08-09-2011, 04:14 AM
#1 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year | Alexis. Just Alexis. - Sa13+ DISCLAIMER!!!: J.K.Rowling is the amazing writer who came up with Harry and his adventures with his friends. I came up with my charactors and their adventures. Authors note: Now my third fanfiction and I hope many will like it! Feedback please! If I don't get feedback then...Then I shall have to make Harry do the Hula...Er- please give me feedback, that is a scary image....... The amazing Cassiopia Malfoy made this for me!  Chapter One Chapter Two: Part One Chapter Two: Part Two Chapter Three: Part One Chapter Three: Part TwoCHAPTER ONE!
Sometimes I wonder if there is such a thing as normal. It is in the dictionary, but definitely doesn't apply to me. It is "normal" to have the prissy, snob girls, the egotistical boys, the shy ones in the back, the dark ones in the corner, even though most of them don't consider themselves normal. So, in truth, who is normal? What is normal?
I was most certainly not normal. Why? Because in my life I was involved with a crazed (in the bad way) witch, an amazing boy whom I think I fell in love with, a killer fire, a giant, a talking hat, a backstabber, the raising of a young girl, all three unforgivable curses, and many unbearable things.
This is the story.
My story.
The story of Alexis, just Alexis.
Little Susana pulled on my filthy hoodie, "Sissy?"
"Yeah sweat-heart?" I bent down to her eye level. She was seven and small for her age, I was fifteen.
She shuffled her feet, I noted that I would have to snag her a new pair of shoes soon, "I'm hungry."
I could tell that she was starving, because she actually told me she was hungry. She knew how hard food was to come by for us, and she only ever complained if it was absolutely, one hundred percent, a real need.
Meaning, I needed to get food. Meaning I needed to go steal.
Hey, if you were in our position, you had three choices. One; beg (we hadn't sunk that low yet), two; steal, or three; die. Yeah, if you were me you would do the same thing. "Alright.." I muttered, "Come with me..."
We walked around the corner, saw a good open restaurant. Sitting at one table was an older women with a strict face and a younger man with black hair and glasses. I placed the man in his early twenties, the women I could only guess. They would be our target, because they would hardly miss the food, I doubted the women could catch us, and the man looked trusting. I hated bringing Susana into the thefts, but I would have to in this case. Leaning down, I muttered to her what I wanted her to do.
She smiled widely, "I'm ready!"
"Good, just be careful."
She ran into the restaurant courtyard while I slowly made my way to the table of our victims. As I watched, Susana ran about from table to table laughing and shouting "I won't be it! Joey can't catch me!" We know no one of the name Joey. The women and man turned to watch my little sister and when they turned back, I, and the food, was gone. When they looked back for Susana they didn't see her. That night Susana and I feasted, but I couldn't help but think there was something different about the man and women, something odd. Shaking out those thoughts I smiled at Susana, thankful that our meal for the night wouldn't be from a dumpster.
"Come on Suze, time to get some sleep kiddo." She, who was already yawning, nodded sleepily. Taking her hand I led her down the road and into a back ally, not the safest place in the world, I know, but we had shelter from the wind at least. I gave her my hoodie to use as a blanket while I leaned against the back ally wall, knowing it's where I would stay until late in the night when I sleep would finally pull me into it's clutches.
Just as I was slipping into dreamland, I thought I saw the young man with black hair walk past slowly, watching us. My dreams were haunted by bright lights of different colors, yelling of words I didn't understand, people I didn't recognize, an unbearable pain as people fought around me, a silence and then cheering that I didn't understand. Why would people cheer when I was in so much pain? And the faces of my parents as they lay lifeless amongst many others. Then I awoke with a gasp.
That was what happened every night since I was nine. I barely remember any of what in my life happened before I was nine. But I do remember having to care for my sister since she was only one and having no living relatives to speak of, we have been out on the streets and i was tired of it, if it hadn't been for Susana than I would've given up long ago.
Looking about me I saw Susana was playing with an old tabby, "Can we keep her?" was her automatic question.
My automatic answer was, "No." Seeing her pout I put my arm around her, "Sorry sis, but this poor cat wouldn't be happy with us. It wants to chase mice and run from dogs not stay with us ugly kids."
The cat in question was silent, just staring at me with stern eyes. It almost seemed like it was studying me. Looking away from the tabby I said, "Come on Susana we can go to that play set you love so much."I'll take you to that swing set you love so much."
Her angelic face lit up with excitement, "Really?! Will you push me on the swing?"
Grinning I replied, "You betcha I will, and I'll show you how to do the monkey bars."
"Let's go!" She cried, already forgetting about the cat, "Come on Alexis! Come on!" As I got led away by the hand I noticed that the cat was no longer there.
But I could've sworn the women I stole the food from was in the shadows.
The next few days I saw no more of the tabby or the black haired young man. But on the seventh day I did. I had left Susana playing at the jungle gym so I could go to the nearest free shop and get her a new pair a shoes and socks. When I returned I saw her sitting on the bench with the young man. My heart began to beat faster, but Susana seemed to be enjoying herself. I walked over and cleared my throat.
"Alexis!" She cried happily seeing me return. "Do you have my shoes?"
