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The Hope of a Witch - Sa13+ MAKING NEW BANNER Disclaimer: The marveolus J.K. Rowling created and wrote the Harry Potter universe. I didn't help for anything in her writing process. All of the characters are hers except Raven,Rose, their adoptive parents, their real mum, and a couple of their friends. Its Adventure and Romance USED to be under Romance cattegory by the way Also chapters may appear to be talking about the same thing except it will be in Rose's POV or Raven's POV... And maybe some of the Professors (this wont happen offten...) Prologue: Dear Diary, My adopted mum said it would be good to write in this, so I’ll humor her…So here it goes: Rose and I are twins we were put into magic foster care when we were 5. Our mother was a death eater and she went to The Harringtons and brutally murdered them so she was sent to Azkaban and she got the dementors kiss...Me? I could care less about what happened to my father I don’t care who he is or where he is...I don’t want Rose to search for him but there is pretty much nothing I can do, she’s a wild child! Raven is my name, you know like the bird. Only because of my hair color, black. I don’t know where I got it from my mum had blonde hair and blue eyes... I have coal eyes as my sister calls them. I have a tint of blonde in my hair but that’s it... Even though I don’t look like her when I look in the mirror I see her...my mum. I don’t like talking about her most people don’t even know I am adopted...But that for now is the past, now it’s the future that I must look forward too. Love Raven. ______________________ Dear Diary, This is a muggle object and I love muggle objects but this one I don’t like it very much…Why? Because its pink! I detest pink! Well anyways my adoptive mummy thinks that I should tell this book my feelings… Well I guess I should just get it over with: Raven and I are twins, and we can never be separated even ask the wizards and witches that tried to pull us apart from each other when we were sent to magic foster care. We were only 5 then… You see our mum was a death eater, well that’s something of an understatement my mum was the cruelest and wickedest death eater there was even worse than Bellatrix Lestrange. Her name was Lilac Deadrose…Ironic name for a death eater… My mum went to The Harringtons’ mansion and brutally murdered every single last family member including their seven day old daughter…My mum was then sent to Azkaban and the dementors gave her a nice big kiss…I have been searching for my dad since I was 10 my adopted dad helps me…My adoptive mum and of course Raven think I should stop but I don’t think I ever will until I find him… Rose is my name like the flower. I have blonde hair and purple eyes I look exactly like my mum and I don’t care..My sister would though she thinks our mum is a monster..I don’t okay maybe a little but at least she fought for what she believed in..Sure she could have been a little, okay a lot nicer in the way she did it. I want to find my real dad because I want him to be a part of me and Raven’ lives. I don’t want to replace my adoptive parents but I think it would be nice to know who my dad is… Well looks like this thing actually worked, I got to go now the dogs barking… Love yours truly Rose. Chapter List: Prologue (look above you will see it) Chapter 1: Raven's Hugs (Post #4) Chapter 2: Rose's Get-a-Way (Post #6) Chapter 3: Raven and Rose in Diffrent Houses!! (Post #8) Preview on Chapter 4: Raven at Gryffindor Table (Post #13) Chapter 4: Raven at Gryffindor Table (Post #15) Chapter 5: Rose at Slytherin Table (Post #19) Chapter 6:The Truth (Post #23) Chapter 7: The Plan (Post #25) Chapter 8: The Old Tattered-Burned Book (Post #27) Chapter 9: Cassy's Boy (Post #29) Chapter 10: The Firsts of Everything! Part 1 (Post #32) Chapter 11: The Firsts of Everything! Part 2 (Post #35) Chapter 12: The First of Everything! Part 3 I swear its the last part! (Post #39) Preview of Chapter 13: The First Act Chapter 13: The First Act Chapter 14: The First Twenty-Somethings Chapter 15: Cassy's Betrayal Chapter 16: |
Can I ask where you get these ideas from gosh... And will you tell me who the dad is? Okay anyways great prologue..Cant wait to read more.. Which means I will be trying to break into your laptop!! PAMS love your sister who will find the password and break into your computer AKA Alexis :P |
WHAAAAAAAAAT! Who's there daddy?!?? *stomps foot and then awaits next chapter* Haha, I liiiiiike it, I also like the names Raven and Rose, and yea, awesomeeeeeeee! :lmao: |
You guys make me happy :D Quote:
Thats my secret :wink: and NO that would ruin it! And my laptop has maximum security on it so good luck :) Love Alyssa thanks for reading :D Quote:
Yeah it took me forever to find two perfect names that would fit them Love Alyssa thanks for Reading so far... ____________ Okay I will be editing in the Next Chapter.. i will be skipping the Hogwarts Letter they are just getting ready to go on the train. Chapter 1:Raven's Hugs.. Raven I heard my mum yell...I relucidlly got out of bed and walked over to my kitty calander, and saw the date..September 1st...I looked over at the clock 5 o'clock....WHAT WAS HER PARENTS PROBLEM! Well they did live 3 hours away...Raven sluggishly walked over to her closet and pulled on her "Im Rose that's Raven" shirt that Rose made esppecialy for her birthday. I walked over to the sink and splashed my face with water...After doing so I was immediatly wide awake! I walked down the stairs by using the railing and not the stairs. Quickly jumping off just before I got to the bottom. As I walked into the kitchen I said Hey mum...Where is Dad...Mum why are you crying?!My mum looked up cheeks all blochy and napkins all over the table...I heard a scream from upstairs...I giggled my dad had to do the 'Special Way of waking Rose' again. I walked over to her mum and pushed the napkins into my hand and put them into the garbage can. I heard an "Eww!" from behind her. I said back Its called being nice The normal retort was the same "You should at least wash your hands" This had been going on for a week already ever since we sent the Hogwarts letters back. I awnsered I was waiting to whip them on you This time she had had to think a bit and then Rose said I wouldnt you would be ruining the birthday present you gave to me I turned around to see her in a black skirt and in fact the shirt I had gave her the same time she gave me mine...I gave her the look, why are you wearing the same thing I am... I saw her roll her eyes and then walk over to the cupboard...I turned and looked out the window remembering when we gave the shirts to each other and our parents had said Looks like that twin telepathy of yours kicked in and thats how Rose knew that Raven would love the 'I'm Rose that's Raven' and Raven knew that Rose would love the 'I'm Raven that's Rose' shirt. Mine was red and hers was green... By the time it was 5:30 we were in the car and the next thing I knew I was being shaked awake and my mum saying Raven were here, come on its 8:45 we have to go if you want to make it... I was glad I had catched up on my sleep I just wished I could stay asleep forever. My sister reminded me to get my stuff as I was about to just