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Writer and Editor Desks
After having made sure the coffee pot was on in the conference room, Willow had headed back to the workareas after having met the rude gentleman and their head editor. That was quite an interesting meeting that was for sure. Grabbing a cup of coffee as she passed the coffee pot, she headed for the desk that she had chosen for herself. It was off to one side away from what she was sure would be the busy area of the large room. Pulling out her pad of notes she'd put together, she started sketching out a story that she'd heard recently hoping to get her thoughts together on how to piece together the article. She had a few other ideas for some articles and hoped their new editor would be interested in those ideas but wasn't going to bring them up with that man there. Pausing in her notes she sat back shaking her head trying to clear the thought of him. Either he was determined to irk her or he just didn't know how to interact with normal people. Reaching for her cup of coffee she at least didn't need to worry about him looking over the shoulder of an "intern" as he says she was. |
Sylvester left the Cowbag-In-Charge's office and went straight for his desk which, unfortunately, was amongst all the other desks of the other writers. Nothing like some privacy to get on with his work. The doe-eyed intern was also there. He could be 100% certain that the girl did not like him, and if she did, then she was an even bigger fool that Sylvester had once thought. "Could you pass me a cup?" he asked of her whilst shuffling parchments on his desk. Where had he put that blasted draft article that was due for the next deadline? This was the last thing he was needing right now. |
Setting it on his desk, she went back to her own sitting down before the man had a chance to ask anything else. She wasn't too keen on his requests yet, not after the incident in the office! Pulling the interview towards her she went back to editing, making sure not to miss anything. With that bowling alley opening she needed to get it done and ready for print! |
"Thank you," he grumbled, not because he had to be nice to the intern (he did have SOME manners, after all), but because he was none to pleased with who had now been put in charge of his Prophet. He'd have to keep an eye out. He could sense already that that... woman wanted him gone, and he had to figure out a way to make sure that that didn't happen. And being nice to her was NOT an option. Finding the article he had been looking for, he perused his pre-typed words, marking edits he had to make before he handed it into the Layla to look over. He drained the last of his coffee as he inserted a fresh sheet of parchment into his typewriter. He could sense the next few months were going to be a headache. |
Hearing Sebastian's thanks, she looked up surprised, not having expected even a word from him. The book revealing party had gone fantastically despite him appearing and claiming to be Layla's date for the night. A smile flickered before she went back to reading over the note. |
Charlie quickly made sure her bow was secure as she walked to her desk. She gave everyone around her a soft little smile before she took out her quill and began to write out ideas on gossip and those trivial things a gossip collumnist must write. A bout of wizard flu stunts the nations youth...she wrote, erased and decided a new tactic was needed. Taking her notepad she turned to everyone one the room and announced. "If any of you guys have some trivial gossip I would love to hear it...this, column is getting no where because people aren't telling us anything." Sure she was whining. She might as well write about the magical blunder of a girl being pummeled with bouncy balls while she was wandless. |
Chrriiis! ^_^ Heh! Mr Skeeter Shmeeter! With only an annoyed expression on her face, Renesmee entered the offices where the jammed printer was told to be in. She looked around amazed at some of the things she saw, all the desks, the papers everywhere and most intriguingly the windows. Those were really something special, they appeared to be like live broadcasts of different locations. Definitely something Nessie had never seen before. She was tempted to even touch one, but it was then the printer caught her eye's attention. It looked honestly fine to Ness, besides for the fact that nobody seemed to be using it. She walked over closer to it and gave it a small examination. What exactly was she even supposed to be searching for? That she wasn't sure and even if this thing was damaged wouldn't a simple fixing spell repair it? "Looks fine to me." She turned to see if August had followed her into the room. The red head pouted and decided to attempt clicking on one of the buttons. SPLAAATTT! Out of somewhere from the printer a splat of ink shot out right into Nessie's face. She blinked a few times and then jsut frowned turning back to August. "Yep, perfectly fine." This time she was sarcastic. |
There had been an awful splatting sound when Charlie wasn't looking and as she turned around she watched a poor girl get covered in ink. Ooh that did not look like a fun day, though her sarcastic tone did make her laugh a bit. "Would you like some help?" She asked with a kind smile - the formerly redhaired woman asked. "I think sometimes if you wriggle the back of it and pull it open it might help?" She offered with a shrug as she walked closer to the ink spitting llama of a machine. She in no way shape or form wanted to be spat at. |
