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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction) The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.

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Old 02-04-2010, 09:46 PM   #26 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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EEEEP! I can't wait for more! I hope you get over your writer's block. PLEASE PAMS, or as soon as your block has cleared! (:
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Old 02-05-2010, 06:00 PM   #27 (permalink)

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Ohhh GREAT!!! sneak peek!!!
Ohhhh i really want to read more
Cant wait
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 03-02-2010, 03:28 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Ahh! It's not as long as the rest but it should do

The girl that shows up Liscr Ra-ye, her name is pronounced Lis-cer Ray-ee..

Chapter Four: Painful Love

Maybe I did not belong here,
I saw the things they rarely could

Angelina and Hermione were talking about the current state of the Ministry and what it was doing as George surveyed the latter with a certain interest mingled with confusion. Hermione felt his steady unmoving gaze on her and tried to shrug it off, but it wasn't exactly easy to ignore. Finally Molly Weasley arrived with a steaming platter of slightly pink steak and definitely raw sushi. Bill whistled softly, he hadn't been over for dinner in some time and was eagerly waiting for his mothers cooking. Charlie and Percy burst in to laughter at the look on his face. George joined halfheartedly, not even noticing what they were laughing at. Then silence took place of the normal bustling chatter and laughter at the Weasley table.

“ So uh.. Hermione, how's your summer been?” Percy decided to finally break the abnormal silence around the dinner table. Hermione looked up from her food which she hadn't really eaten in surprise, and paused as her brown eyes flitted around the table noticing everyone was watching her.” I mean, I haven't seen you much around the ministry. And, well yea. You did a great job when you worked under me for a few months. Who's your new boss?” Percy babbled on noticing the silence was even more awkward.

“ My summers been as well as can be expected. And I haven't seen you much either, thank you. You flatter me to much, and Draco Malfoy is my new boss.” Hermione tried to use a fake smile, it didn't turn out well. Her mind had been drifting to when she kissed Draco on the cheek, to when she spent a whole night laughing hysterically with Blaise Zabini because Draco dropped a plate on his head. She almost laughed out loud at the memory. Winky had been scolding Draco for about half an hour before she decided to do something.” How's all of your summers been so far?”

“ Spiffing great!” Charlie burst out, surprising several people. Fleur murmured something that sounded suspiciously like Cho Chang. Hermione hearing it choked on her food.” I mean, it's been okay, I can live with it.” Charlie had also heard and went bright red much to half the tables occupants amusement.” What?” His feigned innocence didn't work on anyone and soon everyone was laughing, including Hermione and Molly.” Mum this food is really great.”

“ Spiffing? And why did Fleur mutter something that sounded rather like Cho Chang. It goes from okay to great?” Hermione said through her laughter which had deepened at his failure to change the subject. George had already disappeared under the table because his laughter caused him to fall out of his chair.” And I must say, this food is really good mum.” After several years Hermione finally had given up and decided to call Molly 'mum'.

“ Spiffing indeed.” Fleur choked in her french accent.” I muttered it because Charlie seemed to have taken a interest in a certain Asian girl that is a year older then Harry, and his ex-girlfriend. The food is exquisite. I happen to know Chang, she stole Diggory from at the Tri-Wizard tournament, but that of course was before I met Bill.” Fleur giggled a little bit at the end, Hermione had to confess, her accent and English had improved quite a bit.

“ So Hermione.. I feel bad for you, Malfoy's your new boss.” Angelina attempted to regain control of her laughter through out the chatter around her.” Is he still the s-” She stopped noticing Percy and Penelope's child at the table and then quickly changed what she was going to say.” Scum bag he was in school?” Her almost slip of the tongue made it more impossible for George to stop laughing and take himself of the floor. Quickly she slapped him and made him control his laughter for long enough to be dragged from under the table, after being pulled out from there he started laughing again, and this time even harder.

“ Actually, Draco's been quite nice. I'm staying at his house currently, had some troubles passed out and he totally freaked. I guess I finally got to know the good guy side of Draco and Blaise.” Hermione stopped suddenly noticing everyone staring at her in disbelief.” Oh come of it, Draco's not that bad!” She persisted, her tone showing signs of slight annoyance.

“ It uh.. Just came as bit of a surprise, you know.. How Mal-Draco was in school is totally different to how he is now I guess.” Angelina started playing with her food as she looked away from Hermione. The meal started with small amounts of chatter. Fleur and Hermione were now talking about certain jewelry stores in Diagon Alley. Eventually they heard the door open and slam, everyone looked up in surprise. Ginny walked in clearly in a bad mood.” Hi?' Angelina asked confused.

“ Hi... Is that all I get? Just hi? Not a.. Oh no Ginny-kins what's wrong!” She threw her hands up in anger.” Oh no.. I don't get that because I'm Ginny and I've finally made it clear I want to be left alone, and you'll only talk to me to tell me to marry the idiot Potter. Oh no! That's the only reason I live to get engaged to that big headed git.” Ginny threw another glare at them then stormed out of the room. Everyone exchanged looks of confusion, wondering what in the world happened. What did Harry have to do with her date with Dean. After a few moments of silence she came back in.

“ Ginny.. What happened on your date with Dean?” Fleur sat up tentatively then walked over to her sister in-law.” And what does 'arry have to do with your date with Dean?” She then took Ginny's arm and lead her to the couch and sat down with her, waiting for a answer and hoping it would come. Over the past two years Ginny and Fleur had grown as close as Hermione and Ginny used to be, Ginny and Hermione grew as far apart as Fleur and Ginny used to be. It was such a confusion matter to everyone else. And Hermione.

“ Dean and I were at the Hogs Head talking, you know having a great time and everything.” Ginny started crying when she started to explain.” We were going to leave and then H-Harry showed up.” Anger and hate were mingled with Harry's name.” He started yelling at Dean and accusing me of cheating on him. We haven't even talked since the day Hermione was hurt, and before that not since Ron's death. SO HOW IN THE NAME OF MERLIN CAN I BE CHEATING ON HIM IF HE HATE'S ME!?” She exploded at the end with both uncontrollable tears and anger. There was a sudden knock on the door. George got up to go get it.

“ Dad, Cho, Harry and...” George paused slightly. They heard a soft but strong voice respond with two words Liscr Ra-ye.” Right, Liscr. Hey Teddy! Come on in you lot, dinner started a bit ago and well yea. How did work go dad? Are they still being a bunch of idiots and trying to overthrow Kingsley?” Arthur Weasley replied with something that no one else heard, and it caused George and Harry to start laughing. The five of them entered in to the dining room. Liscr Ra-ye was medium height, had long flowing blonde hair with soft blue eyes. The typical American girlfriend, and she was definitely not American, probably Australian.

