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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction)The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.
Hello Sophie, I wonder if Harry and Ginny might run into Dudley and his gang at the place Harry's going to take her. That would be interesting. I'll be watching for your next post.
Ohmigosh! That outfit sounds cute, Ron and Hermione?!?! Hahahaha, that really cracked me up. Nice job! I really liked it, haha! I almost commented again on the outfit, I guess I like it
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
Originally Posted by Cassiopia Malfoy
Ohmigosh! That outfit sounds cute, Ron and Hermione?!?! Hahahaha, that really cracked me up. Nice job! I really liked it, haha! I almost commented again on the outfit, I guess I like it
That outfit is one of my own actually. I like it too.
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Bahaha, funny
Oooooh, is he going to run into Dudley or something??
Fantastic post! PLEASE PAMS!!
Originally Posted by Connie
Hello Sophie, I wonder if Harry and Ginny might run into Dudley and his gang at the place Harry's going to take her. That would be interesting. I'll be watching for your next post.
Connie and Emily... I now have a dilema. Thats not what I've got written for the next post Don't worry though, I'll see what I can do!
Originally Posted by harita
pams when you can...
I'll see what I can do, I'm rather busy and I'm in BIG trouble 'cause apparently I was bad so my internet time is limited Plus I'm running as the SNP Candidate at school for the mock elections, (I must be insane or something ) and I haven't even started on my manifesto and the debate is on Thursday... I need to get a move on...
Thanks for reading and commenting. Just to let you all knoe that their is another competition post coming up, so keep your eyes pealed!
Sophie x
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
I rewrote some of the chapter in the space of 10 minuets to accomidate Connie and Emily's idea, so I hope it's ok...
Well Done to Evangeline!
Chapter 11
The restaurant was nestled in a small village, near where Harry used to stay with they Dursleys I suppose. We were seated at a table at a window that looked out onto a beautiful golden field. Harry smiled at me while gazing deep into my eyes. I smiled at him looking back. "What are you thinking, Harry?" I asked him with a skepctic look on my face.
"Just how utterlly beautiful you are." He told me in his matter-of-fact voice. I blushed at his admiration for me and rolled my eyes. We were interupted by a tall brunette woman.
"Hi, my name's Evangeline, and I'll be your waiteress tonight." She told us. "Can I get you anything to drink?"
I spoke first. "Umm, could I have a butterbeer please." Harry stared wide eyed at me for across the table. I looked back wondering what was wrong.
"Excuse me?" Evangeline asked puzzled. "Say that again."
"Two lemonades please." Harry said quickly to the waitress.
"I'll be right back" Evangeline said.
"Are you serious Gin?" Harry laughed. I was still puzzled. He helped me out "Ordering a butterbeer in a muggle restaurant." I realised my mistake.
"She must think I'm crazy!" He just laughed, then took my hand in his.
"I love you Ginny." He kissed my hand. I blushed.
The waitress, Evangeline soon came back with lemondae.
"So, what do muggles drink when they go out? Cauz we have butterbeer, pumpkin juice, firewhisky and stuff"
"Coke, Lemonade obviously seeing as it is a drink you can order here! Umm... thers lots of different drinks."
"Do muggles drink coffee?" I asked.
"Yes Gin, muggles drink coffee." He smiled
"Then I could be a muggle." Harry just shook his head while smiling
Lunch was most enjoyable. Harry had fajitas, something we both had never had before. Harry told me to close my eyes and pick something at random off the menu for him. He let me try a bit of his because I was greedy enough to ask. It was great. It was a wrap sort of thing. It was hot. A very exotic dish. Not something mum makes.
I had a sandwitch and soup. It ofcourse was not as good as mums.
Harry paid the bill and left a tip. He stood up and took my hand and we went to leave. "No way!" I said astonished at the sight.
"Whats wrong?" Harry asked putting his hands on my shoulders and looking at me with a worried and anxious expression.
"Boy!" uncle Vernon yelled pointing his short, fat, sausage-like finger at him. "What are you doing here?!"
"For lunch. And anyway, I could ask you the same thing." Harry shouted back. I squeezed his hand. I know his uncle Vernon was the last person on Earth he could be bothered about but I knew it was hurting him inside.