"Yes I do, who's this you're talking to?" I asked stiffly.
"Him? OH, he's awesome. He told me to call him Jerry."
"Harry..." the young man corrected, "My name's Harry, Harry Potter. And you?"
The name rang painfully familiar, as if it was buried deep in my mind someone but wouldn't surface. "I'm Alexis. Nice to meet you Mr. Potter, but my sister and I must be going for lunch now.."
"Really?!" Susana perked up, "Good, I'm starving! It had better be better than our breakfast, there had been a worm in my apple, and worms are icky."
Susana had never talked so much before, also she had never complained about the meals, no matter how small, that I gave her. Harry, however, just smiled lightly, "You have a great little sister Alexis, why don't the two of you eat lunch with me? My wife and I are going to eat this small restaurant nearby, you two are welcome to join us."
If not for that pleading look on Susana's face than I would have said no. It would be our first time having a sit down meal at a restaurant in a very long time. "Well, as long as it's not too much trouble.." I mumbled even though my brain was yelling at me to refuse and my stomach was thanking me profusely.
"Yippee!" squeeled Susana, while the man just smiled and said, "No trouble at all, though we might be having a few of my friends join us as well."
I nodded mutely, then I helped Susana with her new shoes.
Harry, my sister, and I walked to the same restaurant we had seen him in just the week earlier. We were met there by a women with flaming red hair, who greeted Harry by kissing him, a women, of the same age of Harry, with curly brown hair and a smile, and a man with hair the same as the first women and had come with the brown haired one.
"Who are they?" the red haired man asked Harry.
"Ronald! A little manners, please!" exclaimed the curly haired one.
"Relax Hermione, you know my brother has never had manners and will never learn," the other red head smirked.
"Ginny, I have yet to lose hope." The other girl, Hermione, retorted.
"Would you two stop talking about me like I'm my wife's project?" Ronald asked, looking offended.
"You are your wife's project," Ginny and Harry said at the same time.
The four of them started to laugh like old friends, well they were old friends...
Susana and I exchanged glances, I was lost as was Susana, but what else was new?
Harry picked up on this, "Sorry kids, um.. this is my wife, Ginny, and these are our friends, Hermione and Ron. Ron, 'Mione, Ginny, this is Alexis and her sister, Susana."
"Why are they-" Ron began but he was elbowed by his wife and sister at the same time.
"It's all right," I quickly said, "I'm rather curious myself..." And why did all four of them look painfully familiar when I couldn't remember them?
"Let's sit...then I'll explain what I think is happening..."
I looked around, the jaws of Harry's friends dropped open. I was left puzzled and Susana was too busy drawing on the place mat to notice anything. The only thing that had triggered this was Harry nodding at me then his friends, "Look familiar? Look like a certain Sirius Black?"
The four oldest inspected me, I suddenly felt self-conscious. "Uh..." I broke the silence, "Who is Sirius Black?"
The four friends inspected eachother it was Harry who finally spoke, "He was my God-Father and my parent's best friend. He was a great man."
"What does he or did he have to do with me?" I questioned my hear beating, suddenly images of the dream came to me, but more clearly the pain I had felt in it was remembered and I flinched moving my chair back with me.
"What's wrong?" I heard from one of the adults, I just shook my head, "Nothing...just answer the question, please..."
"He..." Harry faltered. And looked to his friends for support.
Ginny cut in, "He was your father, Alexis."
"The best dang father there ever was," Ron added proudly.
I jumped out of my seat, sending it crashing to the floor. The dream images were getting clearer but I still couldn't understand them. "Then why can't I remember him? Remember any of you? Why can't I remember my childhood or anything from before this cursed dream?!" I was almost yelling, breathing heavily, tears already leaking from my eyes. "I don't understand it, it doesn't make sense!"
I grabbed Susana's hand and ran off down the road, I collapsed in the back allyway, sobs finally escaped me. I felt Susana grab my hand, but I couldn't focus on that, I couldn't focus on anything. I was trying so desprately hard to remember anything from before I was on the streets that it just made everything hazy.
Soon I heard foot steps approaching, I tensed. "Alexis? It's okay, we'll help you. There is so much you need to know and we can tell you.." It was Hermione I believe.
"All I remember.." I said softly, "is pain and lights and dead faces, of people I loved but who I can't remember, then this cheering like something magnificent had happened but I don't know what. I can't my dad or my mum..why can't I remember? Why do I only feel pain when I try?"
Next I heard Harry who had come up to me, "Alexis Black, I know you don't remember but we know what you're talking about. We were there. If only we had known you were there...Come with us Alexis, after all, you are my Godsister."
I heard Susana say, "Please Alexis? You can get help and we can eat every day and sleep in a bed, wouldn't it be lovely?"
My heart snapped, Susana deserved better than me. She deserved a family, people who could care for her give her what she needed. Slowly I nodded and stood. "Okay.."
Next thing I knew Ginny was hugging me in a warm embrace and Hermione was holding Susana's hand, "Where are we going?" Susana asked me softly.
Biting my lip I answered, "To a place I hope will be home."
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~
Last edited by LillyJames; 09-02-2011 at 07:34 PM.
