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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction) The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.

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Old 05-28-2011, 12:49 AM   #126 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
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Chapter Fourteen: Unforgettable

Dear Diary,

Mel sighed in frustration, this was the tenth entry for her diary that had exactly three words and then was finished, it was the tenth in a row that had the exact same feel of emptiness to it. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't work things out. Dropping the diary into her school bag she slipped out of Hogwarts despite it being nearly curfew and headed towards the lake, no one would be out there this late and in the pouring rain, that was just illogical. But despite the rain and the darkness, there were two people out there. Lily Potter and Septimus Snape, the former was half crying onto the latter's shoulder and Mel had the sudden feeling that she shouldn't be there.

"I just miss them so much Sep, I can't stop wishing they weren't gone." Lily sobbed, and Mel felt herself suddenly be stabbed with curiosity, who was Lily talking about? "And to know that they are still alive, and there's nothing I can do about this, it hurts, it hurts so much."

"Shh, it'll be okay Lily, we'll get your parents out of wherever they are." Septimus whispered, but Mel barely heard him, and when she figured out what he had said, she wasn't positive she heard him right. "You know we will."

"I know, I know, I just can't stand waiting." Lily half laughed, half cried, hugging Septimus tighter.

It was at this moment Mel realized she had to leave, she was eavesdropping and almost interrupting a moment between Lily and Septimus. As she nearly bolted towards the Herbology buildings, since no one would be there, she realized what they had been saying. Mr and Mrs Potter were alive, but her mum, wasn't. Tears sprung to Mel's eyes like fireworks exploding in the air, hot and fast. Running along the outside one of the buildings, Mel didn't notice the figure that was staring up at the sky ahead of her until she barreled into him, nearly knocking them both over.

"Whoa, you alright Amanda?" Skar Longbottom asked surprised as he barely caught her waist, stopping her from falling into the puddle of mud beneath them. She gulped, not being able to say anything, her only response was a slight shake of the head and more tears pouring out. "Come on, I'll take you inside." He muttered, he picked her up bridal style and then proceeded to carry her inside, but instead of leaving her in the entrance hall like she expected him to do, he continued to carry her until they reached a painting of a bowl of fruit. Upon arriving, Skar placed Mel on her feet and tickled the pear near the center of the painting.

"W-what is this place?" Mel mumbled as she stood their shivering, Skar just smirked and led her into a large spacious room filled with house-elves, it was the kitchens. Seeing the two of them a tiny house elf darted away only to shortly reappear with blankets and tea.

"Thanks Stolly," Skar briefly greeted the house elf with a handshake and then wrapped Mel up in the blanket, sat her down in a large comfy chair that was positioned in front of a roaring fireplace, and then placed the tea before her. "So, wanna talk about it?" He attempt to ask casually.

"Not really, it's something incredibly stupid." Mel sniffled, looking up from her feet which she was trying to maintain a dead-pan stare with. She saw Skar looking at her with earnest eyes.

"I doubt it, you don't seem like the kind of person that would cry over something incredibly stupid." Skar shrugged, clasping his hands together.

"How did you come to that conclusion?"

"You're a smart girl, that's all."

"I missed my mum, and I- it's hard to explain, I guess I was just jealous of someone because they're parents were still alive, and mine are dead."

"That's something completely normal to cry about, there's nothing stupid about that."

"My mum has been dead for two years, don't you think I should have been over it by now?"

"Let me tell you a story of a little boy. It all started out when he was just a baby, his parents were tortured past insanity with the cruciatus curse by Bellatrix Lestrange. So the boy then grew up with his grandmother, never feeling like he was good enough, he didn't have the moral support he needed from his parents. Now, they were still alive, but they, they weren't the same, it was almost as if they had been subjected to the dementors kiss. They were completely empty inside. This boy, he never forgot them, he cried himself to sleep nearly everyday after he visited his parents, it was almost as if visiting their graves, almost."

