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The following spells can be used in the dueling club. Included are descriptions of each spell, as well as the point effects that they will have on Health (H), Magic (M) and Fatigue (F) bars.
NOTE: Health, magic and fatigue all refer to the caster's point system. Damage refers to the target's points, and will indicate which category the damage goes to.
Duelers must keep track of their points at the end of every post. Every action within a duel will result in the loss of the dueler's points, and the potential to decrease the opponent's points. It is up to the opponent to determine what the outcome of the spell is, however, once again each action will cost points. It is important students keep this in mind.
RPers may choose how the spells effect their characters, however there are no partial points (unless stated in the 'Additional Effects' section of the spell). No matter if a small scrape is obtained, the full point loss will still occur. However, while casting a spell, RPers may choose the intensity of the spells they cast. With certain spells, a three tier system is in place where each tier (easy, intermediate, difficult) has its own intensity as well as its own points loss option. While the overall effect will still be the same, each tier will have its own unique effect that can be applied, something that will be up to the RPer to choose. if the RPer chooses to use that intensity level.
For example, for Expelliarmus, the spell will still disarm the opponent but depending on the tier person A chooses, person B can choose how that intensity will affect their charrie. If person A chooses a weak version of Expelliarmus that their charrie can cast, maybe person B can write a post where their charrie is hit by a spell but the force of the spell only knocks the wand out of their hand and on the floor but doesn’t knock them back.
Note: While I’m leaving the creative license up to you guys, I’m trusting each and every one of you to be smart and realistic about this.
Also please note that I've only applied this to some spells for the time being.
Please remember to RP realistically, to your character's IC capabilities and talents. Not every duel has to be won, and not every student has to be a great dueler. Keep in character, but most importantly, remember to have fun!
Note: Spells can be combined or cast in succession. Points for each spell still apply. But you can get some creative results out of this, so think outside of the box!
Note: I've also combed through the archives and noted down every spell that could be of use and included them here. If I've missed any, please do let me know.
If you're confused about any of this, please have a look through some of the duels in the Term 41 archive and pay particular attention towards the scoring of these duels. I have also gone through an example post right here which breaks down exactly how you apply these points. If you still have questions, please do come to me (DaniDiNardo) and I'll do my best to help you out.
While this thread will constantly be edited to include newer spells, both in the HP and SSRPG worlds, please let me know if I've missed out on anything.
The format for all of this is down to the wonderful Alayna (Tazenhani) so all credit is due to her. And of course the lovely (hermionesclone) adjusted the values and included some SS!canon spells. I just did some formatting ^^
- Arrow-shooting spell - Shoots arrows from wand
- Bluebell Flames - Conjures bluebell flames
- Bubble Producing Charm - Creates a stream of bubbles from the wand
- Green Sparks - Green sparks are produced from wand
- Serpensortia - Conjures snake from wand tip
- Cracker Jinx - Conjures exploding wizard crackers
- Melofors - Encases the head of a target in a pumpkin
- Obscuro - Creates a blindfold over the target's eyes
- Verdimillious Duo - More powerful version of Verdimillious (Green Sparks)
- Aguamenti - Water-making spell; creates jet/fountain of water from the wand
- Aqua Eructo - Creates a jet of water from the wand tip, which the caster can control
- Incendio - Creates fire
- Leek Jinx - Produces leeks out of the targets ears
- Bubble Charm - Creates a stream of bubbles
- Bubble-Head Charm - Creates a bubble of air around the target's head, to help them breathe
- Focalia* - Conjures firewood
- Inanimatus Conjurus - Conjures an inanimate object
- Incendio Duo - Stronger version of Incendio
- Orchideous - Causes a bouquet of flowers to appear out of caster or target's wand
- Orchideous Stiriacus* - Causes a bouquet of ice flowers to appear out of caster or target's wand
- Scorching Spell - Creates dancing flames which can burn the target
- Avis - conjures a flock of birds from the tip of the wand
- Expecto Patronum - Defensive spell that conjures white shield or spirit-like animal to aid the caster
- Firestorm - Creates a ring of fire
- Fulgari** - Binds the opponent's arms in luminous cords
- Incarcerous - Ties target up with ropes
- Incendio Tria - Strong version of Incendio Duo
- Lacarnum Inflamari - Produces a ball of fire from the wand
- Expelliarmus - Disarms the target (of whatever they are holding) and can be used to knock-back a target if cast forcefully enough
- Impiriano* - Creates a barrier that only blocks physical objects
- Anti-Jinx - Blocks jinx over one target
- Contego* - Creates a basic shield, though not as long lasting as Protego
- Protego - Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster
- Protego Caelum - Repels rainwater
- Salvio Hexia - Can be used to deflect minor hexes
- Silver Shield Spell* - Creates a physical silver shield that protects the caster from magical and non-magical attacks
- Loricatus - Creates a temporary armour against magical and non-magical attacks
- Protego Horribilis - More powerful version of Protego, which can defend against dark magic
- Fianto Duri - Defensive charm that strengthens shield spells and/or objects
- Protego Maxima - More powerful version of Protego Horribilis, which can defend against dark magic. Can also disintegrate physical things that get too close
- Protego Totalum - More powerful version of Protego Maxima, which creates an impenetrable shield over a small area. Only the Unforgivable curses can get through
- Anti-Odour Charm* - Eliminates odours in the area
- Hot-Air Charm - Creates stream of hot air from the wand
- Glacius - Changes target into solid ice
- Ventus - Creates a strong blast of wind from the wand, which can be strong enough to push things
- Fumos - Produces a cloud of dark grey smoke
- Glacius Duo - More powerful version of Glacius
- Ventus Duo - More powerful version of Ventus
- Conglacio* - Keeps item cold
- Glacius Tria - More powerful version of Glacius Duo
- Insulation Charm* - Keeps you warm
- Frostbite Hex* - Causes item to freeze through
- Meteolojinx Recanto - Cancels weather effects created by jinxes
- Patented Daydream Charm - Creates a highly realistic, 30 minute long daydream for the target
- Curse of the Bogies - Causes the target to have a head cold and extremely runny nose
- Jelly-Fingers Curse - Causes victims fingers to become unsteady, such that it's hard to grip objects
- Jelly-Legs Curse - Target's legs collapse as if they were made of jelly
- Leg-Locker Curse - Locks target's legs together so they cannot move
- Pus-squirting hex - Causes pus to squirt from target's nose
- Steleus - Causes target to sneeze for short periods of time
- Stickfast Hex - Glue's target's shoes to the ground
- Tarantallegra - causes victim to dance uncontrollably
- Trip Jinx - Trips or otherwise impedes target
- Babbling Curse - Forces the victim to babble whenever they try to speak
- Ear-shriveling Curse - Causes target's ears to shrivel up
- Feather-light Charm - Makes a target extremely light
- Flipendo - Pushes or knocks out target, depending on strength of the spell
- Furnunculus - Causes the target to become covered in boils or pimples
- Immobulus - Renders targets (living) immobile
- Rictusempra - Extreme tickling charm
- Slugulus Eructo - Causes target to vomit up slugs for ten minutes
- Stinging Jinx - Causes injuries like stings, which burn and appear as red welts and inflammation
- Tickling Hex - Tickles and weakens target
- Toenail Growth Hex - Causes target's toenails to grow at uncontrollable speed
- Bat-Bogey Hex - Enlarges the victim's bogies, gives them wings and causes said winged bogies to attack the victim/their producer
- Calvorio - Causes target's hair to fall out
- Cheering Charm - Target becomes content and happy, and stronger castings may cause the target to succumb to uncontrollable laughter
- Cornflake Skin Spell - Skin appears and feels like it is coated in cornflakes
- Flipendo Duo - More powerful version of the knockback jinx
