''Oh thanks for telling her George!'' I said cheerfully
''Lily why are you not at hogwarts?'' Asked my mum
''Because i'm not!''
''Well Lily, didn't you always wanted to be a Auror? you need completed education for that'' My mum going on and on
''No mum! look i'll go back next year!'' I rolled my eyes
''Fine you better, cmon you're coming home with us.''
''BUT MUM!! WHY.'' I whined
''Just do it.''
''Fine.'' I got in the car all grumpy, I didn't want to go home it was really boring.
''Lily where have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!!'' said my Dad I smiled and unpacked and went to my old room I sat down on my bed and listening to Asking Alexandria on my Ipod with my eyephones plugged in.
''LILY!!'' Shouted my mum
''WHAAATTT'' I shouted back
''DINNER'' I ran down and sat at the table and ate abit and ran out of the house
''Lily where are you going?'' Asked my mum out the window.
''Ugh, out'' I walked out and called Scorpius
''Um hey Scorpius, should I come over?''
''No my dads going mad i'm grounded because potter was here.'' He said being cheeky
''Right, I got to go'' I hanged up and had a straight face on me...
I went to Niamhs I knocked the door and she opened the door
''Hey Lily!! did you skip hogwarts too?'' she said grumpy
''Yea.'' I said
''Come in Lily'' she invited me in and I stayed there for the whole night and went back home.
Scorpius called
''Lily sorry I didn't mean to be cheeky''
''It's ok''
''Can I come over?'' he asked
I waited along time ugh what a little git oh he came
''Sorry I took long''
''Right what do you wanna do?'' I asked
''Seriously? you like stuff in the Muggle world? well so do I but why McDonalds'' I laughed
''Right then I dare you to mug a store with seceruity, and without magic.'' He smirked
''YOU TRYING TO GET ME ARRESTED?'' I said giggling
''Well? do you want you're hair gone?'' he held out his wand.
''OK!! OK!!! FINE!!!'' He drived me there and I went in with a skateboard
''Hey kid you can't ride that thing in there''
''Sorry sir.'' I picked up the skateboard and picked up beans and putted it in the microwave and took items and then the microwave blew up I ran and and got on my skateboard ''HEY YOU GET BACK THERE!!'' He shouted running after me ''PEACE OUT!'' I said on my skateboard and scorpius was driving on and I catched up and got in the car.
''How did you that?'' He asked laughing
''Youtube, and I could something percisely for everybody!'' I said, ''now I don't want to be mean because well I wuv you alot but you're blonde hair is coming back and you might needa fix it'' I handed him black hairdye
''Yea very funny!''
''And for me..'' I got a bottle of WKD
''oh. you mad.'' he said
''Yea blondie!!'' I joked
''Gingers don't have souls!'' He said
''Hey leave me alone!'' I giggled I was back home now,
''Hey wanna smash parkinsons window?'' He suggested
''YEA!'' I said we flew to her house she lived at grimmauld place and I smashed her window and flew back home I laughed the whole way back.
''Well I gotta go'' He said
''Nice hanging with you ginger'' He joked
''You too blondie!'' He kissed me on the cheek and hugged me and I went in. I walked down the hall into living room aunt Hermonie and Ron was there and Hugo, and Rose and mum and dad.
''Hey Lily long time no see!'' Said Hugo
''Yea.'' I said shyly
''Don't be so shy you know us.'' Said uncle Ron
''So Lily hows you and you're lover Scorpius?'' Hugo teased and Rose giggled.
''Lily! Malfoys a git! don't be going out with him!!'' Uncle Ron teased
''Ron!'' Said aunt Hermonie pinching him.
''Has no brains either.'' I teased
''That's not nice to say something about you're boyfriend'' Rose said smirking I laughed, it's true anyway he was a git and he was stupid.
''Cmon Rose you know it's true''
''He's really blonde remember he got wasted and he kept on eating candy and teasing gryfinddors for nothing.'' Said James laughing
''Oh James, is that when you skipped? I forgot to tell you're mum and dad about that!'' Said aunt Hermonie
''But it was all too hard I got stuck so I had to go to slytherin on Als age cuz I can pass in no time, but uh clever Malfoy couldn't keep his little mouth shut!'' James complained.
Originally Posted by
Devina Wellheart
So far so good. You should try to use punctuations in the right places. But overall good work. I can't wait to read more. pams
Thanks, but it is kinda cheesey and I do agree.