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08-10-2011, 03:16 AM
#2 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Up in the Stars
Posts: 3,857
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kennedy Stark Fifth Year x2
| ♥ Slytherpuff ♥ dancer ♥ totally awesome :: Starkid lover
Aww this is so sad I have tears in my eyes  . Alexis and Susana are suxh sweeties.
I love how Sirius is their dad. And let me guess that woman was McGonagall.
Keep up the great work.
I can't wait to read more.
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08-10-2011, 03:37 AM
#3 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
First I must say, YES IT'S UP! Not that I posted to long ago, but I am very impatient.
Secondly, Thankyou for being the first reader!
Thirdly, if you may wonder how it was possible for Sirius to Father Alexis, seeing as how he was Azkaban, then good question. You'll just have to wait and see.
Fourthly (is that a word?) : I shall post soon (well, as soon as I write it..)
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-10-2011, 03:48 AM
#4 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Up in the Stars
Posts: 3,857
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kennedy Stark Fifth Year x2
| ♥ Slytherpuff ♥ dancer ♥ totally awesome :: Starkid lover Quote:
Originally Posted by LillyJames First I must say, YES IT'S UP! Not that I posted to long ago, but I am very impatient.
Secondly, Thankyou for being the first reader!
Thirdly, if you may wonder how it was possible for Sirius to Father Alexis, seeing as how he was Azkaban, then good question. You'll just have to wait and see.
Fourthly (is that a word?) : I shall post soon (well, as soon as I write it..) First:  just like me. I kept checking my nook 24/7 when one of my fanfics came up first for it to be up then for readers
Second: you are very welcome I love reading new FFs and  I was your first reader
Third: well I never thought to ask that but I can't wait to find out how
Fourthly: I will be waiting very patiently, or trying to
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08-10-2011, 04:44 AM
#5 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jul 2011 Location: In the clouds
Posts: 723
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cora Clearwater Fourth Year |
second reader?!!!!
I love love LOVE this story so far! I have got to find out what happens! I was so excited that I figured out early who the adults were. yay! so excited to read more
by the way Susana and Alexis are so darling *awww*
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08-10-2011, 02:24 PM
#6 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
Woot!  Second reader! Thank you so much for the feedback you guys, I love righting this fanfic.
I'll more up as soon as I can
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-10-2011, 04:03 PM
#7 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Apr 2011 Location: Riding on Lugia!
Posts: 336
Hogwarts RPG Name: Thomas Fowell Second Year |
Third reader!
Q: Is Alexis a squibb?
Shun the non believer! SHUUUUUUUUN |
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08-11-2011, 11:18 PM
#8 (permalink)
| Snidget
Join Date: Jan 2010 Location: Glasgow, Scotland :)
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I liked this, you write well.
Is Susana's dad Sirius too?
I hope everything turns out OK.
I am guessing the cat was McGonagall
Katie xx
PS. I voted Gryffindor because she has been so brave her whole life after she was nine. To look after her sister and have the courage to do the things she has done
__________________ You're just a daydream away,I wouldn't know what to say if I had you. And I'll keep you a daydream away, Just watch from a safe place, So I never have to lose. |
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08-12-2011, 02:59 AM
#9 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year | Quote:
Originally Posted by gingerzrule Third reader!
Q: Is Alexis a squibb?
PAMS! A: You'll have to wait and find out Quote:
I liked this, you write well.
Is Susana's dad Sirius too?
I hope everything turns out OK.
I am guessing the cat was McGonagall
Katie xx
PS. I voted Gryffindor because she has been so brave her whole life after she was nine. To look after her sister and have the courage to do the things she has done
Yes, well...okay, yeah.
You guess the cat correctly.
Thanks so much for voting, and I love to hear reasons why!
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-13-2011, 01:02 AM
#10 (permalink)
| Jarvey
Join Date: Jun 2011 Location: Oceanic Flight 815
Posts: 558
That was great! can't wait for more! I guess im your fifth reader! lol!
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08-15-2011, 11:43 PM
#11 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
We arrived to a small, cute, house in a place called Godric's Hollow. Later it would be explained that it was near the place Harry used to live as a baby.
"Sis?" Susana whispered to me as we walked into the house.
"Yeah kiddo?" I bent down to hear her properly.
"Are we going to live here like an actual family?" Her big eyes looked up at me in hope.
I gave her a small smile, "For a bit anyway, I want to hear what they have to say."
"Will they help you remember or get rid of your night scares?"
I bit my lip, "I hope so."
We entered the house and I gasped, as did Susana. We had entered into the kitchen. The dishes were doing themselves, through the doorway into the living I saw knitting needles working in thin air, and what really set it off was a five year old, or maybe six, boy flew into the kitchen on a broom stick, literally flew. I was in shock. "HARRY!"
The little boy jumped off the broom, "Did you see that? Huh? George bought it for me! Cool huh?" Then he paused, seeing me and Susana. "Who are they?"
"Teddy," Harry smiled, "this is Alexis and Susana, they are going to be hanging out with us for a bit, you okay with that mate?"
"Hmm..." he considered it, "I like them," he smiled broadly, and was it just me or was his hair blue and white? Wasn't is blond when he came in? "They can stay."
