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Devina Wellheart 06-12-2011 01:28 AM

A Muggle At Hogwarts - Sa13+

Many of the characters that I'm using were the creation of the fabulously talented J.K.Rowling. I do not take any credit for her characters.

Chapter One

Late one night, just before the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were due to arrive for their first term of the year, the Headmaster of the school, Professor Dumbledore, was pacing in his office. For, he knew that a new kind of student would be arriving along with all of the others.

You see, six months prior Dumbledore had been summoned to the Ministry of Magic. He was to be briefed on an extremely strange situation.
Even the Minister himself, Cornelius Fudge, did not know how to handle such a difficult situation. However, he knew that he had to figure out a decision.

Fudge was sitting at his desk when Dumbledore arrived at the Ministry. His hands were sweaty and he had beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He still wasn't completely sure of how he was going to break the news to Dumbledore of his latest and biggest problem. He took in a deep breath to relax himself when the doors to his office swung open. In their place stood a familiar face, Professor Dumbledore.

"Albus, I have a very important question to ask you before I begin," said Cornelius as if though he were asking for advice.

"Minister, I may have an answer, that is depending on it's content."

"Do you think that Muggles are capable of learning to use magic?" asked Fudge.

"You have to understand, Minister, Muggles.... Well, they may be able to learn how to use magic, but to what skill level I do not know. They don't
possess the tolerance for the unexplainable as we in our world do. They only see what they want to see. Why do you ask, Cornelius? "

"Albus, I'm afraid we have a situation that is going to need your direct
and expert attention. It has recently come to my attention that about nine years ago, a two year-old boy was found on the door step of Divinity
Wellheart; she works within the Ministry. As it turns out she has been hiding the fact that her adopted son is a Muggle. "

"What are you trying to tell me, Cornelius? "

"This boy has lived in our world for nine years , Albus !" exclaimed a frustrated Fudge. "What do you think? Divinity has requested the boy be
admitted to Hogwarts. I told her that I needed to make some inquiries first. That's when I sent you an owl. I wanted to know if it was even possible to teach the boy. I didn't want to waste anyone's time and effort if you didn't think it was possible. "

"I think it would be wise to take it one term at a time. After all, he has
grown up in our world for nine years, he is no ordinary muggle. What is his
name? "

"Justin Wellheart," answered Cornelius.

Devina Wellheart 06-14-2011 11:22 AM

I hope that some of you folks out there will enjoy my story. It's been sitting in my head since the second movie was released. I'll be able to post again this Saturday with another chapter or two. Thankyou to the Moderaters for allowing me to post this story!

ThePureBloodPrincess 06-14-2011 11:48 AM

Great start and really interesting and original idea. Can't wait to see where you take it! :D
- Jazz

LillyJames 06-14-2011 03:49 PM

OH! I am interesting. Keep it going! Can't wait for more!


xMagicalMuggle 06-14-2011 07:40 PM

Wow, this is really good! :yes:

AlwaysDance 06-14-2011 10:43 PM

Oh that is really quite interesting


Annabeth 06-15-2011 07:21 PM

Nice plot!

littledhampir 06-16-2011 02:22 AM

That was really interesting! I want to know more! :D Great Story.

Orla 06-16-2011 07:11 AM

Oooh I like the begining great way of starting that kind of a story :) I hope you can keep on writing so I can keep reading :techni:

SlytherinPrincess 06-16-2011 08:03 AM

wow that's a really good story ! Hope you Make more chapters !

Devina Wellheart 06-18-2011 03:10 PM

Chapter Two
I would just like to thank you all for your positive feedback. It's always been a dream of mine to write books.