- Mimblewimble - Causes target's tongue to temporarily curl up on itself so that it prevents certain information from being spoken by the target
- Muffliato - Fills target's ears with buzzing so that it is hard to hear
- Sardine Hex - Produces sardine's from the target's nose
- Conjunctivitis Curse - Causes great pain to the eye(s) and may cause pink eye
- Ebublio - Entraps target into a very large bubble
- Flipendo Tria - More powerful version of Flipendo Duo (can resemble a mini tornado)
- Impedimenta - Generally impedes the movement of the target towards the caster (may trip, freeze, bind, knock back, etc)
- Langlock - Glues target's tongue to roof of mouth
- Orbis - Sucks the target into the ground, as if it were made of quicksand
- Cantis - Causes target to involuntarily sing
- Entomorphis - Induces insect-like qualities upon the target
- Fur Spell - Causes growth of fur on the target
- Levicorpus - Target is dangled upside down by their ankles
- Liberacorpus - Counter spell for Levicorpus
- Manus Invisibilis - Binding spell that can be directed at specific parts of an object/body depending on casters intention
- Mobilicorpus - Levitates and moves living targets
- Quietus - Returns a magnified voice to normal volume
- Silencio - Forces target to be silent
- Sonorous Charm - Creates a loud, roar-like sound from the wand that can harm opponents. Can also be used to amplify voices
- Cascading Jinx - Offensive spell to defeat multiple targets
- Confundus Charm - Causes confusion and befuddlement of the victim
- Disillusionment Charm - Target blends in with it's surroundings
- Engorgio Skullus - Causes target's skull to swell disproportionately
- Hair Growth Charm* - Grows the target's hair
- Hair-thickening Charm - Thicken's the target's hair
- Jelly-Brain Jinx - Negatively affects target's mental process and thinking capability
- Redactum Skullus - Shrinks the target's head
- Supersensory Charm - Gives target enhanced senses
- Human Revealing Spell - Reveals any human presence near the caster
- Stealth Sensoring Spell - Detects targets under magical concealment
- Ears to Kumquats - Transforms target's ears into kumquats
- Herbifors - Causes flowers to grow from the target
- Multicorfors - Changes the colour and style of the caster's outfit
- Anteoculatia - Turns target's hair into antlers
- Avifors - Transforms target into a bird
- Tentaclifors - Changes target's head into a tentacle
- Auribus Aquta* - Changes the target's ears into elf-like ears
- Crinus Muto - Changes the colour and style of the target's hair
- Diffindo - Rips, tears, shreds or physically damages target
- Diminuendo - Causes target to shrink
- Lumos - Creates a beam of light from the wand tip
- Nox - Cancels any Lumos spell on caster or target's wand
- Periculum - Shoots red sparks or flares from the caster's wand
- Purple Firecrackers - Shoots firecrackers (purple) from the caster's wand
- Reparo - Repairs and mends objects
- Sparking Spell* - creates sparks
- Spongify - Causes a target to become softer
- Wingardium Leviosa - Levitates and moves target
- Aparecium - Revealing Charm; reveals invisible ink
- Arania Exumai - Blasts spiders away
- Bewitched Snowballs - Enchants snowballs so that they pelt themselves at the target
- Cushioning Charm - Creates an invisible cushion over a target
- Engorgio - Causes target to swell in size
- Placement Charm - Temporarily moves a target to a desired location
- Skurge - Cleans up ectoplasm, and appears as greenish suds
- Sucking Charm* - sucks up objects, like a vacuum
- Bombarda - Causes a small explosion
- Carpe Retractum - Creates a rope which can bind and pull the target to the caster
- Epoximise - Adheres two objects together, as if they were glued together
- Flying Charm - Can make inanimate objects fly
- Gripping Charm - Helps increase effectiveness of a grip
- Homing Spell - Offensive spells which follow the target with constant speed and accuracy
- Impervius - Target repels outside forces and substances
- Levioso - Levitates an object
- Lumos Duo - More powerful version of Lumos which creates an intense beam of light from the wand tip; can lock onto targets
- Mobiliarbus - Levitates and moves inanimate targets
- Magnification Charm* - Magnifies both light and shadow (can be used to expand the light from a fire)
- Paint Flashing Charm - allows paint to flash in different colours; can be used as a distraction method
- Sticking Charm* - Adheres two objects together
- Unsticking Charm* - Reverses effects of the Sticking Charm
- Waddiwasi - Launches small targets through the air
- Accio - Summoning charm; summoning an object to the caster
- Animation Charm* - Brings inanimate objects to life
- Aresto Momentum - Decrease speed of a moving target(s)
- Depulso - Banishes an object, such that it causes the target to fly to a specific location and/or away
- Descendo - Causes target to move downward, and can be used as a gravity spell
- Drought Charm - Causes water to dry up
- Herbivicus - Causes plants and flowers to grow immediately to their full size
- Lumos Maxima - More powerful version of Lumos Duo; can be used as a projected ball of light
- Magicus Extremos - Powerful throw spell
- Reducto - Breaks targets, and in stronger versions can disintegrate them
- Revulsion Jinx - Causes target release what it is holding/binding
- Smashing Spell - Creates explosions
- Tergeo - Siphons liquid
- Unbreakable Charm - Causes target to become unbreakable
- Vacavus Maxima* - More powerful version of the Sucking Charm (sucks up objects like a vacuum)
- Bedazzling Hex - Conceals the target of the hex, similar to the chameleon charm
- Confringo - Causes explosions upon contact, and often creates fire
- Deletrius - Disintegrates the target
- Deprimo - Places immense downward pressure on a target, which can result in the target fracturing
- Erecto - Straightens out and stands up the target
- Expulso - Causes an explosion by pressure
- Extinguishing Spell - Quells fires
- Flagrate Curse - Curses an object so that when it is touched it burns skin
- Henshu* - Allows target to have incredible footwear traction
- Imperturbable Charm - Makes inanimate objects impenetrable
- Locomotion Charm - Target rises into the air and moves at will of caster
- Mizurus Boru* - Moulds object into a ball
- Obliteration Charm - Removes or hides footprints
- Flame-freezing Charm - Causes fire to tickle instead of burning
- Intruder Charm - Sounds an alarm upon detecting an intruder
- Lumos Solem - More powerful version of Lumos Maxima
- Oppugno - Causes animals to attack at caster's will
- Protean Charm - Causes copies of an original object to be affected by any changes to the original
- Shield Penetration Spell - Negates magical enchantments and shields
- SpeRevelio - Causes target to show hidden secrets or magical properties
- Teleportation Spell - Causes target to vanish and reappear at another location
- Undetectable Extension Charm - Increases a container's capacity/size on the inside without altering the appearance of the container
- Caterwauling Charm - Perimeter charm which, when breached, gives off a high-pitched shriek
- Defodio - Gouging spell which can take large chunks out of an object
- Gemino - Creates an identical copy of the target
- Partis Temporus - Creates a temporary breach in protective magical barriers
- Draconifors - Transforms a target into a dragon
- Lapifors - Transforms target into a rabbit
- Vera Verto - Turns animals into goblets
- Protegamur Aqua* - Changes shoelaces into an umbrella
- Switching Spell - Causes objects to be switched for each other
- Duro - Turns target into solid stone
- Glisseo - Causes stairs/uneven surface to flatten into a slide
- Homorphus Charm - Causes a transformed target to resume it's original shape
- Rose Growth - Causes rosebuds to grow, usually at a rapid pace
- Trengarium* - Changes object into small animal
- Vipera Evanesca - Counters snake spells such that snake disintegrates from head to tail
- Piertotum Locomotor - Animates statues and/or armor to the caster's bidding
Please note that some spells in the Human and Other Charms/Transfiguration section are interchangeable depending on the RPer's wish. A spell in the Other Charms category isn't strictly kept to objects and the environment unless stated otherwise.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Last edited by DaniDiNardo; 02-12-2020 at 10:08 AM.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Conjuration Spells are, as the title suggests, spells that require the caster to conjure an object out of thin air which they can then use in their duels. These are said to be the most complex type of Transfiguration with only Human Transfiguration exceeding it in difficulty.