walk up to the train staion doors. I went and grabbed my trunk and my midnight black part kneazle and part cat, Luna. I set them on the trolley that my dad had gaven me. I struggled a while trying to put my trunk on their but after 5 minutes or so I had gotten it in and my mum had us back onto track. We had made it to Platform 9 and 10 but I didnt see a 9 and 3/4. I was really confused until my mum told me Raven I will go in first okay? Go back a little you will need a running start. Run straight into the middle of Platforms 9 and 10...I did as she said a little unbelieving at first. As soon as we were in...I was in my mum's arms...Everytime I tried to tell her that I had to go she held on tighter. From the corner of my eye I saw Rose whisper something into dad's ear but I wasnt able to see anything else after that mum was telling me that if I wanted to come back that she would come get me and I was just saying okay and nodding... It had been 20 minutes until my dad put a hand on my mum and was able to pry me apart as I walked away I heard my dad say "Good luck at school see you here on Christmas break...", my mum whisper two words "Where's Rose?", and my dad's faint chuckle as I got my trolley over to the man and I was on board looking for my runaway of a sister, Rose. |
Sorry for not replying, I know I said I would review after I did the dishes last night, but I had to go to bed :( and then I forgot, but now I remembered! And I love the concept of their shirts, verrrrrrry awesome! I really like this story and I can hardly wait for the next chapter!Eeeeek! So, they are eleven, correct-o? |
I got the concept of them because when me and my twin were little we looked a like a bit (when we were babies) and teachers called me Alexis and her Alyssa and thats where I got it from :D Thanks, I had so much fun writing it and I am going to post Chapter 2 in a couple minutes...And I will actually post it then :lmao: And yes they are eleven...Same year as Ginny :D so Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Neville are all one year older.. Chapter 2: Rose's Get-A-Way I felt my nose go up when I heard my mum say Raven! and my dad say Come on Rose... while shaking me a bit, but I just rolled over not carrying and pulled up the covers and put the pillow over my head...SPLASH!!! I quickly sprang out of my bed and said DAD!! That was super cold! Now I am all wet and so is my bed...He giggled and I stared at him with the most evil eyes...He chuckled and commanded Get dressed, Rose we have to leave by 5:30 I gave an ugh...The special way of walking Rose was getting a water bucket and fill it up with cold or warm water or you could fill it up with milk and today it was frezzing ice cold water! I walked to my closet and saw the shirt hanging up practically framed..It was green with neon green writing, I'm Raven, that's Rose! I pulled it on and then sluggishly rolled over my bed to my dresser full of shorts, skirts, and pants..I pulled out a black shirt and whispered perfect and pulled it on. I quickly ran over to my mirror and took my brush and brushed my hair...Seeing my locks just come out perfectly curled...It was natural but it wasnt over the top curl... I walked down stairs to see my twin touching used tissues...gross..I waited but she still dint wash her hands..She was still trying to get one...I normal voice yelled "Eww!" Raven said "Its called being nice" No duh! But its gross, I mean they are used and they are opened a bit...I said back while getting the penut butter out "You should at least wash your hands"I giggled I was going to get the best out of the week until it was rules...She then awnsered "I was waiting to whip them on you" My nose curled in disgust and put two peices of bread into the muggle toaster that my dad thought would be usefull...It was slow as heck...My dad works in the Ministry under Muggle Artifacts, he works with a guy named Arthur Weasley... After getting out my toast, I said "I wouldnt you would be ruining the birthday present you gave to me" She gave me her look and I rolled my eyes and took a bite of my toast... We all were in the car bored as heck as we would be for three more hours...AHHH!! Just great...I decided to get another quick nap in...My dad tapped my shoulder and I said Okay... and got up not really wanting to...I got my trunk out of the back of the muggle car, that my dad loved so much and put it onto the trolley my dad had brought me I saw Raven walking off so I was going to be nice this once so I yelled Hey forget something!She looked like she was going to slap herself for her stupidity but she didnt...I took a gulp as I saw my sister and mum disapper through the wall and I ran through my dad was by my side in a matter of seconds and said I love you I will see you on Christmas Break giving me a hug...I saw my mum and knew I had to get away, I whispered in my dad's ear Tell mum I love her and tell her I look foreward to Christmas Break and give her a kiss and a hug...His eyebrows went into the confused pose and I awnsered Its my get-a-way... He nodded and kissed my forehead and messing with my hair a bit...I got onto the train after giving my trunk and white owl that had green highlights at the tips...That I most likely gave to her when I was messing with one of my mum's potions I tended to be curious at my favorite subject... I found a compartment... it had two redheads and a boy with broken glasses, a boy with a frog, and one bushied haired freak who needed a brush! I saw my sister and motioned her to come and said Hello I am Rose and this is my twin Raven do you mind if we sit with you everywhere is full? The bushied girl looked like she was doing math and she seemed like she was going to say no but one of the redhaired ones...a girl..said Sure I am Ginny Weasley nice to meet you Rose and Raven I smiled I knew Ginny we meet once before when I went to work with my dad..I said Thanks and its nice to meet you to... I sat down next to the boy with the frog who looked very nervous...He was a bit cute but I wouldnt say that out loud to anyone...I noticed that the bushie haired girl was wearing her robes allready... I really didnt want to know the awnser so I didnt ask... |
Of course the boy with the frog was cute! It's NEVIIIIIIIIIILLLE! *squeeeeees** :x3: I love Neville soooo much! Bushy haired girl, L.O.L! I laughed so much at that!!! Broken glasses boy, nooo, it's the chosen one! Mwhahaaha! Anywaaaaay... We obviously know the other two are infamous Weasley's Ron and Ginny! *cheer cheer cheer* (sorry, I'm a bizarre person who takes delight in the strangest things hehe) I loveeeeee this chapter! And the shirts are sooo funny! Still! Ahh, I have brothers that are twins and they dress alike sooooo much! I once remember they had matching outfits with orange pants and they'd always wear them! But that was like, three years ago, but it was awesome. And they always try to trick their dance teachers that they are the other one, it's soooo amusing (but since we are in most of the same classes I always tell the teacher which is which) Anywho, loveeeeeeeeee the chapter (repetitive lol) it was awesome, gooooooooood/great/amazing job!!! |