"Good," responded Ron, "because you didn't have a say in it anyway. "
He stuck his tongue out at him. "I'm going to go tell Muma Weasley that you're all here. Come with me Susana!"
Susana pouted at me, giving me puppy dog eyes, "Go..." I muttered.
She grabbed his hand and ran off with him, up the stairs, Susana instantly accepting the unexplainable things around her. I, on the other hand, was not so accepting.
"What the heck is all of this?" I demanded, whirling on the four others behind me. I had seen unexplainable things, but I always found a way to explain them away. For instance, that time the person caught me stealing, I was running then the next thing I knew I was on the other side of town, and I could not run that fast. Another time in late winter, Susana and I were frozen to our core, I was frustrated and kicked the place I was trying to make a fire and it lit up so fast it almost burnt my face. Then Susana, one day she had cut her leg up pretty badly. I ran off to get her something to help and when I came back her leg was healed completely.
The four looked at each other, "Go on Harry, she your God sister after all mate, you tell 'er," Ron nudged Harry.
"Well, Alexis. Tell me this, has anything...odd ever happened to you? When you were scared?"
Thinking back to all those times I nodded, "Yes, several times, more and more recant." The most recant one was when I had been looking for my hoodie and it literally flew into my hand. I had put it off to wind, even though I was certain that there was no wind that day.
"Good then, you see Alexis you are special compared to mug- er, normal people. You can do things that other's can't. Well, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and people we know can but...Gah, Ginny help me." He pleaded to his wife. I was confused.
"Alexis, you are a witch, so is Susana. You parents were both both magical as well."
I was silent for a moment then I just shook my head, "You are all crazy. I'm sorry but magic doesn't exist."
Ron muttered to Harry, "Now I see why they explain it to kids when they're eleven, much easier to convince."
Hermione, ignoring Ron, stepped up to the plate, "Alright, Alexis. I know you are confused and can't remember things. Let me at least explain what happened that night when you were nine, when you heard cheering and saw bright lights..."
I was ready to just walk out, but Susana was still with that Teddy kid and I wanted to hear what she had to say. Sighing I responded, "Okay. but this had better be good."
We sat on a comfortable couch in the living room, I ignored the floating knitting needles and listened intently to what was being said.
"A few years back there was a horrible wizard," Hermione began, "he was the worst, the most evil thing on earth. He killed or caused the death of countless people, including," she gave a glance to Harry and he nodded, "Harry's parents, you parents, Ron's brother, Teddy's parents. Either way,seven years ago he had taken over Hogwarts, the biggest Wizarding school and stronghold to the wizarding comunity. then six years ago, people rebelled and there was 'the great battle' at Hogwarts. Many good people died during it, but so did Voldemort. You must have gotten in there somehow. The lights you saw were spells flying everywhere. You were probably hit by a spell, odds are one of the three unforgivable curses and it hurt your mind, making you forget most every thing. The cheering you remember was right after Harry killed Voldemort. It was during this battle that your mother died. Two years previously, Sirius died at the hands of one of Voldemorts followers. The folllower died during the battle."
I was silent, I hated to say they were right, but it all made sense. What she described sounded like my dreams. Everything she said sounded painfully familiar but I just couldn't remember it. "Okay, so... Why did I want up on the street?" I was on the brink of losing it again, but I didn't want to. They had been nothing but nice to us and I didn't want to yell at them. "Why did I spend six years taking care of my baby sister on the streets of London?"
Harry talked next in a quiet, "Because, we thought you were gone. You're mother had left you with Teddy's grandparents, you went missing during the battle and we all went frantic looking for you. I don't know how you wound up in London, maybe someone in the battle found you and sent you to London to be safe. If we had known about you..." he trailed off. I knew what he meant. If they had known they would have protected me, taken care of Susana and myself. Let me be a kid. Well, too late. The sad thing was, I was buying the story. I believed them. They really did care for me.
Nodding I asked Harry, "Who was that women you were eating lunch with the other day? The strict looking older women?"
Harry's friends looked shocked, "You were eating lunch with Mcgonagall?" Hermione asked in surprise.
"What for?" Ron asked.
"Because she was asking me a question, like a lot of people seem to be doing right now." He gave his friends a look.
The rolled their eyes. "What did she ask?" I cocked my head at him.
"She was in need of a position at Hogwarts, which, Alexis, you should be enrolled in because Mcgonagall, the headmistress at Hogwarts, has had her eyes on you. In fact she was the one who alerted me to you. After you and Susana stole our lunch...well, Susana is a little Sirius."
Hermione's eyes widened at the prospect of us stealing, Ron snickered and Ginny grinned. "A very long and complicated story later," I said, trying to sum this all up, "Susana and I are the kids of magical people and Harry defeated the evil wizard who caused the death of a lot of great people, including my parents, and I am now going to be enrolled into an all wizarding school even though I have no knowledge of magic. Do I have it right?"
"Well, frankly, yes." Hermione responded, "But you won't go in blindly, I am a starting as the librarian there this year, and it seems like Harry is taking up some position there. We will prepare before you go, try our best to catch you up to you classmates."
