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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction) The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.

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Old 05-23-2010, 09:25 AM   #126 (permalink)
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haha I love it!!! PAMS! PAMS! PAMS!

Last edited by Lily<33; 05-23-2010 at 09:26 AM. Reason: Typo...I know I barely wrote a thing and istill manage to screw up haha :)
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Old 05-25-2010, 06:53 PM   #127 (permalink)
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Default New Chapter!!!
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WOW!!! I have a new reader... This is awsome... This chapter goes to you Sarah...The Love You Too Crew welcome you! (cool that rhymes)
Hope you like the surprise!!!

Chapter 17

"Morning!" I said to Hermione as I walked into the kitchen.
"Good Morning" She replied handing me a cup of coffee.
"Are the boys up get?"
"They're awake, but whether they're up, I couldn't tell you." She smiled. "We have our letter is from Hogwarts." She said handing me an envelope.
"So you and Ron." I said to her. "Are you like..."
"Together? Yes." She blushed. I laughed and she joined in.
"Harry told me it was inevitable." I smiled.
"What about me?" At that a sleepy Harry walked into the kitchen.
"Hey sleepy." I smiled . Then suddenly and unexpectedly, he pulled me up to him and kissed me in front of Hermione.
"Eww. Get a room. Its far too early for that." Ron hand joined us.
"Oh is it?" Hermione looked at him.
"Its never too late for you Hermione." Ron said pecking her cheek. That was too weird for me. I couldn't help but stare though. I never thought I'd see the day, - Ron and Hermione. I'll just have to get used to it. She handed him a plate with a roll and bacon.
"Harry, what are you having?" Hermione asked him.
"It ok. I'll get myself sorted." He pulled me against him as he leaned against the worktop. I burried me face between his shoulder and neck inhaling the 'Harry' sent. He wrapped his arms around me and put his hands in my back jeans pockets.
"Am I missing something?" Ron asked Harry while attempting to chew a mouthfull of food.
"What?" Harry replied not seeing what he was getting at.
"You two are all lovey dovey." He said. I turned me head to face Ron.
"We're making up for last nights lost time together, Ron. Though when we have an audience like you and Hermione sitting watching us, we have to contain ourselves." I told him. Hermione laughed, Harry kissed my hair , Ron scoulded and continued to stare at Harry.
"What''s wrong Ron?" Harry asked him.
"Harry, what's right? Man, thats you and my sister,and your like touching and stuff, and right in front of me." He took another bit of his roll. "Plus I'm trying to eat and thats just sickening." He said with his mouth full.
"Ron, Do you know whats really sickening? You eating like such a pig." I told him, then burried my head between Harry's shoulder and neck again. He kissed my cheek so I kissed along his collarbone and up and down his neck discreetly, knowing Ron and Hermione would not care to watch the intemacy.
"Are you two going to eat?" Hermione asked.
"Ok Hermione. I'll get something the minuet Ginny lets me go." Harry told her. I squeezed him tighter and he hugged me tighter too. I let him go and joined the other two at the kitchen table. I sat in the seat beside Ron. This way, I had a good view of Harry. He seemed to notice because as he poured himself a cup of coffee, he asked "Ginny Weasley, Are you checking me out?"
"Why, does me eyeing you up bothered you?" I questioned him back. He responded with a smile.
"Ok, I'll ask nicely. Please stop this." Ron pleaded. We obliged.
"Gin, what do you want to eat?" Harry asked me
"Just top up my coffee." I told him. He gave me a stern look then sat a plate of toast and jam in front of me.
"Eat!" He told me.
"Fine then." I huffed then stuck my tough out at him. He sat down between Hermione and me then began munching on his own toast.
Hermione began to speak. "So here's what I was thinking, we start at Florish and Blots spend a few hours there," we all stoped and looked at her.
"Hours!" Harry, Ron and I said in unison.
"Ok then, an hour there. Ron has to go to Olivanders to pick up his wand as it is getting repaired, again..." She made and face and Ron smiled. He was obviously quite chuffed with himself that his wand has had to be repaired on six diferent occasions over five years. Goodness knows how many times he'll end up breaking it this year! "... then I thought we could pop in to see Fred and George at the joke shop and then..." Harry interupted
"Oh Hermione," Harry sighed. "We all really know why you want to go to the joke shop. To get some of the new love potion." Harry and Ron burst into laughter, Hermione went red and I shook me head and gave Harry my 'Evil' eyes. He shut up aburptly. "That wasn't very nice, Harry." I told him. He pouted.
"Sorry Hermione." He told her. She smiled.
"...Then," she continued, "I thought, we all need new robes so we'll go to Madam Malkin's, then we can go to the apothecary's and finally we could go to Honeydukes and anywhere else we need to go."
"Thats all." I asked her. We all laughed at the sarcasim.
"Thats all." She confirmed smiling.
Ron, Harry and I opened our envelopes, as Hermionie already had. "I'm head boy!" Ron shouted. "Look, look, I'm head boy!" He hollered waving his letter and badge.
"And Guess what?" Hermione said with a smug expression. I knew what was comming. "I'm head girl!" She beamed.
"Corgratulations you two." I said giving them both a hug. I glanced at Harry who's smile widend as he read down the piece of parchment. He looked up at me and smiled. "Let me guess, Quiditch Captain." He nodded grinning form ear to ear. I gave him a hug and kiss. Ron went to tell mum and dad the good news. "I feel so left out." I complained to Harry and Hermione. "I'm the only a prefect. I didn't get anything special."
"Umm, Gin, correction, you got me." Harry laughed flattering himself. "And that is special"
"Yeah I know. I shouldn't complain." Harry silenced me with a kiss but then quickly broke away at the sound of my mothers rejoices, telling Ron how pround she was of him as she walked into the kitchen. He tried to manover me out his arms but I casually leaned my back against his body and took his arms and wrapped them around me. I played with his fingers as my mum and dad congratulated Harry, Ron, Hermione and I. Harry kissed my hair and brought his lips to my ear and whispered, "I love you, Ginny Weasley." I held his head beside mine and turned my head to whisper back, "Love you too, Harry Potter."