I felt mean when I wrote that but thats her only identifier besides the fact that she changes to early..I include that in there too...Hehe He is looking down so his hair fully covers the scar... And you are right about the red heads... Haha me and my twin still dress a like but sadly we no longer look a like :( we only looked a like when we were babys... :lol: :lmao: Thanks...(I tried not to make it repetive but I had to include some parts because it made it seem better :yes:) Okay I am writing 3rd Chapter now so it should be up in a couple of minutes __________________________________________________ __________ okay to make it so I dont have to write 2 chapters this one will be in Minerva McGonagoll's POV Chapter 3: Raven and Rose in Diffrent Houses!! Minerva McGonagall said Thank you Hagrid...Goo along to the Great Hall now.. She turned to the children and said Attention Children! I am Deputy- Headmistress of Hogwarts...Now before you began your classes, you will need to be sorted...By the sorting hat...It was made by Godric Gryffindor...Now the houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, And unafraid of toil Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning, Will always find their kind Or perhaps in Slytherin, You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means, To achieve their ends.... Now children follow me you will be sorted now... As I opened the doors, I took the lead and said When I call your name come up and sit on this stool and I shall place the sorting hat on your head and it shall call out your house.. I found her parchment and said Carolina Anderson.... The sorting hat gave out a Aww one to prove a good one at that...Hufflepuff I saw Pomona give a light clap and wear a smile....After what seemed a thousand names and a thousand houses I was finally in the Ws...I said Raven Waters...I heard as it suddenly got quite but why...I placed the sorting hat on her head...Who reminded me of Serverus Snape a bit...The sorting hat said Tricky...Tricky...Very...Brave at heart, running from her past, blood gone bad...I know...Gryffindor!!The Gryffindor's clapped and she went and sat down smiling...I looked down a twin? hmmm Rose Waters I could sense the confusion from the children...Twins werent often...Yet they had 4 sets at their school... A set from Gryffindor, A set from Slytherin, Half a set in Hufflepuff, A set and a half in Ravenclaw...Would this one be a Gryffindor too?As she got up she looked nothing like her sister...None the less I placed the Sorting Hat on the blonde's head...Hmm...dosent give up...aww full of witt but uses any means..Very tricky...I know...You must belong in...Slytherin I saw the look on the girl's face..Confusion, non-belief, sadness, sad?, maybe because she didnt get into the same house as her sister...She would have classes with her most of the classes are Gryffindor-Slytherin...For the last time I said Last child...Ginny Weasley Another Weasley...Finally a girl...She placed the hat onto the red haired girl Ahh another Weasley...But diffrent...Hmm brave...witty...Hmm...Your diffrent but you seem to belong in the same, Gryffindor!! Minerva sat and waited for the Headmaster to say the speech... I tapped my glass for Dumbuldore and he nodded a thank you and said Welcome to Hogwarts old years and new years...This year our Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor is Gilderoy Lockhart...He paused as he heared the ooos and the aahhs and the no ways...He motined his hands for quite and started again And now that, that is done...Let the feast began....Dig in..The tables turned and the food appered... |
I love this! Wow you did pretty good without my brainstorming... Hope you dont get writers block like last time :lol: Well I hope you post soon PAMS |
A-HA! Gryff-Slyth twin sets make me sooooo excited, like seriously, it's awesome! (but I already knew what houses they were in cause of the banner, but now it's official) woot, woot, woot! I love the update, McGonagall is quite awesome, per usual. |
DONT JINX ME!! :lol: :lmao: I am... Quote:
Hehe I was going to put it in Dumbuldores but it would have been smaller so I changed it ino the Marvelous Minerva McGonagall I'll VM you when I put it in...Or would you like a PM?? Okay I will try to edit in the chapter today. but I might not be able to because today is my birthday so... coimg soon... Chapter 4: Raven at Gryffindor Table |
OHMYGOSH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! :bday1: sorry for it being so late!!!! And vm or pm is fine, I don't care really :xd: *meanwhile partying in this thread for your birthday* :voldie1: |
I had a lots of fun Okay haha thanks :xd: preview Chapter 4:Raven At Gryffindor Table Raven was thrilled when she sat at table...But she couldnt believe Rose got into Slytherin...How could that happen?! She stopped breathing for a while and all she could remember was when she was four and her mum had put a hand on Rose's shoulder and said Your going to be just like mummy when you grow up...Slytherin and all.., when Rose had ran out of the room to tell everybody her mum said to her And your going to be nothing, your probablly going to try to ruin your sister, but heres a tip dont my Raven or she'll just have to hurt you cause she is capable, so much like your father...Your a dissapointment too...Dont tell Roseie Posie about our little talk...And she walked off hips swaying from left to right....Hey are you all right? I shook my head as someone took me out of my memories and awnsered back Yeah I am fine, My name is Raven, what's yours? I didnt know where the voice had come from, but I did once the bushy haired girl spoke Yeah I know we met on the train, but you didnt talk much, probablly from your nerves...I am Hermione Granger. I knew I would get along perfectly with this Hermione chick, she was smart! |
You know what, you know what?! *glares at their mum* I HATE YOU! You big meanie *holds arms out so Raven can get a hug* Haha, that Hermione chick, looooooving the updates and everything! And Rose will NEVER be like her mum. I said so. |
yeah I love picking weird names for the Hogwart Kids thanks hehe we will see.. Haha that was just a preview heres the full one: Chapter 4: Raven at Gryffindor Table I was thrilled when I sat at table...But I couldnt believe Rose got into Slytherin...How could that happen?! I stopped breathing for a while and all I could remember was when I was four and my mum had put a hand on Rose's shoulder and said Your going to be just like mummy when you grow up...Slytherin and all.., when Rose had ran out of the room to tell everybody, my mum said to me And your going to be nothing, your probablly going to try to ruin your sister, but heres a tip dont my Raven or she'll just have to hurt you cause she is capable, so much like your father...Your a dissapointment too...Dont tell Roseie Posie about our little talk...And she walked off hips swaying from left to right....Hey are you all right? I shook my head as someone took me out of my memories and awnsered back Yeah I am fine, My name is Raven, what's yours? I didnt know where the voice had come from, but I did once the bushy haired girl spoke Yeah I know we met on the train, but you didnt talk much, probablly from your nerves...I am Hermione Granger. I knew I would get along perfectly with this Hermione chick, she was smart! I said Nice to meet