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I just realized there's a character named Belvina Burke (nee Black)... Ha now I really want to know if I have guessed right... |
:faint: This is so good! I love it ^_^ |
amazing i loved it! sorry it took so long for me to read and comment ive been busy! :) your doing amazing though! |
Thanks everyone for the lovely comments :glomp: Sorry if this chapter seems a bit like filler. It is, sort of. Next chap I'll go straight to the plot though. Also there's a time skip here. Amara's fourth year. Thanks and enjoy :) Chapter 10 - June 1992 ‘He’s just over there,’ Karina grinned. ‘Go on.’ Her loud voice rang through the crowded courtyard and was followed by a burst of giggling from the other girls sitting in the circle. Amara smiled and leant back on her hands, watching as Mina made her way to a group of boys sitting across the yard, and asked if she could speak to Pedro alone. His friends wolf-whistled and laughed. It was just a few days until the end-of-term exams. They really should have been studying, but the prospect of summer approaching had swept all thought of revision from everyone’s mind. It was beautiful, at this time of the year. The grounds were no longer colourless, flowers were in bloom everywhere and every once in a while one would even spot a lone Bowtruckle trying to make its way back to its tree in the mountains after a winter lost in the grounds. And the fact that it hadn’t snowed for weeks meant that it was safe enough to go up to the mountains or the lake Russvatnet across, uninhabited by sea monsters. Something glistened in the sky and Amara raised her hands to her eyes and squinted at it, realizing what it was as the owl dropped a few feet with the weight of the package it was carrying. It circled once around the courtyard, dodging a paper plane and an enchanted frisbee and landed in Amara’s lap. She started untying the package from the owl’s legs, when she noticed everyone in her circle staring at it. Deciding to open it somewhere else, she pretended to read the letter, then said, ‘Oh, it’s that Broomstick Servicing Kit I ordered a few weeks ago.’ It worked, and the others went on with their chatter. The letter wasn’t in Ginny’s handwriting. Usually Ginny was the one who wrote for all of the Weasleys, but she hadn’t heard from her since the start of term. Amara had sent her several letters before giving up and deciding that either they weren’t arriving or she didn’t want to talk. It took her quite by surprise, so she didn’t expect any more contact, before one of Fred and George’s remarkable packages had arrived – a jar of pickled eel’s eyes they’d sneaked off their Potions master. They’d sent far worse things before: a grubby loincloth that must have been a house elf’s; the doorknob to the staff room; a black egg they’d brought from the Forbidden Forest, which had hatched into a weird fluffy creature she couldn’t quite name and she’d given to Karina for her birthday; and the latest, a toilet seat, thankfully pristine clean and with ‘Greetings From Hogwarts’ written on the top in cheeky red handwriting, and a note on the side saying it was Mrs Weasley’s idea. It was pretty embarrassing when Karina once found the toilet seat tucked away in Amara’s dresser while searching for a pair of socks to borrow, but apart from that incident Amara never minded the strange souvenirs. They were a piece of Hogwarts, after all. So after thanking them for their generous gift of pickled eel’s eyes, Amara had asked them about Ginny, and now here was her reply. Amara, We’ve noticed Ginny’s been acting weird lately, too. For some reason she’s been leaving a bunch of rooster feathers everywhere she’s going (not kidding) – and yesterday we found all your letters in the common room, still unopened. Don’t worry about it, though. We’re guessing it’s just her hitting puberty and feeling all too mighty and moody to talk to us elderly folks. That’s probably it. We’ll see you in a few weeks when term's over. Yours most truly, sincerely and dearly, FG In a few minutes people had started to file in for lunch, and Amara and the others traipsed in after the crowd and made their way to the hall. In the pretence of needing to use the loo, Amara sidetracked and made to the fourth year girls’ dormitory, reached an empty corridor and sat down against a wall etched with incantations, tallies showing duel wins and in one corner, Grindelwald’s mark. Amara remembered clearly, a few months ago, when a whole chain of duels went off around the castle after a bunch of kids started wearing the mark around, and unintentionally provoked those who