“ Hey Hermione, Angelina, Penelope, Fleur, Bill, Charlie, George, mum and... Ginny.” The last name came out of Harry's mouth rather forced.” This is Liscr Ra-ye my girlfriend from California.” He then introduced them to the blonde who Ginny was glaring daggers at. Almost everyone was surprised, Fleur and George visible but Hermione looked shocked and, offended. Harry didn't seem to notice. Everyone began to greet them and congratulate them, well that is, everyone but Ginny who still was sitting on the couch glaring her eyes out at Liscr who looked rather uncomfortable.

“ Harry! I've been worried sick about you, how has work been as head of the Auror office? Are they making you do really dangerous jobs?” Ginny suddenly started in a sickly, annoying, fawning tone of voice with a big sloppy grin on her face as she ran towards him.” Oh dear, you look like a wreck.” cooed, his face was totally confused, obviously less then a hour ago they had a yelling match.” The dinner is really good, you look like your starved.” She grabbed his arm and dragged him in to the kitchen. Hermione had a sudden urge to laugh at the looks on Liscr's, Harry's and Ginny's faces. Somehow she managed to keep it in.

“ That was strange.” Cho managed to say with a straight face, though the corners of her mouth were twitching slightly.” Uh.. Dinner?” She noticed that everyone was now watching her, well that was everyone in the room except George who had receded under the table again.” What's he doing down there?” Cho's attempts to change the subject were in vain, and she noticed it so decided to shut up. Charlie had then walked over to her and they had a conversation in low whispers, Hermione didn't really pay attention to anything, she was absentmindedly playing with her hair.

“ Um. Hermione?” She was dragged out of her thoughts by Harry.” Hermione, you've hardly touched your food.” He looked at her worried.” And you've not been paying attention to what anyone's saying. People are leaving, and Angelina's been trying to talk to you for the past fifteen minutes about.” As she looked around certainly people were leaving and she had hardly touched her food. Everyone was watching her at the table with looks of worry on there face.

“ Oh sorry Harry, Angelina, everyone. Just got carried away in my thoughts, the food is really great but Draco's been feeding me quite a bit so I'm not hungry, truly I'm sorry.” Hermione gave a weak half forced smile, but then noticed her slip of the tongue and the look on Harry's face.” Oh yea.. You didn't know that I was er.. Staying with Draco did you.” She knew this wasn't going to end well. Why oh why did I have to be so stupid sometimes? They stared at each other for a few minutes of silence, then someone decided to break it.

“ Harry, leave off her..” Liscr sighed slightly.” Don't be a idiot and get angry, let's go. I'm tired, and you surely look it.” She grabbed his arm and gave a apologetic glance at all the Weasley's and everyone else, then left with him muttering to him in a annoyed sort of way. There was more silence as people started to register what happened. Ginny was the first, she ran up the stairs crying hysterically, Fleur quickly followed her apologizing to everyone and telling them that she had to go. Percy, Penelope and Simon then left next. Hermione quickly decided to leave before things got more out of hand then they already were.

***The Ministry of Magic, the next day.

“ It was... It was terrible to be truthful, George was completely suspicious of everything I did or said, Ginny showed up a quarter the way through her date with Dean ruined because of Harry, then Harry showed up and he had a girlfriend. She's really nice and everything. But less then a hour before that Harry accused Ginny of cheating on him. Then I zoned out and made myself look like a idiot, ugh! It was terrible.” Hermione slammed her smooth forehead on the table in front of her, causing several people to turn and look at her.” There are sometimes when I wish I could kill Harry.. He's half my problems in this whole stupid world!”

“ Only half? Who's the other half?” Draco asked, interested.” Zoning out doesn't make you a idiot, George can be as suspicious as he likes.. I think that your overreacting again.” Hermione looked up and started to narrow her eyes.” What? It's the truth, oh yea. I have a meeting tonight. So it's just Blaise and you tonight, and well Winky of course. You don't look like your going to eat anymore. So we should go back to the office.” Draco took her hand and lead her out of the cafeteria, many people cast confused and suspicious looks at them.” Look at Seamus's expression.” He whispered to her. Hermione looked over at the said person and joined Draco in laughter. Hermione was about to say something but stopped, laughter and words died in her mouth as she bumped in to Liscr Ra-ye and Harry.

“ Hermione, Draco.” Liscr smiled at them, turning away from Harry who it looked like she was arguing with.” So, how has life been Draco? Is my cousin still giving you a hard time? Because if he is I'll go slap Blaise. He deserves it anyways. And hi Hermione, it is Hermione right? Sorry if it's wrong. I'm really bad at names and there were a lot of people yesterday.” She tried to look happy, but it was obvious that she was rather angry with Harry. Who was livid and glaring daggers at Draco. He looked shocked when Liscr said that she was Blaise Zabini's cousin.

“ Hey Li. I've been doing okay, Blaise would never give me a hard time.. At least not around Hermione she'd hex him, and he doesn't deserve a slap. It is Hermione, and you are bad at names.” Draco grinned at Liscr.” Nice seeing you again, but I've got to get back to work.. Have to finish early.” He then took Hermione's hand again and headed towards the stairs. Hermione was silent for most of the trip, when they got to the fifth floor she then spoke up.

“ Draco.. You said you had a meeting, I take that it has nothing to do with work.” She raised one eyebrow at him. He didn't answer.” Oh never mind, it's not even my business anyways.” Hermione muttered as they ascended the last flight of stairs. Several people's heads turned slightly away from there dusty work as Draco and Hermione entered the hallway, the latter decided to stop and say hello to a friend of hers though.” Hey Tina, have you gotten the papers I asked for through yet?” Hermione waved a wand and pulled up the wooden chair she made then sat down next to the new girl.” Oh and how's Cormac doing?”

“ Er yep, right here.” Tina MacLaggen smiled briefly handed Hermione the papers.” I think I got them through okay..” Another brief and nervous smile.” Cormac's doing great, he and Isabella are spending the weekend in Paris, I do hope he doesn't spoil her as usual.” Tina finished with a fully fledged grin.” Oh.. Hey boss.. I got the reports you asked for earlier this morning here they are.. See ya around Hermione, gotta run home to relieve the baby sitter of Timothy.” Tina handed over Draco's papers, picked up her purse then left with a small wave to Hermione.

