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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction)The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.
As some of you may know, I'm Katie and I rp Oliver Greenwood in the school rpg.
This is my first ever FF and I'm rather nervous about it. I like to have you lovely people bounce off when I'm writing so I kinda feel alone here. ..so go easy, 'kay?
Anyway, this not really a diary or a journal.. it's more thoughts and flashbacks of Oliver's life growing up. Just like him, it's not in any logical order..
Entry Number 1: The Psychologist
So I'm no expert, believe me, but sticking a hyperactive seven year old in a room with nothing to do but write down his thoughts is a very bad idea. I think my mum knew it too, judging by the nervous gulp and the hesitation before she agreed to allow it. This woman in her tailored suit with her perfect teeth and perfectly manacured nails could be trusted. She was a professional and certainly looked the part: a highly paid, highly qualified upstanding member of society... and what were we? Tallulah, as much as her first name suggested, was about as exotic as her second name: Broadmoor – as in Broadmoar Prison Hospital, that high security muggle mental institute for the criminally insane.
We lived in a small two bedroomed council flat in London back then. This was a few years before the work started – the pulling down of those massive ugly dilapidated 1970s concrete tower blocks which, according to the council, were an eyesore against the cosmopolitan, rich and tourist focused backdrop that London was becoming.
I feel at this point, I must warn you, you'll find this happens a lot when I begin to write: my mind will wander and so will my writing. It's that recessive Attention Deficit gene if there is such a thing – nothing is ever very coherent inside my brain.
Where was I? Oh yeah! The Psychologist.
So there I was, locked in this tiny room with nothing but a desk, a notebook and a pencil. There was a large mirror on one side of the room which I know now was there so I could be 'observed'. They could see me, but I couldn't see them. The stark room was lit harshly by one long strip light across the centre of the ceiling. I remember looking up at it and wondering how long I would have to stare at it before I went blind. But then my eyes started to hurt and I looked away, blinking back the lights that danced in front of my eyes. I didn't really want to go blind. It was then that the mirror caught my attention. Ignoring the notebook and pencil, I began to pull all sorts of stupid faces , giggling gleefully at my reflection. Well, I was seven – I'm not going to apologise for being a child.
About thirty minutes passed and I eventually picked up the pencil and began to doodle in the notebook. I think I drew a tractor or a train.. something mundane anyway – I have no idea what that says about my psychological well being, except that I was a bored kid, but again, I'm no expert. It was about another thirty minutes before the tears started. I'd been in there for what seemed like an age. I thought they'd forgotten about me. They'd all gone home to their cosy homes and I would be there all weekend. Mum would have her feet up, watching Coronation Street with a glass in her hand by now. The workers here would come in on Monday morning to find nothing but a child sized skeleton and a pile of clothes. It all got a bit much and I wet myself, I regret to say – I couldn't help it... but it was the final straw. With emotions rising high, I smashed the mirror - only not with an object. I did it purely with the power of my mind. Derren Brown would have a field day.
It was kind of satisfying at the time. The tears stopped immediately.
On the other side of the glass sat the psychologist and my mother. We left soon after that and never went back again. I thought my mum would be angry, but I was happy to find that she was in a unusually upbeat mood in the car, and spent the journey home enthusing about magic and Hogwarts. I thought at the time she had gone loopy because she had never spoken of such things before. She took me for McDonalds for dinner and she never does that. Apparently, I wasn't a squib, whatever that was; I was a wizard – quite a powerful one if the mirror was anything to go by. My mum was over the moon.
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGM! *squeals so loud you die of ear drum failure or something*
So to start off - Poor Oliver
Originally Posted by N'awwww
It was then that the mirror caught my attention. Ignoring the notebook and pencil, I began to pull all sorts of stupid faces and giggled gleefully at my reflection. Well, I was seven – I'm not going to apologise for being a child.
ROFL Of course he'd sit there and make faces at himself.
