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Election EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Ministers for Magic, Sherman Clark [IC January 2086 - December 2089; OOC February 2015 - June 2016] & Althea Scabior [IC January 2090 - December 2093; OOC February 2016 - June 2017]
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Desmond Greingoth was HERE!
Sure, the Ministry of Magic was no Quidditch pitch, but Desmond had high hopes that in his new position, he could get really involved in what went on behind the scenes in the pro Quidditch world. He just had to get past whatever this Orientation thing was first. He just wanted to play sports, MAN.
As he made his way around the Orientation, one thing in particular caught his eye, and one very important question came to mind. WHAT was a Country Club Style Buffet? He knew what the buffet part was, but Country Club style? Whatever. There was BACON, and that's all that counted. He bee-lined for the buffet and began making his selections and adding them to his plate.
So where were his co-workers? Was he supposed to be mingling or something?
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Desmond Greingoth was HERE!
Sure, the Ministry of Magic was no Quidditch pitch, but Desmond had high hopes that in his new position, he could get really involved in what went on behind the scenes in the pro Quidditch world. He just had to get past whatever this Orientation thing was first. He just wanted to play sports, MAN.
As he made his way around the Orientation, one thing in particular caught his eye, and one very important question came to mind. WHAT was a Country Club Style Buffet? He knew what the buffet part was, but Country Club style? Whatever. There was BACON, and that's all that counted. He bee-lined for the buffet and began making his selections and adding them to his plate.
So where were his co-workers? Was he supposed to be mingling or something?
Having decided to avoid the bingo thing (considering it to be rather juvenile the normal way) and having determined that mini-golf, while fun, was out in these shoes (though she wasn't ruling out taking them off later and going for a round), Sky was here. At the country club style buffet. Words that made her scoff, because they reminded her of the times that her grandparents had forced the family into one. Talk about people who were either arrogant or took themselves way too seriously.
There were some people who seemed like those types here, but for the most part, everyone around the buffet seemed approachable at least. But most people were already in their own conversations. Not that that mattered to her. Nope, she wanted food. And not the fruit-nut-cheese-in-dough thing, either. Lemon chicken and bacon-wrapped scallops followed by cookies (a real dessert), all being chased by some weird pineapple cocktail thing.
Of course, when she turned around to find a seat, she nearly ran into someone. "Ooph. Excuse me, pardon me, sorry!"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
It seemed that there were so many people introducing themselves to her, but then Daisy could have been imagining it because she was hungry and still a little bit nervous. She liked meeting new people, but she had never held a ministry type job before. "Nice to meet you, Zhenya....Megan... everyone else." She felt a little bad for not knowing everyone's names. Maybe she should actually look at their badges.
Everyone seemed to be really friendly and that was helping her to loosen up a little bit. She had worked for a newspaper and magazine, she could handle this kind of thing.
"Hello!" she added to a man (Logan) who joined the group. He seemed to be in the same Department as everyone else, and it was nice to get to know the people she would be working with. "I had a nice break, yes. What about you?" It seemed that everyone was in a good mood and ready to get started so Daisy assumed they all had good holidays.
She smiled at Megan. "I am enjoying it, yes. Thank you. How long have you worked here?" It seemed that at least some of these people had worked at the Ministry for a while because they seemed so laid back and familiar with each other. She didn't get to dwell on the matter for long, however, because a man (Mickey) had just been stomped on??? "Am I missing something here?"
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
"Umm... I did!" Zhenya said. Though she had already plonked it all in her locker upstairs. She didn't want to carry her bag around. "I'll give it to you later, okay?" It was safely wrapped in the bag upstairs, ready for her to hand it to Megan. "Hi Logan," Zhenya greeted another one of her colleagues. Merlin, there were HEAPS of them here. "I had a great break. I went back to Russia for a holiday. How about you?" And then Daisy was speaking with them. She seemed really nice. "Nice to meet you too, Daisy." She listened as others spoke, Megan, Logan, Daisy, and enjoyed chomping on some of the snacks around her.
Zhenya looked at Kai, with a concerned furrow in her brow. "You think? Are you okay?" she asked quietly. And then she felt her chest swell with the feeling she had made such great friends at A&C when Kai asked if she needed to help Megan. She felt her face ease up and smile. She shook her head. "No, it's fine. But.. thank you." She added. But then Megan went for it. Merlin, did she go for it. Zhenya watched, her mouth gasping open, as Megan stomped on Micky's foot. She looked down and saw those HEELS. Ouch. She cringed to herself. That... that had GOT to hurt. And then Megan's fierce words to Micky. Well... at least she didn't have to worry about any more unprepared kisses. But she was slightly speechless as Megan came back. She... well, nobody had ever done anything like that for her. Although she was half upset that Micky had been hurt, she was also half amazed that her friend would do that for her. "You didn't need to do that Megan," Zhenya said with a little smile on her lips. "But thank you," she added in a whisper. She wasn't sure what Micky was saying to the other girl, but it wasn't English or Russian. She still didn't want to look at him. She felt her cheeks blaze with the feeling that he was looking at her. She had no idea how to even explain it to Daisy...
