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Election EraAll historical records pertaining to Ministry of Magic RPG under Ministers for Magic, Sherman Clark [IC January 2086 - December 2089; OOC February 2015 - June 2016] & Althea Scabior [IC January 2090 - December 2093; OOC February 2016 - June 2017]
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
This was one person that wasn't pretending that everything was all hunky-dory. Nope, something was rotten in Denmark and she wasn't sure who she could trust to talk this over with. Though, she really needed to find someone, least she go nuts.
Anyway, Sky arrived with her own coffee in hand and nodded to everyone before sitting in the last empty seat. Silently measuring everyone up. Judging who could actually be in the Cult.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Bad mood or good mood? Good mood or bad mood? Legend hadn't entirely made up his- wait no. He had. Good mood. Yeah? Yeah. With a warm smile the Auror sauntered into the conference room, coffee cup in hand. So many thoughts were running through his brain but the first thing that hit him as he entered was that, it was some of the YATI's final year. Perhaps. If they showed off why they deserved to be here. Hm.
"Morning! Morning. Morning? Morning!!!" Passing by his co-workers he gave Rhydian a slight tap on the shoulder (him being the last newbie) and Vivi a light jap (her being his only form of sanity). Taking the seat to the right of Rainey because he could, the blonde grinned. "So who's getting fired first today?"
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Bennett
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
If there was anything to be expected at the start of each new ministry year, besides some kind of orientation, it was a department-wide meeting first thing. A glance at the notice board upon entering the office had confirmed it was still a go this time around as well as confirmation of the new YATI he had met at the orientation. So after depositing his belongings at his desk and grabbing a quill and notebook, Simon headed towards the conference.
"Good morning," the security man greeted politely as he entered the room and found him the only one there. He could be civil, even if the man wasn't on his list of favorite people in the department at the moment. Simon noticed the drinks on the table but opted out, instead simply taking a random seat at the conference table.
Oh good, the dependable one was here... here to do his Cultly bidding he hoped.
"Mornin'," he greeted in return.
SPOILER!!: Upstead
Originally Posted by Felixir
Big difference to this start of year meeting, as opposed to last year's, was that Dale now knew the layout of the place. So, after arriving at Level Two and checking the noticeboard for an inevitable meeting, he could just go ahead and head straight to the conference room. No need to find someone else to follow in here. It felt good.
Dale entered the room now, sliding inside without opening the door all the way and closing it gently behind him, as the atmosphere in the room was one he barely felt comfortable disturbing even with his presence.
"Good morning Rainey... Bennett," he nodded at each of the men in turn, taking a seat at the big table, the one he'd always seemed to gravitate to since his very first day. Creature of habit, and all. Dale spared them each a friendly smile, before leaning forward and going straight for the coffee. Mmmmm, coffee.
And then there was THIS one. Rainey couldn't say he really knew the lad, but perhaps that was a point in the man's favour. Kept his nose clean.
"And to you," the Irishman replied cordially.
SPOILER!!: Stonewall
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
The usual meeting which Jory always looked forward to. He looked forward to everything, really. As long as it involved his work. He didn't even bother to drop his things properly at his desk. He just briefly took a trip to the desk, inhaling the familiar MLE air before heading for the conference room.
"Good morning,'' Jory said to the only three arrivals so far. Simon was there already obviously. The younger man opted for a seat beside his friend, noting the beverages on the table. Umm, maybe later? He had just had his own coffee and unless Rainey wanted his meeting interrupted so one of his staff could constantly use the bathroom, then Jory would pass. But the juice did seem mighty appealing.
And an Auror... he got a nod in greeting and a low grunt.
Yes, yes, come in and sit down.
But then....
Originally Posted by Charely Potter
First day jitterbugs? Naaaaaaah. Luc was already over it. Instead he was just EXCITED to be going into work today. But he knew the morning routine he needed to take care of, so when he arrived into the building he was as cool as a cucumber that wasn't on Wade's menu for the day. How his cousin could go through all that he didn't care to know anymore as the door to the first meeting room approached closer.
"Hello, good morning." Cooly speaking after entering. His demeanor was relaxed, but his blue eyes had that twinkle. First impressions were important, but at least he already made his with some of the people. Much less tension there. Luc then gave everyone a little wave before he went to choose a seat. Hmm.. now where to sit?
Fresh Meat made it, and was it just him or was he really fresh?
That would soon change, he hoped. If not from the hazing then from the rigours of the job/training.
"Morning, welcome," he extended.
SPOILER!!: Greenwell
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Of course, as soon as she had seen the notice, Penelope headed straight for the usual conference room meeting. Today, it felt pretty cool actually with the thought on her mind that this was gonna be her third year as a YATI. Final year. Hopefully. Probably. She was right on schedule with her training and doing pretty well too - or at least, she thought so. Surely wouldn't need to be longer than the required three years.
That was a bit of a scary thought, actually. What if she suddenly failed all the stuff this year and had to repeat an extra year? What if she didn't seem ready to graduate for whatever reason? Merlin.
She internally shook herself, banishing those thoughts for now. It'd be fine, yeah? She'd be fine. And she had a meeting to focus on for right now.
Entering the room, she gave the boss and the other guys there a nod in greeting. "G'morning," she said before taking a seat. Ooo, coffee. Taking a cup of that too, thanks.
And an Upper-YATI classman or something of a sort... he hadn't quite made up his mind about this one. She was far less useful than Cambridge, but less bothersome than others too.
"Morning," he grunted in reply.
SPOILER!!: Mr. Married-Bones!
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Vic, back from his honeymoon, was here. He had a folder full of papers under his arm and a hot coffee mug in the other hand. "'Morning everyone," he smiled in everybody's general direction and hurried to take a seat at the table. He sipped from his coffee quickly and leaned forwards on his elbows on top of his folder waiting for this meeting to be over soon.
How long until lunch break and seeing his wife in her office again? Ahem, nothing, he was completely focused here.
And there was his Director of Prosecutions... the man received a nod from him.
Words were meaningless after all, and with so many staff he was beginning to wonder if greetings were at all necessary. Perhaps next time he ought to arrange it so he was the last to enter. It'd solve this problem for him once and for all.
SPOILER!!: Cambridge
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
A meeting to start the year right? Well, couldn't be any worse than sticking her at the wand weighing desk for most of the orientation. 'Least this time she'd be sitting and vastly more interested in what was going on. Anything dealing with her Department Head held her interest, how else was she going to impress him? Serious question. It was all in the plan.
Also a part of the plan was showing up on time for the meeting. The moment she'd walked by the noticeboard and saw it she made a beeline for the Conference Room. Last year's meeting was inspiring. Naturally this one would be too. Had to be. This was Elliot Rainey they were talking about.
Lex slipped into the seat next to Dale with a comfortable plopping motion and a nudge to him. "Mornin' Boss...boys." Was this juice? Why did no one ever opt for hot chocolate? "Hey Penelope."
She hadn't bothered writing up a 'status report' on the way over, figuring she knew well enough what she'd been up to so for now she would just lean back in her seat and wait for something amazing to happen.
Boss, yes, that he was... good show of understanding Cambridge, he thought to himself. Cambridge too got a nod by way of greeting, only perhaps there was a little less boredom in his facial expression. This YATI had promise.
Which was more than could be aid for...
SPOILER!!: Blackhold
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
There were two ways to determine lateness. The first being how many bodies were not in the room, the second being how many bodies were in the room. Judging by the crowd gathered in the small space, Rhydian Blackhold was late.
He would blame it on the shoes, if anyone asked. They had been a bugger to pick this morning, an internal struggle of epic proporitions between black and brown. That was his story, and that was what he was sticking to. It was, at least, mostly truth. He had been staring at the brown and black pairs for Merlin only knew how long.
But upon entering the room, he realized that there was a third measure to lateness. That being, if the Bossman had started talking yet. Which, unless they were all situated in an uncomfortable, silence exercise, he hadn't seemed to. So, late, but not embarrassingly so.
