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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction) The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.

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Old 06-20-2010, 05:39 AM   #26 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
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Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by Pottergrl101 View Post

hoyl crap this crap is so good. your humor is excellent....*wishes i had your talent*

It's amazing. and the endign was good too.

the brother makes me laugh.

so does the girl.

thsi story is fantastic.
Thanks! I'm so glad that you're enjoying it, and that Ally and Brad are making you laugh. Welcome

Originally Posted by DanialRadFAN01 View Post
Another post!!!!! *dances around Ern*

There you go Brad!!! We have that in common!

Sorry Ern (and Ally) for going all BOY on you in here.

Awesome post yet again Ern, keep it up! *poofs away*

Wow. Such a BOY. Sigh. At least we know I'm getting Brad's voice right, even if it makes some of us roll our eyes .

Glad you're liking it. Hope you like the update.

Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Haha, I'm in! *Goes to pack bags* Ready??

Bahaha, I love the Harry Potter references. My friend Ruth and I make them daily.

OMG! Like Dan or someone that looks like Harry?? So exciting! I'd be freaking it out if it were either! Haha.

Great chappie! I loved it! PLEASE PAMS!!
Glad you liked it . Where shall we stop on our trip??

I make HP references all the time, and that's REALLY where this fic came from. Out of my own experiences, and then I added a whole LOT of caffeine.

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
From Silencio through Ginger I was non-stop chuckles.

I can feel her sighing in exasperation at her mother, particularly when she's told to go PLAY. I said it last chapter, but I'll say it again. Her voice is just really excellent.

One thing I noticed this time around is how descriptive you can be in short chunks of text. I particularly noticed it in the description of the cottage. It's not super long, but it's written in a way that I can picture exactly how I think that cottage is.

Plus, you know, I want Harry Potter to be on MY vacation, too. So, I'm going to live vicariously through your Ally for a little bit.
Thanks, Jer. I like that Ally's voice is always very clear to me... as in, if I just let her TALK, generally she does a good job figuring out what she wants to say.

Descriptions are hard when you write in first person, especially when that person isn't particularly observant or careful to notice things. We'll see if Ally NOTICES things, but she's doing pretty well for herself.

Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
Ern... I have told you this before and shall tell you again... YOU ARE AMAZING. I love your stuff and I look forward to stalking this fic like whoa!

*sets up a tent and camps out for the next update*
*crawls into your tent* Nice place you have here.

Glad you're liking it, Stalker-person. I hope you like this update as well

Originally Posted by TeamHermioneGranger View Post
I love this! It's so great!
And so funny. I think I was laughing the whole way through!
I hope I can continue to be funny . Enjoy!

Originally Posted by Celandine View Post
I feel like I owe you an I told you so. Your doubts, as usual totally totally totally are unfounded. I think the tense and the point of view are both working out really well from a technical perspective; Ally's voice is really clear and more importantly, from the perspective of someone who knows you well, different from your own. Thats a skill that a lot of people can't quite grasp and it takes some practice. (Whee RPing is good practice for this XD) I like the present tense, it makes everything feel more immediate and relevant and allows you to get into Ally's head.

Now 'scuse me while I add some star power to this thread <3
Aww. We love stars . I'm on a smiley frenzy. MER-LIN. Must stop.

I've NEVER written in present tense this much, and... I like it. It's kind of freeing. Haha.

(I'm glad you like it. It means a lot.)

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
I love this so much!!! I would love to have Harry on my holiday!!!

You are doing very well with the UK stuff. We do say Ginger and our jelly (we call it jam actually) is all different colours. The one you mean is Orange Marmalade.

Can't wait for the next post!!!!!!
It's AWESOME that you recognize the things I'm referring to. Haha. I knew it was marmalade, but I'm glad other people caught that as well. The jelly/jam thing is totally an American thing... your "jelly" is actually our "jello" yes?? Or is that only a NZ thing?

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
LOL. I love pink, but THAT much would drive even me, crazy. xD Brad is awesome, by the way. Pepto Bismol and all. xD AND, of course, the Harry Potter reference. =D

You know I love reading this, right? =D

Bwaha. I'm actually starting to like Brad more and more, as the story progresses. Arm Pit. xD
Brad is NOT a bad guy, in spite of what Ally wants us to believe. I think he's the sane one, and I fear for the Cope parents. POOR COPE PARENTS.

I'm glad you're enjoying reading it... let me know if there's any crazy HP fandom stuff you feel like you're missing out on.

Originally Posted by Droo View Post
LOL I love that. Made me think of my first time in England.

RIGHT!!! OMG! My brother says the SAME thing. At least the chick is hot!