Food wasn't really his thing. Oh yes he did enjoy eating the ocasional roast, and he wouldn't say no to a well cooked home meal. But food at parties, ugh such a waste. He didn't remember one single event he attended where the food had been any good.
But considering his options, he was drawn to the Buffet for he did not enjoy bingo, even one as imaginative as that one was nor did he like golf.
He strolled around the room confidently in his vest, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and tie casually hanging from his neck. He looked around in search of a familiar face but quickly discovered none. With a low sigh he approached the beverages table and picked an inconspicuous looking glass to sip from.
He kept glancing from his drink to his surroundings, towering over almost everyone with his large frame and height.
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by nicole black
Tala had been so busy lamenting the lack of sweets that she hadn't noticed that it was the girl in front go her that was in fact holding up the line, until the woman apologized that is. "No worries, I'm just like, dying over here." Tala joked, winking at the younger girl before half turning to snatch up as many baked goods as she could fit on a plate without looking like a pig.
Which wasn't as much as she would have liked.
"Are you new? You must be, I've never seen you before," The blonde said, glancing back to offer the brunette a warm smile. She seemed young, but they had quite the wave of younger people this year, or at least that was how it seemed to taladona. Felt kinda nice not ti be one of the younger people working there anymore.
Evie smiled and even let out a small laugh at the woman's joke, but... she was still nervous and was having a hard time relaxing. Luckily, she didn't try to make another joke and instead changed the subject.
"Yes, I was just accepted into the YATI program," Evie replied with a proud smile, scooting down the table to let her get more food. She felt slightly relieved to be finally talking to someone, so she lingered. "How long have you been here? Do you know most people here?" Because she noted that she hadn't seen her before, but the Ministry was a big place with a lot of people. Perhaps she was very observant.
Charles saw most of his A&C colleagues he knew had gathered over at the buffet table. It seemed as though most of them were excited to be back at work. He noticed Eliora walking past and avoiding them like a plague. She still holding that grudge, huh? Hmm...of course he didn't give her any much thought and simply shrugged. Charles returned to his reading only to be startled by Megan's booming voice calling out his name across the hall and waving at his direction. He wasn't sure how to respond to her greeting, he hardly ever waved back so...
He didn't ignore her however, Charles nodded back at Megan in acknowledgement with a small smile. His cheeks colouring slightly, the last thing he needed was more attention drawn to him. Last year, he had too many of those when his mind got scrambled by those stupid low-flow joke toilets. His outrageous behaviour almost cost him his job! Merlin... he hoped such things never to repeat itself this year again...thank you very much. Well...with an exception of one...
Yes...he was talking about the painting and lip-to-lip incident at the breakroom with none other than Kai. He wondered if she remembered...
Logan came to a stop near his table and began asking about their holidays. He didn't answer and just stare at him strangely. My...wasn't he in a chirpy mood today?
He put down his book when flustered looking Zhenya came to join him suddenly and asked about him. "Umm...goo-" but paused in the middle when a loud cry was heard back at the buffet table. Apparently,Kang Micky foot got stomped on by Megan's heels. Ouch...that might have hurt terribly. Charles couldn't help but to stifle his laughter as he continued to observe, baffled at the lot of them.
His mind had drifted else where as he observed the crowds in front of him. He really needed to be able to grow his own mandrakes in that tinny tiny apartment of his...
There were several small groups gathered nearby but was one in particular grabbed his attention. They were the biggest, and loudest, one. But that wasn't what got his attention. He could swear he heard someone saying Accidents and Catastrophes. And if he was right those might be his soon to be department fellows.
He pulled himself from the wall sluggishly, drink still in hand and swirled though the masses until he found himself standing next to a young woman (Fate) at one of the ends of the group. He leaned down so he was at head's height "I'm sorry for the intrusion, do you work in Accident's and Catastrophes?" he asked, his voice husky for not being used for nearly an hour. I hope that was proper polite conversation, he thought to himself, sometimes people found him rather offensive.
He proceeded gazing around the group, lifting his right hand in a greeting wave. He certainly was looking forward for this moment.
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Sure, the Ministry of Magic was no Quidditch pitch, but Desmond had high hopes that in his new position, he could get really involved in what went on behind the scenes in the pro Quidditch world. He just had to get past whatever this Orientation thing was first. He just wanted to play sports, MAN.
As he made his way around the Orientation, one thing in particular caught his eye, and one very important question came to mind. WHAT was a Country Club Style Buffet? He knew what the buffet part was, but Country Club style? Whatever. There was BACON, and that's all that counted. He bee-lined for the buffet and began making his selections and adding them to his plate.
So where were his co-workers? Was he supposed to be mingling or something?
Talullah had been here for a year already. She couldn't believe it. One year. She was surprised that she liked it here and she was also very excited about meeting all the new employee's that were finally here.
Before going to the bingo event that was going on Tallie wanted to go and get some food. The blonde was so happy that there was buffet. Buffet's were her favorite. All you can eat food. Mmm. Perfection.