you I looked around as a red haired boy spoke and said I am Ronald Weasley but you can call me Ron. We also met on the train to. I laughed and said Sorry I must have not been feeling well when I was on the train.A boy said You should go to the hospital wing...By the way I am Harry Potter. My mouth didnt drop I just said Nice to meet you Harry. I didnt freak out because Rose and I had met him once when we were 9. Hopefully he didnt recognize us. I looked towards the Slytherin table to see a blonde boy with cold grey eyes starring at me, I asked Harry Who is he?, pointing to him. He looked over his shoulder and says Thats Draco Malfoy! I remembered The Malfoys, I also remembered that I had a crush on Draco...Hopefully Draco didnt remember...But I still kinda had a crush on him. I noticed someones' eyes on me and turned to the boy who was starring and said Hey? He looked away real wuick and said Ummm...I am Neville Long--bottom. Youuu look an awful lot likeee Proffessssor Ssssnape... I raised my eyebrow and asked Black Hair and Black eyes are normal for some people...It dosent mean anything. I didnt even want to hear that I looked like anyone...All he said was Sorry... I whispered Its okay... I finished eating when the Headmaster said Time to go to your Common Rooms follow your Prefects... I turned to see yet another red haired boy...How many Weasleys can there be!! Ill try to post next chapter tommorow or maybe today... P.S. Romances will start in the next next chapter |
PROFESSOR SNAPE?!!!!! *dies* could it be? o_O AND DRACO *steals* mine, all miiiine :xd: Love the update! |
:lol: haha your going to have to fight Raven and Ill try to get the next chapter up soon |
Ohhhhh reaaaaallllyyy? *defends Draco from Raven* Ooooh yayyeee! |
* Romance Starts but not Roses* Chapter 5: Rose at Slytherin Table I was shocked when I heard Slytherin!! I wasnt mean...I wasnt cunning...Well I was when I was little...Maybe I still am? After all the Sorting Hat never makes a mistake...I know one thing...I wont be like other Slytherins!! I felt someone watching me...I turned to see a familar face, Draco Malfoy or to my sister Draciee!! He said Hey Rosie Congrats!!, and then he did the most un-draco thingy he hugged me...He NEVER hugged me...It was always Raven...Someone shouted Hey leave him alone! He is mine! I turned to see a pugged faced girl with black hair and brown eyes, she was dreadfull!! Draco nodded next to him and Goyle said Shut it Pansy, they've known each other since they were little kids...Hey Rose Crabbe nodded meaning hey, I smiled thinking, which one was which they looked the same? Was that one Crab or Goyle?? Oh well here's hoping Hey Goyle and Crabbe We ate and talked a bit that was it...Slythies were boring!! Why dont they talk?? I am a talker??NOT A SILENTER!! Well o-well...We were told to follow our prefects...Draco pulled measide and said silently probablly making sure only I could hear Tell your sister, I still have the crush what about her...And could you give her this note? Knowing if I could get to Raven, I was the one...I nodded and took the note...I told him to wait so I would know where to go...I quickly followed the Gryffindorks and grabbed my sister's arm accidentaly bumping into the cute boy who was known as Neville! I said what Draco had told me to and gave her the note and said Love you see ya soon hopefully!! And quickly went down the stairs and made my way to the dungeons following Draco...Wondering who were my roomates and about Neville...But mostly about Neville... I opened the door where my name was to see a girl with, her hair in pom-poms! That was awsome I would totally have her do mine but not so pom-pomy...A girl writing a letter...and lastly a girl looking out the window....Looks like I was last...and late...The Pom-Pom Girl stood up and said Yay! Your here I thought you had requested to be moved!! My name is Cassy... Cassy Mandrake! The only Slytherin in a family legacy full of Gryffindorks!!She was Asian, she had brown eyes and black hair. A chuckle came from the Window Girl who said She is crazy, I am Jane Anderson, the sainest person here... I wasnt so sure about her but oh well I couldnt do anything about it.Jane had red curled hair and brown eyes, and her skin was pale, not like snow for it had some color to it. The Letter Girl said Hey I am Tina Rainbow...Wierdest name for a Slytherin right? I liked her she was cute and shy...She had brown curly hair with brown eyes and her skin was like milk chocolate but lighter...I giggled and said I am Rose Waters...And I am adopted!! Lily and Cassy immediatly yelled Story time!! Could I tell them?? I didnt want to say it to Jane, but luck was with me and she said I am out...Have fun kids... Tina looked at me and said Dont mind her, she is just being a stick in the mud. Because she is supposed to be in her 2nd year but her mum and dad pulled her out early because her brother got turned into a...a..werewolf... Now that sounded like a story...I took a deep breath and said Promise what I am about to tell you stays with us, not even to Jane... They nodded and I began, Have you guys heard of Lilac Deadrose? Cassy stood up and said in a dramatic tone The murderress, raving mad, cruelest and wickedest death eater there is...My aunt said she was even worse than Bellatrix Lestrange...She is dead now...She got the dementors kiss... I took a breath again, my stomach feeling full with buterflies...and continued She...was my..mother...And when she was sent to Azkaban and well ou know the rest...She told Minerva McGonagall who my father was, and I dont think she knows who I am... I dont know who my father is...When I was 5 years old...unknowingly we were picked up and sent to a Muggle Foster Care, a Hit Wizard found us, and were going to seperate me and Raven, but I wasnt going to let that happen...So I bit him...We werent seperated and the only people that he told was the Misistry of Magic...We were adopted by Susan and Tim Waters and ever since I can remember I have been trying to figure out who my dad was, and adopted father has been helping me, my addopted mum is furious with him and says he shouldnt...My sister also dosent want me to find him? Tina had an open mouth and Cassy waited a few seconds and then jumped up and said I want to help you find your dad!!, Tina giggled and said Me too!! I laughed and said Why dont we form a group? Cassy smirked and said Yeah, we should call it The Green Swans!! I peeked over at Tina, who eyebrow's went all up and confused...And I could feel mine, one up one down...Tina finally broke the tension and asked Why? Cassy looked at her and said Green for Slytherins and Swans for girls, and we all know that are parents dont want us to be in Slytherin, so we stick out...Like the Ugly Duckling who was a Baby Swan!! Get it now?? I laugheed and said Yes and its perfect!! Tina nodded and said We make quite a team... |
DAWWWWW! SOO COOL! I wanna be a Green Swan! :xd: And I like the name Tina Rainbow lol. AND AND AND! DRACOOOOOOOO! *steals from Raven* That's just soooo adorable.. I luff him. |
Hehe yeah theres going to be a cool twist in the next next chapter... |
OOOOH! I love twists! |
