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Dusty Cellar (Incomplete Fanfiction)The cellar holds unfinished confections of storytelling, giving readers a glimpse into creative ideas that may one day be revived.
The world just looked differently to me right now. Everything just felt dead, boring, dull, rigid, blank. It took me awhile to digest the things happened. Nothing seemed and felt right. I feel like I had been living in a world that I thought was just.
I thought wrong.
I don’t know how it happened but I ended up walking in the lake in the middle of the winter. I stared at the freezing water. Stared at it for minutes. My mind just flashing back things I used to remember. How come I never saw Cedric die? I was there. I WAS THERE. I saw him play. So why? How?
Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching me. I didn’t mind it though. It could be the dark lord himself and I wouldn’t care. Nothing scares me anymore.
“Cho” It’s Harry.
I just stared at him as he stood next to me. My bland expression has been such a normal thing these days.
“I’m sorry” he spoke. Why did he apologize? All this time he did nothing but comfort me and I was too blind to see that coming.
“What happened?” I looked at him deeply. My eyes were probably swollen from the tears and my pale skin has now become even paler. “That night at the Triwizard. I tried remembering that night” my voice started to crack “Why is it t-that I can’t remember ANYTHING” and I mean the part where Cedric died without me knowing.
There has to be some sort of explanation to this. People in this school knew the whole time while I didn’t. I felt like the stupidest person ever.
“Hermione told me you went unconscious when Cedric died.” Harry started. “After I took Cedric’s body back to the starting line everyone just got crazy… crying… devastated…” I remembered that. I can remember that clearly. “You cried a lot and then after awhile you just fell from where you were.”
“I was unconscious the whole time?” that was even worse. “For how long?”
“About 2 days.” Harry explained “The healer told me that you might not be able to remember things that happened at the time since you bumped your head really bad.” Harry added.
I paused. At that moment I just looked at Harry. “You were with me?” I asked him.
“The whole two days.” He nodded.
“Because…” he held my hand “I care for you, Cho”
I resisted. I didn’t want to hold Harry’s hand right now especially that I’m in this state.
“I’m sorry Harry b-but I have to go.” I couldn’t help but cry. Cedric. I want Cedric back!
The next day I went to practice at the Room of Requirement. I wanted to get sober about this right? So I might as well do my part. I have to make myself busy. Make myself over work. Do things extremely if I must.
Levicorpus. That’s the spell we’re learning to day. I did well, got myself to concentrate and not think about Cedric for the 2 hours of practice. Everyone was doing quite well. I have missed so much of this experience. The DA was about helping each other. It was about being a family. I should have been more sensitive about this.
Then there was a bombing sound. The walls cracked and we felt an earthquake. Everyone didn’t panic, they looked around and was wondering what was going on. We could hear and feel it getting closer. Was there an actual earthquake?
Suddenly, a whole cracked into one of the walls. All we can hear were footsteps and Malfoy bickering.
“Bombarda Maxima”
And that was Umbridge. We all just looked at the cracked walls which are now destroyed by her. Silly old hag in pink. Remember I said we can hear Malfoy bickering? He had the culprit with him. The traitor. The spy. And that person happens to be my best friend Marietta.
“ALL STUDENTS REPORT TO MY OFFICE---- NOW!!!” she screamed at us.
They all stared at me and glared back at Marietta.
We all went up to Umbridge’s office. All of us who are in the DA.
“You think that I wouldn’t know where you silly children hide?” she smirked. Oh, that annoying smirk really ticks me. “because of your silly actions, this will cost Dumbledore and his head master position at Hogwarts” she added while sipping a cup of tea.
“No! Dumbledore had nothing to do with this” Hermione spoke up.
“We created this group ourselves” Harry added.
“SHUT UP!” Umbridge shouted. “Students should never interfere with this. What you did there is against the rules and you know what happens when students break the rules?” she said walking back and fort. “They get punished.”
What was the punishment you ask?
In a single piece of parchment we were forced to write down “I must never disobey”. At first we all thought it was a silly thing to do but when we started the write the sentence, that’s when we realized all of the quills were charmed. The sentence we wrote on that parchment was now engraved to our left hand.
I can see glare and scowl expressions from left to right. After our punishment, everyone treated me coldly.
“You weren’t suppose to tell anyone, that was the plan” Harry scolded me. We were the last one to leave the room. Everyone just went out immediately and didn't even bother talking to me nor to Harry anymore. “Marietta is your best friend Cho. YOUR best friend” he emphasized each word. “I don’t want to even speak to you right now” he stormed out of the room.
This is not happening to me. Bad luck has stroke upon me ever since the start of the year. Nothing has been going right. I just sat there on the chair looking at my hand with that scar ‘I must not disobey’. It’s a reminder of today. I can’t even begin to find myself asking for forgiveness to everyone. The DA just hated me right now. Period.
Last edited by spiral_star; 06-20-2011 at 06:23 AM.
What was the world coming into? People gain friends but then lose them along the way. People get comrades but then they get washed up or killed. Nothing was simple. Nothing was just.