Not being picky about seats, Rhydian selected the chair closest to those he recognized, somewhere between Lift Man and Mr. Helpful, and strategically away from his partner. "Mornin' ".
The names of the others were constantly elusive, so he settled for giving a tip of his hat and a "How'dy all do?'", before plopping himself down. The hat got hooked on the arm of the chair, freeing his hands to pour himself a cup of stiff....apple juice?
It worked. Somehow. Because, sugar.
Bossman got a nod of appreciation. "Like the suit."
The boy/man had made impressions, some good, and some questionable. Right now he was going with questionable, though there was amusement in his tone as he replied.
"I'll have to get you in touch with my tailor, her personal touch is something to be desired." Never an ill fit. The devil was in the details, and she took all the details he would never have fathomed would be necessary. "Worth every knut."
SPOILER!!: Branxton
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Genevieve Branxton was hoping to get a seat near Legend so she could get a chance to bend his year, and she was disappointed not to find him in the meeting yet. Still, it meant she could sit next to her YATI girls and make disapproving faces at them if they misbehaved. That was about her third favorite thing about her job, behind hexing at will and arresting bad guys.
And there was coffee! Hooray for coffee! The petite blond poured herself a cup before kicking back into her chair. "Morning, Boss Man. Simon. YATIs. Married Guy. Other people." And how many of you were evil and worked for a Cult, hmmm?
"Branxton," Rainey greeted, a bit of grit in his Irish accent as the name escaped his lips. So blunt she was, and innocent and girly. How was it that she was an Auror? Did Chosen now want to upgrade that one?
SPOILER!!: Carter-Hope
Originally Posted by lazykitty
This was one person that wasn't pretending that everything was all hunky-dory. Nope, something was rotten in Denmark and she wasn't sure who she could trust to talk this over with. Though, she really needed to find someone, least she go nuts.
Anyway, Sky arrived with her own coffee in hand and nodded to everyone before sitting in the last empty seat. Silently measuring everyone up. Judging who could actually be in the Cult.
And so the lovely niece of Roxanne Carter managed to find her way. Good. And how refreshing that he needn't bother with niceties. A bonus point right there.
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Bad mood or good mood? Good mood or bad mood? Legend hadn't entirely made up his- wait no. He had. Good mood. Yeah? Yeah. With a warm smile the Auror sauntered into the conference room, coffee cup in hand. So many thoughts were running through his brain but the first thing that hit him as he entered was that, it was some of the YATI's final year. Perhaps. If they showed off why they deserved to be here. Hm.
"Morning! Morning. Morning? Morning!!!" Passing by his co-workers he gave Rhydian a slight tap on the shoulder (him being the last newbie) and Vivi a light jap (her being his only form of sanity). Taking the seat to the right of Rainey because he could, the blonde grinned. "So who's getting fired first today?"
"You," Rainey replied coolly, tilting his head sideways to the Head Auror.
Was he serious? Was he not? It was hard to tell, but the man had asked.
As it was, he had better things to do with his time, and he was hardly going to let anyone dictate to him when he was to fire anyone. He'd pencil such things into his diary when the need arose.
"I won't keep us too long today, this new year won't be like the last. You all know my expectations, and if you don't then you'd best hope you learn quickly, otherwise your position amongst us may be short-lived." A threat, always a good way to start a meeting. Holding his staff accountable he was.
"Updates, tell me you have all achieved something worthwhile since we last briefed." Meaning NOW was a good time to impress him. "What's new?"
OOC: Heeeeyyyy, so meeting has started, if you haven't posted you're still welcome to. Either pretend you've been here the whole time or risk coming late - you'll still have your job, I promise. Feel free to make things up to 'report on', how would YOU like your characters experiences to develop? What things have they been focusing on (for the MLE)? What kind of cases have they been pursuing?
We don't get to do enough of this and I'd like case work to start developing, consider this a jumping off point for future developments. I want to see what YOU guys are interested in, as previous plots have not gotten off the ground. Share ideas (or you can even PM me with your thoughts), nothing too out there, even for HP SS standards it needs to be believable XD
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Tyler had entered the room and greeted everyone with his usual grunt. It was good to be back, especially not that he was properly rested. He was even a bit more bronze than usual because of his stint in the Caribbean with his sister's family.
Yeah it was a good break.
He took a seat and folded his arm as he wanted for the meeting.
And it did but he hadn't settled in enough yet to want to be the first to actually say anything.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Today she would opt for the coffee. Why? Because chocolate frog dipped in chocolate was a surprisingly wonderful combination, both for the taste and the effect it had on her. While the others trickled in, Lex casually fished one from the bag slung over her shoulder, unwrapped it and got it's little wiggling feet into the cup. Look how adorable it looked trying to escape.
Hazel eyes rose to survey the table again when she could have sworn she heard VIVI. Her friend got a wide grin as she popped a leg off the frog and plopped it in her mouth. "Mornin' Vivi." It was then that she noticed Rhydian had come...and taken a seat further away. He got a curious look while she popped the other leg off her wiggling snack and dipped it into her coffee again. And were they really firing someone today? Legend also earned himself a curious look.
Dip. Dip. Dip. Munch.
Hang on, was it bragging time already? But she hadn't gotten to the head of her frog yet. Lex flipped it then, dunking the chocolatey goodness while she cleared her throat. Prepare to lose your job Legend Chosen. "Rhydian and I tried following up on that random gold in Diagon Alley thing after Legend led the original investigation, learned the Goblin in Knockturn Alley isn't near interested enough and not threatened enough by it either. Rules them out." Shame it'd been a dead end AND they didn't get to meet Peverell but eh. "Also found a better way to get that thing done that you asked about--one of them anyway concerning Level 3." Naturally he should know she meant that task to spy on Aron.
"I could run that by you later. It's got the potential to bring in a whole differen't kind of information." She bit the head off the frog at last, deciding it wasn't the same when it wasn't still wiggling. "There was this creep trying to sloppily impersonate people at the orienation, busted him for it and nearly took him to a cell but figured he was more a confused St. Mungo's patient released too soon. Working on building relations with the Department of Transportation too. Reckon I've got a real in with the Department Head now which could prove useful." Even if the woman didn't seem enthused per say, whenever she saw her.
"Cleared most of the back log in the offices over the break." Because staying home the whole time sounded painful. Why did they need breaks? Crime didn't say 'hey it's Christmas, we'll be bad come January. No one ever thought of that? No? Sigh and there went the last bite of her chocolate frog. Again she fished one from her bag. "There was also this one guy who swore he knew something scandalous about a couple dignitaries coming into the country and stirring trouble, took his statement; planning to ask him about it again when he doesn't have a bottle of firewhiskey in his hand." You know...before she did anything that cost HER her job.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Ha ha Legend. Just hilarious. Though, Rainey's response got a snort. See, when you joke around like that, you might not like what you hear back.
As for updates, well, she wasn't going to mention the stewing and back and forth between herself and her aunt about this Cult business. Nope, didn't trust certain people in the room enough for that. But speaking of her aunt....... "Found out that one of the new transfers from France took something and brought it over here illegally. A Logan Etienne, who I believe is working in A&C. He didn't steal the medallions, per say, but they weren't authorized for international distribution yet. Anyway, they'd really like them returned." Her polite way of asking if she could go after him.
"Also, speaking of international, my aunt, French MLE Head Ms. Roxanne Carter," for the benefit of those who were either new or still not clued in on that fact (also since this was formal request, but shhh), "in light of certain developments, would like for me to request that we build stronger ties between our two departments. She would've made the request herself, but she is a incredibly busy woman." Not even a hint on Sky's face as to the true reason for the request, though. No, when a Carter had a secret agenda, it stayed secret until they wished for it be revealed. She hoped, however, that Rainey would see the benefits. France was incredibly close and having an ally never hurt anyone. You know, in case Rainey turned out not to be Cult.