Do you know MY brother? Brad's my brother... totally. Just give him some stupid joke about him being more Italian than me and I will ask him if he's contacted you on Facebook. LOL.

OMG!!! You can't leave it there! I need to know! I need to see if he's nice, or like Brad (and my brother) a jerk!

I have never written this, but this ending calls for me saying "PAMS!!!"
You know... you aren't the first to find your brother in Brad. I chalk that up to there being some sort of common BOY personality that I have tapped into.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
New Reader

WOW! This is sooo good!
I mean great!
Really well written!

OMG! Harry Potter is on her vacation!?


Welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Hope you like the new chapter.

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
New reader here! I LOVE it!!

I love this part, it's hilarious

That sounds like a delightful breakfast...

Yes, Im sure he lost it...acidentaly.

Welcome . I'm glad you're enjoying the fic, and I hope you love the new update!

Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 View Post
Yeah. Tegz is right. ADDIN' SOME STAR POWER. Holy whoa.

HAAHAHAHA. This is made of SO much win. You're killing me here.

Abracadaver. Haha. Lovelovelove. And the door. Mmm. What a pride-killer.

Oooohhhh, EPIC! MMMMMMMmmm.

Queen Ern, I've said it a million times and I'll say it again: you're unbelievable. If I could read your writing all day, every day, I would. So get some books out into the world please. Heh. <3
Someday, my sweet. Someday. Glad you're liking it, and I definitely appreciate the star powerzzz.

Hope you like the next update too .


Day 1, Part 2

I have to say this because some day, Mom is going to get around to tearing the pages out of my trip journals and pasting them into a scrapbook. The pages will probably be squeezed between too many pictures of Arm Pit without his shirt and Dad with a sunburn and receipts from all the trips we made to the grocery store, so what I write is IMPORTANT in remembering what really happens on this trip.

So I have to say this… I am NOT crazy.

Like I completely acknowledge that seeing Harry Potter on vacation is nutso, and I am the first to admit that this isn’t exactly the first time something like this has happened. But that’s a story for another sort of journal.

I am not crazy. Maybe some part of me realized that being in the UK meant I was about a million times closer to JK Rowling and so about a million times more likely to randomly run into her on the street. That happens, right? I mean, JK has to leave her house occasionally, right? I bet people run into her all the time.

But thinking you might spot JK on the street is TOTALLY different then expecting to run into Harry Potter. And not just because I'm a Muggle and can’t see Wizarding travel spots. There’s also the whole fictional character aspect.

This guy, though, looks just like Harry Potter should, and not like that teeny weeny leprechaun Daniel Radcliffe. For one, this guy has dark hair that rises and falls in unruly spikes all over his head, completely free from the help of any hair product. DanRad had the mussed Beatles bowl-cut until his stylists just completely gave up.

For another, he’s skinny. I mean REALLY skinny, with that sort of inverted chest thing that some teenage boys can rock. As in… maybe someone has been keeping him in a cupboard under the stairs and under feeding him. That sort of skinny.

He catches me staring at him. Uh-oh. Stalker much, Ally?

He says, “Hi?” Like it’s a question. Maybe hi? Maybe ‘please stop staring at me like a deranged goldfish and state your business’?

“HI!” My voice is too loud and I think my face is going to crack into pieces and fall off because I’m smiling so big. Definitely going with deranged goldfish. BE COOL, ALLY. BE COOL. “I’m Ally. Allison. Ally Cope.”

That. Was. Not. Cool.

I try again. “I’m staying here for the summer,” I sound all casual. My family travels abroad all the time. We’re awesome like that. “I’m American.”

HP-boy glances over his shoulder toward the lake to see if I’m talking to someone floating out there in the water. Nope, Boy-Who-Looks-Like-The-Boy-Who-Lived. I AM TALKING TO YOU.

“Oh.” I decide he must be shy. Poor thing. Maybe no girls ever talked to him while he was living with the Dursleys. I should hug him. Maybe he really needs a hug.

I hug him.

I AM HUGGING HARRY POTTER. I AM BEING SHOVED AWAY BY HARRY… Wait. In my spazoid frenzy, I seem to have lost my cool for a minute, but I definitely have more control over myself and all my impulses now. Will not hug stranger on the dock, no matter what fictional character he looks like.

By the way, dear Trip Journal, his eyes are green. Be still, my heart.

“Sorry about that. I’m American,” I offer again, by way of explanation. We are a cultural entity unto ourselves, you know? So maybe he just thinks any weird behavior can be explained by that.

Doesn’t work. “You mentioned that.” He pulls one of those rubber inner tubes from the water and drapes it over his shoulder. It could not be more apparent that I’m freaking him out and he wants to get away from me.

