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Anna Banana 04-12-2011 10:13 PM

Level 1 Corridor & Portraits
Corridor and Portraits

As you step out the lifts, you enter into an entrance area with a directory that shows you've reached level one of the Ministry of Magic. This is the level that houses the Minister of Magic's Office and serves as a work area for all those employed within. Step out of the lifts turn right and follow the corridor, turn left and swing around to enter the lobby of the Minister of Magic's Office, or turn around and head back into the lifts.

If you choose to hang around for a while, you'll notice that the walls lining the first floor corridor feature framed paintings of past and present Ministers of Magic. The closest one to you features the current Minister of Magic, Mrs Althea Scabior. Further down the corridor are framed paintings of Undersecretaries, Department Heads, and other Ministry dignitaries.

Maxilocks 05-05-2011 07:15 AM

Whitterz <3
Sion had nothing to do. She could go to the Mysteries Break Room, but she didn't feel like it. She felt energetic and exhausted at the same time, and that could be the reason she'd ended up here, at the upper levels, as far from her department as possible. Dark hair tied in an elegant bun at the back of her head, she came to a halt.

And grinned.

There was a portrait of her, here.

She couldn't help but find that amusing. She laughed, the sound clear and tinkling and sweet.

WhittyBitty 05-06-2011 03:34 AM

Cherry was heading down the corridor slowly, taking in each portrait as she went. As part of being new to the Ministry, she wanted to see each and every person who worked here in a boss position, and especially the Ministers.

Some people might have found this boring, but she thought it was interesting. ^______^

Suddenly she heard laughter. She wasn't alone after all. She looked up and saw a woman. "Hey, I saw you on the wall."

She now tried to remember what the name under her portrait had read.

Maxilocks 05-06-2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Squishy ♥ (Post 10317851)
Cherry was heading down the corridor slowly, taking in each portrait as she went. As part of being new to the Ministry, she wanted to see each and every person who worked here in a boss position, and especially the Ministers.

Some people might have found this boring, but she thought it was interesting. ^______^

Suddenly she heard laughter. She wasn't alone after all. She looked up and saw a woman. "Hey, I saw you on the wall."

She now tried to remember what the name under her portrait had read.

Sion had heard the footsteps, and guessed that they did not belong to a man, let alone a handsome man. It didn't surprise her, then, when she half-turned and found herself looking at a woman.

"Hi." She tilted her head to one side, big dark eyes full of laughter. "I saw myself, too, just now." Then she straightened up and smiled, the action more serious, but no less warm. "I'm Sion Jetza," she offered, by way of introduction. "Unspeakable. You?"

WhittyBitty 05-09-2011 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by Maxilocks (Post 10318536)
Sion had heard the footsteps, and guessed that they did not belong to a man, let alone a handsome man. It didn't surprise her, then, when she half-turned and found herself looking at a woman.

"Hi." She tilted her head to one side, big dark eyes full of laughter. "I saw myself, too, just now." Then she straightened up and smiled, the action more serious, but no less warm. "I'm Sion Jetza," she offered, by way of introduction. "Unspeakable. You?"

She smiled at the woman as she laughed. It was good that she could make someone laugh. That must mean that all the Heads here weren't mean. Not that she was necessarily worried about that

Cherry took her hand. "I'm Cherry. And I work in the The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office." Which wasn't nearly as cool as an Unspeakable.

"So I guess I can't ask you about your job then." Which sucked.

Deatheater 2251 06-14-2011 06:10 PM

Luke was touring the premises. He figured that if he was going to do his job right and ever advance he needed to know things like exits and security risks. He didn't want to end up forever doing forensics. He wanted to be out there in the thick of things. He stopped to look at the portraits of the former ministers of magic, paying particular attention to Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour and Pius Thicknesse. He thought that those three ministers had been among the wizarding world's greatest idiots. He'd done a thesis on these three in Uni and he'd come to the conclusion that where politics met the real world the lot of them were bloody fools.

Anna Banana 06-14-2011 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251 (Post 10400274)
Luke was touring the premises. He figured that if he was going to do his job right and ever advance he needed to know things like exits and security risks. He didn't want to end up forever doing forensics. He wanted to be out there in the thick of things. He stopped to look at the portraits of the former ministers of magic, paying particular attention to Cornelius Fudge, Rufus Scrimgeour and Pius Thicknesse. He thought that those three ministers had been among the wizarding world's greatest idiots. He'd done a thesis on these three in Uni and he'd come to the conclusion that where politics met the real world the lot of them were bloody fools.

