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SSRPG: Stories of a Princess and a Dorkface - Sa13+
Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction)The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
* Banner made by MeredithRodneyMcKay
Hello. I'm Whit, and this is my 4th FF in this section. Second one which is a ficlet. Before I had a thread for Brodin, but now I have one for Tamorin. Tammy (owned by Shanners) and Torin... an example of best friends who fall in love and get married.
Both of us will work on these FFs, which I hope you guys enjoy.
pink really is your colour;
“No, Tammy. For the last time I’m not going to model for you if I have to wear a dress.”
This had to be the 12th time that she had tried to get him to agree to model in a dress, and on top of all the other times she wanted him in female clothes – one being successful – he just didn’t think he could take much more of it.
“Please, Princess? For me?” Tammy adopted a pout, as she tried whatever she could to get her best friend to give in to her. If this failed, she was getting down on her hands and knees in the middle of the clothing store. Did he want her to do that?
And if Savannah Conrad hadn’t told her that she couldn’t make it to the photoshoot, there wouldn’t even be this issue. She would have a model, and she wouldn’t be having to try to compromise with Torin.
“I’ll let you wear a pretty dress.”
“It can be orange.”
“You can wear orange glitter heels.”
And so on and so forth with the occasional poke when he eyed her. He was a bad Princess, and he wasn’t giving in to her. She didn’t really see why either, when he had looked really good in that dress that she had put on him during the alumni ball.
And thinking about that gave her an idea...
Grabbing a dress – yes, it was pink – she reached up and started to try to get it over his head.
“Trust me, Torin... this will be worth it.” Why was he so bloody tall? He was 6’6, and she was only 4’10. It made it almost impossible to get the thing on, and his struggling wasn’t making it any easier for her.
“Get off of me, Tammy!”
“No, this is for your own good.” She was starting to get tired of trying to struggle with him, but she was determined. If he was stubborn, she was stubborn too. And she was a woman, so she could last much longer than him; he was just a weak princess.
With a smile, she kicked him in the knee, and when he reacted, the dress went right over his head. Just like it had last time, and just like it would the next time she wanted him to wear one.
you fail, because you called it SUCKY. Which it is NOT. No.No.No.
“I’ll let you wear a pretty dress.”
“It can be orange.”
“You can wear orange glitter heels.”
Cody: *snickers* Oh c'mon Torinnn, embrace your feminine side, we all know you want to. And you get ORANGE! To match the streak you WILL get in your hair.
He was 6’6, and she was only 4’10.
xD This difference made me giggle like WOAH.
“I always knew that pink was your colour.”
Cody; *snort* Yes Torin, pink is definitely your color, specially when it comes to a dress. You should wear pink dresses more often. *smiiiirk*
I love this fic, I love Tamorin, and I love YOU.
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
First off.... ^^^^ Savs; Ignore HIM and his girlyness. *beats Cody with shoe*
Riiiiiiight so reply time.
And if Savannah Conrad hadn’t told her that she couldn’t make it to the photoshoot, there wouldn’t even be this issue. She would have a model, and she wouldn’t be having to try to compromise with Torin.
First off, Baby girl is FLATTERED she is mentioned. Sav; I should be mentioned more though.
*slaps Savvy*
Grabbing a dress – yes, it was pink – she reached up and started to try to get it over his head.
Savvy says pink is everyone's color. And she wants to model with Torin in matching pink dresses! She would look hotter of course
He was 6’6, and she was only 4’10.
This just.....LMAO.
With a smile, she kicked him in the knee, and when he reacted, the dress went right over his head.
I love her, I really do love her. Wanna know what else I love? YOU <3 As well as Tamorin! I WANT MOOORE
I don't even know Torin or Tammy yet i love this<333
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________ _____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine __________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
*giggles at alumni ball memories*
*s Whit-whit* This . . . is . . . AWESOME.
lol Tamorin and Elizabeth/Robert: height-challenged duos. hehe. And once again it's been made aware why Grayson's "shorty" (even though she's actually two inches taller than Tammy)
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
EEEEEE! *late comment*
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
* Banner made by MeredithRodneyMcKay
EEEE! THAT'S MY BABY! *giggle*
I just wanna say, that the title is amazing, and so is this banner. So thanks to Bestie, and to Sarah. Because they're both beautiful. And I don't know why I'm thanking you, actually. Probably 'cos i'm cool
Originally Posted by wrinkles
pink really is your colour;
Tam: It really is, Princess. Sorry to put a damper on your manliness.
