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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction)The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.
Okay, guys. This is my first chance to write an SS RPG FF, and it is going to be about my upcoming character, Anna Maria Robles. I’m so excited to tell you, my fellow SSers about one of my charries, and this seemed like the best time. Enjoy and have fun!
Anna is a Young lady, born in Córdoba, Spain a September 3rd of the year 2056 to the married couple of Edith Santos de Robles and Alejandro Robles, being him the inheritance of her wizard blood. She is an only-child, so she’s used to get what she wants and sometimes not measuring the consequences, including hurting people’s feelings, to whom she does the most to Emiliano Saenz, her cousin and former confident of life. Yes…our Anna is Em’s cousin, thanks to the sisterly relation between their mothers.
Let me take you inside her deepest thoughts and her victories as a soccer star she has always been through her life, and her half time hobby, besides the part when she gets to learn magic with her father, home-schooled.
And remember…she’s coming the year after Emiliano leaves.
Entry 1. June 14th, 2069
Dear Phantom. Yes…I’m calling you a Phantom because no one will ever DARE get to see inside your pages, to know my deepest secrets. I am so trusting you my life, be aware of that.
So, yesterday my uncle Edgar and auntie Mari acame to visit my parents to talk to them about my magic schooling. They are considering sending me to Hogwarts! Can you believe it? Because, I seriously can’t wait. It will be by the time dad gets this new job in Madrid, making him not able to teach me how to control my magic abilities. That just bécame sad for me at first, but it’s actually giving me the chance to attend the best school in the whole Europe, besides of course Durmstrang or Beauxbatons. I am excited, so I immediately said yes to the suggestion of the adults, jumping up and down, though of course noticing the reaction dad took. He was sad…so was mom.
I hate leaving them, but I guess it is time for me to just be more independent…and nicer. I haven’t been nice to anyone in a long time, really. To tell you the truth, I miss Emiliano. He was like the best cousin, but we ended up with a huge fight thanks to the envy shown at times during our family reunions at Mexico.
Okay…and about soccer. I believe there isn’t much to tell. I made a goal. Only one, can you believe it? And I may have just hit a player from the opponent team (just because she kept saying I run funny) with the soccer ball during the game, which took me to suspension for a few minutes.I guess the depression of leaving Córdoba is taking me a bit too much to handle. But, there is always Hogwarts. And I’m excited…we both should be excited about going there.
So…dinner is ready. Mom made enchiladas and rice. Yum.
Bye bye…and be invisible for a while…
Xoxo. Annie
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
Last edited by AmbiguouslyMe; 01-06-2011 at 03:28 AM.
I did a report in school once about Córdoba. *random* And I love her reasoning behind her name for her diary. <- things I didn't mention earlier.
Anna will be coming during Adrienne's final term. *sighs* But maybe she'll get to play with Grayson after that.
Keep it up and PAMS!
Now I have to read about that city, learn about it. But it's like interesting to me. Thanks for all your help and cheers, Kristin!
Ooh, that should be fun.
Originally Posted by Nat nat
yum.... *sounds delicioso*
ADry... cuddles you mucho.
this is a fantabulous storeh...
keep me updated with Anna...
i shall so read this every time i get on...
keep up the work lovey...
*sigh to Emiliano leaving*
I know...I'll miss Em. But Anna will be here to tell you about our boy.
Thank you, Nattie!
Originally Posted by Whitterz
Very good I'm so excited for Anna. And Em was mentioned. YAY lol Even if it was about a fight
Whit! Hehe...me too. I can't wait for her to actually kick someone for being goofy.
Ee, yeah. I might mention it later.
GUYS, here's the next entry!
Entry 2. June 20th.
Dear Phantom. Appear.
Today a life wonder came into my mind. How would it be to have a younger or even older sibling? Okay…I’m a thirteen year old, not really to face some of the real world, yet. And I think it’s because I don’t have anyone else to share it with. I mean, I have my parents, but I think I need someone else. That’s when Em comes to mind. I sometimes wish no fight had happened two summers ago. But oh…well. Life is never fair and we both know it.
But I still see myself taking care of a baby, at these years. I hope mom and dad consider it for later, even if it means adopting a child.
Soccer, soccer, soccer! Today. We. Finally. Recieved. Our. Team. Uniforms! It has the colours of Córdoba. Wine Red and Gold, in company of course of the seal. The team had been waiting for those in a long time, three months actually. And it’s all thanks to that last minute trip we made to Madrid for the championship cup, of which we ended up second place and made the team’s pocket money to fly. Score 2-1. Meh…let’s forget about that day, it depresses me. I do admit, it was fun to go there and even meet Real Madrid’s Soccer Star Players! Phantom, I have envy. They are so cute and well, obviously talented.