She had to admit that was all from her. What, it was Christmas and she was a sane person. She used her break for what it was for. Spending time with friends and family. Nothing wrong with that.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
A seat on his other side was soon occupied by Rhydian, the YATI getting a nod of acknowledgement. A simply hello was given as Genevieve followed soon after, the security man noting he was the only one called by name. The greetings that were becoming repetative since his arrival earlier than most everyone else were done. Besides Rainey seemed getting ready to start.
Legend, of course had to chose that moment to enter the room himself, the younger man being a bit full of himself in his comment. Thankfully the department worked to nip it in the butt with his own retort. Any other time Simon might have wished it to get his hopes up, but his former partner was his most trusted ally in the department at the moment. So no...no firing Legend please.
And then the meeting was begun in earnest and Simon was listening to Rainey speak on what he wanted out of them bright and early in the game. Status reports were one thing, and he did have things he was working on, but he was also wary of what to actually tell the older man on the various subjects. Or anyone in the room on the matter. When one's trust in people was thin, it was best to keep most if not all to oneself.
Lex took the first bite, speaking up just as enthusiatically as he usually did. The security man listened intently in what was being said, nonchallantly scribbling down notes on what to keep track of and know himself. She and Rhydian worked with the gold he had heard around...something she was supposed to be doing for Rainey in Level 3....Impersonator at the orientation going to Mungos...relationship with Transportantion. All got his attention, A+C and Transpo raising more than the rest.
Definitely looking into them.
Ms. Carter was next and Simon gave her words the same care and attention to. The first report had to do with the man he had checked out at the orientation and the security man made a note on what was said to double check the YATI's facts. "Mr. Etienne and his medalians are already being looked into by security," he remarked finally speaking up. But he had a right since it could easily be part of his own report. So hopefully security could continue having control of the situation. However it was what was said next that made Simon give a little snort.
Roxanne wanted a closer connection between the two departments. "She might have thought about that before she attacked this department in her fight for the minister job." Simon for one was not a fan of the woman or her supposed desire to work together. Besides the fact that things seemed fishing with her request on top of it coming from her niece. Like her flip-flopping personality and choice of loyalty.
As the YATI finished, Simon figured her might as well make his own report. "Security rounds and examinations before and during the closure have come up status quo." Simple enough to start with and show what he had been doing that didn't need the question of who to trust. "Nothing too troublesome happened at the orientation checkpoint." Even if it appeared not all of the events had been reported to him by what had already been said. See....this was why he didn't trust them. "Further investigation involving the attack of a reporter has completed and leads are currently being followed." Announcing he wanted to dig further into the Daily Prophet was something he was unsure of bringing up.
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Ms. Carter was next and Simon gave her words the same care and attention to. The first report had to do with the man he had checked out at the orientation and the security man made a note on what was said to double check the YATI's facts. "Mr. Etienne and his medalians are already being looked into by security," he remarked finally speaking up. But he had a right since it could easily be part of his own report. So hopefully security could continue having control of the situation. However it was what was said next that made Simon give a little snort.
Roxanne wanted a closer connection between the two departments. "She might have thought about that before she attacked this department in her fight for the minister job." Simon for one was not a fan of the woman or her supposed desire to work together. Besides the fact that things seemed fishing with her request on top of it coming from her niece. Like her flip-flopping personality and choice of loyalty.
As the YATI finished, Simon figured her might as well make his own report. "Security rounds and examinations before and during the closure have come up status quo." Simple enough to start with and show what he had been doing that didn't need the question of who to trust. "Nothing too troublesome happened at the orientation checkpoint." Even if it appeared not all of the events had been reported to him by what had already been said. See....this was why he didn't trust them. "Further investigation involving the attack of a reporter has completed and leads are currently being followed." Announcing he wanted to dig further into the Daily Prophet was something he was unsure of bringing up.
Cult or no cult.
Aaaannnd this was why she didn't trust him. Refusal to return something to a foreign government when asked? Very serious. "Looking to steal them for someone?" Like a Cult buddy?
And she was sitting close enough to have heard that crack about her aunt. "Still pressed about you and Emily being called out, I see," she whispered back. After all, Roxanne was still loyal to the British MLE and was willing to help them, especially since this administration had wised up and gotten rid of large part of the problem. Plus, she'd gotten help and really was better now. So, no ill will towards her was warranted.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
The Head Man got a smirk for his greeting, and Legend a little wave. It was nice to be back at work, and she really was starting to feel like herself again. A rather nasty spill last year had her off her game for so long... longer than any of her colleagues could possibly know. But with Legend trying to get fired and Lex actually dunking a chocolate frog and Simon and Sky fussing at each other (just kiss already, gosh)... well. Felt like old times.
She didn't have much to recommend her actions of late, especially just after a busy holiday season, but Genevieve had plans. "I've been working on Peverall's file, trying to get some warrants in order for when the time is right. He's had his reign of terror in Knockturn for far too long, and we know that he's personally attacked a number of Ministry employees. Most from this office. It's a little disgraceful that he isn't locked up yet."
And she had a score to settle. "Also, I've been thinking about the Minister's security detail in public places, especially in light of those stories coming out of the Daily Prophet." There. She'd opened the mokeskin bag. "Speaking of which... should we be investigating... any of their claims?"
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Him? Oh Rainey, you so funny. Scratching his chin, Legend leaned back in his chair. "Don't think so bossman, but nice sense of humour you got there." He was addressing the man but his eyes drifted over to Sky. Carter-Hope had zero subtle bone in her body.
Didn't she know that there was something known as job security?. Sure Rainey was technically his boss, but Legend would go down fighting before he EVER let the other man fire him.
Listening quietly, Legend's jaw clenched. Alexa had real potential, he had studied her enough to know. But really how much could she be trusted? It wasn't the whole her wanting to kill him thing, that was long forgotten, but rather the way she conducted herself. Too eager to get in good with the man in charge. She had blinders on.
Ignoring the back and forth between, him and Sky, Simon's update was basic. The blond locked eyes with the other man for a moment. He was leaving stuff out. For the best no doubt.
Oh. Vivi. "I'm in talks with Skeeter currently." Sort of. Sort of in talks. If in talks meant in the same room as he other man? Then yes exactly. He cleared his throat. "But it wouldn't hurt." Cult claims. "I've been in talks with Hogwarts in regards to the latest potential threat there. It doesn't look to be anything big but you never know." He paused. "Also working with some of my connections for possibly on the field training simulations for the more advanced YATI." If something was about to happen they all had to be trained outside the training room.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
He was momentarily distracted by his admiration of bossman's suit, when Mr. Chosen passed by and elected to deposit some sort of pressure on his shoulder. What was that exactly? A greeting? A warning? He hadn't figured out who had been snooping around his desk, had he? Surely, Mr. Helpful hadn't snitched. The security man got a side eye that would have been followed up with some pressing emotion, had Rainey not elected to speak.
And had the juice not been on its way to his mouth. He did what was then to be known as a reverse swallow. Highly undignified and worthy of bad impressions, first or otherwise, the reverse swallow was in simplest terms when the substance which one swallowed made a reverse turn up the throat, to the nostrils and ...... well enough said.
"Shut. Up." The wiseity of such a statement was lost in an effort to regain physical composure as he sputtered and used a nearby napkin to make sure he remained presentable. "That would be amazing. Thank you, Sir!"
Really. A reference for a personal tailor? He was on cloud nine. Almost. Maybe eight-and-a-half.
Brought down to five by the sudden turn from enjoyment, to business. Rhydian straightened, folded the napkin and listened to the various debriefs. Unsurprisingly, Lex sounded like the busiest body at the table. The close second was the brewing rivalry between Mr. Helpful and Miss CH. The banter made him lounge back in his chair, wishing he had some popcorn and the entirety of the meeting to witness how things might unfold.
But he had a tailor's name to secure. His eyes flicked to the very business-like lady, one who he'd not had the opportunity to run into on a regular basis, and then over to Chosen, his brow furrowing.
"The shoes are definitely fakes." A self-confident nod. Because that was the most important issue in the most recent article, right? Or at the moment, the least dangerous issue. Given there was a Rainey and a Bennett, right here. Or was she suggesting that each be brought under interrogation? Now wouldn't that be something else.