"He always had a little bit hope that they would get better, similar to the hope of a parent not being dead. As time wore on his hope never faded, it remained clear and strong, because he loved his parents so much." Skar paused, as he took a deep breath he felt his eyes begin to water. "When he grew up he spent endless hours on research to see if there was anything he could do for his parents, anything that he could find that would help them in the least bit, and he did. One day, he did find out the information he needed, he then began the long work of spell-mongering, to create a spell that would set right the damage that had been inflicted upon his parents, and to this very day, he still works on it. Now this boy, now a man, is none other then my father, Professor Lonbottom."

"Oh Merlin, I didn't know, I'm so sorry Skar." Mel reached her hands across and gently took Skar's in her own. "I- I, I don't know what to say."

"It's alright, you don't have to say anything." Skar gave her a weak smile.

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 05-28-2011, 02:09 AM   #127 (permalink)
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Ohmigosh, cassiopia liane malfoy!

I want to hug them both! I feel soooo bad for them all!

And I am sooo happy that you poasted. And I shall now fan girl you. (Even more than before)

And I wanna hug you and kill you at the same time....:tackle:

PAMS :techni::techni::techni::techni::techni::techni::t echni:
~A lion and a snake , twins for life~
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Old 05-28-2011, 02:13 AM   #128 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LillyJames View Post
Ohmigosh, cassiopia liane malfoy!

I want to hug them both! I feel soooo bad for them all!

And I am sooo happy that you posted. And I shall now fan girl you. (Even more than before)

And I wanna hug you and kill you at the same time....:tackle:

PAMS :techni::techni::techni::techni::techni::techni::t echni:
Lilly Ruth James!

Dawww, I felt a bit bad for them too!

Hahahahahahah! I felt the need to post. EEK FANGIRLING!

Hug and kill...

Haahhahah! I shall attempt doing so.

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 05-29-2011, 07:35 AM   #129 (permalink)

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OMG!!! I love it!
it's brilliant. Your such a good writer!
I feel sorry for Neville, all he's been through. :/

Eviee <33
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 05-29-2011, 06:24 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
OMG!!! I love it!
it's brilliant. Your such a good writer!
I feel sorry for Neville, all he's been through. :/

Eviee <33
Thank you, thank you (:
So do I, poor Neville *pets*
I shall try, again, thank you!

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 05-29-2011, 09:38 PM   #131 (permalink)
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Thanks for continuing this =D<3 -YOUR BIGGEST FAN!
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Old 05-29-2011, 09:44 PM   #132 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by GredxForgex View Post
Thanks for continuing this =D<3 -YOUR BIGGEST FAN!
dawww, no problem at all, you're welcome!

Eeek, I have a biggest fan! Thanks again!!!

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 05-30-2011, 03:11 PM   #133 (permalink)

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Awesome chapter!

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Old 05-30-2011, 07:31 PM   #134 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Droo View Post
Awesome chapter!
Thank you!

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Old 07-07-2011, 10:50 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Will read all the chapters only on chptr3 at the mo!! but keep sending me a visitor message every so often 2 remind me 2 read this EPIC story!!
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Old 07-10-2011, 11:37 PM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Alex_Potter View Post
Will read all the chapters only on chptr3 at the mo!! but keep sending me a visitor message every so often 2 remind me 2 read this EPIC story!!
Eeep, thank you!!! And I'll try, again, thank you!

By the way guys, I'll try and have an update tonight or tomorrow, thank you so much for reading (and nominating me), so if you want, you can vote for this, I got nominated for Best Adventure Story, you guys are so amazing!

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 07-12-2011, 03:22 AM   #137 (permalink)

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Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhhhh me love this story. Everyone is so sweet. I want to give them all big hugs. Keep up the great work.

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Old 08-11-2011, 07:26 PM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sarahb View Post
Ohhhh ohhhh ohhhhhh me love this story. Everyone is so sweet. I want to give them all big hugs. Keep up the great work.


You are so sweet!

I will try! I'll try and have an update today or tomorrow!!