Country Club style? She had never been to a country club before. Did they serve different styles of food? Talullah made her way over to the buffet and piled some food on her plate. Tallie looked around to see if any of her co-workers were here as she put some more food on her plate.
She saw a man and gave him a warm smile. "Hello. You haven't see any games and sports employees around here, have you?" The Irishwoman asked.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Megan smiled sweetly and innocently at Kang. "Oh, nothing. I just had the urge to stomp you,'' she said sarcastically. Him and his flirty ways. It was disgusting the way he acted towards girls and his behaviour with Zhenya? That was unacceptable. Without another word, she had stalked back to her friend.
"I did, Zhenya. He had no right to kiss you like that and in front of everyone,'' Megan replied fiercely. She thought of the younger woman as a sister and if anyone messed with her, they would not like to have her full Slytherin side emerge. "He likes you but he's going on about getting your attention the wrong way.'' Maybe she was no expert on guys, but she sure would not appreciate those actions. "About that souvenir, I can hardly wait to see what it is!'' She was a huge fan of presents.
The blond smiled merrily at the newbie Daisy. "I've been here for exactly one year. Accidents and Catastrophe's is a lot of fun even in crazy situations.'' Wasn't that the truth! She grinned. "Watch out for Kang. He just kissed Zhenya which she nor I appreciated.'' She would have told Daisy more about Kang and his ways but it was not in her nature to slander anyone's name even if she disliked them.
Charles, it seemed, would not leave his book alone. That or he was permanently stuck to his chair. Megan thought the man would do well if he loosened up a little. She turned to look at someone else asking Fate about their department. "Hi. Are you joining our Department too?''
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Fate turned around as a man (Gideon)Helped her right herself and she gave him a warm, but slightly shy smile as she swallowed the food that was in her mouth. "Thank you." She said as she turned to look at the girl(Megan)she had actually bumped into. "Oh no! I'm so sorry, Food going to waste would be awful." She should know.. because she had a sad lack of it at the moment. "Yes, I'm new. I'm in Accidents and Catastrophes.." She said as she pointed at her badge that she was wearing.
"I'm Fate." She introduced herself, and then looked around the group.. It seemed like they were all in the same department! Maybe she would actually know people when she went to work! That would be nice!
"Hi, I'm Fate." She said as she introduced herself to the rest of the people standing there and she smiled at Zhenya who had said hello to her. "Hi."
This was all so awkward.. there were so many people and Fate was not good at small talk! So hopefully.. it could move past introductions soon! Lest she end up making a fool out of herself in front of everyone she worked with.
She heard a deep voice near her and she turned to looked up at a very tall man who had spoken to her. "I do actually, do you as well?" She asked as she gave him a warm smile..
Jasmine heard there was a ministry orientation. She didn't know if she was going to come or not. I mean she wasn't really the one to party. I mean she had to admit she did look good. She looked at her reflection and she smiled wide. Her makeup was on point and she felt confident. The one downside of getting ready and getting pretty, she didn't have any time to eat. She went to the buffet and smelled the glorious food. Yuummm that smelled good. She went over and saw all her favorites. Well there goes her diet. She went over to the buffet not having a care in the world and filled up her plate with mac and cheese, steak, corn bread and got some pumpkin juice. That was all for now. She would go back for seconds.
She went over to go find a table.
Originally Posted by littledhampir
Cassie wasn't really hungry, but the buffet looked like the best place to start. She wasn't new, so she was able to skip that first table. What was going on over there? Bingo? That looked like chaos and she was happy to avoid it. Mini golf didn't look too bad, but she didn't want to do that by herself. So she ended up at the buffet. Alright. She helped herself to a few rolls and drizzles gravy over them yum.
Cassie found an empty table and took a seat. She didn't mind if anyone else joined her. Whether it was someone she knew or not. But if no one else did join her, that was fine too. Whatever. There was a man she had never seen before lingering near by. Was he looking for a table too? She sent him a friendly smile so he'd know he was welcome if he wanted to take a seat. Then she took a bite of her bread, and it was just as delicious as she had expected.
Noah saw the smile from the seated woman (Cassie) and smiled back. Now while smiling at strangers was something he did plenty, especially women. But this was work so it was a different kinda smile. He was about to head over when he looked over to see another woman (Jasmine)
Turning to face the new woman he made sure a friendly smile was aimed in her direction. "If you're looking for a table, i was gonna head over to that one? You should join me." He said to the younger woman, whom he had no clue was in his department. At that he headed to the table and took a seat, addressing the woman already there. "Hello, I'm Noah.. I'm in Accidents and Catastrophies." he held out his hand to shake.
Megan thought the man would do well if he loosened up a little. She turned to look at someone else asking Fate about their department. "Hi. Are you joining our Department too?''
She heard a deep voice near her and she turned to looked up at a very tall man who had spoken to her. "I do actually, do you as well?" She asked as she gave him a warm smile..
Warm smiles for everyone!
Smiles she could do.. Small talk, not so much!
