Originally Posted by
D.A Forever
Oh woah, MJ. You always leave me speechless!

This is absolutely brilliant. I truly did miss the stories you come up with in the time you were gone (but of course I missed you the most)

I can't wait, the kids are going to escape and fight to get Jason back! Eeeeeek! *bounces*
P.S Aurelius is
precious <3
I missed you too
* P.S Arigato he is*
Who are you calling a shrimp so small that you have to use a magnifying glass
to even see him!!! -Edward Elric The children were extremely glad to be helping, to be part of something. As I looked at the children I think this was one of the few times we all felt useful. I wasn’t completely sure if it was only me, but I felt like we were a family, the only family I had.
“Akari, earth to Akari…”
I suddenly realized that I had begun to space out. I blushed and looked at the children who were now staring and giggling at me.
“Sorry I was just thinking.”
“When aren’t you thinking, anyway back to the matter at hand. Now that we have a list some of these spells seem to be complicated…”
“I now what you mean, there are some that seem complicated.”
I looked at the list.
Accio (Summoning Charm)
Description: This charm summons an object to the caster, potentially over a significant distance
Aguamenti (Aguamenti Charm)
Description: Produces a jet of water from the caster's wand.
Description: Used to open and/or unlock doors, but doors may be bewitched so that this spell has no effect.
(Anti-Cheating Spell)
Description: Cast on parchment or quills to prevent the writer from cheating whilst writing answers.
Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse)
Description: Causes a jet of green light, and a rushing noise; the curse causes instant death to the victim. It leaves no mark of death. There is no known counter-curse or blocking spell (with the exception of the curse striking another Avada Kedavra spell mid-flight, negating both), although the caster can be interrupted, the victim can dodge the curse, hide behind solid objects (which burst into flame when hit by it), or, if the casting wizard is not sufficiently competent, the curse may be completely ineffective. It is one of the three Unforgivable Curses; the use of this spell on another human being can earn the caster a life sentence in Azkaban.
Description: This charm creates a flock of birds that pour forth from the caster's wand. When coupled with Oppugno, it can be used offensively.
(Babbling Curse)
Description: The Babbling Curse is not fully understood but it is presumed to cause a person to babble whenever they try to speak.
(Banishing Charm)
Description: Opposite to "Accio".
(Bedazzling Hex)
Description: Similar to a Disillusionment Charm, it can be used to conceal a person or an object. Is also used to make invisibility cloaks.
Cave Inimicum
Description: Spell used to strengthen an enclosure from enemies.
(Cheering Charm)
Description: Causes the person upon whom the spell was cast to become happy and contented, though heavy-handedness with the spell may cause the person to break into an uncontrollable laughing fit. Felix Summerbee created the spell.
Description: Magically locks a door, preventing it from being opened by Muggle means.
Confringo (Blasting Curse)
Pronunciation: Kon-FREEN-goh
Description: Causes anything that the spell meets to explode in flames.
Confundo (Confundus Charm)
Description: Causes the victim to become confused, befuddled, overly forgetful and prone to follow simple orders without thinking about them.
(Conjunctivitus Curse)
Description: A curse that causes great pain to the victim's eyes.
Crucio (Cruciatus Curse)
Description: Inflicts unbearable pain on the recipient of the curse. The effects of the curse depend upon the desires and emotions of the character – to produce the "excruciating" pain implied by the name, one must desire to cause pain purely for its own sake or for fulfilment. The extreme pain inflicted by the curse when cast so – without any apparent evidence of physical harm – makes it uniquely suited as a form of torture. This pain has included the sensations of flaming bones and a head that was split open by crude methods without sedation. One of the three Unforgivable Curses.
Description: To make things sink, or go down.
Diffindo (Severing Charm)
Description: Cuts rope, chains, etc
(Disillusionment Charm)
Description: Causes the recipient to become invisible, or close to it.
Description: Makes the object hard.
Engorgio (Engorgement Charm)
Description: Causes objects to swell in size.
(Entrail-Expelling Curse)
Description: Presumably causes the entrails (i.e. intestines) to be ejected from the body.
I looked at the children with a confused looked. “Who suggested or knows the entrails-expelling curse?” I asked a little scared. A hand went up into the air and I looked at Nunually I had to say I was surprised and shocked or was that the same thing? “I did, I read it in one of the books Madison had.” I gave them both a curious look and then went back to looking at the list.
Description: Used to heal relatively minor injuries. When this spell is cast, the person feels his/her injured body part go very hot and then very cold.
