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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction)The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.
So I vowed to myself that as soon as I got a laptop I would begin to write a new fanfic and finish it so here is my attempted fanfic, I hope that you all enjoy it and with school out I will hopefully be able to add more to it. Also the girl in it is a dancer, just because I've always wanted to include a dancer in my works and some of it may seem like it doesn't make any sense and why am I including it but its for plot and it doesn't matter if you don't know dance terminology.
Disclaimer: I do not own the world of Harry Potter and the canon characters, but I do own the plot and some of the characters.
Chapter 1:
The girl sat on the step in the cold dreary weather. Her cloak was wrapped tightly around her body. What fate had come upon her? She had never asked for this, never asked for them to take over her life. What was she supposed to do when her family finally showed up for her? Turn them down. It was her family, her true real family. Shouldn't she assume they would love her and take care of her rather than abandon her again. Though the abandonment at the age of five had given her doubt. What parents dump their five year old on someones doorstep and don't reappear for another ten years? Though Tante Elisa was nice. The French woman had insisted that she would be called aunt from the girls young age.
The door at the top of the steps opened and out stepped a tall dark figure. "In Elena," the figure said in a rough voice. How did he, assuming it was a he, know her name? Elena followed the figure though, maybe she would find herself reunited with Tante Elisa who had protected her all these years. But…maybe these were the bad people that Tante had warned her of. The people who for some unknown reason wanted Elena. Through the house they went the young fifteen year old girl with her dark hair swinging between her shoulders and the dark figure cloaked so their face wasn't visible. The house was large and after a few minutes of silence they approached a large oak door. The cloaked figure rapped with their knuckles three times. The door swung open to reveal some sort of meeting. And there at the end of the room chained were her parents, her true parents, the ones she knew not their name. No they were only the family that had abandoned her.
"Daughter of Isidora," said the man at the end of the table. "We have been waiting many years for you to come and join us."
A woman to the right of the man cackled, Elena just stared. What was going on here. Why was she here? Who were these people? And why were her parents here? Weren't they the ones who had abandoned her at this place? Maybe they were working with the bad people…but then why were they chained up. Had they done something wrong for bringing her here? So many questions that Elena had. When she finally had found her voice she said quietly, "Who are you? Why am I here?"
"Ah you don't know," the man pointed a pale finger at a chair in the middle of the table across from the woman who had laughed earlier. "Sit. Sit. There across from Bellatrix." Elena sat down stiffly and waited patiently. "There that's good," the man said to her. "I'm the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort I am called. You are here because of the prophecy," a laugh escaped the mans lips as Elena just stared. Was she supposed to know what he was talking about? Elena knew of no prophecies. "Ah you don't know. Well here is the precise prophecy I talk off…or at least the parts we are able to recover." The man cleared his throat as if to make a lengthy speech.
The first known child
the daughter of Isidora
shalt know the power
of nothing before
"Who is Isidora?" Elena asked as she listened to the so called prophecy. What was it supposed to mean and what did it have to do with her?
"My dear," a woman across the table with long blonde hair said with a short laugh. "You are the daughter of Isidora," she pointed where her mum was chained. "That is Isidora, Isidora Black, my dear 2nd cousin and your dear mum."
The pieces of the puzzle began to fit together in Elena's head. She was part of some psychotic prophecy and these people wanted her because she had, as the prophecy said, power of nothing before. But that made no sense, Elena was home schooled by Tante Elisa from the age of five, how did she have any power whatsoever. Her powers were limited. She acted like a, what was the term, Muggle. She acted non-magical. Her Tante taught her everything she knew about magic, she studied magic by night, attended performing arts Muggle school by day. How was she powerful? She didn't even know much magic or understand it.
"It is hard for you to understand," the man who was known as the Dark Lord said. "Look we understand how you are mad that your parents have abandoned you. I understand, I was abandoned to at my youth."
Elena looked up at the man shocked. This man, who looked creepy in a way, was an abandoned one also. This had to be a good thing, abandonment was something that she had gone through and she truly was mad at her parents, yes in a way she wanted her revenge on them for being so cruel to her and abandoning her when she was young. "You really truly understand," she asked quietly to the man.
"Yes, of course we do," he replied with a glance at her parents still in the corner chained up. "We feel the pain of your past. That is why we have your parents here tonight as our special guests. We want you to know that we want to help you. We hope you will accept us and train with us."