“ I have no idea what she see's in Cormac... He's a totally idiot, unlike me.” Draco rolled his eyes, Hermione stifled the laughter that threatened to break through.” Oh come on, you've got to admit it.. I'm way nicer, plus you dated Cormac so you should know how much of a stuck up prat he is.” He turned to face Hermione pleadingly slightly. At this she cracked and started to laugh. He watched her with a speculative look on his face and waited for her response after she finished laughing.

“ Cormac is not that bad, and Tina fell in love.. Normally people that fall in love get married.” Hermione's voice wavered a little bit here.” And I will not admit that you are nicer or less of a idiot or prat then Cormac. Do I hear a hint of jealousy about me dating Cormac? I wouldn't have thought you able to feel that, unless someone had prettier hair then you.” She teased punching his arm playfully. At this Draco started laughing.” But seriously, you sounded jealous...” It was a statement not a question, and Draco knew he hardly had a choice of what to respond with.

“ But you do admit Cormac is a prat. And I get jealous rather often, it has nothing to do with my hair thank you very much.. I have no worry about that, I have the slickest and handsomest hair in the world, wizarding or muggle.. You might have heard some jealousy..” Draco decided that trying to avoid the purpose of the whole jealous matter was the best decision.”

“ I.. Cormac.. Some.. Stop confusing me now!” Hermione just stared at him with a almost blank expression on her face, Draco was immediately confused himself now.” Oh great! Excuse me.” She slipped past him quickly and ran in to her office as tears started to roll down her face.” Why me? Why do I have to.. I can't! Can't! CAN'T. I can't love Draco Malfoy, I love Ronald Weasley.” Hermione shouted herself, hoping with all her might no one heard, unfortunately she didn't notice the other person in her office.

“ Um.. Hermione?” George spoke up noticing how strange this was as he did so.” Sorry to break it to you, but uh, Ron's dead.” Hermione spun around and glowered at him with a look stating that she already knew.” But.. Did you really mean what you said about Malfoy? Do you really love him?” He knew this wasn't the best way to approach things but he had to find out, he had no idea why.

“ Of course not! Why in the world would I love a idiotic prat! Malfoy of all people, he constantly called me mudblood throughout our whole Hogwarts life and afterwords, why in the name of Merlin would I even begin to like someone like that? Plus, I'm allowed to love a dead person, when Ron died my heart went with him.” Hermione knew she wasn't making a point in the slightest.” Oh.. I didn't make a single point there did I.. Let's get this straight George. You never heard me say that, as far as you know I came in whistling happily after having a nice conversation with Harry? You never heard me say I love Malfoy, got it?” She started to glare at him again. He nodded through his silent laughter. They both turned in surprise as the door opened.

“ I heard that there was a Miss Hermione Granger here?” The tall red haired young man entered the room, forgetting to close the door. Hermione took one look at him and almost fainted.” Hermione! It's a .. George! Wow, uh.. Hey guys. It's a really long story as to how I'm not dead, Harry has some power called Time-Affectionate or something and well yea.. Really strange but he couldn't not not.. Uh.. He had to make me alive something about missing me.. Gah, I confuse my-” Ron Weasley broke off as Hermione threw herself at him and kissed him full on the lips.

“ Ron..” She finally managed to say as they broke apart she let her head rest on his chest, holding him tightly as she did so.” Please, don't ever leave me again.. Please.” Tears starting welling up in her eyes, but for a whole different reason then before.” Wait.. Did you say that Harry was a Time-Effector?” Hermione pulled away ran to her desk and started rummaging through her papers.” Here! I read about them in our sixth, second and first year. Pretty interesting, but as far I as know there haven't been any in centuries.. Wow! Wait! It runs in his blood that's how, normally it's passed down from mother to daughter or father to son, it's very rare that it's passed from mother to son or father to daughter and normally the blood weakens and.. I'm babbling aren't I?” She looked up surprised.

“ Right yea, um.. Hi Ron. I've gotta run, Percy asked me to babysit Simon today, he and Penelope are going out for there anniversary.” George coughed and left, leaving Hermione and Ron to a slightly awkward silence. Hermione sat down in her chair watching Ron who just stood there slightly confused and trying to figure out what Hermione just said.

“ Uh.. I've gotta go, works over, plus I've got to say good bye to Draco before he go-...” Hermione gasped and covered her mouth realizing what she just let slip.” Er.. And I can't miss my dinner either, Draco will have my head, want to drop by for dinner at Malfoy Manor?” She almost slapped herself physically, Ron remained silent for a moment.

“ I.. I guess.” He said his expression and tone blank and dry. Together they walked out of the Ministry silently not exchanging a single word between each other. Once they exited it Hermione took his hand and apparated to Malfoy Manor.” Hermione, you sure I'm allowed here?” Ron asked.

“ Yep.. I'm sure, they won't kill me.. Blaise and Draco.” Hermione explained the they as they made there way through the garden and in to the manor.” OI! Blaise is Draco gone yet?” She called out, Ron stared at me dumbfounded that I would hang out with two Slytherins, much less live with them. Hermione felt bad for him, he's only known her for five minutes after he died and well yea..

“ Oh hey Hermione, he's in the.. The living room, you know which one I'm talking about.. Hey Winky, careful with that, sure you don't want any help? DRACO! HERMIONE'S BACK FROM WORK, WITH.. A friend?” Blaise finished looking rather surprised and sounding surprised, then he noticed who I was with.” I thought he was uh.. You know, dead?” He turned to Hermione for some kind of explanation.

“ Well, it was a mistake.. He didn't really die.” Hermione wasn't prepared to go in to full detail about what happened to Ron, and Harry's powers.” Well, I'm gonna say bye to Draco then go up to my room and talk with Ron, try not to disturb me please? I'll be down in about half an hour. Oh and I should be moving out tomorrow.” With a grin she took Ron's hand and led him upstairs trying not to laugh.” Ron.. I'm so.. Happy, I don't know really how to voice how I feel like. It's kinda like being in love all over again.” Hermione looked up at the towering red head.

“ I know how you feel, it's.. Just, to strange. Right well uh.. You can go see Malfoy say good bye and stuff.. All that and I'll sit in your room waiting for you.” Ron kissed her again bringing back the smile to her face.” Hermione, I love you no matter what.. Through anything and everything.” Hermione could feel the tears creeping up on her and turned away with a nod. Then slowly made her way to find Draco and say good bye. As she headed to off to find him she realized how painful her love with Ron would be.