We travlled to Diagon Alley shortly after breakfast. We began out quest around the busy shops at Florish and Blots, just as Hermione had planned. I had seven different books for all my classes. There was a new Defence Against the Dark Arts book which this year did not have the Ministry's stamp of approval surprise, surprise. I not too good at DADA, but Harry had promised to give me privet lessons as the Dark Arts are his strong subject. He could probably teach DADA instead of our terrible teachers. Ron had left to collect his wand from Olivanders and said he would meet us at Fred and Georges.
Fred and George, as usuall, wound Ron up but before leaving gave us each a bag full of goodies. I'm sure mum will be very pleased. We bought our new robes from Madam Malkin's then headed to the apothecary's for some school equiptment and the headed to the sweet shop where, Ron spent the remainder of his money. We all got ice cream and sat at one of the outside tables. The sun began to set and we all decided to head to the nearest fireplace.
"OMG... Lavender Brown. The girl in the year above us. No way!" Someone said shocked. "But she's only ever been with that Weasley." I turned around to see a young group of girls from my year who I seen before but didn't know their names.
"Sorry. Whats that about my brother?" I asked them as the rest walked on.
"Why, Didn't you hear?" The girs asked. I shook my head. "Lavender Brown is pregnant!"

Tell me what you think...I should post again before or on Friday, so watch this space!!!
Sophie x
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Old 05-25-2010, 07:25 PM   #128 (permalink)