Clearing his throat, he gave a shrug of his shoulder. "I'd like some experience in...questioning." The polite way of wording that. "If you need a hand."
As for his own update... "In regards to the gold found around Diagon, Lex and I would also like to request a warrant for Gringotts. Found it rather suspicious how the goblins just swept it under the rug, and ordered it all back to their vaults. We do know it's not charmed or cursed, so if it's just plain old gold, there may be some charges of negligence or theft we aren't aware of."
All they needed was Rainey's permission, and they could storm the gates. And hopefully the Vaults. Though he had no doubt the goblins would put up a great fuss. Might even see a bit more in the papers. Funny that.
"Otherwise, there were a few complaints from shopkeepers in the alley about stolen and damaged goods. Chalked up to be some delinquents with a great deal of boredom on their hands, set straight by a bit of civil service."
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
The room filled up pretty quickly around Dale, even as he poured out his coffee and got it to just the way he liked it. Which... didn't take long, really. No sugar, just a tiny splash of milk. The chair beside him was soon occupied by Lex, which he half-expected and hoped for, seeing as they got along well together. "Mornin' Lex." Soon enough, Dale looked around the table to see almost entirely familiar faces. Most of his co-workers Dale mainly knew of but had perhaps only really spoken to in passing or somehow not at all. But he knew all their names, and that was a big step up from last year.
Well. There was one unfamiliar face at the table, but as Dale had actually read the noticeboard, he could easily deduce that this was the new YATI, Auditore. He watched him for a moment before going back to his coffee, planning to go make his proper introductions later.
Soon enough the meeting was underway, and no surprise to anyone, probably, Rainey was getting straight to the point. After the initial threats to the security of their employment, of course. Ah yes, work sweet work. Dale took a sip of his coffee as he considered the question. Obviously, as part of the Wizengamot Administration Services, he didn't get up to nearly as many exciting things as most of the others in this department, considering his primary job was to scribe for hearings and such (seeing as he was... a court scribe). And then there was that whole 'confidential' aspect that often did even apply to others in the department.
Dale thought about not speaking up at all, on account of all this, but he didn't want to remain resolutely silent after a request from the boss himself. No need to put him in a grouchy mood or get in his bad books, when moving on up in this place probably meant doing the exact opposite when possible.
When there was a lull in the updates, Dale cleared his throat and spoke up. "Mainly, I've been coming in from time to time, working on catching up with transcripts and the like - can't go into much detail, of course. Writing it all up and filing it away, essentially. That's all in order." So basically, he was all caught up with writing things down. If anyone needed court hearing transcripts, they were available and in the right places, if they were authorised to see them. "Nothing much else to really tell. Turns out Wizengamot hearings are a little thin on the ground over the holidays." Still, Dale still planned to work his way up the ladder. Eventually, maybe, he'd have more to contribute. You could only be so impressive as a scribe, but that was okay with Dale. Baby steps.
For now though, no. Not nearly as interesting as... all that.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
meeting adjourned - for most, tho you're welcome to stick around if you have Q's XD
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Cambridge
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Today she would opt for the coffee. Why? Because chocolate frog dipped in chocolate was a surprisingly wonderful combination, both for the taste and the effect it had on her. While the others trickled in, Lex casually fished one from the bag slung over her shoulder, unwrapped it and got it's little wiggling feet into the cup. Look how adorable it looked trying to escape.
Hazel eyes rose to survey the table again when she could have sworn she heard VIVI. Her friend got a wide grin as she popped a leg off the frog and plopped it in her mouth. "Mornin' Vivi." It was then that she noticed Rhydian had come...and taken a seat further away. He got a curious look while she popped the other leg off her wiggling snack and dipped it into her coffee again. And were they really firing someone today? Legend also earned himself a curious look.
Dip. Dip. Dip. Munch.
Hang on, was it bragging time already? But she hadn't gotten to the head of her frog yet. Lex flipped it then, dunking the chocolatey goodness while she cleared her throat. Prepare to lose your job Legend Chosen. "Rhydian and I tried following up on that random gold in Diagon Alley thing after Legend led the original investigation, learned the Goblin in Knockturn Alley isn't near interested enough and not threatened enough by it either. Rules them out." Shame it'd been a dead end AND they didn't get to meet Peverell but eh. "Also found a better way to get that thing done that you asked about--one of them anyway concerning Level 3." Naturally he should know she meant that task to spy on Aron.
"I could run that by you later. It's got the potential to bring in a whole differen't kind of information." She bit the head off the frog at last, deciding it wasn't the same when it wasn't still wiggling. "There was this creep trying to sloppily impersonate people at the orienation, busted him for it and nearly took him to a cell but figured he was more a confused St. Mungo's patient released too soon. Working on building relations with the Department of Transportation too. Reckon I've got a real in with the Department Head now which could prove useful." Even if the woman didn't seem enthused per say, whenever she saw her.
"Cleared most of the back log in the offices over the break." Because staying home the whole time sounded painful. Why did they need breaks? Crime didn't say 'hey it's Christmas, we'll be bad come January. No one ever thought of that? No? Sigh and there went the last bite of her chocolate frog. Again she fished one from her bag. "There was also this one guy who swore he knew something scandalous about a couple dignitaries coming into the country and stirring trouble, took his statement; planning to ask him about it again when he doesn't have a bottle of firewhiskey in his hand." You know...before she did anything that cost HER her job.
... Cambridge was massacring a chocolate frog. Of course she was.
And, furthermore it was hardly surprising that she was the first up for show and tell.
Rainey sat forward in his seat, one arm resting on the table and the other casually clasped on his knee. The girl was busy. And still so full of promise. "Well talk more about this," he replied, wiggling his finger in her direction briefly before setting his hand back down. This Aron business, and whatever her name was in Transportation, was an interesting development. "Meet me in my office after this."
SPOILER!!: Carter-Hope and Bennett
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Ha ha Legend. Just hilarious. Though, Rainey's response got a snort. See, when you joke around like that, you might not like what you hear back.
As for updates, well, she wasn't going to mention the stewing and back and forth between herself and her aunt about this Cult business. Nope, didn't trust certain people in the room enough for that. But speaking of her aunt....... "Found out that one of the new transfers from France took something and brought it over here illegally. A Logan Etienne, who I believe is working in A&C. He didn't steal the medallions, per say, but they weren't authorized for international distribution yet. Anyway, they'd really like them returned." Her polite way of asking if she could go after him.
"Also, speaking of international, my aunt, French MLE Head Ms. Roxanne Carter," for the benefit of those who were either new or still not clued in on that fact (also since this was formal request, but shhh), "in light of certain developments, would like for me to request that we build stronger ties between our two departments. She would've made the request herself, but she is a incredibly busy woman." Not even a hint on Sky's face as to the true reason for the request, though. No, when a Carter had a secret agenda, it stayed secret until they wished for it be revealed. She hoped, however, that Rainey would see the benefits. France was incredibly close and having an ally never hurt anyone. You know, in case Rainey turned out not to be Cult.
She had to admit that was all from her. What, it was Christmas and she was a sane person. She used her break for what it was for. Spending time with friends and family. Nothing wrong with that.
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
A seat on his other side was soon occupied by Rhydian, the YATI getting a nod of acknowledgement. A simply hello was given as Genevieve followed soon after, the security man noting he was the only one called by name. The greetings that were becoming repetative since his arrival earlier than most everyone else were done. Besides Rainey seemed getting ready to start.
Legend, of course had to chose that moment to enter the room himself, the younger man being a bit full of himself in his comment. Thankfully the department worked to nip it in the butt with his own retort. Any other time Simon might have wished it to get his hopes up, but his former partner was his most trusted ally in the department at the moment. So no...no firing Legend please.