I remembered back when I was younger, when kids were just free. Have you ever had that enormous healthy feeling? The time where you get to be friends with someone and not pressure you? The time when you can run around and feel the wind on your face and not get punished over? And the time when people hug you because you’re crying?
When did that all go away?
I made a big mistake and I’ve learned from it. Things this year didn’t turn out the way I wanted them but I got to see different sides of people. I met new people, gained some enemies, gained some lessons. But there was something about this year that made me smile despite the fact of what happened to me………………HARRY.
He and I haven’t been talking to each other since the incident and so as the whole DA. To tell the truth, I was more of an outcast this year. No one talked to me. No one cared. Once I was popular girl. The girl with many friends. The girl who dated the most amazing guy in school. The girl who is a great Quidditch player. And with a blink of an eye, those things just disappeared to me like smoke.
I tried apologizing to them, I swear I did but somehow they can’t find it in their hearts yet to do so. I’m not rushing into this. I’m not forcing them to forgive me. I’m just hoping that in due time… they will.
The following month, it seems that all went back into place. Umbridge is no longer the Head Mistress and the rules of the school were back to normal. Dumbledore was back to his position and Hogwarts was safe from that filthy pink ball. Yes, we were already safe from Umbridge but a new terror is back…
Lord Voldemort is back.
The Daily Prophet says it all. How Lord Voldemort was found at the Ministry by Fudge and some other Hogwarts students were there as witness. I didn’t know much of the details to this news but everyone seemed to talk about it. Eavesdropping is not even a word to describe it since everyone kept talking and talking about it. I swear some of them were just too unrealistic as well, completely failed rumors.
I wanted to see Harry just to see how he was nowadays. I haven’t seen him in awhile nor talked to him in awhile. Days just got really fast that I think I might not be able to talk to him any longer. Quite frankly, I missed him. I missed how he made me special. How he makes me laugh but at the same time sad. Harry comforted me a lot, helped me overcome my fears about Cedric. He always thought that I had been sober but all this time I was living in my own fairytale. My own Cedric delusion, something that my mind created. Stupid!
I had one last stop at the lake before going home. What was it about this place that made me feel so at ease despite the stuffs that happened to me this term? Was it because this place felt so quiet that my thoughts could just overflow? Yes, probably that was one of the many reasons why I’m always fond of going here.
Maybe this year wasn’t for me. Everything just felt completely down and very disappointing. I didn’t quite start it right like I was suppose to or probably I did but along the way I stumbled and fell. My pride was tested and look at me now? I’m wrecked.
It’ll take time for me to finally go back from the Cho Chang I really know. It may not be tomorrow or next month but I am sure, somewhere along my path I will finally get over the drama and surpass the issues I have.
I looked at the ripples of water and saw my reflection.
I smiled.
See you next term Hogwarts.
OOC: Hey guys probably my story would be coming to an end after 2 or 3 more chapters. It depends...
Aww poor Cho and poor evweyone the stories going to end Great writing
Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3
I really feel for Cho atm
I want to cry
Eviee <33
Originally Posted by HuffMcfly83
Aww, poor Choooo. I kinda like her and Harry more than Ginny. But still. I can't wait for you to write more. Can't wait for the whole story.
Originally Posted by DancingwithRainbows
I loved your story! The plots great and I like the cliffhanger at the beginning how we don't know who the narrarator is!
Originally Posted by RupertsLil'Princess
I thought it was hermione looking for Ron.
Thank you guys for supporting my fan fiction and for reading it.
I'm currently making the last chapterS and RL has been nothing but hassle for me. I have to balance school, clinic stuffs and of course SS. But I am going to finish and update this FF soon. So hope you guys will be patient enough to wait for that.
Chapter 11
My seventh year at Hogwarts was nothing more but a fast blur. It just happened so fast that it felt like I went to school in about 2 months. I don’t know why or how it was like that. Maybe this is how it felt like when you’re not simply enjoying yourself with anything. You’re not friends with anyone. You’re not in-touch in anything.
The fact that I only went back to school was to prove myself that I could be sober with all the drama that happened to me last term. Yes, that was nothing. Nothing at all. I can still be the bubbly Cho everyone knew. I could still be that awesome seeker at Quidditch. I could still b---
Who am I kidding?
After the events that happened to me last term, everything about me is completely different. It feels like my soul died together with Cedric. I was longer nothing. I was like a wall on every corner. People didn’t care much if they did bump into me. Yeah, I did cry over a couple of times on my own but what else can I do? I can’t cry forever. Sooner or later school will be over for me. Graduating and leaving this horrid place behind was a main goal. I have to act like I’m okay.
But then…
I’ve heard a lot about him over the term. How he completely became such a hero back at the Ministry and how he is officially the Chosen One. I saw Harry once and when I said ‘hi’ he just stared, maybe even looked away. Great. I was invisible the whole time. Maybe it’s time for me to just focus on something more important, like Potions and what not. It’s devastating how some people just hate you that way.
