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Fred is awesome 09-13-2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Lady Mouldywart (Post 10643753)
Take what? *confused* don't you like Amara? *sad face* :P

Yay, I love the Weasleys twwoooo :)

They beat her in Quidditch! :D

Lady Mouldywart 09-13-2011 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Fred is awesome (Post 10643768)
They beat her in Quidditch! :D

Oh...yeah, sort of :P

XenoLongbottom 09-13-2011 09:24 PM

This is great. Nicely done. Can't wiat for more!

Lady Mouldywart 09-13-2011 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by XenoLongbottom (Post 10644193)
This is great. Nicely done. Can't wiat for more!

Thanks! :)

LillyJames 09-13-2011 11:00 PM

Annoying School and house work, keeping me from doing my duty as a reader!

Quote time!!

SPOILER!!: my comments that are really long!

'But why? Why can’t I play?’
Poor "little" Ginny...I SUPPORT YOU GIN!

‘Hey, keep me out of this...’
Hahahaha Loved this.

The twins grinned. Just like their older brothers had teased them about not being old enough for Quidditch when they were younger, they enjoyed doing the same to their little sister.
Sigh...I can understand, as I am the youngest I've seen it happed to all my siblings..

‘I know how to fly, if that’s what you’re saying,’ said Ginny, her arms crossed as she stood outside the back door of The Burrow.

‘How can you know?’ laughed Fred. ‘Hey – wait! You haven’t—’

‘She can’t have, Fred,’ said George rationally. ‘The broom shed’s always locked.’

‘Yeah, you’re just bragging,’ Fred told his sister, convinced. ‘Well, see you! Go play with the gnomes or something.’
Stop underestimating your sister.


‘We’re playing as two teams today, Ron,’ said Fred. ‘You’d better fly better, at least try to outstrip the speed of a butterfly this time.’
I laughed, the twins are just too funny!


Ron scowled and punched his brother playfully. ‘It’s not my fault my broom’s lousy. Anyway, how are we supposed to have two teams with just the three of us?’
Amara the awesome, that's how!

Her broom lay at her feet, a Nimbus 1000 she’d borrowed from the Burkes’ broom shed. It was quite old, the handle was badly scratched and some of its twigs were bent, but it was good as far as she was concerned.

‘Is that a Nimbus?’ George said, walking over and gazing at the broom with wide eyes.
HAHAHA yeah, I'd say it's "Good as far as" ANYONE "is concerned.


‘Thanks for pointing that out, Ron, we wouldn’t have realised if it wasn’t for you,’ Fred said, rolling his eyes. Ron’s ears turned scarlet.
Don't be embarrassed Ron! I know how you feel...


‘Yeah, and how come Ickle Ronniekins gets to try the Nimbus and we don’t?’
‘Because at least he supports a decent team,’ said Amara, grinning at the twins’ indignation.


‘You and Ron against us,’ said George, smirking identically.

‘We were going to be nice and let both of you pair up with one of us—’
Very sportsman like guys, very sportsman like (Insert eye roll here)


OK, then,’ he said. ‘Mount your brooms. Ready? – Oh, what’s that behind you Ron? – GO!’
CHEATERS! But also sooo sibling like!

Thirty feet above the ground and she was glad she was wearing shorts instead of a skirt – the wind was strong at this height.
Very Glad!

She caught his eye and couldn’t help it any longer; she burst out laughing too.
I almost started laughing, laughter IS contagious!


the ball lying innocently in the shade of a tree.
Ooh...well, you are quite a bit younger than them Amara and you have only played once before..


An hour passed, and as Amara saved another goal (they had changed course a few times and now Amara was Keeper and the others were all trying to score), a bob of red hair and shining glasses appeared below them, yelling something.

‘What’s that, Perce? Sorry, I can’t hear you!’ George shouted back, flying around in circles to annoy him.
As much as I love Fred and George, they must have been insufferable to live with.

‘Oh, who cares what Mum says?’ said Fred.
Wrong move Freddie boy, you should ALWAYS care what your mum says.

For how long??


‘Mum’s really angry, you know,’ cut in their brother, pushing up his horn-rimmed glasses. ‘Half the chickens have escaped—’

‘Why’s she blaming us?’ said George innocently.

