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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction) The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.

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Old 03-16-2010, 01:09 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default In The End... A Short-ish Story - Sa16+


Disclaimer: The HP universe belongs to J. K Rowling.

This is the last story in my series... After this, I am laying my pen down for good. MAYBE! Oh, by the way, it's Alicia!!!

This is ONLY in Mine and Jamie's view.

It is seventeen years later and things are going wrong for the group of eight friends. Alicia and Jamie have their own family to look after while Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione and Neville and Luna look after theirs. Together they face danger again but there is more hurt down the line... They lose friends and old memories are dragged to the surface. Not knowing what to do, they hunt down the person behind it all to find out he's working for someone... Who is it? Why do their friends die? How are the memories brought back up? READ AND FIND OUT!

Part One

Life isn't as bad as people say. I met the perfect girl at the age of eleven and married her six years later. I've got six of the greatest friends in the world and now I have the perfect family. I couldn't ask for anything else.

''Daddy!'' Well, execpt some peace and quiet sometimes. ''Daddy!''

''What is it, Amii?'' I called as I walked up the stairs. Amii is my youngest. She's about to turn eleven. About to start Hogwarts.

''Alfie's locked me out of my room again!'' She cried, tugging on the door handle, while laugher echoed from inside the room.

''Alohomora...'' I said lazily, tapping the door with my wand. It unlocked and Alfie stopped laughing as I pushed it open.

''You always go crying to dad!'' He moaned. Alfie, and his twin brother Sean, are fifteen. Their fifth year at Hogwats.

''Alfie James Starlight, stop being mean to your little sister. Otherwise, I'll tell Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny not to come over'' I said, leading him out the room. Harry and Ginny are two of those six friends I mentioned. Also, because Ginny Potter was a Weasley, she's my cousin.

''I'm sorry, dad!'' He said as he looked up at me.

''Promise me that you'll stop bullying Amii then. Now, go help Sean clear up'' I said and he walked through the doorway opposite while I headed back downstairs.

'Your getting soft on him...' I smiled as my wife's voice echoed round my head. She has magical abilities that no- one else I know has, one of them being telepathic.

'I know... He just reminds me of Emmett sometimes...' I replied. Emmett was my was eldest brother- in- law. He had had a twin too, Rosalie. Unfortunatley, the entire 'Daniels' family, apart from my wife, had been killed during the biggest battle of magical history. I passed a large picture on the wall and stoped to look at it. It was the onlt Muggle photo out on display and it showed the Daniels family two years before they died.

''Dad?'' I rolled my eyes and turned round. Tasha was standing just behind me, her hair long and blonde today. She had inherited her mother's gift of being a Metamorphagus. ''Can I-'' She started but a vioce echoed from the living room.

''No'' Alicia appeared in the doorway, her arms crossed and her bright blue eye staring up at her eldest daughter.

''Mum!'' She said loudly, staring down at her. ''Please! Everyone else is going!''

''If everyone else decided to jump off Hogsmeade mountain, would you want to do that too? I said no''

''I'm seventeen this year, I can do what I want!'' Tasha said angrily.

''And I was thirty four yesterday... I'm your mother and I'm telling you no. Go finish your room'' Alicia said calmly, shaking a scarlet curl out of her eyes. Tasha stomped back upstairs, her hair turning orange.

''Do I even want to know?'' I asked as I walked towards Alicia.

''Not really... I know more about that party than she does... Her mother knows best'' She said, waving a hand and kissing my cheek. ''How was work?''

''Same old, same old... Kinglsey invited us round next week'' I said, shrugging out of my jacket.

''Mum!'' I laughed as Sean's voice echoed down the stairs.

''Your turn...'' I muttered, walking into the living room.

''Sean Arthur Starlight! Put that fire out, NOW!'' She yelled, climbing the stairs. The living room hasn't changed much in seventeen years. All the photo's of Alicia's family was now in albums as our own family pictures replaced them. As I sat down, a popping noise sounded in the kitchen and a voice I recognised called me.

''Jamie? You home?''

''Yeah... Living room'' I said loudly, a smile on my face. As I watched the door, I heard a shriek of delight and saw Alicia rush past.

''Why didn't you tell me you were coming over?'' Alicia said as she walked into the living room.

