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DISPLAY WANDS ARE NOT FOR SALE. Please see a wandmaker for assistance if you wish to purchase a wand.
WANDLORE REFERENCE BOOKS ARE NOT FOR SALE. Please see the books available for purchase at the counter.
Entering the shop, you'll notice a cozy little area to the left, filled with a couple of sturdy and actually pleasant looking chairs in front of the rather large window with a rug underfoot. From here you can watch the chaos of children being matched with their first wands. Tea and coffee is available for parents while they wait for their children to be matched with their wands. There is a display of wands here in a glass case, some of them once owned by famous witches and wizards and labelled as such. Recognize any names? That's fine, but don't touch. They are part of a personal collection, on loan to Ollivanders, and are not for sale. There is also a display of holsters, polishes, and other bits and pieces. To one side there is an old brass wand-weighing machine, which will, if you place your wand on the scale and place a sickle in the coin slot, spit out a slip of parchment with your wand's specifications on it. It has been modified further however, to add recommendations of products that ought to be used on said wand such as the very polishes, oils, and rubs that just so happen to be on display. Nearby is a shelf of books on wand-related topics, also on loan to Ollivanders. You are permitted to read them if you like, but they are not for sale. If you attempt to take them out of the store they will snap at your fingers, so be warned.
OOC: You may make your own role plays here. Your characters may chat to one another or wait for a friend to be helped at the counter. Please note that this area is in view of the counter and the wandmakers can see what you are doing, so be sure your character does not cause trouble or they'll kick your character out! This is an unmanned thread and if you require shopkeeper interaction, you'll need to post them at the Counter and Wand Fittings area.
When it came to things like clothes, shoes, and wand holsters, Jake wasn't wholly fond of buying new things. Since he'd stopped growing all those years back, the clothes and shoes weren't much of a problem anymore. But Jake had been using the same wand holster since he was thirteen or fourteen years old. His dad... Marcus... whatever he wanted to call him, had insisted he use one, and since then he'd worn it basically every day.
EXCEPT... now it was dead. Battered and broken and falling apart and not even magic could keep it fixed for very long. So Jake was reluctantly giving in and off to buy a new one. SIGH.
He stepped into Ollivanders, automatically thinking back to the last time he'd come in here, years and years and years ago. Jake was perhaps so distracted by thinking of this and by staring around looking for the holsters, that he wasn't quite paying attention to where he was walking.
And trod right on someone's foot.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Colin couldn't get mad at the dogs. Really, it was his fault that his holster looked exactly like the dog's chew toy. It was really poor decision making on his part. The fact that he was always around the dragon's food only made the situation more predictable.
Anyway, new holster. Where were those? He stood near the entrance looking around. It looked like there were off to the -
"Ouch." he said at the sudden pain in his foot. He took a step backwards and glanced at the responsible party.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Bastien Toussaint was on his BEST behavior today. They'd been in Diagon Alley for at least ten minutes, and not once did he try to ditch his mother. The itch was there, hence the tapping against his leg and bounce in his step as they passed by shop after shop, but he STAYED by her side, so that counted for something, right? Bast thought so.
He was even holding her hand because today was the day that he would FINALLY get his wand. Ever since he'd turned eleven, he'd been counting down the days. His very own wand. He would actually get to practice all the spells he'd learned about in his theory classes AND dueling! This was the step closer he needed to being JUST like his dad. It was gonna be awesome.
It took a great amount of restraint not to drop her hand and bolt inside.
Instead he all but dragged her through the doors, a splitting grin on his face as he bounced on his toes and took in the shop with excited blue eyes.
Silent, the eleven year old was too excited to speak.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
Bastien Toussaint was on his BEST behavior today. They'd been in Diagon Alley for at least ten minutes, and not once did he try to ditch his mother. The itch was there, hence the tapping against his leg and bounce in his step as they passed by shop after shop, but he STAYED by her side, so that counted for something, right? Bast thought so.
He was even holding her hand because today was the day that he would FINALLY get his wand. Ever since he'd turned eleven, he'd been counting down the days. His very own wand. He would actually get to practice all the spells he'd learned about in his theory classes AND dueling! This was the step closer he needed to being JUST like his dad. It was gonna be awesome.
It took a great amount of restraint not to drop her hand and bolt inside.
Instead he all but dragged her through the doors, a splitting grin on his face as he bounced on his toes and took in the shop with excited blue eyes.
Silent, the eleven year old was too excited to speak.
Ellsworth Toussaint was a little distraught over the fact that her oldest child was finally old enough to be buying a wand. Or owning one, since Bast wouldn't be paying today, but the POINT WAS... he was school aged. And it was traumatizing.
She tried very hard not to be weepy as she was finally dragged into their first stop. The most important one. Merlin, she should have brought Annaliese as a distraction. A toddler on her hip trying to grab things and eat things and be the center of the universe would keep Ells from grabbing up Bast and sobbing.
How bad would THAT be?
"What are you waiting for? Jump up to the counter and get measured!" Brave smiles.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Junia L. Botros was dressed to impress even if she didn't get to get a wand today. She still got to hang with Hassan and Abey baby and 'Reka-roo and Rula and that was as good a reason as any to be fabulous. Also to wear a tiara. Her most shiny tiara! A girl never knew when she was going to find her prince! Though the frogs seemed to be everywhere. ICK!