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 08-12-2011, 04:01 PM   #139 (permalink)
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Chapter Fifteen: Hopeless

She glanced up at her husband, he was at it again, the writing. She knew why he was doing it, he wanted to grab on to every single last thread of hope that he could. Standing up and walking across the small patch of stone, she sat behind him to get an easier view of what he was writing this time.
Dear Children,

It is Al's birthday today isn't it, he just turned seventeen, I can't believe it. My second child is an adult now, amazing, you guys seem to grow up to fast, and I am not even there to see it.

You two boys better be making sure that the other boys are staying away from your sister, she's probably growing up into the beauty that your mum is. I wonder if you two have gotten any girlfriends. If you have, you better treat them like ladies, and be the perfect gentlemen, if I ever do get back, I do not want to hear about you mistreating anyone.

I bet Rose is having a tough time fending off all of the guys, or are the rumors true and she did really start like that Malfoy kid? I bet they would make an interesting match, would not go over to well with her father, Ron is just like that, isn't he.

What about that other boy that I've heard you lot talk about, Snape's grandchild, how has he been? You guys better be nice to him, I can not imagine his life being easy, since not everyone knows the truth about his grandfather. Only us.

James, you're almost done with Hogwarts, do you know what you want to be? Do not be an auror if you don't want to be, be what your heart tells you to be

Albus, you will be graduating soon as well, I hope you enjoyed your stay in Gryffindor, just remember you still would have made a great Slytherin.

Lily, I know that you are an amazing Slytherin, even though I am not there, I can just feel it that you are doing well in Hogwarts, I do not care what anyone says, I am proud to have a Slytherin for a daughter, and you are not allowed a boyfriend until you are twenty-three, at least.

Love, your father.
Harry sighed and lay down the quill and ink, he magicked the paper dry then rolled it up and put it in the bag full of other unsent letters, it wasn't as if he had anyway to send them anyway.

"Harry, you know that they will find us someday." Ginny murmured softly.

"I hope they will, I hope they will." Harry nodded, giving her a faint half smile.

"I can't believe that they are so old, so fast." Ginny gestured to the bag.

"Neither can I." Harry sighed again, and lay down across the rocks. "Ginny, I am so hopeless at times. How will they ever find us, do they not think we are long dead?"

"They will come." Ginny said, trying to ignore the fact that she was completely void of hope.

She lay next to Harry, who was staring up at the caverns ceiling, gently she took his hand in her own and gave him a slightly reassuring smile.


"Oi, Snape, can I talk with you?" James called after the Slytherin who was heading towards Transfiguration. "Just real quick, I don't want to make you late." Actually, James could care less if he made Septimus late or not, but that was for another time.

"Um, alright Potter." Septimus gave the elder man a skeptical look.

"I'm going to be graduating this year, along with Miles, as you probably know." James started, then paused to take a deep breath. "I know I'm not happy about you dating my sister, but I suppose there's nothing I can do. It's just, she's my little girl, no matter what kind of arguments and disagreements we get it, she's always going to be my little Lily-Petal. So with us two guys gone, it's just going to be Albus keeping an eye on you two, but don't get to cocky around her, because Albus will find out, and he will write to me, and I will hex you into the next millennium."

Septimus nodded mutely, he never would understand the exact bond between a brother and sister, but he understood it enough, and he would most definitely respect it. "I wouldn't dare try anything." He finally managed to say.

"Yea, you wouldn't dare, well, take care Snape." James smiled wryly then slung his bag over his shoulder again before exiting, feeling a bit more pleased with himself.

"So James, what do you say?" Albus asked curiously when his brother finally caught up with him.

"Septimus is a cool guy, keep your eye on him, but I think Lily will be fine with him." James shrugged nonchalantly.

"Meaning you'd give them your blessing if they ever decided they wanted to take things a few steps forward?" Albus persisted in asking, wanting to know how much he approved of Septimus.