"Harry, lets just go." I whispered, not wanting to say anything to upset anyone.
"Who's this, Potter! Your little girlfriend?" Dudley spat the words at him. He held out his sweaty hand and went to ruffle me hair. "Who the hell do you think you are, You disgusting child?" I spat back at him. He droped his hands and smirked. Harry put an arm around my waist, trying to guide me out of the restaurant.
"Who do you think you are?" A small skinny lady with a long drawn face stepped out behind the Dudley's bulging body. "Ginerva Weasley, pleased to meet you." I smiled and held out me hand. By this time we had quite an audience. She glanced down at me hand and pretended to choke. "You little witch." She sneered.
"That is correct." I smiled. Mrs. Dursley turned on her heel to leave and her husband and son waddled behind her.
"I wouldn't bother leaving." Harry said to them as they walked out. "We've just finished." The family stopped in their tracks and Harry put his arm around me and guided me past them.
We arrived back to the burrow at three, a good hour before everyone. It gave us time to start packing our trunks for school. Mrs.Delacour, Fleur and Gabrielle came trailling in behind my mum with far too many shopping bags. The Delacours certainly shopped untill they dropped! Mum however came back typically with a few bags of grocerise and went straight to the kitchen to begin on dinner. "What would you all like for tea?" she asked.
"Mum, Harry took me out for lunch and we're only just back so can I have something later instead."
"How nice of you Harry!" Mum beamed "Did you have a nice time? Where did you go?" She was rather haappy that Harry and I were now together again.
"Yeah, We had a lovely time" I said as Harry put his arm around me and I cuddled up to him on the loveseat in the corner of the living room. "It was a muggle restaurant somewhere near where Harry used to stay with the Dursleys I think?" I looked up at him to see if I was correct. He nodded then kissed my hair. I squeezed him tighter. I could tell he didn't want tobring up our little meeting with them.
"It was so funny though," Harry began, "the waitress asked us what we wanted to drink and Gin asked for butterbeer. The waitress just looked at her." Everyone was laughing except a perticular Delacour girl. What was her problem?
All of a sudden, Gabrielle jumped to her feet and pulled out her wand and pointing it towards me and Harry. She yelling a spell and while my slow reflexes still didn't register what was going on, Harry threw me onto the floor with him on top of me. The spell hit the family picture on the wall which fell and the glass shattered everywhere. I heard Hermionie shout "stupify" then came running over to me and Harry to make sure we were ok. Everyone else seemed to stunded to say anything. I got up unhurt and so did Harry.
"What the hell are you playing at, you stupid idiot." I screamed at her before anyone could say anything. She glared back with a wicked look in her eyes.
"Are you ok, Honey?" Harry pulled my face around to his and held it there in his hands.
"I'm ok, Are you?" I asked wrapping my arms round his body.
"I'm ok too" he said then kissed my hair.
"What is your problem, Gabrielle?"
"You and Aarry" She sneered picking up her wand and waving it at us when she said our names before tucking it away in her pocket.
"Excuse me?"
"Ok girls please!" My mum said not wanting to cause any tention between the two families.
"No mum, I'm not not going to say anything. She can't just go about pulling out her wand becauze she wants what she'll never be able to have. Don't be so flipping jelous, Gabrielle! come on Harry, I can't be in the same room as her." I stormed upstairs to my room, followed by Harry. I slammed the door.
"This is terrible, me being forced to leave a room in my house because of some phsyco." I told him angrilly. There was lots of shouting in French downstairs.
"Look on the bright side, Gin. Your stuck in your room, with me all to yourself." He smiled
"I could take advantage of that." I said as I pushed him onto my bed. He pulled me with him and kissed me, long and passionatly. His lips were urgent against mine. We continued like this for several minuets before we broke away. We both lay back on my bed. He had his arm around my shoulder and I cuddled up close to him. After my heartbeat had slowed I turned around to face him and knelt on the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him enthusiasticlly. He put his arms around my waist and pulled my body closer to his and kissed me back with, if not the same, more force. He kissed my cheek and down the side of my neck. It was amazing. Total bliss.