“So that’s how we say 'hi' and 'nice to meet you',” I explain. I might be following him a little bit, but it isn’t the creepy type of following. He totally knows I’m there and slows down so I can walk with him.

“That’s odd. I have cousins over there, and we never have issues with undesirable embraces,” Potter!Clone shifts the inner tube so it’s between us. I think it is supposed to keep me from hugging him again, but this kid doesn’t know me very well if he thinks a big rubber tire is going to keep us apart.

Hey, kid? I’ve been to the Rubber Museum. Yeah. I’m epic.

Wait. Cousins? In the US? WHEN DID THE DURSLEYS MOVE TO THE US? I really hope they live in Idaho or somewhere under-populated by defenseless Muggles. I can totally see it now. Vernon Dursley, Potato Farmer.

“But what cupboard would you live in?” I say to myself, only I say it out loud and get a strange look from the boy. “What’s your name?”

Say Harry Potter. Say Harry Potter. SAY HARRY POTTER.

He stops on the path. “Al.” For a minute, he looks embarrassed, and I wonder if he’s lying to me. He’s HARRY POTTER. Not Al. No one is named Al except on old mobster movies.

“It’s nice to meet you, Al.” Harry Potter.

“Erm. Yeah. You too, Ally-Allison-Ally Cope.” The edge of his mouth curls slightly, like I amuse him. “This is me.” He points at the cottage next to ours before heading toward it with his big rubber tube.

Al is getting away!

“Hey.” Oh. Crap. He glances back at me. “Is… everything inside your cottage the same color?”

He grins at that. “It’s all purple. Lupines.”

He just smiled at me. I’m totally going to be friends with Harry Potter.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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Old 06-20-2010, 06:04 AM   #27 (permalink)

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I can't stop laughing at this...

I didn't even think about that! YOU are Brilliant!

He grins at that. “It’s all purple. Lupines.”
I want to seeeeeee it!!!!

What can I say.. you are amazing at this.

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Old 06-20-2010, 10:07 AM   #28 (permalink)

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Haha the whole thing made me chuckle!
His name must be Harry Potter!
Anyway, haha, wait, he's staying next door, hmm, interesting
Haha, the thought of Vernon being a patato farmer...Priceless!
Please post more soon!
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 06-20-2010, 08:16 PM   #29 (permalink)

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So funny! I love it.
Hmm, Al...Harry's son's name is Albus, but they could call him all. Hehe.
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Old 06-20-2010, 09:00 PM   #30 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Glad you liked it . Where shall we stop on our trip??
Hmmm, I've got no idea. For sure going to visit the sets where they filmed HP...
Bahaha, hilarious
Wait. Cousins? In the US? WHEN DID THE DURSLEYS MOVE TO THE US? I really hope they live in Idaho or somewhere under-populated by defenseless Muggles. I can totally see it now. Vernon Dursley, Potato Farmer.
OMG, you are hilarious. Potato Farmer? I was chuckling through the entire thing.
“Al.” For a minute, he looks embarrassed, and I wonder if he’s lying to me. He’s HARRY POTTER. Not Al. No one is named Al except on old mobster movies.
Haha, why is he embarassed? I say Harry.
He just smiled at me. I’m totally going to be friends with Harry Potter.
I want to be friends with Harry Potter!

I have one thing to say. You. Are. A. Genius. Seriously, you're an incredible writer and this is my favorite story. PLEASE PAMS!
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Old 06-21-2010, 09:55 PM   #31 (permalink)
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I absolutely agree with Emily, this is amazing!!! I hope you do well at the awards!!
Anyway, great post!!!
(would be longer but I have to go)
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Old 06-22-2010, 02:20 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Default's either harry or albus potter he he he

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Old 06-22-2010, 04:57 AM   #33 (permalink)

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*makes room for you in the tent* It is quite nice in here, eh... not purple, but it works.

This stalker person approves of this update. Mhm. Yep I do.

I am now going to crawl back into my tent, make some s'mores and wait for more Ally. Her inner monologue is amazing BTW. Great work, Ern.
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Old 06-22-2010, 05:15 AM   #34 (permalink)
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I've bookmarked this? goood. Subscribed to this? Yep. Okay now; I love this fanfic sooo much I'm trying so hard to not write this in caps. Best.Fanfic.Ever. Write moreee it's soo goood:]
My FanFic! ^__^>>>❤Fallen Angel❤<<< Click! Clicky!!
Draco,Harry,Ron,Hermione,Neville,Ginny,Luna,Snape, Dumbledor,Bellatrix,You-Know-Who
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Old 06-22-2010, 09:20 PM   #35 (permalink)
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Come on... we need a post!!!
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I wouldn't know what to say if I had you.
And I'll keep you a daydream away,
Just watch from a safe place,
So I never have to lose.
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Old 06-26-2010, 05:33 PM   #36 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Comments
Originally Posted by Droo View Post
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I can't stop laughing at this...