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 03-02-2010, 07:49 PM   #29 (permalink)

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ahhh this was a REALLY REALLY GREAT CHAPTER!!! << See i used Capitals
I this chapter soo much!
Awww Sorryy to Draco
But Hermione and Ron all the way!!
More soon please!
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 03-02-2010, 08:05 PM   #30 (permalink)
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OMG! Fantastic post! RON'S BACK! Sweetness! I love it! Please post more! PAMS PAMS!!
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Old 03-27-2010, 01:08 AM   #31 (permalink)
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Ohh...I really like this PAMS <3
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Old 03-27-2010, 01:21 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Thanks! I'll see about working on this as soon as possible..

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 04-18-2010, 07:52 PM   #33 (permalink)

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Last update 1 MAR 2010

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Old 04-19-2010, 01:01 AM   #34 (permalink)

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Old 04-19-2010, 02:48 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Gosh! I am such a bad bad bad person! Okay.. Here is a spoiler, this chapter may end up being shorter then the rest though.

SPOILER!!: Finally
“ WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY!” They both jumped as Ginny's voice carried across the wide open glade.” YOUR NOTHING LIKE I THOUGHT YOU-You've destroyed my life.” Tears started to erupt from her eyes the couple noticed as they approached the house. Harry and Ginny were behind it talking, well more like arguing.” You've destroyed all my good memories that you've given me, even the ones that.. Just don't talk to me Harry. You've really done it this time. Leave me alone.” She turned away from the black haired man to get some peace and was surprised to see Hermione and. Ron?!” What is-Ron?” She asked in a shaky voice.

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 04-20-2010, 07:59 PM   #36 (permalink)

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OMG!!! I want to know EVERYTHING!!!
Ahhhh Please post soon!
I want to know what happens, am slightly confused
As fogotten what came first..sorry!! Shall re-read -nodss-
Please post soon
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 04-20-2010, 08:53 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Lol, you can't know everything seeing as I don't teehehe.

Hehe, you'll find out when I'm done

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 04-20-2010, 08:58 PM   #38 (permalink)

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Your going to make up wait arnt you??
Evil!! -glares-


*Us Wait ^^ wrong spelling
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.

Last edited by Ladybug; 04-21-2010 at 04:10 PM.
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Old 04-20-2010, 10:20 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Dude!!!!! You CANNOT leave us hanging!!!! Please, please, PLEASE post ASAP!!!!
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Old 04-20-2010, 11:44 PM   #40 (permalink)
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I am a terrible person! Must go work on the ff now before I'm killed! lol

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Old 04-21-2010, 06:39 PM   #41 (permalink)
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It's rather short compared to the rest. But it is here none the less

Chapter Five: Destroyed Memories

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger,
Til there before your eyes,

Love is our resistance,
They'll keep us apart and they,
wont to stop breaking us down,

Hermione slipped down the soft gray marble staircase and then she entered the living room where Blaise said that Draco would be." Hey, you look tired." She commented sitting down next to Draco who placed down his book a faint smile creeping on to his face." I came to say goodbye. Tomorrow, I'll be leaving with Ron. We will either buy a flat and live there or stay at The Burrow, and. I wanted to say.." Hermione paused, closing her eyes for a few moments before re-opening them." I wanted to say thank you. For everything and anything. I guess that your not as bad as I once thought you were. And I'm really lucky to have had you as my boss."

" I am tired. Had? I take it your going to settle down with Ron, I wish you both the best of luck." Draco was still smiling but Hermione could tell there was pain in his deep gray eyes, she wondered why but wasn't going to find out any time soon." Well. I best be getting ready for my trip, which as you guessed has nothing to do with business. And you should be getting some more rest." Draco stood up then helped Hermione off the couch. Hermione gave him one last half smile before leaving the room and heading up to talk with Ron. Her conversation with Draco had been short and pleasant. Yet at the same time slightly confusing.

" Hey Mione, been waiting for you. How did things go with fer-Draco?" Ron barely caught himself in time to not call Draco Malfoy, ferret. Ever since his fourth year he, Hermione, Ginny and Harry had taken a liking to that nickname for Draco. Hermione said nothing and just hugged Ron tightly." How have things been, for you, Harry, Ginny, everyone, especially George?" Ron asked with a slight groan seating back down on the bed, Hermione moved on to his lap and kissed him lightly before responding.

" Things went.. Alright, I've been okay. Harry and Ginny are a subject no one likes to talk about, especially them. Harry's dating Blaise's cousin and I think Ginny is dating Dean again." Hermione sighed with a tiny hint of disappointment in her tone, Ron looked ready to murder Dean.” Oh calm down please! It's Harry's fault.. Er, well kinda. And, George has been, slightly off.. He's dating Angelina and everything is going okay as far as I know. But he and Angelina have been rocky for some time. It's so. Weird. And he randomly pops up in my office to talk with me. Maybe it's because he had lost two brothers and one of them w-is my boyfriend and that. Well it would be easier to talk with me.”

“ I really want to murder Harry! He was supposed, is supposed to make my sister happy and NOT hurt her.” Ron was furious and wasn't doing anything to not show it.” I really hope that George is doing okay. I don't want things to get worse for him.” He settled down a little bit with Hermione's help.” I just can't.. Why aren't they dating.. Ah, it's not my place to tell them what to do.” He rolled his eyes. Hermione noticed that Ron's face was getting darker, not with anger, but from something else which Hermione couldn't tell what it was.

“ Yea, will deal with that later. I'm really tired and need sleep or else.. Or else I'll just. Well, not do so well tomorrow.” She stopped herself from saying that Draco wouldn't be happy, she didn't need Ron her case about that. Things were working out perfectly so far with him, Hermione wasn't going to ruin it all with talk about Malfoy. Soon enough the both of them settled off to sleep, and Hermione was happier then she had been in a long, long time. Finally dawn came upon the two of them, and it came fast, before Hermione knew it, it was already four in the afternoon. Ron and her had just finished a meeting with someone about renting a flat.

“ I can't believe it! We've got a place to stay. That's so awesome Ron!” Hermione cried happily kissing her newly alive boyfriend again. He just smiled at her.” So I guess we have to go to the Burrow now.. Wow, that will be creepy seeing that the last time I went there..” She just trailed off and hugged Ron tightly and kissing him again.” Yea. I'll apparate us there if you like.” With out waiting for a answer she turned on the spot still holding on to Ron. Within a few seconds they were just outside of the Burrows boundaries.” Here we are, home sweet home.”

“ WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY!” They both jumped as Ginny's voice carried across the wide open glade.” YOUR NOTHING LIKE I THOUGHT YOU-You've destroyed my life.” Tears started to erupt from her eyes the couple noticed as they approached the house. Harry and Ginny were behind it talking, well more like arguing.” You've destroyed all my good memories that you've given me, even the ones that.. Just don't talk to me Harry. You've really done it this time. Leave me alone.” She turned away from the black haired man to get some peace and was surprised to see Hermione and. Ron?!” What is-Ron?” She asked in a shaky voice.

“ Gin.” Ron's eyes lit up happily as he pulled his sister in to a bear hug and twirled her around before placing her down back on the green grass.” I've really missed you.” Ginny stared at him in shock.” It's really a long story, I promise I'll tell you someday. But not right now, I've got to go see-” He broke off as Fleur walked out the back door to find out what was going on.” Oh uh. Hey Fleur.. Harry.” Ron smiled sheepishly at the both of them who joined Ginny in staring at him.” Did I uh, grow another arm or something?”

“ RON!?” Ginny was the first to get over her shock she hugged her brother back as hard as she could. He only then noticed her hair was black.” OH MY GOSH! RON!” Soon everyone inside the Burrow came running, wondering if Ginny was mental.” Ron.” She repeated, refusing to let go of her brother.” How-Why? When?” Ginny sobbed into is shoulder.” You owe us a explanation and.. Oh, you scared me near to death!”

“ RONALD!” Molly Weasley ran over to her youngest son and enveloped him into a hug. Kissing his forehead.” HOW!? How are you.. What happened?” She asked with a expression of worry creeping on to her face. Hermione knew she and Ron and Harry had lot's of explaining to do. Soon enough all of the family and a few friends were sitting down in the living room of the Burrow hugging Ron and congratulation him and Hermione who where now engaged, again.

*** America

“ Why, hello.. Long time no see, I must say. I did not expect to see you ever, again.” Ane Pine-White smirked at her visitor, who was sitting across from her in a black leather seat. He didn't look amused.” Oh come off it, stop being grouchy handsome.. Have to put on a smile for your ogling fan-girls now don't you hon? Sometimes I wonder why some of the hardcore fans have to put up with all the anger and sadness there beauties spout off.” She giggled as she examined her fingernails adorned with black nail-polish.

“ Shut up.” Draco continued to glower at Ane who looked taken back.” Just shut up unless I address you to answer a question. Now here's the first. Why did you take a liking to the Weasley boy? I thought you were still in morning about Alexander when the British Auror's visited the US to track the remaining Death Eaters that took refuge here.” Ane's bubble from her gum she was chewing made a sudden loud pop as she stared at Draco in shock.

“ You know, my only regret is that I had to kill the man. Britain comes out with such charming fellows every now and then.. Like you, but then everything bad happens to them.” She leaned over her desk to examine Draco's face.” Look babe, that Weasley boy attracts trouble by the looks of it. And I adore, no I love trouble.” Ane smacked her glistening red lips together forming a half smirk.” He had a air of.. Bravery around him, must have been a Gryffindor at school.. Unlike a certain coward I'm talking to. Trouble and Bravery, are my two favoritest qualities.”

“ Your drawling on and on is really annoying me Ane.” Draco's jaw tightened, and his eyes flared for a millisecond when she called him a coward but calmed.” That still doesn't explain why you stole a guy, don't give me that look. You knew fully well that he was engaged to Hermione Granger. And you used a love potion. That's low, even for you Ane.. And trust me I know how low you can sink when you want to get your hands on someone.”

“ You would know darling.. You would.” Ane's smirk didn't leave her face this time.” Well, you see, here I was falling desperately in love with a man who was already taken. And a love potion had antidotes, there are ways to avoid that also. So no, I didn't use that. Imperious curse was all I needed. Simple and easy, you would know that also, handsome.” Draco face-palmed, if Ane kept up the 'handsome' stuff he'd blow.

“ Falling desperately in love? That only happens in dumb, cheesy, romance novels that Pansy Parkinson reads in her spare time.” He choked, banging his head against the back of his seat in annoyance.” The.. Your are so bloody heartless, you don't give a crap for anyone but yourself, do you?” Draco glared daggers at Ane who feigned a look of innocence, it would have worked on anyone or at least any male. Any but Draco.

“ Hey, cutie just because I'm different doesn't mean I'm evil.” Ane scoffed, rolling her eyes at Draco.” And just cause I don't care about most of the people I hurt doesn't mean I'm heartless, my hearts still beating last time I checked.. Though I don't check often.” She sneered, sitting up straight in her chair.” And speaking of Pansy, hows my girl doing? Still trying to persuade her guy that she's not as bad as she looks, gosh that girl has problems. And falling desperately in love happens to a lot of people. The mudblood fell desperately in love with Ron. Why are you making such a deal about one small thing anyways?”

“ Don't call her a mudblood.” Draco snapped.” Now, here is what your going to do, like it or not. Your going to apologize to Hermione Granger, with out insulting her in the slightest, turn yourself in for what you did and plead guilty.” Ane's jaw dropped in amazement. She stared at Draco for a full two minutes not saying anything.” Don't stare at me like that, it's not like I'm half hippopotamus or something of that sort. Sheesh girl.”

“ That's rather demanding of you sweetie, you expect me to turn myself in after apologising to this Granger girl then plead guilty of all things. Babe, I think your a little messed up in that cute head of yours.” Ane laughed harshly but stared at Draco in puzzlement still.” Your not serious are you? Because if you are, your incredibly crazy.” She stopped laughing as she commented dryly, squinting at Draco as if there was something she could barely see that held the answer to this whole thing.” Look honey, is this all some sort of elaborate-”

“ The plan is not elaborate, it's simple. Apologize, turn yourself in, plead guilty, and we won't have to deal with all the side crap and stuff. They may even make your time in azkaban shorter if you behave throughout all this and have the perfect emotion of real regret for what you did, you destroyed numerous lives of happy people with, and I quote, 'one small thing' as you call it.” Draco cut across Ane barely stopping himself from a rant.” Do what I tell you too or else I'll take you to your sisters, then to Alexander's family, then I'll leave at the mercy of the Weasley family. I've heard they have tempers to be reckoned with.”