Alexander stepped out his office and began the walk down the corridor toward the lift area. As he walked, he rolled his eyes out of pure frustration. The Pricklepot woman was going to drive him insane, and she'd only been on the job for less than an hour. He pressed the button to open the doors to the lift then waited for them to open.

He typically kept to himself unless there was business to attend to, and so he just gave those in the corridor with him a nod of recognition before turning back to the lifts again. Why hadn't they bloody well opened yet? He'd have Maintenance on it soon, but then again, that would involve Pricklepot and her unnecessary cheek-pinching spending more time than necessary in his vicinity.

Deatheater 2251 06-14-2011 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 10400723)
Alexander stepped out his office and began the walk down the corridor toward the lift area. As he walked, he rolled his eyes out of pure frustration. The Pricklepot woman was going to drive him insane, and she'd only been on the job for less than an hour. He pressed the button to open the doors to the lift then waited for them to open.

He typically kept to himself unless there was business to attend to, and so he just gave those in the corridor with him a nod of recognition before turning back to the lifts again. Why hadn't they bloody well opened yet? He'd have Maintenance on it soon, but then again, that would involve Pricklepot and her unnecessary cheek-pinching spending more time than necessary in his vicinity.

Luke noticed Mr. Grengoth walk past him and head for the elevators. He looked pretty upset about something and Luke's keen eye noticed that He was pushing not the up or down button but the center button the red one that stopped all cars. He smirked a little and walked over to him. "Going up Mr. Grengoth?" He asked politely pushing the up button for the man and disengaging the all stop button.

Anna Banana 06-16-2011 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Deatheater 2251 (Post 10400786)
Luke noticed Mr. Grengoth walk past him and head for the elevators. He looked pretty upset about something and Luke's keen eye noticed that He was pushing not the up or down button but the center button the red one that stopped all cars. He smirked a little and walked over to him. "Going up Mr. Grengoth?" He asked politely pushing the up button for the man and disengaging the all stop button.

"No," Alexander answered, "I'm not." He waited until the up button grew dim again, as it'd lit up when the man pressed it, and then he pressed the down button instead. "We are up." He turned to the man with a polite smile and a nod anyway. "I'm going down."

He was only giving the man a hard time in a joking-type manner, though. Most people did tend to forget that the Ministry of Magic was constructed differently than most buildings. Level one was at the very top, and if you wanted to go to any of the others, you went down, ending with level ten, which was the courtroom level.

When the lift door opened, Alexander made a move to step inside, but he turned back to the man before he did so. "Are you headed down, as well?" he asked, motioning into the lift. Then he stepped inside.

OOC: Want to join him in the lifts? My next post will be there. ^_^

Deatheater 2251 06-16-2011 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 10403912)
"No," Alexander answered, "I'm not." He waited until the up button grew dim again, as it'd lit up when the man pressed it, and then he pressed the down button instead. "We are up." He turned to the man with a polite smile and a nod anyway. "I'm going down."

He was only giving the man a hard time in a joking-type manner, though. Most people did tend to forget that the Ministry of Magic was constructed differently than most buildings. Level one was at the very top, and if you wanted to go to any of the others, you went down, ending with level ten, which was the courtroom level.

When the lift door opened, Alexander made a move to step inside, but he turned back to the man before he did so. "Are you headed down, as well?" he asked, motioning into the lift. Then he stepped inside.

OOC: Want to join him in the lifts?

"I'm sorry Mr. Grengoth, I've only just returned from america and the buildings are different here." He smiled knowing the guy was just messing with him. It was nice to know that not all upper level bureaucrats were stuffed shirts. He seemed like a nice guy and maybe someone that he could be friends with.

Luke Stepped inside. "Yes sir, I'd like to see level 10." He smiled. "My name is Luke Dubois I'm the new CMEC Counterfeit Magic Identification Specialist." He introduced himself and held out his hand to the Senior Undersecretary.

TSnitch 06-29-2011 02:07 PM

Dacs had much to do today. She was just about heading back to her office after a break. It was interesting how she had to put some effort to keep up with the rapid changes in the ministry. Usually, it was easy to roll with the punches and stay on top of things. But the changes were very quick and Dacs was really being put to the test on ow well she can keep up. According to her standards, she was doing a fair job.