The dream of becoming part of a Ladies’ team in major league is still inside the deepest of my thoughts or plans. I just hope my parents don’t find out, they have other plans for me because there’s a chance I stick into those plans.
Hogwarts. That subject is now a tabu-word in my house at this time. Mom seems sad about it. She was not thinking of letting me go to another country, ever. I told her she could come to live with Diana, since Dad would be really busy at work and so on, but she decided that at this time, we wait for news regarding the British Ministry of Magic about exchange students.
I think we can start talking about boys. Yes, that subject can’t be even touched with my parents. They are protective of me, as you can notice I’m the only child. But…let’s see. I think there is this boy, Roberto who is really cute and nice, yet a real bragging-talking machine because he is the boys’ soccer team captain. But I have to admit, he’s intelligent and not goofy, things that I admire in guys who I like. But who knows…preferences change.
Sigh. Let’s see the event from two days ago. My knee popped and I have to stay home for a weekend. I hate doctors, they just ruin my bit of soccer passion and victories. I hope mom allows me to go this weekend to watch the game, to cheer up the team. That’s the least I can do.
Okay. Ma is about to bring me dinner to bed. Ciao Ciao! And disappear.
Xo. Annie
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Haha...you have to read this one to know abou him.
Thanks, Kristin!
Okay, here's the next entry. It came in a moment of not so loads of inspiration, but....enjoy!
Entry 3.June 25th
Dear Phantom, appear
Let’s explore the chronology of this diary. Sunday, Uncle Edgar and Aunt Maria came to talk about me into going to Hogwarts. Monday, soccer game after school, during which I got suspended. I am so ashamed of that, as the defense player I am…and I remembered Emiliano. It was a mistake; I seriously believe it was, because he doesn’t deserve my thoughts at all. Saturday, the team received the uniforms; but too sad, because the game on Friday ruined my knee for the rest of the weekend. I was unable to play the next Monday, until today.
I have to say it. I played poorly. My training was a bit unsuccessful last evening, as well. My coach says I should go see a doctor, but I hate those people…needles…and the smell of plastic and curing alcohol all around the office of that professional. Ewww! It is great that I have to visit that person only once a month for a required checking for the team’s records. At the end, I just served for three goals made for the team, and we won. But I felt a bit useless.
Roberto. Well…he invited me to get a drink after the game. The date, if we can call it that way, went well. That was until, he mentioned the save-ups he made for his team, which I had to endure for a while, but then I just excused myself lameshly to leave him there, alone. As if my parents would worry at what time I arrive home after a big event. Well, I guess it’s not meant to be, not now. Not ever, because my parents have decided I will go to Hogwarts. Those are official news and a reason to be excited.
Surprise, eh?! I almost fainted when I heard them tell me, face to face, that great news. We talked about responsibilities and the bit difficult it’ll get if some things are taken in charge at the British Ministry of Magic in case of exchange-foreign students. And there was also this chat about Emiliano, in which my parents suggested me to try to make things better about my relation with him. I will try…I will try. But it won’t mean me, having positive results, right?
As an addition to the list of today’s goals, achievements; my parents said I will have the chance to buy a pet, any kind I’d like, which will be taken to Hogwarts. I’ll choose a kitty. I will get on to search with information about how to take care of them and get the best of them as magical pets they will be. I hope that works out.
Now, it is time to sleep. Go invisible.
XO. Annie
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
Poor Anna though. I hate doctors as much as she does. Too bad her meal with Roberto didn't go too well either.
And awww, I love kittens. lol
Very nice job PAMS
Her Madrid trip was EXCELLENT....
Yeah, she wasn't so pleased the boy was talking about soccer when they were supposed to get to know each other, away from field lines.
Thanks for keep on reading.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Awww, poor Roberto. And poor Annie, regarding her game, and her knee. *pets her* And the stuff with Em.
*shrugs* At least she has Hogwarts and kitty to look forward to. Although my kitty's being a pest right now. *grumbles*
*settles in to await more* Good job.
I'll talk more about it in two entries, about Em. You'll get to see why this young lady is just...too angry at him.
Hehe-pets-I've only had a kitty in my life. It didn't work out. He ran away...but yes, kitties are cool. For now...
