Hey guys, so I suppose I'm back.
I've spent a lot of time away from here. (I find it quite sad), but I've been active daily on fanfiction.net. I posted a couple of stories on here before, and I had gotten pretty far, but for some reason, I just stopped.
I have had this HP fanfic annoying the crap out of me, and I thought I'd post it here to see how it goes.
If I get enough feedback, I may just continue.
Oh, by the way my darling readers, I have been writing constantly, so my style has changed dramatically, hopefully for the better. 
Now, let's get to the point. This little piece takes place in the summer of Regulus Black's sixth year at Hogwarts (Sirius's seventh, the year he runs away) and a little in the following school term. It'll later pick up around when the locket horcrux is switched. I've written up Aurora, but otherwise, I'll stay as close to the canon as possible. I do my research, but it's been a while, so cut me some slack.
J. K. Rowling owns everything HP related. So sad... 
So, anyways, I guess here goes everything.
:Chapter 1:
The Slytherin Common Room was almost empty. All of its occupants were off at the end of year feast, and the dungeon was feeling dank and lonesome with only one of its students remaining. Aurora King found the usual comfy black leather sofa suddenly cold and lumpy, and she couldn’t pry her thoughts from an irritating and unnerving feeling. An Advanced Transfiguration book laid open and abandoned on her lap, and her green eyed gaze was following some slow moving fish as they swam past the glass windows. Aurora’s thoughts were distant, on nothing in particular but the feeling that’s been bothering her for the past few days.
She’s been pushing the feelings away, chiding herself that they were nothing but her upset emotions for the end of her fifth year at Hogwarts. Yet, no matter how much she’s thought about her friends, or how she’s going to have fun with her family over the summer break, the feelings continued to nudge their way into her conscience.
A thought of it being some sort of premonition had passed through her mind, but Aurora had always sucked at divination, so her uneasiness at it being a foreboding for the future had crossed off her list of possibilities. It had to be end of the year jitters, she thought. Maybe something inside her was upset about the upcoming summer without seeing her boyfriend 24/7.
The fifteen year old shifted her position, lifting her chin and resting it on her hand on the back of the couch. Her legs were outstretched on the two cushions before her, and her gaze turned to her bare legs as unexpected goosebumps rose on her flesh.
That feeling again.
It overwhelmed her thoughts, bringing her attention to her dark surroundings. Even in the middle of the day, the common room was low lit, with the lake outside the windows casting a camouflage of green and blue on the flagstone floor. The room was adorned with tapestries and bookshelves, aquariums and squishy black armchairs. A movement caught the corner of her eye, and her head whipped around to the winding staircase that led to the girls’ and boys’ dormitories.
The transfiguration book slid off her lap as she slowly rose. She pulled her long robe closer around her, but the goosebumps did not leave her legs and instead climbed up her body to cover her arms and neck.
Gosh, why was she being so paranoid? This was Hogwarts for crying out loud, the safest place in possibly the whole world. Why was she worrying so much?
The pestering feeling continued to haunt her, acting as an annoying presence in her bones and muscles. A chill passed over her, bringing with it another feeling, something more common, something that everyone who has ever stood up in front of class to give a presentation has felt: The feeling of being watched.
“Hello?” She asked again, her clear voice ringing around the empty room. Her pale hand snaked into her robes, where she fingered her wand nervously. If this was some seventh year prank, she was going to to-
She spun around as her name, loud and booming, sounded from behind her. The fish in the windows skittered out of sight, and nothing was left of the view but kelp and seaweed blowing lazily with the current. The voice resounded through her head, an echo only slowly receding. The voice sounded distressed, like whoever was calling her was in great pain.
But no one was there, and she quickly found herself spinning back around to face the majority of the room.
Lights flickered to her left, the candles’ wick growing dim, then lighting up, then wisping out altogether.
“This isn’t funny.” She scolded, crossing her arms and trying to look braver than she actually felt. She had her wand gripped tightly in her right hand, a lifeline in her mind, the only thing that actually made her feel more powerful.