Elena stared she wasn't sure what to say. "Tante Elisa," she blurted out all of the sudden. If she was to go with these people then Tante would have to be with her to support her. Ever since she was abandoned for the second time she didn't think she could live without Tante. Tante was the one who kept her together. She was the one who was her mother. Not this Isidora woman, she was only the one who claimed her as a child. She didn't truly know Elena. No one knew that Elena was a dancer, an actress and wanted nothing more than to live a happy life without all these terrible things happening to her. She wished she could still be home, with Tante.
"Yes, Miss Elisa Burrough," the man said as he tapped his fingers. "If she wishes to stay with you when you aren't at school she may. But we insist that you must go to school, Hogwarts. Under the finest headmaster it has had…Severus Snape." A man with dark hair looked up and nodded at Elena. "Draco will help you, he is in fact related to you somewhat. He is two years older." Another person acknowledged Elena. This time it was a pale boy with platinum blonde hair. He nodded at Elena before staring back at the table.
"Oh thank you sir," Elena said excitedly. She would make Tante Elisa see since on staying with her when school was out, but she supposed she would have to go to school. If it was what the man wanted then she supposed it would have to happen.
Last edited by AlwaysDance; 08-19-2012 at 03:05 AM.
I'm really excited about your story! I can't wait to see what happens with Elena! PAMS!
Aww thanks! I hope you like the next chapter, but it's a little short.
Chapter 2:
"I'm positive these are the people who were after you," Tante Elisa said as she argued with the stubborn girl who was bent over her trunk gathering the last of her clothes and packing them neatly into the trunk. "I'm quite positive. And what about your life. You never wanted to leave dance did you," Tante Elisa held up a pair of pointe shoes. These were Elena's oldest most worn shoes that she treasured. The girl took them quickly and packed them on top next to her stacks of books. Her real education was going to actually happen. No matter how much she missed her old life she was excited.
The boy she had met at the meeting, Draco, had introduced her to a bunch of people. They were all fun and nice. It was great to be in the wizarding world where everyone was like her, and everyone wanted her company. Tante Elisa had reluctantly joined Elena for she feared for her. But Elena was happy where she was. "I'll be fine Tante, these people sympathize for me," Elena said with a laugh as she checked her trunk to make sure she wasn't forgetting anything. "These are the people I'm supposed to be with. I will miss everyone, Will, Jane, Piper, everyone. But I'm excited."
Tante Elisa just stared at the girl as she sat down on Elena's bed. "But you remember that day…at the studio…when the people came."
Flashback 4 years earlier:
"Allongé, arabesque," Miss Caroline, Elena's teacher said as Elena danced around the room feeling free. It was her life, how she truly expressed herself. "Good, good El. Now attitude. Point your foot, your doing wonderful."
A crash sounded through the studio. Elena stopped in the middle of her pirouette. She ran over to where Miss Caroline was standing what was going on. Who was creating that sound? There was a pounding on the door. What was out there? Faint murmurs were heard from the door before another crash and the door feel. People in black stood in the doorway holding wands. Miss Caroline of course didn't know what was going on, but Elena was fiercely squeezing her locket. The locket Tante Elisa said to squeeze when something bad was happening. Suddenly Tante Elisa appeared in the doorway holding her wand and shooting spells at the people. More people arrived this time they were fighting the first people. Suddenly they all disappeared. The first people being dragged off by the second.
"What is going on here?" Miss Caroline said. She was a Muggle she had no idea what was wrong.
Tante ran over to Elena and grabbed her hand. "No time to explain ma'am, obliviate," she said as she pointed her wand at Miss Caroline's temple. Miss Caroline's eyes went blurry as she lost her memory. "Hurry Elena we must leave here now. Grab your stuff and we will go."
"I remember," Elena said as she sat on her bed next to Tante Elisa. "But Tante, they could have been the good people…or the bad. And right now I'm lead to believe that they were good. They treat me respectfully. They understand what I'm going through. I want to believe them. They all seem nice enough to me." Tante looked at the floor tears in her eyes. "Don't worry Tante. I'll miss you, but I'll write and I'll be back at Christmas. Don't worry Cissa promised that she would take good care of you and Draco would take good care of me. It will all be fine."
"Your right, now go, get ready for school. Your train leaves in an hour," Tante Elisa said as she left the room. Elena stood and stared at the walls of the room that she was staying in at the Malfoy Manor. This place had become her home for the past two weeks she had been there. It would be sad to be leaving yet another place. But she knew she had to attend school and she wanted to attend it also. It would be fun wouldn't it.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Great chapter! My brain is starting to speculate about the whole Slyth-Gryff, prophecy, Voldemort thing and now with the flashbacks thing. Looking forward to your next chapter!
Ooooooooh! New reader! This sounds fantastic!