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OMG! I spell trouble! Ahhhh whats going to happen, what what what??
ohh i wanna know more
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 05-25-2010, 07:38 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Dum dum dummmmmm omg !!!!!!!!! Pams pams pams !!!!!!!
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Old 05-25-2010, 08:10 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Heythanks for the dedication XD ! OMG!!! Lavender's pregnant!?!??! That's NOT good! Especially for Ron and hermione's sake! Ooooo...Mrs. Weasley AND Hermione AND Ginny are gonna KILL Ron!!! Uh-oh! *camps out* waiting for the new post! Please don't kill Ron yet, it'll ruin the if that's possible!
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Old 05-25-2010, 09:34 PM   #131 (permalink)
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I knew this would happen, I just had a feeling!!!! HAHA
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
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Old 05-25-2010, 10:54 PM   #132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Morag View Post
"Eww. Get a room. Its far too early for that." Ron hand joined us.
Well, they did try to Ron... You're the one who stopped them...
"So here's what I was thinking, we start at Florish and Blots spend a few hours there," we all stoped and looked at her.
Bahahaha, sooooo like Hermione
. "Lavender Brown is pregnant!"
*Coughs and gags* WHAT!!?? Pregnant? By Ron?? Better not be! Holey moley!
Great post!!! PLEASE PAMS!!!
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Old 05-26-2010, 09:54 PM   #133 (permalink)
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PAmS! PAMS! PAMS! I can't wait till Friday
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Old 05-27-2010, 05:03 AM   #134 (permalink)
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Wow! Talk about dropping the bomb! What is Lavender doing? Trying to get Ron killed? It would be so like her to start a rumor like that! I'll be watching for your next post.
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Old 05-27-2010, 11:55 AM   #135 (permalink)
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quill Wee Quick Message :)
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Hi Girls. I promise to post tomorrow :)
And my new reader, I just assumed that your name is Sarah... Is it???
Cauz My name is Sophie but my profile name is Morag.

S x
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Old 05-27-2010, 12:06 PM   #136 (permalink)
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No my name isn't Sarah I just like that name a lot and it's my hogwarts RPG name. My real name is Lauren. I can't wait till tomorrow! Your an amazing writer Sophie. XD
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Old 05-28-2010, 02:46 PM   #137 (permalink)
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what was that!pams...when you can......
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Old 05-28-2010, 10:37 PM   #138 (permalink)
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Ok girls. I know I promised a post but I'm at my friends and my parents wouldn't let me take my laptop and my next post was saveed on my laptop...sorry I'l try posting tomorrow.
S x
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Old 05-28-2010, 10:44 PM   #139 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by morag View Post
ok girls. I know i promised a post but i'm at my friends and my parents wouldn't let me take my laptop and my next post was saveed on my laptop...sorry i'l try posting tomorrow.
S x
pams pams!!!!
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Old 05-29-2010, 04:21 PM   #140 (permalink)
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It's okay just post soon XD can't wait PAMS!
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Old 05-29-2010, 04:39 PM   #141 (permalink)
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Default New Post..... This one goes to Katie.... Thanks for the idea :)
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Hi girls. Sorry about the delay for the post. I've decided that I must dedicate this post to Katie who is such an inspirational young writer and who after many days of writers block, gave me an idea to keep me writing....Thanks Dear :D

Post 18

"Well, I'll tell you something. My brother, is not the father of that child if thats what your all thinking." I stated very clearly.
"Well who is?" She fired back. I didn't have an answer. "Thought so." She smirked.
"Well you obviously don't know my Brother. But what I know is that you are such a sleezy little gossip with nothing better to do with her time than talk about other peoples lives because your own is too boring." I was so angry. She was implying such nonsense about my brother. Who does she think she is?
"Well, you are his sister," She cackled "why don't you just ask him?" The girls all laughed.
"Gin, Are you ok!" I turned to see Harry run back through the crowed to me. "Geez, Gin, you look like you've seen a ghost. Whats wrong?" He hugged me close.
"I don't know." I said completly shocked. I snapped out of the trance I seemed to be in. "Harry, did Ron ever sleep with Lavender Brown?" He was shocked at the question.
"Why?" He asked puzzled.
"Just answer the God dam question, Harry!"
"No, He never said anything to me about her. I honestly doubt it Gin. He's always been too head over heels about Hermione. Why'd you ask?" He asked.
"Because Lavender Brown is pregnant."
"No way!"
"Yeah. You should say something to Ron, 'cause as far as I know, he doesn't know about it." We fell out of the fireplace at the burrow to Ron and Hermionie kissing way to passionatlly for public view. "Ron, we need to speak to you."
"Whats up?" He said pulling Hermione down beside him and putting his arm across the back of the seat behind her. Harry sat on the edge of the loveseat and I paced up and down the room, wondering if the roumer was at all true. "Ron, did you knock up Lavender Brown?!" I managed to blurt out.
"What?" He asked with a very puzzled expression.
"Ron, is this true?" Hermione stood up looking at him. She looked so hurt.
"Of course its not true." He said standing up taking her hands in his. She started to cry
"But... but if people think that.. then." She sobbed.
"Ginny, why would you ever say something like that?" Ron asked me.
"Because, Ron, a group of girls were talking about it in Diagon Alley." I barked back at him.
"Ron, mate listen to me but as far as I was concerned you hadn't ever, like you know, did it."
"I haven't, honest." He answered Harrys question but gave the answer to Hermione, who was looking for some sort of reasurance.
"So why are people saying this Ron?" I asked him.
"I don't know." He pulled Hermione into a tight hug , looking for protection, who shrugged away from him.
"I'm sorry Ronald, I just can't look at you right now." She walked up the staris and we all heard her room door close as she wailled.
"Ron." He looked up as I spoke. "Maybe you should phone Lavender and find out whats going on. I don't suppose you'll want to be see with her tomorrow on the train. God knows what sort of roumers peoples would start if they seen you two talking!"
"I don't know." He said, with a very dissapointed expression.
"Look, just phone her!"
I handed Ron the house phone which he was reluctant to dial.
"Hello, Lavender." He said into the receiver. I heard her gush into the other end of the phone. "Umm, I'm actually phoning you see I heard something and..." She had cut him off. "But Lavender, it can't be me. We never had..." Again she cut him off.
"Don't be so bloody rediculous..." Cut off again "Well Lavender is is inhumanly possible for me to be that childs father. So just stop telling people it's me!" He slammed the phone down.