As he waited to be acknowledged a blonde woman, wearing a black dress spoke to him. Gallowglass cleared his throat "Yes, I am" he answered grinning and stretching his hand towards said woman "I'm Gallowglass, Lab Technician within Division Two- Accidental Magic Reversal Squad" he offered with a polite nod of his head.
The other woman, the one he had initially talked to, a petit brunette, smiling warmly at him, was also in his department, he stretched his hand towards her too. "I was hanging back there" he pointed his finger towards the beverages' table "when I heard someone talking about Accidents and Catastrophes" Gallowglass explained, circling the top of his drink with his index finger absentmindedly "I didn't have the change to meet anyone until now. Where exactly do you both work inside of the A&C department?" he was genuinely curious to know, they might even be in the same task as he.
He had been in London alone for the past few weeks, other than owling his goddaughter Elsa, he didn't have a chance to properly explore and meet people. This gathering was his first opportunity to do so.
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Noah saw the smile from the seated woman (Cassie) and smiled back. Now while smiling at strangers was something he did plenty, especially women. But this was work so it was a different kinda smile. He was about to head over when he looked over to see another woman (Jasmine)
Turning to face the new woman he made sure a friendly smile was aimed in her direction. "If you're looking for a table, i was gonna head over to that one? You should join me." He said to the younger woman, whom he had no clue was in his department. At that he headed to the table and took a seat, addressing the woman already there. "Hello, I'm Noah.. I'm in Accidents and Catastrophies." he held out his hand to shake.
Jasmine didn't realize she was in her own little world. She snapped out of her trance when she was determining what table to sit at. There seemed to be a lot of people here for just one buffet. She heard what the man was saying to her luckily so she wouldn't sound like an idiot. Jasmine smiled politely and nodded. "Yeah thank you." She made her way over and followed the gentlemen to their table. Hmm his name was Noah. Very common name. "I am Jasmine. I also work in Accidents and Catastrophes. I am in the division of Charms Developer. What department are you in?" Now she was curious to meet her fellow co workers.
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
SPOILER!!: Dmitry, Ember and Mariel!
Originally Posted by Saiai
"You'll definitely be fine. Most people at the Ministry are kind, just don't get on the wrong side of Emily Browne - she's head of the MLE," Dmitry added, allowing Ember to ramble while he sipped at his drink. He almost wished he hadn't when her rambling almost led to the speaking of the dreaded nickname in public. He'd even closed his eyes and dropped his head in preparation, thankful when Ember didn't finish saying Mimi. Merlin he'd be embarrassed if she had.
"I'm not as enthusiastic about it as Ember, then again I'm not sure anyone is as enthusiastic about anything as she is," Mitya said, gazing fondly at her. "But I do like it here, which is something considering I've worked at a few other Ministry's." He wouldn't add that he actually liked the Russian Ministry more, that should be a given though since Russia was home. Still, Britain came a close second. "You'll definitely be fine in Games and Sports though, your Department Head's quite nice." Or at least she had always been so when they spoke. Speaking of.
"Mariel, you look lovely tonight," Dmitry greeted as the woman made her way over to them. She was certainly one of the more dressed up people at this event. Still, it made Mitya feel a little less ridiculous for having worn a suit to an event that was more casual then he'd been expecting. "You did, we got engaged not long before Christmas," Mitya confirmed proudly. "Thank you. How are your family?" If Dmitry remembered correctly Mariel was definitely married and there were a few children.
He would also have introduced Autumn to her but she took care of that herself. Still he added, "Autumn was just telling us how excited she was to start working in Games and Sports," just in case Mariel didn't recognise the girls name. He assumed she would but it was always nice for a Department Head to be aware of the fact that an employee was actually excited about their future job.
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Ember smiled at Autumn reassuringly. "You'll be fine--" she was sure of it! If the woman had a positive attitude, which she seemed to, she would be just fine! "I am in Creatures...the good ole' Level Four," she beamed. "I work with pests. LEAD pest removal officer, right here!" A higher job than she'd had before, and she was GRATEFUL, yes! "So I make sure the baby pests...when we remove them...are treated well and properly and not just thrown away or killed or something awful like that." It wasn't like a muggle exterminator or anything...nope. That made Ember positively SHIVER.
"Games and Sports! That's nice!" Ember had zero interest in sports, but that was still cool! They still took hard work, lots of planning from the behind the scenes, and just..gah! She admired athletes for their dedication. She beamed over at Mimi. "I just...love life, is all." It was something she had started telling people if they asked why she was so damn chipper all the time. Because she loved life!
Mariel! It was Mariel! Ember waved eagerly at the Department Head. "Hi there, Mariel--yes, this is one of your employees! Autumn! She's really excited to be here and working for you!" Ember said, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet. She laced her fingers around Dmitry's....and might have made a face, for half of a split second, when he complimented Mariel...only because she didn't remember if he had complimented her tonight.
How petty, Ember.
Don't be so damn petty, gosh, Brighten. She emptied her thoughts of the negativity...and just...tried to smile.