had in some way been a victim of Grindelwald’s doings. She’d gotten in the way of one, though that wasn’t her plan from the start, and somehow had ended up with lead-heavy hands and had given two people sprouts for noses. Professor Karkaroff had personally given out the detentions, and since the most part of the older students had landed themselves in it, most everyone had been given normal detentions. The teachers had suggested cleaning without magic and no lunch for three days, but a “select few cases with particular need of it” had been given a few hours each in the pit, Amara being one of them. Why wasn’t she surprised to find out Professor Kysley had come up with this? She’d forgotten just how horrible it felt, to be shoved into that pit and come up almost frozen to death. Amara shivered as she remembered, and untied Fred and George’s package. A bag of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, a few fake wands and some Dungbombs. From Hogsmeade, the note read. Plopping a bean into her mouth, Amara recalled the straggly-haired woman from her memory again. She was so familiar, and appeared in her dreams frequently, and she was certain that she was someone well-known. But although she’d been to the library and looked in almost every book containing celebrated witches and wizards, none of them were to do with people who lived in the twentieth century. She’d even asked Mrs Burke once, pretending to have seen a picture somewhere, and her History Professor, whose name no one really knew, simply waved her away when she asked. And despite how hard it was to admit it even to herself, and the shame she felt in her chest every time she remembered, Amara was almost sure that the woman, the dark, heartless murderer, was her mother. |
o______O WOAH, THIS CHAPTER IS SO GOOD! :glomp: It's awesome! Oooooh, her mother? :shifty: PAMS Kira xxxx |
Yep, Bellatrix's her mum :yes: |
The Twins:loved: glad they did send a toilet seat mayb next it could be cutlery fromt he Great Hall:lol: Loooooooooooved he chapter especialy how when Detention was the start of the year then this is at Summer :D x |
Fantastic chapter!! Just wondering... I take it she's in fourth year now? Since it is 1992 and Ginny is acting strange, that would be her first year, so Harry's second, and Fred and George's fourth, so also hers? -Rachel :) |
+NEW READER!!!+ WoW!!awesome story!! but.......She's still in Durmstrang!! Fred and George are soooo cool!! BTW what is happening to Ginny?? is Bellatrix still alive?When will Amara know about her??Is she going to meet her? I HATE PROFESSOR KYSLEY!!! |
Aaaa so many comments :D *grabs you all in a bear hug* Quote:
Ginny's acting weird because it's her first year, when she opened the Chamber of Secrets, remember this takes place during when Harry/Ron/Hermione were at Hogwarts, but Amara is Fred and George's year :) Btw I see you're new to Snitchseeker, so a very warm welcome to you ^.^ Thanks as always guys :glomp: |
Loved it. Looking forward to the next chapter. Can't wait for her to find out more about her mum... |
Ohhhhhhh... Thank you!!! new chapter..can't wait!! PAMS!PAMS!PAMS! __________________________________________________ ___________________ BTW, I'm going to stalk you now... *follows* |
I'm writing the next chapter now, actually :) |
loved it!! i cant wait for the next chapter and when she goes to hogwarts!! :) |
Can't wait for her and the twins to be re-united:Dx |
From all of Gringotts Goblins (and a special shout out from me!) Happy New Year! May 2012 allow your creativity to soar to new heights just like the dragon the year represents:loved: I can't wait to read more about Amara and, well, let's be honest...anything with the twins is instant win! |
Let me start by saying, I AM SOOOOO SORRY! Now I shall continue by saying that even though I have fallen behind on my reading I plan on catching back up and I'll be back to my usual uber long comments! I took a bit of a break from Snitchseeker and I'm ashamed to say that I've been gone for far too long, but I'm back! I do hope you forgive me! ~LillyJames~ |
Okay, here it is, my two chapter comments that I'm missing. I hope this makes up for it! SPOILER!!: Chapter Nine! SPOILER!!: Chapter 10 |
But I love hearing what you guys think :) I appreciate every single one of you for reading :glomp: Btw did I read right? Abby, did you say you have two sets of twin brothers? O.O And they're like F&G? If so, you're living in heaven, girl :P Anyway, on to the story :) Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the long-awaited chapter 11 has arrived *applause* (pfft, me and my procrastination)... |