And then the meeting was begun in earnest and Simon was listening to Rainey speak on what he wanted out of them bright and early in the game. Status reports were one thing, and he did have things he was working on, but he was also wary of what to actually tell the older man on the various subjects. Or anyone in the room on the matter. When one's trust in people was thin, it was best to keep most if not all to oneself.
Lex took the first bite, speaking up just as enthusiatically as he usually did. The security man listened intently in what was being said, nonchallantly scribbling down notes on what to keep track of and know himself. She and Rhydian worked with the gold he had heard around...something she was supposed to be doing for Rainey in Level 3....Impersonator at the orientation going to Mungos...relationship with Transportantion. All got his attention, A+C and Transpo raising more than the rest.
Definitely looking into them.
Ms. Carter was next and Simon gave her words the same care and attention to. The first report had to do with the man he had checked out at the orientation and the security man made a note on what was said to double check the YATI's facts. "Mr. Etienne and his medalians are already being looked into by security," he remarked finally speaking up. But he had a right since it could easily be part of his own report. So hopefully security could continue having control of the situation. However it was what was said next that made Simon give a little snort.
Roxanne wanted a closer connection between the two departments. "She might have thought about that before she attacked this department in her fight for the minister job." Simon for one was not a fan of the woman or her supposed desire to work together. Besides the fact that things seemed fishing with her request on top of it coming from her niece. Like her flip-flopping personality and choice of loyalty.
As the YATI finished, Simon figured her might as well make his own report. "Security rounds and examinations before and during the closure have come up status quo." Simple enough to start with and show what he had been doing that didn't need the question of who to trust. "Nothing too troublesome happened at the orientation checkpoint." Even if it appeared not all of the events had been reported to him by what had already been said. See....this was why he didn't trust them. "Further investigation involving the attack of a reporter has completed and leads are currently being followed." Announcing he wanted to dig further into the Daily Prophet was something he was unsure of bringing up.
Cult or no cult.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Aaaannnd this was why she didn't trust him. Refusal to return something to a foreign government when asked? Very serious. "Looking to steal them for someone?" Like a Cult buddy?
And she was sitting close enough to have heard that crack about her aunt. "Still pressed about you and Emily being called out, I see," she whispered back. After all, Roxanne was still loyal to the British MLE and was willing to help them, especially since this administration had wised up and gotten rid of large part of the problem. Plus, she'd gotten help and really was better now. So, no ill will towards her was warranted.
And just when he thought more intelligent things were being said, he realised there were times when he was wrong. Children wearing big shoes. How amusing.
And what had dear Roxanne called them out on exactly?
Rainey managed an abrupt chuckle at the banter between the two. Clearly they had issues to work out, Bennett ought to invest in flowers, or something of a sort. Or better yet...
He had plans. But those could wait till later.
"You two, stay back at the end. I have an assignment for you."
And with that all talks of working 'closely' with France were ignored and forgotten. He didn't much fancy having Roxanne sticking her nose into his business.
SPOILER!!: Branxton and Chosen
Originally Posted by Cassirin
The Head Man got a smirk for his greeting, and Legend a little wave. It was nice to be back at work, and she really was starting to feel like herself again. A rather nasty spill last year had her off her game for so long... longer than any of her colleagues could possibly know. But with Legend trying to get fired and Lex actually dunking a chocolate frog and Simon and Sky fussing at each other (just kiss already, gosh)... well. Felt like old times.
She didn't have much to recommend her actions of late, especially just after a busy holiday season, but Genevieve had plans. "I've been working on Peverall's file, trying to get some warrants in order for when the time is right. He's had his reign of terror in Knockturn for far too long, and we know that he's personally attacked a number of Ministry employees. Most from this office. It's a little disgraceful that he isn't locked up yet."
And she had a score to settle. "Also, I've been thinking about the Minister's security detail in public places, especially in light of those stories coming out of the Daily Prophet." There. She'd opened the mokeskin bag. "Speaking of which... should we be investigating... any of their claims?"
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Him? Oh Rainey, you so funny. Scratching his chin, Legend leaned back in his chair. "Don't think so bossman, but nice sense of humour you got there." He was addressing the man but his eyes drifted over to Sky. Carter-Hope had zero subtle bone in her body.
Didn't she know that there was something known as job security?. Sure Rainey was technically his boss, but Legend would go down fighting before he EVER let the other man fire him.
Listening quietly, Legend's jaw clenched. Alexa had real potential, he had studied her enough to know. But really how much could she be trusted? It wasn't the whole her wanting to kill him thing, that was long forgotten, but rather the way she conducted herself. Too eager to get in good with the man in charge. She had blinders on.
Ignoring the back and forth between, him and Sky, Simon's update was basic. The blond locked eyes with the other man for a moment. He was leaving stuff out. For the best no doubt.
Oh. Vivi. "I'm in talks with Skeeter currently." Sort of. Sort of in talks. If in talks meant in the same room as he other man? Then yes exactly. He cleared his throat. "But it wouldn't hurt." Cult claims. "I've been in talks with Hogwarts in regards to the latest potential threat there. It doesn't look to be anything big but you never know." He paused. "Also working with some of my connections for possibly on the field training simulations for the more advanced YATI." If something was about to happen they all had to be trained outside the training room.
Branxton, despite her size, was worth more than her weight in gold... at least on paper. Papers in line for Peverall, good good, and a security detail for the Minister in public places. Of course. "Bennett, I hope you're taking notes," he interjected.
As for an investigation into the Prophet fiasco. Lies. Such lies. Amusing and flattering lies, but lies nonetheless. It was hardly a concern of his, but if they so wished. He gave an approving nod to Legend Chosen. If he was taking care of it then it was as good as done in his eyes.
"Good, good progress." Praise, he used it on occasion. This was of course directed to his team in general, most of which were showing they could actually do their jobs competently.
SPOILER!!: Blackhold
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
He was momentarily distracted by his admiration of bossman's suit, when Mr. Chosen passed by and elected to deposit some sort of pressure on his shoulder. What was that exactly? A greeting? A warning? He hadn't figured out who had been snooping around his desk, had he? Surely, Mr. Helpful hadn't snitched. The security man got a side eye that would have been followed up with some pressing emotion, had Rainey not elected to speak.
And had the juice not been on its way to his mouth. He did what was then to be known as a reverse swallow. Highly undignified and worthy of bad impressions, first or otherwise, the reverse swallow was in simplest terms when the substance which one swallowed made a reverse turn up the throat, to the nostrils and ...... well enough said.
"Shut. Up." The wiseity of such a statement was lost in an effort to regain physical composure as he sputtered and used a nearby napkin to make sure he remained presentable. "That would be amazing. Thank you, Sir!"
Really. A reference for a personal tailor? He was on cloud nine. Almost. Maybe eight-and-a-half.
Brought down to five by the sudden turn from enjoyment, to business. Rhydian straightened, folded the napkin and listened to the various debriefs. Unsurprisingly, Lex sounded like the busiest body at the table. The close second was the brewing rivalry between Mr. Helpful and Miss CH. The banter made him lounge back in his chair, wishing he had some popcorn and the entirety of the meeting to witness how things might unfold.
But he had a tailor's name to secure. His eyes flicked to the very business-like lady, one who he'd not had the opportunity to run into on a regular basis, and then over to Chosen, his brow furrowing.
"The shoes are definitely fakes." A self-confident nod. Because that was the most important issue in the most recent article, right? Or at the moment, the least dangerous issue. Given there was a Rainey and a Bennett, right here. Or was she suggesting that each be brought under interrogation? Now wouldn't that be something else.
Clearing his throat, he gave a shrug of his shoulder. "I'd like some experience in...questioning." The polite way of wording that. "If you need a hand."
As for his own update... "In regards to the gold found around Diagon, Lex and I would also like to request a warrant for Gringotts. Found it rather suspicious how the goblins just swept it under the rug, and ordered it all back to their vaults. We do know it's not charmed or cursed, so if it's just plain old gold, there may be some charges of negligence or theft we aren't aware of."
All they needed was Rainey's permission, and they could storm the gates. And hopefully the Vaults. Though he had no doubt the goblins would put up a great fuss. Might even see a bit more in the papers. Funny that.