Bursting through the door of Ollivander's and striking a very sassy pose, the eight year old's presence announced the arrival of the Botros family. Great family, many kiddos, all being looked after by a very handsome-Junia was likely to say the most handsome-dude ever. Her cousin was a prince for sure.
Junia L. Botros was dressed to impress even if she didn't get to get a wand today. She still got to hang with Hassan and Abey baby and 'Reka-roo and Rula and that was as good a reason as any to be fabulous. Also to wear a tiara. Her most shiny tiara! A girl never knew when she was going to find her prince! Though the frogs seemed to be everywhere. ICK!
Bursting through the door of Ollivander's and striking a very sassy pose, the eight year old's presence announced the arrival of the Botros family. Great family, many kiddos, all being looked after by a very handsome-Junia was likely to say the most handsome-dude ever. Her cousin was a prince for sure.
Maybe she could find him a princess here! Hehe.
Eureka was next. She was less enthused about bursting in, but her eyes were on the other kids streaming in before them. So many little kids. None of them had a tiara on, though, like Junia. Eureka thought it was fabulous, she knew this whole princess thing was a little childish (because those kind of princes don't exist, she checked) but her cousin managed to pull it off oh-so-well. Also, she wasn't going to ruin anyone's fantasies. She believed in miracles. "Ve're here!" The twelve-year-old announced to no one in particular, her distinct accent audible to all.
Hassan and Rula were directly behind them. Rula was getting her NEW wand, Eureka had flaunted her wand (that she hadn't managed to use much over the past two years) and now she could play the big sister and teach Rula how to take care of it. AND how to clean baby creatures with it! She knew how!
Speaking of baby creatures, a couple of purple and yellow pygmy puffs were situated on her head making squeaky, adorable noises.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Ellsworth Toussaint was a little distraught over the fact that her oldest child was finally old enough to be buying a wand. Or owning one, since Bast wouldn't be paying today, but the POINT WAS... he was school aged. And it was traumatizing.
She tried very hard not to be weepy as she was finally dragged into their first stop. The most important one. Merlin, she should have brought Annaliese as a distraction. A toddler on her hip trying to grab things and eat things and be the center of the universe would keep Ells from grabbing up Bast and sobbing.
How bad would THAT be?
"What are you waiting for? Jump up to the counter and get measured!" Brave smiles.
No crying, puh-lease.
Bast didn't have Annaliese around for a reason. NO crying. He wanted to look back on this day and not see tears, or things being thrown, or anything that would take the attention away from him because this was HIS day. The one that was right up there with his birth because it officially started off his taking over his father's place in the family business.
Releasing his mum's hand before she could get over emotional, he cracked a smile and looked over at her. "Be back with my new wand in a sec." He sprinted over to where the measuring tape was sizing up other kids of lesser importance, because his day.
SPOILER!!: Botros Clan
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Junia L. Botros was dressed to impress even if she didn't get to get a wand today. She still got to hang with Hassan and Abey baby and 'Reka-roo and Rula and that was as good a reason as any to be fabulous. Also to wear a tiara. Her most shiny tiara! A girl never knew when she was going to find her prince! Though the frogs seemed to be everywhere. ICK!
Bursting through the door of Ollivander's and striking a very sassy pose, the eight year old's presence announced the arrival of the Botros family. Great family, many kiddos, all being looked after by a very handsome-Junia was likely to say the most handsome-dude ever. Her cousin was a prince for sure.
Maybe she could find him a princess here! Hehe.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Eureka was next. She was less enthused about bursting in, but her eyes were on the other kids streaming in before them. So many little kids. None of them had a tiara on, though, like Junia. Eureka thought it was fabulous, she knew this whole princess thing was a little childish (because those kind of princes don't exist, she checked) but her cousin managed to pull it off oh-so-well. Also, she wasn't going to ruin anyone's fantasies. She believed in miracles. "Ve're here!" The twelve-year-old announced to no one in particular, her distinct accent audible to all.
Hassan and Rula were directly behind them. Rula was getting her NEW wand, Eureka had flaunted her wand (that she hadn't managed to use much over the past two years) and now she could play the big sister and teach Rula how to take care of it. AND how to clean baby creatures with it! She knew how!
Speaking of baby creatures, a couple of purple and yellow pygmy puffs were situated on her head making squeaky, adorable noises.
With Junia claiming leadership over her pack of cousins, and the most of the other girls so willing to follow behind, Hassan had decided to trail behind them all with Abey at his side and Alanna on his back. He did little to wrangle the kids up since they naturally stuck together, and were all beyond excited about Rula getting her wand. Funny how they all got excited for something only she would be able to use.
He wasn't worried about them fussing over sharing later, as he had planned to keep them all happy. That's why ice cream was happening after. The eldest Botros grandchild slipped into the shop and spun out away from the entrance so that they weren't blocking it anymore than they already where. "Go on and get your wand, Rula. Before someone else gets matched with it." He teased, sending a wink her way.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Last edited by PatInTheHat; 04-17-2015 at 12:38 AM.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Arms locked tight around cousin Hassan's neck, Alanna enjoyed the piggybacked aaaalllllll the way to the place for the wand. It was nice up here and easier to keep up because the little girl had short legs and everyone walked so quickly when they were excited. Up here she got to see everything--even Juni's tiara. Would she let her wear it? Even just for a little? Alanna wouldn't drop it...not on purpose anyway.
Pale gray eyes roamed curiously around the shop at everyone already there and the boxes that must have been wands. Casually she leaned in closer and whispered. "I wan'a wand too." So of course she would ask her cousin because he was big and could make people do things.