Description: Used to make an object stand
Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm)
Description: Conjures an incarnation of the caster's innermost positive feelings, such as joy, hope, or the desire to survive, known as a Patronus. A Patronus is conjured as a protector, and is a weapon rather than a predator of souls: Patronuses shield their conjurors from Dementors, and can even drive them away. A Patronus "cannot feel despair, as real humans can, so Dementors can't hurt it." The conjured Patronus protects the witch or wizard that summoned it, obeys his or her commands, and fades away shortly after it is no longer required. When conjured, a Patronus appears silvery, ethereal, and semi-transparent. Improperly formed Patronuses range from momentary formless bursts of silvery mist, to poorly-defined forms that are easily defeated or quickly dissipate on their own. A full-fledged (or corporeal) Patronus takes on a fixed animal form that is often significant to the witch or wizard casting the charm. Patronuses summoned by a particular person have been known to change, although this has only been observed in the books in cases of unrequited love. In these cases, the new Patronus takes on the form of an animal associated with the love interest. They would not need Patronuses'. According to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, the Charm is also the only known defensive spell against Lethifolds.
Expelliarmus (Disarming Charm)
Description: Produces a jet of scarlet light. This spell is used to disarm another wizard, typically by causing the victim's wand to fly out of reach. It can also throw the target backwards when enough power is put into it. If it hits, or gets close, to another spell, if powerful enough, it will deflect the spell, causing it to hit its caster. As demonstrated in Prisoner of Azkaban, simultaneous use of this spell by multiple witches or wizards on a single person can throw the wizard back with much greater force.
Description: A spell that causes an object to explode. The force of the explosion may depend on the intent of the caster.
Description: Creates a bandage and a splint.
(Fidelius Charm)
Description: A charm involving secret information hidden within the soul of a Secret-Keeper. This information is irretrievable until the Secret-Keeper chooses to reveal it; those who have the secret revealed to them cannot reveal it to others.
(Fiendfyre Curse)
Description: Dangerous, uncontrollable and extremely powerful fire which can take the form of beasts such as serpents, Chimaeras and dragons.
Finite Incantatem
Description: Negates many spells or the effects of many spells.
(Flagrante Curse)
Description: Causes any object affected to burn human skin when touched.
(Flame-Freezing Charm)
Description: Causes fire to become harmless to those caught in it, creating only a gentle, tickling sensation instead of burns.
(Flying Charm)
Description: Cast on broomsticks, and (presumably) magic carpets to make them fly.
(Freezing Charm)
Description: Renders target immobile.
Furnunculus (Furnunculus Curse)
Description: Causes the target to become covered in boils.
Description: Creates a duplicate of any object upon which it is cast. As revealed by the goblin Griphook, any copies created are worthless.
(Gemino Curse)
Description: Whenever an object affected by this curse is touched, it duplicates itself into many useless copies to hide the original. To add confusion and eventually fill the surrounding area with copies, the copies also duplicate.
Description: Causes the steps on a stairway to flatten and form a ramp or slide.
(Hair Loss Curse)
Description: Causes one to lose one's hair.
(Hair-Thickening Charm)
Description: Thickens one's hair.
(Homorphus Charm)
Description: Causes an Animagus or transfigured object to assume its normal shape.
(Hot-Air Charm)
Description: Causes wand to emit hot air.
Impedimenta (Impediment Jinx, Impediment Curse)
Description: This powerful spell is capable of tripping, freezing, binding, knocking back and generally impeding the target's progress towards the caster. The extent to which the spell's specific action can be controlled by the caster is not made clear. If this spell does bind, it does eventually wear off.
Imperio (Imperius Curse)
Description: Causes the victim of the curse to obey the spoken/unspoken commands of the caster. The experience of being controlled by this curse is described as a complete, wonderful release from any sense of responsibility or worry over one's actions, at the price of one's free will. Resisting the effect of the curse is possible, however, and several individuals have been able to successfully overcome it, you are able to resist the curse after being subjected to its effects for an extended period. One of the three Unforgivable Curses.
(Imperturbable Charm)
Description: Makes objects such as doors impenetrable (by everything, including sounds and objects).
Description: Ties someone or something up with ropes.
Description: Produces fire. Flames burst out flying.
(Intruder Charm)
Description: Detects intruders and sounds an alarm.
(Jelly-Fingers Curse)
Description: Causes the target's fingers to become almost jelly-like to make it impossible for the victim to grasp objects. If the opponent touches a wall, he/she will be stuck to it forever.
(Jelly-Legs Jinx)
Description: A jinx that renders its victim's legs temporarily useless, leaving him/her to wobble around helplessly until the effect wears off or the counter-jinx is performed.
Description: Glues the victim's tongue to the roof of his/her mouth. Created by Severus Snape.
Description: Allows the caster to delve into the mind of the victim, allowing the caster to see the memories, thoughts, and emotions of the victim.