Originally Posted by ma wrinkle
“I’ll let you wear a pretty dress.”
“It can be orange.”
“You can wear orange glitter heels.”
Lori says that Torjojojo should get his act together and stop whining about GLITTER HEELS!
Originally Posted by *giggle*
“Trust me, Torin... this will be worth it.” Why was he so bloody tall? He was 6’6, and she was only 4’10. It made it almost impossible to get the thing on, and his struggling wasn’t making it any easier for her.
Too cute. This height difference thing just makes me giggle, and I drew a stick people picture of it yesterday *SNORT*
Originally Posted by OMFG!
With a smile, she kicked him in the knee, and when he reacted, the dress went right over his head. Just like it had last time, and just like it would the next time she wanted him to wear one.
“I always knew that pink was your colour.”
Tammy: That was NOT my fault. You deserved that kick, Princess.
What can I say? Her height entitles her to bringing people down to her height
Now, I want you to update. Because I just do, and they make my day. As do you. So hurry your little behind up, and post.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Thanks for all the comments, guys.
I'm glad you all find it funny.
And now I have an update, 'cause my best friend wants one.
It's lame, 'cause I'm feeling sickish.
blenders hurt;
Pregnancy was a terrible and evil thing. It was too bad that Torin hadn’t realized this sooner. It would have saved him a lot headaches and concussions. It also would have saved him from having to figure out a million ways to give her cucumbers.
Yes, cucumbers. Tammy had been craving cucumbers for months now, ever since she started to show. Though it seemed that even her craving food didn’t make her happy half the time.
By now he was used to the sound of a plate breaking. So it was no surprise when she practically threw the plate of cucumber sandwiches he had just gave her to the floor. “I don’t want that, Torin! It has cucumbers on it! It’s GREEN! Do you bloody well want to make me sick?!” But then oh, she had been ill earlier anyway because of the morning sickness. And she would be again later too naturally. It was all his fault; he was the one that got her in this state. He was the one that made her a fat, emotional cow.
“I thought that you wanted cucumbers.” By now he didn’t even react when she ruined plates. The way he saw it now, at least she wasn’t aiming them at his head. Or at least she wasn’t this time.
“I wanted a cucumber cake. And you didn’t make me one. You’ve made me one before, so you can make me one again.”
“But it made you violently ill.”
“Doesn’t matter. Not like I won’t throw it up anyway.” And all because of him. Tyvm, hubby. Tyvm.
“But it does matter.”
“Oh, shut up already!”
And with that, she picked up the blender that was on the counter by her, and whipped it at his head making him fall to the floor.
“Er, Princess...?”
Hmm. It probably wasn’t a good idea to hit your husband in the head with a kitchen appliance.
OMG. Inner Annie is like...shocked and at the same time like laughing. You know how evil she could be against Torin. Still, TAMMY...she's epic craving for cucumbers. xD
Well, me...this...is epic and soo like funny, except for the part when he doesn't wake up.
I want moarrsss!!
____________________________staring at the blank page before you... so close you can almost taste it________________________________
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Thanks for the comments, guys. Here's an update. <33
merry christmas. here, have a baby;
CJ had to be just like his father, didn’t he? Tammy thought bitterly as she tried to shield Shana from her brother at the same time that she was making sure that he didn’t crush your legs.
“CODY KANE! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” He was not supposed to be jumping on the hospital bed while she was holding his baby sister who was just a few hours old. “Torin, stop him!” An evil death glare would get him to listen. That, or a hit in a place that would really hurt; she loved threatening him with that one. She did it so often, he KNEW what that look meant.
And that was why she wasn’t surprised when Torin suddenly scooped the kid up, and held him in his arms now. Good. Her husband was a smart man, after learning this lesson the hard way.
But clearly he wasn’t that smart....
“Cody, how about you jump on the bed when mummy’s not looking?” he whispered in the little boy’s ear. At One year and eight months, he was hyperactive, and Torin didn’t want to have to deal with this kid bouncing off the walls on top of the new baby AND his wife who would be sleeping a lot during these early weeks of Sprog’s existence.