Her feet kicked excitedly as she almost forgot she was still on his back. Just think, a wand! Then she could make pretty pink things for Aaron to wear! Juni and Rula could wear them too and Reka--Did Abey want something too?
"Juuunnniii." Her voice was hardly above a whisper with the four year old being all too conscious of the fact they were not the only ones here. Any louder and people would stare then she would shrink into herself. "Ju-ni-a." Pssssst. "Tiara?" She asked, pointing to the shiny thing on her sister's head.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Colin couldn't get mad at the dogs. Really, it was his fault that his holster looked exactly like the dog's chew toy. It was really poor decision making on his part. The fact that he was always around the dragon's food only made the situation more predictable.
Anyway, new holster. Where were those? He stood near the entrance looking around. It looked like there were off to the -
"Ouch." he said at the sudden pain in his foot. He took a step backwards and glanced at the responsible party.
Oh. Oh. OH.
... Uh-oh.
Jake, having realised what he'd done the exact instant after doing it, quickly took a step backwards himself just as the other person did.
"Oh. I'm sorry, man. I was looking where I was... uh..." ... He was being redundant here, surely. Of COURSE he'd not been looking where he was going, that was why he'd gone and stepped on the poor bloke's foot. But Jake felt it necessary just to really point out the fact that he wasn't a serial shoe-stepper-onner. Not... not intentionally at least. He cleared his throat.
"Is your shoe okay?" Wait. Priorities. "I mean foot. Is your foot okay?" Merlin.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Junia L. Botros was dressed to impress even if she didn't get to get a wand today. She still got to hang with Hassan and Abey baby and 'Reka-roo and Rula and that was as good a reason as any to be fabulous. Also to wear a tiara. Her most shiny tiara! A girl never knew when she was going to find her prince! Though the frogs seemed to be everywhere. ICK!
Bursting through the door of Ollivander's and striking a very sassy pose, the eight year old's presence announced the arrival of the Botros family. Great family, many kiddos, all being looked after by a very handsome-Junia was likely to say the most handsome-dude ever. Her cousin was a prince for sure.
Maybe she could find him a princess here! Hehe.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Eureka was next. She was less enthused about bursting in, but her eyes were on the other kids streaming in before them. So many little kids. None of them had a tiara on, though, like Junia. Eureka thought it was fabulous, she knew this whole princess thing was a little childish (because those kind of princes don't exist, she checked) but her cousin managed to pull it off oh-so-well. Also, she wasn't going to ruin anyone's fantasies. She believed in miracles. "Ve're here!" The twelve-year-old announced to no one in particular, her distinct accent audible to all.
Hassan and Rula were directly behind them. Rula was getting her NEW wand, Eureka had flaunted her wand (that she hadn't managed to use much over the past two years) and now she could play the big sister and teach Rula how to take care of it. AND how to clean baby creatures with it! She knew how!
Speaking of baby creatures, a couple of purple and yellow pygmy puffs were situated on her head making squeaky, adorable noises.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
With Junia claiming leadership over her pack of cousins, and the most of the other girls so willing to follow behind, Hassan had decided to trail behind them all with Abey at his side and Alanna on his back. He did little to wrangle the kids up since they naturally stuck together, and were all beyond excited about Rula getting her wand. Funny how they all got excited for something only she would be able to use.
He wasn't worried about them fussing over sharing later, as he had planned to keep them all happy. That's why ice cream was happening after. The eldest Botros grandchild slipped into the shop and spun out away from the entrance so that they weren't blocking it anymore than they already where. "Go on and get your wand, Rula. Before someone else gets matched with it." He teased, sending a wink her way.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Arms locked tight around cousin Hassan's neck, Alanna enjoyed the piggybacked aaaalllllll the way to the place for the wand. It was nice up here and easier to keep up because the little girl had short legs and everyone walked so quickly when they were excited. Up here she got to see everything--even Juni's tiara. Would she let her wear it? Even just for a little? Alanna wouldn't drop it...not on purpose anyway.
Pale gray eyes roamed curiously around the shop at everyone already there and the boxes that must have been wands. Casually she leaned in closer and whispered. "I wan'a wand too." So of course she would ask her cousin because he was big and could make people do things.
Her feet kicked excitedly as she almost forgot she was still on his back. Just think, a wand! Then she could make pretty pink things for Aaron to wear! Juni and Rula could wear them too and Reka--Did Abey want something too?
"Juuunnniii." Her voice was hardly above a whisper with the four year old being all too conscious of the fact they were not the only ones here. Any louder and people would stare then she would shrink into herself. "Ju-ni-a." Pssssst. "Tiara?" She asked, pointing to the shiny thing on her sister's head.
Abraham Botros Jr. had a very tight grip on his big brother Hassan's hand, as tight as his little tiny kid hands could hold. There were a lot of people on the street today, and he didn't want to get separated from his brother (or any of the family) right now, because if they got separated he'd have to stop and ask someone for help or not find ANYONE again EVER EVER and be LOST in a SEA OF PEOPLE.
So. Many. People... If possible, Abey gripped Hassan's hand that little bit tighter.
Everyone else was loud and talking a whole lot, enough that he had an excuse to stay silent, but also loud enough that surely people would start looking their way soon, which was a mildly terrifying prospect for this little six year old. But... at least they'd be distracted by one of the others? Yes. That was good. That meant he didn't really have to worry.