Originally Posted by emjay
Mariel smiled brightly at Dmitry as he complimented her. "Why thank you. I think it's important to look your best." Always, really, but at events like this especially, even if it was mini golf. "And I have to say you look quite nice yourself." It was nice to see that there were still some people that knew the importance of putting one's best foot forward. Men should wear suits to Ministry functions in her opinion, but that again went back to her wishing they still had formal events. "Jorge and the children are doing quite well, thank you for asking." She always appreciated when someone showed a genuine interest in her family, though she did wish her husband had been able to attend. Not that she blamed him for not wanting to. "I can't believe Alejandro will be two next month already."
Yes, so she had heard correctly about the engagement. How was it that she never realized that the two were ever dating? Must have been her strict policy on keeping out of gossip and personal lives, but she still couldn't help but think the were the two most opposite people to ever get together. "I guess I never connected the dots," she said lightly before smiling wider at the two of them. "But that is wonderful news. Have you set a date yet?" Ember.. that was the woman's name. Mariel knew she'd remember eventually or else it would come up in conversation. She simply radiated excitement, which the Department Head remembered to be a regular occurrence. But Ember had every reason to be excited and she didn't even find it all that annoying this time.
Green eyes shifted to the young woman that she did not know and, just as she thought her name was familiar, her thoughts were confirmed. She was indeed one of her new employees. Mariel glanced at Dmitry and Ember as they both noted how excited Autumn was to be the newest member of Games and Sports. "Well, that's great to hear," she said, turning back to Autumn with a smile. "It's always good to have eager people in the department. We do a lot of hard work on Level Seven." She extended her arm to offer her hand to shake. "Mariel De La Garza. I'm the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports." As in, her new boss.
Emily Browne, head of the MLE. Autumn took a mental note to not get on the wrong side of her. Though … the Gryffindor side of her made her want to learn more about the woman and see what she was like. "Thanks for letting me know, buuut why?" She asked Dmitry. Was she really fierce? She laughed as he said nobody was as enthusiastic about anything as his fiancée was and the beamed as she said she loved life. The girl had known Ember for a very short time, but she could tell that much. "Oooh, where else have you worked at?" She nodded at his comment that her department head was quite nice, feeling nervous again.
Oooh, Creatures! That was cool. She liked animals, not as much as sports or people, but to a certain extent. Pests, though. To be honest, Autumn did not care much about them. As a matter of fact, she did not even know that there were officers taking care of them. "Is it hard? Working with pests?" She asked in interest.
She quietly noted that the new arrival was called Mariel. Wait, that name sounded familiar … as if to confirm her thoughts, the couple introduced her as the woman's employee. It was her boss person! Her department head! The nice one, according to Dmitry. "Yes, I'm excited! I mean, it's such a pleasure to meet you." She said and shook the woman's hand. Oh and thanks to the two of you for making her appear as a super eager newbie.
Aidella | King of Confusion | Brittana | Forever ACROMANTULA
Schuyler wasn't exactly famished, per se, but she was certainly hungry for a bite. She hadn't even been here long, but already she had heard several people raving about the assortment of treats and hors d'oeuvres. A good sign, she thought.
Her orchid colored dress skimming above her knees, she approached the colorful table of food. Oh yes, if it tasted half as good as it looked, the brunette would not be disappointed. After some consideration, she placed one of the cranberry walnut brie bites on her plate, followed by some raspberries and strawberries from the fruit tray. She turned and let her blue eyes skim the crowd. It would be nice to meet some more employees outside of her department. Or, the new ones in DERP.
As she walked around, placing a bite in her mouth now and then, she said hello to one or two people she did know before spotting a young woman who, in some way she couldn't name, looked familiar. Schuyler ordinarily had a knack for names and faces, but not in this case. Maybe it was just a feeling.
"Hi," she greeted with a smile. "That's a nice dress on you."
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Sky and Talullah
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Having decided to avoid the bingo thing (considering it to be rather juvenile the normal way) and having determined that mini-golf, while fun, was out in these shoes (though she wasn't ruling out taking them off later and going for a round), Sky was here. At the country club style buffet. Words that made her scoff, because they reminded her of the times that her grandparents had forced the family into one. Talk about people who were either arrogant or took themselves way too seriously.
There were some people who seemed like those types here, but for the most part, everyone around the buffet seemed approachable at least. But most people were already in their own conversations. Not that that mattered to her. Nope, she wanted food. And not the fruit-nut-cheese-in-dough thing, either. Lemon chicken and bacon-wrapped scallops followed by cookies (a real dessert), all being chased by some weird pineapple cocktail thing.
Of course, when she turned around to find a seat, she nearly ran into someone. "Ooph. Excuse me, pardon me, sorry!"
Originally Posted by DinosaursOnASpaceship
Talullah had been here for a year already. She couldn't believe it. One year. She was surprised that she liked it here and she was also very excited about meeting all the new employee's that were finally here.
Before going to the bingo event that was going on Tallie wanted to go and get some food. The blonde was so happy that there was buffet. Buffet's were her favorite. All you can eat food. Mmm. Perfection.