I didn't even think about that! YOU are Brilliant!

I want to seeeeeee it!!!!

What can I say.. you are amazing at this.
Aw, thank you, lovey . I'm glad that Ally is making you giggle, because her voice in my head makes me giggle ALL the time.

And I agree. I AM brilliant. Thank you for noticing.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Haha the whole thing made me chuckle!
His name must be Harry Potter!
Anyway, haha, wait, he's staying next door, hmm, interesting
Haha, the thought of Vernon being a patato farmer...Priceless!
Please post more soon!
I know, right? Vernon-as-farmer is quite humorous. Can you imagine him dirty? Overalls? hehe.

Glad you're enjoying it

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
So funny! I love it.
Hmm, Al...Harry's son's name is Albus, but they could call him all. Hehe.
Hmm. That is quite an interesting observation you've got there. Wonder if it'll pan out.

Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
Hmmm, I've got no idea. For sure going to visit the sets where they filmed HP...

Bahaha, hilarious

OMG, you are hilarious. Potato Farmer? I was chuckling through the entire thing.

Haha, why is he embarassed? I say Harry.

I want to be friends with Harry Potter!

I have one thing to say. You. Are. A. Genius. Seriously, you're an incredible writer and this is my favorite story. PLEASE PAMS!
I want to be friends with Harry Potter TOO. We would hang out all the time. Clearly.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and I hope you enjoy the update.

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
I absolutely agree with Emily, this is amazing!!! I hope you do well at the awards!!
Anyway, great post!!!
(would be longer but I have to go)
Aww. I need your feedback as a Brit, Katie! Thanks for the well wishes.

Originally Posted by Pottergrl101 View Post's either harry or albus potter he he he

Hm. Interesting guess. Its only a matter of time before we SEE exactly who Ally's neighbor is.

Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
*makes room for you in the tent* It is quite nice in here, eh... not purple, but it works.

This stalker person approves of this update. Mhm. Yep I do.

I am now going to crawl back into my tent, make some s'mores and wait for more Ally. Her inner monologue is amazing BTW. Great work, Ern.
Yay, my stalker approves! You know, her inner monologue is crazy-making for me sometimes, but she is always good for a giggle. Share your s'mores and I'll post again.

Originally Posted by IluvvDracoMalfoy View Post
I've bookmarked this? goood. Subscribed to this? Yep. Okay now; I love this fanfic sooo much I'm trying so hard to not write this in caps. Best.Fanfic.Ever. Write moreee it's soo goood:]
A new reader! Hooray! I love that you're having a good time. Here's an update for you!

Bonus points if you recognize the spell she uses.


Day 1, Part 3

It starts to drizzle again, so I head back to Rose Cottage.

Mom is making lunch. Let me tell you something important about my mother: she funnels all of her creative and artistic instincts into minor culinary disasters in the kitchen. Some people paint, some people write poetry. My mom creates masterpieces with mint jam and bok choy. Sometimes they’re epic, like the ginger chicken or her alfredo pizza. Sometimes, I think she’s trying to poison me.

“You will not believe who I just met,” I announce. Dad and Brad share the tiny pink couch and stare at the fuzzy television screen. Fancy British static.

“The Queen of England?” Mom guesses. She’s attempting to saw slices off that towel bread, and I start to worry about lunch.

“What would she be doing here?” I scoff. “No, Mum. Listen. I saw HARRY POTTER.”

She sets down her knife as Brad looks over with interest. “Should have guessed that one, I guess,” she finally mutters. Brad snorts.

Maybe he has one of those disgusting summer colds, because surely he isn’t laughing at ME.

“It IS problematic,” I say as I pull myself up on the stool at the kitchen counter. “He wasn’t wearing glasses. Harry can’t see without his glasses.”

Brad opens his mouth.

“But,” I hurry up to add, “the bigger problem is that Harry Potter was born in 1980. He’s like 30 years old now. This kid was my age.”

“Really. That’s the part you’re having trouble with?” Brad turns completely around to regard me. “You’re worried that the fictional character you’ve spotted on the beach is too old? I’d worry more about the fact that he’s FICTIONAL, Ug. That means he doesn’t exist.”

“I’m aware of what fictional means, Arm Pit.”

“I’m not sure.”

Mom keeps us from arguing by setting a plate of food in front of me. WTH, MOM? It looks like a pile of mashed potatoes with sliced hot dogs on top, covered in some goopy gray sauce. I feel my stomach implode in protest.

“What is this?” Give me towel bread, because I will NOT eat that mess.

