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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction) The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.

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Old 08-05-2010, 09:14 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tilly C. Richards
First Year
heart The Way the Wind Blows - Sa13+
Bluejay | Potatopop! | SRS - Stupid Ravenclaw Syndrome

The world of HP belongs to J.K. Rowling however Eviee and I only own the plot. Thank you. Oh! And Amanda (_Ginny_) did the banner and the names for this story. And the luffly Dee did the avvies at the bottom of this page/ Thanks. -huggles-This is Lily and Eviee doing our first joined fic together. Now, let's get started! Just so you know, the following characters will be written by Lily: Luna, Neville, Ginny, Ron, George and Draco.
And these characters are written by Eviee: Dean, Harry, Hermione, Lavender, Angella a.k.a Angie and Cho

Chapter 1:
The War May Be Over, But the Pain is Just Starting
No Way Of Knowing

I forced my eyelids open, with difficulty. They felt heavy and it seemed like they had a mind of their own, and they wanted to stay closed. But, I was wake for the last five minutes. It was just that I hadn't opened them. I just lay there, listening to my thoughts. Wishing so much that they would just shut up.

I whimpered at the sound of someone slaming the door. I was alone in the room and I felt utterly insane. Alone. And nuts.

I finally swung my legs over the side of the bed and stretched. Every bone in my body ached and cuts all over my chest were turning purple. Gross. I looked away from the hidiousness that was myself and pulled out some clean close from my trunk that my Dad had summoned up.

I pulled on my jeans first and winced as the loose denim rubbed against my thigh. I was pulling my stretched cotton top when the door opened and I saw the boy I loved walk in and I screamed.


Harry Potter ran out of the room, closing the door behind him and I pulled my shirt down. All I could think was how glad I was that I had slipped on my jeans first. But, he saw the scars on my stomach. I gulped. This was gonna be great fun.

"You can come in now."

Harry walked in, very slowly...

I rolled my eyes and I pulled my hair out from under my shirt colar. "Gin, your stomach-" I cut across him with a snap. "Don't start Harry." He hung his head and I knew exactly what he was thinking. I chose to fight. So Bellatrix got at me with a knife. The memory of pain filled my mind and I winced at the memory.


"Tell me where Potter is." demanded the rough voice of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Never!" I screamed backing up. Friends stood around me, here and there fighting a deatheater. I glared at Bellatrix and threw a stone at her and while she was distracted I grabbed my wand from the cold ground and shouted, "Stupefi!" The red light bounced off her shield and she hissed at me.

Lestrange pulled a knife from her sleeve and in a flash of silver she brought it down across my stomach. I screamed and she sliced again and again and again. Blood poured from my flat stomach and I screamed again.

I lifted my leg and kicked her stomach and she fell back. Luna Lovegood grabbed me and dragged me away while someone distracted the hell that was Bellatrix Lestrange.


I sighed and thought until Harry coughed. "Down stairs. They're talking about burying the bodies." My breath caught and turned into a choked sob. Harry wrapped an awkward arm around me for comfort.

I rested my head against his shoulder and in that second I felt as though something in my heart had connected and I'm pretty sure he felt it too. I looked up and batted my eyelashes twice. His breath caught and he had to gulp. I reached up and he leaned down and our lips were but inches apart.

I suddenly felt sweaty and I pulled away. No. It wasn't right. He didn't love me. He made that clear when he broke up with me.

I fought the tears and croaked; "C'mon. Let's go downstairs." I started to walk down, I could her him follow me as clearly as if he was right beside. Okay, so noowww my thoughts shut up! "So... how've you been?" My thoughts voiced out the question.

"Uh... Well, can I talk to you, Ginny?"

I stopped in my tracks. "Of course Harry. Is everything alright?"

I could hear him gulping. "Well. Not really. I-I'm still having nightmares." He looked in my eyes and I stared back into his emerald pools.

"Harry, I-I-"

"Please don't say anything to Hermione, Gin. Okay?"

I nodded sadly. I didn't say anything because I knew I would end up telling her. My eyes teared up. I couldn't believe this pain. He hugged me but it was an awkward hug.

The visions of the dead people down stairs filled my mind and I stucked in a sharp breath. Pain rose inside my chest and I gasped.