I'm really excited to continue reading this It sounds awesome! It seems like a wonderful story and I can't wait for more! Keep it coming
Great chapter! My brain is starting to speculate about the whole Slyth-Gryff, prophecy, Voldemort thing and now with the flashbacks thing. Looking forward to your next chapter!
Aww thank you. I'm glad you liked all the random things I added in.
Originally Posted by narnia_potter
Ooooooooh! New reader! This sounds fantastic!
I'm really excited to continue reading this It sounds awesome! It seems like a wonderful story and I can't wait for more! Keep it coming
Thanks Rachel I'm glad you liked it!
Explanation of whats this:
So I was inspired by the amazing La La who writes Enough Trouble for a Lifetime. She includes a list of all the students, students classes, etc. in her story. I used to write out classes and things for old stories and La La's lists in her stories inspired me to do a roster, and possibly more for my story. Here is the roster of Slytherin's 5th-7th year students. If I remember correctly they all came off of HP wiki so are somewhat true. And another chapter should be coming up tomorrow or later tonight
Slytherin 5th Years:
Malcolm Baddock (M)
Elena Black (F)
Flora Carrow (F)
Hestia Carrow (F)
Peter Fiens (M)
Astoria Greengrass (F)
Bridget Harpfield (F)
Holden Ledbury (M)
Xander Lofthouse (M)
Harper Peaks (M)
Alex Sykes II (M)
Ella Wilikens (F)
Slytherin 6th Years:
"Come on El," Draco said as he lifted her trunk on to the train. Elena turned back one more time to where Tante Elisa, and Draco's mum Narcissa were standing. She gave them a wave before turning back to the train and carefully climbing aboard. She was actually going to a school, a real school for the first time in her life. Hogwarts was going to be such an adventure. Elena turned and smiled at Draco. Over the last two weeks he had become like a big brother to her. It would be good to have him there for her, it would be weird, entering school as a fifth year. But she was already friends with half the seventh year Slytherin thanks to Draco. "So you excited for Hogwarts El?" Draco asked her as he carried his trunk, and she dragged hers.
"Mostly," Elena replied quietly. It was exciting but it was different. Her life was going to be so weird now that she was finally going to school. Elena hadn't gone to school for basically her whole life, Tante Elisa home schooled her and she went to a small performing arts school for dance. Elena Black had never set foot on a real school in her whole entire life. Not even a real magical school. How different was her life going to be from now on?
"Don't worry El," Draco said as he helped her by magically lifting her trunk so she wouldn't have to drag it. They walked quickly through the corridors of the train before finally making it to the Slytherin section of the train. In it were a bunch of people that she already knew due to Draco's introductions in the weeks before school started. It was the official Slytherin fifth, sixth, and seventh year section.
"Baby snake," Pansy Parkinson squealed as she grabbed Elena's arm and dragged her to over where she was sitting. Elena sat on the bench patiently while Pansy started braiding her hair. Ever since Elena had meet Pansy she had gotten a little obsessed over the "perfection" of Elena's hair. Elena thought it was crazy though. Her hair was just plain normal brown hair. "Is baby snake ready to Hogwarts?"
"As ready as I'll ever be," Elena said as she waited for some of her fellow fifth years to get to the carriage. So far it was only seventh years and a couple sixth years.
"We're here," Elena spun around to see Daphne and her sister Astoria prancing in the room. More like Daphne was prancing in the room like some horrible ballerina and Astoria was following lead and just walking behind her older sister. "Elena doll, its so great to see you again," Daphne said as she handed out bottles of butter beer to the whole section of students. Daphne popped hers open and said with a cheer, "To another year, my final year at Hogwarts and to out new friend Elena."
Everyone who was in the section of the train cheered just as the train started leaving the station. "Hey Tori, Bridg," Elena said to her two best friends so far, Astoria Greengrass and Bridget Harpfield. The three girls took over a corner of the long section of train. It was going to be a long ride and they wanted to be comfortable. A blanket was pulled out of Bridget's trunk and spread out on the floor in the corner where there just happened to be nothing. The girls sat down in a small circle discussing how there last couple weeks had been.
All the sudden the train jolted to a stop, Draco and Teddy Nott stood up there wands drawn and pointed at the door. In walked a familiar man, it was one of the people at the meeting. Elena was about to say a nice cheerful greeting when there was a hiss in her ear. "Don't," was all that Draco said before turning on the man. "Potter, Weasley, and Mudblood aren't here." The man hastened away to look in other sections. Elena was confused. What was going on and why couldn't Elena be her cheerful self and greet others. That was how she normally acted.
