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When your shopping experience, or stay has come to an end, please make your way to the front of the shop, where the check out counter is located. Check out of your room, make your purchases, request gift wrapping, or direct general questions to the shopkeeper.
Once you leave the shop, you will find yourself on the South End of the Street. We hope you enjoyed your time in Wiseacres, and that you come again soon!
OOC: Under no circumstances should you RP for the Shopkeeper. Wiseacres is a very large store, and I may be busy with another customer, please wait your turn patiently, everyone will get the proper amount of attention.
Invisibility Cloaks, Flying carpets and timeturners will not be sold to underage children, and must go through Ministry clearance. The shopkeeper reserves the right to deny sale of any item she deems worthy.
Hit Wiz love | 1/2 of Bensky | Louisa's baby claw. <3 | kewe
Lily grabbed one of the magical trunks and a telescope and brought it up to the counter. However there were others waiting so Lily stood in line and pulled out 8 Galleons and 3 sickles so that when it was her turn she would be ready to pay and move on the the next store. After-all her father was waiting for her outside with all her other school supplies.
Salima stopped at the counter with her trunk and took the lunarscope, the telescope, the crystal ball and abacus out of the trunk and placed it on the counter along with the trunk. "Hello" She said to the lady at the counter "I would like to pay for these please" she finished getting her money at the ready.
She gathered up the money from all three children and handed back change where it was due. "There you go. Have a lovely day."
As Gemini flicked her wand, she wondered when children had become so lazy that they couldn't pick out their own things. She levitated a telescope over the heads of the other customers and it landed on the counter.
"Six Galleons."
The woman paused for a moment, doing a few calculations. "14 Galleons and 15 Sickles, love." As she waited for the child to gather her money, Gemini took the trunk and telescope and got ready for the engraving, "What are your initials?"
"There you are. Oh and a trunk please, with E.S.C." she told her whilst getting out her moneybag.
Salima really needed to hurry and was feeling a bit impatient, so she took out 18 galleons because she didn't have enough sickles and placed it on the desk with a note saying keep the change, placed all of her recently bought items in the trunk then walked out of the shop.
Last edited by Hermione2286; 12-24-2011 at 11:07 PM.
Tanya was done with shopping,and seeing how her home was way far away from Diagon alley,or Platform nine and three quarters for that matter,she decided to take up room here,watching other people do that. Hogwarts started in two days,so she wouldn't need the room for too long,but she didn't want to sleep on a bench for two days. So waiting for a shop keeper,she polietly smiled.
Pam walked up to the counter, after waiting in line. She was really excited about her purchase, especially the thing she got for Nate. She wanted to keep it hidden until the train ride, but seemings as he's always over her house, she didn't know how well that would work out. Anyways, she placed a magical camera and a pack of self shuffling cards on the counter, and awaited the shopkeeper.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by GinevraWeasley
Vlimia frowned slightly as it seemed the lady didn't care to share how she was doing today, but it was quite busy and the woman must be tired. Vlim put fifteen galleons on the counter. "Keep the change. And my initials are V.M." Vlimia said, closing her dragonskin wallet. She sighed a little, thinking of how people (especially shopkeepers) misjudged her because she had a lot of money and nice things. Well, she wasn't spoilt. And there wasn't anything wrong with having money to spare. Most of her money went towards school stuff and gifts for people. And the rest of the stuff... well, she was getting something for herself. What a terrible crime that really was. Oh well, this shopkeeper didn't seem to categorize her.
Gemini nodded and took up her wand. With a simple enough spell, she engraved the girl's initials in a lovely curly font. "There you are, how's that?"
Originally Posted by Cassandra
"Hello," Taylor smiled as sweet as she could, "May i please buy these items?" She laid a telescope,Foe-glass, Remembrall, Wizard's Chess, Exploding Snap, Two-way mirror, and 2 Everlasting Candles on the counter.
"Alright then, that'll be 17 Galleons, 1 Sickle and 28 Knuts."
Originally Posted by luna pond
charlotte looked around and spoted the asstiant behind the counter 'do u sell telescopes' she asked politly
"Yes, I do." Gemini used her wand to point them out to the child, "Right over there."
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter
Lily grabbed one of the magical trunks and a telescope and brought it up to the counter. However there were others waiting so Lily stood in line and pulled out 8 Galleons and 3 sickles so that when it was her turn she would be ready to pay and move on the the next store. After-all her father was waiting for her outside with all her other school supplies.
Gemini glanced at the next person in line, "Is this all for you then?" She gathered them up and added them together, "8 Galleons and 3 Sickles."
Originally Posted by Hermione2286
Salima stopped at the counter with her trunk and took the lunarscope, the telescope, the crystal ball and abacus out of the trunk and placed it on the counter along with the trunk. "Hello" She said to the lady at the counter "I would like to pay for these please" she finished getting her money at the ready.
"17 Galleons and 15 Sickles, miss."
Originally Posted by AshCat14
"There you are. Oh and a trunk please, with E.S.C." she told her whilst getting out her moneybag.
"Alright then." Gemini flicked her wand and brought over a trunk, "That'll be another 3 Galleons."
Originally Posted by natethegreat
Nate walks up to the counter with the telescope he needs, but he sees no one is there. So he waits for him to be helped.
"Just that then?" Gemini asked the next child, "6 Galleons."
Originally Posted by ShadowButterfly
She walked up to the counter with a telescope in hand and waited for her turn to pay for her item.
"6 Galleons, miss."
Originally Posted by tanyabandname
Tanya was done with shopping,and seeing how her home was way far away from Diagon alley,or Platform nine and three quarters for that matter,she decided to take up room here,watching other people do that. Hogwarts started in two days,so she wouldn't need the room for too long,but she didn't want to sleep on a bench for two days. So waiting for a shop keeper,she polietly smiled.