************************************************** ************************************************** ****************
I had major writers block after writing the first part of this chapter. There was so many ways I could go with the storyline. Katie told me to think small first and she gave me the idea to right Lavender POV in the phone call between her and Ron. It was difficult for me to get into her shoes. You see I'm such a Ginny Weasley even in real life, so I know its only small but here you go...

The phone was ringging and I rushed to pick it up. It was probably another friend congratulating me about......the good news. I still can't bring myself to say it.
"Hello?" I spoke into the reciever.
"Ronikins, is that you? Oh is so lovley you called." I knew exactly why he'd called.
"Oh so you heard. Isn't it sooo good. We can be together again." I gushed. I was extatic he had phoned. I was also happy I didn't have to break the news to him. Then I got angry. He started telling me he's not the father. How dare he!
"Actually Ron-Ron, we did. And I'm so hurt you didn't remember our first blissfull night together." I sobbed into the reciever. He told me I was rediculous.
"Ronikins!" I cried. "You are the one being rediculous. You are this baby's father! Who else would it be" He started to shout. I could hear the anger in his voice. It scared me a little. The phone went dead. It was a sudden defening silence. I put the phone down and stared at my tummy. What had I done?

************************************************** ************************************************** *********
"Ginny, its not me." A tear escaped from his eye. "I just lost Hermione and everyone thinks I'm about to father a child to a girl I never even had..."
"Shhh" I cut him off giving him a big bear a hug and he stayed with my arms wrapped around him for a few minuets trying to calm him, telling him it will be ok. "Don't tell mum, please Ginny."
"Shh" I rubbed his back "I won't."
"I need to see Hermione." He told me. "Just to explain things."
"Ok." I told him. He turned to the stairs. "Ron. She may not feel like talking. So if not give her some space."

So what did you think???
S x
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Old 05-29-2010, 04:47 PM   #142 (permalink)
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Oh I forgot to ask but could you tell me if you want me to pm you when there is a new post or if I shouldn't bother, Thanks...
S x
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Old 05-29-2010, 05:17 PM   #143 (permalink)
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Great chapter Sophie!!!!!
You are very welcome!!

I liked the way Ginniy comforted Ron, bear hugs rule!!!!!!!!

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Old 05-29-2010, 05:29 PM   #144 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Morag View Post
Oh I forgot to ask but could you tell me if you want me to pm you when there is a new post or if I shouldn't bother, Thanks...
S x

Personally, I'm good. We talk to eachother enough outside SS!!!! You can just tell me

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Old 05-29-2010, 05:39 PM   #145 (permalink)
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Good chapter, Soph! So, why is Lavender lying? And who is the father?? PLEASE PAMS!
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Old 05-29-2010, 09:55 PM   #146 (permalink)

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good chapter
gahhhh, interesting
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 05-30-2010, 06:10 AM   #147 (permalink)
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Hello Sophie, it's a sad thing when girls feel like they need to do things to keep a boy interested in them, or what they resort to in trying to keep them if they think they're loosing them.
I put the phone down and stared at my tummy. What had I done?
This was a very good thing for Lavender to question herself on, and I hope she can come up with an honest answer for herself, then work on righting the wrong she made.
"Harry, did Ron ever sleep with Lavender Brown?" He was shocked at the question.
"Why?" He asked puzzled.
"Just answer the God dam question, Harry!"
Poor Harry! He should have walked away from her. That tone and swearing was uncalled for, and unjustly demanding. I guess Ron isn't the only one that needs to learn tact.