SPOILER!!: Spells and their points
Arrow-shooting spell:Shoots arrows from wand Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Bubble Producing Charm:Creates a stream of bubbles from the wand Incantation: Bulla
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Green Sparks:Green sparks are produced from wand Incantation: Verdimillious
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Serpensortia:Conjures snake from wand tip (i.e. Snake Summons Spell) Incantation: Serpensortia (ser-pen-SOR-tee-uh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Snake can deliver damage of -15 to health of opponent
Cracker Jinx:Conjures exploding wizard crackers, which can be used offensively though they may harm the caster and the target Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: -5 (if in close proximity/greater force of spell)
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: The proximity and intensity of the spell (or redirection) may cause harm to both the caster and target
Caster Points:
H: -7 (if in close proximity/greater force of spell)
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: The proximity and intensity of the spell (or redirection) may cause harm to both the caster and target
Caster Points:
H: -10 (if in close proximity/greater force of spell)
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: The proximity and intensity of the spell (or redirection) may cause harm to both the caster and target
Melofors:Encases the head of a target in a pumpkin
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If target tries to cast spell while encased in a pumpkin, opponent does not need to use magic or fatigue points to avoid (assumed that caster's aim will be off)
Obscuro:Creates a blindfold over the target's eyes
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: -15
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spells cast by a target (under the influence of this spell) can be avoided without the use of magic or fatigue points
Verdimillious Duo:More powerful version of Verdimillious Incantation: Verdimillious Duo
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Aguamenti:Water-making spell; creates jet/fountain of water from the wand Incantation: Aguamenti (AGUA-menti)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -3
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Followed up by a freezing charm, will cause the freezing charm to do 2x damage to opponent
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Followed up by a freezing charm, will cause the freezing charm to do 2x damage to opponent
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -8
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Followed up by a freezing charm, will cause the freezing charm to do 2x damage to opponent
Aqua Eructo:Creates a jet of water from the wand tip, which the caster can control Incantation: Aqua Eructo (a-kwa ee-RUCK-toh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -8
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Unlike aguamenti, can cause damage; followed up with freezing charm, the freezing charm will do 2x the damage
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Unlike aguamenti, can cause damage; followed up with freezing charm, the freezing charm will do 2x the damage
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Unlike aguamenti, can cause damage; followed up with freezing charm, the freezing charm will do 2x the damage
Incendio:Creates fire Incantation: Incendio (in-SEN-dee-o)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25%
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Leek Jinx:Produces leeks out of the targets ears Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Bubble Charm:Creates a stream of bubbles Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defense against water and/or smoke spells, or other spells which may cause congestion.
Bubble-Head Charm:Creates a bubble of air around the target's head, to help them breathe Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defense against water and/or smoke spells, or other spells which may cause congestion.
Focalia:Conjures firewood Incantation: Focalia
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defense against water and/or smoke spells, or other spells which may cause congestion.
Inanimatus Conjurus:Conjures an inanimate object Incantation: Inanimatus Conjurus
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can summon/conjure an inanimate object to help in the duel
Incendio Duo:Stronger version of Incendio Incantation: in-SEN-dee-oh DOO-oh
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -30%
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Orchideous:Causes a bouquet of flowers to appear out of caster or target's wand Incantation: Orchideous (or-KID-ee-us)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: For the purpose of the club, may be used offensively against opponent
Orchideous Stiriacus:Causes a bouquet of ice flowers to appear out of caster or target's wand Incantation: Orchideous
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: For the purpose of the club, may be used offensively against opponent
Scorching Spell:Creates dancing flames which can burn the target Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -27
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -21
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -31
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -35
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Avis:(Bird conjuring charm); conjures a flock of birds from the tip of the wand
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Must be used with Oppugno to cause damage
Expecto Patronum:Defensive spell that conjures white shield or spirit-like animal to aid the caster Incantation: Expecto Patronum (ex-PEK-toh pa-TRO-num)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -75
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defense against offensive spells.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -87
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defense against offensive spells.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defense against offensive spells.
Firestorm:Creates a ring of fire Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -100
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -125
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -125
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -150
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -150
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Fulgari:Binds opponent's arms in luminous cords Incantation: Fulgari
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -10
Additional Effects: Target must unbind themselves before can cast/move again
Incarcerous:Ties target up with ropes Incantation: Incarcerous [in-KAR-ser-us]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: -3
Additional Effects: Target must unbind themselves before can cast/move again
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -11
M: 0
F: -4
Additional Effects: Target must unbind themselves before can cast/move again
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: Target must unbind themselves before can cast/move again
Incendio Tria:Strong version of Incendio Duo Incantation: Incendio Tria (in-SEN-dee-oh TREE-ah)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -75%
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Lacarnum Inflamari:Produces a ball of fire from the wand Incantation: Lacarnum Inflamari
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -180
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -65%
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -190
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -70%
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -200
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -75%
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are the ultimate protective spells that the caster can use to aid them in their duel. These bring up shields, either magical or physical, that will protect the caster against any future incoming spells. Please note that these spells each come with their own rules depending on use.
SPOILER!!: Spells and their points
Expelliarmus:Disarms the target (of whatever they are holding) and can be used to knock-back a target if cast forcefully enough Incantation: Expelliarmus (ex-PELL-ee-ARE-muss)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: -7 (ONLY if spell disarms caster of wand)
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -11
M: -11 (ONLY if spell disarms caster of wand)
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: -15 (ONLY if spell disarms caster of wand)
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Impiriano:Creates a barrier that only blocks physical objects Incantation: Impiriano
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: [If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Anti-Jinx:Blocks jinx over one target Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: +5
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to block any jinx; can also be used to slow down other types of spells but these spells must cost a maximum of 15 magic points or lower; must cast on self Note: This spell will protect you against THREE jinxes thrown your way. For other types of spells, it will merely slow it down, allowing you to dodge it better and use up only 4 Fatigue points in the process. If you DO use the dodge option, the Anti-Jinx shield will disappear after your turn.
Contego:Creates a basic shield, though not as long lasting as Protego Incantation: Contego
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: [If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Protego:Creates a shield against MINOR spells (jinxes, hexes and curses), and sends them in rebound to the original caster (i.e. Shield Charm) Incantation: Protego (pro-TAY-goh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10 (if just defending); -15 (if deflecting spell back)
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Salvio Hexia:Can be used to deflect minor hexes Incantation: Salvio Hexia (SAL-vee-oh HEK-see-uh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -21
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Silver Shield Spell:Creates a physical silver shield that protects the caster from magical and non-magical attacks Incantation: Armanto
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Loricatus:Creates a temporary armour against magical and non-magical attacks Incantation: Loricatus
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Protego Horribilis:More powerful version of Protego, which can defend against dark magic Incantation: Protego Horribilis (proh-TAY-goh hor-i-BIL-luhs)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30 (if just defending); -45 (if deflecting spell back)
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against spells
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -21
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against spells
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against spells
Protego Maxima:More powerful version of Protego Horribilis, which can defend against dark magic. Can also disintegrate physical things that get too close
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50 (if just defending); -70 (if deflecting back)
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If spell being defended against is deflected back at the opponent (and is successful) the opponent takes the damage of half of the spell directed back at them. See post for full details.
Protego Totalum:More powerful version of Protego Maxima, which creates an impenetrable shield over a small area. Only the Unforgivable curses can get through
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Will NOT deflect spells, but blocks ANY and ALL spells for 3 turns.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are ones that produce an environmental/weather effect and/or affect the general environment of the arena. While these spells may mimic the outside world, they can also be used to attack or otherwise distract your opponent to aid yourself further in the duel.