It all got a bit much and I wet myself, I regret to say – I couldn't help it...
He says it so nonchalantly
Originally Posted by Hehe!
I thought at the time she had gone loopy because she had never spoken of such things before. She took me for McDonalds for dinner and she never does that. Apparently, I wasn't a squib, whatever that was; I was a wizard – quite a powerful one if the mirror was anything to go by. My mum was over the moon.
Aww... he's so kyute! Njaw.. was that his first magic? Much more tame than blowing up a cat.
Oooh! And one more thing - when did he write this? Layk.. how old is he?
Tehehe! I'm such an AWESOME stalker
I love you so, so, SO much and look forward to your next entry [rather.. the more poking I do, the fast it'll beeeee]
It's amazing. Shush. Your amazing.
Love you so,
Lexy <3333
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE <----that would be in bigger text if I wasn't on the Ipod
Anyway as I was saying OMG it's amazing what are you talking about, write more or your minion will abandon you, yeaaaaah threats Gosh I feel like Trixie. Well anyway Trixie agrees and you can't let her down can ya??? *batters eyelashes* Is this going to turn into an essay?? Yeah well I adore it and have read it like 4 times now, I'm gonna take this to the hairdressers
Oh and I'm going to join Lexy with the poking because I can and I agree with everything she says
Because you are amazing and awesome (as the siggie suggests) and we love you suu much
...because I was stalking other people's VMs. *pouts at you not linking me to this*
*squeals* OLIVER's very own FF...can't wait for you to post more!!!!
It was then that the mirror caught my attention. Ignoring the notebook and pencil, I began to pull all sorts of stupid faces and giggled gleefully at my reflection. Well, I was seven – I'm not going to apologise for being a child.
Why can I see Oliver's 17-year-old self doing that too?
We've rped once together I think...when I had Teeg, it was like the first time I had rped her...and it was with this Oliver kid...
But I love him!
And you!
-pitches tent-
I'm staking out until you update again.
That's a strong hint to update, I think.
Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________ "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGM! *squeals so loud you die of ear drum failure or something*
So to start off - Poor Oliver
ROFL Of course he'd sit there and make faces at himself.
He says it so nonchalantly
Aww... he's so kyute! Njaw.. was that his first magic? Much more tame than blowing up a cat.
Oooh! And one more thing - when did he write this? Layk.. how old is he?
Tehehe! I'm such an AWESOME stalker
I love you so, so, SO much and look forward to your next entry [rather.. the more poking I do, the fast it'll beeeee]
It's amazing. Shush. Your amazing.
Love you so,
Lexy <3333
heeehee! Thank you!
He's so laid back about major things.. and he doesn't embarrass easily.
Yes, it was his first ever magic. He's probably in his late twenties, early thirties here. His voice in this is a lot more mature anyway. But more of his humour needs injecting into this I think..
I love you! And thank you! <333
Originally Posted by Squishy ♥
EEP! You have a FF for Oliver! Or Pinky as he's called.
That is really good. I like it so far.
Thank you, Whitz!
SPOILER!!: Lottie! <333
Originally Posted by feltbeatslover22
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE <----that would be in bigger text if I wasn't on the Ipod
Anyway as I was saying OMG it's amazing what are you talking about, write more or your minion will abandon you, yeaaaaah threats Gosh I feel like Trixie. Well anyway Trixie agrees and you can't let her down can ya??? *batters eyelashes* Is this going to turn into an essay?? Yeah well I adore it and have read it like 4 times now, I'm gonna take this to the hairdressers
Oh and I'm going to join Lexy with the poking because I can and I agree with everything she says
Because you are amazing and awesome (as the siggie suggests) and we love you suu much
Your minion, Lottie xox
Thank you so much! I intend to write a lot more.. though you know what a procrastinator I can be.
I can't believe you actually toook it to the hairdressers with you! That's so.. embarrassing sweet.
More to follow.. I promise.