“Bangers and mash,” Mom says. Who knew they even SOLD hot dogs in England?

“Mom. No,” I shove the plate away, where it is snagged up by Brad. He has no issue with the toxic-waste-that-is-lunch, but Brad would eat rabbit poop if he was hungry enough. “That is a crime against humanity.”

“Then don’t eat it,” Mom sinks onto the other stool with a magazine and makes a big point out of ignoring me. As if that’s something new and different. I am CLEARLY neglected. Much like Harry Potter with the Dursleys.

As if he is reading my mind, Brad asks, “Remember the time you got into the storage room under the stairs because you wanted to see what it was like to be Harry Potter?” He abandons lunch as the mess it is and flops back down on the sofa, jarring Dad awake for a moment. With one foot, Brad reaches out and adjusts one of the bunny ears with a toe-nudge.

It still shows static.

“And you locked me in there?” Rude, Arm Pit. There were Hagrid-sized spider/wooly mammoth crossbreeds in there.

Brad nods. “Best five hours of my life.”

“What?” Mom glances up from her magazine. She is going to give Brad HECK for locking me up. Finally, a little retribution for all the abuse I suffer at his hands. “Is that how all my Christmas wrapping paper got flattened?”

Un-flipping-believable. I spend five hours in the dark, and she’s worried about out of season WRAPPING PAPER???

“Mother!” I say. “I am your only daughter. You only get 18 years to raise and love me before I enter the cruel real world. Do you really want me to spend years in therapy because of WRAPPING PAPER?” Not to mention the ginormous spiders.

She just looks at me over the top of her magazine before raising it again. “Brad. Try not to put your sister into therapy, kay? It’s expensive.”

“Not my fault. She always rises to the bait,” he grunts and kicks out at the TV again.

Wordlessly, I shake with rage. And then… “HEADICUS EXPLODICUS!”

Nothing happens, so I stomp out of the room.

“Awww. Wait,” Brad calls after me. See? Sometimes a really excellent temper tantrum gets good results. Brad is going to apologize and offer to take me across the lake for ice cream.

He points at a spot beside the TV. “Stand right there. Yup.” With yet another of his eloquent grunts, Brad flops back on the small pink sofa. “Dad! Look! Ally is finally good for something – an antenna. Soccer on the TV.”

“Football on the telly,” I mutter.

“Shh, Ally. Let’s have quiet time.”
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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Old 06-26-2010, 06:16 PM   #37 (permalink)
I Nailed Wormtail
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First off--Hilarious
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Some people paint, some people write poetry. My mom creates masterpieces with mint jam and bok choy. Sometimes they’re epic, like the ginger chicken or her alfredo pizza. Sometimes, I think she’s trying to poison me.
Haha, I would not last long in that family. I'm the pickiest eater ever.
“It IS problematic,” I say as I pull myself up on the stool at the kitchen counter. “He wasn’t wearing glasses. Harry can’t see without his glasses.”

Brad opens his mouth.

“But,” I hurry up to add, “the bigger problem is that Harry Potter was born in 1980. He’s like 30 years old now. This kid was my age.”

“Really. That’s the part you’re having trouble with?” Brad turns completely around to regard me. “You’re worried that the fictional character you’ve spotted on the beach is too old? I’d worry more about the fact that he’s FICTIONAL, Ug. That means he doesn’t exist.”
Bahaha, that sounds like something I would do. Try to get everyone to believe that he's real and what not. Priceless.
WTH, MOM? It looks like a pile of mashed potatoes with sliced hot dogs on top, covered in some goopy gray sauce. I feel my stomach implode in protest.
Hehe, yeah, I definitely wouldn't be eating that.
“And you locked me in there?” Rude, Arm Pit. There were Hagrid-sized spider/wooly mammoth crossbreeds in there.
Ugh, I am terrified of spiders. I would have been screaming or something, probably hyperventialting.
Finally, a little retribution for all the abuse I suffer at his hands. “Is that how all my Christmas wrapping paper got flattened?”
Hahahaha, that's hilarious. I it
“Brad. Try not to put your sister into therapy, kay? It’s expensive.”
I love her response, it's priceless.
He points at a spot beside the TV. “Stand right there. Yup.” With yet another of his eloquent grunts, Brad flops back on the small pink sofa. “Dad! Look! Ally is finally good for something – an antenna. Soccer on the TV.”
Brad is so funny, that sounds like something my brothers would do.

Fantastic post! PLEASE PAMS!
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Old 06-26-2010, 06:33 PM   #38 (permalink)

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*SQUEEEEEEE* I will indeed share my s'mores with you because you posted more *shares the ooey gooey goodness*

Again, I approve. That wrapping paper bit was HILARIOUS. And the wording here.
Originally Posted by Ern
I feel my stomach implode in protest.
Teehee. Good stuff.