SPOILER!!: Spells and their points
Anti-Odor Charm:Eliminates odours in the area Incantation: Odoris Subsito
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: -0
Additional Effects: n/a
Hot-Air Charm:Creates stream of hot air from the wand Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -3
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against ice spells
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -4
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against ice spells
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against ice spells
Additional Effects: For club purposes the spell will NOT transform the target (if human) into solid ice, but will severely restrict movement as if target was mostly frozen
Ventus:Creates a strong blast of wind from the wand, which can be strong enough to push things Incantation: Ventus (VEN-tuss)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Fumos:Produces a cloud of dark grey smoke Incantation: Fumos
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Is NOT a shield spell (will not cancel incoming spells), but ONCE cast allows BOTH duelers to avoid next cast offensive spells without use of magic or fatigue points
Glacius Duo:More powerful version of Glacius Incantation: Glacius Duo (GLAY-see-us DOO-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -30%
M: 0
F: -30%
Additional Effects: For club purposes the spell will NOT transform the target (if human) into solid ice, but will severely restrict movement as if target was mostly frozen
Ventus Duo:More powerful version of Ventus Incantation: Ventus Duo (VEN-tuss DOO-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: -10
Additional Effects: n/a
Conglacio:Keeps item cold Incantation: Conglacio
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell differs from the Freezing Charms in that it doesn't freeze the item through or turn it to solid ice, it simply lets your item stay cold
Glacius Tria:More powerful version of Glacius Duo Incantation: Glacius Tria (GLAY-see-us TREE-ah)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -40%
M: 0
F: -40%
Additional Effects: For club purposes the spell will NOT transform the target (if human) into solid ice, but will severely restrict movement as if target was mostly frozen. Target can no longer physically avoid spells.
Insulation Charm:Keeps you warm Incantation: Caelum Saepio
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: +10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Frostbite Hex:Causes item to freeze through Incantation: Glacies Transeo
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -50
M: 0
F: -35
Additional Effects: The spell can be used defensively against fire and water based spells but should NOT be used against another human being.
Meteolojinx Recanto:Cancels weather effects created by jinxes Incantation: Meteolojinx Recanto (mee-tee-OH-loj-jeenks ree-KAN-toh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -75
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against elemental/smoke spells
Patented Daydream Charm:Creates a highly realistic, 30 minute long daydream for the target Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -100%
F: 0
Additional Effects: A successful cast will cause the duel to end
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are, as the title suggests, spells that heal an injury. While injuries in dueling can happen but duelers are discouraged from seriously harming their opponent. You don't need to injure your opponent to win a duel.
SPOILER!!: Spells and their points
Densaugeo:Causes teeth to grow rapidly, or may replace lost teeth Incantation: Densaugeo (den-sah-OO-gi-oh)
Caster Points:
H: +5 (ONLY if replacing lost teeth)
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can replace teeth ONLY if they have been lost (NOTE: teeth should not be lost just to regain health)
Episkey:Heals minor injuries and broken bones Incantation: Episkey (eh-PIS-kee)
Additional Effects: May only be utilized to restore health if there are broken bones (NOTE: This does not mean break bones to gain back health)
Ferula:Creates bandage and splint Incantation: Ferula (fer-ROOL-lah)
Caster Points:
H: +15
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can ONLY be used if target has a broken bone (NOTE: bones should NOT be broken just to gain more points)
Reparifors:Heals minor magical ailments such as paralysis and poisoning Incantation: Reparifors
Caster Points:
H: +20
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to counter any binding spell
Rennervate:Revives a stunned target Incantation: Rennervate (RENN-a-vate)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend/counter stunning type spells
Vulnera Sanentur:Heals wounds and gashes Incantation: Vulnera Senentur
Caster Points:
H: +50
M: -150
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can ONLY be used if caster has been severely injured (dueler should NOT get injured just to heal)
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are charms are directly affect and are used on the human being. They change the properties of the human body and make it do things that the person might not be able to do otherwise. While these spells are directly used on the opponent, that doesn't mean that they can't be applied on other items to aid the caster in the dueling process. Some Human-based and Object-based Charms are inter-changeable.
SPOILER!!: Spells and their points
Curse of the Bogies:Causes the target to have a head cold and extremely runny nose Incantation: Mucus ad Nauseam (MYOO-kus ahd NOU-see-um)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: -3
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -11
M: -4
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: -5
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Jelly-Fingers Curse:Causes victims fingers to become unsteady, such that it's hard to grip objects Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -3
M: -7
F: -3
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -4
M: -11
F: -4
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: -15
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Jelly-Legs Curse:Target's legs collapse as if they were made of jelly Incantation: Locomotor Wibbly (LOH-koh-moh-tor WI-bl-ee)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: -3
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -11
M: 0
F: -4
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Leg-Locker Curse:Locks target's legs together so they cannot move Incantation: Locomotor Mortis (LOH-koh-moh-tor MOR-tis)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -10
Additional Effects: Spell must be cancelled for target to be able to physically move their legs again
Pus-squirting hex:Causes pus to squirt from target's nose Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Steleus:Causes target to sneeze for short periods of time
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -3
M: -7
F: -3
Additional Effects: Sneezing only lasts for one of victim's posts
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -13
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -4
M: -11
F: -4
Additional Effects: Sneezing only lasts for one of victim's posts
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: -15
F: -5
Additional Effects: Sneezing only lasts for one of victim's posts
Stickfast Hex:Glue's target's shoes to the ground Incantation: Colloshoo
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim is unable to use Fatigue to avoid spells until the spell is negated.
Tarantallegra:Causes victim's legs to dance uncontrollably
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: -5
F: -10
Additional Effects: n/a
Trip Jinx:Trips or otherwise impedes target Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: -3
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: -4
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Babbling Curse:Forces the victim to babble whenever they try to speak. Incantation:
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -45
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim must cancel the curse before they can cast another spell
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim must cancel the curse before they can cast another spell
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -55
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim must cancel the curse before they can cast another spell
Ear-shriveling Curse:Causes target's ears to shrivel up Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim cannot hear spells cast at them until the spell is cancelled
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim cannot hear spells cast at them until the spell is cancelled
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim cannot hear spells cast at them until the spell is cancelled
Feather-light Charm:Makes a target extremely light Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: +10 (ONLY if cast on caster)
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be cast on caster/target to increase ease of physical movement. Can also be cast on inanimate objects to assist with duel.
Flipendo:Pushes or knocks out target, depending on strength of the spell (i.e. Knockback Jinx) Incantation: Flipendo (fli-PEN-doh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Furnunculus:Causes the target to become covered in boils or pimples Incantation: Furnunculus (fur-NUN-kyoo-lus)
Slugulus Eructo:Causes target to vomit up slugs for ten minutes (i.e. Slug-Vomiting Charm) Incantation: Slugulus Eructo (slug-YOU-lus eh-RUCK-toe)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: -15
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target cannot cast a spell for the post in which the charm hits them
Stinging Jinx:Causes injuries like stings, which burn and appear as red welts and inflammation Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -17
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -21
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Tickling Hex:Tickles and weakens target Incantation: Titillando (TITI-lan-doh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -11
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Toenail Growth Hex:Causes target's toenails to grow at uncontrollable speed Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Bat-Bogey Hex:Enlarges the victim's bogies, gives them wings and causes said winged bogies to attack the victim/their producer. Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Calvorio:Causes target's hair to fall out Incantation: Calvorio (CAL-voh-RHI-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -12
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -12
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Cheering Charm:Target becomes content and happy, and stronger castings may cause the target to succumb to uncontrollable laughter Incantation: Gaudeo
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: -17%
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be nullified before victim can resume casting OR victim can only cast 'happy'/'positive' spells while under the charm's influence.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -13
M: -21%
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be nullified before victim can resume casting OR victim can only cast 'happy'/'positive' spells while under the charm's influence.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: -25%
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be nullified before victim can resume casting OR victim can only cast 'happy'/'positive' spells while under the charm's influence.