Anyone Lexi plopped down at her desk with the latest copy of the Daily News, a smile on her face. It was nice to see her name in print again. SUPER NICE. Not to mention she was pretty darned proud of that column for it's lovely advice. HEHE. Folding the paper neatly she began to rummage through her inbox on the corner of her desk. Perhaps she could find something else to do while waiting on more advice seekers to write in. |
As Ves stepped into the room, she was met with the sight of several desks...Desks with PLAQUES. One even had HER name on it. Vesper was excited, okay?...And she absentmindedly wondered if she could keep that plaque after she was done with interning...It looked so official. Maybe if music didn't work out...she'd get an opportunity to work at the Daily Prophet someday... Vesper itched for her personal notebook to jot something down...Why hadn't she brought it along again? It was awkward not having it. Taking a seat, she set the Prophet!journal on the desktop and started quietly perusing the drawers. It was like a mini!treasure hunt. What kind of things would she find? Old letters written in secret? Half-written articles that had never made it to press?......Chocolate frogs that had been forgotten?...She wouldn't tell Blue she was still eating them. The way it had upset her friend the last time was troubling. Hmmm. |
Quill..... Droobles wrapper..... Scraps of parchment..... An old-looking picture with Ian Hoshino written on the back and little love hearts drawn around it..... Ah! He pulled out an official looking schedule, with a whole lot of Quidditch matches, scrimmages, practices, training sessions, press junkets and the like listed on it. Everything on there was Quidditch related and West immediately folded it into the notebook he'd been given. That was useful. ... now what? When did they get the camera stuff? |
SPOILER!!: Odessa! Having started her search from the bottom...and working her way up, Vesper still hadn't found anything that interesting. Just some spare bits of parchment, empty ink wells...and a few broken quills. Maybe she'd been given the boring desk? She tried to look around and subtly spy what the others had found...assuming they'd raided their desks... West...........and he'd SEEN HER. "Hush, will you?" Embarrassed that he'd commented on her dress...Ves quickly diverted her attention back to her own desk, hiding her face with her hair. THE DRESS HAD BEEN A BAD IDEA. She tugged at its hem some more...even though she was sitting down... So, more desk-searching for her...She wasn't trying to meet anyone's eye, either. Best to just...mind her own business for now. Not observe and write notes on her fellow interns...because anyone that knew her, knew that was totally going to happen a bit later. Casually opening one of the upper drawers, Vesper found something kinda cool. Sealing wax sticks...She'd never worked with them personally...but had always wanted to try them out. Ooooh, and there was a neat flower stamp for them. Covertly looking around again to see if anyone had noted her discovery, Ves carefully stuff the kit back into the drawer...for later inspection, of course... The topmost drawer held a rather funny looking quill...and she removed it, holding it up in front of her face...There was something different about it... |
"I like your dress, too. Aren't your legs cold, though? S'short." Ignoring the fact that it was probably a million degrees outside and the fact that her skirt was the same length, Alice shot a wink at Vesper as she began searching for her own desk. Was this it? Close enough to her French friend, and also the boyfriend. When she sank into the chair, though, she made sure her legs were completely unseen. That'd take care of the staring, yeah? Desks. Such good covers. What was West doing? She watched him, noting the schedule he pulled out and beginning to look around for one in her desk, too. Alice did get one as well, right? The fifteen year old tugged out a couple of drawers- a Quick Quotes Quill in the top one, too, was that HERS?- before noticing one on the corner of her table and giving it a look over. Practice sessions.. there were the Arrows ones! Mo and Dylan and ex-Professor James would be at those, wouldn't they? She could go see them. On the job. Best work ever, okay? And with her boyfriend, too. So where was that special Quidditch action shot lens, culinary herb guy? |
*twiddles thumbs* Lingering in the hallway for just a bit longer, Basil shut the door behind him and walked towards one of the large supply cabinets in the back of the room and grabbed one of the camera kits and walked back to the desks that the kids (young adults?) had been assigned to for the summer. After setting it down on a desk, he gave the bag a quick tap with his wand and muttered some numbers under his breath and then unzipped it. "Each kit has been charmed with several different Anti-Theft enchantments," he said as he got down to business. Just in case any of them had any bright ideas. "But you will find everything a photographer could need in here. That lens," he said pointing to one of the larger ones. "That one is best for action shots. Now, for those of you wanting to try your hand at photojournalism, there are a few tasks for you." And yes, there were more than just the one kit available to them. "We need photo coverage of the summer festival being held in Diagon Alley this summer, along with stock photos of the area." Simple enough, yes? "I encourage you to first practice taking photos of each other in here before you go out into the field." He could use new headshots of all of them anyway for the current employees board. Two fwoopers with one stone. |