"Wait, we have one month before school starts, and you want her to waste her summer studying?" Ron seemed appalled.
"Well Ronald, she will need all the studying she can get.."
I listened as Hermione and Ron began to debate about my schedule. I looked between Harry and Ginny. They motioned silently for me to follow them. And I did. We went our back.
Harry disappeared into a small shed and came out, to my surprise, holding three broom sticks. "You're kidding me, right?" I asked as he handed me one of the three and told me to mount it.
"No. I am not." He looked completely serious. I groaned. "Look, just put it down beside you, like this." He put his broom to his side. "Now hold your hand over it, like this." He showed me and I did. "Good, now say this simple command. Up!" His broom flew into his hand instantly. My eyes widend. Then I remembered the dishes doing themselves. I was going to have to get used to it.
Sighing I said to the broomstick, a broomstick mind you, "Up!" I expected it to lay on the ground like brooms are supposed to. But insted it flew in my hand. My jaw dropped.
"Good," Harry beamed, "Now mount it." He sat on the broom. After what I just saw, I decided I would listen to him. I mounted the broom like a horse. "Now, kick off the ground." He pushed off the ground, beside him I saw Ginny do the same. They were flying. On brooms. And I was going insane.
Shaking my head I did as I was told and I flew up into the air. I let out a squeal that was sooo not like me. I smiled finally. "This is....Amazing!"
I flew around the yard, it was so easy. I didn't need Harry's tips that he gave me anyway, or Ginny's advice. I somehow just knew what to do.
"HARRY! What are doing letting her fly like that, she doesn't know what to do!" Hermione's concerned voice floated up to us. I just smirked.
"Oh shut it Hermione, I mean, leave her be!" Ron responded rolling his eyes. "Look at her! She's a natural! Alexis, are you going to try out for quidditch?!"
"For what-itch?" I called back down, confused.
Ginny answered, "Quidditch, a wizard sport."
"It's kind of like basketball on broom, but more dangerous and exciting,' Harry laughed.
"Like Bask-a-what?" Ginny and Ron asked at the same time.
"Oh never mind!" Harry laughed. I could tell he loved riding on the broom, I wondered if that was what I was like.
"SISSSY!" I saw little Susana on the ground, looking even tinier down there, staring up at me in awe, "YOU'RE FLYING! HOW?"
I swooped down next to her, hovering about a foot of the ground, "Well kiddo, these brooms just love to go into the air. But they can't unless some one's on it. Look," I stepped off the broom and gently nudged it to the ground where it stayed. "Now," I picked it up and got on, and placed her on in front of me, "look, now it'll rise up." Making it fly higher and higher as Susana kept yelling "Up! Up!"
Then, deciding to spare Hermione of a heart attack, The four of us in the air went down slowly. "That's soo cool! Teddy says that I have magic, do I?" She looked up at pleadingly.
"Of course you do, you always did cutie." Her smile broadened and she hugged me tightly.
She ran off happily with Teddy. I turned to the four people behind me. "Okay. Once a day for a few hours, Hermione you can teach me whatever it is that I need to be taught. Ron, I will spend another few hours just having fun and doing summer things, and possibly seeing other parts of this wizarding world. Harry, can you teach me quidditch, with Ginny's help if she wants to? Then I guess, whenever this school starts, I'll be there. But I will only do this all if it can help me get my memory back." I stood, my back straight, head high, and inside hoping I wasn't asking for too much.
The four friends looked at each other and smiled, "It's a deal." Harry nodded his head.
I sighed in relief. I didn't know where any of this was heading but I was staying to find out.
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-16-2011, 03:02 AM
#12 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Up in the Stars
Posts: 3,857
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kennedy Stark Fifth Year x2
| ♥ Slytherpuff ♥ dancer ♥ totally awesome :: Starkid lover
Oh cool. I love the chapter. Who is her mom???? Cannot wait to find out. Keep up the great work.
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08-16-2011, 03:07 AM
#13 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-16-2011, 12:10 PM
#14 (permalink)
| Gnome
Join Date: Apr 2011 Location: Riding on Lugia!
Posts: 336
Hogwarts RPG Name: Thomas Fowell Second Year |
Best Chapter Yet!
Question: How come Alexis didn't get her Hogwarts letter?
Shun the non believer! SHUUUUUUUUN |
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08-16-2011, 08:01 PM
#15 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jul 2011 Location: In the clouds
Posts: 723
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cora Clearwater Fourth Year |
I wanna find out who her mom is too! love it! especially "what-itch" haha  made me laugh  and teddy, gotta love teddy. PAMS
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08-20-2011, 04:09 AM
#16 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year | Chapter Two: Part Two Chapter Two: Part Two
"SUSANA! TEDDY!" I heard Ginny yelling from across the house, "GET OVER HERE! AND CLEAN UP THIS MESS!"
Looking around the room I saw Susana dash past the door. She had been coated in white flour and a smirk on her face then I saw Teddy run past holding a bucket that looked suspiciously filled with water.
"Uh-oh..." Hermione murmured before attempting to get our attention back on the cauldron in front of me.
"Now how do revers the effects of this potion?" She asked me.