“ You wouldn't dare!” Ane sat up straight, her lower lip trembling with traces of fear, but even as she spoke those four syllables she knew he would dare.” So, no matter what I'm stuck in the trash pit. You were always really clever, and handsome.” She regained control of her emotions as she leaned back in her comfy suede chair, tapping her fingers on the armrest in thought.” There wouldn't happen to be a third door, choice, would there?” Draco shook his head briefly not taking his cold eyes off of Ane.” Didn't think so, oh well, was at least worth a shot.” Ane muttered, but Draco heard.” I prefer humilation then getting apart so plan A.”

“ Thought so, you never really were one for pain, except for when it came from you causing it on someone other then yourself.” Draco spat standing up, Ane also stood up. Lowering her colorless eyes to the ground.” Don't forget what happens if you don't follow through, and don't try and run. I will track you down.” With a swish of his robes Draco walked out of the room leaving Ane there alone breathing heavily. She didn't want to die. Not just yet. A tear found it's way to her eye and Ane quickly wiped it away, she felt guilty for once in her life.

“ What am going to do with Riley?” She mumbled as more tears started to spring to her eyes. Ane glanced over at the locked door then walked over to it. Peeking in to it, the male infant lay fast asleep with his auburn hair laying in his blue eyes which resembled a certain Ron Weasley's.” Sleep well, you may never see your mother again.” Ane approached the bed wrapping the one year old up in several blankets before heading back to her desk and scribbling down a note which she tucked in to the folds of one of the blankets. All her memories of this child would soon be destroyed

*** The next morning, a doorstep in California.

“ That's not funny! Get back here you little idiot!” Selene Davies slapped her husband but laughed all the same. She then made her way outside and was surprised to see a infant laying on the ground wrapped up in blankets.” Roger!” She called leaning down to pick of the child. Then noticed the note which she read aloud.” I know your a wizarding family, this is my son, for certain reasons I cannot take care of him.. Please treat him as you would your own. His name is Riley Bilius.” Selene glanced from her husband to the boy in shock.

“ I guess.. I guess we'll raise him. You always did want a boy.” Roger put one arm around his wife's waist, she continued to smile at the baby who was still sound asleep.” Come on, let's go inside and prepare for a shopping trip.. And a visit to the Ministry to get the boy legally adopted.” He led them in to there summer home still in a slight state of shock. He hadn't prepared for a child this early in the relationship but then again, Selene was already pregnant. They'd have two kids. He liked children, right? Of course he did.

“ I'm just wondering what happened to his parents, by the look of the writing it was a girl that wrote this. But what about the dad?” Selene said when they were sitting down at the table, she was still fawning over Riley. Roger shrugged as he placed a cup of tea in front of her.” Oh well, we'll probably never know. Poor kid, I hate to think what would have happened if he had no where to go.. Orphanages are normally really horrid places.” She shuddered.

*** The Den Flat

Hermione was in a state of shock as she and Ron sat down at there small table, the girl that.. Tried to take Ron from her met up with her not long ago, when she was alone shopping. And apologized. She was so scared at what the girl would do then Ane dissaperated muttering darkly.” I.. I just don't know why, why she did that! It-it's so weird.” Hermione stuttered moving closer to Ron who continued to hold her.” Tha-that is not s-something I want to repeat ever in m-my life again.. A really creepy encounter.” She half giggled, placing her head on Ron.

“ You sure you don't want me to find her and hex her in to oblivion Mione?” Ron asked looking down at her, Hermione shook her head and mumbled something about not wanting to loose him again.” Alright, well it's getting late. You should get some sleep, that is if you've had enough tea.” Hermione laughed and started to stand up, but Ron pulled her back down for a kiss.” Good night, Hermione. I hope the nightmare stops bothering you soon.” Hermione nodded kissed him again lightly then walked in to her room, pondering over her dream.

*Disclaimer: The Call was recorded and performed by Regina Spektor
**Disclaimer: Resistance was written and recorded by Muse

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Old 04-21-2010, 09:37 PM   #42 (permalink)

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Ohhh the quote from 'The Call' ahhhh i LOVE that song -nodss-
Andd You call that short? Mann that was longggg
Buttt very cool
Ohhh this drama that happened to Ron...veyr scary...&& He hasss a Sonn!!
Buttt this women sounds horrid....Awww to Draco
Awwww the chapter was cool
Cant wait for more
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 04-21-2010, 10:39 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Ohhh the quote from 'The Call' ahhhh i LOVE that song -nodss-
I do also! Hehe

Andd You call that short? Mann that was longggg
Buttt very cool
Lol, well.. It was kinda short compared to the other chapters And thank you

Ohhh this drama that happened to Ron...veyr scary...&& He hasss a Sonn!!
Mwhahahah Yees he has a son..

Buttt this women sounds horrid....Awww to Draco
She is.. Kinda.. Draco's sweet!

Awwww the chapter was cool
Cant wait for more
Thank you again, I'll start working on the next chappie

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 04-21-2010, 11:15 PM   #44 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassiopia Malfoy View Post
"WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY!" They both jumped as Ginny's voice carried across the wide open glade. "YOUR NOTHING LIKE I THOUGHT YOU-You've destroyed my life." Tears started to erupt from her eyes the couple noticed as they approached the house. Harry and Ginny were behind it talking, well more like arguing. "You've destroyed all my good memories that you've given me, even the ones that.. Just don't talk to me Harry. You've really done it this time. Leave me alone."
Uh oh, what happened this time between them?

"That still doesn't explain why you stole a guy, don't give me that look. You knew fully well that he was engaged to Hermione Granger. And you used a love potion. That's low, even for you Ane.. And trust me I know how low you can sink when you want to get your hands on someone."
"Well, you see, here I was falling desperately in love with a man who was already taken. And a love potion had antidotes, there are ways to avoid that also. So no, I didn't use that. Imperious curse was all I needed. Simple and easy, you would know that also, handsome." Draco face-palmed, if Ane kept up the 'handsome' stuff he'd blow.
What!!? Not cool! I can't believe he wasn't even dead or anything! Ooooh, she's evil, I don't like her! So, then how did Ron know about Harry and the whole bringing someone back from the dead thing? Or am I understanding this wrong and he really did die?
Peeking in to it, the male infant lay fast asleep with his auburn hair laying in his blue eyes which resembled a certain Ron Weasley's. "Sleep well, you may never see your mother again."
Oh, dear! He has a baby?! Does he even know about Riley?
*Disclaimer: The Call was recorded and performed by Regina Spektor
Heehee, this is one of my favorite songs
Fantastic chappie! I can't wait for more and the explanations! PLEASE PAMS!!!
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Old 04-21-2010, 11:49 PM   #45 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Uh oh, what happened this time between them?
Err. Not sure lol, just a random arguement.