Nerida smiled looking over at the girl's dress that Alice and West were complementing, yeah it was cute!! As she saw others going to look at their desks, where was her desk? It was cool having your own desk??!!! Finding the one with her desk and the cute little plaque!! She loved it! Sitting down she looked around hopefully Tay would have a desk near hers. It would be nice having a friend to sit next too! Anti-Theft enchantments! That was always good especially when there could be little thieves everywhere... >_< Action shots...Oh yeah quidditch shots...Eh she didn't really care about the whole quidditch stuff, the games were cool but that wasn't the reason she was here. "So is doing photojournalism easier if you are doing action shots?" |
"You interested in going out and taking some photographs of the festival? We could use some for an article we will be running at the end of the summer." |
"Yeah!..I mean yes." Sounds like fun! |
Jorge made his way to his desk expecting the intern to follow. Why would the boy want to be with Basil any longer than he needed and Tori probably wanted to do something girly. Plus Jorge had things he wanted to talk to this one about. Things that could help with a story. "This is where our desks our and where we do our work." Or where most of them did he wasn't sure on some of the writers. "My desk is right here and I enjoy my coffee with a little cream." His smirk showing he was joking |
UHH... He liked coffee and cream... well... GOOD FOR YOU, DUDE. Theodore was no coffee boy... unless they asked him to, which he REALLY hoped they wouldn't. Before he could think of how to reply THAT, he was being quizzed about intern stuff. Good. "Umm..." Future journalist? Jeez, let's not jump to conclusions. "I just wanted to try it out, see if I'd be any good, I've never really done anything like it before. I mean I just don't really know what to do after school..." SIGH, this conversation was lovely and all but Theo really just wanted to get stuck in and do something. "Yeah! I'm about to go into my seventh year." Soooooo thinking about careers now was pretty smart. |
SPOILER!!: Theo Jorge watched the kid for a bit. Did he have to think about the answer? Though Jorge could understand that and he nodded, "Well it's good to try new things. Figure out what you really want to do. I remember being like that." He had been fully into wanting to be an auror, but that changed and writing shined as his passion. Leaning back in his chair he though maybe this kid would be worth his time. As egotistical as he was he was pretty good with kids and younger adults. "Seventh year, now that's exciting." This was exciting, this boy.. What was his name again? Could get him some of the info he needed. "Alright, so you want to be a journalist. I know Tori probably has something up her sleeve for you, but I have something else if you'd like to help." Moving his papers around he pulled out his notes. "Now I don't know if you have ever seen any of my stories or read the prophet, but my style of writing isn't liked by all." His signature smirk playing on his face. He enjoyed that it annoyed some. "I like to do more need to know articles on things that are covered up. The piece I've been working on getting information for lately is your school. The staff more specifically." Eyeing the boy he tried to see if he was reacting the way Jorge wanted him to. "The piece is about why people aren't being help more responsible for things, how the headmistress hires her staff, and are the staff fair and the most effective teachers." Now for what he needed from the boy. "What I'd like you to do since you probably have many friends is help e get information about this. Ask your friends what their thoughts are about the staff, things that have happened, if they felt justice had come. Get me quotes and maybe I'll even help you write it, give you co writing credit." That would motivate the boy, right? He should feel privileged that Jorge would even think to do that. |
"That's MY intern, Jorge." -You Know Who Well Tori had been ABOUT to go into the work area... but she had really felt it necessary to breeze into the break room first. Especially since she thought she heard the familiar voice of one "Welcome back, Jorge," the redhead popped up in the work area just behind Jorge's desk. She bore one cupcake in each hand, one for each of the boys of course. A Bunbury always knew that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach.... and elf-made cooking was the best way to do that. She carefully set the cupcakes on the desk and summoned her squishy pink desk chair over to her, along with the documents sitting right atop it. She picked up the papers, plopped down in their little conference, and listened for all of two minutes before commenting on what Jorge had said. "Now now, Mr. De La Garza," she nudged him with a friendly wink, "let's not bore the poor intern to death right away, huh? Let's give him --- and you, come to think of it --- a fun task." Tori flipped around a copy of her last fashion article. "I think Basil would agree that it's time for another of these, don't you think? And who better to try on our back-to-school fashions than a REAL, LIVE Hogwarts student? Last time I really wrote about female fashion but THIS TIME I want to target youuuuuur audience." She batted her eyelashes at the two males. "Pretty please? There's more cupcakes where those two came from." She gestured toward them innocently. |