However, whenever something like this is happening and both Harry and I are just getting into it, we are almost always interupted. I heard someone gasp. I looked up bewildered at the fact that someone just decided to waltz into my room without knocking. To my surprise, it was Gabrielle. I ignored her standing in the doorway and pulled Harry up so we were sitting upright, and so she could see everything I had and she didn't. Ok, I was being *****y but I can't help myself. I kissed Harry with as much passion as I could. He responded by pulling me tighter against him. His skin was warm and soft against my fingertips. We broke appart and looked to where Gabrielle was standing. Not only was she there, so was Ron and Hermionie. They stood with their mouths hanging open. We both laughed. I got up and closed the door on them, then returned to Harry's arms.
Wish I Was In Florida! | The Avengers | Music | HP Boxset - my life since Xmas! | Luna Lovegood
This was fantastic Sophie.
Good luck for SNP on Thursday.
I can't wait, it will be very funny. ( Everyone that doesn't go to our school, I am the Green Party)
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you. And I'll keep you a daydream away, Just watch from a safe place, So I never have to lose.
Hello Sophie, I am so sorry, and I feel so bad, but you misunderstood me. I would never ever suggest to a writer what to write about, unless the writer was stumped on what to write about and specifically asked for suggestions. It is your story, your writing it, you write it the way you want. It is natural for readers to think of things that they would like to see happen when the story is written well enough for the readers to get into it, such as yours is. So, if ever I say anything again, please don't change your story to accomadate what I say. Most of the time it doesn't work. But, you did very well with how you handled it. And I might add that Ginny handled the Dursley's great! I'll be watching for your next post.
Awww what a great...Long chapter
I really liked it!
Awwww The Dursleys....annoying!!!
Ohhh that Gabriella, she's mean and stubborn!!
Cant wait for more
Haha i like my name in there
♥♥♥♥♥__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________♥ ___________________Look Who's Back.
I rewrote some of the chapter in the space of 10 minuets to accomidate Connie and Emily's idea, so I hope it's ok...
Originally Posted by Connie
Hello Sophie, I am so sorry, and I feel so bad, but you misunderstood me. I would never ever suggest to a writer what to write about, unless the writer was stumped on what to write about and specifically asked for suggestions. It is your story, your writing it, you write it the way you want. It is natural for readers to think of things that they would like to see happen when the story is written well enough for the readers to get into it, such as yours is. So, if ever I say anything again, please don't change your story to accomadate what I say. Most of the time it doesn't work. But, you did very well with how you handled it. And I might add that Ginny handled the Dursley's great! I'll be watching for your next post.
I'm with Connie on this one, too. I didn't mean for you to change your story. I think we were just trying to guess at what might happen. Everything Connie has said, I agree with, so I'm not going to retype it and take up space on your ff... So, I'm reaaaallllyyy sorry you misunderstood me and rewrote your chapter. On that note, the chaoter was super duper good!
"Umm, could I have a butterbeer please." Harry stared wide eyed at me for across the table. I looked back wondering what was wrong.
"Excuse me?" Evangeline asked puzzled. "Say that again."
Bahahaha, funnnnny! This makes me want to go ask for a butterbeer at a restaurant and see if they know what I'm talking about.
"Boy!" uncle Vernon yelled pointing his short, fat, sausage-like finger at him. "What are you doing here?!"
Bahaha, I can totally see him saying this too! Well done with the characterization!
All of a sudden, Gabrielle jumped to her feet and pulled out her wand and pointing it towards me and Harry. She yelling a spell and while my slow reflexes still didn't register what was going on, Harry threw me onto the floor with him on top of me.
Dude, what is her problem?! Ugh! She needs to get over herself!
We broke appart and looked to where Gabrielle was standing. Not only was she there, so was Ron and Hermionie. They stood with their mouths hanging open. We both laughed. I got up and closed the door on them, then returned to Harry's arms.
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
SPOILER!!: Comments
Originally Posted by emilyblack
I didn't mean for you to change your story. I think we were just trying to guess at what might happen.