"If they really thought it would be the right thing, I'd respect their decision, and I would give them my blessing." James answered truthfully. "I mean, yes that's my little sister he's dating and kissing and ugh, really don't want the mental images. But I can't control her forever, no matter how much I wish that."

"You've got a bit of a point there." Albus admitted reluctantly. "I just don't want her to be Lily Snape, that would be awkward."

"Albus, there is no saying who's going to marry who yet, calm down, besides, your view might change as you get older, more mature and most definitely smarter." James joked, gently elbowing his brother.

"You're the one who needs to grow up James, you are like a five year old that's six feet tall." Albus laughed lightheartedly.

"But the ladies love my childish personalities, plus I've got all the beauty genes, shame really, you kind of repulse the girls." James chuckled a bit.

"I don't know what mirror you're looking at in the morning, I'm definitely better looking." Albus said in a mock dignified manner.

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 08-12-2011, 04:19 PM   #140 (permalink)

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Aww good chapter. I was confused at the beginning because I forgot they weren't dead. And Lily's dating Snape aww cut. Keep up the great work, I cant wait to read more.

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Old 08-12-2011, 04:29 PM   #141 (permalink)
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Good job! You posted! It's great!

The beginning is sad but gives us insight.

And yay for James, giving them his blessing.

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Old 08-12-2011, 07:27 PM   #142 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sarahb View Post
Aww good chapter. I was confused at the beginning because I forgot they weren't dead. And Lily's dating Snape aww cut. Keep up the great work, I cant wait to read more.


I'll try and have my next chapter up faster (I always say this, and I don't think I ever do, sooooorrrryyy)

Originally Posted by LillyJames View Post
Good job! You posted! It's great!

The beginning is sad but gives us insight.

And yay for James, giving them his blessing.

Yup, I did!!

These chapters are getting to be really sad, but yea, the insight was useful I think.

I wanted to hug James then

I'll try, and thanks!

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 08-13-2011, 06:24 PM   #143 (permalink)

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Started reading and was kinda confused but i've finished and caught up (:
I love your writing, i just love it *nods*

Eviee <3
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 08-13-2011, 09:41 PM   #144 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Started reading and was kinda confused but i've finished and caught up (:
I love your writing, i just love it *nods*

Eviee <3
Ahhh, hehe, it was meant to be a bit confusing. *likes confusing people*
Eep, thanks!!!!
Thanks again!!!
I'm working on it [:

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Old 08-15-2011, 12:20 AM   #145 (permalink)
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Ahem! Here is a quick spoiler for you all to enjoy!

SPOILER!!: Chapter Sixteen
"Thanks," Jamie murmured as she headed towards the Ravenclaw common room, on her way, she came across a surprising sight, Septimus Snape and Lily Potter, holding hands and- wait what? No, she blinked, they were still there.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat loudly, and the two of them broke apart. "Am I missing something?"

"No, I don't think so." Lily snickered slightly, but she did go a bit red as well.

"Since when were you two dating?" Jamie demanded.

"Um, a few weeks after term started?" Septimus glanced at Lily, who nodded.

"Right, well, see you two around I guess." Jamie nodded suspiciously, immediately she went to find Dianna, her partner in crime (more like sidekick though).

"JAMIE! You're back!" Dianna Finnegan squealed happily, hugging Jamison.

"I know, I know. I came to ask you about something, Septimus and Lily." Jamie half smiled, not really returning the hug and getting straight to the point.

"Oh, I think she used love potion on him, it's not like an amazing guy like him would actually even look at her in adoration, repulsion maybe." Dianna drawled on her irritating, squeaky voice (in Jamie's opinion at least).

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Old 08-15-2011, 11:17 AM   #146 (permalink)

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I smell some fights coming on later :/
Brilliant and i look forward to read the full chapter (:

Eviee <33
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 08-15-2011, 03:28 PM   #147 (permalink)
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Only a spoiler!

(I can't blame you seeing as that I posted a spoiler for mine a bit ago)

I want the whole thing.