"Um...with..." before I had to answer (Either incorrectly or with a very lucky guess) we heard a crash, Susana scream, Teddy laugh, and more running as Ginny yelled, "HARRY COME HELP ME WITH THESE KIDS!"
I started laughing and Hermione rolled her eyes. "Those two together..."
"Their just having fun," I shrugged.
"Those two together remind me of you and your father together when you were little," Hermione finished smirking.
Rolling my eyes I smiled.
Hermione and I were working on my schooling. Trying to get four years worth of schooling into one month. We worked about four hours a day sometimes more. When I finished I would go out and practice my quidditch with Harry and Ginny and Ron would occasionally play with us. Then, after dinner, Ron would take Susana and myself out and show us the wizarding world.
I was thankful for the busy schedule because if I paused and thought about any of what has happened in the past two weeks to me then I knew I would be overwhelmed.
"I'm going to go help Ginny," Hermione stood and left the study session which was well enough for me, we were near done anyway.
I stood, stretching my legs and deciding to go outside.
"How you doing?" Harry asked, jumping me.
From the corner of my eye I saw him coming over with two brooms.
"I don't know, I haven't...processed any of yet. I can't help but wonder about my parents, Ron was talking yesterday about my dad, he began to talk of a place called Azkaban but when I asked what it was he clammed right up. Can you tell me about them?"
He was quiet for a moment then he said as he tossed me my broom, "Lets get in the air, then I'll tell you all you want to know."
"What do you want to know?" Harry asked me as we flew side by side.
"Well, who were they?" I responded. "I mean, what were they like..."
"You're mum, I didn't know her all that well. From the times I met her I knew that she was nice, a bit of a control freak mind you, but very lovable. You're dad was an optimist, and even though he went through a lot of tough times. He hated sitting still and was a bit of a trouble maker."
"Sounds like my sister," I responded smiling slightly my smile disappeared as a new thought occurred to me. "But what tough things did he go through?"
Harry sighed, I could tell we were entering dangerous topics. "Well, you know that Voldemort killed my parents?" I nodded. "Well, he had gotten a tip off from someone as to where they were. And only a few very trusted people knew this information." I waited patiently, knowing this was hard for Harry to speak of. "Well, to make a long story short, Sirius was arrested for leaking
information to Voldemort. He was placed in Azkaban, the wizard prison and the worst place on earth. He stayed there for about twelve years before he managed to escaped, it was my third year at Hogwarts."
"So he was a criminal??" I was shocked, but something else also didn't add up with what he was saying.
"No. He was falsy accused. One of his best friends, one of my dads best friends, had been the real leak and he blamed Sirius then disappeared off the face of the planet by playing dead. That rat, Peter Pettigrew, died in my seventh year. Sirius died in my fifth."
I nodded again, some things still didn't add up. I sighed, "Sirius isn't my birth father, is he?"
He shook his head, "He isn't. But he took you in as his own. Your mother and Sirius had been married when I was born, then the azkaban thing happened. Everyone wound up believing he had worked for Voldemort, including your mother. She left him, and about seven years after she got together with a man I never knew, then had you with him. He died shortly after. When your mother discovered that Sirius was innocent they got back together. You looked enough like Sirius to be mistaken as his daughter, you two took to each other instantly and you began to call him Pawpa, because his Animagus was a big black dog. A little under nine months after Sirius died Susana was born. A little over a year later, the Great Battle happened. Your mother died during that. We went to your grandmothers house to deliver the news, but she had thought you were with Teddy's grandparents and they thought you were with her. We looked everywhere, eventually you and your sister were proclaimed dead, and therefore taken off of the enlistment to Hogwarts."
"That explains a lot," was all I could say.
"I can't no exactly what your going through, but I come pretty close," Harry said. He explained to me his widely known story. He could come close to what I was feeling, very close.
"You know," I started, "knowing all of this helps me, it explains to me a lot.
But at the same time it frustrates me because I should already know most of this but I don't. I know that at some point my memory may come back, depending on if it was a spell or just a traumatic memory, but I don't how I'll do at this school of yours without knowing things that they've known since they were little."
Harry laughed, "I had the same thoughts when I started school. But you sound ready to me, spending a bit too much time with Hermione if you ask me."
That made me smile, "Alright, I'm just nervous about school."
"And you know what helps with the nerves?" Harry prompted with a smirk.
"Um...depends on who you ask."
"I'm asking you," Harry responded.
"In that case than a good game of Quidditch." I smiled back.
"That is exactly what I had been thinking, I am going to get the brooms and gear, you go drag Ron and Ginny out here to play, Hermione to referee, and Susana and Teddy to be our audience."
This was the game.
Ginny and myself against Ron and Harry. There were no Keepers and technically all four of us were Seekers and Chasers because we each had the job of locating the little Snitch and catching the Quaffle.
We all battled it out, ramming each other and trying to get the better of the others. Harry and I chased after and lost the snitch so many times that we lost count.
In the end it had come to a close game, but alas Harry caught the snitch before me. Barely. It was that stupid dive. I didn't even pull out of it, he just managed to go straight down faster than me.
"Good game, Potter," I said through heavy breath.