Huuuuh... the man was talking lots of words. Theo scratched the back of his head and had to squint his eyes to focus on exactly what he was saying. He automatically shook his head when he mentioned about reading his articles before, which he soon regretted because that just made him look like an even worse intern. Didn't even read the paper he was working at. Pssh. Theodore didn't say anything, but listened to the idea the man had for an article. He wanted the gossip on the professors, oooh... "So you wanna know about all the bad stuff that happens at school?" Theo stroked his not-so-imaginary beard and thought back to when he, himself, was attacked and almost killed by dementors. You know, he didn't even get compensation for that. As much as the topic interested him, he wasn't especially excited about asking his friends about this sort of thing, but hold the phone - co writing credit? Well, then this is your lucky day, Mr. Jorge. "Really? I can help write it?" His face lit up like a kid in a sweet shop. "Sure! I'll, err, try my best to get what you need." To be honest, after last terms old age fiasco, he was sure his pals would have PLENTY to say about the staff at Hogwarts. :evil: Quote:
Theo grinned widely at her as she joined them, although she didn't seem as excited about the other man's first assignment for him. So much so, that she was offering up her own ideas. He had to work on TWO things at the same time?! It was a daunting thing but Theo kept thinking about if he did a good enough job, maybe they'd offer him an actual job when he was finished. This place was kinda interesting, and they had cupcakes! Theo reached out to grab one but wait... whut... ... ..... Fashion. Theo didn't know about FASHION. He took a moment to process what the lady was asking of him, and then something clicked. "Wait... you want me to... model for you?" Did he hear her right? 'Cause you know, modelling was something that Theo could totally do. He was hawt. Kinda, a little, just maybe... YEAH, BABY, HE WAS HOT STUFF. |
Brown eyes glancing up his playful smirk played across his lips as Tori found herself a seat at his desk. “Bet it was boring around here without me.” That wasn’t a joke at all he knew the place had to be boring without him around. “Cupcakes what are you trying to butter me up for? You know I don’t work for just food.” chuckling as he picked up the cupcake. It did look good and he wasn’t going to say no. Though a curious look went her way as she nudged him and started talking. Bore him? “Now come on Tori, have I ever bored anyone? Plus this is something he has lived so he knows things. With all these fashion and bachelor things you ladies have been printing you have to give some controversy or this place Midas well be the Quibbler.” She didn’t really want that now did she? He glanced back at the boy as he tried to process what Jorge had said. “Well I kind of know what has gone on through the years, but what I want to know is what happened afterwards. Was anything done about them. Is the Headmistress covering things up for her friends? Has any of your friends had bad run ins with Professors that seemed beyond a normal professional encounters?” He needed some thoughts and possible evidence on how these people were hired and the student’s comments on how professors got away with things could back up his theories. Glancing back at Tori knowing she’d go at him about her cousin, aunt, grandmother, whatever the headmistress was to her, but he didn’t care she knew how he worked. His smirk never leaving he tried not to roll his eyes at her assignment. “Wow I leave and the entire place turns into female run hasn’t it?” Not that he wasn’t surprised Basil would let women influence the articles and handing out jobs, but fashion model wasn’t in his job description, even if he would be the best looking one. He leaned back in his chair and shuffled his parchments. Looking at Theo, “Well my offer is there so you have it, but it looks like you may need to put on your best smile for Miss Bunbury for her fashion piece. Though it might benefit you with the ladies.” Showing up in the paper modeling he’d be a celebrity going back to his seventh year. |
for all you people *makes an appearance* Leaning up against his desk perched one Kenrick Muldoon. He was looking out of the charmed window nearest his workspace, peering about for anything interesting that might be going on. As it happened, there wasn't all that much, but he kept peering through, sipping a mug of the Merlin-awful coffee. He was also listening to what was going on behind him, with the interns that were being all but set upon by his co-workers. Eventually, Kenrick set his empty mug down on his desk and moseyed on over to where the in-office action was. It seemed that Jorge was already trying to recruit an in-school spy for the Prophet, and Kenrick looked on in amusement. Not very subtle of his coworker, but it seemed like that didn't actually matter. BUT what Kenrick was REALLY amused by was a certain Victoria Bunbury. She was always a funny one to watch and listen to. Mannerisms, y'know? At last, he couldn't help it. Kenrick wasn't really a man of many words, unless his job called for it, but some things just had to be said. "Flattery'll get you everywhere," was all Kenrick finally pointed out to those gathered in the room, an amused expression on his face. That was some valuable advice for the interns, too, in case they were wondering. |
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