Country Club style? She had never been to a country club before. Did they serve different styles of food? Talullah made her way over to the buffet and piled some food on her plate. Tallie looked around to see if any of her co-workers were here as she put some more food on her plate.
She saw a man and gave him a warm smile. "Hello. You haven't see any games and sports employees around here, have you?" The Irishwoman asked.
Desmond thought he had prepared himself a pretty nice plate. It was enough where a grown man wouldn't starve but not so much that he looked like a raging pig first day on the job. Technically, he still wasn't ON the job, but it was close enough. He was just about ready to mingle over by the tables for a bit when he turned into someone...LITERALLY...and had to do a very quick balancing act with his plate. He laughed when the woman apologized. "It's all cool," he assured her. "I'm just glad I'm not wearing my bacon." Talk about a terrible first impression...
He was just about to introduce himself, when another lady approached and asked about Games and Sports employees. "Well, how convenient," he said. "I was looking for them myself." Looking back and forth between both ladies, he added, "I'm Desmond Greingoth, new Games and Sports employee." It was too bad he never played anything but reserves in the pro league. Maybe somebody would already know his name then. He waited for the obvious introduction to now come from both of them. It was just what people did after hearing someone else introduce themselves.
Last edited by Anna Banana; 02-16-2016 at 12:35 PM.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
As usual, once she'd gotten through the entrance, Penelope gravitated over to the food table. It was always kinda interesting to see what the different options for food would be each year, and this one looked just as good always. She grabbed a plate and started loading it up with a variety of things to try.
Once she had a full plate though, it was time to find some place to sit and eat. But the question was, pick an empty table and put off the mingling until later or grab a table that other people were sitting at? Hmmm...
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Victoria might have been late, but she wasn't really one that had to be there on time. She wasn't new and she wasn't a boss, so slipping in a little late wasn't a big deal for her. Stopping to talk to a few she looked around for a specific person, the only one she ever really looked for. Not seeing her in the other areas Victoria moved on to the food. If she wasn't there at least she could grab a bite to eat.
Moving into the area she saw her standing talking to others, "Hello Mariel" Moving closer to her best friend and boss she nodded at the other people around. Was anyone a new employee. She'd love to meet some of the new team.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Originally Posted by Cedric
Schuyler wasn't exactly famished, per se, but she was certainly hungry for a bite. She hadn't even been here long, but already she had heard several people raving about the assortment of treats and hors d'oeuvres. A good sign, she thought.
Her orchid colored dress skimming above her knees, she approached the colorful table of food. Oh yes, if it tasted half as good as it looked, the brunette would not be disappointed. After some consideration, she placed one of the cranberry walnut brie bites on her plate, followed by some raspberries and strawberries from the fruit tray. She turned and let her blue eyes skim the crowd. It would be nice to meet some more employees outside of her department. Or, the new ones in DERP.
As she walked around, placing a bite in her mouth now and then, she said hello to one or two people she did know before spotting a young woman who, in some way she couldn't name, looked familiar. Schuyler ordinarily had a knack for names and faces, but not in this case. Maybe it was just a feeling.
"Hi," she greeted with a smile. "That's a nice dress on you."
Kiera was taking small, nervous, nibbles on her vegetable wrap while taking great care not to allow any of its contents fall out and on to her plate. Which meant that she truly was taking very dainty bites, so much so that one may wonder if she was actually putting any food in her mouth. Mostly she was concerned that someone may approach her mid-chew and then she would be forced to deal with the social anxiety that accompanied the need to finish chewing quickly in order to speak with someone.
Which seemed to have been a good game plan considering that no sooner had she finished her latest nibble she was being approached by someone.
Looking down at herself, Kiera flushed and curtseyed her gratitude. Perhaps, if one was listening closely, the soft whisper of a thank you accompanied with a returned compliment could be heard.
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
As usual, once she'd gotten through the entrance, Penelope gravitated over to the food table. It was always kinda interesting to see what the different options for food would be each year, and this one looked just as good always. She grabbed a plate and started loading it up with a variety of things to try.
Once she had a full plate though, it was time to find some place to sit and eat. But the question was, pick an empty table and put off the mingling until later or grab a table that other people were sitting at? Hmmm...
The blondes face lit up a little when she saw a familiar face approach the buffet and she even managed a small wave towards Penelope.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Jasmine didn't realize she was in her own little world. She snapped out of her trance when she was determining what table to sit at. There seemed to be a lot of people here for just one buffet. She heard what the man was saying to her luckily so she wouldn't sound like an idiot. Jasmine smiled politely and nodded. "Yeah thank you." She made her way over and followed the gentlemen to their table. Hmm his name was Noah. Very common name. "I am Jasmine. I also work in Accidents and Catastrophes. I am in the division of Charms Developer. What department are you in?" Now she was curious to meet her fellow co workers.
Noah sat down and started picking at his plate, he had nearly one of everything and very much intended to try it all. Because it all seemed wonderful. Then again he was just a bit fan of food.