Originally Posted by ChloeeCloverr
Oliverr has a Fannnficcccccc.
*sets up camp*
I shall be stalking and Oh.
Thank you so much, Chloe! <333
Originally Posted by Lislchen
...because I was stalking other people's VMs. *pouts at you not linking me to this*
*squeals* OLIVER's very own FF...can't wait for you to post more!!!!
Why can I see Oliver's 17-year-old self doing that too?
I didn't link anyone.
Thank you!
He so would. He'll never truly grow up. hehe!
Originally Posted by Hermioneah
Great! Post more
Thanks, love. I will. <333
Originally Posted by As.Is
We've rped once together I think...when I had Teeg, it was like the first time I had rped her...and it was with this Oliver kid...
But I love him!
And you!
-pitches tent-
I'm staking out until you update again.
That's a strong hint to update, I think.
Oh gosh! This is so appreciated -thank you!
He's completely nuts, really.
Entry Number 2: Cameron
(In order to do her the justice she deserves, the words of Cameron's in this chapter are mostly her own (or her owner Lexy's) taken from a previous rp just before she and Oliver were about to start fifth year at school.)
It's so clichéd. You see it on TV, in the movies, or you read about it in some trashy romance novel. When you meet someone you like, like, really, like, there's supposed to be fireworks and fluffy bunnies and 'lets all hold hands and sing about world peace' shizz, and you just know that you like them then and there. If you'd told me the day I met her that I would end up asking her to the school ball a year later I would have snickered annoyingly at you and probably flicked your nose for being a complete numpty.
My first ever meeting with the girl I would come to adore was a total disaster. When I think back on it, it makes me both cringe but also want to laugh hysterically. They are memories I'd like to obliviate from my mind yet at the same time, I know it's a story I will one day revel in retelling just for the laugh it will undoubtedly receive, so, for now anyway, I'm going to steer clear of any dodgy memory charms.
We were both in the Quidditch shop on Diagon Alley shopping for school supplies, and me being rather obnoxious and self centred back then, didn't notice the petite redhead as I positioned myself between she and the vast display of Quidditch gloves, blocking her view completely. I didn't hear her clear her throat nor take in her exasperated, “Excuse me.” I took a step back to get a better look at the display and crunch! I stepped right on the girl's toe with the heal of my foot.
“OW!” Came the pained shriek from behind. I turned to face the girl, eyes wide as I gazed from her round pale face to her crushed flat toe. Merlin's pants, it was bleeding! “Holy..” She breathed. “I'm... I'm bleeding... holy... oh dear god." She hopped a bit and looked kind of funny but I somehow managed to restrain myself from laughing.
"I'm sorry." I said looking at her toe. "Are you okay?" The question while trying to appear concerned, was rather empty - I just expected her to say yes like most normal human beings would even if they aren't. But I hadn't counted who I was dealing with here. This, as I would find out later, was Crazy Cammy – a stereotypically fiery redhead who had a permanent scowl etched to her misleadingly sweet and innocent looking façade. She was far from a normal human being - she was much less mundane than that.
"Let me think!" She whispered harshly. "I feel like I'm about to throw up and my toe feels like I've just had a ten tonne elephant step on it. So no, I'm not okay but that's fine! You just keep on day dreaming!” She was breathing rapidly like she was about to have a panic attack and I knew then I couldn't just leave her. I might have been a self centred idiot, but I still felt guilty for hurting her. It was MY fault – I had to at least try and help. It's just rather a shame I found it impossible to keep my mouth shut when clearly a situation warranted it. “Your foot would look like a dog's spewed up breakfast if an elephant had stood on it.” And I smirked! SMIRRRRK. - I always do that! I have the ability to find amusement in the most serious of situations. Sometimes it can help; mostly it just infuriates.
"TECHNICALITIES!1!1!1" Toe!Girl spat back almost hysterically, "I suppose I should be glad I didn't have an Elephant stomping around and just a really unobservant idiot!"
