did not match her pretty face. Thinking about this somehow made her less nervous about the Employee Orientation she was about to enter.
Her smile widened as the lady said she was a new employee too. Oooh, a handshake, this was new. She took her hand and shook it, feeling all professional. "Nice to meet you, Claudette. I am Autumn Carey, Department of Magical Games and Sports." International Magical Cooperation sounded cool! That must be where they dealt with foreign things. "Are you excited to start work?" She asked.
It was logical to assume that they were all getting ID's so they could all show that they were in fact ministry employees. Clo had to ask Luc later if anyone had tried posing as a ministry employee and then turned out to just be trouble? Like with the muggle drivers lisences she hoped the camera would get a good picture to match with her beautiful features and not a picture she wanted to hide away and never show. No use worrying though the photographer was probably as helpful as she was.
Pulling her hand Claudette's smile widened into a full beam. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Autumn. What will you work with in Games and Sports? Are you a big Quidditch fan?" Depending on what Autumn responded she'd have to weigh her next words since if Autumn was a fan then maybe she'd take offence to hear her just liking to watch the sport.
Nodding Clo said excitedly "Yes I am. I can't wait to really start tomorrow and meet my department head and all my colleagues but I'm nervous and a little scared too. How about you? Are you equally excited to start work?"
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Fate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fate was waiting in line to check in when she heard a voice behind her that instantly seemed to freeze her blood and yet shoot warmth through her veins at the same time..
Seb.. She could barely breathe.. And she wanted to jump up and down, and cry and slap him all at the same time!
He had been haunting her dreams and her thoughts and she could still feel the warmth of his lips against hers.. In that brief magical moment in the bar.
Perhaps.. In the daylight... It would be different! Maybe it was a trick of a dimly lit bar! Maybe it was the ever so slight buzz of the drink she had had to make her almost instantly fall for him.
She slowly turned around and her mouth nearly fell open!
Oh Holy Night! He was utterly dazzling.. Her mind short circuited and all she could do was stare at him for a moment! She should have been slapping him for what he did to her in the bar.. She should have been yelling at him! But all she could do was stare!
"I know your name.." was all she could say.
Oh Sweet-Merlin. . .
She was even more beautiful than he remembered. those slivery-green eyes that had mesmerized him and captivated his dreams.
The guilt he had been feeling seemed to hit him like a punch in the face. He couldn't believe he had left her there after he had kissed her. It was a wonder that she hadn't slapped him the moment she had turned around.
"Fate. . . " How was he supposed to tell her how sorry he was, how ,much he regretted walking away from her? Was he supposed to tell her how alive she had made him feel?
But all he could do was stare into those beautiful eyes. . . and feel like a piece of garbage for what he did.
"Fate. . . I- I'm so sorry."
That was totally going to make her forgive you. He wouldn't be surprised if she never talked to him again. Even the thought of her never speaking to him again made his stomach coil. Even if he'd only met her a little while ago, she had left a mark on his heart. . . and he couldn't let her go. . .