‘—she found a bunch of gnomes eating Ginny’s birthday cake and Dad’s clothes have gone missing!’

‘The ghoul was cold! That old pyjama he had—’

‘It’s summer, Fred!’ snapped his brother, but Fred and George went on conversationally:

‘What baffles me is how she knew we’d fed the chickens that weird potion—’

‘—we did try to keep them from flying away, mind—’

‘—but we definitely didn’t let any gnomes near Ginny’s birthday cake, at least not on purpose.’
:lmao: <= That is all I can say..

Their brother looked on the brink of exploding,
Yeah, I can picture that.


Something thudded to her right and she heard a soft ‘umph!’ as someone fell.
Ginny! You naughty girl, you!


‘What? That’s stupid,’ said Amara sympathetically.


‘Um, Keeper, I think...’
You're most definitely a keeper!

Final comments!!

I love the way you portray the siblings together, it reminds me of my famiy together.


Lady Mouldywart 09-13-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by LillyJames (Post 10644351)
Annoying School and house work, keeping me from doing my duty as a reader!

Quote time!!

SPOILER!!: my comments that are really long!

Poor "little" Ginny...I SUPPORT YOU GIN!

Hahahaha Loved this.

Sigh...I can understand, as I am the youngest I've seen it happed to all my siblings..


Stop underestimating your sister.

I laughed, the twins are just too funny!

Amara the awesome, that's how!

HAHAHA yeah, I'd say it's "Good as far as" ANYONE "is concerned.

Don't be embarrassed Ron! I know how you feel...


Very sportsman like guys, very sportsman like (Insert eye roll here)

CHEATERS! But also sooo sibling like!

Very Glad!

I almost started laughing, laughter IS contagious!

Ooh...well, you are quite a bit younger than them Amara and you have only played once before..


As much as I love Fred and George, they must have been insufferable to live with.

Wrong move Freddie boy, you should ALWAYS care what your mum says.

For how long??

:lmao: <= That is all I can say..

Yeah, I can picture that.

Ginny! You naughty girl, you!


You're most definitely a keeper!

Final comments!!

I love the way you portray the siblings together, it reminds me of my famiy together.


I love how you comment on every little bit :glomp:


Originally Posted by LillyJames
Sigh...I can understand, as I am the youngest I've seen it happed to all my siblings..

Haha, I can understand that too, since I'm the youngest as well :P Oh by the way, Amara is the same age as Fred and George, but she's a few months older, just to get that right :)

THANKYOU again everyone for being so patient to wait for the chapters and then taking the time to read and post these lovely comments! :D

Lady Mouldywart 09-17-2011 02:37 PM

Long chapter ahead! Oh, by the way, aren't my chapter titles like, so original? :P


Chapter 4 - The Letter

A few days passed pleasantly, and hence, quickly; Amara learned that the Weasleys were nine in all: Mr and Mrs Weasley, six boys and one girl. She didn’t see much of the older brothers; Bill and Charlie kept to their room mostly and Percy, according to the twins, only enjoyed burying his nose in boring books about goblin revolutions and wizarding politics during his free time. The only other time she saw him after he’d memorably come screaming into the orchard about escaped chickens, gnomes eating cake and a ghoul wearing stolen clothes was when he stuck out his head from his window one day to shout at them for being too loud at their de-gnoming. Fred and George ensued by throwing him pebbles at the closed window when he wasn’t looking and then suddenly returned to chasing gnomes when he poked his head out again, frowning.

Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and Amara were all glad to stay outside and enjoy the last few days of summer; the skies were already turning overcast and gloomy and as autumn drew nearer, Amara, Fred and George presumed their Acceptance Letters would be coming very soon.

On the fifteenth the sun rose half-heartedly again, and the sky, as it had done for the past few days, gave in to a pale wispy grey colour. Amara was in the kitchen helping Mrs Burke clean the dishes while Mr Burke read the Daily Prophet at the table.

‘Nothing here today...’ he said gruffly, folding the paper in two. ‘Old Wanda Sparks is retiring from the Wizengamot and apparently there was a break-in at Gringotts that turned out to be nothing but a—’

He stopped mid-sentence and looked sharply at the window. Mrs Burke and Amara both turned their heads too. An owl was pecking determinedly on the kitchen window, a letter tied to its legs.