"Good Game, Black," He responded through equally heavy breath. We shook hands.
"Can we go for some icecream?" Susana asked running up, "You know for...a congradulations?"
"I say yes, I could use some icecream," I laughed.
"Sure you know I think Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour is re-opened," Ginny responded smiling.
"Yeah, I used to get free sundaes there in third year," Harry cut in.
"I'm in, what about you Hermione?" Ron spoke up.
"Most definately, you know, during ice-cream Alexis we could over the seven uses of hmmmm!" Ron had put his hand over her mouth.
"OR," Ron added in as Hermione glared at him, "She could study the particles in the ice cream!"
We all started laughing, including Hermione after Ron removed his hand.
That night I had a dream.
I was about six and sitting up in a small bed, crying.
A man entered, he had longer black hair, and kind eyes. "What is it Lexi kiddo?" He asked concerned.
"I'm scared Pawpa," I whisped, as he sat and put his arm around me.
"What are you scared of sweetie?"
"The dark," I answered in a small voice. He laughed, a laugh that reminded me of a dogs bark. I set my face, "Don't laugh at me."
He stopped the laughter but he was still smiling, "I'm sorry kiddo, but I just don't see how the dark is scary. Without the dark we couldn't see the stars, or make shadow puppets, or see light."
"Would I lie to you?"
I looked him square in the face, "Santa?"
He laughed again, "That was your mother, not me."
I considered it, "Will you sleep with me tonight Pawpa?"
"No, but Padpa will," next thing I saw he turned into a big black dog who nosed his way under my blanket and curled up at my side.
"I love you Pawpa," I murmured as I fell asleep hugging the big dog.
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-20-2011, 04:20 AM
#17 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jul 2011 Location: In the clouds
Posts: 723
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cora Clearwater Fourth Year |
first to comment! Victory Dance! I really love this story. Especially Susana, who I think is hilarious. and "Pawpa" is pretty great too! keep it up! |
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08-20-2011, 04:27 AM
#18 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
I have fun writing Susana and Teddy together!
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-24-2011, 10:53 PM
#19 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Up in the Stars
Posts: 3,857
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kennedy Stark Fifth Year x2
| ♥ Slytherpuff ♥ dancer ♥ totally awesome :: Starkid lover
Oh cute!!!
I love this story. But....I really want to find out who her mom is.
*sad face*  please tell.
Keep up the amazing work I am excited for more.
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08-27-2011, 03:33 AM
#20 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
Her Mom is not much of a character in this, I mean she's not a character from the actual books, but one i made up.
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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08-29-2011, 06:53 PM
#21 (permalink)
| Dugbog
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 97
Hey! That's a great story so far. The intro was my favorite
Last edited by LoonyLupin99; 10-14-2011 at 11:32 PM.
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09-01-2011, 01:10 AM
#22 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
Alright guys, I'm sooo sorry I haven't posted in a bit, but school is starting up again and we had family stuff and such, and I've had a major case of the-lazy-writers-block. I shall post either tonight or tomorrow after school. I promis!
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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09-01-2011, 02:44 AM
#23 (permalink)
| Imp
Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
Authors Note: Sorry it's so short :/ But at least it's something!
Chapter Three: Part One
"Come on Alexis, pay attention. This is our last session and you still haven't figured out wordless magic!" Hermione cried in frustration as I picked myself off the floor (Again.)
I was about ready to strangle Hermione, we'd been working non-stop for the past three hours on this and all that happed was I'd get angry and Hermione would get frustrated. "I'm sorry 'Mione, I'm trying, I am! It just doesn't come as easily as all the other stuff!" I had already mastered the patronus (my memory had been that dream, which I was almost positive had actually happened), most charms, I could turn almost all small things into animals, potions I was okay at, I hadn't blown anything up for the past three weeks, divination was a waste of time in my opinion but I still did as I was told, herbolagy wasn't that bad but the mandrakes had most definately been my least favorite project there. I just couldn't get wordless magic.
Harry walked in to the sight of Hermione and I on opposite sides of the room, cushions under each of us, wands out, and Hermione saying, "It's not that hard Alexis, just focus all you can into the thought of the spell and try to disarm me before you hit the floor."
Finally noticing Harry I smiled, "Harry! Please tell this crazy women that disarming people silently is hard after three hours of hitting the floor?"
He shook his head in dis-belief, "Alright Hermione, time to stop. You already have her past the other kids, she's going to be learning this later in the year, and the patronus..most kids can't do that until there sixth or seventh year! I am commendeering your pupil and you may only have her back if you are teaching her the proper way to be a normal student." Harry put his arm around my should and led me out of the room.
"Thank you!" I whispered as we walked out. "I was so sick of lessons..."
"Good," was his response, "because you are over do for some school shopping. You leave tomorrow morning for Hogwarts and most students bought their stuff ages ago."
"Now you sound like Hermione," groaning I rolled my eyes. "But I guess I am a little over due."
"Alright, I'm going to get you down there then you are going to meet up with a friend of ours who is going to take you around as I go talk to the Headmistress."
"How do we get there?" I asked excitedly, I knew about portkeys, floo poweder, flying, and the knight bus. I wondered which we would take this time. I had yet to be on the knight bus and was looking forward to it.