Chapter 11 - October 1994 ‘...Therefore, anyone interested in entering the Tournament must firstly inform Professor Kysely and if, over the course of your six, seven, eight years here you have proven yourself worthy enough to represent the school, you may be one of the few aboard the ship to Hogwarts, where you will spend the rest of the year – lessons and exams included – even if you are not one of the champions. Might I remind you that despite the precautions taken to make this year’s Tournament – less dangerous – for the champions, death is not necessarily out of the question. You have one week to decide. Go.’ The Headmaster addressed a yellow-toothed leer at the students as they started filing out of the hall for their lessons; Amara and Karina got up and followed the throng of chattering sixth-years making their way to History. ‘Always so positive, Karkaroff, isn’t he?’ Karina said, shouldering her schoolbag, which was surprisingly bulging for someone who rarely carried more than three books around. She peered sideways at Amara. ‘So, what do you think?’ Amara thought for a second. ‘Maybe, but it’s not like I have a big chance of going, seeing as Kysely’s in charge.’ ‘Well, I’m definitely trying,’ Karina said, panting slightly under the weight of her mysteriously heavy bag. ‘I bet Hogwarts is great. Well, warmer, to start with. Plus there’s the Ball.’ ‘What if one of us gets chosen, though?’ ‘They’ll probably choose some tough guy like Pavlovich, not—’ There was a ripping sound and her bag’s contents fell to the floor. There was nothing that looked like it could have weighed more than two kilos – a few sheaves of parchment, two books, quill and ink, dragon-hide gloves, and a silver round object about five centimetres in diameter. ‘You’re still carrying that Warder around?’ Amara said wearily, kneeling down to pick up the sphere, which was much heavier than Amara had assumed it to be. Karina had taken to carrying the Warder around her everywhere she went after Professor Stach, their Magical Creatures teacher, had informed them that the sixth years would be studying Corridor Four. It was by far the most dangerous one, and – according to Karina – the Warder was the only reason they hadn’t been attacked by escaped rampages of Scandinavian dragons and Wendigos yet, as it supposedly warded off evil and bad luck. ‘Don’t tell me it doesn’t work,’ she’d said one morning, perched on the end of her bed in their dormitory as the two were waiting for their turn to use the bathroom. ‘Even Kysley’s been giving us less homework lately.’ After which Amara had had to lend two Dark Arts essays and a diagram for Karina to copy, who'd only just realised she had forgotten to jot them down on her diary, and had Dark Arts in one hour. This sufficiently proved that the Warder didn’t, in fact, ward off evil or bad luck, but that didn’t stop Karina from hauling it around in her bag everywhere she went. The History Professor had already started a drone on the 1689 Statute of Secrecy as they entered the classroom and seated themselves at the back, so, without further ado, Amara and Karina followed their usual routine of playing hangman on the corners of their parchment, occasionally scribbling down a note or two from the never-ending litany about witch hunters and Reasonable Restrictions on magic, or ticking off the names of boys they would go with to the Yule Ball or not. The wind blew strongly from the north in the late October. It was the first Quidditch match of the year, and conditions were not very ideal, as Aleks McFarland, Amara’s team captain, kept reminding them as they waited inside the changing rooms beside the Quidditch pitch. ‘We could have done with a bit less fog – just look at that, how are you going to know if you’re catching Quaffles or Bludgers?’ he was saying to the Chasers, pointing at the window as he paced up and down the room. His face was strained in a look that said he’d have liked to aim a Bludger at whoever had fixed the date for the match, as he turned to their Seeker. ‘And you’ll be lucky to spot that Snitch before they call us off. Amara – keep your eyes open and you should be able to see the Quaffle coming. Stan, you—’ He broke off and stared at Stan, who seemed to have dozed off, head resting against his broom and a dribble of drool hanging out of his open mouth. ‘STAN!’ He jerked awake and hit his head against the wall in the act, then, seeming to realise what the look on his Captain’s face meant, started muttering in a thick, uneven accent, ‘Ah – Kapitan, I am most —’ ‘Have you been drinking again, Stan?’ Aleks said, clenching his teeth and turning a deep shade of magenta. ‘Ne,’ Stan clearly lied, rubbing his head. His teammates glared at him. ‘Ah, come on, what can a few pints do?’ ‘They can lose us this game, that’s what they can do!’ his Captain roared. ‘It’s bad enough already with this weather! And you didn’t come last time we had practice too. If you don't—’ ‘Calm down, Aleks,’ Lea said, giving Stan a warning look as Aleks went on. She was a Chaser for the team, and always seemed to find herself being the go-between when one of these arguments broke out. After waiting a few seconds for Aleks let off some steam she cut in, ‘Shut up, Aleks! Both teams play on the same pitch, don’t they? So those Teeming Thestrals aren’t any better off than us. We’ve got a good chance of winning.’ ‘Not with Krum on their—’ Stan fretted, rubbing his head. Lea glared at him and he cut off immediately. A few seconds passed in a strained silence, then Aleks turned round and, head hanging in a defeated way, he said, ‘Come on. The game’s about to start.’ ‘We’re going to win this,’ Finn, their Seeker, cheerily said, clapping his Captain on the back, as they heard the commentator outside shout, ‘...and a round of applause for the previous year’s champions, the Hippogriffs!’, and dashed outside, where it had started to rain. ‘We lost.’ Back in the changing rooms, Aleks sat down on a bench and stared miserably at his shoes, droplets of rain dripping from the end of his nose onto the wooden floor. The others glanced at each other knowingly. He was probably going to ruin their lives that week with his pestering and groaning. ‘Lost. And we won’t get to play another match for at least another year.’ He looked up at Amara, Stan and Finn, looking so hopeless the situation felt almost funny. ‘What with you guys at the Tournament – I mean, not that – but how will we – unless...’ ‘Unless you replace us?’ Stan said bluntly, taking out a bottle of what suspiciously looked like Firewhisky from his rucksack and innocently popping the cork with his wand. He took a sip and went on. ‘No way, Kapitan. I have been trying to get on this team vor years. I am not going to just—’ ‘Why are you entering the Tournament, then?’ ‘It doesn’t matter,’ Lea cut in. ‘I think we all agree that we should get substitutes, just for this year, yes? Right, that’s settled.’ She got up and, without waiting for an answer, went out into the pitch, followed closely by the other Chasers. Not knowing exactly what to say, Amara hurried outside too, preferring to leave the pep talk to someone who was good at it, like Finn. It had stopped raining now, but the clouds, dark and dense with water, promised of a storm later in the night. It must have been near sunset, but the sky was already a navy blue. Amara walked in long, slow strides up the steep hill to the castle, wondering if her name would be among the students chosen to go to the Tournament, when the list would be called out the next morning at breakfast. And if they were allowed to take their broomsticks with them to Hogwarts, after all. She didn’t realise she had reached the East Wing before something made a resounding crash behind her and she spun around, searching for the source of the sound in the torch-lit corridor. Her eyes fell on what looked like a heap of bedraggled clothes leaning on a broomstick and holding what looked like a bottle of Firewhisky. Sighing exasperatedly, Amara walked towards her drunk teammate and pulled him up with great effort. ‘I apologise,’ Stan said, accenting the ‘ise' so that it echoed across the corridor. He bent down to pick up his Firewhisky, almost toppling over again in the act. ‘It seems I have gotten myself a bit lost. Well, I’ll be off then.’ ‘Yeah, well. Are you sure you remember the way?’ Amara said, regretting her words as soon as she’d said them. She’d curse herself into a Flobberworm if she ended up spending the night as a tour guide. She didn’t even know exactly where the boys' common room was. ‘Amara, what took you so long?’ Turning around, she saw Karina closing the door to the common room and hurrying towards her. Sparing a look of reproach at Stan, who was now slurping whisky all over his Quidditch robes, she hurriedly said, ‘I just saw a note on the notice board, and it said there were too many names entered for the Tournament, so they’re holding tryouts instead. They’re tomorrow at five.’ I hope you liked it! Let me know what you think :) |
Oh my gosh! This is so exciting! i can't wait for the tryouts! *crosses fingers* Hopes Amara makes it!!!! :D PAMS!!!!!!! |
haha good way 2 get her 2 Hogwarts:) xx great chapter glad i waited:Px |
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