‘It’s my letter!’ said Amara, bounding towards the window and throwing it open. The owl swooped in and landed on the Prophet, bringing with it a strong smell of grass and a strong gust of wind. Shutting the window, Amara made to untie her letter but Mr Burke got there before her.

‘Mr Burke—’ she started politely, as he didn’t look like and wasn’t a man to be shouted at.

‘I know what it is,’ he said sternly, opening it up. ‘Yes. Well, we’ve already talked this out, Adelaide—’

‘—yes, we have, Carl, but I’m still not sure about it. Amara should tell us how she feels about it.’

‘I’ve made up my mind and she’s not going there!’ snarled Mr Burke.

His wife sighed and wiped her hands on a dishcloth. She turned to Amara. ‘You want to go to Hogwarts, don’t you?’

Amara nodded.

‘There you have it—’

‘She’ll get a better education at Durmstrang! At least the Headmaster there isn’t a loopy, Muggle-loving—’

‘She wants to go to Hogwarts!’ She motioned Amara to go upstairs and, not needing to be told twice, she obeyed.

Sitting cross-legged on her bed, Amara felt slightly discomfited listening to Mr and Mrs Burke continuing to argue downstairs. What was it to Mr Burke if she went to Hogwarts? And he hadn’t even let her read the letter, the slimy old—

Amara pulled out of her thoughts as a small bang issued from outside her bedroom window. She got up eagerly and looked down, where, as she’d expected, four red-heads were looking up at her.

‘Coming,’ she called down, and hurried downstairs, tiptoeing past the kitchen unnoticed over the loud shouts and sneaking out of the front door. She normally would have informed Mrs Burke, but seeing as they were already lost in their own fume...

‘We got it!’ said George excitedly, waving his letter as she approached them. ‘Just as we were coming.’

‘Brilliant, isn’t it? I can’t wait to get sorted already,’ said Fred.

‘You’ll probably be Gryffindor too, just like the rest of the family,’ piped in Ginny.

‘Don’t be such a wet blanket, Ginny. And anyway, there’s the wand-choosing too,’ said Fred. ‘What about you, Amara?’

‘Yeah, I got it,’ she replied. She hesitated. ‘Er – but they still don’t know if they’re sending me there or—’

‘What? That’s ridiculous!’

‘Hogwarts is the best school—’

‘Yeah, they can’t possibly—’

‘I know,’ sighed Amara. ‘But – Mr Burke thinks I’ll be better off at Durmstrang.’

‘Durmstrang? I thought that school was only for Dark wizards—’

‘Don’t be silly, Ron,’ said Ginny. ‘It’s just known to emphasize on dark magic, that’s all.’ She looked quite pleased with herself for some reason.

‘What’s “empherize”?’ asked Ron.

Looking even more pleased with herself, Ginny started explaining in a professional tone the exact meaning of the word as they started walking down the footpath that led to the playground.

‘Don’t worry, Amara, your name’s already down, so there’s no way you won’t be coming to Hogwarts,’ said George, clapping her on the back. Amara shrugged but smiled. All the way up to the Burrow the Weasleys chattered animatedly about the Sorting – apparently their older brother Charlie had said they’d have to fight a mountain troll to get Sorted – and wondering what spells they could use against one. Amara joined in only when they asked her if she knew any spells yet; she tried to suggest a Freezing Charm cheerfully, but she wasn’t really feeling in it.

Fred and George would soon be going off with their older brothers to Hogwarts, the great, magical castle with ghosts and moving staircases; they would get Sorted and play Quidditch in the sunny grounds, and Amara would be away in the cold, frozen Durmstrang Institute. She imagined a hospital-like place, with empty white corridors and mental wards... A sudden twinge of mixed jealousy and gloom crept through her. She even wouldn’t be able to meet her best friend Dita again.

‘Hey, Amara,’ Ginny’s voice suddenly woke her. They were already at the Burrow. ‘We were going to Diagon Alley tomorrow, and Mum says you’ll be welcome to come with us if you like.’

Amara nodded and muttered a ‘yes’. When the others went to the orchard to play a game of Quidditch she declined, partly to help Ginny and a reluctant Percy de-gnome the garden, but mostly because she suddenly wanted to be left to her own thoughts.