He seemed to understand and he let me lean against him and half carried-half dragged me down the stairs and through the common room. Blood covered the place and the paintings were pictures of horror and were trying to cure the other paintings that had found some way to fight.

TThis was hell. Hands down.

I closed the door to the Room of Requirement behind me and started walking down the stairs towards the Grand Staircase. The past few days had been one long and stressful haze to me. Harry, Ron, and I had to sneak into Hogwarts, and then there had been that huge battle. That scary moment where I thought Harry was dead and my heart stopped beating was still fresh in my mind. I turned the corner and walked straight into someone, who staggered back a few steps with an indignant, "Oi!"

"Oh. Sorry, Ron," I said tiredly. Rubbing my eyes, I looked up and into a pair of chocolate brown eyes which belonged to my best friend, Ron Weasley.

"Where have you been Hermione?" Ron asked copying my pace as we walked on. "Me and Harry have been worried about you." The tips of his ears grew slightly redder.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Just around," I simply said as we walked down yet another flight of stairs. I still wore the same clothes I had wore during the battle, having nothing else to wear. My cardigan was smudged with dirt and blood, but nothing compared to what the castle looked like. It was a wreckage, pieces of stone everywhere. We didn't meet many people while we walked, in total silence, an awkwardness between us. I couldn't get a grip on my feelings toward Ron. Ever since that kiss in the Room of Requirement, my mind had been a jumble of emotions.

"How's Harry?" I asked, hoping to break the silence between us. I looked sideways at Ron. He towered over my slender form. His red flaming hair had got longer over the course of the year, and he had become broader around the shoulders and chest. He looked almost grown up. No, he did look grown up! I corrected myself.

Ron caught me looking. He turned to face me, his chocolate brown eye's boring into mine. I felt my face grow hot with embarrassment and looked at my feet to hide it.

I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. I felt butterflies in my stomach, something that had never happened before. I couldn't be...I believe you're falling for Ron, I told myself as we continued to walk. As we got closer to the Great Hall we passed more and more people, who looked just as messy and tired as we did. Some were crying over their losses, and some looked relieved that they hadn't lost anyone. Their dead loved ones were still lining the walls of the Great Hall. Seeing this, Ron and I fell into another awkward silence.

As we descended the last flight of steps, I saw Harry and Ginny walk out of the Great Hall together. Harry's hair had also grown longer over the year, although it still had a mind of its own. From where I was I couldn't see his scar, which I knew still burned on his forehead. His clothes too were dirty and ripped in places. Ginny looked better, with less dirty clothes. Her red flaming hair, exactly like Ron's, flowed down her back. They both looked up at us as we made our way down the crumbling stairs.

"There you are Hermione," Harry said, relief clear in his voice. Ginny smiled at me from her space next to Harry. After their breakup almost a year ago, both had an awkward relationship with each other. Just like me and Ron, I thought to myself as we both descended the last of the staircase to meet them.

"Where were you Hermione?" Harry asked me, staring into my face like it would give him the answer.

"Just around," I said simply, trying to ignore his stare. I knew he could tell I was lying about something, but sometimes people had to let it drop.

"Well you're here now, that's all that matters," Ginny cut in. She hit Harry on the arm to stop him staring. I sighed in relief and smiled my gratitude at her. If it wasn't for Ginny I probably would have broken down and cried right there.

"What's happening?" I asked Harry, nodding my head towards the open doors leading to the Great Hall. Everyone followed my gaze. A bunch of remaining professors gathered in a bunch, talking in hushed tones, looking at the long row of bodies every few seconds. I watched this for a few minutes before looking at my hands, I couldn't bear seeing all those dead bodies.

"They're planning on burying them," Ginny said, also in a hushed tone. I could feel her gaze on me, so I lifted my head to look at her, the boys were too busy on looking in the hall. I watched at Harry rubbed his eyes for the tenth time since walking out of the hall.

With a quick look at Ginny who gave me a nod I said, "Harry...You all right? Have you been sleeping well?" I know it sounded weird, but someone had to ask.

Harry looked at me, his eyes looked slightly red around the edges. Ron's and Ginny's full attention were on us as Harry replied, "I'm fine."