What!!? Not cool! I can't believe he wasn't even dead or anything! Ooooh, she's evil, I don't like her! So, then how did Ron know about Harry and the whole bringing someone back from the dead thing? Or am I understanding this wrong and he really did die?
Ron really died.. Harry just brought him back to life with that life thingy lol.. I know, I'm confusing

Oh, dear! He has a baby?! Does he even know about Riley?
Nope Well yes he has a baby, he doesn't know about Riley tehehe

Heehee, this is one of my favorite songs
Fantastic chappie! I can't wait for more and the explanations! PLEASE PAMS!!!
I knoow it's such a awesome song1
Thank you

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Old 04-22-2010, 01:27 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassiopia Malfoy View Post
Ron really died.. Harry just brought him back to life with that life thingy lol.. I know, I'm confusing
Haha, nope, I'm just slow... I understand now, thanks
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Old 04-23-2010, 05:51 PM   #47 (permalink)
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hehe, okaayz! I'm almost done with the chappie..

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Old 04-23-2010, 05:58 PM   #48 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Cassiopia Malfoy View Post
I do also! Hehe
Ohh Snap!!

Lol, well.. It was kinda short compared to the other chapters And thank you
Hmmm I thought it was pretty long tbhh
Anddd Your Welcome

Mwhahahah Yees he has a son..
When i hear evil laughter...I wanna know more!!

She is.. Kinda.. Draco's sweet!
Awww He is in this story!

Thank you again, I'll start working on the next chappie
Your welcome
Andd Ohh cant wait!!
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 04-23-2010, 07:39 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Disclaimer: The jabberwocky belongs to Lewis Carrol, who created it.

Chapter Six: Shattered Mirror

And as the rain starts to fall I just want more,
Woah! I just want all of it, I want more,

Love, it comes in different ways, different forms, different songs, different hearts. But of all people, of all ways, of all hearts. It had to afflict mine. I sighed staring at the folders that had been turned in at the end of the week. Work wasn't hard for me. It was just.. Life, life was hard for me. There come times in a life when you hate people, and when you really hate people. And now, now was a time when I really hated Ronald Weasley. Not because of who he was, what he's done, well not exactly. I just hate the fact that Hermione Granger, had fallen for him. And when he died, she died basically, and when he came alive, she came alive.. But left me. In a way.

Groaning and yawning I put away my papers and started to leave the ministry. I had to get over Hermione, she had her guy.. And they were as happy as can be together. I headed down stairs and was surprised to see someone there, very surprised, upon seeing who it was. Natalia Blake was standing there reading a book. Probably zoned off as usual, she did that so often at school it wasn't funny. She looked up and saw me watching her and blinked a few times, probably not noticing it was this late before. Natalia walked over to me.

We then exited the almost completely empty ministry together, in silence. We weren't exactly friends at Hogwarts, though I knew her because Daphne's younger sister Astoria was friends with Natalia. I also knew she was/is dating Theodore Nott. I haven't spoken with most of my friends from Hogwarts recently, something that Blaise tells me I should do. The two of us started walking down the deserted alleyway into muggle London. Still not speaking. We then boarded some sort of local transport, that honestly I couldn't remember the name of.

We exited at some random stop and ended up sitting down in a cafe together, really weird. Seeing as neither of us where talking to each other. Not long after we sat down a waitress approached us, she had long blonde hair and looked familiar for some reason. Natalia smiled at her, and nodded when she asked if Natalia wanted her usual. Then turned to me. I ordered some earl grey then turned to face Natalia. Wondering what we were doing.

“ Hey Dray.” She half smiled at me, playing with her cappuccino, but watching me all the same.” We haven't talked in some time.. But I've seen you every now and then at the ministry, never would have believed it if someone told me, you. Working at the ministry.” Natalia laughed sweetly then glanced at the time on a clock on the other side of the room. It was almost eleven, she motioned for the waitress to sit down next to her.” You two probably haven't seen each other in, what.. Two? Three, years. Astoria, I'm surprised, you said you would keep up with your Hogwarts friends.

“ Heya Nat.” I didn't return the smile, feeling queasy inside. Then it hit me, our waitress was Astoria! That was surprising, I didn't think she would be working in.. Muggle London.” I can work, when and were I want.” I retorted, knowing she didn't mean that offensively. But still, I wasn't exactly in my best mood. Natalia raised her eyebrows at me suspicious, great. First Blaise, now some girl I haven't talked with in ages.” 'Lo Astoria. How have you been recently?” I asked managing a small smile. Being angsty wasn't exactly fun.

“ Ha! You can work..” Astoria commented dryly, noticing my expression she quickly fixed what she said.” Er, just kidding, didn't mean it that way.” She went a slight red and resorted to taking a sip of her tea.” I've been, I've been good, yourself?” I shrugged, not exactly sure how to respond. She nodded in slight understanding.” Hey, Nat. Have you called Kim yet? I can't go to the brunch tomorrow, though I've already made the pound cake. If you could take it for me that would be really nice.” Natalia looked slightly confused but nodded.

“ May I ask why you can't go to the brunch tomorrow.”She said, I really got annoyed normally when people did that, why are you asking if you can ask if your asking it already. Well basically, I kinda ignore the times when I do that. Cause I'm perfect. In my thinking I obviously missed something that happened between Natalia and Astoria, because the former was talking again.” Oh, okay. That makes sense. I'll tell Kimberly you can't come. But it's kinda sad, Selene Davies said that she and Roger had a little baby left on there doorstep, his name is Riley.”

“ Ooh, I love babies! To bad I can't come. Take lot's of pictures for me please.” Astoria laughed slightly. The door thing rang as a small group entered. They were all bickering. What surprised me was of who the group consisted of, George, Fleur and Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Hermione.” Ah one sec let me go get these peoples orders. Wow, lot's of late night people. Surprise, surprise.” Astoria got up and headed over to them.” WOAH! Hi Luna, it's been ages since I talked with you, meaning like yesterday.” She smiled at the girl.

“ Hello Tori, mind if we sit with you and Draco, oh and Natalia?” Hermione asked hugging Astoria. The latter shook her head and beckoned for the group to sit down.” 'Lo Nat, Dray.” Hermione smiled a little shyly at me. She then sat down next to Natalia who waved to her.” Um, Ginny and Fleur want mocha's, Luna brought her own drink which she made before we left, George.. George and I will take firewhiskey's if you have any.” She looked around, Astoria nodded then disappeared for about a minute and came back with everyone's drinks.