sorry about the delay also memories will be in black Chapter 6: The Truth Raven breathed in as she watched Harry, Hermione, and Ron laughing their heads off..She walked up to her room...She hadnt been there yet...She saw Ginny who immediatly hid what she was doing...A girl with scars all over her face...And lastly a girl covered in red...Red hair, red eyes, red clothes, and red lips...But I had to admit that was pretty cute! I said Hey Ginny...Hey guys I am Raven Waters and you are? Ginny said Hey Rav...I have to go now...So sorry! The scarred girl said I'm Casey Brown...Shes Rae Red... Rae snickered and said Haha very funny Casey! My names Rae McGonagall...Daughter of Minerva McGonagall... I scream out No way! Your the professors daughter? Wow that is so cool... She laughed and said Yeah! Well I have to go talk to my mum...She has to give me a talk...I dont know what its about though...See ya Cas and Rav!! Cas giggled and said Bye! So do you have a twin? Or just a concidence? I smirked and said Yeah shes my twin..Rose... Cas laughed and said Ugh, leave me alone Lav! She is my sister Lavender Brown...Annoyingist chick ever be right back... I chuckled and said Okay Ill be back too. I left the room and ran straight into Neville Longbottom and said Hey! Neville... He gulped and mummbled out Hey...can you tell Rose...I really...enjoyed her company on the train...and....I would like to see her again... I nodded still stunned that a Gryffindor had a crush on my sister... A Slytherin...Immediatly I rememebered what my mum had once told me and my sister Thats my girl Rose...You are the prettiest and youll be quite a star when you get to Hogwarts...All the best ones will be after you...Now run along and tell Grammie, what I said... Rose jumped up and said Okay mummzie... She turned to me and said Your going to be the wife of a crazy person..Most likely that kiss up crazy Malofys!! Draco is an exception to that though he has some sanity and he isnt a kiss up...So have fun with Draco.. I blushed as I rememered what Draco had said...I grabbed my quill and a peice of Royal Blue parchment and wrote Draco...Of course...How could I get rid of that crush... Anyways I figured Neville Longbottom likes Rose.. So talk to her about the plan and tell her this.... That Neville said ...can you tell Rose...I really...enjoyed her company on the train and....I would like to see her again...[/B] |
DAWWWWWWWWWW! Neville is so adorable, I might die from his adorableness *squishes* Whyyyyyy is their mom sooo mean? Raven's COOL! So is Rose, but anyway, haha. Raaaather funny, but my friend and I are role playing as twins in the Hogwarts rpg, and I'm Slytherin, she's Gryffindor. But that has like, nothing to do with the story (other then we are JUST like Rav and Rose, welll not really) Anyway. WAIT! MINNIES KID! :O *runs over to meet her* aaaaan GINNY! *hugtackles* Reaaaally good update! |
IKR I had to just have him as Rose's match hehe sounds so weird! because the mummy is a death eater and Raven reminds her of their father and she HATES their dad! :lol: I play a twin in the Hogwarts RP and Ministry RP with my RL twin because its funner that way lol she is just to lazy to go find a model hehe! This is in Dracie's POV!! Chapter 7: The Plan I read the letter...And I immediatly fell on the floor laughing..Neville liked Rose!! Pansy walked over and asked real romanticaly Gosh cant she give it a reast for once! Dracie-Poo! Whats so funny? Tell me baby! I resisted the chance to roll my eyes at her and said Nothing...Just something my father said. I was good at lieing, as I always was... Now it was the time to find Rose... I caught Rose coming out of Professor Lockhart's class and she said He is a load of angel dust! I laughed and asked Angel dust? Oh yeah I remember you make up funny sayings as your mum put it...Oh by the way.. Pulling her over to the corner of the corrider so no one could hear he continued Neville Longbottom says that he enjoyed your company on the train and....he would like to see you again...So what do you say? She started blankly over at me and said I dont like him like that...He's just a friend... I rolled his eyes, and slammed my fist up against the wall and said Fine! Who do you like then? He saw Rose do a double-take and she whispered Calm Down DRACO! I like Blaize Zabini, okay? I chucklled and said I can arrange that...Talk to you later. I heard a No Draco! But I was already going to find Blaize... As I saw Blazie I pulled him over to a corrner and asked Hey Blaize!Like anyone? Blaize raised his eyebrow and said Yeah I do! Why? Draco said Because I want to know...Now tell me! Blaize said Well the only girl in Slytherin that actually has some looks is Rose Waters Draco smiled and spilled out that Rose liked him and then after Blaize smirking he told him his plan to him knowing Blaize would agree completly... Blazie was his ture friend, he didnt turn his back on him whenever he needed him, so I guess you could say he isnt a ture Slytherin basically, he was a half-blood, his mum died when he was born so he didnt figure out what house she was in....But she was probablly in Slytherin or so thats what Blazie said...After finsihing telling the plan, Blazie agreed and he knew Raven would...He would have to convince Rose and her friend Cassy... Just in case he wouldn't forget...He took out a quill and some parchment and wrote: Draco's Rough Plan Outline: * Rose and Blazie would date * Draco would fake date Cassy Mandrake (after getting her and Rose's approval) * Draco would really date Raven * Cassy would really date whoever she wanted... * Cassy's date would fake date Raven AKA Relationships Raven & Draco Rose & Blaize Cassy & Her date (hasnt figure out yet...) |
WHAT! NEVILLE IS ALL ALONE! *quickly claims him* humph, if they don't want him, I do! And Blaise, I'll steal him and Draco as well. Oh jee, Pansy, get a life! Draco would be mine before he's yours. GAHHHH! I LOVE THE NEW UPDATE! Draco is hysterical with his plans, I loooove him. |
Poor Nevile Pansy wouldnt be Pansy if she just gave up haha Thats why Dracos a slythie :lol: I had fun writing that update DISCLAIMER:the book in my chapter dosent belong to me it belongs to P.K. Hallinan Chapter 8: The Old Tattered-Burned Book After my disscussion with Draco, I walked to my common room, ignoring the whistles and the asking of the dates, I walked to my room...I flew myself on my bed and whispered I am such an idiot what would possess my to tell Draco that I liked Blaize... Luckily for her no one was in the room...Suddenly something my mum had said to me flashed in my mind Rose when ever you fell sad or whenever you need me read this book... She had said that to me right before she was taken to Azkaban...Sliding off my bed I crawled over to my trunk and reached in for that book...That book that was now tattered and burned...Burned because of my sisters attempts to get rid of it which left me with a scar on my hand from when I got it out and tattered from the many reads of the book...I looked down at the cover that was barley readable...How Do I Love You? By P.K. Hallian I flipped open the book and read stroking each picture memories of my mum flying through my mind as I read: How do I love you? Let me count the ways. I love you on your very best...and worst of days. I love to see you lauging. And dancing in the rain. And even when