But wait. Was Alanna going to get a wand as WELL as Rula? Abey's eyes went all wide and shiny. If Alanna could get one, that meant he was old enough as well.
"Me too, Hassan?" Abey said, his voice as hushed as he looked up at Hassan with those big brown eyes. "Can I maybe get one? Maybe please?"
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
No crying, puh-lease.
Bast didn't have Annaliese around for a reason. NO crying. He wanted to look back on this day and not see tears, or things being thrown, or anything that would take the attention away from him because this was HIS day. The one that was right up there with his birth because it officially started off his taking over his father's place in the family business.
Releasing his mum's hand before she could get over emotional, he cracked a smile and looked over at her. "Be back with my new wand in a sec." He sprinted over to where the measuring tape was sizing up other kids of lesser importance, because his day.
There was a sudden in influx of children, and Ells had to step to the side not to be trampled by the big family. She didn't mind, though, since she was too busy being brave and stoic about her little man getting his very own wand. And look how he took to it.
He was so like his father.
"I'll be right here, bab... Bast. Not moving an inch. Right here." Or maybe a step to the left to avoid swinging elbows.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Text Cut: you all :3
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Junia L. Botros was dressed to impress even if she didn't get to get a wand today. She still got to hang with Hassan and Abey baby and 'Reka-roo and Rula and that was as good a reason as any to be fabulous. Also to wear a tiara. Her most shiny tiara! A girl never knew when she was going to find her prince! Though the frogs seemed to be everywhere. ICK!
Bursting through the door of Ollivander's and striking a very sassy pose, the eight year old's presence announced the arrival of the Botros family. Great family, many kiddos, all being looked after by a very handsome-Junia was likely to say the most handsome-dude ever. Her cousin was a prince for sure.
Maybe she could find him a princess here! Hehe.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Eureka was next. She was less enthused about bursting in, but her eyes were on the other kids streaming in before them. So many little kids. None of them had a tiara on, though, like Junia. Eureka thought it was fabulous, she knew this whole princess thing was a little childish (because those kind of princes don't exist, she checked) but her cousin managed to pull it off oh-so-well. Also, she wasn't going to ruin anyone's fantasies. She believed in miracles. "Ve're here!" The twelve-year-old announced to no one in particular, her distinct accent audible to all.
Hassan and Rula were directly behind them. Rula was getting her NEW wand, Eureka had flaunted her wand (that she hadn't managed to use much over the past two years) and now she could play the big sister and teach Rula how to take care of it. AND how to clean baby creatures with it! She knew how!
Speaking of baby creatures, a couple of purple and yellow pygmy puffs were situated on her head making squeaky, adorable noises.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
No crying, puh-lease.
Bast didn't have Annaliese around for a reason. NO crying. He wanted to look back on this day and not see tears, or things being thrown, or anything that would take the attention away from him because this was HIS day. The one that was right up there with his birth because it officially started off his taking over his father's place in the family business.
Releasing his mum's hand before she could get over emotional, he cracked a smile and looked over at her. "Be back with my new wand in a sec." He sprinted over to where the measuring tape was sizing up other kids of lesser importance, because his day.
SPOILER!!: Botros Clan
With Junia claiming leadership over her pack of cousins, and the most of the other girls so willing to follow behind, Hassan had decided to trail behind them all with Abey at his side and Alanna on his back. He did little to wrangle the kids up since they naturally stuck together, and were all beyond excited about Rula getting her wand. Funny how they all got excited for something only she would be able to use.
He wasn't worried about them fussing over sharing later, as he had planned to keep them all happy. That's why ice cream was happening after. The eldest Botros grandchild slipped into the shop and spun out away from the entrance so that they weren't blocking it anymore than they already where. "Go on and get your wand, Rula. Before someone else gets matched with it." He teased, sending a wink her way.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Arms locked tight around cousin Hassan's neck, Alanna enjoyed the piggybacked aaaalllllll the way to the place for the wand. It was nice up here and easier to keep up because the little girl had short legs and everyone walked so quickly when they were excited. Up here she got to see everything--even Juni's tiara. Would she let her wear it? Even just for a little? Alanna wouldn't drop it...not on purpose anyway.
Pale gray eyes roamed curiously around the shop at everyone already there and the boxes that must have been wands. Casually she leaned in closer and whispered. "I wan'a wand too." So of course she would ask her cousin because he was big and could make people do things.
Her feet kicked excitedly as she almost forgot she was still on his back. Just think, a wand! Then she could make pretty pink things for Aaron to wear! Juni and Rula could wear them too and Reka--Did Abey want something too?
"Juuunnniii." Her voice was hardly above a whisper with the four year old being all too conscious of the fact they were not the only ones here. Any louder and people would stare then she would shrink into herself. "Ju-ni-a." Pssssst. "Tiara?" She asked, pointing to the shiny thing on her sister's head.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Oh. Oh. OH.
... Uh-oh.
Jake, having realised what he'd done the exact instant after doing it, quickly took a step backwards himself just as the other person did.
"Oh. I'm sorry, man. I was looking where I was... uh..." ... He was being redundant here, surely. Of COURSE he'd not been looking where he was going, that was why he'd gone and stepped on the poor bloke's foot. But Jake felt it necessary just to really point out the fact that he wasn't a serial shoe-stepper-onner. Not... not intentionally at least. He cleared his throat.
"Is your shoe okay?" Wait. Priorities. "I mean foot. Is your foot okay?" Merlin.