Cornflake Skin Spell:Skin appears and feels like it is coated in cornflakes Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Flipendo Duo:More powerful version of the knockback jinx Incantation: Flipendo Duo (fli-PEN-doh DOO-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -40
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Mimblewimble:Causes target's tongue to temporarily curl up on itself so that it prevents certain information from being spoken by the target Incantation: Mimblewimble
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -17
M: -80
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target can only cast non-verbal spells until the curse is broken/removed
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -125
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -21
M: -90
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target can only cast non-verbal spells until the curse is broken/removed
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: -25
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target can only cast non-verbal spells until the curse is broken/removed
Muffliato:Fills target's ears with buzzing so that it is hard to hear Incantation: Muffliato (muff-LEE-ato)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target cannot magically defend until spell is cancelled
Sardine Hex:Produces sardine's from the target's nose Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Conjunctivitis Curse:Causes great pain to the eye(s) and may cause pink eye Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -17
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -13
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -21
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Ebublio:Entraps target into a very large bubble Incantation: Ebublio (ee-BUB-leo)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: -10
Additional Effects: Cannot use physical force to pop the bubble
Flipendo Tria:More powerful version of Flipendo Duo (can resemble a mini tornado) Incantation: Flipendo Tria (fli-PEN-doh TREE-ah)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -75
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Impedimenta:Generally impedes the movement of the target towards the caster (may trip, freeze, bind, knock back, etc) Incantation: Impedimenta (im-PED-a-MEN-ta)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: -3
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: -4
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Langlock:Glues target's tongue to roof of mouth Incantation: Langlock (LANG-glock)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Orbis:Sucks the target into the ground, as if it were made of quicksand Incantation: Orbis
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Cantis:Causes target to involuntarily sing Incantation: Cantis (CAN-tis)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be nullified before the victim can cast another spell
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -23
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -21
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be nullified before the victim can cast another spell
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be nullified before the victim can cast another spell
Entomorphis:Induces insect-like qualities upon the target Incantation: Entomorphis
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15%
M: -15%
F: +15
Additional Effects: Spell must be cancelled before the target can cast spells again. Spell may be cast on the caster, in which case Health, Magic and Fatigue point changes count towards the caster.
Fur Spell:Causes growth of fur on the target Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Levicorpus:Target is dangled upside down by their ankles Incantation: Levicorpus (levi-COR-pus)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Liberacorpus:Counter spell for Levicorpus Incantation: Liberacorpus (lib-ER-A-cor-pus)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against, or cancel Levicorpus
Manus Invisibilis:Binding spell that can be directed at specific parts of an object/body depending on casters intention Incantation: Manus Invisibilis
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -35
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: -15 (if used on casting hand/arm)
F: -10
Additional Effects: If used on casting arm/hand, target must cancel spell (or move wand to other hand) to cast
Mobilicorpus:Levitates and moves living targets Incantation: Mobilicorpus (MOW-bill-ee-CORE-pus)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: -15
Additional Effects: n/a
Quietus:Returns a magnified voice to normal volume Incantation: Quietus (KWIY-uh-tus)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend/counter shrieking charms
Silencio:Forces target to be silent (i.e. Silencing Charm) Incantation: Silencio (si-LEN-see-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: -25
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used defensively against caterwauling/shrieking charms or noises. Can be used offensively to try and silence opponent from casting further spells (magic points lost by opponent if successful)
Sonorous Charm:Creates a loud, roar-like sound from the wand that can harm opponents. Can also be used to amplify voices. (i.e. Amplifying Charm)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -35
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Depending on use (which must be specified) can be used to break through shield charms (no point loss for opponent), or harm opponent (health point loss).
Cascading Jinx:Offensive spell to defeat multiple targets Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20% (per opponent)
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: May be used on one opponent, though effects remain the same
Confundus Charm:Causes confusion and befuddlement of the victim Incantation: Confundo (con-FUN-doe)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -25%
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Disillusionment Charm:Target blends in with it's surroundings (Chameleon Charm) Incantation: Disillusiona
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Target can avoid opposing spells without use of fatigue or magic points, so long as the spell is in effect.
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend/negate disillusionment charms
Human Revealing Spell:Reveals any human presence near the caster Incantation: Homenum Revelio (HOH-min-nuhm ruh-VAY-lee-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to cancel/negate disillusionment type spells
Stealth Sensoring Spell:Detects targets under magical concealment Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Negates concealing spells
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are transfiguration spells that are used on the human being. They transfigure parts of or the entire human body into something different. Human-based transfiguration spells are the most difficult of spellwork and therefore, are generally only done by NEWT-level students. However, some can be found in the younger years as well.
SPOILER!!: Spells and their points
Ears to Kumquats:Transforms target's ears into kumquats Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -3
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim cannot hear spells cast at them until the spell is cancelled
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -4
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim cannot hear spells cast at them until the spell is cancelled
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim cannot hear spells cast at them until the spell is cancelled
Herbifors:Causes flowers to grow from the target Incantation: Herbifors (HERB-i-fors)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Multicorfors:Changes the colour and style of the caster's outfit Incantation: Multicorfors (MULL-tee-CORE-fors)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Anteoculatia:Turns target's hair into antlers Incantation: Anteoculatia (AN-tea-oh-cuh-LAY-chee-a)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -8
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -3
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -14
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -9
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Avifors:Transforms target into a bird Incantation: Avifors (AH-vi-fors)
Caster Points:
H: +25
M: -35
F: +10
Health and fatigue bonus are only IF caster casts spell on self
Opponent Points (If caster casts on opponent):
H: -20%
M: -25
F: +10
Additional Effects: Affected must find a way to transform back, before they can cast any additional spells
Tentaclifors:Changes target's head into a tentacle Incantation: Tentaclifors
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Victim cannot cast until spell is negated
Auribus Aquta:Changes the target's ears into elf-like ears Incantation: Auribus Aquta
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: -15
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Crinus Muto:Changes the colour and style of the target's hair Incantation: Crinus Muto (CREE-nus MYOO-toh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -30
M: -10
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are charms that affect other objects and not the human body. They change the properties of the object and make it do something that it wouldn't be able to do otherwise. These spells, if used cleverly enough, can still be used to aid the caster in the dueling process. It should be noted that some Human-based and Object-based Charms are inter-changeable.
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly (NO taking off any limbs!)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly (NO taking off any limbs!)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly (NO taking off any limbs!)
Diminuendo:Causes target to shrink Incantation: Diminuendo
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15%
M: -15%
F: -3
Additional Effects: The Finite spell may restore the target back to it's original size, but the lost points will NOT be restored
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20%
M: -20%
F: -4
Additional Effects: The Finite spell may restore the target back to it's original size, but the lost points will NOT be restored
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20%
M: -20%
F: -5
Additional Effects: The Finite spell may restore the target back to it's original size, but the lost points will NOT be restored
Lumos:Creates a beam of light from the wand tip Incantation: Lumos (LOO-moss)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to temporarily blind opponent
Nox:Cancels any Lumos spell on caster or target's wand (i.e. Wand-Extinguishing Charm) Incantation: Nox (NOCK-ss)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -5
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against Lumos. NOTE that to defend against Duo, Maxima or Solem magic point loss must be -15, -25 and -50 respectively.
Periculum:Shoots red sparks or flares from the caster's wand Incantation: Periculum (puh-RICK-yoo-lum)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Purple Firecrackers:Shoots firecrackers (purple) from the caster's wand Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Reparo:Repairs and mends objects Incantation: Reparo (reh-PAH-roh)
Caster Points:
H: +15
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to heal minor injuries
Sparking Spell:creates sparks Incantation: Micans
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Spongify:Causes a target to become softer (i.e. Softening Charm) Incantation: Spongify (SPUHN-jee-fye)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against incoming hard objects or the force of an oncoming spell or physical attack
Wingardium Leviosa:Levitates and moves target Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa (win-GAR-dee-um levi-O-sa)
Bewitched Snowballs:Enchants snowballs so that they pelt themselves at the target Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Cushioning Charm:Creates an invisible cushion over a target Incantation: Mollaire
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -4
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defensive spell
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defensive spell
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a defensive spell
Engorgio:Causes target to swell in size Incantation: Engorgio (en-GOR-gee-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: +10 (only if cast on living target, increase for that target)
M: 0
F: -5 (only if cast on living target, increase for that target)
Additional Effects: If cast on a living target, caster or otherwise, health increase and fatigue decrease apply to THAT target)[/i]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: +15 (only if cast on living target, increase for that target)
M: 0
F: -7 (only if cast on living target, increase for that target)
Additional Effects: If cast on a living target, caster or otherwise, health increase and fatigue decrease apply to THAT target)[/i]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: +20 (only if cast on living target, increase for that target)
M: 0
F: -10 (only if cast on living target, increase for that target)
Additional Effects: If cast on a living target, caster or otherwise, health increase and fatigue decrease apply to THAT target)[/i]
Placement Charm:Temporarily moves a target to a desired location Incantation: Fixate
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to move objects
Skurge:Cleans up ectoplasm, and appears as greenish suds Incantation: Skurge (SKURJ)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: -10
Additional Effects: Can be used to clean up any substance. May be used offensively against target by creating a slippery surface (if successful fatigue point loss applies).