''Would ruin the surprise... Alright, Jamie?'' Ron said as he followed Alicia into the room. He, and his wife, Hermione, are two more of my best friends. And again, Ron is a Weasley and therefore my cousin.

''Not bad... It's like running a madhouse though- I'll go'' I added as a loud crash vibrated through the ceiling, rocking the light.

''I'll come- I want to see the kids anyway'' Hermione said with a smile as I stood up. She followed me to the stairs while Ron stayed with Alicia.

''Speaking of children, where's Rose?'' Alicia asked Ron as we started climbing the stairs.

''Mum took her shopping''

''So, can i ask why your here? Is there a reason?'' I asked as we climbed. Hermione looked at me.

''Not really... We just wanted to visit'' She smiled as we passed the Muggle picture. ''I remember when that was downstairs''

''Yeah, after we had Amii she finally let me move it... Remember that fit she threw when I moved it before?'' I laughed and Hermione nodded. As I passed Tasha's room, I knocked on the door.

''What?'' She said loudly,flinging the door open. ''AUNT HERMIONE!'' Tasha hugged her and Amii came flying out of her room at Hermione as well. I walked towards the twins room.

''What have you done now?'' I said, openeing the door. I stepped inside and swore loudly.

''Daddy!'' Amii said loudly, looking at me shocked.

''ALICIA! RON!'' I shouted while Hermione shut Amii and Tasha in their rooms, before hurrying down the corridor to me.

''What the-'' She raied a hand to her mouth as footsteps sounded up the stairs. The room was totally trashed. Broken wood lay everywhere and the bed were smoking slightly. Feathers oozed out of pillows lay slashed on the floor. Something that looked horribly like blood was splattered on the light carpet.

''No, Tasha! Stay in your room!'' Ron shouted before rushing in. He swore too. ''What happened?''

''I don't know... The twins are gone...'' I said numbly, looking round at Ron.

''Alicia's having a vision-'' He started to explain but was cut off by a scream.

''NO! JAMIE! JAMIE!'' I ran from the wrecked room and jumped down the stairs, not landing properly before launching myself into the living room.

''Ali! What-'' I cut off as I skidded to a stop. Alicia was on the floor, sobbing into her hands.

''Alicia?'' Hermione said quietly as I dropped to the floor beside Alicia, staring at nothing. The image of the room was burnt into my memory and it was all I could see. I heared the door bell but didn't move. Ron disappeared and returned with Harry and Ginny, who was carrying baby James.

''What happened?'' Harry said automatically as he walked into the quiet living room.

--- ~*~ ---

I'll post the rest of this part later... I'm helping Abi and her dad with something... I hope you like it! Abi'll comment soon to see if you like it!

Alicia... XD

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
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Last edited by Maxilocks; 04-17-2011 at 03:31 AM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:48 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Is no- one enjoying Alicia's story? PLEASE comment...


:read!: :read!: :read!:

Part One

''I don't know... There was a crash, then the next thing I know, Jamie's shouting and then Alicia's screaming and we run downstairs to find her like this and then Jamie just fell...'' I heard Ron say. I blinked and then thought of something. Amii had been in Tasha's room...

''AMII!'' I shouted as I scrambled to my feet and ran out the room, up the stairs. I nearly knocked Ron off his feet as I rushed past him. I heard someone on the stairs behind me but didn't turn round. I cried out in releif as the tiny blonde bobbed out of her room.

''Tasha, do me a favour and pack some clothes... Your staying at mine for a while'' I heard Harry say as he stopped by Tasha's door. I stood up from hugging Amii. ''You too, Amii, please...'' I walked towards the Twins room. ''It's okay, Jamie... You pack for Alicia and you... I'll do this'' Harry said, steering me towards another door. I nodded and pulled a suitcase out of thin air before yanking open a drawer.

'You want the maternity things too...' I froze with a handful of shirts.

'What?' I said, pulling open the wardrobe and shoving a dozen dresses into the case.

'I'm having twins again... I just found out... I was going to tell you at dinner' I piled more clothes into the case, zipped it up and headed back downstairs, hauling it behind me.

''Whay are we doing?'' Ron said as I walked into the living room. Alicia was on her feet, a small bag on her back.