She slowed down as she walked along the upper level corridor. Gazing at the portraits as now strolled by them with her head swimming in thoughts and hands in pockets.

Boy Wonder 06-29-2011 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10431930)
Dacs had much to do today. She was just about heading back to her office after a break. It was interesting how she had to put some effort to keep up with the rapid changes in the ministry. Usually, it was easy to roll with the punches and stay on top of things. But the changes were very quick and Dacs was really being put to the test on ow well she can keep up. According to her standards, she was doing a fair job.

She slowed down as she walked along the upper level corridor. Gazing at the portraits as now strolled by them with her head swimming in thoughts and hands in pockets.

Work, work, work, gotta get back to work!

Benjamin had his lunch and now it was BACK TO WORK. He had papers out of his briefcase and under his arms for he met up with another department and never got a chance to put it away. As the man strolled down the walkway- Fedora and charmed glasses armed and primed- he noticed someone in the distance. Ah!

"Hello, beautiful," he said before stealing a kiss on the cheek.

TSnitch 06-29-2011 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder (Post 10431939)
Work, work, work, gotta get back to work!

Benjamin had his lunch and now it was BACK TO WORK. He had papers out of his briefcase and under his arms for he met up with another department and never got a chance to put it away. As the man strolled down the walkway- Fedora and charmed glasses armed and primed- he noticed someone in the distance. Ah!

"Hello, beautiful," he said before stealing a kiss on the cheek.

Dacs looked up just in time to see Ben when he called to her and surprised her even more with a peck."Hey. I was just heading back to the office and so are judging by the direction. How's your day so far?" she remarked, tucking a stray lock of fiery red hair behind her ear and out of her eye. Dacs hadn't seen Ben all week and wondered how he was keeping up with everything.

Boy Wonder 06-29-2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10431980)
Dacs looked up just in time to see Ben when he called to her and surprised her even more with a peck."Hey. I was just heading back to the office and so are judging by the direction. How's your day so far?" she remarked, tucking a stray lock of fiery red hair behind her ear and out of her eye. Dacs hadn't seen Ben all week and wondered how he was keeping up with everything.

"BUSY, but what else is new in the department..." He tried to neaten up the papers he was carrying, but ended up dropping one. "Ah, crap..." He gave Dacs a look that said, 'things...' he then bent over to pick it up. As he did, he continued, "Enchanted Binoculars that let you see through walls. Not a bad tool, if you think about it." He finally got it in his briefcase.

"How 'bout you?" Now, that they were officially exclusive, it felt like they could just talk... and argue... but talk. And not have to worry about everything else thats evil in the world. He gave Dacs his charming smile.

TSnitch 06-29-2011 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder (Post 10431999)
"BUSY, but what else is new in the department..." He tried to neaten up the papers he was carrying, but ended up dropping one. "Ah, crap..." He gave Dacs a look that said, 'things...' he then bent over to pick it up. As he did, he continued, "Enchanted Binoculars that let you see through walls. Not a bad tool, if you think about it." He finally got it in his briefcase.

"How 'bout you?" Now, that they were officially exclusive, it felt like they could just talk... and argue... but talk. And not have to worry about everything else thats evil in the world. He gave Dacs his charming smile.

Dacs giggled a bit."Got a fresh set of pups to work with on a case. Gonna be heading out into the field with them shortly. I miss being an auror. I loved it so much. Don't get me wrong love this job also but being an auror was my first love."she remarked before exhaling heavily. For the first time Dacs felt a bit relaxed and realized that she was a bit tired.

It was always work and more work and now she had Ben. She leaned against the wall as Ben put the papers away and smiled when he did.

Boy Wonder 06-29-2011 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10432035)
Dacs giggled a bit."Got a fresh set of pups to work with on a case. Gonna be heading out into the field with them shortly. I miss being an auror. I loved it so much. Don't get me wrong love this job also but being an auror was my first love."she remarked before exhaling heavily. For the first time Dacs felt a bit relaxed and realized that she was a bit tired.

It was always work and more work and now she had Ben. She leaned against the wall as Ben put the papers away and smiled when he did.

Ben sighed. She was lucky in regards to her work load. "I wish I had pups at all. Hell, I'd take a Road Runner or Elephant," His workers never showed up. They better not, or they will face my wrath. Then she went on about not being an Auror. "Hey, five years ago, I looked up to your position." The Detective thought about first starting in the Ministry. Sure, he had already done police, and detective work for that matter before, but it was a different situation.