Abraham Botros Jr. had a very tight grip on his big brother Hassan's hand, as tight as his little tiny kid hands could hold. There were a lot of people on the street today, and he didn't want to get separated from his brother (or any of the family) right now, because if they got separated he'd have to stop and ask someone for help or not find ANYONE again EVER EVER and be LOST in a SEA OF PEOPLE.
So. Many. People... If possible, Abey gripped Hassan's hand that little bit tighter.
Everyone else was loud and talking a whole lot, enough that he had an excuse to stay silent, but also loud enough that surely people would start looking their way soon, which was a mildly terrifying prospect for this little six year old. But... at least they'd be distracted by one of the others? Yes. That was good. That meant he didn't really have to worry.
But wait. Was Alanna going to get a wand as WELL as Rula? Abey's eyes went all wide and shiny. If Alanna could get one, that meant he was old enough as well.
"Me too, Hassan?" Abey said, his voice as hushed as he looked up at Hassan with those big brown eyes. "Can I maybe get one? Maybe please?"
It was OBVIOUS why, of course. And she was so tempted to run ahead of everyone and get there first. But for once, as her excitement and anticipation grew with each step, it made her just a little calmer. Because this was IT. It was actually happening. She was about to get her wand.
It was kinda scary and exciting all at the same time.
Once they had arrived and walked in though...the scary part disappeared and she was EXCITED ALL OVER AGAIN YEAH.
She beeeeamed at all the family members that had come with her and even at the other kids here to and - GAAAAAAAASP.
"NO ONE can be matched with my wand, Hassan! 'Cause it'll only want me and why would it match with anyone else when it could be matched with me." No way the wand that was perfect for her would choose someone else. No way.
Grinning at him again, she bounded forward to the measuring tape area.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Felixir
Oh. Oh. OH.
... Uh-oh.
Jake, having realised what he'd done the exact instant after doing it, quickly took a step backwards himself just as the other person did.
"Oh. I'm sorry, man. I was looking where I was... uh..." ... He was being redundant here, surely. Of COURSE he'd not been looking where he was going, that was why he'd gone and stepped on the poor bloke's foot. But Jake felt it necessary just to really point out the fact that he wasn't a serial shoe-stepper-onner. Not... not intentionally at least. He cleared his throat.
"Is your shoe okay?" Wait. Priorities. "I mean foot. Is your foot okay?" Merlin.
Colin was about to talk. He was. But the guy seemed a little... ... Colin didn't have the work for it. Anxious? Keen? It's not like Colin assumed that the guy was a serial shoe-stepper-onner. He was pretty sure, in fact, that nobody purposefully went out of their way to step on someone else's shoe.
"I'm sure they're both fine, thanks." he replied with a half raised eyebrow. "Unless you've been stepping in things I should be concerned about?"
In which case, radioactive spiders would be preferred. Being a superhero would sort of be cool. Or a ninja. But he was pretty sure you had to train to be one of those, they didn't just happen.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Junia couldn't help the pout when Rula ran off to get her wand. Her very own wand. A wand Junia would never ever be able to use because Rula would be even more protective of it than her pretty dresses. She could still maybe look at it, right? And maybe hold it sometimes? She could, right? And she could use her biggest, best puppy dog eyes to make this happen. So really, she had no reason to pout at all! And so she sucked her bottom lip back in and hurried over to Hassan, attaching herself to his leg, as Abey had his other side covered. They were a Botros family sundae and Alanna was the cherry on top!
"You'll take me to get my wand someday too, right Hassy?" Junia glanced up with hopeful eyes, her gaze traveling from her older cousin to her sister sitting on his shoulders. Maybe he'd even take 'Lanna and Aaron when they were old enough.
"But I just shined it, 'Lanna. Y'gotta be extra careful if I let you wear it." Which, because she was the best older sister in the entire wizarding world and universe, she would. The eight year old handed it over to Hassan who could hand it to Alanna, Junia's eyes watching all the while lest it should fall. "I don't have one for you, Abey, but you can hold my hand if you want." Because holding a princess's hand was just as good as a tiara, honestly. 'Reka could hold her hand too if she wanted.
With Junia claiming leadership over her pack of cousins, and the most of the other girls so willing to follow behind, Hassan had decided to trail behind them all with Abey at his side and Alanna on his back. He did little to wrangle the kids up since they naturally stuck together, and were all beyond excited about Rula getting her wand. Funny how they all got excited for something only she would be able to use.
He wasn't worried about them fussing over sharing later, as he had planned to keep them all happy. That's why ice cream was happening after. The eldest Botros grandchild slipped into the shop and spun out away from the entrance so that they weren't blocking it anymore than they already where. "Go on and get your wand, Rula. Before someone else gets matched with it." He teased, sending a wink her way.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Arms locked tight around cousin Hassan's neck, Alanna enjoyed the piggybacked aaaalllllll the way to the place for the wand. It was nice up here and easier to keep up because the little girl had short legs and everyone walked so quickly when they were excited. Up here she got to see everything--even Juni's tiara. Would she let her wear it? Even just for a little? Alanna wouldn't drop it...not on purpose anyway.
Pale gray eyes roamed curiously around the shop at everyone already there and the boxes that must have been wands. Casually she leaned in closer and whispered. "I wan'a wand too." So of course she would ask her cousin because he was big and could make people do things.
Her feet kicked excitedly as she almost forgot she was still on his back. Just think, a wand! Then she could make pretty pink things for Aaron to wear! Juni and Rula could wear them too and Reka--Did Abey want something too?