Sucking Charm:sucks up objects, like a vacuum Incantation: Vacavus
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: Generally used to suck up objects; humans CANNOT be sucked up using this method but it CAN be used to make them lose balance.
Bombarda:Causes a small explosion Incantation: Bombarda
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Carpe Retractum:Creates a rope which can bind and pull the target to the caster Incantation: Carpe Retractum (KAHR-pay ruh-TRACK-tum)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: -1
Additional Effects: Ropes must be removed before caster can move
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: -2
Additional Effects: Ropes must be removed before caster can move
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -3
Additional Effects: Ropes must be removed before caster can move
Epoximise:Adheres two objects together, as if they were glued together Incantation: Epoximise (ee-POX-i-mise)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: -5
Additional Effects: n/a
Flying Charm:Can make inanimate objects fly Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as an evasion technique
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as an evasion technique
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as an evasion technique
Gripping Charm:Helps increase effectiveness of a grip Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to counteract Expelliarmus
Homing Spell:Offensive spells which follow the target with constant speed and accuracy Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be combined with other spells to 'lock' those spells onto the target (point system remains in effect for BOTH spells). Spells locked onto a target can ONLY be defeated with Magic (NOT with use of physical/fatigue avoidance)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be combined with other spells to 'lock' those spells onto the target (point system remains in effect for BOTH spells). Spells locked onto a target can ONLY be defeated with Magic (NOT with use of physical/fatigue avoidance)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be combined with other spells to 'lock' those spells onto the target (point system remains in effect for BOTH spells). Spells locked onto a target can ONLY be defeated with Magic (NOT with use of physical/fatigue avoidance)
Impervius:Target repels outside forces and substances Incantation: Impervius (im-PUR-vee-us)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against elemental spells
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -45
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against elemental spells
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against elemental spells
Levioso:Levitates an object Incantation: Levioso
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: Opponent points loss ONLY occurs if the object makes contact with the opponent
Lumos Duo:More powerful version of Lumos which creates an intense beam of light from the wand tip; can lock onto targets Incantation: Lumos Duo (LOO-mos DOO-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to temporarily blind opponent. Can be used to detect target under disillusionment spells
Mobiliarbus:Levitates and moves inanimate targets Incantation: Mobiliarbus (MO-bi-lee-AR-bus)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Magnification Charm:Magnifies both light and shadow (can be used to expand the light from a fire) Incantation: Luxra Magnifica
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:
Paint Flashing Charm:allows paint to flash in different colours; can be used as a distraction method Incantation: Alacer
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Sticking Charm:Adheres two objects together Incantation: Adhaero
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -10
Additional Effects: Opponent points are ONLY applicable if an item has been stuck onto the opponent
Unsticking Charm:Reverses effects of the Sticking Charm Incantation: Avexis
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to counteract/defend against the Sticking Charm
Waddiwasi:Launches small targets through the air Incantation: Waddiwasi (wah-dee-WAH-see)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -17
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -21
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Accio:Summoning charm; summoning an object to the caster Incantation: Accio (AK-key-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5 (if directed at opponent)
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Animation Charm:brings inanimate objects to life Incantation: Excito Animans
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:
Aresto Momentum:Decrease speed of a moving target(s) Incantation: Aresto Momentum (ah-REST-oh mo-MEN-tum)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against damage of knock-back and throwing spells
Depulso:Banishes an object, such that it causes the target to fly to a specific location and/or away Incantation: Depulso (de-PUHL-so)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -7
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can also be used to move objects/targets
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -11
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -17
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can also be used to move objects/targets
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can also be used to move objects/targets
Descendo:Causes target to move downward, and can be used as a gravity spell Incantation: Descendo (deh-SEHN-doh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -5
M: 0
F: -25%
Additional Effects: As it can cause a downward force, spell can be used to exert gravity/downward inertia on a target
Drought Charm:Causes water to dry up Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against, or end, freezing charms and can defend against water and ice spells
Herbivicus:Causes plants and flowers to grow immediately to their full size Incantation: Herbivicus (her-BIV-i-cuss)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: CANNOT be used in conjuction with Herbifors
Lumos Maxima:More powerful version of Lumos Duo; can be used as a projected ball of light Incantation: Lumos Maxima (LOO-mos MAX-i-muh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to temporarily blind opponent. Can be used to detect target under disillusionment spells
Unbreakable Charm:Causes target to become unbreakable Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Vacavus Maxima:More powerful version of the Sucking Charm (sucks up objects like a vacuum) Incantation: Vacavus Maxima
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -10
M: 0
F: -15
Additional Effects: Generally used to suck up objects; humans CANNOT be sucked up using this method but it CAN be used to make them lose balance.
Bedazzling Hex:Conceals the target of the hex, similar to the chameleon charm Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Caster can avoid opposing spells without using fatigue/magic points while the hex is in place.
Confringo:Causes explosions upon contact, and often creates fire Incantation: Confringo (con-FREEN-go)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -45
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -35
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -50
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -55
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Deletrius:Disintegrates the target Incantation: Deletrius (de-LEE-tree-us)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. THIS SPELL SHOULD ONLY BE USED INDIRECTLY.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -35
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. THIS SPELL SHOULD ONLY BE USED INDIRECTLY.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. THIS SPELL SHOULD ONLY BE USED INDIRECTLY.
Deprimo:Places immense downward pressure on a target, which can result in the target fracturing Incantation: Deprimo (dee-PRIM-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -80
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -65
M: 0
F: -40%
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -90
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -70
M: 0
F: -45%
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -100
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -75
M: 0
F: -50%
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Erecto:Straightens out and stands up the target Incantation: Erecto (uh-REK-toh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -10
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Expulso:Causes an explosion by pressure Incantation: Expulso (ecks-SPUHL-soh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -40
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -21
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -45
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -50
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against fire spells
Flagrate Curse:Curses an object so that when it is touched it burns skin Incantation: Flagrate (fla-GRA-tay)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -40
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:Can remain in effect for the entire duel, so that whenever the object is contacted Health Points are lost (for either caster or opponent).
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -35
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -45
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:Can remain in effect for the entire duel, so that whenever the object is contacted Health Points are lost (for either caster or opponent).
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -50
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects:Can remain in effect for the entire duel, so that whenever the object is contacted Health Points are lost (for either caster or opponent).
Henshu:Allows target to have incredible footwear traction Incantation: Henshu
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a counter charm for knockback spells
Additional Effects: Can be used in conjunction with environment to create a shield to defend against spells
Locomotion Charm:Target rises into the air and moves at will of caster Incantation: Locomotor (LOH-koh-moh-tor)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Spell must be said with name of target, to move that target.
Mizurus Boru:Moulds object into a ball Incantation: Mizurus Boru
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: CANNOT be used on a human being
Obliteration Charm:Removes or hides footprints Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: If NOT used in conjunction with a disillusionment type charm, duelers WILL be able to track one another by footprints.