you lose your shoes, I love you just the same. I love to hear you singing. I love to see you smile. I love the way you take each day In your own unhurried style. I'm happy where your happy, I'm sorry when your sad. And even thought it may not show, I love you when you're bad. How do I love you? Well, now, let me see... I love the way you act so brave When you fall and hurt your knee. I love to watch you sleeping. Tucked away in pleasent dreams. I love to hear you whisper. All your giant plans and schemes. I love the way you wear your pants, With the front in the back. And the way you walk around sometimes with your head inside a sack. I love to see you deep in thought. I love to watch you play. And though I'm sure you'll never know I love you more each day. How do I love you? it's impossible to say. For if I had a million days. And time enough for all the praise, I couldn't tell you all the ways... I love you I placed the book back into my trunk feeling better all ready...Cassy ran through the door and said Blaize Zabini is looking for you! He is down stairs in the common room!!I almost scream but luckily I didnt and asked How do I look? She fixed my hair and then said Perfection!I took a breath and walked downstairs to find Blazie looking like a god! He asked Hey Rose, do want to go out with me? I almost fainted right then and there but I didnt...I wasnted to give him my awnser so I did...As I gave him my awnser I saw Tina and Cassy giving me the thumbs up sign and a cold glare coming from Jane... DISCLAIMER:the book in my chapter dosent belong to me it belongs to P.K. Hallinan |
OHMYGOSH! If Blaise asked me out :faint: I'D DIE! WOW! And that book, it sounds really neat, but I still don't like/trust their mum. But as for their dad, is it Snapeypoo? Haha, I agree with the Blaise looking like a god :eyebrows: Awesome update, can hardly wait for more! |
I know so would I, I was trying to figure out how to describe him and goddly was the only word that I could think that would describe him :D Hehe she was a good mum to Rose but not to Raven because it hurt her heart because Raven looked like the man that turned her down... I cant tell you who the dad is, but you might get a couple hints in the next chapter You dont have to wait long editing in the update: Chapter 9: Cassy's Boy I giggled as I saw Rose and Blaize talking and then him ask her out and she said I would love too him saying Great pick you up later then, him walking off and she running over to me...As Rose said So who do you like? Torn me out of my reality, I awnsered Dont tell anyone! I like....Dean Thomas She smiled and Rose said AHHH!! Thats so cute! I giggled and said We've known each other since he was 2 and I was 1... My crush began when I was 6...I bet he dosent like me... She started protesting immediatly and I blocked her out..By the time she was done it was an hour later...Draco walked over to us and he said So I have a plan...Here read this... He handed us a piece of paper that read: Quote:
Hahahahaha! It's soo hysterical! Draco is soo silly, and Blaise, I looooooooooove him to death and back again! Awesome update! |
FAINTS! Its so good! A Blaize romance yes yes :yes: hehe and at first I thought Neville would go with Cassy but you thought of everything didnt you..Yes you brought in a romance unheard of A Dean Thomas one!! Hehe PAMS! Loves it! Now PAMS!! Hehe Love your Writing Stalker.. |
Haha kinda creppy that I have a writing stalker ;) and I am glad both of you liked it heres the next chapter and someone may get a first kiss ;) SORRY SO SHORT HAS TO GO TO BED!! CHAPTER 10: THE FIRSTS OF EVERYTHING! PART 1 I said Okay Cassy ready to go talk to Dean? I saw that she was nervous but she nodded anyways and said Yes, Draco...I chuckled and said Everything is going to be fine... I yelled Hey Thomas! Come here... Dean rolled his eyes and relucintley walked over to me and then suddenly stopped mid-step when he saw Cassy, I immediatly saw the nervousness take over him...Did Dean like her too? I said So Dean...Cassy here likes you and do you like her? From the corner of my eye I saw Cassy go pale as a ghost... Dean stutered for what seemed like 48 hours until it was understanable I like.....her...But we cant date because Slytherin and Gryffindor.... Cassy said Well Draco has a plan..And theres a first for everything right! Dean smiled and said Whats your plan Draco? Without saying a word I handed him the paper...He nodded and said Have you asked Raven about this? I said She helped me come up with it...She already knew Cassy's crush! Cassy;s mouth dropped and whispered Rose! I defended Rose Nope Rose didnt know when we made the plan... I laughed and said Okay well, we should all have a meeting place...And I know the perfect place, Dean tell Raven and Cassy tell Rose and Blaize...Its called The Room of Requirment...My dad used it to sneak in with my mum! I walked off and said After all Theres a first time for everything!! p.s. making new banner :D |
Um.. ADORABLE! This is just too cute! I love it. |
OMG!! do you realize that you are like the fastest updater ever!! OMG! I had to catch up!! 8 chapters to read ughness!! Why you updating so fast Im officaly giving you that award!! PAMS!! |
I can be slower! AND Im so sorry about my lateness!! Chapter 11: There's A First Time For Evertything: Part 2 I sat in the Room of Requirment...And jumped out of my skin when I heard all of the others come in...She looked around for Blaize but he wasnt there...It was just the girls...Odd and where was he? Raven walked over to me and said Rose, you should sing a song, its so quiet in here!! I said Sorry you've reached the not here of Rose Waters please leave a message after the following statement, No and that means no! Raven yelled out But your so good!! PLEASE! I shaked my head no and asked Wheres Blaize? Cassy said He's trying out for qudditch right now, so is Draco... I whisppered Hey guys since its just us girls, did you see how Jane was stairing at me yesterday when Blaize asked me out? Cassy put her hand over her mouth and Raven shrugged...I had forgot that my sister wasnt a Slytherin...Cassy said Jane and Blaize dated last year, and Blaize broke it off with her when Jane got very clingy and well Jane didnt take it to well actually she went a bit nuts!And she still loves him very much...But you know what she told me is that they never sno-kissed...Maybe you'll be Blaize's first sno-kiss! I blushed...It would be my first snog too... Blaize and Draco stormed in and said Guess who just made Kepper and Seeker! I said full of sarcassim Let me guess, Twetty Bird and Elmo? Everyone burst out laughing and said Good one Rosie! Raven said Oh crap! Im going to be late for my detention! UGH! I hate Professor Lockhart!!I've been assigned dentention with Harry and just our luck we get to sign autographs of him!! Oh so much fun... I snickered Well thats a first, you've got detention! Everyone began to file out and I stood up and smiled...Before I knew what was hapening Blaize snoged me on my cheek, I whispered You missed... I heard a small laugh before I snoged him on the lips... He whispered Looks like your part of my firsts of everything...He took my hand and we strolled out of the Room of Requirment... |