I opened my mouth to complain, to tell him he didn't look fine and it was all right to have nightmares, but Ginny took hold of my arm and yanked me away from the boys. She had a look of determination on her face as we walked away from them.

"Don't pry Hermione, he's been having nightmares again," She told me, stopping and facing me, her arms folded.

"How do you know?" I asked her, concerned for Harry's sake.

"He told me, just before you guys walked down the stairs."

"Oh," was all I could say. I peeked over to where Ron and Harry stood, deep in conversation. I watched as Ron laughed at something Harry said. My stomach filled with butterflies again, and I looked away from the sight. Ginny was watching me again, i knew it, so I yet again turned to face her stare.

"You like him don't you?" She asked, a smiled playing on her lips.

"No way!" I replied, my face dumbstruck.

"I'm not stupid," Ginny told me, guessing my thoughts.

"I never said you were!" I said turning to walk back towards the boys.

I heard Ginny laugh behind me. "Hermione, I know that look. It's all right with me, if that helps anything." She put her hand on my shoulder. "Come on. You can talk to him later. But now we have to focus on more important things, like the castle and the dead." Her voice was somber again. Together, we walked back towards Harry and Ron, steeling ourselves for a hard day.

{ C h a p t e r I n d e x }

Chapter 1: The War May Be Over, But the Pain is Still There
Chapter 1: No Way of Knowing
Chapter 2: Missing You
Chapter 3: Surprise Attack
Chapter 4: Dreams
Chapter 5: A Rueful Kiss
Chapter 6: A Wrong Thought
Chapter 7: Mistakes
Chapter 8: The Beginning
Chapter 9: Brown Eyes
Chapter 10: Words
Chapter 11: A Strange Feeling
Chapter 12: Unknowingly
Chapter 13 part 1 of two: McGonagall; A History
Chapter 13 part 2 of two: McGonagall; A History II
Chapter 14 part 1 & 2 of three parts: She Gave the Green-Eyed Girl a reason to be Right
Chapter 14 part 3 of three parts: A Judging...
Chapter 15: Guilty Until Proven Innocent...
Chapter 16: The Announcement
Chapter 17: Un-trustworthy
Chapter 18: Moving On...
Chapter 19: Rekindling that Friendship
Chapter 20 Part One of Two: The Making Up
Chapter 20 Part Two of Two: The Contestants
Chapter 21: Protection
Chapter 22: Worried
Chapter 23: Austrailia
Chapter 24: Flying Books
Chapter 25: the ChimeraChapter 26: All a Joke
Chapter 27: Cry Over an Onion


Last edited by Lollipop!; 07-20-2012 at 11:23 AM.
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Old 08-06-2010, 05:00 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Wow! This story is off to a great start and I'm already hooked!


I love how you two make point of views from each characters instead of just one character. Great idea!

PAMS! && First reviewer!

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Old 08-06-2010, 10:15 AM   #3 (permalink)

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I love this fanfic! Your really good!

Keep up the amazing effort!
Thank You For The Three Best Years!

I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible.
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Old 08-06-2010, 11:16 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Great job!!! Poor Ginny!

Hermione you do love him, you really do

You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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Old 08-06-2010, 11:22 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Woah, I loved this!
And I love the way your two styles of writing really work together. It's awesome.

More soon, please?

⇀ Standing now, calling all the people here to see the show_____________________________
Calling for my demons now to let me go ↽

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Old 08-06-2010, 11:52 AM   #6 (permalink)
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I really like this!
And the fact it's after the battle, will make it extra interesting.
I look forward to reading more!
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Old 08-06-2010, 05:14 PM   #7 (permalink)
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This is such a good FF!

I am sooo excited to continue reading this, you both are great writers.

*sets up camp and waits for next update*
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Old 08-06-2010, 06:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Such a great FF! PAMS

maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive

maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
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Old 08-08-2010, 01:00 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Woohoo! It's off to a great start guys! *claps*
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Old 08-10-2010, 03:53 PM   #10 (permalink)
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You didn't told me you two had posted this. Or I obvisouly would've checked it out earlier.

Anyway, it's reeeeeally great I WANT MOARRRRR!
I'm the king of my own land,
facing tempests of dust, I'll fight until the end.

creatures of my dreams raise up and dance with me,
now and forever, I'm your king.
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Old 08-10-2010, 07:29 PM   #11 (permalink)

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I wasn't sure if i should post replies to your post's so i've left that to Lily.