*pokes at the fire and waits patiently for more*

Stalker Approved
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Old 06-26-2010, 07:40 PM   #39 (permalink)

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Arm Pit is soo Mean! I really don't like him grrr
Haha, Wrapping Paper!
Great chapter! PAMS! i wanna read more
*glares at Brad* Leave your sister ALONE!

__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:51 PM   #40 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Brad is NOT a bad guy, in spite of what Ally wants us to believe. I think he's the sane one, and I fear for the Cope parents. POOR COPE PARENTS.
Every time you say Cope, I think Copernicus.


The pages will probably be squeezed between too many pictures of Arm Pit without his shirt and Dad with a sunburn and receipts from all the trips we made to the grocery store, so what I write is IMPORTANT in remembering what really happens on this trip.
Brad without a shirt?

I didn't say anything. *total angel*

So I have to say this… I am NOT crazy.

This guy, though, looks just like Harry Potter should, and not like that teeny weeny leprechaun Daniel Radcliffe. For one, this guy has dark hair that rises and falls in unruly spikes all over his head, completely free from the help of any hair product. DanRad had the mussed Beatles bowl-cut until his stylists just completely gave up.
LOL! Just... LOL. xD I've always thought the HP characters look too jazzed up, in the movies. Emma = hot + no unruly curls = not Hermione.

Maybe ‘please stop staring at me like a deranged goldfish and state your business’?
Wait. Deranged goldfishes stare? O_O xD

“HI!” My voice is too loud and I think my face is going to crack into pieces and fall off because I’m smiling so big. Definitely going with deranged goldfish. BE COOL, ALLY. BE COOL. “I’m Ally. Allison. Ally Cope.”

That. Was. Not. Cool.
Hehehe. I totally loved this part. TOTALLY! It should get an award. *pins big, gold star to it*

HP-boy glances over his shoulder toward the lake to see if I’m talking to someone floating out there in the water. Nope, Boy-Who-Looks-Like-The-Boy-Who-Lived. I AM TALKING TO YOU.

Text Cut: Lots of quotes!
I hug him.

By the way, dear Trip Journal, his eyes are green. Be still, my heart.
“Sorry about that. I’m American,” I offer again, by way of explanation. We are a cultural entity unto ourselves, you know? So maybe he just thinks any weird behavior can be explained by that.
“That’s odd. I have cousins over there, and we never have issues with undesirable embraces,” Potter!Clone shifts the inner tube so it’s between us. I think it is supposed to keep me from hugging him again, but this kid doesn’t know me very well if he thinks a big rubber tire is going to keep us apart.

^ Yes, I decided to make a compilation of the parts that made me laugh. Because I thought it would look pretty silly, if I made a separate ROTFL smiley for each. See? I'm cool, just like Ally. =p

I can totally see it now. Vernon Dursley, Potato Farmer.
LMAO! I can totally imagine that, for some reason.

.... I ish still catching up. *hides*
But I wub this story. <3

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Old 07-07-2010, 09:34 PM   #41 (permalink)
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pretificus totalus!!!!

omg this was amaziongg!
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Old 07-07-2010, 09:56 PM   #42 (permalink)
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This was so totally awesome!!! You are absolutely hilarious.. She can't be totally crazy, it has to be someone to do with the Potter universe.
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Old 07-12-2010, 08:50 PM   #43 (permalink)
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HEADICUS EXPLODICUS! LOL I'm so saying that when I get mad. Pams pams pams? ^__^ So funny:]
My FanFic! ^__^>>>❤Fallen Angel❤<<< Click! Clicky!!
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Old 07-13-2010, 10:38 AM   #44 (permalink)
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“It IS problematic,” I say as I pull myself up on the stool at the kitchen counter. “He wasn’t wearing glasses. Harry can’t see without his glasses.”
Insert me dying.

“Then don’t eat it,” Mom sinks onto the other stool with a magazine and makes a big point out of ignoring me. As if that’s something new and different. I am CLEARLY neglected. Much like Harry Potter with the Dursleys.

As if he is reading my mind, Brad asks, “Remember the time you got into the storage room under the stairs because you wanted to see what it was like to be Harry Potter?” He abandons lunch as the mess it is and flops back down on the sofa, jarring Dad awake for a moment. With one foot, Brad reaches out and adjusts one of the bunny ears with a toe-nudge.

lmfao. Just the fact that she did that... hahaha.

I... had nothing of importance to say to any of these. Just that they made me laugh a whole lot.