Wow. She was harsh and yet sort of funny too. She and I had something in common. I smiled but decided for once in my life to keep schtum and not respond. She needed to calm down quietly. Besides, people were starting to look over at us and I felt colour start to rise to my pallid cheeks. “Um.. You mind if we go outside?” I asked her. Don't get me wrong, everyone who knows me knows I love being the centre of attention – just not when some crazy chick with a wounded toe was yelling hysterically at me. It was kinda embarrassing.
Toe Girl paused for a moment and eyed me as if contemplating my request. I did wonder why I asked her. I could have just left then and would probably never have seen her again. She looked up into my eyes and said sulkily with a pout, “It hurts..” and grabbed hold of my arm. She clung to me and I supported her as she limped towards the exit. She was an utter drama queen. Merlin, you would think she had broken her leg by the way she was moving. She was totally milking this. “Acting skills like that? You should be on stage, red.” Smirrrrrk. Idiot!Boy - If I could get hold of a Timeturner, I would go back and smack some sense into myself.
She looked up at me with brown eyes blazing and scowled that scowl I would somehow one day come to find endearing. “Great. Just what I need. An idiot with a smart mouth and no brain. And seriously, sweets, Red is suuuu unoriginal.” She rolled those strangely appealing dark eyes of hers, and I decided to keep my gob closed on this one too.
Toe Girl had managed to achieve what many before her had failed at. I guess I knew then I liked her...
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Hehe. How have I NOT come across this yet?!
I, and Lori, can picture Oliver pulling faces at himself even as an old GREY man *snooooort*
And then I totally AWWW'd over the Cameron stuff XD. Because I know what it ends up as... Or so what it is right now haha! LAWLL!
It's so great KatieKat, you know I love your writing an your Oliver hehe. Write moooooore!
I was literally ROLLING ON THE FLOOR gasping for breath. It was SOO FUNNY! DUUUUUUDE, it was funnier reading this than it was before
And this.. this.. was priceless!
Originally Posted by YOUandyourmegaawesomeness
She looked up at me with brown eyes blazing and scowled that scowl I would somehow one day come to find endearing. “Great. Just what I need. An idiot with a smart mouth and no brain. And seriously, sweets, Red is suuuu unoriginal.” She rolled those strangely appealing dark eyes of hers, and I decided to keep my gob closed on this one too.
You can RP Cam for me
So, so, so, so, so well-written. I CAN"T WAIT FOR MOAR. *pokes you to write moar*
We must RP soooooooooooooooooooon, because I mish you
Captain Awesome?_________________________________ _________________________________.....Fidget works too.
I, and Lori, can picture Oliver pulling faces at himself even as an old GREY man *snooooort*
And then I totally AWWW'd over the Cameron stuff XD. Because I know what it ends up as... Or so what it is right now haha! LAWLL!
It's so great KatieKat, you know I love your writing an your Oliver hehe. Write moooooore!
I really don't know...
I really can't imagine Oliver as an grey old man. But you're right, he'll still be the same.
Aww.. thank you. For two socially inept humans, they can be rather cute at times.
But the Cam parts are mostly Lexy's rping awesomeness.
Thanks, Shann. I've started the next part.
Originally Posted by Lexers
This is AMAZING.
I was literally ROLLING ON THE FLOOR gasping for breath. It was SOO FUNNY! DUUUUUUDE, it was funnier reading this than it was before
And this.. this.. was priceless!
You can RP Cam for me
So, so, so, so, so well-written. I CAN"T WAIT FOR MOAR. *pokes you to write moar*
We must RP soooooooooooooooooooon, because I mish you
I thought you might appreciate this. And the real funzors is yet to come.
Pfft.. That's rich coming from the likes of you.
Oh no. .no thanks. I could never recreate the awesomeness of Crazy Cam. I could never do her justice. <333
It's coming soon...
Edit: And yes we must! I've got more time to spend on SS now so, yeah..