He placed the little boy back on the bed again, and watched as the bouncing resumed as if there hadn’t been any interruption at all.
“Torin Kane, you will not have that child bouncing on this bed when I just told you that you needed to hold him.” Bloody twit...
“But he wants to bounce on the bed, and nothing could happen.” Right? He was sure that Sprog would be okay.
“I don’t care what he wants right now, that kid is not jumping on here when I’m tired and holding a newborn baby.” Did he not care about his daughter? Clearly. And after she had gone through all the work of giving birth to the kid. He should try it some time.
It. Was. Not. Pleasant.
The little boy fell off of the bed, and faceplanted into the floor before starting to cry.
“Oops.” Torin said as he quickly scooped the toddler up. Maybe sometimes it was best to listen to Tammy. Not that he’d ever tell her that.
“You’re too stupid to be alive, Torin,” was all Tammy said as she scowled. Like father, like son.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
merry christmas. here, have a baby;
I remember this title coming about ina conversation we had
Originally Posted by my bestie
That, or a hit in a place that would really hurt; she loved threatening him with that one. She did it so often, he KNEW what that look meant.
*blames mother for this nickname XD*
And after she had gone through all the work of giving birth to the kid. He should try it some time.
It. Was. Not. Pleasant.
Her poor christmas chinese would have been lost
Christmas SPROG XD.
The little boy fell off of the bed, and faceplanted into the floor before starting to cry.
Tam: Told you so.
Bestie! Like I always tells you, you're such a good writer, and I absolutely adore reading your updates, also I ADORE how much you get Tammy SO right in them.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
hehe Christmas Sprog. (Sorry. Had to comment on that.)
Poor Torin the punching bag, metaphorically. *pets him* I have a couple charries in my head arguing that he's not stupid. Just possibly without common sense.
And poor CJ, so like his father.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
-_- Whit, I FAIL. I never came back to give you your proper reply to the LAST update. Therefore you get TWO now. HAH.
SPOILER!!: Update 2 remarks
Pregnancy was a terrible and evil thing.
Codes agrees. He says he was scared to go home when Savs was pregnant, and scared to go OUT when Tamzzz was.
Yes, cucumbers. Tammy had been craving cucumbers for months now, ever since she started to show.
Cody: O_o Cucumbers? But Tam those are...ICKY. DON'T BY THEM FOR HER TORIN! She could get like...SICK from fertilizers and all that crud they grow them with!
By now he was used to the sound of a plate breaking. So it was no surprise when she practically threw the plate of cucumber sandwiches he had just gave her to the floor. “I don’t want that, Torin! It has cucumbers on it! It’s GREEN! Do you bloody well want to make me sick?!”
Cody: O_o Good luck man. That's all I have to say.
And with that, she picked up the blender that was on the counter by her, and whipped it at his head making him fall to the floor.
Cody:...THANK YOU TAMMY! You know, I think I'm starting to like pregnant Tamerzzz.
*slaps Cody* Poor Dan.
xD Twas an awesome update Bubbles, I luffed it like WOAH. <3 Just like I love YOU. And Shansey. AND YOUR CHARRIES!
And noooow, for ze NEW update.
“CODY KANE! STOP IT RIGHT NOW!” He was not supposed to be jumping on the hospital bed while she was holding his baby sister who was just a few hours old.
*snickers* Sounds like something his namesake would do.
That, or a hit in a place that would really hurt; she loved threatening him with that one.
Cody: *huffs* Me thinks Tammy just likes threatening people in general. *eyes her*
But clearly he wasn’t that smart....
Cody: FINALLY someone agrees.
“You’re too stupid to be alive, Torin,” was all Tammy said as she scowled. Like father, like son.
Bubbles, this is by far my favorite. <3 It really is. I lovesss ittttttttt! <3 Post more soon, mmkay lovely? *snogs*
_________ _________________________________________ღღღღღღღღღღ
Let them point and laugh at who we are, it's you and me here dancing from the start
I actually squeaked when I read the bit about Torin getting hit with the blender.
*I* thought it was funny sorry Sugar, but my inner Sarah was not happy with Tam!
And THIS....
Originally Posted by Youuuu
“You’re too stupid to be alive, Torin,” was all Tammy said as she scowled. Like father, like son.
Made me giggle!snort.
It's so totally not true....