Flame-freezing Charm:Causes fire to tickle instead of burning Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Defends against fire-based spells
Intruder Charm:Sounds an alarm upon detecting an intruder Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Negates any disillusionment type spells
Lumos Solem:More powerful version of Lumos Maxima, creates ray of light as powerful as the sun Incantation: Lumos Solem (LOO-mos SO-lem)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -50
M: -25
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to temporarily blind opponent. Can be used to cancel disillusionment spells
Oppugno:Causes animals to attack at caster's will Incantation: Oppugno (oh-PUG-noh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -17
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -7
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Must be used in conjunction with an animal's name. EACH animal must have it's own spell (one spell per animal).
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -21
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -11
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Must be used in conjunction with an animal's name. EACH animal must have it's own spell (one spell per animal).
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Must be used in conjunction with an animal's name. EACH animal must have it's own spell (one spell per animal).
Protean Charm:Causes copies of an original object to be affected by any changes to the original Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used along with replicating spells and other spells (cast on the original)
Shield Penetration Spell:Negates magical enchantments and shields Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Negates and protects against any magical spell. Caster cannot use it in conjunction with another spell.
SpeRevelio:Causes target to show hidden secrets or magical properties (i.e. Scarpin's Revealspell) Incantation: SpeRevelio
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -150
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: For the purpose of the club can negate disillusionment spells
Teleportation Spell:Causes target to vanish and reappear at another location Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Undetectable Extension Charm:Increases a container's capacity/size on the inside without altering the appearance of the container Incantation: Capacious Extremis (ca-PAY-shus ex-TREME-us)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Caterwauling Charm:Perimeter charm which, when breached, gives off a high-pitched shriek Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: -10
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used against invisibility spells. Charm affects both caster and target.
Defodio:Gouging spell which can take large chunks out of an object Incantation: Defodio (deh-FOH-dee-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly. Remember that your uniforms protect you from most injuries.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -45
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -20
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly. Remember that your uniforms protect you from most injuries.
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -25
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Warning - while this spell can be used, there is NO tolerance for excessive violence or injury. Use it cleanly. Remember that your uniforms protect you from most injuries.
Gemino:Creates an identical copy of the target Incantation: Gemino (juh-MIN-ee-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50 (for first copy); -25 PER additional copy
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: One use could be to create a replica of oneself, in which case all offensive spells could be avoided without use of magic or fatigue points
Partis Temporus:Creates a temporary breach in protective magical barriers Incantation: Partis Temporus (PAR-tus TEMP-or-us)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -35
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to counter shields or protective magical or physical barriers
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -40
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to counter shields or protective magical or physical barriers
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -45
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to counter shields or protective magical or physical barriers
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are transfiguration spells that are used on other objects and not the human body. They transfigure parts of or the entire object into something different. These spells aren't as difficult as Human-based transfiguration but it's to be noted that they are fairly difficult in comparison to charms. It should also be noted that some Human-based and Object-based Transfiguration spells are inter-changeable.
SPOILER!!: Spells and their points
Draconifors:Transforms a target into a dragon Incantation: Draconifors
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Caster can turn self into a dragon at which point all fire spells cost 0 magic points and can do no harm to the caster. Or, the caster can create a dragon to defend them, which provides an additional 50 magic points to the caster, and also allows the student to defend against opposing fire spells without the use of magic or fatigue points (as the dragon will do the defending)
Lapifors:Transforms target into a rabbit Incantation: Lapifors (LAP-i-fors)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: -15%
F: +10
Additional Effects: Target must cancel transformation before being able to cast further spells. Spell can be used on any target, including the caster, in which case the opponent point loss also applies to the caster.
Vera Verto:Turns animals into goblets Incantation: Vera Verto (vair-uh VAIR-toh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against animal spells
Protegamur Aqua:Changes shoelaces into an umbrella Incantation: Protegamus Aqua
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to defend against water-based charms
Switching Spell:Causes objects to be switched for each other Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -15
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: n/a
Duro:Turns target into solid stone Incantation: Duro (DOO-roh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -60
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -100%
M: -100%
F: -100%
Additional Effects: If used on a dueler and is successful, will end the duel (but will NOT kill or severely injure the person). Spell can be used on other targets to assist with the duel.
Glisseo:Causes stairs/uneven surface to flatten into a slide Incantation: Glisseo (glis-EH-oh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -30
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can create an incline
Homorphus Charm:Causes a transformed target to resume it's original shape Incantation:
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to cancel transformation spells. Note that points will NOT revert to what they were before the transformation.
Rose Growth:Causes rosebuds to grow, usually at a rapid pace Incantation: [unknown]
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: -15
M: 0
F: -5
Additional Effects: Can be used to create a rosebush as a shield or trap
Trengarium:Changes object into small animal Incantation: Trengarium
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as a distraction method or in conjunction with Oppugno
Vipera Evanesca:Counters snake spells such that snake disintegrates from head to tail Incantation: Vipera Evanesca (vee-PAIR-uh ee-vuh-NES-kuh)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -25
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used as counter for Serpensortia
Piertotum Locomotor:Animates statues and/or armor to the caster's bidding Incantation: Piertotum Locomotor (PY-air-TOH-tuhm LOH-koh-MOH-tor)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -50
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Caster can control up to ONE statue/armor per spell. Each statue/armor provides an additional +30 of fatigue points and +25 of health. The statue/armor can deliver +25 damage per use of +10 fatigue points.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
These spells are spells that terminate a general set of spells rather than specific spells. These are more general-based and not specific like some other counter-charms that are mentioned in this spells list.
Additional Effects: MUST be directed at one spell at a time (one Finite for EACH spell desired to be cancelled). Will not cancel everything in the vicinity of the caster. (Finite MUST be cast on EACH spell to cancel them. The exception is spells that combine into ONE big spell: like Oppugo and Avis combine into attacking birds. ONE finite would be required to get rid of the attacking and the birds. If it was say, Rope and Ice, however, these are two separate spells that would need separate Finite's to cancel)
Reparifarge:Reverts unsuccessful, or (for the purpose of the club) successful, transformations Incantation: Reparifarge
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -20
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: Can be used to counter/defend against transformation spells. ONLY spell which returns stats/points back to what they were BEFORE the transformation
Finite Incantatem:Terminates ALL spells in the vicinity of the caster Incantation: Finite Incantatem (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tem)
Caster Points:
H: 0
M: -55
F: 0
Opponent Points:
H: 0
M: 0
F: 0
Additional Effects: ALL spells/spell effects in the duel get cancelled
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
FIRST YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind.
Alohomora - unlocks doors
Anti Odour Charm* - eliminates odours
Arrow-shooting spell - shoots arrows
Bubble Producing Charm - conjures a stream of bubbles
Bluebell Flames - conjures bluebell flames
Colloportus - lock doors
Colloshoo - glues target's shoes to the ground
Curse of the Bogies - causes target to have a head cold and a runny nose
Diffindo - rips, tears or damages target
Diminuendo - causes target to shrink
Green Sparks - produces green sparks
Jelly Legs Jinx - target legs collapse, as if made of jelly
Jelly Fingers Curse - victim's fingers become unsteady, as if made of jelly
Locomotor Mortis - locks target's legs together so they cannot move
Lumos - lights tip of wand
Nox - extinguishes tip of wand
Periculum - shoots red sparks
Petrificus Totalus - temporarily binds victim's body in an immobile state
Purple Firecrackers - shoot purple firecrackers
Pus-squirting Hex - causes pus to squirt from target's nose
Reparo - mends broken items
Sparking Spell* - creates sparks
Spongify - causes target to become softer
Steleus - causes target to sneeze for short periods of time
Tarantallegra - causes victim to dance uncontrollably
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SECOND YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind.