"Otherwise, there were a few complaints from shopkeepers in the alley about stolen and damaged goods. Chalked up to be some delinquents with a great deal of boredom on their hands, set straight by a bit of civil service."
Shut up?
At least Rhydian managed to redeem himself somewhat as the meeting progressed. Gold, Diagon Alley... Goblins (cue shudder), he wanted nothing to do with it, so sending the YATI's was fine with him... provided they were supervised of course. "I'll have it with your supervising Auror by the end of the day," he assured. And by that he meant he'd pop it on.............. Braxton's desk! She seemed to be handling things quite well, she wouldn't mind the detour.
SPOILER!!: Upstead (aawwww <3)
Originally Posted by Felixir
The room filled up pretty quickly around Dale, even as he poured out his coffee and got it to just the way he liked it. Which... didn't take long, really. No sugar, just a tiny splash of milk. The chair beside him was soon occupied by Lex, which he half-expected and hoped for, seeing as they got along well together. "Mornin' Lex." Soon enough, Dale looked around the table to see almost entirely familiar faces. Most of his co-workers Dale mainly knew of but had perhaps only really spoken to in passing or somehow not at all. But he knew all their names, and that was a big step up from last year.
Well. There was one unfamiliar face at the table, but as Dale had actually read the noticeboard, he could easily deduce that this was the new YATI, Auditore. He watched him for a moment before going back to his coffee, planning to go make his proper introductions later.
Soon enough the meeting was underway, and no surprise to anyone, probably, Rainey was getting straight to the point. After the initial threats to the security of their employment, of course. Ah yes, work sweet work. Dale took a sip of his coffee as he considered the question. Obviously, as part of the Wizengamot Administration Services, he didn't get up to nearly as many exciting things as most of the others in this department, considering his primary job was to scribe for hearings and such (seeing as he was... a court scribe). And then there was that whole 'confidential' aspect that often did even apply to others in the department.
Dale thought about not speaking up at all, on account of all this, but he didn't want to remain resolutely silent after a request from the boss himself. No need to put him in a grouchy mood or get in his bad books, when moving on up in this place probably meant doing the exact opposite when possible.
When there was a lull in the updates, Dale cleared his throat and spoke up. "Mainly, I've been coming in from time to time, working on catching up with transcripts and the like - can't go into much detail, of course. Writing it all up and filing it away, essentially. That's all in order." So basically, he was all caught up with writing things down. If anyone needed court hearing transcripts, they were available and in the right places, if they were authorised to see them. "Nothing much else to really tell. Turns out Wizengamot hearings are a little thin on the ground over the holidays." Still, Dale still planned to work his way up the ladder. Eventually, maybe, he'd have more to contribute. You could only be so impressive as a scribe, but that was okay with Dale. Baby steps.
For now though, no. Not nearly as interesting as... all that.
And this was perhaps the least interesting but most pleasing response. Simplicity, he loved it.
"Excellent," the Irishman nodded, clapping his hands together, "though don't sweat it, business will be picking up now." Holiday season was over, there was no room for time off and the dragging of feet.
And so there was one thing left to do before he had to deal with the bickering not-couple, or were they?
"I'm pleased with the progress you have all made," well that was a lie, clearly not ALL, "however in line with how we left things off before the festive season, I think it's prudent that we continue to develop better working relationships with one another, and other departments...." note he didn't say international bodies in France. Nevertheless, "So I'm proposing that we learn from each other in an effort to make completing our jobs to a higher standard easier and more efficient. I would like, in your areas, if you could discuss aspects of your work that you think other divisions or departments need to know. Procedures, policies, a how-to for whatever it is you think would be beneficial to all parties. This year will be a year of learning and growing together. Now go, gather your thoughts and send me a memo when you have something planned, I'll be posting on the noticeboard about this shortly."
Rainey gestured for the door. They were busy people, and if they weren't then they clearly weren't doing their jobs right. "Carter-Hope, Bennett, a moment... and Cambridge, you can wait and walk with me." She may as well take pleasure in being a witness to what was about to happen.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Simon knew something he said was going to come back to his supposed Cult connections and Sky was quick to remark on it. And then there was the whisper sent his way about Roxanne. He set his jaw but no further reaction was given to the girl. She might do well to realize that he was still a superior by his experience and job and she was still a trainee before she made such crude accusations. But then the security man doubted anything would be done about that.
No Sabel...I sincerly doubt I have HER trust.
His gaze fell on Legend as he tried to watch for people's thoughts and expressions after his report, their eyes locking. His fellow man seemed to grasp that he wasn't being entirely forthcoming with what he had to say. But he didn't call him on it, which was a step in the right direction. They were still each other's best bet in having allies amongst the department. Despite the DP playing it off as the two of them being on opposite sides of the Cult issue.
As he and Sky were asked to stay back after the meeting, Simon simply nodded in acknowledgement. The former auror inwardly caught between curiousity and dread as to the meaning of the gesture.
But back to notes. Vivi stepped up to the plate next speaking of Peverell. This topic raised his hackles, not just because he hated the man, but because it raised dangers. There was a very good reason he hadn't been arrested as of yet and jumping to get warrants without the knowledge needed was going to get people killed. MLE people. Though he had to switch gears as she moved onto his field of security. Simon absently nodded as he wrote down what she said and possible thoughts of his own....freezing at her final choice.
Was she going to call out him and Rainey with them RIGHT HERE?
Rhydian's and Dale's report passed without much issue and drama which Simon was relieved about. At least two employees were simply doing their job without too much drama in the whole matter. However as the meeting was concluded and Rainey directed everyone to leave besides Sky and Lex, the inner paranoia of his training went into effect. The security man remaining in his seat as they awaited the others to leave.
They could investigate Gringotts? Well wouldn't this just be a ball of fun. Rhydian nodded in thanks to Bossman.
He spared a glance to Lex, a sure thing they would make plans and get things in order to pursue the warrant. And maybe she could tell him what her secret meeting with the Bossman was all about? He was intrigued. There seemed to be a lot of shadow talk going around the table, and then, some not-so-shadow-talk. Mr. Helpful and Miss CH got a smirk for that. He'd have to ask about their little assignment later too.
Finishing his juice, Rhydian pushed himself to his feet and suddenly halted, a thought striking him hard. He glanced about the table, hesitated and suddenly wished he was closer to Bossman so he could whisper.
"Uhm...don't reckon this is the smartest question, but....given I'm new and all, who would that be?" The supervising Auror? There was Chosen, that was kind of a given, but then wouldn't have Rainey just said so. Or did he expect him to know? If asked, excuse would be new year, new roles, new supervisors. Wasn't that always the way things worked?
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Having said her piece, it was easier to rip apart her chocolate frog and listen to the others, which she did with much interest. MLE was an interesting Department, there was just always something going on--like that right there, the little couple's squabble between Simon and Sky, though if you asked her Sky seemed to get into a couple's squabble with everyone. Girl needed to revisit 'Making Friends 101'. It was a given when you had to work with these people and essentially put your life in their hands out on missions.
Why did they both care about the nutjob and his necklaces so much? If they wanted some they could have ASKED when he'd been handing them out. Merlin.
Lex had skillfully managed to ignore Rhydian's little reaction to the bossman and his inquiries about clothes. It wasn't that hard, not when Vivi was talking because even years later, she was still very much capable of occupying all of Lex's attention at any given time. This time was no different. THEY WERE GOING AFTER PEVERELL?? Oh man, this wouldn't be one of those 'no YATI's allowed' things? Right? RIGHT??? Shoddy luck they hadn't run into him when they found the Goblin, she didn't wanna miss another chance. The situation seemed a little more hopeful when Legend mentioned some special training for the 'advanced YATI'.....she....was advanced right? He meant her too? She'd have to poke him about it later...
For now, listening to Rhydian give better detailing about their little nugget expedition then Dale skirt around what he did. Still wasn't saying, huh? One day she'd get SOMETHING out of him, one day or she'd follow him to his work, sit riiiiiight up next to him and pretend she was meant to be there. No one would have him quacking like a duck for that.