Dawwww, I love Blaise, he's superduper cool! AND SO COOL THAT HE'S KEEPER! |
AWWW!! thats so cute! I love it and The Firsts of Everything I cant wait to see the 3rd part and this new banner that your making ;) PAMS! Love Esme! |
Sorry guys! Been busy and here is the chapter.... PREVIEW Chapter 12: The Firsts of Everytihing-Part 3-the last part I swear I ran through the halls, I was very late for the first Green Swans + A Phenoix... Now I'm getting ahead of myself... It all started 2 days ago. [I] I bit into a green apple while I waited for Blaize, who was at Quidditch practice. Ginny came running to me with a brown mildly tattered book in her hands...Ginny said Guess what this book does. I said not very impressed at the moment Magic! Ginny laughed and said Haha no look.She set it down on the stump and we sat next to it. She took out her quill and some ink and wrote My friend is here with me, her name is Rose Waters. In a matter of seconds it had dissapered, I yelled Wow how does it do that? Then something appered Its nice to meet you Rose, I am Tom...Tom Riddle. Would you like to help your friend Ginny with a task? ADD MORE LATER PROMISE HAVE TO GO TO BED!! |
Sorry guys! Been busy and here is the chapter.... Chapter 12: The Firsts of Everytihing-Part 3-the last part I swear I ran through the halls, I was very late for the first Green Swans + A Phenoix... Now I'm getting ahead of myself... It all started 2 days ago. I bit into a green apple while I waited for Blaize, who was at Quidditch practice. Ginny came running to me with a brown mildly tattered book in her hands...Ginny said Guess what this book does. I said not very impressed at the moment Magic! Ginny laughed and said Haha no look.She set it down on the stump and we sat next to it. She took out her quill and some ink and wrote My friend is here with me, her name is Rose Waters. In a matter of seconds it had dissapered, I yelled Wow how dose it do that? Then something appered Its nice to meet you Rose, I am Tom...Tom Riddle. Would you like to help your friend Ginny with a task? I looked at her and took the quill and wrote Sure...What is it? The words dissapered and then something else apperad Promise you wont tell anyone or repeat what Im about to tell you... I looked over at my friend trying not to laugh...And sighned I promise... I scooted back a little when seeing the next words In blood. Ginny said I'll do it with you. I nodded and watched as she walked down to the shore and picked up a shard of glass. She pricked her finger and then I did the same...She wrote I promise and then I did... Its hard to explain Ill just show you... We were sucked into the book.... There was a boy, older then them, maybe in year 6th or 7th at the least 5th. He had brown hair, it was dark but not close to black. His eyes were a greyish shade of blue, but you could still see the beautiful blue in them. He had a pet snake with him...It was small, he spoke something that sounded a bit snakeish...Ginny and I didnt know what he was saying, I tried to ask him if he was Tom Riddle, but I couldnt speak. I couldnt control myself at all...I couldnt look over at Ginny, to see if the same was happening to her. Before we knew what had happened we were sitting exactly where we were before... As I looked over at Ginny I asked You want to join The Green Swans well have to explain it to the girls but that dosent matter.. Ginny nodded and said Sure...That Guy had beautiful eyes... I nodded... After that she said she was going to tell everything to Tom and that I could do the same after she was done. I agreed...I think thats the reason why I asked but everyone loves Ginny and the first metting of The Green Swans and A Pheonix was now in sension. We had focoused on eye color and hair color and purebloodness since a deatheater would most likely never go for a muggle or muggleborn. We had so much homework but we were saving that for another day! I reached the door of The Room of Requirement and opened it and then closed it and ran and said Im sorry got distracted. Tina rolled her eyes and said Snogging Blaise again? Cassy said Tina you know I dont like that word...Snogging! Shagging! Honestly where did the wizarding world get there dictionary from...I bet it was her sister! Ginny laughed and insisterd No it was the library! You know her and her books!! I gave them the evil eyes and said Ginny wins again! Okay now can we just get this meeting to order, or is that to much to ask? Cassy stood up and began her `speech`. Okay so we know that the father has to have dark eyes, brown or black, maybe grey, black hair of course it might have grey hair in it and maybe a year or two older then her mum, Lilac. We know her mum was a Slytherin, so no Gryffindorks, or Hufflepuffies, maybe Ravensmarts, but defintaly Slytherinsssss!! Also no muggleborns, maybe halfies but definatly a purrie Okay since there are four of us, I think it would be best if we each figured out 5 possible dads each!! Okay now that that is over lets talk about the professors or lets do our homework! Ginny and Tina yelled out Professors! I hate homework!! The conversation had changed from the meeting to making fun of the Professors, which wasnt very hard. I had made fun of Professor Snape and Professor Lockhart! |
A Preview of Chapter 13: The First Act I stood outside of the Gryffindor Common Room wating for Ginny so I could ask her about her 5 dad possibilites...As Ginny came out of the room she showed me the book and said We have a task She sounded like she was in a trance...I opened the book and read Open the Chamber of Secrets...Speak Snake in the Haunted Bathroom... Moaning Murtle's bathroom? I asked. Ginny said I think thats the only haunted one right...It also said earlier the sink with the snake eyes.. I looked over at her and said Okay... Without even comanding myself to I began walking to the haunted bathroom. I said Ginny why dont you do it this time and Ill do it next?? Ginny made a hissing noise, and I jumped as the sinks began to move...She hissed again following his directions...And I scotted back as we looked down to see a gigantic snake moving at the bottom of the hole. I looked up and said Please tell me its not coming up here, Im terrified of Snakes... Ginny said I dont know where its going, why dont we ask Tom? I looked at here with a scared look on my face. She wrote Tom, we opened it, theres a snake at the bottom...Where is it going? I took the quill before he could reply Is there anything we need to do now? Both messages faded and his apperaed Dont worry he only does what I say or you girls say. And who knows it wont hurt you too y... It looked like he was about to write something for there was a y written at the end. It faded and then another apperaed Strangle the roasters... just to pull you in post rest in the morning... |