All of the sudden Draco had her by the arm and was dragging her out into the trains corridor where nobody was. "Elena, you can't do that," Draco said as Elena just stared at him making faces. "I'm sorry, I know that is how you act, but others can't know that we are part of the Death Eaters. Or at least I am, but you can't show that you know them. It could be disastrous, I don't know in what ways but that's what I've been told."
Elena sighed and spoke softly, "So if I see anyone from that room they are strangers to me. I mean everyone but you and your family of course. But those random people, some I don't even know their names. All I know is that I've met them and because of who I am I would greet them." Elena stated, that was her personality not Draco's so why did she have to change.
"That's just how it is El," Draco said as they headed back to their section and the train started moving again.
No sooner had they reentered their train section when she was dragged into a huge circle in the middle of the section by Daphne. "Okay friends," Daphne said with an excited look on her face. "Let's play a game, truth and dare, if you don't tell the truth we will know and if that's so…hmmm we will think of a punishment." The girls of the group looked eager while the boys just stared with blank looks on their faces like they had never played the game before. Elena giggled and joined the party though. She was going to have fun with the whole entire group.
"Gemma, Gen, and Elena," Tracey Davis addressed the seventh year Gemma Farley, sixth year Imogen Stretton, and Elena. "I dare you three to go into a first year compartment under the disillusionment charm and pretend to be evil spirits haunting the train." Gemma stood up and tapped her own head disappearing, then did the charm on Gen and Elena. Elena thought it was so cool to be a chameleon. They were such awesome creatures and now she had their powers to blend in with everything and become practically invisible. Awesome.
"Ready you guys," Gemma said as the door opened and Elena walked out hopefully following Gemma and Gen. She did feel bad about the dare a little bit, but it was all part of the fun. It wasn't actually being evil really. They were playing a game. Elena grabbed one of Gemma's hands and one of Gen's hands so she wouldn't lose the girls as they crept quietly to the nearest first year compartment. Gen quietly opened the door and the girls sprung into action.
"Beware we are the ghosts of the Hogwarts Express," Gemma said in a creepy voice as the first years all started shaking and screaming.
Elena grabbed the hand of one of the little girls. "We demand you to give us all your candy or our spirits won't rest."
"The spirits are hungry, very hungry. Give up one of your numbers or your candy," Gen said in her more normal voice.
One of the girls looked up at Gen's voice. "Imogen," the girl cried out. "I know it's you. You really need to learn how to disguise your voice better." The girl stood up and moved in one direction to where she probably thought Gen was and slapped hard.
"Owww," Gemma cried. "That was me not Imogen you silly girl. Why didn't you tell us your sister was in her Gen, we could have frightened other first years without you giving our act away." There was a sigh and suddenly Gemma appeared. Elena went over and tapped Gemma who then did Elena. "You ruined the fun Imogen Stretton so we will leave you now," Gemma said as she exited the compartment Elena on her heels. Elena turned and gave a quick wave to the compartment where Gen was stuck still disillusioned. Gemma then stuck her hand out. "Take your prize El for being an amazing partner in crime." On her hand sat a chocolate frog. Elena took it and the girls ate the chocolate frogs on the way back to their compartment.
The game of truth and dare was still going on when they got back. "Hey you guys! How was it?" Tracey exclaimed cheerfully before doing a head count while Gemma stuck her wand behind her and locked the door. "Wait a minute where's Gen?"
"Well it was fun and we even got the first years scared until Miss Imogen Stretton blew our cover," Gemma said. "Her little sister was in the compartment and recognized her voice so me and Elena left with some chocolate frogs and I have locked dear Imogen out." As if on cue there was a pounding on the door by what looked like nobody.
Rachel Fiens walked to the door and looked out, then she said in mock surprise. "That's funny, I don't see anybody out there." Everyone collapsed in giggles as they continued to play games.
Finally about ten minutes before the train arrived at Hogwarts Gemma walked to the door and unlocked it peering out. "Imogen where are you?" she asked. "I'm ready to take the disillusionment charm off of you." Everybody heard a slap and Gemma cringed in pain. The seventh year viciously tapped the air and Imogen was revealed with a scowl on her face. Gemma was already bruising on her face where Imogen had slapped her, but she quickly healed it.
"Thanks for locking me out half the ride," Imogen said scowling.
"Come on Gen it was just fun and games, we are nearly there so put on a happy face," Rachel said to her friend.
Hilarious! I loved it!
It's nice to see a human side of the Slytherins rather than what we see and read. The truth or dare is such a girlie thing to do but with a bunch of 15,16, and 17 year olds it can get beyond weird and reallly uncomfortable I'm sure it would get interesting.
It was a perfect post! Great job!
Hilarious! I loved it!