Her attention snapped back to the boss man when he mentioned a meeting in his office right after. "Got it Boss." And she and Rhydian got the go ahead for Gringotts, neat! She'd been about to get up after the meeting was adjourned with all intention of finding out later what Sky and Simon got told but as luck would have it, she could stay and watch. Even better. Lex got comfy in her seat once more and went back to her chocolate frog dipping.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Rainey had seemed pleased with what Dale had had to see, which was a relief. He gave a nod at that last, quite looking forward to what would likely be an inevitable rush of work after the holiday period. He remembered last year, how there was that mountain of things to do before things began settling down. A baptism of fire, or something.
It was second nature to take notes on everything by now, so when Rainey explained what they were all to do, Dale quickly made note of it. But... it seemed that was it. Nice. Short and to the point. So they could go then, yes? Fantastic. And Dale was taking his coffee with him; he'd barely drank a quarter of it.
Getting to his feet again, Dale gave another nod to those around the table before he left, then nudged Alexa's shoulder before backing away. "Catch you later, Lex," he said, quirking an eyebrow at her before turning and making his way out the room. Check her out, being of extra use with all that information. Maybe they could have lunch later. First though, settling back into the old routines. Ah, yes. Good to be back.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Simon might think he was superior to her, but she was in her final year of Auror training while he was just a security man. In the muggle world, she would be considered the superior.
Yeah, Sky was taking the ignoring of her aunt's request as a refusal and conformation of Rainey's Cult status. Which made her all the more curious as to his special assignment for herself and Simon. Mainly, so she could figure out a way out of it. Sky Carter-Hope wasn't doing anything for the Cult, no siree.
And the thought that Alexa had been pulled in made her sad. The girl had sooooo much potential and she chose to throw it in with that awful organization. What would Headmistress Truebridge think of her former head girl.
Sky remained in her seat though, an unreadable expression on her face.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Aaaahhhh... the quiet retreat, it was a beautiful thing.
SPOILER!!: Blackhold
Originally Posted by Tazenhani
They could investigate Gringotts? Well wouldn't this just be a ball of fun. Rhydian nodded in thanks to Bossman.
He spared a glance to Lex, a sure thing they would make plans and get things in order to pursue the warrant. And maybe she could tell him what her secret meeting with the Bossman was all about? He was intrigued. There seemed to be a lot of shadow talk going around the table, and then, some not-so-shadow-talk. Mr. Helpful and Miss CH got a smirk for that. He'd have to ask about their little assignment later too.
Finishing his juice, Rhydian pushed himself to his feet and suddenly halted, a thought striking him hard. He glanced about the table, hesitated and suddenly wished he was closer to Bossman so he could whisper.
"Uhm...don't reckon this is the smartest question, but....given I'm new and all, who would that be?" The supervising Auror? There was Chosen, that was kind of a given, but then wouldn't have Rainey just said so. Or did he expect him to know? If asked, excuse would be new year, new roles, new supervisors. Wasn't that always the way things worked?
And then there were the not so quiet retreats. As it was, the Irishman couldn't help but smirk in response to Blackhold's question. Granted Josh Carter was the YATIL, but with him out of office he had to think who he might pass the warrant on to. Naturally the blonde caught his attention.
"You'll figure it out," he decided, figuring he ought not torture the boy with his silence much longer. How many desks did they have in the Auror office? The warrant was bound to turn up on one of them...
SPOILER!!: Cambridge
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Having said her piece, it was easier to rip apart her chocolate frog and listen to the others, which she did with much interest. MLE was an interesting Department, there was just always something going on--like that right there, the little couple's squabble between Simon and Sky, though if you asked her Sky seemed to get into a couple's squabble with everyone. Girl needed to revisit 'Making Friends 101'. It was a given when you had to work with these people and essentially put your life in their hands out on missions.
Why did they both care about the nutjob and his necklaces so much? If they wanted some they could have ASKED when he'd been handing them out. Merlin.
Lex had skillfully managed to ignore Rhydian's little reaction to the bossman and his inquiries about clothes. It wasn't that hard, not when Vivi was talking because even years later, she was still very much capable of occupying all of Lex's attention at any given time. This time was no different. THEY WERE GOING AFTER PEVERELL?? Oh man, this wouldn't be one of those 'no YATI's allowed' things? Right? RIGHT??? Shoddy luck they hadn't run into him when they found the Goblin, she didn't wanna miss another chance. The situation seemed a little more hopeful when Legend mentioned some special training for the 'advanced YATI'.....she....was advanced right? He meant her too? She'd have to poke him about it later...
For now, listening to Rhydian give better detailing about their little nugget expedition then Dale skirt around what he did. Still wasn't saying, huh? One day she'd get SOMETHING out of him, one day or she'd follow him to his work, sit riiiiiight up next to him and pretend she was meant to be there. No one would have him quacking like a duck for that.
Her attention snapped back to the boss man when he mentioned a meeting in his office right after. "Got it Boss." And she and Rhydian got the go ahead for Gringotts, neat! She'd been about to get up after the meeting was adjourned with all intention of finding out later what Sky and Simon got told but as luck would have it, she could stay and watch. Even better. Lex got comfy in her seat once more and went back to her chocolate frog dipping.
And as the room emptied further, his attention couldn't even be held by the likes of Lex Cambridge. She was in his good books... others, not so much.
SPOILER!!: Upstead
Originally Posted by Felixir
Rainey had seemed pleased with what Dale had had to see, which was a relief. He gave a nod at that last, quite looking forward to what would likely be an inevitable rush of work after the holiday period. He remembered last year, how there was that mountain of things to do before things began settling down. A baptism of fire, or something.
It was second nature to take notes on everything by now, so when Rainey explained what they were all to do, Dale quickly made note of it. But... it seemed that was it. Nice. Short and to the point. So they could go then, yes? Fantastic. And Dale was taking his coffee with him; he'd barely drank a quarter of it.
Getting to his feet again, Dale gave another nod to those around the table before he left, then nudged Alexa's shoulder before backing away. "Catch you later, Lex," he said, quirking an eyebrow at her before turning and making his way out the room. Check her out, being of extra use with all that information. Maybe they could have lunch later. First though, settling back into the old routines. Ah, yes. Good to be back.
And would you look at that. Did Cambridge have an admirer?
It wasn't unlikely.
But onto the matter at hand. He had fish to fry. Small fish, tiny, simply sardines that would be wedged together in a small tin can. This was the Ministry, petty squabbles were for school yards and women's changing rooms.
SPOILER!!: Bennett and Carter-Hope
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline
Simon knew something he said was going to come back to his supposed Cult connections and Sky was quick to remark on it. And then there was the whisper sent his way about Roxanne. He set his jaw but no further reaction was given to the girl. She might do well to realize that he was still a superior by his experience and job and she was still a trainee before she made such crude accusations. But then the security man doubted anything would be done about that.
No Sabel...I sincerly doubt I have HER trust.
His gaze fell on Legend as he tried to watch for people's thoughts and expressions after his report, their eyes locking. His fellow man seemed to grasp that he wasn't being entirely forthcoming with what he had to say. But he didn't call him on it, which was a step in the right direction. They were still each other's best bet in having allies amongst the department. Despite the DP playing it off as the two of them being on opposite sides of the Cult issue.
As he and Sky were asked to stay back after the meeting, Simon simply nodded in acknowledgement. The former auror inwardly caught between curiousity and dread as to the meaning of the gesture.
But back to notes. Vivi stepped up to the plate next speaking of Peverell. This topic raised his hackles, not just because he hated the man, but because it raised dangers. There was a very good reason he hadn't been arrested as of yet and jumping to get warrants without the knowledge needed was going to get people killed. MLE people. Though he had to switch gears as she moved onto his field of security. Simon absently nodded as he wrote down what she said and possible thoughts of his own....freezing at her final choice.