Here is the next entry. Enjoy:
Entry 4. July 7th
It’s Wednesday. Today, the regional championship game was played. The whole team, including me, played against Seville. I confess; it cost us two serious ligament injuries and maybe one broken toe. We are still waiting for news from Helena’s mom about her condition. But at the end, we won!! And we are going for the nationals next week. I am excited, I truly am. Though as well, I’m nervous.
You are maybe asking yourself why I am nervous. Well, this is like the first time the school team has reached this status since 2040 or some year close to that. There will be peer pressure around the school for such event happening during the rest of the week and maybe for the whole month if we don’t win or we don’t come with a trophy, even a small one. And there is always this…popularity growing as well. Those people are only interested in us because of that possibility of winning. I call them hypocrites.
Boys have been asking us girls out to dinner, for a drink to the nearest soda fountain or an ice cream. Only once I have accepted, and it was from this guy named Ulises. He’s really cute, fun and something opposite of me. He doesn’t like sports. He’s all studying, having perfect A’s on his works at school. Maybe that’s why I accepted him, because he won’t be bragging around his goals made through his life, but only show his truly self, and be always kind to me. Of course. We plan to go out this Saturday, right after I come home from practice and prepare myself pretty. I still don’t get that deal about teenage hormones. It’s far too complicated in biology; it will be much complicated to talk inside this life. I hope this doesn’t end as the one with Roberto.
By the way, he doesn’t talk to me anymore, nor does he want to ever look at me in the eyes. Maybe one of his little clan members told him how complicated I could be when out of the soccer field. Those boys are scared of me. And I give them reasons for so. My kick isn’t actually gentle, girly as some people would prejudge, seeing as I am a girl. As I told you before, one of the hits could just KO anyone who would receive the ball right in the head or either makes a huge bruise if hit somewhere else around the body. I gotta say: I DON’T CARE! I love soccer and that’s how I got my position, by kicking soccer balls around a field and defending the goal area, as well as making maybe two each game.
Mom got sick during last weekend. It’s a bad cold and because of the long genetics of allergic people in the family, she can’t recover that soon. I hope she gets better; it worries me seeing her almost all day in bed and listening to her stuffy nose. And there is a funny thing about all this. Dad is cooking. It’s a miracle coming from all this. He even made us spaghetti, which mom can’t fully taste, but I know she’ll like it anyways. Phantom, those two are so deeply in love that sometimes they forget about me. I am happy to see them both like that, together. And maybe that’s why they need a time off me for a while. So, enchanted and happy, I will go to Hogwarts.
The trip downtown to buy the kitty will be tomorrow after school. I will tell you all about the either him or her new to the phantom society. I say goodbye, you disappear.
XO. Annie.
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Sounds like a tough game. And awwww re: Ulises.
*snorts* Nice to know some girls aren't pushovers. And on a less facteious route, it's also nice to see parents who don't seem to have some sort of issues.
eeeeee I wanna hear about the kitty.
*camps out*
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
-glomps Kristin and Wenz- Thanks for coming over to read, guys.
Now, let's read the next entry
Entry 5- July 9th.
Phantom, I introduce you to the life around me, now that I feel it’s complete. Well, not exactly, but enough to make me happy while the time to go to Hogwarts arrives.
My date with Ulises is already set in a small pizza shop in downtown called Rizzo Pizza’s. There, lots of teenagers, kids from schools around the city go to have fun playing with the machines and eating tons of pizza since it’s a buffet. Imagine me. I am a pizza lover; I eat a whole pizza by myself. Maybe it’s the whole thing about the energy I eat then take advantage of when I get to play soccer. Ok, back to the rendezvous: I can imagine he’s going to be that sweet guy he’s been all throughout the week, and I hope he isn’t a clone of Roberto, a bragger in other words. I am really looking forward to this day, next Saturday at 5 PM.
And well, time to talk about my friends. I have tons, yes. But I only have two people in my life I’d trust my life, my secrets and even you, my dear Phantom. Their names are Sandra and Rocco; obviously Rocco is a guy, but I thank him I was introduced to soccer; and to Sandra, I thank the effort she put into making me a non-shy, extroversive girl I’m now (she made me use make-up for the first time). I know both of my friends since I believe our mothers expected us inside their bellies. Us three are in different classrooms due to the fact that everyone knows we are talking machines ready to interrupt any class. That got us into trouble for a long time during primary schooling. Oops! They also know I’m a witch, though not making a great deal about it because they feel that it is something out of topic among our relationship. I will miss them. I will come to Córdoba every summer just to see my parents and them. I am a bit nervous about the friendships I’ll get to make in Hogwarts. I just wonder…
Now, let me talk about my family. It’s only dad, mom and me. Those two persons, who have taken care of me, are two lovebirds with their usual problems, though. I won’t talk about those, since they get to hurt whenever I remember their fights, but yes, they are a normal married couple who show their lives are perfect for each other’s. Dad works as an accountant in downtown hall, keeping record of the spending issues this city has. Mom is a dance teacher, specialized in Salsa, tango and even preparing large groups for plays or parades. I love them both and I will do so forever. Consider my great sadness and don’t think I’m going crazy when I get to leave them to go to Hogwarts.