It was a great idea and I was able to incorparate it into my story
Originally Posted by Connie
Hello Sophie, I am so sorry, and I feel so bad, but you misunderstood me. I would never ever suggest to a writer what to write about, unless the writer was stumped on what to write about and specifically asked for suggestions. It is your story, your writing it, you write it the way you want. It is natural for readers to think of things that they would like to see happen when the story is written well enough for the readers to get into it, such as yours is. So, if ever I say anything again, please don't change your story to accomadate what I say. Most of the time it doesn't work. But, you did very well with how you handled it. And I might add that Ginny handled the Dursley's great! I'll be watching for your next post.
Like I said to emily, It was a great idea so if you do have an idea, I don't mind suggestions.
Originally Posted by KatielovesHP
This was fantastic Sophie.
Good luck for SNP on Thursday.
I can't wait, it will be very funny. ( Everyone that doesn't go to our school, I am the Green Party)
Well Done today at the debate!
Chapter 12- Part 1
Another competition
"Ginny" I heard someones muffled voice. "Ginny, Dear" I opened my eyes quickly to my mums smiliy face. I noticed Harry beside me. He smiled sleepily at me then looked at my mum. "Would you like to come down to the kitchen. I've made some sandwiches and you haven't eaten since lunch today." Mum said. I yawned, nodded my head then streached. "Ok. We'll be down in a minuet." Mum disappeared out the room and I turned to face Harry. "Good evening Miss Weasley, did you sleep well?" He asked.
"Well obviously Mr. Potter. I was asleep in your arms after all." I told him, kissing him on the cheek then wrapping my arms round his neck and hugging him tightly. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, I did and after all, I did have you cuddled close to me."
"Ok," I told him getting up and pulling him with me, "We are far too soppy." He laughed and followed me downstairs to the kitchen.
Part 2
Ron was not pleased from what he saw earlier and when all the adults left to go into the living room he glared at me and Harry from across the table. "Ok," I said breaking the silence, "Who wants coffee?"
"I'll have one." Harry said
"Yeah thats not all you want." Ron growled at Harry from across the table.
"Ron," I butted in getting two muggs from the cupboard "Must I remind you what I walked in on this morning when I was looking for Harry?" He ignored the question and grunted at the blackmail "Well do I?" I liked my angry tone. It gave my more athourity. I laughed inside to myself.
"Ginny, I know what you saw, and maybe you didn't like it but it was nothing like that!" He said quite exasparated.
"Actually it was. We at least had clothes on!" I barked at him.
"Well you might as well not have, Ginny 'cause that was far to..." He struggled for words, "...intiment."
"Oh, Ron. Get over it!"
The conversation was interupted by someone entering the kitchen "Ginee, Aarry. I am to say sorry." It was Gabrielle who had spoke.
"Ok." I told her in a blank tone voice.
"I ope we can start ovour."
"No." I told her. She began to plead with me. "No." I told her again. "You can't just randomly curse innocent people." I had no patience for the girl. She finally left the room. I collected the plates and cups. I washed the dishes and Hermionie dryed them. There was a clear tention between Harry and Ron even though Harry was at least making an effort but a sluky Ron wouldn't give up his little act. Right, I'm going up to bed. I need my beauty sleep if I'm going to be walking down the isle with the two beautiful people."
"Gin, You always look beautiful." Harry told me. Ron made noises as if to pretend he was being sick.
"Are you trying to imply something about my beauty, Ronald?" I asked him.
"Of course not Ginerva!" He replied, pretending to be appaled that I would ask such a question.
"Coming Harry?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He said "Night Ron," Harry held out his hand to Ron who instead of shaking it, gave him a man hug. "Night Hermionie" Harry gave her a hug and so did I. Despite my annoyance with Ron, I gave him a hug and kiss on the forehead. I can never stay mad at Ron. He is my favourite brother, and best friend.
Harry took my hand and lead me upstairs. He kissed me at my room door. "I'll let you get changed." He told me "It means I can get changed too."
"Ok" I kissed him quickly and went into my room and changed.
Tell me what you think and like the last competition, can you leave your name (or desired character name) and a comment, Ta x
Hahaha, I loved this line. It was totally true, too
"Well you might as well not have, Ginny 'cause that was far to..." He struggled for words, "...intiment."
Bahaha, becuase you and Hermione weren't intimate at all, were you Ron?
"No." I told her. She began to plead with me. "No." I told her again. "You can't just randomly curse innocent people." I had no patience for the girl. She finally left the room.