But thank you for reading and the reviews were really nice to read

Lily's away atm, from what i read, and i've started writing my next bit. I do hope there up soon.

Thanks again

Eviee <33
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.
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Old 08-10-2010, 09:09 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Hey girls. Great start! I love your story. You write all the characters so well.
Looking forward to the next post!
S x
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Old 08-10-2010, 09:20 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Sooo.. I um like read this the other night, but forgot to review Sooo um.. Like, AWESOME job! I reeaaaaaaaally like it! PAMS when you can!

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:19 AM   #14 (permalink)
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Wow. Didn't expect this to be so popular.
Well, here goes. ; )

N'aww Jessy, you flatter us.

Just so everyone knows, the numbah 1 fan is still up for grabs.


and Evie.

[/glomp attack]


Yes, she does. She really does... Or does she? *frowny face*

Harron Peasley;

N'aww. Thanks luff.



*pokes nose into camp*

More is on the way




N'aww. Luff, you're too kind.

MOARRR you want, and MOARRR is what you shall get!


Cassiopia Malfoy;

Thanks Sweetiee.

MOARRR is coming soon!

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Old 08-15-2010, 09:14 PM   #15 (permalink)

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Hello all. *waves*
Before i start, I'd like to say a special thank you to my dear friend Maura {hrmy_lvr_4evr} for proof-reading my chapters so they can be the best they are. Thank You!
I'd also LOVE to say thank you for reading so far, it's much appriciated *huggles*

Chapter Two

Missing You.

I looked around the hall, but I couldn't really see it. The tears which filled my eyes and stained my cheeks were to blame. But what had caused this pain, this anger, was the job of...him...Lord Voldemort. I shivered, the name still scared me. I was sitting in the corner of the Great Hall, alone - something for which I was grateful. I didn't want people to see me like this. The wooden floor under me, the stone wall of the castle behind me. Taking a look around me, I noticed George walking towards me. I quickly wiped my eyes as I watched him.

"Haii," He said softly as he took a seat next to me. There was no laugher in his face. His eyes searched mine.

"Hey," I said softly, sniffing slightly. He knew I had been crying, I had never been able to fool him. Before I could say anything else he had put his warm arm around my shoulders. I leant my head on his shoulder. I closed my eyes, breathing deeply.

"Why did he have to die? Why did anyone have to die?" I asked him softly. Tears streamed down my stained cheeks. I couldn't stop them coming, and I didn't care. I could feel his eyes on me, and his lips on my hair when he kissed it softly.

"They did to save the world. To make it a better place," He replied softly. I was surprised at his gentle tone, with no hint of laughter. I didn't think there would be any humor there for a while.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I told him, still crying. Im not sure if he heard me or not, but before I could really think I had flung myself into his arms. Crying, letting the pain and anger i had kept inside me for the last few days out. George only shrugged, such a small gesture I sat back and looked at him thoroughly for the first time in days. I saw his pain plastered clearly in his eyes. The loss of his brother was what I think caused the most pain. I continued to stare, George staring back at me with a question in his eyes.

"Angie?" I heard him ask, as he took my hand and squeezed it slightly.

"George..." I faltered, swallowing down a sob. "What do you think's going to happen to Hogwarts?" I continued quietly. I searched his face for an answer, he gave me a shrug. I wasn't satisfied, but i decided not to press him just yet. There was time enough for that later on.

"I dunno," I heard him tell me equally as quiet as me. He jumped up suddenly, making me start. I looked up to see him hold his hand out to me. Wiping my eyes again, I took it and let him pull me up like I was a feather. I probably felt like one with the lack of food and sleep. I was dead on my feet.

"Come on Angie, let's help everyone else," He said, turning to lead me toward the middle of the hall. I didn't need telling what I was supposed to be helping with. I already knew. The thought brought a lump to my throat, like i couldn't breathe. I didn't want to look at them - him especially. I shuddered.

"George!" I called in a croaky voice, tugging on his arm. He turned to look at me. Before I spoke I looked over his shoulder, looking for anyone in hearing range. We were quite a ways away from the group gathering in the middle of the room. Around the dead.