"Juuunnniii." Her voice was hardly above a whisper with the four year old being all too conscious of the fact they were not the only ones here. Any louder and people would stare then she would shrink into herself. "Ju-ni-a." Pssssst. "Tiara?" She asked, pointing to the shiny thing on her sister's head.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Abraham Botros Jr. had a very tight grip on his big brother Hassan's hand, as tight as his little tiny kid hands could hold. There were a lot of people on the street today, and he didn't want to get separated from his brother (or any of the family) right now, because if they got separated he'd have to stop and ask someone for help or not find ANYONE again EVER EVER and be LOST in a SEA OF PEOPLE.
So. Many. People... If possible, Abey gripped Hassan's hand that little bit tighter.
Everyone else was loud and talking a whole lot, enough that he had an excuse to stay silent, but also loud enough that surely people would start looking their way soon, which was a mildly terrifying prospect for this little six year old. But... at least they'd be distracted by one of the others? Yes. That was good. That meant he didn't really have to worry.
But wait. Was Alanna going to get a wand as WELL as Rula? Abey's eyes went all wide and shiny. If Alanna could get one, that meant he was old enough as well.
"Me too, Hassan?" Abey said, his voice as hushed as he looked up at Hassan with those big brown eyes. "Can I maybe get one? Maybe please?"
It was OBVIOUS why, of course. And she was so tempted to run ahead of everyone and get there first. But for once, as her excitement and anticipation grew with each step, it made her just a little calmer. Because this was IT. It was actually happening. She was about to get her wand.
It was kinda scary and exciting all at the same time.
Once they had arrived and walked in though...the scary part disappeared and she was EXCITED ALL OVER AGAIN YEAH.
She beeeeamed at all the family members that had come with her and even at the other kids here to and - GAAAAAAAASP.
"NO ONE can be matched with my wand, Hassan! 'Cause it'll only want me and why would it match with anyone else when it could be matched with me." No way the wand that was perfect for her would choose someone else. No way.
Grinning at him again, she bounded forward to the measuring tape area.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Junia couldn't help the pout when Rula ran off to get her wand. Her very own wand. A wand Junia would never ever be able to use because Rula would be even more protective of it than her pretty dresses. She could still maybe look at it, right? And maybe hold it sometimes? She could, right? And she could use her biggest, best puppy dog eyes to make this happen. So really, she had no reason to pout at all! And so she sucked her bottom lip back in and hurried over to Hassan, attaching herself to his leg, as Abey had his other side covered. They were a Botros family sundae and Alanna was the cherry on top!
"You'll take me to get my wand someday too, right Hassy?" Junia glanced up with hopeful eyes, her gaze traveling from her older cousin to her sister sitting on his shoulders. Maybe he'd even take 'Lanna and Aaron when they were old enough.
"But I just shined it, 'Lanna. Y'gotta be extra careful if I let you wear it." Which, because she was the best older sister in the entire wizarding world and universe, she would. The eight year old handed it over to Hassan who could hand it to Alanna, Junia's eyes watching all the while lest it should fall. "I don't have one for you, Abey, but you can hold my hand if you want." Because holding a princess's hand was just as good as a tiara, honestly. 'Reka could hold her hand too if she wanted.
"Bye, Rula, you'll do GREAT!" Eureka shouted after her cousin, then turned to the rest of them. Of course, Lana and Abey would want wands too. Junia was too busy with her tiara to demand one, besides she understood how things went. Nothing until she turned eleven.
Sooooo, now that the birthday girl Rula was in, all they had to do was wait here before they were allowed to go have some ice cream. Eureka, being the always active girl she was, kept pacing and jumping from a spot to another avoiding the crowd. She caught Junia giving up her tiara for Alanna then, and she approached them both. "You can have one of my pygmy puffs." She knew no one was as excited about them (or creatures, in general) as much as she was, but she relentlessly tried to force their presence on everyone. Because her daddy said she could.
Browncoat l Extra Syrup l Kita's Strong Confident Other Half l Lemon Patch
SPOILER!!: botros babies
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
Arms locked tight around cousin Hassan's neck, Alanna enjoyed the piggybacked aaaalllllll the way to the place for the wand. It was nice up here and easier to keep up because the little girl had short legs and everyone walked so quickly when they were excited. Up here she got to see everything--even Juni's tiara. Would she let her wear it? Even just for a little? Alanna wouldn't drop it...not on purpose anyway.
Pale gray eyes roamed curiously around the shop at everyone already there and the boxes that must have been wands. Casually she leaned in closer and whispered. "I wan'a wand too." So of course she would ask her cousin because he was big and could make people do things.
Her feet kicked excitedly as she almost forgot she was still on his back. Just think, a wand! Then she could make pretty pink things for Aaron to wear! Juni and Rula could wear them too and Reka--Did Abey want something too?
"Juuunnniii." Her voice was hardly above a whisper with the four year old being all too conscious of the fact they were not the only ones here. Any louder and people would stare then she would shrink into herself. "Ju-ni-a." Pssssst. "Tiara?" She asked, pointing to the shiny thing on her sister's head.
Originally Posted by Felixir
Oh. Oh. OH.
... Uh-oh.
Jake, having realised what he'd done the exact instant after doing it, quickly took a step backwards himself just as the other person did.