Bahaha, Loving this part. And I love how stubborn Ginny is
"Are you trying to imply something about my beauty, Ronald?" I asked him.
"Of course not Ginerva!" He replied, pretending to be appaled that I would ask such a question.
Okay, so I know I sound like a broken record, but... I love this! I love how they have now turned to using full first names. So totally siblingish
Hello Sophie, It was a very nice post, and when Gabrielle entered the kitchen and said she was to say sorry, I was wondering if she would have if she wasn't told to. At first I didn't think she would have, but when she asked to start over and plead when Ginny said no, I had second thoughts.
This part, I think is my favorite part of the post:
"Yeah." He said "Night Ron," Harry held out his hand to Ron who instead of shaking it, gave him a man hug. "Night Hermionie" Harry gave her a hug and so did I. Despite my annoyance with Ron, I gave him a hug and kiss on the forehead. I can never stay mad at Ron. He is my favourite brother, and best friend.
And the reason I love it so much is self explanitory. Good job, and I'll be watching for your next post.
Wish I Was In Florida! | The Avengers | Music | HP Boxset - my life since Xmas! | Luna Lovegood
Sophie I love this so much!!!!!!
I love Harry so much, and Ginny obviously, but Harry!
She should start over with Gabrielle, only my opinion. But I guess with all the fighting, we get a laugh!
Have a nice weekend at St. Andrew's!!!!!!!
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you. And I'll keep you a daydream away, Just watch from a safe place, So I never have to lose.
sweet...poor...Ron...what he saw was well...whatever it was...his reaction was hilarious to the previous post...and it is but obvious that he was so mad at her and yet think what he and Hermione were up to was nothing... ...
pams when you can...
OHMIGOSH! RON QUIT OVER REACTING! Haha, I love yelling at characters! Oooh, it was absolutely lovely! Everything I missed! I love Ginny she's soo funny!
Ruadh gu brath! | | Friendships are better than normal Ships
SPOILER!!: comments
Originally Posted by emilyblack
Bahaha, Loving this part. And I love how stubborn Ginny is :)
A bit like me :D
Okay, so I know I sound like a broken record, but... I love this! I love how they have now turned to using full first names. So totally siblingish :)
Siblingish... I love that word lol!
Great post!!! PLEASE PAMS! :) Thank you
Originally Posted by Connie
This part, I think is my favorite part of the post:And the reason I love it so much is self explanitory. Good job, and I'll be watching for your next post.
I like that part of the post too. I was quite a good post to write. I was on a roll that day :)
Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3
Good chapter, i likey
Ahhh Ron you meany!!!!!
More soon please
I think most big brothers are like that!
Originally Posted by KatielovesHP
Sophie I love this so much!!!!!!
I love Harry so much, and Ginny obviously, but Harry!
She should start over with Gabrielle, only my opinion. But I guess with all the fighting, we get a laugh!
Have a nice weekend at St. Andrew's!!!!!!!
I know you like Harry, Katie Dear. But you know as well as I do, we can't always get what we want :(
I had a lovely time at St.Andrews thanks. You'l never guess who turned up! It was a lovely surprise. Gran had a really lovely time too!
Thanks for the comments guys,
Chapter 13
Harry was already changed and backdown to my room before I had even got my pyjamas from under my pillow. Once I was changed, He sat on the chair in front of my window that overlooked the orchard and pulled me onto his lap. We could see the giant white marquee that had been set up for tomorrow.
"I am in dire need for a shopping trip to Diagon Alley." I told him. "Me and Ron have got no school supplies and Hermionie usually comes with us so I think the four of us should go in not tommorow but the next day." I said.
"Sounds like a plan." Harry said.
I rested my head on his shoulder and put my arms round his neck. He smoothed my hair down "I thought you were getting your beauty sleep?" He asked me. "Not that you need it but..."
"I don't want to go to sleep. That was just an excuse so I could get you all to myself." I turned my head to face him. He leaned in a kissed me softly and I kissed him back. He pulled me in closer to him I turned around in the small seat so my whole body was facing him. I kissed him with so much passion and enthusiasm. I pulled him up so we were standing and continued kissing him as we moved to my bed. I pushed him down and he continued kissing me. I ran my hands under his t-shirt and pulled it off. "I love you, Ginny." He whispered against my neck as he kissed it.