Chapter Two

Just a few hours away from hogwarts was a sandy haired boy quietly sitting in his own compartment aboard the Hogwarts Express. He sat there looking out his window watching the lush, green Scottish hills fly past him as he was on his way to school. This boy was particularly distinguished looking. He was rather plain and to the other kids on the train he was this strange and mysterious character. He had no magical abilities to speak of and was extremely shy and always appeared to be nervous. This boy's name was Justin Wellheart. He didn't know what to expect when they arrived at Hogwarts due to the fact that he had never stepped foot in a formal classroom. You see, his mother, Divinity Wellheart, had always paid for a private teacher to come to their home and give him his lessons. He had only been taught the basic subjects and never anything that required magic. All of his former teachers had been sworn to secrecy and they had even made the " unbreakable vow " to keep his lack of magical skills a secret. So, this idea of having to go to Hogwarts did not sit well with him. Justin was becoming increasingly nervous and figgity as the train got closer to it's destination. He didn't know what to expect from his new surroundings and fellow students.
meanwhile, back in his office Prof. Dumbledore was looking as if though his powers had been stripped of him. He knew that int the upcoming hours many things would change at the historic school.Dumbledore was sick with worry; sworn to secrecy by the Minister of Magic, only the other professor at the school were to be informed of Justin's arrival and the fact that he possessed no real magical ability. As far as Dumbledore knew, Justin had also been instructed to keep his lineage and lack of magical powers to himself. if the wrong person were to find out this information it could make him a target of nasty tricks or worse. Not to mention put the school itself at risk. Professor Dumbledore was also fearful of what was going to happen when Professor McGonagall placed the soting hat on Justin's head. He knew he had no control over how the sorting hat would react or what it would say. He knew the other professors would keep quiet, but if information was going to slip out it would the sorting hat's doing. Drowning in his anxiety Dumbledore peered out his window to see the glow from the boat lanterns filled with students. Justin Wellheart, the first muggle to be excepted to Hogwarts would be arriving soon.

ThePureBloodPrincess 06-18-2011 03:20 PM

Ooooh I can't wait to see what happens!

xMagicalMuggle 06-21-2011 05:25 PM

Me neither, you're a real genius for coming up with a plot like this! :x3:

Devina Wellheart 06-22-2011 02:20 AM

I'm just about done with tweeking chapter three. So, get ready it's looking rather long so far.

Annabeth 06-22-2011 03:47 PM

I think that this is, AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruby85 06-22-2011 06:56 PM



Devina Wellheart 06-24-2011 01:17 PM

Here comes Chapter Three!!!

Devina Wellheart 06-24-2011 01:44 PM

Chapter Three

Just as the train stopped the newest students were ushered to the train's exits. Outside waiting for them was a giant of a man with a big bushy beard and long frizzy hair. Justin and the other kids were startled and jumped a bit when the gentleman began to speak.

" Hello there. Well, don't just stand there, get your things and follow me. My name is Rubius Hagrid, eveyone here calls me Hagrid. I take care of the magical creatures at the school. Well, go on give your names, no need to be shy." , boomed Hagrid's deep voice.

As the children filed off the train they began to join into groups of 4-5 students. But, it was no surprise to Hagrid who the odd man out was. Standing there all by himself was Justin starring down at his boots and kicking at imaginary rocks on the ground. It was also pretty obvious to the other students that there was something very different about the painfully shy blonde-headed boy. None of them could remember seeing him in Diagon Alley in the weeks before school was to start like everyone else. In fact, none of them recalled ever seeing him before now. Just as a group of students was about to approach Justin, Hagrid stepped towards Justin and they shrunk back away from him and began to talk amongst themselves about the stranger among them.

" Everyone follow me. Mind your step. Well...come on now. You don't want to be left behind. There's dangerous things out here." Hagrid said.
After about five minutes of walking the students arrived at the wagons. " Four students to a wagon!", cried out Hagrid as he guided the last of the students toward the wagons. " Might as well get to know each other!"

Justin quickly climbed into the first available wagon. Just behind was Thomas Miller. He was just over ten years old, a bit on the husky side, a big round face and chestnut brown hair. He was a few inches taller than Justin as well.

Devina Wellheart 06-24-2011 01:50 PM

Sorry about the cut off. My computer froze , but I was able to post that small portion before losing what I had already typed in. Thank goodness!

AlwaysDance 06-24-2011 01:51 PM

Ohh I love it keep up the good work.

Devina Wellheart 06-24-2011 03:09 PM

I just finished typing the second part of chapter three and then got booted of the internet. I am getting so P.O. ed!!! I'm gonna retype it later. Sorry everyone.