I swallowed. "I miss him, George" I said softly, shifting my eyes to look into his. I knew - from a look in his eye - that he knew who 'him' was. He wasn't stupid. Before I knew it I was being pulled into a hug. George held me close, i could hear his breathing in my ear. "I miss him too," he said. Pulling away i felt George take my hand and pull me towards the large group.
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.

Last edited by Ladybug; 09-24-2010 at 05:02 PM.
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Old 08-17-2010, 05:46 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Oh yay! *claps*
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Old 08-18-2010, 11:50 AM   #17 (permalink)

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Eviee and Lily!

It's awesome! *Claps with joy*

Eviee you have done an awesome job with this chappie and I'm sure Lily will when she does her next part!
Thank You For The Three Best Years!

I Am Busy As A Bee. Please Bear With Me As I Will Come On SS As Much As Possible.
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:59 AM   #18 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tilly C. Richards
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Bluejay | Potatopop! | SRS - Stupid Ravenclaw Syndrome

Chapter 3:
Surprise Attack

I stood in the shower. My skin soaking up the heat. My hot hair plastered to my face. Finally, I decided to turn off the shower and as soon as I slid the doors open, a blast of freezing cold slapped me in the face. A wrapped a fluffy white towel around myself. When I dried myself I sprayed some Wracspurt Away Spray that my dad invented a little while ago on my legs and arms.

I hummed 'Odo the Hero.'

I got dressed in a cubicle and used my wand to dry my hair. When I ran my fingers through my dirty blond hair, it felt silky. My hair slipped through my fingers and my silky hair fell onto my covered shoulders. The bruises on my shoulders burned like my skin was on fire.

Walking out of the bathroom, well skipping out of the bathroom I passed bodies and wreckage of the castles. I tried not to look at them. I was looking dead straight when my shoes found some surface that was liguid-y and slippy. I gulped and looked down at my shoe. Let's call the stuff 'red water', mmkay? 'Cause I don't want to call it -B-blood.

I almost screamed. "Do you want some help?" A deep voice asked from behind me. I gasped and turned and saw Dean. Dean. His face seemed to be planted in my dreams. I smiled at him. "Please," I smiled shyly.

Dean smiled and walked me over to a little platform. He lifted my little form onto the platform and pulled a hankerchief and mopped my shoe up.

Memories filled my mind, like ink in water. Blood!Hate!Pain!Dean!Blood!Hate!Pain!Dean! Dean's form just about dead filled my mind and it felt let a healed wound re-opened. I actually winced. The memory of them fighting together filled my mind and I managed to pull myself out of it and saw Dean smiling up at me.

"All clean." He smiled wider, stretching the already-almost-healed cut under his right eye.

I looked down at my shoe that was total clean. "Thank you, Dean." I leaned down and pecked his cheek. His cheeks flamed red. The was silence. The tension in the air could've been cut with a knife. He opened his mouth to say something but it wasn't his voice that said, "Luna!"

I jumped off the platform and turned to see who called me but I couldn't tell who it was. I just felt lips crush down on me. It wasn't soft like I dreamed my first kiss would be. It was hard and it was as though who ever it was wanted just to get it over with.

"Um... Haiii," said Dean unsure. He was standing up, from what I could see. He looked sad, but also angry. And in his eyes I could detect the hint of jealousy. Woah. I couldn't help thinking. Woah. Oh woah. What is happening to me?

And then, I pulled away and saw the boy that kissed me was...


Last edited by Lollipop!; 09-21-2010 at 01:58 PM.
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Old 08-24-2010, 07:23 PM   #19 (permalink)

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Brllient chapter Lily. I wonder who kissed Luna -thinks-
I want to know!
Rightt i shall post the next chapter soon
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:44 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships

Eviee! I missed your chappie-sorry. It was great though. I love how you's are able to mke a quick transition from one character to the next. I must be hard jumping into another persons shoes after being in anothers.
Lily! OHMIGOODNESS! I can't believe you left us there! PAMS!
Soph x
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Old 08-24-2010, 11:36 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Aw man, you left us in suspense >.<

Also. *blushhhh* Not to be picky or anything... *cough* but....close to the end, when mystery shadow man kissed Luna you switched to third person for a few sentences.

Edit: Okay. Sorry. Again. PAMS?