'Photo albums...' I nodded at Alicia, threw the bag into the corner and collapsed into a chair, where I hid my face in my hands. A roaring sound echoed in the kitchen before a sound like a smashing plate. Harry went to investigate.

''Luna? Neville? What are you doing here?'' I heard him say. Neville answered.

''Your not going to believe this... Luna swears she she hooded figures in our area... So she decided we should come here- What's wrong?'' The three of them entered the room. Harry walked over to Ginny and baby James while Luna and Neville stopped in the door way, their eyes flashing to the bags in the corner.

''Alicia? WHat's going on? Jamie?'' Luna dropped her bags on the floor as she looked at me.

''Mum? Dad? What's going on? Aunt Luna? Uncle Neville?'' I looked up. Everyone turned towards round as Tasha stopped on the stairs, peering in at us. ''Is there something wrong? Where's the twins?'' I put my head back into my hands as she walked down the last five steps and into the living room.

''Sit down... We need to think... How long is your sister going to be?'' Alicia said, her voice hoarse from crying.

~*~ --- ~*~

I'll post again soon... Abi and me have got college so I'll be back soon!!!

Alicia... XD

I'll come by again later...

Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Old 04-03-2010, 11:36 AM   #3 (permalink)
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''Mum, I saw their room! What's happening!'' Tasha shouted, glaring at her mother.

''ENOUGH!'' I shouted as both womens' hair turned black. ''Tasha, take your bag and go to Aunt Molly's- STAY THERE! Go...'' I said and she stalked from the room.

''Tasha wait! Take James with you... Tell my mum something important came up'' Ginny said, passing over the baby boyand leading Tasha out the room. We listened to her disappear into the fire. As it became quiet again, Alicia's black hair turned white while her orange eyes turned pink.

''No... Don't hurt him! PLEASE!'' She shouted as she fell out the chair onto the floor again, seeing something we couldn't. She gripped her hair tightly as tears poured down her face. ''NO! DON'T TOUCH HIM! JAMIE!'' I looked down at her as she screamed my name. Harry, Ron, Neville, Luna, Ginny and Hermione were frozen to the spot, staring. ''Don't... I- I- I'll do any- anything! Please d- don't! Ja- Jamie... No... Ja- Jamie...'' She covered her face with her hands and started crying harder than ever. Then I understood.

''Honey bee... I'm right here... I'm not hurt...'' I whispered as I crouched next to her, touching her arm. She buried her head into my neck. I wrapped my arms round her as a crash echoed upstairs.

~*~ --- ~*~

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Old 04-07-2010, 09:58 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Hey, Abi, sorry I haven't been able to post sooner but you know...with Easter and everything it was hard to keep in touch with the Ss planet....So, I'm really liking the new story, I sure hope though Jamie won't get hurt....

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Old 04-23-2010, 01:16 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post
''[COLOR="Red"]I wrapped my arms round her as a crash echoed upstairs.[/COLOR="Red"]
A scream followed the noise and we all froze.

''Amii...'' Hermione whipered, horrified and I saw Alicia's eyes turn pink.

''DADDY!'' Amii's scream snapped me out of the trance and I tried to scramble to my feet. Alicia used my shoulder to launch herself towards the stairs.

''Amii! Run! Run Amii!'' She she shouted as she took the stairs three at a time, stumbling twice and the rest of us right behind her.

''Mum! Help!'' Amii shouted as I passed Alicia on the top step, drawing my wand.

''We're coming!'' I shouted, pointing my wand at the closed door. I shouted the first thing that came to my head. ''BOMBARDA!'' The door flew backwards, making Amii scream again. The next thing I knew, Alicia was rushing past me. As we entered the room, I saw a hooded figure disapparate with my youngest daughter.

''NO! NO! I'll kill them as soon as I find out which jumped up little mother-'' Alicia shouted, swearing a nd spinning round. ''Has taken my kids away from me!''

''Calm down... Remember the babies!'' I said, causing Ginny, Hermione and Luna to look at me. ''We're having twins again...'' I said quickly as Alicia's red eyes turned pink.

''What are we going to do? It's like their... Targeting... The... Kids...'' Neville said, horror seeping into his voice as my face showed I agreed with him.