P.S. I <3 comments ;)

Tazzie 09-17-2011 03:12 PM

I feel really sorry for her, you know ?
So is she going to Drmstrang then ? I always wondered what kind of school that one is.

Lady Mouldywart 09-17-2011 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by tomewitch (Post 10652507)
I feel really sorry for her, you know ?
So is she going to Drmstrang then ? I always wondered what kind of school that one is.

It's not really a spoiler, so... yes she's going to Durmstrang... I've got quite a bit written about the school, had to do a lot of research though, so I wouldn't stray too far from the books :P Thanks for reading :)

Tazzie 09-17-2011 03:34 PM

Oh, I pity her. So does going to Durmstrang change her ?

Lady Mouldywart 09-17-2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by tomewitch (Post 10652599)
So does going to Durmstrang change her ?

That I cannot answer -determined blank face-


XenoLongbottom 09-17-2011 06:02 PM

I loved it! Poor Amara! Is Mr. Burke a former Death Eater by any chance? cuz then they'd hav the Aurors to deal with! :madeye:

Lady Mouldywart 09-17-2011 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by XenoLongbottom (Post 10653156)
I loved it! Poor Amara! Is Mr. Burke a former Death Eater by any chance? cuz then they'd hav the Aurors to deal with! :madeye:

Thankyou :) Though it isn't canon, the Mr Burke here is the brother of Caractacus [or however his name is spelled] Burke, the one who owns the shop Borgin and Burkes :) Not a Death Eater but quite fond of the dark arts I'd say :evillaugh:

Fred is awesome 09-17-2011 06:07 PM

Aw! Poor Amara! :( PLEASE LET HER GO TO HOGWARTS! :x3:


Lady Mouldywart 09-17-2011 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Fred is awesome (Post 10653173)
Aw! Poor Amara! :( PLEASE LET HER GO TO HOGWARTS! :x3:


Unfortunately Mr Burke is too much of a stubborn warty-nose to give in that easily :/

Thanks for all the lovely commentingness :x3:

AshCat14 09-17-2011 11:05 PM

Aww! Sorry I haven't commented before but I absolutely LOVE this thread! Don't send Amara to Durmstrang! Pwetty pwease?

Lady Mouldywart 09-18-2011 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by AshCat14 (Post 10653734)
Aww! Sorry I haven't commented before but I absolutely LOVE this thread! Don't send Amara to Durmstrang! Pwetty pwease?

:x3: New reader! (well, in a way :)) I assure you the Durmstrang parts will be fun and interesting too :) I have a surprise later in the story that is both horrible but turns out good kind of too - for you readers anyway :evillaugh

AshCat14 09-18-2011 11:50 AM

Grr! Wanna know what happens now!

i solemnly swear.. 09-18-2011 01:58 PM

new reader and im loving it :D good job!

Lady Mouldywart 09-18-2011 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by AshCat14
Grr! Wanna know what happens now!

I'm posting chapter 5 tomorrow :)


Originally Posted by i solemnly swear..
new reader and im loving it :D good job!

Thankyou both! <3

i solemnly swear.. 09-18-2011 02:32 PM

its so crazy to think of whose daughter she is.
im wondering where she'll go school, this story is the best!
woo!! cant wait for tomorrow now! :)
i just read it all and its amazing! :D
keep going!!!!

Lady Mouldywart 09-18-2011 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by i solemnly swear.. (Post 10655294)
its so crazy to think of whose daughter she is.
im wondering where she'll go school, this story is the best!
woo!! cant wait for tomorrow now! :)
i just read it all and its amazing! :D
keep going!!!!

Gah, thankyouuuu :D Know what, since you are all such awesome readers, I'll post chapter 5 now ^.^

Lady Mouldywart 09-18-2011 02:43 PM


Chapter 5 - The Other Letter

When she returned home, Amara found Mrs Burke with quite a tart look about her. She was cooking something that smelled like chicken, but apparently it had overcooked a bit because as soon as Amara went into the kitchen she found her batting the oven with a cloth to ward off the smoke now enveloping her in a cloud.

‘Oh, there you are, Amara,’ she said, looking up and coughing. ‘I was wondering when you’d come.’

‘Sorry,’ said Amara. ‘I was at the Weasleys’ again... they were going to Diagon Alley tomorrow and they invited us to go with them.’