You're a genius, bud. The whole world loves you and craves more.
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Old 07-16-2010, 01:27 PM   #45 (permalink)
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The last time you posted was the 26th of June. It's the 16th of July!!!!

Please, I love this FF.

Love Katie
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Old 07-18-2010, 05:41 AM   #46 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by emilyblack View Post
First off--Hilarious

Haha, I would not last long in that family. I'm the pickiest eater ever.

Bahaha, that sounds like something I would do. Try to get everyone to believe that he's real and what not. Priceless.

Hehe, yeah, I definitely wouldn't be eating that.

Ugh, I am terrified of spiders. I would have been screaming or something, probably hyperventialting.

Hahahaha, that's hilarious. I it

I love her response, it's priceless.

Brad is so funny, that sounds like something my brothers would do.

Fantastic post! PLEASE PAMS!
First off... yeah, the hot dogs and mashed potatoes would be pretty gross... and is definitely NOT bangers and mash. Poor Ally. Second, I think she probably WAS screaming about the spiders. Terrifying.

Originally Posted by Pink Ninja View Post
*SQUEEEEEEE* I will indeed share my s'mores with you because you posted more *shares the ooey gooey goodness*

Again, I approve. That wrapping paper bit was HILARIOUS. And the wording here. Teehee. Good stuff.

*pokes at the fire and waits patiently for more*

Stalker Approved

Mmm, s'mores. THANK YOU. Glad you like the wrapping paper in the closet stuff. Ally is... creative. Yeah. That.

Hope you approve this update too.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Arm Pit is soo Mean! I really don't like him grrr
Haha, Wrapping Paper!
Great chapter! PAMS! i wanna read more
*glares at Brad* Leave your sister ALONE!

You know, I doubt Ally is always kind to Arm Pit. We should probably cut him some slack. It can't be easy to be related to a nut like Ally.

Originally Posted by SenoritaMaxie View Post
Every time you say Cope, I think Copernicus.

Hehe. Me too, actually

Originally Posted by Maxie
LOL! Just... LOL. xD I've always thought the HP characters look too jazzed up, in the movies. Emma = hot + no unruly curls = not Hermione.
Right? And Ally is a purist, so she will have NONE OF THAT creativity when it comes to how the movie cast portray characters. Harry having blue eyes is NOT OKAY.

Wait. Deranged goldfishes stare? O_O xD
You know... kinda bulging??

.... I ish still catching up. *hides*
But I wub this story. <3
Catch up, Maxie. Do it!

Originally Posted by Pottergrl101 View Post
pretificus totalus!!!!

omg this was amaziongg!
Aww, thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying this story. Hope you enjoy the update.

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
This was so totally awesome!!! You are absolutely hilarious.. She can't be totally crazy, it has to be someone to do with the Potter universe.
You think? Hehe.

I must be doing okay with my Britishisms, 'cause you haven't had to correct me yet.

Originally Posted by IluvvDracoMalfoy View Post
HEADICUS EXPLODICUS! LOL I'm so saying that when I get mad. Pams pams pams? ^__^ So funny:]
It is from a very awesome movie that I will someday post here so you all know what I"m talking about. Glad you're enjoying it.

Originally Posted by Grangerfn1 View Post
Insert me dying.

lmfao. Just the fact that she did that... hahaha.

I... had nothing of importance to say to any of these. Just that they made me laugh a whole lot.

You're a genius, bud. The whole world loves you and craves more.
I'm glad you're enjoying it, but don't DIE, JULIA. DON'T DIE.

Keep laughing and enjoy this update.

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
The last time you posted was the 26th of June. It's the 16th of July!!!!

Please, I love this FF.

Love Katie
I KNOW. I'm so sorry. School RPG stuff came up and distracted me, and then Ally abandoned me. We're only starting to be friends again now. Forgive me?


Day 1, Part 4

Mom must have informed Brad that his immortal soul is in danger of permanent grounding, because he finds me later. I’ve discovered an enclosed back porch and spent the rain shower making up a Harry Potter checklist using my books.

Black hair – check
Green eyes – check
Weedy build – check
To be continued

“So look…” Brad shoves his hands into his pockets, pushing his swim shorts perilously low on his hips. I cover my eyes with my journal. “I’m taking a boat across the lake. There’s a store thing. You can come if you want.”

Believe it or not, this is an apology. Sort of. Definitely as good as I'm going to get.

It’s stopped raining, so of course I want to go. We could run into Harry!Al again, and this time, I wouldn’t be a total loser. I toss my book on the table and follow Brad.

Outside, the other vacationers seem to have gotten over the brief storm in a hurry, and they are once again crowding the dock and paths. The air is sticky hot, almost as if it never rained at all. You would think that if we had to put up with intermittent showers, the weather would have the decency to be comfortable in between. I pull my t-shirt away from my body where it sticks to me and realize that, once again, I’ve forgotten to wear my bathing suit.