Description: The victim is dangled upside-down by one of his/her ankles, sometimes accompanied by a flash of white light.It can be used both nonverbal or verbal
Description: The counter spell to Levicorpus.
Locomotor Mortis (Leg-Locker Curse)
Description: Locks the legs together, preventing the victim from moving the legs in any fashion.
Description: Creates a narrow beam of light that shines from the wand's tip, like a torch.
Morsmordre (Dark Mark)
Description: Conjures the Dark Mark, Voldemort's mark. It is often used to mark deaths, or cause terror (as at the Quidditch World Cup in The Goblet of Fire)
Description: Keeps nearby people, or those to whom the wand is directed, from hearing nearby conversations Created by Snape
Description: Counter charm to the Lumos spell.
(Obliteration Charm)
Description: Removes things not wished to be seen again.
Obliviate (Memory Charm)
Description: Used to hide a memory of a particular event.
Description: Causes a blindfold to appear over the victim's eyes, obstructing his/her view of his/her surroundings.
Description: Causes conjured objects to attack.
Description: Makes a bouquet of flowers appear out of the caster's wand.
Petrificus Totalus (Body-Bind Curse)
Description: Used to temporarily bind the victim's body in a position much like that of a soldier at attention; this spell does not restrict breathing or seeing, and the victim will usually fall to the ground.
Piertotum Locomotor
Description: Spell used to animate statues and suits of armour to do the caster's bidding.
(Pig-tail Hex/Jinx)
Description: A hex/jinx that causes the victim to grow the tail of a pig from their rear.
Point Me (Four-Point Spell)
Description: Causes the caster's wand tip to point to the north cardinal point, acting like a compass.
Description: Turns an object into a portkey. The object glows an odd blue colour to show it has been transformed into a portkey, then goes solid again.
Prior Incantato(Priori Incantatem)
Description: Causes the echo (a shadow or image) of the last spell cast by a wand to emanate from it.
Protego (Shield Charm)
Description: The Shield Charm causes minor to strong jinxes, curses, and hexes to rebound upon the attacker, or at least prevents them from having their full effect. It can also cause a shield to erupt from the caster's wand. This Charm was created by Trevor Poor
Protego Horribilis
Description: Provides some form of protection against Dark Magic.
Protego Totalum
Description: Provides protection of some form for an area or dwelling.
Description: Makes a magically magnified voice return to normal.
Notes: Functions as the counter spell to Sonorus.
Description: Makes an enlarged object smaller. Counter-charm to Engorgio.
(Refilling Charm)
Description: Refills whatever at which the caster points with the drink originally in the container.
Description: A charm used to force someone or something to release that which it holds or grapples by means of shooting fiery sparks out or, underwater, shooting hot bursts of water.
Description: Brings someone out of unconsciousness.
Notes: Counter spell to Stupefy; when this spell is cast, red light is emitted.
Description: Used to repair broken or damaged objects.
Notes: There are some things that can not be repaired by this spell, for example, a wand, unless using the "Elder Wand" or "Wand of Destiny".
Repello Muggletum (Muggle-Repelling Charm)
Description: Keeps Muggles away from wizarding places by causing them to remember important meetings they missed and to cause the Muggles in question to forget what they were doing in the first place.
Rictusempra (Tickling Charm)
Description: The subject experiences the sensation of being tickled
Description: A spell used when fighting a Boggart, "Riddikulus" forces the Boggart to take the appearance of an object upon which the caster is concentrating. When used correctly, this will be a humorous form.
Notes: The effect depends on what the caster is thinking.
Salvio Hexia
Description: Provides some form of protection against hexes.
Scourgify (Scouring Charm)
Description: Used to clean something.
Description: Violently wounds the target; described as being as though the subject had been "slashed by a sword". Created by Severus Snape.
Description: Conjures a serpent from the spell caster’s wand.
Silencio (Silencing Charm)
Description: Silences something immediately[
(Slug-Vomiting Charm)
Description: A jet of green light strikes the victim, who then vomits slugs for an undefined period of time (greater than five hours). The sizes of the vomited slugs decrease with time.
Description: Magnifies the spell caster’s voice, functioning as a magical megaphone
Notes: The counter-spell is Quietus.
SpeRevelio (Scarpin's Revelaspell)
Description: Causes an object to show its hidden secrets or magical properties.
(Stealth Sensoring Spell)
Description: Detects those under magical disguise.
Stupefy (Stunning Spell, Stupefying Charm, Stunner)
Description: Puts the victim in an unconscious state. Manifests as a jet of red light.
(Supersensory Charm)
Description: Able to possess superior senses than before.
Description: A jinx which may be placed upon a word or a name, so that whenever that word is spoken, a magical disturbance is created that alerts the caster of the Taboo to the location of the speaker. Any protective enchantments in effect around the speaker are broken when the Tabooed word is spoken aloud.