"I never got to be an Auror," Ben went on, "I was planning on switching over shortly after starting in the MLES, but it never happened." He paused for a moment. "But, the job I have now means a lot to me... It's personal." for a very specific reason Ben HOPED Dacs knew. "But anyway..." Lighter topic, lighter topic, "You wanna grab dinner later?" Ben just wanted to move the conversation along. He leaned up against the wall next to Dacs knowing full well they should get back to the MLE.

TSnitch 06-29-2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder (Post 10432087)
Ben sighed. She was lucky in regards to her work load. "I wish I had pups at all. Hell, I'd take a Road Runner or Elephant," His workers never showed up. They better not, or they will face my wrath. Then she went on about not being an Auror. "Hey, five years ago, I looked up to your position." The Detective thought about first starting in the Ministry. Sure, he had already done police, and detective work for that matter before, but it was a different situation.

"I never got to be an Auror," Ben went on, "I was planning on switching over shortly after starting in the MLES, but it never happened." He paused for a moment. "But, the job I have now means a lot to me... It's personal." for a very specific reason Ben HOPED Dacs knew. "But anyway..." Lighter topic, lighter topic, "You wanna grab dinner later?" Ben just wanted to move the conversation along. He leaned up against the wall next to Dacs knowing full well they should get back to the MLE.

Dacs nodded and said,"Sure, that sounds great. I got to get back to the office, duty calls." Pushing herself off the wall, she turned to face him and said,"You pick the restaurant this time." She flashed him a very bright yet smoldering smile before winking at him. She always got a little playful with him, even in the slightest of ways.

Boy Wonder 06-29-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10432109)
Dacs nodded and said,"Sure, that sounds great. I got to get back to the office, duty calls." Pushing herself off the wall, she turned to face him and said,"You pick the restaurant this time." She flashed him a very bright yet smoldering smile before winking at him. She always got a little playful with him, even in the slightest of ways.

Ben smiled to himself, "Yeah, I will," he said to her. He saw the wink, BOY DID HE SEE THE WINK. He let out a laugh at her. Once she went back into that office, he knew they wouldn't get a chance to act like this. "Yeah... I gotta go meet with Transportation..." He was slowly turning away from Dacs before he stopped, and looked back. Then he gave one of his rare genuine smiles that actually meant he was very happy. Something that only came out around Dacs."Hey... I love you."

TSnitch 06-29-2011 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder (Post 10432144)
Ben smiled to himself, "Yeah, I will," he said to her. He saw the wink, BOY DID HE SEE THE WINK. He let out a laugh at her. Once she went back into that office, he knew they wouldn't get a chance to act like this. "Yeah... I gotta go meet with Transportation..." He was slowly turning away from Dacs before he stopped, and looked back. Then he gave one of his rare genuine smiles that actually meant he was very happy. Something that only came out around Dacs."Hey... I love you."

She smiled when he said those words that always hit her in the chest and knocked the wind right out of her, taking her breath away."I love you too babe. Now, play nice. I'll see you later." she replied before turning away and started back toward the office. She could still hear his footsteps.

Davvy_Wavvy 08-01-2011 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10432154)
She smiled when he said those words that always hit her in the chest and knocked the wind right out of her, taking her breath away."I love you too babe. Now, play nice. I'll see you later." she replied before turning away and started back toward the office. She could still hear his footsteps.

Layla strolled up to the law enforcement level with a very obvious skip in her steps. Yep she was in a rather very good mood, thanks to the daily prophet. It seemed the MLE workers had finally got what was coming to them. She giggled to herself. Yep it was a Got your issue of the DP yet?good day.

She was in such a good mood she decided to share it with her lovely always charming sister Dacs. She snorted at the thought. Dacs and charming was a very odd combination. Speaking of Dacs, there she was. Just the person Layla was hoping to see.

"Hey sis," She said beaming. She waved her copy around a bit then threw it at her sister.

TSnitch 08-01-2011 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10502259)
Layla strolled up to the law enforcement level with a very obvious skip in her steps. Yep she was in a rather very good mood, thanks to the daily prophet. It seemed the MLE workers had finally got what was coming to them. She giggled to herself. Yep it was a Got your issue of the DP yet?good day.

She was in such a good mood she decided to share it with her lovely always charming sister Dacs. She snorted at the thought. Dacs and charming was a very odd combination. Speaking of Dacs, there she was. Just the person Layla was hoping to see.