"Can I help you?" Gemini asked. She leaned against the counter and waited for the child to speak.
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22
Pam walked up to the counter, after waiting in line. She was really excited about her purchase, especially the thing she got for Nate. She wanted to keep it hidden until the train ride, but seemings as he's always over her house, she didn't know how well that would work out. Anyways, she placed a magical camera and a pack of self shuffling cards on the counter, and awaited the shopkeeper.
"3 Galleons, 8 Sickles and 28 Knuts, there miss." Gemini gathered up the purchases and packed them up.
Gemini nodded and took up her wand. With a simple enough spell, she engraved the girl's initials in a lovely curly font. "There you are, how's that?"
"Alright then, that'll be 17 Galleons, 1 Sickle and 28 Knuts."
"Yes, I do." Gemini used her wand to point them out to the child, "Right over there."
Gemini glanced at the next person in line, "Is this all for you then?" She gathered them up and added them together, "8 Galleons and 3 Sickles."
"17 Galleons and 15 Sickles, miss."
"Alright then." Gemini flicked her wand and brought over a trunk, "That'll be another 3 Galleons."
"Just that then?" Gemini asked the next child, "6 Galleons."
"6 Galleons, miss."
"Can I help you?" Gemini asked. She leaned against the counter and waited for the child to speak.
"3 Galleons, 8 Sickles and 28 Knuts, there miss." Gemini gathered up the purchases and packed them up.
"Here you go!" Pam put the correct amount on the counter. "Thank you so much!" She smiled, grabbed her things, and went out to the magical diagon alley.
*Everything I Know I Learned* *Adding Silently To The Noise*
SPOILER!!: Gemini
Originally Posted by Colley ♥
Gemini nodded and took up her wand. With a simple enough spell, she engraved the girl's initials in a lovely curly font. "There you are, how's that?"
"Alright then, that'll be 17 Galleons, 1 Sickle and 28 Knuts."
"Yes, I do." Gemini used her wand to point them out to the child, "Right over there."
Gemini glanced at the next person in line, "Is this all for you then?" She gathered them up and added them together, "8 Galleons and 3 Sickles."
"17 Galleons and 15 Sickles, miss."
"Alright then." Gemini flicked her wand and brought over a trunk, "That'll be another 3 Galleons."
"Just that then?" Gemini asked the next child, "6 Galleons."
"6 Galleons, miss."
"Can I help you?" Gemini asked. She leaned against the counter and waited for the child to speak.
"3 Galleons, 8 Sickles and 28 Knuts, there miss." Gemini gathered up the purchases and packed them up.
Vlimia's eyes shone when the nice shopkeeper showed the beautiful engraving. "Oh, they're perfect!" She said joyously. Vlim put her wallet back into her trunk, taking her purchases and waving to the lady. "Bye, and have a nice day!" Vlim called from over her shoulder to the shopkeeper.
"Alright then, that'll be 17 Galleons, 1 Sickle and 28 Knuts."
Taylor smiled and reached inside her purse and got out 17 galleons and 2 sickles and handed them to the shopkeeper, "Thanks." She took her things and left, "Have a good day."
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Hermione2286
Hydra waited at the counter patiently with the telescope and the magical trunk ready to be served.
Ah, his first student sized customer of the summer, the first of many Riley knew. Leaning on the counter, he peered over at the little girl and smiled, "Hello there little lady." Heck. Kids weren't so bad in small numbers now, were they?
Ah, his first student sized customer of the summer, the first of many Riley knew. Leaning on the counter, he peered over at the little girl and smiled, "Hello there little lady." Heck. Kids weren't so bad in small numbers now, were they?
"Will that be all for you today?"
Hydra looked up at the lady getting her money ready from her pouch 'Yes. Thank you.'
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Hermione2286
Hydra looked up at the lady getting her money ready from her pouch 'Yes. Thank you.'
Riley took the money and dropped it into the till, then he packaged up her purchases quite nicely and slid them across the counter towards her. "Lovely doing business with you dear. Come back soon." Grin. Wink. Wave.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Nigel walks up to the counter quietly with the telescope and the magical trunk and say to the shopkeeper "I would like to um buy these two things"
"I see." He eyed up the purchases, doing a quick calculation in his head, "That'll be 8 Galleons and 3 sickles there lad."
"I see." He eyed up the purchases, doing a quick calculation in his head, "That'll be 8 Galleons and 3 sickles there lad."
Nigel hands him the 8 galleons and 3 sickles and says "Thank You" while taking the telescope and magical trunk. Now that he had paid for the two items, Nigel starts to leaving think about what he will put in the trunk.
Last edited by oh its Erik ok; 04-20-2012 at 04:15 PM.
♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty
Originally Posted by Hermione--Granger
Emmaline walked up to the counter holding a Lunarscope, telescope, and abacus.
"Hi! This is all I'll be taking," Emmaline said.
Riley leaned over to grin at the little thing before collecting her items, "Well miss, that's gonna be 11 Galleons even." He did SO like even purchases and no messing about with change, couldn't they all be like that?
Emmaline grinned and handed him the exact money.
"There you go," she said cheerfully. "And by any chance do you know where I can get a Rune set for my Ancient Runes class?"
After Zoey got done looking around she made her way up to the counter to pay for her vintage looking hatbox trunk, silver old fashion looking telescope and a mokeskin pouch.
As Zoey waited to pay for her items she wondered if she should get the wizard chess set and magical camera. She resided she should not buy them now. She can get them later.