"Oh. I'm sorry, man. I was looking where I was... uh..." ... He was being redundant here, surely. Of COURSE he'd not been looking where he was going, that was why he'd gone and stepped on the poor bloke's foot. But Jake felt it necessary just to really point out the fact that he wasn't a serial shoe-stepper-onner. Not... not intentionally at least. He cleared his throat.
"Is your shoe okay?" Wait. Priorities. "I mean foot. Is your foot okay?" Merlin.
Abraham Botros Jr. had a very tight grip on his big brother Hassan's hand, as tight as his little tiny kid hands could hold. There were a lot of people on the street today, and he didn't want to get separated from his brother (or any of the family) right now, because if they got separated he'd have to stop and ask someone for help or not find ANYONE again EVER EVER and be LOST in a SEA OF PEOPLE.
So. Many. People... If possible, Abey gripped Hassan's hand that little bit tighter.
Everyone else was loud and talking a whole lot, enough that he had an excuse to stay silent, but also loud enough that surely people would start looking their way soon, which was a mildly terrifying prospect for this little six year old. But... at least they'd be distracted by one of the others? Yes. That was good. That meant he didn't really have to worry.
But wait. Was Alanna going to get a wand as WELL as Rula? Abey's eyes went all wide and shiny. If Alanna could get one, that meant he was old enough as well.
"Me too, Hassan?" Abey said, his voice as hushed as he looked up at Hassan with those big brown eyes. "Can I maybe get one? Maybe please?"
It was OBVIOUS why, of course. And she was so tempted to run ahead of everyone and get there first. But for once, as her excitement and anticipation grew with each step, it made her just a little calmer. Because this was IT. It was actually happening. She was about to get her wand.
It was kinda scary and exciting all at the same time.
Once they had arrived and walked in though...the scary part disappeared and she was EXCITED ALL OVER AGAIN YEAH.
She beeeeamed at all the family members that had come with her and even at the other kids here to and - GAAAAAAAASP.
"NO ONE can be matched with my wand, Hassan! 'Cause it'll only want me and why would it match with anyone else when it could be matched with me." No way the wand that was perfect for her would choose someone else. No way.
Grinning at him again, she bounded forward to the measuring tape area.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Text Cut: Botroses ;_; <3
"Bye, Rula, you'll do GREAT!" Eureka shouted after her cousin, then turned to the rest of them. Of course, Lana and Abey would want wands too. Junia was too busy with her tiara to demand one, besides she understood how things went. Nothing until she turned eleven.
Sooooo, now that the birthday girl Rula was in, all they had to do was wait here before they were allowed to go have some ice cream. Eureka, being the always active girl she was, kept pacing and jumping from a spot to another avoiding the crowd. She caught Junia giving up her tiara for Alanna then, and she approached them both. "You can have one of my pygmy puffs." She knew no one was as excited about them (or creatures, in general) as much as she was, but she relentlessly tried to force their presence on everyone. Because her daddy said she could.
"Good luck!" He unnecessarily shouted at Rula's departing figure. Getting your first wand was exciting, and having your little cousins around to brag about it to was even MORE exciting. It was a shame he didn't have this many cousins to brag about his first wand to, only Alice and Lilian.
Ever so gently he knocked his head against Alanna, his dark eyes on his little brother who's hand he held just as tightly. "You both can have a wand. They have sparkler ones in each Hogwarts house." Hassan was prepared to buy one for each of his cousins and a polish kit for Rula. Mostly for the holster but also because he wanted her to be able to take care of her wand.
He was going to spend a hell of a lot of money today on these kids, it helped that all their folks had chipped in when they heard what he was doing.
♥ I won't pass up on the danger ♥ I'd miss out on the fun ♥_____ ______________♥We'll live while we're young ♥ We'll chase down the sun ♥_________________________
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
SPOILER!!: Eveeeryone :3
Originally Posted by Felixir
Oh. Oh. OH.
... Uh-oh.
Jake, having realised what he'd done the exact instant after doing it, quickly took a step backwards himself just as the other person did.
"Oh. I'm sorry, man. I was looking where I was... uh..." ... He was being redundant here, surely. Of COURSE he'd not been looking where he was going, that was why he'd gone and stepped on the poor bloke's foot. But Jake felt it necessary just to really point out the fact that he wasn't a serial shoe-stepper-onner. Not... not intentionally at least. He cleared his throat.
"Is your shoe okay?" Wait. Priorities. "I mean foot. Is your foot okay?" Merlin.
Abraham Botros Jr. had a very tight grip on his big brother Hassan's hand, as tight as his little tiny kid hands could hold. There were a lot of people on the street today, and he didn't want to get separated from his brother (or any of the family) right now, because if they got separated he'd have to stop and ask someone for help or not find ANYONE again EVER EVER and be LOST in a SEA OF PEOPLE.
So. Many. People... If possible, Abey gripped Hassan's hand that little bit tighter.
Everyone else was loud and talking a whole lot, enough that he had an excuse to stay silent, but also loud enough that surely people would start looking their way soon, which was a mildly terrifying prospect for this little six year old. But... at least they'd be distracted by one of the others? Yes. That was good. That meant he didn't really have to worry.
But wait. Was Alanna going to get a wand as WELL as Rula? Abey's eyes went all wide and shiny. If Alanna could get one, that meant he was old enough as well.
"Me too, Hassan?" Abey said, his voice as hushed as he looked up at Hassan with those big brown eyes. "Can I maybe get one? Maybe please?"
It was OBVIOUS why, of course. And she was so tempted to run ahead of everyone and get there first. But for once, as her excitement and anticipation grew with each step, it made her just a little calmer. Because this was IT. It was actually happening. She was about to get her wand.