"Hey sis," She said beaming. She waved her copy around a bit then threw it at her sister.

Dacs released an uncharacteristic groan and said,"Oh what do you want now Layla? I have no time for your antics. Unlike you I actually have things to do." She turned on her hands on her hips, pushing her jacket back.

The holster of her wand, felt especially warm as her features changed from friendly to deadly as her obnoxious sister approached her with obvious intent.

Davvy_Wavvy 08-01-2011 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10502274)
Dacs released an uncharacteristic groan and said,"Oh what do you want now Layla? I have no time for your antics. Unlike you I actually have things to do." She turned on her hands on her hips, pushing her jacket back.

The holster of her wand, felt especially warm as her features changed from friendly to deadly as her obnoxious sister approached her with obvious intent.

Layla sent her sister a smug grin and walked closer, stopping within a few feet of her." Are you always this pleasant?" The sarcasm in her voice could not be missed. In any case nothing Antoni could possibly say could spoil her mood today.

She stole a quick glance at her sister's wand holster then focused back on her face. Tsk, they relied so heavily on their wands and now they couldn't apparate...poor saps.

"I was just wondering if you have had a look at the daily prophet yet." Smirk.

TSnitch 08-01-2011 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10502286)
Layla sent her sister a smug grin and walked closer, stopping within a few feet of her." Are you always this pleasant?" The sarcasm in her voice could not be missed. In any case nothing Antoni could possibly say could spoil her mood today.

She stole a quick glance at her sister's wand holster then focused back on her face. Tsk, they relied so heavily on their wands and now they couldn't apparate...poor saps.

"I was just wondering if you have had a look at the daily prophet yet." Smirk.

Dacs smiled a smile that reach her eyes which went cold and hard."Actually, I did. What, do you need help breaking down the bigs words there sis?" she retorted, matching Layla's sarcasm.

She saw her glance at her wrist and she stuck her hand into her pockets. As an Auror she trained in hand to hand combat as well as mastering the wand. They were trained to go up against the nastiest of dark wizards, so handling a few brains wasn't a problem but this was her sister. There was something in her stirring that she didn't like. Something that wouldn't readily allow her to seriously hurt her sister.

Davvy_Wavvy 08-01-2011 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by TSnitch (Post 10502302)
Dacs smiled a smile that reach her eyes which went cold and hard."Actually, I did. What, do you need help breaking down the bigs words there sis?" she retorted, matching Layla's sarcasm.

She saw her glance at her wrist and she stuck her hand into her pockets. As an Auror she trained in hand to hand combat as well as mastering the wand. They were trained to go up against the nastiest of dark wizards, so handling a few brains wasn't a problem but this was her sister. There was something in her stirring that she didn't like. Something that wouldn't readily allow her to seriously hurt her sister.

Layla laughed mirthlessly, then leaned against the wall and folded her arms. Yeah that was totally not funny." Actually no I read it just fine. The between the line stuff was exceptionally funny." She smirked." I mean it's back to broom sticks and floo powder for you."

She watched Dacs put her hand into her pocket, then dropped her hands to her sides as well, letting them brush against her own holster, so she could feel that her wand was still there ready and waiting. Not that she intended to use it of course. She didn't miind taunting Antoni but she certainly wouldn't hex her.

TSnitch 08-01-2011 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy (Post 10502324)
Layla laughed mirthlessly, then leaned against the wall and folded her arms. Yeah that was totally not funny." Actually no I read it just fine. The between the line stuff was exceptionally funny." She smirked." I mean it's back to broom sticks and floo powder for you."

She watched Dacs put her hand into her pocket, then dropped her hands to her sides as well, letting them brush against her own holster, so she could feel that her wand was still there ready and waiting. Not that she intended to use it of course. She didn't miind taunting Antoni but she certainly wouldn't hex her.

Dacs rolled her hazel eyes."I didn't know you were this childish. Don't you have to be there to ask Armen how high to jump when he says to jump? I really can't deal with you right ok. Thanks to your boss, my job is twice as hard now and poses alot of danger for people I protect on a daily basis. Yeah, we're not the ones who threw the monkey wrench here."she said. She really did have a lot of things to cover. New safety measures, tactics and such to maintain the MLES efficiency.

She watched Layla and shook her head. She really thought she could take her on.'Sorry sap.'"Is there anything else I can help you with?" she asked her tone very polite and detached, business like.

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