Part of me is delusional, because when Brad said he was taking a boat, I imagined how cool we’d look puttering across the lake in one of those motor boats the other families have. He stops beside a pile of shabby canoes, and while he attempts to pull one into the water, I try to avoid being crushed by the falling pile of molding lumber.

“Is this a joke?” I ask as I climb into the front end of the canoe. The boat slides away while one foot is still on shore, and my flip flops get wet in the process. It really isn’t a big deal, though, because there’s a puddle of green water in the bottom of the canoe.

I’m going to need new flip flops.

“Just paddle,” Brad grunts. He shoves the boat away from the shore, hops into it, and the whole thing bobs like it can’t decide whether to float or not. Finally, the canoe settles, and we start to glide across the lake. If it isn’t bad enough that the muggy heat makes my clothes stick to me in a really unattractive way, I’m now sweating because of the paddling.

“I saw you talking to those girls,” I say, trying to strike up a conversation. We’re actually doing pretty well at this paddling thing, which is probably due to the authentic rustic camping trip the family took two summers ago. We spent half the time in a canoe, paddling in circles, until we figured out that you have to paddle on OPPOSITE sides to get anywhere.

“Which girls?”

“The girls I saw you talking to,” I clarify. Honestly, we’ve been here less than a day. How many girls has he managed to meet? “On the dock.”

He grunts. There’s the Brad we know and love. Why use words when affirmative noises will suffice.

We paddle in silence for a bit. The canoe doesn’t seem to be taking on water, although it smells like basement and there is green slime on the toe of my flip flop. Still, there’s a breeze out here on the lake, and the quiet is unbroken except for occasional grunts from Brad. The line of flower-cabins disappear behind us, and ahead appears another shoreline containing an additional sprinkling of cabins and a long low building that must be the store.

“They’re French or something,” Brad breaks the silence. Cryptic. The store is French? It barely looks like a store.

“What’s French?”

“The girls. They have accents. I think they’re French.”

“How can you tell?” I lift my paddle from the water and we immediately swing into a slow circle away from the opposite shore. Oops! I drag my paddle in the water again, forcing the canoe back the way we want to go.

“They have accents,” Brad repeats. Twisted logic, but I let it go.

French girls for Brad. Harry Potter for me. Could this vacation be any more idyllic?

There’s a dock on the opposite shoreline, but we glide past it to head for the shallow water and pebbled beach. Climbing out of an unwieldy canoe onto a dock generally only leads to trouble, especially when the dock is higher than the canoe sits in the water. Much easier to splash through the shallows.

Being in the front means I have to hop out first and drag the canoe up the beach, which I attempt to do. My flip flops are slick with pond scum, and as the point of the canoe hits the beach, it snags there. I slip and sit down hard on the packed earth. Clumsy oaf girl.

“Are you hurt?” Brad splashes out of the canoe and drags it past me to rest completely out of the water, to the approval of girls hanging up the beach a bit. They watch him with interest, and I wonder how long until he loses his shirt again.

“I broke my bum.”

“And your pride.”

“And my sense of humor,” I agree, letting him help me to my feet. He lets go of my hand really quickly, eyes on the girls down the beach.

“Try not to find a hobbit or something hiding in the general store,” he heads toward the girls and the store.

Stupid idea, really. Hobbits clearly live in Middle Earth and wouldn’t be hanging out on a beach in England. I hurry to follow in his footsteps, wishing it was socially acceptable to rub my sore backside. Just then, a thought occurs to me.

French girls? What if Brad has been flirting with Veelas? I should stick close to him, just in case.
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Old 07-18-2010, 11:41 AM   #47 (permalink)

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Oh he's being kind, i likey
GREAT chapter, and i like Ally's way of thinking, Veela's hmm.. *thinks*
I wonder if she'll see Harry/Al again
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

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Old 07-18-2010, 02:53 PM   #48 (permalink)
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This is amazing! I just read the first few chapters and I can't stop laughing. Especially when she first meets "Harry Potter".

I subscribed!
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Old 07-18-2010, 03:06 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Fabulous work!!!

The slime on the flip flop bit was hilarious. I thought about Veelas as soon as he mentioned French.
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Old 07-18-2010, 03:39 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Black hair – check
Green eyes – check
Weedy build – check
To be continued
Haha, loving the checklist
“They’re French or something,” Brad breaks the silence. Cryptic. The store is French? It barely looks like a store.
As soon as you mentioned French, I thought of Veelas! Sweetness!

Hilarious as usual and I loved the post! PLEASE PAMS!
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