Chapter 13: The First Act I stood outside of the Gryffindor Common Room wating for Ginny so I could ask her about her 5 dad possibilites...As Ginny came out of the room she showed me the book and said We have a task She sounded like she was in a trance...I opened the book and read Open the Chamber of Secrets...Speak Snake in the Haunted Bathroom... Moaning Murtle's bathroom? I asked. Ginny said I think thats the only haunted one right...It also said earlier the sink with the snake eyes.. I looked over at her and said Okay... Without even comanding myself to I began walking to the haunted bathroom. I said Ginny why dont you do it this time and Ill do it next?? Ginny made a hissing noise, and I jumped as the sinks began to move...She hissed again following his directions...And I scotted back as we looked down to see a gigantic snake moving at the bottom of the hole. I looked up and said Please tell me its not coming up here, Im terrified of Snakes... Ginny said I dont know where its going, why dont we ask Tom? I looked at here with a scared look on my face. She wrote Tom, we opened it, theres a snake at the bottom...Where is it going? I took the quill before he could reply Is there anything we need to do now? Both messages faded and his apperaed Dont worry he only does what I say or you girls say. And who knows it wont hurt you too y... It looked like he was about to write something for there was a y written at the end. It faded and then another apperaed Strangle the roasters... Strangle the roasters, the thought rang in her ears repativealy...I looked over at Ginny feeling like the world would end if I didnt, Lets go... We walked to the Roaster Pen that wasnt to far from the Chickens and the many other animals that Hogwarts held...Ginny and I began chasing after them...Ginny caught the first one, and even though her hands were trembling, she strangled it...But dropped it soon afterwards...After seeing their friend die we were only able to catch one, I had caught it. I had tried with all my might not to do it...But it ended up being killed...We took out the book and wrote We killed 2, its all we could catch, now what? It faded like all ways and another message from him appeared, Get the blood and think about who is the most important person here besides the Headmaster, who keeps this school clean and protected...And figure how you can destroy that person... We looked at eachother until I whispered Mr.Flich... Ginny let out a quiet shriek Mrs.Norris?? I let out a tiny nod, and Ginny started whispering No, No,No, I wont Then it was like I was no longer controlling my body, I was no longer there. It felt as if I was dead... I watched as the snake slithered into the hall, then Ginny started to write The chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the Heir beware!. The last Image I remembered before I awoke screaming was Mrs.Norris laying lifeless on the ground. |
This is amazing, cant wait to read more sis |
Chapter 14: The First Twenty-Somethings Cassy reached her hand into the her green box hat and pulled out a piece of partchment and asked Whos? Ginny's hand shot up into the air. Of course she would be boring and use white. I grabbed my red EXPO marker and wrote down the five names 1. Ricky November 2. Derick Frank 3. Regulas Black 4. Tony Lopez 5. Harry Morgen I reached my hand into the hat once more and pulled out a pink piece of partchment and without even having to say it I started to write down the names with my dark orange EXPO marker. Yes it was mine. 6. Luke Monte 7. Chanddler Sane 8. Sirius Black 9. Tom Mallory 10. Kevin Stevin Reaching into the hat I pulled out my hand and saw a rainbow partchment, I glared over at Rose and Rose said Guilty! Cassy handed it to Rose and said Read it! Derick Taylor, Joey Mike, Kyle Boat, Sirius Black, Taylor Guilt I grabbed my purple EXPO marker and wrote down 11. Derick Taylor 12. Joey Mike 13. Kyle Boat 14. Sirius Black 15. Taylor Guilt Pulling out the last partchment, it was red. Taking out her Blue EXPO marker I wrote 16. Toni Mitch 17. Mitch Royal 18. Luke Rank 19. Seth Taylor 20. Hale Cohen ______________ Looking at the list: 1. Ricky November 2. Derick Frank 3. Regulas Black 4. Tony Lopez 5. Harry Morgen 6. Luke Monte 7. Chanddler Sane 8. Sirius Black 9. Tom Mallory 10. Kevin Stevin 11. Derick Taylor 12. Joey Mike 13. Kyle Boat 14. Sirius Black 15. Taylor Guilt 16. Toni Mitch 17. Mitch Royal 18. Luke Rank 19. Seth Taylor 20. Hale Cohen Smiling I said Okay looks like we have a repeation, Sirius Black. Pick one name that you think is the best and lets go research, Rose and I both can do Sirius but not suggested. After an hour, Ginny had picked Regulas Black. I had picked Sirius Black, Rose had picked Seth Taylor, and Tina chose Mitch Royal...Ugh this was going to be harder then I thought. I still had to go talk to Dean...It just wasnt working out. Rose was wrong...A Gryffindor and a Slytherin can never be together... |
last update 14 SEPT 2011 |
Reactivated per user's request. |
Chapter 15: Cassy's Betrayal Cassy plucked through the newspapers in the library, I had just ended it with Dean, thank goodness! I was feeling really evil, like a Slytherin. If I did find anything about this Sirius Black person I wouldnt be telling, Rose. I was tired of hearing about the dad stuff. It was crazy, its not like Rose would ever find him, he could be dead for all they knew. Seeing a article about Lilac Deadrose, I picked it up. Cutest, Hogwart's couple! Lilac Deadrose and Sirius Black! Sorry Lily Evans and James Potter maybe next time. Lilac, the 16 year old Slytherin has been dating Sirius, a Gryffindor since there 5th year! They are so cute together. Of course Lilac has gotten a lot of beef from the other Slytherins, but she is still with him. Though there have been rumors of Mitch Royal trying to come between Hogwart's Cutest Couple and everyone knows Sirius, hes a jealous one! Will Mitch come between the two find out in next weeks column of Hogwart's Cutest Couple! I laughed and said Dang it, wheres the next article!? I flipped around throwing some on the ground and sighing! Where was it? Seeing something with Its Over on it, I picked it up. Yes, it was it! The article read Yeap, thats right folks, its over between Lilac and Sirius. Sirius told Lilac that since she wanted to hang so much time with Mitch and all the other Slytherins that she could go ahead and do that, he didnt care. Our insiders inside the Gryffindor Common Room tell us that young Sirius Black has been depressed and hasnt eaten much! Yikes! Our little green snake slythered into the Slytherin Common Room and we learned that Lilac is the same, though she is dating Mitch Royal now, she has become rather depressed, and her friends barley get her to eat. Wow these two kids sure took a whomping with this break up! Peter Pettigrew commented on this relationship and said It would have ended sooner or letter, Im just happy it happened before anything bad happened to Sirius! I laughed and yelled Yes! I thought to myself This is perfect, Ill just keep reading about Sirius and tell Rose that there was no luck all I found was that they never dated but Mitch and her did!! MISS.MANDRAKE, WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!!?? Runing old newspapers like that, do you know the damage you could have done! Detention for a week and 15 points from Slytherin. NOW PICK UP THE NEWSPAPERS AND PUT THEM WHERE THEY BELONG!!! Yikes, I bent down and put them all alway quickly. I knew Professor Snape would not be happy with my losing of the points... |
Thanks for the update! Welcome Back! |
:) your welcome and Thanks! updating later tonight.. |
Inactive - To be deleted 9/14/2012 |
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