Description: Makes victim's legs dance uncontrollably, so the victim cannot control his or her movements (recalling the tarantella dance).
Description: Siphons material from a surface, (e.g., blood, ink, dust, etc.)
(Tongue-Tying Curse)
Description: A curse that prevents certain information from being revealed by the individual upon whom the spell is placed. The curse manifests itself by causing the tongue to temporarily curl backwards upon itself.
(Transmogrifian Torture)
Description: Unknown effect upon victim; likeliest extreme torture that can lead to death.
(Trip Jinx)
Description: Causes the victim of the jinx to trip and fall.
(Unbreakable Vow)
Description: Causes a vow taken by a witch or wizard to be inviolable; if he or she should break it, the consequence is death. It manifests itself as interlinking chains of fire binding the clasped hands of the people taking the Vow; the fire shoots out as a tongue of flame from the wand of the Binder (a witness to the Vow) every time the person who takes the vow makes a promise. The flames then form into the linking chains.
(Unbreakable Charm)
Description: Causes an object to become unbreakable.
Wingardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)
Description: Levitates objects.
As I finished looking at the list I was surprised of the amount of spells we had.
"Akari, some of these spells look incredibly hard to master, and some require movements or to think of events."
I looked at Madison.
"The Three Unforgivable curses are the worst we should try to avoid them as much as we can, and I know, but I believe we don't have to use all of them only some to get out of here."
I noticed Madison was looking at the children and she smiled. They were all excited but most of all they were all happy, the happiest they had been in years.
"Madison," I said in a low whisper, "You know what you told me earlier about giving the children hope."
Madison nodded at my comment.
"I won't let anyone take it away from them I promise."
Madison was about to tell me something but we heard footsteps coming towards us. Our eyes grew wide and the children looked at the door and the wand.
"Madison, hide the wand, Nunually and Sebastian hide the list under my mattress and don't read the diary!" I told them. The three of them began to hide everything and before Madison had a chance to hide the wand the door began to open.
Madison began to turn in different direction and I took the wand from her and threw it on Sebastian bed and the boys pretended to cover their eyes with their backs towards me.
"I am going to open the door whether your dressed or not," I heard a male voice. 'That disgusting man' I thought and as the door opened everything was hidden and I pretended to finish buttoning my dress.
"You have duty tonight and since you are alone tonight we might give you a partner but we still expect all your duties to be done!" The guard said, his gravelly voice echoing off the wall.
"Don't worry it will be done."
I told him and headed out with the guard. I knew Madison would start talking to the children about the risk of leaving, it wouldn't be easy. "You could have dressed a little slower, I wouldn't have minded..."
I froze as soon as those words were out from the guards mouth. It was disgusting how these people acted at times. "Keep walking!"
I wished there was something I could do to him to hurt him for making such a rude comment. I was 11 almost at the age were I would be taken away and this guard was around 20. I really wanted to hurt him. As soon as I started walking the guard tripped and I saw a spark coming from my hand. He of course didn't think anything of it.
Muggles thought that by taking our wand our magic was gone, but they were wrong. Our magic was inside of us, the reason for a wand was to direct our magic, but there were some people who had taught themselves to use their magic perfectly without the use of wand.
When we arrived to the courtyard the guard that had taken Jason was there as soon as I arrived near him he smiled.
"Akari, how is that bleeding lip of yours?"
I blinked. Did this adult really care for me? "It's good." I told him and he suddely lifted my face toward the light. "It's still bleeding," he told me and I blushed.
"Smith you are dismissed, I been hearing rumors from the female guards and prisoners that you are harassing them, you are dismissed from all work or a month. Now you are dismissed." he told the guard that had brought me down from our cell, the disgusting man with the rude comments. As the man took off his belt and gave up his gun he gave me a death look. I knew he thought it had been me.
"Did Smith do anything to you?"
"No he didn't, but he made rude comments."
"Why didn't you report it?"
"I did," I said simply. "What's my job today?" I asked determined to do something and have time to think of an escape plan.
"Today you will be in the sewers, cleaning them out, anything that can be recycled, recycle it now," He looked at his list and smiled. "You will be with Al, Kira, and Zeth."
I looked at him and nodded, I had no idea were I had to go but I began to walk trying to figure it out. I saw so many faces, children kids that were almost at the age of being killed or used, it was a depressing sight.
I kept looking for a pair of three that would be going towards the sewers but everyone was walking in pairs of threes and fours this was going to be difficult. "I wish the people I'm suppose to work with would give me a signal." I said as I started to follow a group of three
Suddenly I stopped in my tracks once more and I looked at a group of children who seem to be 11 years of age.