‘Really?’ said Mrs Burke, continuing her batting distractedly.

‘Listen, Amara,’ she said a few minutes later, while Amara was sitting at the dining table eating a piece of slightly burnt chicken. Mrs Burke hesitated. ‘We decided you should go to Durmstrang.’

Amara looked up, feeling more upset than earlier. ‘But—’ she started quietly.

‘I’m sorry, dear, but that’s what Carl said, and it’s his final word,’ said Mrs Burke briskly. Amara heard Mr Burke enter the front door, hanging his travelling coat noisily and wondering out loud what had caught on fire. She wolfed down her food quickly and got up, but just as she was about to leave, Mr Burke entered the kitchen, his clothes specked with rain even though it wasn’t raining outside.

‘Ah, Amarantha. I was just up at Durmstrang to sign you up officially with the Headmaster,’ he explained as he sat down. ‘Very serious man, Professor Karkaroff, see, and a very interesting outlook on things too. Durmstrang doesn’t usually enrol students from Britain, but he made an exception since we’re quite good friends,’ he added, chewing his chicken leg audibly. He looked at Amara expectantly.

‘Thanks,’ she said stiffly.

‘Here is a list of things you’ll need,’ went on Mr Burke, pulling out a piece of slightly crumpled paper from his pocket and handing it to Amara. She scanned the page, trying to hide her disappointment as she remembered her Hogwarts letter. There was the emblem, and below it:

Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning
Headmaster: Igor Karkaroff

You have been accepted to study at Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning for the following eight years. We expect you at the school on the 20th of September by no later than 7:00 am. Below is a list of all items necessary for your studies at Durmstrang.

-black fur hat
-three sets of plain robes
-red fur cape

-The Dark Arts and Their Uses by Parthinia Wicked
-The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1 ) by Miranda Goshawk
-Steps to Transfiguration (Book 1) by Gregory Maldorf
-Wizarding History by Sirenia Vetis
-An Encyclopaedia of Magical Beasts by Lucard Skirvainnis
-A Guide to Practical Use of Hexes and Jinxes by Lucretius Borgin
-Basic Brewing by Christoper Bornholdt
-Rune Dictionary by Petra Bullens

-a wand
-a brass cauldron, standard size 2
-a set of phials (glass or crystal)
-a set of scales
-protective gloves

Students are allowed one pet, an owl preferably. Those who wish to take part in Quidditch are allowed a broom.

Igor Karkaroff

Amara pursed her lips at the name. She’d hoped against hope that there had been a chance for her not to be accepted, but the truth dawned on her quite clearly as she finished reading the letter.

‘Well?’ said Mr Burke, taking the letter back as if she would set it on fire. ‘You’ll be going to Diagon Alley as soon as possible. Tomorrow would be good, don’t you think?’

Mrs Burke nodded, not touching her plate.

‘I’m going upstairs, Mr and Mrs Burke,’ she said, rushing upstairs as fast as she could. Reaching her bedroom on the second landing, she went inside and closed the door with a bit more force than necessary. One of the hinges broke but before it could topple off, Amara instinctively reached out and it was back in place. She guessed it was just her feelings causing her to do magic, she knew she couldn’t have broken a door normally, even if she’d wanted to.

Amara flopped onto her bed and willed herself not to cry because, she told herself, it was a stupid thing to cry over anyway. But it was so unfair, why couldn’t she have stayed at St Nicholas’s and spent the rest of the summer peacefully with the others? She’d have gotten her Acceptance Letter like all the other normal witches and wizards, and then she’d be looking forward to her first year at Hogwarts...

But then she probably would have never become friends with the Weasleys, she wouldn’t have had such a nice house to explore and new dresses in her wardrobe freshly laundered by the kind Mrs Burke... and she wouldn’t have had to go to Durmstrang.

More because she didn’t want to think about it than because she was tired, Amara closed her eyes and fell into an uneasy sleep.


Next chapter will be way longer, so I apologize for the shortness of this one :)

XenoLongbottom 09-18-2011 06:43 PM

That's great! Poor Amara! :(I hope she can get to Hogwarts some how.

Lady Mouldywart 09-18-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by XenoLongbottom (Post 10656082)
That's great! Poor Amara! :(I hope she can get to Hogwarts some how.

I know right :( We'll see, we'll see ;)

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