When only silence replied to her comment, Aurora moved over to the candles and relit them with a light wave of her wand. Returning to the couch, she picked up her book and ran her fingers over the spine. She glanced once more over the empty common room before settling back into the comfortable position she was just in.
If that was Severus, or Regulus, or Malcolm, or even Violet I swear I’ll-
Aurora didn’t get a chance to finish her malicious thoughts. All she saw was a figure lunge over the back of the sofa, then her book was thrown carelessly on the ground. She screamed, but a hand clamped quickly over her mouth. The figure straddled her, with its legs on either side of her as it sat on her thighs. A hand shot caught one of her own flying fists before it made contact with its face.
“Aurora. Aurora, relax! It’s just me.”
The girl stopped mid-struggle, her green eyes growing wide before hardening at the face smiling down at her. Regulus Black chuckled as he leaned back on his heels and moved his hand from her mouth.
“How the hell could you do that to me?!” She screamed, moving to prop herself up with her elbows. “I was scared Regulus. What the hell where you thinking?”
Regulus’s grin just grew wider. His girlfriend’s little tirades were always amusing, and it was almost impossible to get her to shut up once she started. Sensing his thoughts, Aurora humphed in annoyance and turned away while Regulus rolled his eyes.
“I was just messing with you, Aurora.” He said, smiling gingerly and touching her cheek with his fingertips. He guided her face to look at him. “It was just a joke.”
She pulled away again, biting her lower lip and staring intently at a point on the wall, her green-eyed gaze hardened.
Regulus reached under her arms and linked his fingers behind her back. He pulled her closer, her weight leaving her arms as she was pulled into more of a sitting position. She was forced to glance at him, but she shook her black bangs out of her face and scrunched her nose, trying in every way to seem angry at the teenager.
“Don’t be mad at me.” He whispered silkily as his head dipped closer to her head. Dropping slightly lower, he pressed his lips to her neck, and Aurora arched backwards and moaned in defeat. She felt him smirk, and could sense his grey eyes sparkling with smugness. She placed her hands on his shoulders, fiddling with his black robe momentarily, then pushed him back.
“You’re such a jerk.” She muttered.
A sloppy grin appeared on his face. “So you’re not mad at me.” He said. “I knew it.”
Aurora sent an accusing glare at him, but she said stiffly. “No.”
“You can never hold a grudge, Aurora. It’s one of your many qualities.” Another smirk.
The girl responded by a sarcastic roll of her eyes.
Regulus leaned back on his heels. His hands dropped from her body, and he placed them on his thighs as he straightened to look around. “What are you doing down here anyways?” He asked, steel grey eyes skimming over the common room. “I don’t want to spend any more time here than necessary.”
Aurora followed his eyes, taking in the dark room. “I like it down here.” She defended. “It’s peaceful.”
Regulus quirked an eyebrow.
“It’s peaceful to me.” She clarified.
“Ah.” He said, lip twitching in a hidden smile. “Yes, I can see that. With all the darkness and gloominess, and… whatnot.” Eyes catching hers momentarily, he suddenly bent over the side of the couch and picked up the abandoned text book, reading it from the spine. “Advanced Transfiguration. Very interesting.” Closing it, he handed it to Aurora. “You do know there’s a whole library just a few corridors away, right?”
“Yes, I do thank you very much.” Aurora replied. “But I just wanted to get my mind off some things.”
Regulus scanned her face, his eyes resting on her lips in which she was once again biting anxiously. “What things?” He asked, genuine concern filling his words. He ran a finger over her bottom lip, and she released it from her gnawing teeth.
“I don’t know… just stuff.” She said quietly. “But,” She perked up, “I was thinking about your invitation, and if it really means that much to you I’ll go to your family reunion.”
“Do I look like I’m joking?”
Regulus leaned back and appraised her, an exaggerated thoughtful look passing over his face. Aurora hit his shoulder playfully, and he brought his hands up in surrender, though he was still smiling.
“Thank you.” He said finally, bringing his lips to meet hers. “You don’t know what it means to me.”
So I hope that was a good start.
Keep in mind I would love feedback, so that I can decide whether to continue or not.
-Love, Seneca.