"We apparate," Harry smirked.
"We Apa-whata?"
"Transport from one spot to another with magic, just hold on to my arm very tightly and you'll be fine." He grinned at me and I mentally said 'uh-oh.'
Holding onto his arm so tight that he probably lost circulation, we were sucked down a tunnel and I had a sensation like I was being squeezed out of a tooth-paste container. Upon landing I was dizzy and would have fallen over if now for the tight grip on Harry's arm.
When I finally got the stomach to look around I saw we were amongst many people in Diagon Ally, where I had been on several occasions with Ron and Susana. Harry looked around also, but he was looking for his friend. His search ended when we heard a booming voice from behind us, "'Arry, ole boy! Good to see ya!" We turned. My jaw just about his the pavement. Making his way to us was a giant. Well, as close to one as I'd ever seen. He was twice as tall as a regular man and at least five times as wide. The word to describe him was wild, his mane of black hair and beard were every which way and in need of a good wash, his clothes were patched in many places but yet seemed to fit him perfectly. His jacket had too many pockets to count, some of which were wiggling suspiciously. Hands the size of garbage can lids were holding a cage covered in cloth, from inside it we heard this small squeaky growling sound.
"Good to see you Hagrid," Choked out Harry as he struggled to get out of the bear hug.
"And who might this be?" The man, Hagrid, turned towards me just as I snapped my mouth shut. "Uh..Alexis sir...Alexis Black.." I stumbled on 'Black' as I was not used to using a last name. I was always just Alexis, always Alexis.
"Merlins Beard girl! It is you! I 'eard you had resurface you had, but didn't believe it 'till I see it," Hagird cried out in delight.
Harry stepped up, thankfully, "Hagrid, dare I ask what's in the cage?"
Hagrid gave a slight chuckle, "Oh it's nothing really, just a slight project, seeing as I am Care for Magical Creatures teacher."
"Right, well, you haven't happened to have seen George or the wife Angelina, would you?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Well, I'd imagine you could check that joke shop of his, I bet yer he'd be in there manning the counter and all.. Nice meet'n ya Alexis, I'll see ya at school!"
Harry and I made our way to this building with big blinking letters that read "WEASLEY'S WIZARD WHEEZES!". Then, as I was still staring in awe at the sign, Harry laughed, "What? Ron neglected to bring you to his brothers joke shop?" I nodded slightly and slowly walked in, as I did my mouth dropped even farther. The shop was amazing, pranks of all kind every, candy that Harry advised me not to eat, kids everywhere, laughing, things flying around the room (like paper airplanes that were meant to fly, or a fake bird or even that child I saw giggling as he flew across the ceiling), it was amazing simply and truly amazing.
Harry was already walking away so I ran to catch up to him, "Ron's brother owns this place?" I asked him in awe.
"Yep, he and his twin, Fred, founded this in my sixth year I believe, Fred died during the great battle, but he lives on in the store, George even named the biggest enchanted firecracker he's ever made after him. They were always the practicle jokesters at school, much to Hermione's dismay."
I smiled at the idea of that, Hermione getting all mad because of Ron's older brothers, it was just so her. "Harry! Good to see you mate!" Looking around I saw the owner to the voice with flaming red hair, just like Ron, come walking over to Harry, they hugged and talked for a little bit, mostly about the shop. Then George saw me and his grin turned into a broad smile. "Lexi! Great to see you in one piece, literally! last time I saw you we were getting scolding by Mum for giving Ron a bunny tail and ears to match!"
I smilled slightly, instantly liking George. I knew he already knew me, but I didn't remember him (no surprise there). "Hello George, I like your joke shop, it's brilliant!"
"And I thank you," he bowed slightly, "But honestly, you don't remember me huh?"
Shrugging sadly with an inevitable answer, "Sorry George, sounds like we had a lot of fun and all but I really don't, not anyone really."
"Ah, well, I'm sure you'll make new memories at Hogwarts, make great friend and all that. Just be sure not to study all the time, honestly Merlin knows we don't need another Hermione! I bet she's been working you like a dog, not to offend your father or anything like that," George smiled. I couldn't help but laugh. Yeah, I difenately liked George. Angelina's going to watch the shop while I get to go shopping with the Jokester Pup, that's what we called you when you were little, and you will have the best day of your life because it is a day spent with moi."
Laughing still we bade Harry a good-bye. George, with a malicious smirk, said, "And now that he's gone, it's time for a little fun..."
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |
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09-02-2011, 02:48 AM
#24 (permalink)
| Firecrab
Join Date: Jul 2011 Location: In the clouds
Posts: 723
Hogwarts RPG Name: Cora Clearwater Fourth Year |
oooh more yay! i can't wait for Alexis to go to Hogwarts! |
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09-02-2011, 03:25 AM
#25 (permalink)
| Jobberknoll
Join Date: Nov 2009 Location: Up in the Stars
Posts: 3,857
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kennedy Stark Fifth Year x2
| ♥ Slytherpuff ♥ dancer ♥ totally awesome :: Starkid lover
Hahaha I love Alexis and George made me laugh  cannot wait to find out what happens at Hogwarts
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