And to end this, you’ll meet Copito, the new kitty and family member. I called him like that because he looks like a small snowflake, white and cute! He’s the new spoiled member of the family. About him, I shall speak later about, because it’s been only one day since I bought him.
SPOILER!!: Copito
Let yourself disappear, Copito is making a habit to bite the end of my jeans and I have to correct it or it'd be too late.
XO: Annie.
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
oh my... i missed a lot luff but read them and i love it..
i feel like i'm reading my diary... (i miss writing in such)
and can i borrow copito for a month? that's too long huh....
keep up and i'll be on track...
You missed a lot! But gladly, you updated...and I'm so happy that you like it and relate it to yourself.
Copito...is like now clinged to Anna...I'll have to do a serious labour of convincing him to go with you, but I'm sure he'd agree...
Originally Posted by Alexa Black
AHHH! Adrriii I <3 it. You FF is awwwwwwwwwsum. Annie reminds me so much of one of my friends
Leeexxyy!! Yay...I'm soo glad you like it, hun! Thank you!
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
*pouts* I want to be able to eat a whole pizza by myself and not have problems. I'm lucky if I can eat three pieces and be fine.
Eeeeeeeee! *pets Copito* I remember when Hermione was that little.
*camps out for next entry*
Just see the next post...
Aww...I wanted to have a kitty, but obviously, dogs win over my life...XD
OKAY...here you have...our sixth entry
Entry 6- July 8th
It’s midnight and I’m writing in your pages, Phantom. I should be afraid, but I’m not. I’m anxious, feeling butterflies all over my stomach and making a huge war inside it. It makes me dizzy, confused. And my reason is, of course, the marvelous date I had today with Ulises. You may ask yourself: Why is she feeling like that? And if he is just a friend, how come that inside war is happening?
Let me talk to you about the place, event and details. First of all, he came to pick me up to my own house, introduced himself to my parents as my companion, not my boyfriend, because he not like Roberto, who immediately committed the mistake of doing so; then, I noticed he had rented one of those bicycles ridden by another person to take us to Rizzo’s Pizza Buffet. There, he already had a booth reserved for us. How organized he is, I noticed while we ordered and even before that. It’s just sweet. As talking more to him and vice versa, we noticed there aren’t many things we have in common. He’s totally dedicating himself to study Medicine, just like this dad; and you know me, I’m seriously thinking about soccer all the time. But, I don’t care, and he seemed to neither as well. We even laughed about that, and how weird it may seem to other people that two opposites are sitting on the same booth and talking to each other. I enjoyed having one more friend, a new and unconditional friend, which I hope he considers me so.
After eating two pizzas and drinking lots of iced tea and soda, we went to the game machines spot at the corner of the shop and played a few games, like hockey, this video game called PAC-MAN and another one I can’t remember of, though it was about aliens and flying machines, way beyond the airplanes and all that muggle stuff. It was fun, awesomely fun. The walk, WALK back home was interesting. Ulises talked to me about his plans and even suspected something about those lessons (yes, the magic ones) and asked me what they were about. Gladly, we arrived home in time for me not to tell him. I felt really bad for that, but we are just starting to get to know each other.
Sorry this is short, but Copito needs to get feed and pampered, like any other cat you may know in some future when we are at Hogwarts.
Let yourself disappear.
Xo. Annie.
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
Audience wants more, more is what I will give you...thanks for reading, guys...
Here you have, our next entry...though it's a bit over-dramatic....
7th Entry- August 12th.
My dear Phantom,
Since we are not in school anymore, nor am I playing soccer for now because the coaches are on a break (which they totally deserve), I am desperately seeking for new sources of fun. I’ve tried going again to Rizzo’s, yet Ulises is not in town at this moment because of holidays with his grandparents in Madrid. That place is like not fun without him. I have to say it: I miss Ulises, I sincerely do. Does this mean…like I’m really falling for him? That’s a question I shall answer myself and to you later.