"Pleasure to meet you, Jasmine." She was.. a very attractive girl. The thought thou popped into his head again. To not only be professional but think about whatever it was that he and Riley were. Because he wasn't sure but whatever. "I'm the new Head Reversal Agent. Are you new or returning from Christmas break?" Because they couldn't All be new employees, right?
Ember smiled at Autumn reassuringly. "You'll be fine--" she was sure of it! If the woman had a positive attitude, which she seemed to, she would be just fine! "I am in Creatures...the good ole' Level Four," she beamed. "I work with pests. LEAD pest removal officer, right here!" A higher job than she'd had before, and she was GRATEFUL, yes! "So I make sure the baby pests...when we remove them...are treated well and properly and not just thrown away or killed or something awful like that." It wasn't like a muggle exterminator or anything...nope. That made Ember positively SHIVER.
"Games and Sports! That's nice!" Ember had zero interest in sports, but that was still cool! They still took hard work, lots of planning from the behind the scenes, and just..gah! She admired athletes for their dedication. She beamed over at Mimi. "I just...love life, is all." It was something she had started telling people if they asked why she was so damn chipper all the time. Because she loved life!
Mariel! It was Mariel! Ember waved eagerly at the Department Head. "Hi there, Mariel--yes, this is one of your employees! Autumn! She's really excited to be here and working for you!" Ember said, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet. She laced her fingers around Dmitry's....and might have made a face, for half of a split second, when he complimented Mariel...only because she didn't remember if he had complimented her tonight.
How petty, Ember.
Don't be so damn petty, gosh, Brighten. She emptied her thoughts of the negativity...and just...tried to smile.
Originally Posted by emjay
SPOILER!!: Autumn, Dmitry, and Ember
Mariel smiled brightly at Dmitry as he complimented her. "Why thank you. I think it's important to look your best." Always, really, but at events like this especially, even if it was mini golf. "And I have to say you look quite nice yourself." It was nice to see that there were still some people that knew the importance of putting one's best foot forward. Men should wear suits to Ministry functions in her opinion, but that again went back to her wishing they still had formal events. "Jorge and the children are doing quite well, thank you for asking." She always appreciated when someone showed a genuine interest in her family, though she did wish her husband had been able to attend. Not that she blamed him for not wanting to. "I can't believe Alejandro will be two next month already."
Yes, so she had heard correctly about the engagement. How was it that she never realized that the two were ever dating? Must have been her strict policy on keeping out of gossip and personal lives, but she still couldn't help but think the were the two most opposite people to ever get together. "I guess I never connected the dots," she said lightly before smiling wider at the two of them. "But that is wonderful news. Have you set a date yet?" Ember.. that was the woman's name. Mariel knew she'd remember eventually or else it would come up in conversation. She simply radiated excitement, which the Department Head remembered to be a regular occurrence. But Ember had every reason to be excited and she didn't even find it all that annoying this time.
Green eyes shifted to the young woman that she did not know and, just as she thought her name was familiar, her thoughts were confirmed. She was indeed one of her new employees. Mariel glanced at Dmitry and Ember as they both noted how excited Autumn was to be the newest member of Games and Sports. "Well, that's great to hear," she said, turning back to Autumn with a smile. "It's always good to have eager people in the department. We do a lot of hard work on Level Seven." She extended her arm to offer her hand to shake. "Mariel De La Garza. I'm the Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports." As in, her new boss.
Originally Posted by Jean Granger
SPOILER!!: Dmitry, Ember and Mariel!
Emily Browne, head of the MLE. Autumn took a mental note to not get on the wrong side of her. Though … the Gryffindor side of her made her want to learn more about the woman and see what she was like. "Thanks for letting me know, buuut why?" She asked Dmitry. Was she really fierce? She laughed as he said nobody was as enthusiastic about anything as his fiancée was and the beamed as she said she loved life. The girl had known Ember for a very short time, but she could tell that much. "Oooh, where else have you worked at?" She nodded at his comment that her department head was quite nice, feeling nervous again.
Oooh, Creatures! That was cool. She liked animals, not as much as sports or people, but to a certain extent. Pests, though. To be honest, Autumn did not care much about them. As a matter of fact, she did not even know that there were officers taking care of them. "Is it hard? Working with pests?" She asked in interest.
She quietly noted that the new arrival was called Mariel. Wait, that name sounded familiar … as if to confirm her thoughts, the couple introduced her as the woman's employee. It was her boss person! Her department head! The nice one, according to Dmitry. "Yes, I'm excited! I mean, it's such a pleasure to meet you." She said and shook the woman's hand. Oh and thanks to the two of you for making her appear as a super eager newbie.
"She's perfectly fine, but she is literally one of the only people that could throw you in a cell if you got on her bad side. Not that she's likely to do that," he replied with a slightly reassuring grin. That being said Mitya still remembered that time when Ember may have gone slightly overboard with her enthusiasm and decoration of other peoples levels. That and Emily could be scary. Dmitry was not too proud to admit that. Was Autumn talking to him or Ember about where they'd worked before? He was slightly unsure, but really answering the question wouldn't do the conversation any harm. "Before transferring here I was Head of Prosecution in Russia. I also interned in their Ministers Office during university and interned with IMC in the French Ministry of Magic." He may have been a slight overachiever at university.