It's nice to see a human side of the Slytherins rather than what we see and read. The truth or dare is such a girlie thing to do but with a bunch of 15,16, and 17 year olds it can get beyond weird and reallly uncomfortable I'm sure it would get interesting.
It was a perfect post! Great job!
Thanks Rachel!
I loved writing this post I really wanted to show that Slytherins were humans to and not just a bunch of evil Death Eaters even though that was how some might end up. Hopefully I will get another post up later this week.
I am loving this story so far! The plot is really interesting! Can't wait to see where you go with this!
And the True or Dare thing was just too brilliant!
Post soon!
Hello it's so good to have new readers! I'm glad you like my plot and I loved writing the Truth or Dare. It left ideas for the human side of Slytherins
Also to everyone. I'm so sorry I haven't gotten anything sooner the past few weeks have been hectic and I just finished with some very disappointing dance auditions, but I'm hopefully getting back to my writing now.
Chapter 4:
Elena crowded into a carriage happily with Astoria, Bridget, Draco, Pansy, and Teddy. She was so excited to be finally going to Hogwarts with friends already. The year was going to be amazing, she could feel it already. Excitement filled the air as they chatted in the carriage with smiles filling their faces. Elena was glad she didn't have to get sorted into houses first thing. Professor Snape had made an exception for her, she was presorted into Slytherin and that was how it was all going to stay.
The carriage came to a jolting stop and they all bounded out. Elena stared at the castle, it was so huge and beautiful. "Amazing," she breathed as she entered the school. The inside was equally as amazing as the outside. It was perfect filled with huge staircases and many portraits. She was still gazing through the castle when their walk to the great hall was interrupted by a woman who was at the meeting at the house also.
"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Black, Miss Greengrass, Mr. Nott, Miss Parkinson" the woman said. "The headmaster wishes to see you." Bridget sent Tori and Elena a pleading stare not to leave her, but they had no choice.
The group, minus Bridget, followed the woman while Elena was still trying to remember the name of the woman. The brown wavy hair that was paired perfectly with the piercing green eyes was extremely familiar, and the name was on the tip of Elena's tongue. She elbowed Draco slightly then gave a nod to the woman in front of them. "Alecto Carrow," Draco whispered in her ear knowing what Elena was asking of him. Elena gave him a smile as she continued to follow the woman, who she know remembered was Alecto Carrow.
They came in front of a magnificent mahogany door and Alecto spoke clearly. "Pumpkin Pastries." The door swung open to reveal a very large staircase. "The headmaster is waiting," she said before turning on heel and leaving them. They quickly climbed up the stairs to find another door which opened as soon as the reached it to reveal Severus Snape sitting behind a very large desk with five chairs sitting directly in front of it. He motioned to the chairs and they sat down quickly.
"First of all welcome Elena, I hope your train ride was well," Snape said as he looked over the rest of her friends. "Now I may ask you, why were you not at the prefects meeting. Mr. Malfoy you are Head Boy and you were supposed to help run the prefects meeting. Miss Abbott of Hufflepuff had to cover for you. I expected you to be a role model student."
Draco looked as if he had forgotten all about the meeting. "Professor, I'm sorry I was trying to help Elena feel welcome among the Slytherins," Elena was shot a look after those words that meant she was clearly supposed to stick with that theory. "Plus Tori, Teddy, and Pansy were the only people Elena knew outside of Hogwarts besides Bridget and we didn't want her to be alone. We would have felt to bad." Elena nodded along with all of the words that Draco was saying, because it was basically true. A couple of other Slytherins she had met, but she wasn't friends with them like the prefect squad plus Bridget.
Snape sighed and looked at all of the students. "Ok, well I called you all here, to welcome Elena, scold you, but also tell you about the reinstating of Inquisitorial Squad to help with discipline of Hogwarts. Unfortunately the Dark Lord wishes for Hogwarts to be turned into somewhat of a military school, it is not exactly what I had planned, but we must do as he says."
Elena looked at everyone shocked. A military school. That was not what Hogwarts was supposed to be. It was supposed to be fun and where she could get away from everything that was bad on the outside world. She really wanted to speak up and say that it wasn't fair, but she couldn't. This wasn't what she wanted out of her school. Tori started to speak, "But Professor…"
"Now now, I know this isn't ideal, but it is what we must do so we must deal with it. Now come, it is time for the feast," Professor Snape said as he swept out of the room with everyone behind them as they headed for the feast disappointed about what was to come with the new school year.
Loved it!
I really enjoyed it I love how Snape really doesn't want to do it but 'has' to.
I also loved Snape's last line about the welcome and "to scold" . . . haha loved thoved that
Can't wait for more!