Devina Wellheart 06-25-2011 01:48 PM

Chapter three continued
Next to climb up onto the wagon was Benny Brickner. He was a also a first

year. Benny had straight black hair that was slicked back and piercing blue

eyes that were hidden behind his wire framed glasses. He was a bit skinny;

really there wasn't much to him. Justin had decided that Benny was a bit of a

bookworm. He had come to that conclusion due to the book that was

practically attached to his face when he climbed up. The last person to climb

up into the wagon was Roberta Thornhurst. She was a rather pretty girl with

long red curly hair that came down almost to her bottom. She had the most

beautiful dark blue eyes any of the boys had seen. She was well groomed

and from what the boys could tell she had expensive taste in clothing. From

the moment she spoke she had their full attention.

" Hi, my name is Roberta Thornhurst, but my friends call me Bertie. "

" Hi." said the three boys in unison.

" Well...What are your names?!"

" M my name is Thomas Miller, but you can call me Tom if you like."

answered Thomas.

" Benjamin Brickner is my name, but I prefer Benny if you don't mind."

exclaimed Benny.

" Well, what about you? You have a name don't you?" asked Roberta.

" Yes, I have a name. My name is Justin Wellheart. Now if you don't mind I

don't feel like talking and I'd prefer to keep to myself if that's alright with the

rest of you."

" Boy, you've got a bit of a temper don't ya, Justin?" said Tom " What's

your problem?"

Devina Wellheart 06-25-2011 01:51 PM

Sorry everyone , but I think I'm going to have to spilt the chapters into two or three parts in order for me to post. Some things wrong with my computer. I'll post the rest of chapter three in a little bit. Thanks for being so patient.

Devina Wellheart 06-26-2011 01:50 PM

Final part of Chapter Three
You see Justin had thought that if he were to act impolite that the rest of

the kids would maybe leave him alone. Instead his answer would be followed

by another question and now he had to do a bit of back-pedaling to smooth

things over. " I'm sorry, it's just that I don't feel very well because I'm really

quite nervous about being sorted. I didn't mean to sound rude or anything. "

explained Justin.

" Justin, we're all nervous about what house we'll be sorted into. You

know we all have high expectations... family expectations to get into certain

houses too. But at the end of day it's not really up to us so much. It comes

down to where that bloody hat places us." , said Roberta.

" I say we all just sit back and relax while we can 'cause after tonight we'll

be starting our classes."

And so the four new friends sat quietly as the wagon bounced on through

the early evening. About an hour or so had gone by when the wagon came to

a stop, waking Justin, Tom, Benny, and Roberta. The four of them had fallen

asleep while the wagon bounced along, basically rocking them to sleep.

Rubbing their eyes as they took a look at the boats that would carry them on

the final leg of their journey to Hogwarts.

They quickly found the first empty boat and climbed inside of it. They

didn't want to be left behind to be stuck with a group of students that they

didn't know. They were already nervous enough. As they floated across the

water Justin had realized that the boat was propelling itself with out the

assistance of a motor or someone paddling. And the more he thought about

that he remembered that the wagon seemed to tow itself. As he thought

about all the ways this could have happened the boat had come to the

opposite shore and now the four friends looked up with wide eyes. They were

looking at th huge stairway that would lead them into the castle that housed

the school.

Devina Wellheart 06-26-2011 09:09 PM

As the newest students of Hogwarts climbed the last few steps they were

met at the top by by one of Hogwarts' most talented and respected

professors, Minerva McGonagall.

" Gather round children, make sure that you all can hear me. You are

instructed to stay here outside the Great Hall until you are called in to enter.

At such time you will gather at the front of the hall to be sorted into your

permanant houses. After which you will join your classmates at your house's

table before enjoying the great feast. Is that understood?" And with that

said she turned and entered tha Great Hall.

After what seemed like an eternity Prof. McGonagall returned to bring the

first year students into the Great Hall. She got them all lined up and the

sorting began. As the children were sorted one by one cheers were heard

from the respective houses as a new member joined their ranks and sat

down. With each name called Dumbledore became increasingly tense and

more sressed out. He knew that if their secret were to be broken it would be

at the mouth of the Sorting Hat. For he had no control over what the hat

would say while making it's decision. And if the hat did let it slip there could

be disasterous consequences for both Justin and the school itself.

Just then Justin's name was called and all attention was on him. Justin

pushed his way through his fellow first years and walked up to Prof.

McGonagall and sat on the stool next to her waiting for the Sorting Hat to be

placed on his head.

Before the hat was even on his head the Sorting Hat shouted ,

Professor Dumbledore and the other professors let out a giant sigh of relief.

But at the same time they were all in disbelief.

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