"Love you too, Harry." I told him bringing his face up to mine and kissing him on the lips.
We continued this blissfull moment into the early hours of the morning.
My alarm clock was making loud noises. It was time to get up. I reached over to switch it off but instead found Harry's head. "Harry, time to get up." I told him
"No, not yet, Gin" He complained and cuddled me tighter.
"No Harry. I need to get up. The hairdresser arrives in 30 minuets and I need to get to the shower before all my brothers. You should follow my example and get a shower before all of then too. Ron especially- he takes forever."
"Just five more minuets" He pleaded.
"I'll shout on you when I get out so you can get in after me." I told him.
I was 20 minuets in the shower. I was told by Fleur, not to wash my hair as the hairdresser was to do that. I dryed myself quickly and pulled clean underwear and my housecoat before running back into my room and a peacefully asleep Harry. "Harry" I shook him gently and kissed his hair. "Harry, the bathrooms free."
"Mmm... Ok... Five minuets...Gin" He murmmerd turning round in my bed and putting an arm around my waist, attempting to pull me under the covers.
"No, Harry, now!" I said. He stumbled out of bed. I caught him before he fell over himself and he found his balance. He hugged me tightly and kissed me quickly and gently on the lips. "I need to go now 'cause the hairdresser will be here, but I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast."
"Ok, see you soon." He said before kissing me on the cheek and leaving the room.
I walked down to the living room where Fleur was sitting in the chair in front of the hairdresser. Mrs.Delacour and my mum had already had their hair done. Mrs.Delacour had her short blonde hair curled. She wore a turquoise fasinator. Mum had her hair in rollers overnight. The curls were gathered one by one and pinned ontop of her head. It was really beautiful. Instead of a had or a fasinator, she wore a hairband of small purple flowers. The colours matched her complection beautifully. I obviously got the good looking gene from my mum.... Just kidding.
"Ginny!" My mum shouted in horror. "What happend to you? You're lips are swollen. I mean they're purple. Please don't tell me you were eating Fred and George's joke sweets. Goodness knows whats in them." She tutted and shook her head. I knew what was wrong with my lips. I'd been kissing Harry most of the night.
"Ok then, who's next?" interupted the hairdresser. She had finished Fleurs hair and it was very pretty. Her hair was in a neatly pulled back into a complicated and intricate bun. She was very pretty, but then again Fleur is a natural beauty.
I sat on the seat. "So what do you have in mind" She asked Fleur.
"I was leaving zat to you." Fleur said before leaving the room with her mum.
"Ok then" she said playing with my hair. "So," she asked me "Whats your name? I'm Emily"
"I'm Ginny." told her
"Nice to meet you, Ginny. What relation are you to the bride?" Emily asked
"She's marrying my brother."
"Aww, how nice" Emily said "So your the soon to be sister in law, how nice." My hair was curled and some of it was pulled back. My tiara was very simple. It was a hairband with freshwater pearls.
Harry walked into the room levitating a tray of teas and coffee. He offered Emily a cup then gave me a coffee and a peck on the cheek. "Merlins beard," Emily said shocked "Its Harry Potter!"
"Hello. Its nice to meet you." Harry held his hand out politly and Emily shook it. She took a sip of her tea then continued with my hair placing the tiara in my hair
"Have you got your dress robes sorted?" I asked Harry who was reading this mornings edition of the prophet. He looked up from the paper
"Yeah, its all ready. I just need to put them on." He told me.
"Well off you go then." I told him. "I'll still be here when you get back."
"I'll be two minutes." He told me. He came over and kissed my cheek. "Love you, Gin" he said walking out the room.
"Love you too, Harry" I called after him.
"So when's you big day?" Emily asked. "I'll give you a discount 'cause I've did you hair before."
"Oh no. We're not getting married. We're still at Hogwarts" I told Emily "Someday, Yes but we're not even engaged."
"Really!" Emily said surprised. "You know you to have so much chemistry. I don't know if you felt it but I deffinatly felt sparks in the air."
"Well I'll give you a phone if we end up setting a date." I told Emily