During the winter days, I usually go up to the Observatory for some peace and quiet. My thoughts just drift apart and without realizing it sometimes I tend to weep. I don’t know why but I’m not the kind of person that emotes in front of people. I like being aloof when I’m sad. Since the lake was badly frozen with snow, the observatory became a new hiding place for me.
But so was Dumbledore’s.
“Professor? I-I’m sorry. I didn’t…” yes, he caught me once crying alone. I know it’s very much embarrassing, not to mention humiliating for the headmaster to ask why I was crying in the first place.
“They don’t hate you. It’s just that they’re not yet ready to accept you back” he spoke. “You’re still young. If you can’t deal with those at this age then how much more when you become as old as I am?” he said while looking out into the sky.
For awhile I was just silent. Hearing his advice made me feel a little bit better about my problem. It’s nice to be able to talk to someone about this for once.
“To tell you the truth, I’m not as perfect as people think.” He spoke again. “Miss Chang, believe it or not but some things are meant to happen” he said while clasping both his hands and adding a wink. I didn’t know why Dumbledore just opened up something like that to me and I never knew he comes often in the Observatory. What does he do up there anyway?
Like I said in the beginning, my seventh year at Hogwarts was a fast blur. I can’t even remember half the things that happened to me. What I did know was that the Death Eaters, the so-called allies of Voldemort, gained entrance to Hogwarts because of Malfoy.
Typical isn’t it? Slytherins are always on track with evil. Malfoy was smart enough to lead them inside even though Dumbledore completely put a protective shield around Hogwarts. And the next thing I knew, Dumbledore died. Also, Snape has run off somewhere. They say he killed him.
It all happened when I was in my room and peacefully sleeping. I was too self-absorbed that I didn’t even care to come out when I heard something. Now guilt is paying me a visit. And the saddest part of all of this is that, not one of the Dumbledore’s Army tried to tell me about it. I get it they hate me but I thought that this was a boundary to that. I always thought Dumbledore is the boundary.
But I guess not…
I wanted to know what happened because last time I was with him, Dumbledore looked happy. No hints of being scared. At the funeral, I saw Harry a mile away. I ran to him as fast as I could.
“Harry” I said out loud as I got nearer to him. “Harry, I—“
“Not now, Cho” he spoke. His voice was very upset. He didn’t look at me like I wanted him to. The Harry I was with before is no longer there. His eyes full of angst, his breathing was in rage. If only there was something I could do to make him calm down.
I hugged him.
I closed my eyes and just wished he wouldn’t let go and be satisfied by my simple gesture. Harry did a lot for this school and he should be proud that Dumbledore didn’t die in vain. He never did. Dumbledore is one of the best wizards alive but he was just getting older. I’m sure Snape is probably guilty with what he had done.
“It’s going to be okay, Harry” I hugged him tightly and tapped his back for comfort. I shed a tear when I heard him sob. I know he wanted to act strong but this was an emotional moment, especially for him.
“Harry?” a voice from behind called his name. I let go of him and turned to face the person. It was Ginny and Hermione. “Come” Ginny gestured her hand over to Harry and Harry slowly walked towards her. As they both walked away hand in hand, my heart just felt uneasy. I never felt like this before especially not to Harry. I wiped the tears that fell on my cheeks only to realize that Hermione never left and was still standing there, looking at me in agony. She knew how I felt and she knew how Harry felt about me before. Before Ginny.
“C-cho” she started. Hermione always says the most helpful things. “I know this may sound random but congratulations” she said weakly. She didn’t look happy at all, well, in this situation no one really looked happy to be graduating. “I hope you would have a happy life after Hogwarts” she nodded and left. The words itself was just inspiring now that I am recalling it but the way she said it was more of an advice rather than an inspiring conversation.
A place full of memories may it be awesome or awful. It indeed taught me a lot of things. I went through a lot of obstacles and it didn’t matter because right now. I just felt free from everything and anything else. Graduating at Hogwarts was a wonderful moment but seeing as my friends and I were still not talking to each other, graduation day was rather sad. At least, my parents and I celebrated with some of my families.
Leaving for the last time, I gave myself a last tour of the whole castle. As I did, I couldn’t help but shed a tear. That’s it, I’m finally leaving this place. I’m finally leaving that I once called home. And before leaving this place I went up to the astronomy tower. Apparently as I grew, the more this area grew attach to me as well.
Going up the stairs and finally reaching the tower, the breeze just felt nice. So this is where Dumbledore died. I met him a few times here. On the corner of my eye, I saw Harry. Probably he didn’t see me come up. He was gazing at the lake. Maybe talking to him would be nice just like old times. Besides, this is goodbye for me.
I didn’t though. Not anymore.
Maybe next time when I see him somewhere around Diagon Alley. Who knows really?! So I decided to just leave him there still staring blankly into space. Not even knowing that I was up there in the first place.
Last edited by spiral_star; 08-24-2011 at 02:05 PM.