Last edited by Paint.the.Limelight; 08-25-2010 at 08:37 PM.
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Old 08-26-2010, 08:55 PM   #22 (permalink)
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Awww that's adorable!! PAMS!!!
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Old 08-31-2010, 07:50 PM   #23 (permalink)

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Well Ladies and Gentleman, It's that time again. Post!

Sophie; It was alright. At least you still found time to read it after, that's what makes me want to give you a huge cuddle xD As for the jumping into each others shoes. I can be at times...But i sometimes just write what comes to mind and hope it's good.

Okayy before i start guys. I would LOVE to say a HUGE thank you to Maura - again - for helping me. And this is dedicated to her 'cause i love her so much xD


I rubbed my forehead which held my scar. The scar that had made me famous, caused arguments between me and my friends, and a long journey I ended up taking with my best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. None of which i wanted ever to be about of my life. What I wished more than anything was that my parents, James and Lily Potter, were still alive. What's more, I wanted my godfather, Sirus Black and everyone else who had died for me. Something I had never asked for in my life. That people would give their lives for me so was unnerving.

I sat alone in the corner of the great hall, my mind troubled. The dreams still haunted me at night, I woke sweating and panting for breath. Rubbing my hand across my eyes I looked around.

It had been days since the dead had been buried. A few people had chickened out when the burial was going on.I didn't blame them - it was horrible work. The thought of it sent shivers down my back. The look of all those faces was too much to handle for most. Fred, Lupin, Tonks and everyone else now lay as if they were sleeping.

"Harry?" a soft voice behind me said, waking me up from my thoughts and making me jump. I looked over my shoulder into Ginny's eyes. I felt my heart quicken at the sight of her. Her soft skin, her long red hair and her shiny brown eyes. I felt myself smiling, and I felt a little better immediately. She sat down next to me, taking my hand in hers.

"Harry, what's wrong?" She asked looking into my face. I sobered up and sighed, there was no way to fool her and if she knew then Ron and Hermione was bound to have noticed as well. I found it annoying when people tried to pry into my thoughts, but deep down, I know that they were only trying to help.

I shrugged. "I'm fine," I lied to her, looking away. I couldn't meet her eyes. She wasn't stupid, I knew she wouldn't give up so easily.

"Harry, look at me." She extended her hand to pull my head her way. I had no choice but to look at her, "I know it's the dreams that are troubling you. Tell me about them," She said softly, leaning forward to kiss my lips like a breath of wind. I felt my heart quicken as I pulled away and stared into her eyes.

To everyone else we were both single, no longer dating after that time in my sixth year. After I had let her go, to save her. And now that was over, the
dreaded war. Now that was over we still were not together. The thought troubled me, I really like Ginny Weasley, yes. But did she like me? I always asked myself.

Ginny was still looking at me, i could tell. But I was deep in my thoughts. She knew this, of course, so she kept quiet. After a few minutes her patience broke. She leaned her warm hand on my cheek, bringing me back to earth. I stared into her eyes. I knew what was coming.

"Harry, tell me what's wrong," I heard her say, her breath brushing my face. I pulled back sighing. There was no winning.

"Is it the dreams?" She asked me, prying deeper. I nodded.

"Harry..." I heard her murmur. I swallowed and looked away, my cheeks warming. I could sense the concern she felt for me in her voice...and something else. I looked back up. Ginny was closer than I'd expected.

"Ginny," I replied heavily. I was so confused. For the past year, this was all that I'd thought about. Now that it was possible to have a future with Ginny, I couldn't see it happening, and she hadn't approached me, and why was she leaning closer now?

Slowly and hesitantly, as though afraid she'd scare me somehow, Ginny touched her lips to mine.

In an instant, all my worries and brooding for the dead and the injured, all those people who had sacrificed themselves for me...everything vanished.I leaned into the kiss, feeling as though my world at last made sense again. It felt wonderful. And for the time being, I was content.
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.

Last edited by Ladybug; 09-24-2010 at 05:03 PM.
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Old 08-31-2010, 07:57 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Aww. I have a chapter dedicated to me. I feel loved. Thanks Eviee!!
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Old 08-31-2010, 08:09 PM   #25 (permalink)
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Awww, that was so sweet!!!!
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