Other things I’ve tried are going to the malls, buy clothes and accessories. It’s not working, really. I end up with cute outfits and everything, but I don’t think I’ll be wearing them anytime sooner. Instead of all those girly things, I prefer going to the soccer fields and just throw some kicks at random goals. I feel stressed.
Right now, I don’t even know who to call first: Sandra or Rocco? They had argument last weekend, something that I just can’t stop myself from guessing what went wrong. It really scares me, since seeing them fight, upset at each other is quite new to this trio we are. I’ll have to visit them soon, ask both what had started it. I cannot suppose anything…but I could swear those two will end up together as a couple, the law of opposites being attractive to each other can be part of it…just maybe. I can be wrong.
The other hobby I found is making small collars with jingles for Copito. For now, they all look like perfect for any cat, male or female. I have to admit that small fur of ball looks so cute and funny wearing them. But, that pampered fur of ball also has his temper; he doesn’t like the ones that use the jingle, so he scratches my hand every now and then when I try to put them on his neck. Talking more about Copito; he still hasn’t left the habit to bite the end of my jeans and now it’s adding it against the edges of the bed sheets. Mom is slightly mad at him, though she knows cats can learn fast. I hope Copito isn’t the exception.
With magic lessons, we’ve progressed in Transfiguration. I can now make my nose take the shape of one similar to a parrot. Along, I liked those healing spells, like Episkey for broken small bones. I’ve tried it with chicken leftover bones, it works so far. Though, what I’d like to learn more is about defense and get a wand holster soon. Let’s be alert at all times.
No news from Hogwarts to be heard nor written on you, Diana is still researching and working on some things to set me the year Emiliano leaves the school. I still can’t believe he’s a seventh year. I could still imagine him as that 11 year old chasing me with a Frisbee. Now I miss him, on my most desperate time.
Well, I’m off. I think I’ll go make Copito go for a walk along me and then we’ll go to the soccer fields and practice. Let yourself disappear.
XO, Annie
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
xD..lol.. haha..so Annie put an enchantment on her diary to make itself nowhere to be seen..
An enchantment, yes...it was needed.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Awww *pets bored Annie*
She seems to have relationships on her mind.
And *snuggles Copito* He's only a baby . . .
A lot...mostly on this next post....haha
A baby...hmmm....he's now too clinged to Annie
So, guys...I know it's been about two weeks, I think...
Here you have a surprise entry. Enjoy!
August 21st
My dear Phantom,
So, here we are: In the city of Queretaro, Mexico. I know that I didn’t warn you about this sudden traveling trip, but dad just thought about it since he had a week out of work and mom, who was anxious to come back to her family roots. We’ve been here for about…a week or even less. My family has received us with the greatest joy; and grandma, as beautiful as she could be and caring like always. She might have also be the reason why Emiliano and I just…don’t cling to each other too much any longer. We get jealous of granny’s attention towards each other, a lot. Childish, eh? But we are growing up! Yuh-huh.
About that, we tried to fix the situation. Emiliano was in this weird mood, though. Of course, those glittering eyes, drooling around and his now formed muscles showed that he had…A GF?? It’s just a guess, though I hope he found someone who could stand his crazy mood at these times. Ha-ha. Oh well…as giving each other another change at cousin-hood we went to play soccer to the many camps around granny’s house and even attended a soccer game. That was weird; Emiliano never liked soccer. Would the girl he knows and likes have to do anything with his preferences for sports and so? I found out…the girl, in some way likes Muggle football soccer as well. Well done, lady whose name I seriously don’t know because Emiliano wouldn’t say a word about it! Oh well…at least we’re better for…now.
Emiliano also got to tell me about Hogwarts, though in some secret code because we’re the only wizards in our Muggle family and the youngsters might just go too weird moody at us if known. The most things I’m excited for might be Quidditch and the grounds around the castle. I’ve heard about the game, yet I’ve never tried to get on a broom in my whole life, and the much…well, the plenty of space there to go practice soccer, if permitted. I am getting as excited as if I was about to play a championship game. Wow!
Oh…food! Gosh, I’ve eaten as much as my stomach has let me. Corn, Mole, Tacos, Enchiladas, etcetera of plates grandma has made throughout this week. I think that all that food is causing all those weird feelings in my stomach at this moment, but I know I have mom and granny to take care of that, and me to work and finish it. But at the moment, tummy hurts. Argh! Copito seems to like it here a lot too and he loves Granny too, that little pampered and spoiled kitty. At least he’s having fun getting petted by a lot of children around these days.
Well, I shall go for a while to go swim with my cousins. At least splash around like a little toddler I used to be. Let yourself disappear.
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