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Old 08-15-2011, 03:35 PM   #148 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
I smell some fights coming on later :/
Brilliant and i look forward to read the full chapter (:

Eviee <33
There just might be

Thanks! It's about halfway done.

Originally Posted by LillyJames View Post
Only a spoiler!

(I can't blame you seeing as that I posted a spoiler for mine a bit ago)

I want the whole thing.

Only a spoiler.

(shame on you, I mean really, shame on you)

So do I! But we aren't time travelers and I can't find my notebook.

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Old 09-05-2011, 10:15 PM   #149 (permalink)
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Well I still can't wait and it had better come soon!
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Old 09-27-2011, 02:05 AM   #150 (permalink)
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Chapter Sixteen: Revenge

"Welcome back Miss Frost, how was your stay in Bulgaria?" Headmaster Neville Longbottom asked.

"It was wonderful, thank you for letting me go." Jamie smiled cheerily. "And thank you for letting me stay past October."

"Very good and you're welcome. I'll let you get accustomed to the new students and set yourself at home, after dinner you can stop by my office and we can talk about the class, the password is 'Alastor'." Neville grinned slightly then continued on his way.

"Thanks," Jamie murmured as she headed towards the Ravenclaw common room, on her way, she came across a surprising sight, Septimus Snape and Lily Potter, holding hands and- wait what? No, she blinked, they were still there.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat loudly, and the two of them broke apart. "Am I missing something?"

"No, I don't think so." Lily snickered slightly, but she did go a bit red as well.

"Since when were you two dating?" Jamie demanded.

"Um, a few weeks after term started?" Septimus glanced at Lily, who nodded.

"Right, well, see you two around I guess." Jamie nodded suspiciously, immediately she went to find Dianna, her partner in crime (more like sidekick though).

"JAMIE! You're back!" Dianna Finnegan squealed happily, hugging Jamison.

"I know, I know. I came to ask you about something, Septimus and Lily." Jamie half smiled, not really returning the hug and getting straight to the point.

"Oh, I think she used love potion on him, it's not like an amazing guy like him would actually even look at her in adoration, repulsion maybe." Dianna drawled on her irritating, squeaky voice (in Jamie's opinion at least).

"So then we will have to find a cure, because he I know for a fact that he wouldn't look at anyone but me." Jamie said angrily, her disliking for the Potter girl increasing as she spoke.

"A cure, yeah, I'll go grab my potions book and you can think of a way to slip it into his drink or something like that, you're the smart one." Dianna chirped, then skipped away brightly. "So I'll drop by the Ravenclaw common room, meet you at the kitchens in fifteen?"

"Sure," Jamie agreed and began to walk briskly towards the kitchens.

As the two women left, they hadn't noticed a young man leaning against the wall just around the bend, his green eyes glistened furiously as he quietly disappeared towards the Great Hall.


"Hey Lily, can I talk to you real quick?" Albus asked, tapping his sisters shoulder lightly.

"Um, okay?" She stood up warily and exited the great Hall with him. "What's up, wrong, or what?"

"I accidentally overheard Jamison Frost and Dianna Finnegan talking, and um, from what it seemed like, they are planning on ruining yours and Septimus' relationship." Albus blurted out.

"Firstly, thank you a million times for letting me know. Secondly, I thought you didn't approve of Septimus, wouldn't you be happy to see him gone?" Lily responded, staring at him suspiciously.

"No problem, and um, if James approves of him, then so do I." Albus shifted his weight back and forth, glancing at his feet, obviously feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Besides, I don't want you to get hurt because of some dumb witches."

"Thank you again, Al." Lily grinned, pulling the non expecting green eyed wizard into a deep hug.

She then skipped her way back into the Great Hall with Albus by her side and noticed that Septimus was talking with Jamie already, and Jamie was rather close to Septimus, immediately Lily began to rewrite her route and head towards them, but halfway there; Jamie reached up and pulled Septimus' head down, planting her lips on his.

Floating, in the distance.
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