“ A firewhiskey, that's a little strong Mione.” I glanced at her suspicious, she laughed. Natalia and Astoria looked surprised that I was getting along so well with Hermione.” Oh yea, Blaise says hi and that he misses your sarcastic humor. Winky's also a little upset that she doesn't get to make you strange, exotic meals anymore.” I laughed slightly, remembering what Winky said. I saw Natalia's jaw drop at my words. Hermione joined in to my laughter, shaking her head in wonder.” And well, it's a little weird with out you now, I miss you also.”

“ WOAH! Someone call St Mungo's I'm having delusions.” Ginny randomly said, basically everyone turned to her, except Hermione who was staring at me.” Er, well, did Ferret really just say that?! I mean like, seriously, am I the only one hearing things?” Ginny cleared her throat looking expectantly at George who was now staring at his firewhiskey looking glum. Fleur was trying to act pleasantly puzzled but it wasn't working. And Astoria had walked off because her boss called her.” Come on people, it's not like I asked the most impossible thing in the world.”

“ I don't think your having delusions, maybe a few wrackspurts are affecting you Ginny.” Luna said calmly still staring at her friend.” It think it's sweet that Draco misses Hermione, after everything at Hogwarts.” There was sudden loud choking emitting from George, he happened to be taken a sip as Luna spoke.” Are you alright George? Was there a jabberwocky baby in your drink?” Hermione hid her face in her hands at this. Luna really was the strangest.

“ Um.. No I don't think so.” George refrained from asking what a jabberwocky was. He glanced at Hermione who was still hiding behind her hands.” Um, why are you staring at me like that Ginny?” He asked as he noticed his sister's eyes went large and started to watch him like a hawk. She blinked then turned away not answering at first. After a while the tension and quietness grew to a amount that she couldn't help herself starting to blurt out what was on her mind, something that George rather regretted she did.

“ Is it true, that you and Angelina.. Broke up?” Ginny said, everyone turned to face George now.” I mean, Angelina was crying the other day and well, she wasn't wearing her engagement ring. And I noticed you weren't either.” George paled slightly as his sister continued.” Also, I've noticed that you and her hardly ever speak now. So, some kind of explanation would be nice. I am your sister, you do owe me one. And if you give me the explanation and I like it, I just might break up with Dean. Fair deal don't you think?”

“ Look Ginny.. We've been arguing for ages, we both saw it coming.” George muttered not meeting her gaze.” We broke up.. About a week or so ago, it really isn't a big deal.” It was Fleur's turn to cough, she quickly excused Ginny and her outside.” Uh right, so.. Luna, hows life been treating you so far? Neville asked the big question yet?” Luna shook her head looking slightly saddened.” It's okay, he'll come to someday and ask you.”

“ Yea, when the sky falls down.” Natalia rolled her eyes, I glanced at her before returning to my tea.” Seriously, he has as much courage as.. I don't know.” She paused looking around for help.” He has as much courage as a little mouse! He can't be taken seriously.” I really think that she has problems, she is in a group which consists mainly of Gryffindor's, well kinda. Friends of Neville anyways.” Doesn't anyone agree with me? He has no-”

“ He's plenty brave Nate.” I spoke up, everyone was shocked.” In his first year he took on Crabbe and Goyle, solo.” I looked at ceiling, feeling basically everyone's gazes on me.” Well, it's late. I'm going to crash. Take care you all.” I stood up, paying for mine and Natalia's drink then left with out further adieu. I noticed that Hermione was still watching me, it was rather weird. Once I got in to the swirling winds of snow and sleet, I apparated. My heart was like a shattered mirror.

*** Hermione's PoV

“ That was a little odd.” I laughed, Fleur and Ginny had re-entered the room, after Draco left. And stared at me confused.” Well, it is late as Draco said. I'm going home, gotta clean the mess that Ron left me before he went away to who knows where.” I stood up and hugged Natalia and Astoria before starting to leave, George offered to walk me home, which I gratefully accepted. We walked in silence most of the way, having nothing to say. It was a little awkward I have to admit, but there were some not so nice people on the street, I was glad for protection.

“ Well, sweet dreams Hermione.” George half smiled at me as we arrived at the door to Ron and mines flat. Currently just mine because Ron was in Germany for a little while. I nodded, trying, and fortunately succeeding in smiling back. We stood there for a few seconds till George kissed me on the cheek then left, leaving me there stunned, and confused.” Good night, take care.” And with that he left and apparated away. This night was really scaring me, I planned on clearing my head tonight. And trying to escape from all the strangeness of the world

I eventually drifted off in to a troubled sleep, the dream I've been having for the past few nights reoccurring. It made no sense to me or Ron, no matter what ways we looked at it, it had no point, no reason to be in my mind. But it still kept coming back, and repeating itself, limiting my sleep. I hated it more then anything, well not as much as I hated Ane, if I had to choose which to never have to see again it would be the girl.

You, mudblood, are accused of brutally murdering your husband after he did his best to make up for your lack of wizarding blood.” The judge leered at me, he reminded me of Harry for some odd reason.” You accepted it freely, you tried to steal his magic, and then you killed him after he did so much for you.” I glared at the judge but was scared all the same, even though this happened every night. I could see millions of people in the crowds jeering at me.

“ I DON'T EVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!” Ginny shrieked at me, I knew I had lost my last and only friend.” HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO DRACO AFTER ALL HE DID FOR YOU?!” She yelled before turning and running away, I was shaking in my chair as people began to throw spells at me, then I was brought outside and my head was laid on a chopping block, the last thing I saw was Ron laughing manically with a battle ax.

I awoke breathing heavily and slipped out of bed after putting on a jacket, even though I was sweating, it was freezing cold. Pouring myself some orange juice I tried to calm myself down, I had the dream, again. I then decided to get dressed even though it was only one am and take a walk. My walk refreshed me, it made me, calm again, well that is what it normally did. As I walked the nightmare kept playing over and over in my head. It wouldn't stop coming back, it chilled me to the bone, after what seemed years of walking, and it was probably only a few minutes, I passed out.

* Down on Me: Written by me,

Is it just me or is that chapter weird?

Floating, in the distance.
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Old 04-23-2010, 08:00 PM   #50 (permalink)

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Enya Mayberry
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Ohhhh that was weird
Anddd good!! -nodss-
Awww George
Awww its wass sweet..well the dream was weird ans scary
I can see something weird going to happen between Mione and Ron :/
Moree soon please!
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.
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