''Harry...'' Ginny said faintly, staring at Neville. ''All the kids are at my mum's... Rose... James... Tasha... Even Teddy and Victorie''

''They'll come after us too... We're pregnant'' Hermione said quietly, hiding her face in Ron's chest.

''We'll be fine! Seriously, who's going to take us on? We fought Voldemort at the ages of sixteen and seventeen and survived! Now we're older and wiser! Who'd be stupid enough-'' Luna started but Alicia swore again.

''I don't believe it...'' She said, raising a hand to her throat and touching the thin scar there. I stared at her, confused.

''What?'' Harry said quietly, a hand on Ginny's back.

''I was right... The jumped up, little idiot! He's doing this for revenge! He's hated us since he met us... He's using the kids to get to us!'' She said, staring at me and running a finger along the dark line on her neck while her eyes slowly turned black.

''Who? Alicia! WHO?'' Harry said, grabbing her shoulders and turning her round.

''OI!'' I shouted at him but he ignored me.

''Malfoy...'' Alicia whispered, closing her eyes. Harry's hands droped to his sides.

''Malfoy? But he's-'' Hermione said, shaking her head.

''Escaped from Azkaban... I'm going to kill if he hurts them! Scrap that- I'm just going to kill him this time! Even if-'' She started but faulted under the look I gave her.


Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Old 05-19-2010, 08:54 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Abiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry it took me so long to post!!!!!!! MALFOY!!!!!!!!!!! Malfoy???? Oh, I'm gonna kill him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not that Alicia will need my help doing that, I'm sure.....PAMS!!!!!!!!!

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Old 05-26-2010, 08:44 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post
''Escaped from Azkaban... I'm going to kill if he hurts them! Scrap that- I'm just going to kill him this time! Even if-'' She started but faulted under the look I gave her.
''Don't. You. Dare. Never say that! We've known too many people who said 'if it's the last thing I do' and they lost lost their lives! Look at Remus and Tonks! I'm not going to lose you too!'' I said, my voice shaking slightly. She nodded before her eyes flashed pink.

''Comeon... We've got to get to the Burrow... Malfoy's going to head there next... We've got about half an hour head start... Let's get people out'' Alicia said quickly, turning to the door.

'He's not after all of us, is he?' I thought as I left the room last. I watched Alicia pause on a step for a second at the front of the group.

'No... He wants revenge for being put in Azkaban... He wants me dead and he's planning to kill the others first just to tourture me- that's why he took the kids! It's going to be like before- I'm going to watch them die and not be able to help!' She stopped at the front door, letting the others file past her. I stopped next to her to find silent tears sliding down her cheeks. ''I'm scared...'' I looked down at her. That was the first time I've ever heard Alicia say those two words. ''I saw him tourture the kids, Jamie... So young and innocent... The worst part was watching him smirk as they brought you out... He said that either I die now or watch you and the kids die first... It's horrible now- it'll be worse when it really happens!'' She whispered as I watched Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna climb into the Potter's car.

''You go... We'll apparate and warn them... See you there'' I said loudly as Neville shut the back door and Ginny rolled down the window. As they pulled out the drive, Alicia broke down again.

''Listen to me. Draco Malfoy cannot fight us if we stay together- there's eight of us and one of him! We're better than him because of that- we proved that down in the Chamber of Secrets seventeen years ago! You, Alicia Starlight, you saved our lives while your own life was at risk!'' I touched the scar Malfoy had made round her neck. ''Now, Ron said that everyone's at the Burrow... Which means that the rest of the Order's probably there- if Kingsley's there, I bet he'd love to hear about Malfoy!'' The thought of telling the Minister of Magic that he's doing something wrong cheered Alicia up a little bit. She took my hand and spun on the spot. A second later we stood in the yard, looking up at the Burrow.

Abi... xox

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Old 05-28-2010, 12:03 AM   #8 (permalink)
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OMG! Just found this and I love it and hate what that family has to go through. Do you have the links to your other FFs for me tat you could post?
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Old 05-28-2010, 08:55 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Of course!!!

No Matter What

The Battle of the Century

The Beginning and the End

Now and Forever (One Shot)

I hope you like them!

I'll try to post another bit later on today in honor of being on SS for TWO YEARS!!


Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
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Old 05-28-2010, 07:44 PM   #10 (permalink)
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Thanks I'll check them out
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Old 05-28-2010, 10:53 PM   #11 (permalink)
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I really enjoyed this!!!I liked Now and Forever but that ended, now I really like this one!!!
You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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Old 05-29-2010, 02:53 AM   #12 (permalink)
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hey I read the first 'Now and Forever' link but the title is actually (from what the thread said) No Matter What and I loved it onto the battle of epic and sad proportions...sorry that was a fail if the word epic because in saying it a lot now haha...i'm kinda hyper on sugar
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Old 05-29-2010, 02:41 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Right... I just went to grab my notebook and found that all the pages have been ripped out!!! I'll see if I can find them...

Lauren- I think I fixed the name mix- up now... Sorry about that

Katie- Welcome! I'm glad you like it!


Abi... xox

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Old 05-29-2010, 05:21 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 3uzz3ee View Post

Katie- Welcome! I'm glad you like it!


Abi... xox

I love you and your story!!!!!!!!!!!

You're just a daydream away,
I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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Old 05-29-2010, 06:01 PM   #15 (permalink)
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ABI!!!!!!!! I LOVE this story!!!! It's awesome and amazing!!!! And i can't wait to read more! ILY!!! I hope you find your pages! PLEASE PAMS!
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Old 05-31-2010, 04:53 PM   #16 (permalink)
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''AUNT MOLLY! UNCLE ARTHUR!'' Alicia shouted and footsteps echoed in the kitchen while windows opened all over the place with clattering sounds.

''Jamie! Alicia!'' Aunt Molly cried as she rushed through the back door, her husband following.

''What's going on? Tasha turned up with James shouting that the twins were gone...'' Uncle Arthur said, stopping in front of me. ''Where's the others?''

''They're driving... Whoever's here, we want to talk to them all in the kitchen... Now''Aunt Molly and Uncle Arthur rushed us inside as the heads at the windows vanished. As we reached the kitchen, people were already grouped round the table.

''Mum? Dad? Where's Amii? She's supposed to be with you...'' Tasha said as she entered the room, baby James still in her arms. Teddy followed her, his daughter Isabelle clutched to his chest while his fiance, Victorie, held little Rose. Alicia ignored her.

''Kingsley, either you're lying to us or being lied to'' She said bluntly, looking at the Minister of Magic. ''Draco Malfoy has escaped from Azkaban and is collecting the children of the seven who put him in there. I have reason to believe-'' She said, glancing round the room.

''You mean you had a vision...'' Amelia grinned, passing her son, Cedric, over to her husband, George.

''I have reason to believe'' Alicia said, grinning back. ''He will head here in the next twenty minutes to kidnap any children he can find...'' She looked down at her feet.

''He already has Alfie, Sean and Amii...'' I said and Tasha's hair turned pink. Victorie took James off her while Teddy's hair turned white. Amelia's smile vanished and the others stared at me.

''Oh my golly...'' Amelia whispered, raising a hand to her mouth.

''Draco Malfoy? Ze one you fought when you was pregnant with Tasha?'' Fleur said slowly and I nodded.

''What's that ferrett doing alive?'' Fred spat, glaring at kingsley. Angie placed a hand on her husband's arm, the other held baby Jacob.

''Fred!'' She said, looking at him before her eyes flickered to her twin sister.

''Ang, Fred's got a point-'' Amelia said slowly but George spoke over her, one hand hitting the table, the other holding his daughter still.

''He was supposed to get the worst punishment you could give, Shaklebolt! Look at what he did to my cousin- in- law!'' He said, pointing at Alicia.

''There's no point in blaming Kingsley!'' Charlie said, glaring at his twin brothers.

''Who do we blame then? Even Alicia said he was lying!'' George said, standing up. Amelia snatched the baby off him.

''LYING OR BEING LIED TO!" Charlie shouted and Rose started crying. Victorie tried to calm her and keep James quiet at the same time.

''STOP IT!'' I turned as Luna's shout sounded from behind me. ''Why are we fighting with each other? You three are brothers!'' She said, looking from the twins to Charlie and back again.