Was she going to call out him and Rainey with them RIGHT HERE?
Rhydian's and Dale's report passed without much issue and drama which Simon was relieved about. At least two employees were simply doing their job without too much drama in the whole matter. However as the meeting was concluded and Rainey directed everyone to leave besides Sky and Lex, the inner paranoia of his training went into effect. The security man remaining in his seat as they awaited the others to leave.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
Simon might think he was superior to her, but she was in her final year of Auror training while he was just a security man. In the muggle world, she would be considered the superior.
Yeah, Sky was taking the ignoring of her aunt's request as a refusal and conformation of Rainey's Cult status. Which made her all the more curious as to his special assignment for herself and Simon. Mainly, so she could figure out a way out of it. Sky Carter-Hope wasn't doing anything for the Cult, no siree.
And the thought that Alexa had been pulled in made her sad. The girl had sooooo much potential and she chose to throw it in with that awful organization. What would Headmistress Truebridge think of her former head girl.
Sky remained in her seat though, an unreadable expression on her face.
Rainey stared between the two. Lingering on one before the other.
"Bennett, you really should know better than that... you let a girl get a rise out of you, I don't think I need to say anything more to that." How pathetic. Sad. Annoying. So very annoying and disappointing.
But he wasn't alone in this... "And Miss Carter-Hope, I trust you remember you're a trainee here, I do not need to tolerate your slack tongue nor your clearly insubordinate attitude any longer than I already have." Really, could he just NOT accept YATI anymore? More often than not they seemed to be problematic. Green. Full of confidence and pretending to possess all the maturity of a hundred year old hag... it was hard though, when you were still in your infancy where the fruits of labour were concerned. "Team work is something you need to get better at, or else you won't be graduating from the program. Start working on it now. Or don't. Your choice."
He wasn't going to arm wrestle anyone into doing the right thing, termination of employment was far easier.
"One of the things I said we need to work on, as a department, are relationships... and frankly, your behaviours disgust me. Therefore I think you both need to spend some time working out your differences."
He was blunt, sue him. Seriously, try suing him. He owned the Wizengamot now.
"You will abandon your YATI duties today, Miss Carter-Hope, and instead you will assist Mr Bennett with his Cultist duties." The Cultist part was a joke, obviously. "He has been where you are now, and he managed to pass, not to mention he was employed as an Auror for a number of years, something which you have not yet achieved. He is your superior, and know that there is nobody in this institution that is below you." Honestly, when she secured herself a proper position amongst their ranks, then she could say she wasn't a bottom feeder, until then... wishful thinking.
Rising from his seat, Elliot gestured for the two of them to stand and position themselves in front of him. He was grinning now, as if they had all been the best of friends just catching up.
Rhydian almost pouted at that. Sure, he was intelligent, could figure things out, but 'detective capabilities' was not on his resume. That, and wouldn't it just be easier, for the both of them if Bossman just flat out said who his superior was to be?
It was an effort not to let out a huff too. Bossman was Bossman for a reason. He had to have a reason for this and it wasn't like anything could be done about it. Arguing would just earn him a good deal of trouble. And he wanted the name for that tailor.
"Alright-y then." A smart nod instead, almost a salute with his head. Even though he wasn't sure he'd figure it out.
But he had his partner. Lex had a bit more of a nose for investigative type things. A glance to her, hoping she'd not torture him if he asked. A last glance to the other occupants in the room. One to Bossman and he was following Mr. Lift out of the room.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Slowly but surely the room was vacated by most of the rest of the department. Some lingered, trying to get answers out of the department head like Rhydian, but eventually he too left leaving Rainey, Sky and himself to whatever the older man had planned. Oh with Lex as an observer with her chocolate frogs. Did she really want to be Rainey's henchwoman? That job wasn't appealing even without possible Cult connections. But there wasn't a moment to dwell on it as the man in question was ready to discuss.
Starting with reprimanding them both.
In his defense, Simon could have gotten a lot more worked up with Sky but he wasn't one to fly of the handle. Commenting on Roxanne and her wrongful actions as proof that working with her wasn't going to...well work...wasn't entirely bad. At least Rainey agreed with his feelings on how Miss Carter-Hope needed to work on her acknowledgement of her position in the world.
He was fine with that, willing to trust, work together with and backup anyone in the department. Except a lot of them were like the likes of Sky....willing to believe everything the DP said and jump to conclusions about people. Or believe they're the best and better the everyone else. The latest batch of trainees was a mess. But apparently their banter had made Rainey want to interfere. To take the matter of their disagreement into his own hands and get them to work it out.
Great....just great.
Bad feelings about it were growing even before Rainey essentially called him a Cultist. Or at the very least joking about the touche subject. Not nice....not nice at all. Simon's gaze was solid as he watched the man, struggling to fight the urge to outright glare at the man. And no...the buttering up of him didn't help one bit. "So she's joining security for now..." he mused, seeing as that was the only duties he was involved in thank you very much. Can't include her in any Cultist dealings if there weren't any.
As for the rising up from his seat and the gesture for them to come forward, the former auror raised an eyebrow. It was a couple of beats before he actually got up from his seat, a few more before he reluctantly moved closer.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Lex gave Dale a salute as he left, confirmation she'd be seeing him. It was highly likely she'd be kidnapping him for lunch again. Bad habit of hers when he sometimes insisted he had work but FOOD. Everyone needed it and even scribe fingers didn't run on air.
Were this not still some official meeting and had this not been the Conference Room, Lex might have kicked up her feet to enjoy what would no doubt been the most entertaining thing she'd seen since the moment she walked through the Atrium this morning. If they were always like they were this morning, then surely this spoke to a good show later on. Rainey knew what he was doing. The man was questionable and that's all it took to add humour to any situation.
Her attention waned only to watch her partner make his exit. Last Supervisor she heard about was Josh Carter. Never saw him around much, which worked brilliantly for her; one less person she had to follow orders for. Only now they were gonna have to run stuff by him.
Eh...she'd just...watch the show.
And what a show it WAS. The young woman actually had to straighten in her seat and lowered her candy. It was hard to ignore the look of intrigue mixed in with amusement when Rainey told Sky she was Security duty, dropping all the cool YATI stuff for the day to play patrol officer. Did that mean she'd miss training later? That was rough. Absolutely sucked to be her. Know what else sucked? Hearing you were lowest in the overall Ministry rankings. HOW did YATIs score so low???? Even they did more work than the pencil pushers on Levels 1 and 5. The absurdity of it all.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
She wasn't in a mood for wasting time, and right now every second counted. Not even bothering to take a seat, Emily stood behind her designated chair and awaited her employees prompt arrival.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
She'd only just gotten back to the office after checking to ensure the corridors on Level 9 were safe--spoiler alert, they were safe, they were ALWAYS safe because NOTHING ever seemed to happen here. It was sure to be a riveting report when she wrote it later. The only thing that could make her feel better about wasting the last hour? A patronus alluding to an emergency meeting. Someone tell her something finally happened. She'd been itching for something to do.
That being the case, Lex made quick work of heading to the Conference room, deciding to stand because the boss lady happened to be and sitting would be...well....yeah
Lex took a spot by the chair she'd claimed for her own, gaze steady on Emily and waiting to find out the news that would remove her day from the dumps it'd fallen into.
At this point anything would do.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Hurrying in, Annabelle quickly grabbed a cup of fresh coffee for Emily. This was going to be a long meeting...a very long one...Obviously, the Director was in a bad mood with the news that the liaison had to deliver. It was a very very sad crime that had happened. If only I had been there a few seconds faster. That's all the Frenchie could think about. She felt awful for those poor students...
Unlike most days, her hair was not a bright and bold color. It was natural and very conservative. Just as the mood of this meeting would be. Setting the coffee down in front of Emily's seat, Annabelle made sure that her notebook and quill were following her back to her own seat. Just as Emily was, Annabelle didn't take her seat. The issue was to dark and depressing...and it also brought up bad memories...memories the scar made her remember ever since she was little until she would die...