I hope Lavender gets herself some help if she really is pregnant. She's awfully young to be a mother by herself. And I'm not suggesting an abortion or anything horrid like that. She just needs help.

I'll be watching for your next chapter.
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Old 06-01-2010, 01:21 AM   #148 (permalink)
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great chapter PAMS PAMS PAMS
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Old 06-02-2010, 03:32 PM   #149 (permalink)
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Post 19....I think....

"Geez, Harry, I've never seen Ron so depressed." I told him while I chopped some carrots.
"I know. What a shame. Did he say if its true? Did him and Lavender really do it?" He asked.
"They didn't Harry." I frowned at him for even asking such a question. "I thought you knew Ron better than that!"
I left the dinner to cook and decided to go and see Hermione. "I can't imangin things have gone to well." I told Harry.
"Have a bit more faith in them than that." He replied. "I'm sure its not as bad as you think."
Harry waited in my room. I didn't think Hermione would want an audience if she started crying or getting argry or something. I knocked lightly on the room door. There was no answer so I peeped my head around the door. Hermione was currled up in Ron's arms that he had wrapped tightly around her waist. Hermione's face was blotchy and tear stained. They were sound asleep in each others arms. I walked over and pulled the covers over them. Hermione let out a sigh, and streched slightly but turned around in Ron's arms and place her own around his neck and burried her head in his shoulder. I believed him. There's no way he slept with Lavender. Sure, he was stupid enough to go out with her but I know him well enough to know he would never ever sleep with her!
I went into my room to change into my pyjama trousers so I was comfertable. Harry was sitting on my chair when I entered the room. "Hey." I said getting changed
"Hey." He said as I began tidying up my room.
I was a little anxious and I don't know why. Maybe it was the fact Lavender was spreading such a terrible rumour about my brother or maybe it was the stress I was starting to feel about this years important exams. I rushed quickly downstairs to check on the dinner just as mum came back from doing another food shop. What else does she do? I told her what to do with the dinner because she just had to take over. I was too tired to be botherd with anyone and decided I needed alone time with Harry. I climbed onto his lap as he sat on my chair and snuggled up close. He put a finger to my chin and pulled my face up to his. He kissed me gently once, twice, three times and smiled.
"Ginny." He whispered in my ear.
"What is it." I said kissing along his colar bone and up his neck.
"I'm about to ask you something, that involves you and I want an honest answer."
"Ok, try me." I kissed his passionatly and turned around in his lap, wrapping my legs around his body pressing myself closer to him. He broke away.
"Move into Grimrauld place with me next summer."
"You've already asked me last week." I said and continued to kiss his face.
"Yeah, but I got the impression you were just going along with it because we were all loved up and just back together."
"I thought we were still loved up? And long may it continue, and yes, I was agreeing to anything you were saying." Staring into his eyes.
"So...." He said
"So what?"
"Your answer."
"I'll have to think about it." I watched for his reaction.
"Ok" He said with an emotionless expression, though there was a hint of dissapointment in his voice. Silly boy.
"Harry, kidding. You know I want to move in with you."
"So you can really see us with a future?"
"Harry, I told you before, I won't have a future if your not in it." And at that he kissed me. It was a romantic moment. My lips tingled againt his and my body went warm at his touch. I could feel the sparks in the air, and I knew at that moment we'd be together, now and forever.

Tell me what you think.... And could you also tell me if you want me to send you a personal message whenever I post.... Thanks
S x
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Old 06-02-2010, 03:49 PM   #150 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Awe, that was sweet. I loved this post! And I'm glad that Hermione and Ron worked it all out. And Harry and Ginny are precious together Great post PLEASE PAMS!
Oh, and if it's not a bother, I would like you to PM me when you post, but only if it's not a bother
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mature story , romance

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