''Luna's right...'' I said quietly. ''Bill, where's Roxanne?'' I asked and Victorie went to collect her younger sister, passing James back to Tasha

''Professor McGonagall? Can the children go to Hogwarts? Nowhere else is safe enough'' Ginny asked, taking her son off the pink haired girl. The headteacher nodded as Victorie appeared the sleeping baby.


Hai Emily! Glad you like it!


Abi... xox

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Old 05-31-2010, 06:23 PM   #17 (permalink)
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Oh man, was that intense or what? I love how you kept putting in all the children and the wives/husbands of the people. I loved it! I can't wait to see what happens. PLEASE PAMS!
Hiya back! ILY2
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Old 06-01-2010, 03:13 PM   #18 (permalink)
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''Dobby! Kreature!'' Two loud cracks announced the arrival of the house- elves. ''Can you take the children to Hogwarts?'' Harry said as Dobby waved at Alicia and me. ''The professors will watch them'' Dobby and Kreature bowed, clicked their fingers and vanished, taking the children with them.

''I don't care about whatever's going on- if it comes to a fight, then I'm in- for Isabelle's sake'' Victorie said loudly, causing Bill to to stare at her. ''Don't look at me like that, Dad!''

''Vic's got a point... I'll fight too'' Teddy said and Victorie took his hand while Harry looked at him.

''No you won't!'' He said, fear hinting in his eyes. Teddy turned and glared at him.

''Are you going to fight?'' He said and Harry nodded once. ''Well then... You're fighting to protect your family- so am I!'' Harry couldn't find an answer to that.

''He's got seventeen years of revenge bottled up! Don't even think about it!'' Alicia shouted suddenly, glaring over my shoulder.

''Don't start, Mum! You can't stop me! You need me here! I'll trick him into thinking the others are here- if I get caught, I'll look after Amii and the twins...'' Tasha sadi and Alicia looked mortified.

''Well, how much time?'' Uncle Arthur said, looking very unhappy about something. I looked down at my watch.

''One minute'' I said, watching the seconds vanish.

'Jamie, I want you to stay with Tasha, Teddy and Victorie- I don't want Isabelle to have the future Teddy had...' I looked at Alicia as everyone stood up and made their way outside. 'I'll be fine... Don't worry and don't follow me- I'll be okay' I watched as Alicia pushed her way through the departing fighters. Away from me.


Part Two

Walking away from Jamie brought back memories of the war, making it much harder than it should of been. I loked back and Jamie had vanished. I headed towards the broom shed on top of the hill by the Orchard. I could see everything from there. I shut myself in the shed and focused on Jamie.

''Mum!'' Tasha's voice sounded next to me and I opened my eyes. I was stood next to her, Teddy, Victorie and Jamie in the shadow of the house.

''Aunt Alicia! Where did you come from?'' Victorie said as I looked at Jamie's watch. Thirty seconds.

''Never mind- just concentrate on what you're doing'' I said quickly. Twenty seconds. I looked up at Jamie. In seventeen years he hasn't changed that much. His blonde hair was longer, now hanging in his eyes. He was taller and muscular. His sapphire coloured eyes are the only thing that are still the same from when he was eleven. I shook back a scarlet curl away from my face and looked at the watch again.

''Ten- nine- eight- seven-'' Someone whispered nearby. I could sense Malfoy getting closer and closer. From the reflection in Jamie's eyes I saw that my eyes were red and my hair was just turning black. ''Four- three- two- one-''

''STARLIGHT! YOU KNOW I'M CLOSE BUT YOU STILL PREPARE TO FIGHT... SHAME, FROM THE PICTURES INSIDE YOUR HOUSE THE YEARS HAVE BEEN GOOD!'' I felt anger boil under my skin. I could see Jamie shaking with rage. ''BUT I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT BECOMING A MOTHER-'' Tasha was looking at me and her father as flashes of light started to soar overhead. ''WOULD HAVE TAUGHT YOU SOME NEW TRICKS!''

BANG! A flash of bright blue light flashed above us and the windows of the Burrow shattered, sending fragments of glass everywhere. Jamie shielded the three teenagers while glass showered over him, cutting his face and arms. I winced as I felt the marks appear on my face and a crash echoed in my ears. I covered my ears and blinked, returning to my body.



Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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Old 06-02-2010, 01:49 PM   #19 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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Oh my, oh my! That was a great post! So, how does the whole leaving your body type thing work?? Just curious. Oooooh, I can't wait to see what happens! PLEASE PAMS!!
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Old 06-02-2010, 01:54 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Oh my, oh my! That was a great post! So, how does the whole leaving your body type thing work?? Just curious. Oooooh, I can't wait to see what happens! PLEASE PAMS!!
Alicia can astro- project... She can be in two places at once... She's like, multi talented! Astro- Projection/ Mind Reading/ Wandless Magic/ Telepathic/ Metamorphagus Very talented... It's explained more in the other stories if you wanna read them.


Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
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Old 06-02-2010, 09:37 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Omg I hope the kids are going to be alright...I also hope that Jamie can kick Malfoy's...well we're not allowed to swear on Ss but you got the idea ....Please post ASAP...

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Old 06-17-2010, 04:25 PM   #22 (permalink)
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The broom shed was crumbling round me. I looked up as someone raised their wand. Pain hit me and I fell to the floor. It lasted for ages and when I finally got to breath, a foot connected with the side of my face. Without thinking, I grabbed at the ankle, letting the electricity flow through my hands for the first time in seventeen years. The person hit the floor and I jumped to my feet, wiping blood from under my nose.

"CRABBE!" I yelled as the man scrambled to his feet. I snarled and launched myself at him but someone hit me with the cruciatus curse from behind and I fell to the floor screaming again. As they raised their wand, I looked round at them. "Goyle..." I breathed, feeling the hatred flow through my body as I got to my feet again. I was suddenly conscience of the length of the light blue dress I was wearing and the size of the stilletos strapped to my feet. They both raised their wands and I launched myself sideways, but they dodged the curses and followed me I dodged and ducked curses, not sending any myself.

"Not fighting back?" Goyle said as I dodged a purple light, which hit a tree and left a deep cut in the trunk.

"Not yet" I spat, rolling right over as I missed Crabbe's jinx. "Why?"

"No reason... Thought you just liked rolling round in mud..." Crabbe laughed and I took advantage. I grabbed both his wrists, shocking his wand from his grip and spun round so Goyle's curse hit Crabbe. I dropped the twitching man and kicked out at Goyle. He yelled out in pain as my heel stabbed into the top of his thigh.

"I don't need magic to win!" I hissed as Crabbed got to his feet. I tugged my foot away from Goyle and sighed. "You got your blood over my foot"

"Shut up Mudblood!" Crabbe yelled, shooting more cutting spells at me. One hit my arm and I shouted out in pain. After that, Goyle joined in and soon I had cuts over my back, both my legs and both my arms. I dodged one and saw a lock of black hair fall to the floor.

"You cut my hair..." I said quietly. Goyle went to pick it up and I grabbed his arm. The force of the electricity flowing through my hands nearly knocked me to the floor. I felt the blood trickle down my chin from my nose and let go, lunging for Crabbe. Goyle lay motionless on the floor.

"NO!" Crabbe dived out the way and I landed in the mud. Somehow, I had caught his ankle again. I felt the blood run freely down my chin again as I shocked him. When he lumped to the floor, I let go and fell to my knees.

And that's where I'm going to leave it...
Abi... xox

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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Old 06-17-2010, 04:44 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Oh, I see I'm not the only evil one. How could you leave it there?? It was soooo good!! PLEASE PAMS!!!
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Old 06-17-2010, 05:08 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Oh, I see I'm not the only evil one. How could you leave it there?? It was soooo good!! PLEASE PAMS!!!
It's called REVENGE!

I shall post soon, my love

I Know You Don't Believe Me, But The Way I, Way I See It,
Next Time You
Point A Finger, I Might Have To Bend It Back,
Or Break It, Break It Off...
Next Time You Point A Finger, I'll Point You To The

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Old 06-22-2010, 06:23 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Whoa that was one awesome chapter!!!!!! Now wait a minute you can't cut a girl's is something we just do not touch on a girl!!!!!! I know I would have gone balistic!!!!! I hope Alicia is ok, but knowing her Crabbe and Goyle probably have the biggest trouble not her!!!!!! PAMS!!!!!!!

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adventure , mature story

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