Ah. Time for Ember to go on about her job too. It was cute how excited she got about it. It was also adorable that she said she just loved life. He was sure that Ember knew that he said it as a compliment though. "Now see, I personally don't see what the fuss is with pests," Mitya chimed in. Honestly, if Ember wasn't around he'd just destroy them. "But then again we did have issues with Chizpurfle's at the ministry several years ago and with all the destruction they caused I just was never able to see why you have to save them." He wasn't afraid to say that, Ember already knew his opinions on pests.
Dmitry didn't miss Ember's reaction to his complimenting Mariel and so when she tangled their fingers together he squeezed gently. "Don't worry zvyozdochka, you know you're still the most beautiful woman in the room to me," he whispered low enough that only Ember should be able to heard. He brushed a kiss against her cheek as he finished speaking before turning his attention back to Mariel.
"Thank you. It really is," Dmitry agreed. "Although I may have decided against wearing a three piece if I'd known just how casual these events had gotten. I haven't actually attended one in years and I'm sure the last one I did was a formal event..." That being said Mitya liked his three piece suits so he might have still decided on it even if he had been aware that the event was going to be extremely casual. "Two. That's quite a big milestone. Has he entered the stage where no is his favourite word yet?" Dmitry wasn't sure if that was a common thing for all children, but from the ones in his own family it seemed as soon as the meaning behind the word was known it was the response given to everything.
Mariel seemed slightly surprised about the fact that they were engaged. Not that Dmitry could blame her, he and Ember did seem like they'd have nothing in common. Besides, while they had been seen around the Ministry and Diagon Alley together Dmitry didn't think that many had taken much notice of their friendship while Ember had worked here. "Spring. Sometime in May next year I think?" Dmitry answered, looking to Ember for confirmation. Or at least, Dmitry was pretty sure that was the month they'd decided on. Although Ember could have changed her mind since. He was sure that they didn't have a specific day in mind.
He and Ember had teamwork down pat. Autumn should be thanking them for making her seem interested in her job. Besides, as long as she didn't trip over her words she wouldn't seem overeager or like she was simply sucking up. Or, maybe she did seem too excitable. Oh well. Autumn looked young, she could probably get away with it. Which was why Dmitry shot her an encouraging smile when she looked back towards them.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Hazel Ward was nervous. This was the first day back at work since their little Inara had been born, and she didn’t like the fact that she wouldn’t get to see her until she got home when she had gotten used to being around her so much over the past few weeks. Silently, she was also worried about Boo being left alone at home with her… not that their wife wouldn’t be able to cope - it’s just… well… She wanted to be at home.
Linking her fingers around Mammy’s, she shot her a small, nervous smile. ”I wish I was still at home.” And considering how much she loved her job, that said a lot… Well, she did have a gorgeous newborn baby at home… She was totally worth skipping work for. Though, if she said she wanted to go home, Mammy might agree and they could leave? But… the spread of food looked pretty good and her stomach growled as if to tell her to go towards the food and not away from it.
Last edited by Stormdancer; 02-17-2016 at 02:18 AM.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Megan squinted at the badge. "Hi, Fate!'' What a nice name that was. Fate sounded indeed like the type of friend a food junkie such as Megan herself would want. "Very awful.'' She offered the woman her plate. "Would you like to have something?'' She didn't usually share her food but when someone else seemed to have a soft spot for food, then sharing happened.
"Welcome TO Accidents and Catastrophes,'' Megan told Gallowglass. "I work as a Potion Accident Response Urgent Response Officer for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad.'' Which was a cool job, by the way, and one that Megan loved. Actually, she loved the people she worked with. They made the job even better. "I look forward to working with you as well.''
"Welcome TO Accidents and Catastrophes,'' Megan told Gallowglass. "I work as a Potion Accident Response Urgent Response Officer for the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad.'' Which was a cool job, by the way, and one that Megan loved. Actually, she loved the people she worked with. They made the job even better. "I look forward to working with you as well.''
That sounded cool. And directly related to his field as well. Maybe they would work together in the future. "That sounds important!" he smirked with humor, sipping his drink "In fact, when I first applied I was hopping to be positioned in something related to Potions..." Yes he did. After all he had spent the last 7 years, as a field researcher in Potions and Herbology combined.
"I spent a few years studying the conjoined uses of Herbology and Potions. During that time I actually did my share of amateur Magic Reversal" he chuckled. He had seen a few horrific situations back then, not pretty at all. Nothing like the attractive woman speaking to him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" his gaze then dropped to her badge and when he looked up, there was an apologetical look on his eyes "Oh, it's Megan, right?" he enjoyed meeting new people, but his social skills were nearly none. "So tell me Megan, how long have you been in the ministry?"
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?