Aparecium - revealing charm
Arania Exumai - blasts spiders away
Babbling Curse - causes victim to babble
Bewitch Snowballs - bewitches snowballs
Cushioning Charm - creates invisible cushion over target
Ear shriveling Curse - causes targets ears to shrivel up
Engorgio - causes target to swell
Everte Statum - throws target backwards
Expelliarmus - disarms target
Feather-light Charm - makes target extremely light
Finite - terminates spell's effects
Fixate - temporarily moves target to a desired location
Flipendo - pushes or knocks out target
Furnunculus - causes target to become covered in boils
Hot Air Charm - creates stream of hot air from wand
Immobulus - renders living target immobile
Impiriano* - creates a one way barrier/blocks physical objects
Reparifarge - reverts successful/unsuccessful transformations back to their original state
Revertoscutum* - changes magically created objects back into their previous form
Rictusempra - extreme tickling charm
Serpensortia - conjures snake from wand tip
Skurge - cleans up ectoplasm
Slugulus Eructo - causes target to vomit up slugs for ten minutes
Stinging Jinx - causes injuries like stings
Sucking Charm* - sucks up objects, like a vacuum
Titilando - tickles and weakens target
Toenail Growth Hex - causes target's toenails to grow at an alarming rate
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
THIRD YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind.
Anti-Jinx - blocks jinx over one target
Bat-Bogey Hex - enlarges victim's bogies, gives them wings and causes them to attack the victim
Bombarda - causes small explosions
Calvorio - causes target's hair to fall out
Carpe Retractum - creates rope which binds and pulls target to caster
Cheering Charm - target becomes content and happy
Contego* - shields object or person
Cornflake skin spell - skin appears and feels like it's coated in cornflakes
Cracker Jinx - conjures exploding wizard crackers
Draconifors - transforms target into dragon
Ears to kumquats - transforms target's ears into kumquats
Epoximise - adheres two objects together
Flipendo Duo - more powerful version of Flipendo (pushes or knocks out target)
Flying Charm - allows an object to fly, used on broomsticks
Glacius - changes target into solid ice
Gripping Charm - helps increase effectiveness of a grip
Herbifors - causes flowers to grow from target
Homing Spell - allows a spell to follow target with speed and accuracy
Impervius - protects target against rainwater
Lapifors - transforms target into a rabbit
Levioso - levitates an object
Lumos Duo - stronger version of lumos
Magnification Spell* - magnifies both light and shadow (can be used to expand the light from a fire)
Melofors - encases head of a target into a pumpkin
Mimblewimble - causes victim's tongue to curl up on itself
Mobiliarbus - levitates and moves inanimate objects
Muffliato - fills target's ears with buzzing, making it hard to hear
Obscuro - creates blindfold over target's eyes
Paint Flashing Charm* - allows paint to flash in different colours
Sardine Hex - produces sardines from target's nose
Shooting Spell - shoots objects, like a blast of compacted air
Sticking Charm* - adheres two objects together
Unsticking Charm* - reverses effects of the sticking charm
Ventus - creates strong blast of wind from wand
Vera Verto - turns animals into water goblets
Verdimillious Duo - more powerful version of Verdimillious (brighter/more powerful green sparks)
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
FOURTH YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind.
Accio - summons object to caster
Aguamenti - creates a jet of water
Animation Charm* - brings inanimate objects to life
Aqua Eructo - creates jet of water which the caster can control
Aresto Momentum - decreases the speed of a moving object
Ascendio - lifts target up into the air
Conjunctivitis Curse - causes pain in the eyes, may cause pink eye
Densaugeo - causes teeth to grow rapidly
Depulso - banishes an object
Descendo - causes target to move downwards
Drought Charm - dries up puddles of water
Ebublio - traps target in a bubble
Episkey - heals minor injuries and broken bones
Finite Incantatem - terminates effects of all spells in a given area
Flipenda Tria - more powerful version of Flipendo Duo (pushes or knocks out target)
Fumos - produces cloud of dark grey smoke
Furnunculus - causes target to become covered in boils
Glacius Duo - more powerful version of Glacius (transforms target into solid ice)
Hair Growth Spell* - causes hair to grow at an alarming rate
Hair-thickening Charm - thickens the target's hair
Herbivicus - causes plants to grow into their full size
Hover Charm - causes target to float in mid-air
Impedimenta - impedes movement of target towards caster (trip, freeze, bind, knockback, etc)
Incendio - conjures flames
Langlock - glues target's tongue to roof of their mouth
Leek Jinx - produces leeks out of the target's ears
Lumos Maxima - more powerful version of Lumos Duo (can be used as a projected ball of light)
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
FIFTH YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind.
Anteoculatia - turns target's hair into antlers
Auribus Aquta* - changes target's ears to elf-like ears
Avifors - transforms object into a bird
Bedazzling Hex - conceals target of the hex, similar to the chameleon charm
Brackium Emendo - heals broken bones (minor)
Bubble-Head Charm - creates a bubble of air around the target's head to help them breathe
Cantis - causes target to involuntarily sing
Confringo - causes explosions upon impact, often creating fires
Conglacio* - keeps item cold
Deletrius - disintegrates target
Deprimo - places immense downward pressure on a target
Duro - turns target into solid stone
Entomorphis - transforms target into an insect
Erecto - straightens and stands up target
Expulso - causes an explosion by pressure
Extinguishing Spell - quells fire
Ferula - creates bandage and splint
Flagrate - curses an object so that when it is touched, it burns the skin
Focalia* - conjures firewood
Fumos Duo - more powerful version of Fumos (produces cloud of dark grey smoke)
Fur Spell - causes target to grow fur
Glacius Tria - more powerful version of Glacius Duo (changes target into solid ice)
Glisseo - causes stairs/uneven surfaces to flatten into a slide
Henshu* - allows target to have incredible footwear traction
Homorphus Charm - causes transformed target to resume its original shape
Imperturbable Charm - makes inanimate objects impenetrable
Inanimatus Conjurus - conjures an inanimate object
Incendio Duo - more powerful version of Incendio (conjures flames)
Insulation Charm* - keeps you warm
Levicorpus - target is dangled upside down by their ankles
Liberacorpus - counter spell for Levicorpus
Locomotor - target rises into the air and moves at will of caster
Loricatus* - creates temporary armour
Manus Invisibilis - binding spell that can be directed at specific parts of an object/body depending on caster's intention
Mizurus Boru* - moulds object into a ball
Mobilicorpus - levitates and moves living targets
Obliteration Charm - removes or hides footprints
Orchideous - causes a bouquet of flower to appear out of caster or target's wand
Orchideous Stiriacus* - conjures a bouquet of ice flowers
Protego Horribilis - more powerful version of Protego, which can defend against dark magic
Quietus - returns magnified voice to normal voice
Rose Growth - causes rosebushes to grow, usually at a rapid pace
Scorching Spell - creates dancing flames which can burn the target
Silencio - forces target to be silent
Sonorus - creates a loud, roar-like sound from the wand, can also be used to amplify voices
Tentaclifors - changes target's head into a tentacle
Trengarium* - changes object into a small animal
Vipera Evanesca - counters snake spells and causes snake to disintegreate
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SIXTH YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind.
Avis - conjures a flock of birds from the tip of the wand
Cascading Jinx - offensive spell to defeat multiple targets
Crinus Muto - transforms the target's colour and style of hair
Confundo - causes confusion and befuddlement of the victim
Disillusionment Charm - target blends in with its surroundings
Emancipare** - releases bindings
Engorgio Skullus - causes target's skull to swell disproportionately
Expecto Patronum - conjures white shield or spirit-like animal to aid the caster
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SEVENTH YEAR SPELLS: Note: Please note that this list is meant to be used as a guideline only. If you feel as though your charrie can cast spell(s) in another yeargroup's list, please feel free to do so. Just make sure to keep your charrie's age and ability in mind.
Caterwauling Charm - perimeter charm which, when breached, gives off a high-pitched shriek
Defodio - gouging spell which can take large chunks out of an object
Geminio - creates an identical copy of a target
Homenum Revlio - reveals any human presence near the caster
Meteolojinx Recanto - cancels weather effects created by jinxes
Patented Daydream Charm - creates a highly realistic, 30 minute long daydream for the target
Partis Temporus - creates a temporary breach in protective magical barriers
Protego Totalum - more powerful version of Protego Maxima (shield charm); only unforgivable curses can get through
Resarcio* - heals dislocated shoulder
Stealth Sensoring Spell - detects targets under magical concealment
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.