It was kinda scary and exciting all at the same time.
Once they had arrived and walked in though...the scary part disappeared and she was EXCITED ALL OVER AGAIN YEAH.
She beeeeamed at all the family members that had come with her and even at the other kids here to and - GAAAAAAAASP.
"NO ONE can be matched with my wand, Hassan! 'Cause it'll only want me and why would it match with anyone else when it could be matched with me." No way the wand that was perfect for her would choose someone else. No way.
Grinning at him again, she bounded forward to the measuring tape area.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Junia couldn't help the pout when Rula ran off to get her wand. Her very own wand. A wand Junia would never ever be able to use because Rula would be even more protective of it than her pretty dresses. She could still maybe look at it, right? And maybe hold it sometimes? She could, right? And she could use her biggest, best puppy dog eyes to make this happen. So really, she had no reason to pout at all! And so she sucked her bottom lip back in and hurried over to Hassan, attaching herself to his leg, as Abey had his other side covered. They were a Botros family sundae and Alanna was the cherry on top!
"You'll take me to get my wand someday too, right Hassy?" Junia glanced up with hopeful eyes, her gaze traveling from her older cousin to her sister sitting on his shoulders. Maybe he'd even take 'Lanna and Aaron when they were old enough.
"But I just shined it, 'Lanna. Y'gotta be extra careful if I let you wear it." Which, because she was the best older sister in the entire wizarding world and universe, she would. The eight year old handed it over to Hassan who could hand it to Alanna, Junia's eyes watching all the while lest it should fall. "I don't have one for you, Abey, but you can hold my hand if you want." Because holding a princess's hand was just as good as a tiara, honestly. 'Reka could hold her hand too if she wanted.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Text Cut: Botroses ;_; <3
"Bye, Rula, you'll do GREAT!" Eureka shouted after her cousin, then turned to the rest of them. Of course, Lana and Abey would want wands too. Junia was too busy with her tiara to demand one, besides she understood how things went. Nothing until she turned eleven.
Sooooo, now that the birthday girl Rula was in, all they had to do was wait here before they were allowed to go have some ice cream. Eureka, being the always active girl she was, kept pacing and jumping from a spot to another avoiding the crowd. She caught Junia giving up her tiara for Alanna then, and she approached them both. "You can have one of my pygmy puffs." She knew no one was as excited about them (or creatures, in general) as much as she was, but she relentlessly tried to force their presence on everyone. Because her daddy said she could.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
SPOILER!!: botros babies
"Good luck!" He unnecessarily shouted at Rula's departing figure. Getting your first wand was exciting, and having your little cousins around to brag about it to was even MORE exciting. It was a shame he didn't have this many cousins to brag about his first wand to, only Alice and Lilian.
Ever so gently he knocked his head against Alanna, his dark eyes on his little brother who's hand he held just as tightly. "You both can have a wand. They have sparkler ones in each Hogwarts house." Hassan was prepared to buy one for each of his cousins and a polish kit for Rula. Mostly for the holster but also because he wanted her to be able to take care of her wand.
He was going to spend a hell of a lot of money today on these kids, it helped that all their folks had chipped in when they heard what he was doing.
SEE? Abey wanted a wand too! If they both asked nice enough and said please enough times then they would have to get one because that was how things worked. 'Please' and 'Thank You' were magic words, mhm, her Mummy always said so. Alanna looked down at him before turning her attention to Hassan again. He'd have to say yes now. It was magic.
So engrossed was she in everything Junia began to say about the tiara that she didn't notice Rula darting off to get her wand. Tiaras were serious business and you had to pay extra special attention when you were being allowed to wear one. The brightest of smiles flashed across the 4 year old's face once it was extended toward her and her little fingers wiggled about excitedly in a grabbing motion. "I'll take GOOD care of it, promise promise promise." That was a magic word too and you couldn't break it so Juni knew she meant serious business. Alanna wasted no time in plopping it on her head. "I look like a princess now?"
The little girl leaned forward a bit, nearly climbing a bit on Hassan's back as she did to get a better look at Reka's puffs. She wasn't sure if she wanted to TOUCH one but they were SO FLUFFY and CUTE. Alanna didn't take her eyes off them til she felt Hassan's head knock lightly against hers but it was what he said next that had her wiggling.
"Wow!" Immediately she shrunk into herself, only now aware of how loud she'd just been. It took her a moment to recover. "A wand? For me and Abey? Do they have pink?" She didn't know the houses but she DID want a wand anyway.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
It was OBVIOUS why, of course. And she was so tempted to run ahead of everyone and get there first. But for once, as her excitement and anticipation grew with each step, it made her just a little calmer. Because this was IT. It was actually happening. She was about to get her wand.
It was kinda scary and exciting all at the same time.
Once they had arrived and walked in though...the scary part disappeared and she was EXCITED ALL OVER AGAIN YEAH.
She beeeeamed at all the family members that had come with her and even at the other kids here to and - GAAAAAAAASP.
"NO ONE can be matched with my wand, Hassan! 'Cause it'll only want me and why would it match with anyone else when it could be matched with me." No way the wand that was perfect for her would choose someone else. No way.
Grinning at him again, she bounded forward to the measuring tape area.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Junia couldn't help the pout when Rula ran off to get her wand. Her very own wand. A wand Junia would never ever be able to use because Rula would be even more protective of it than her pretty dresses. She could still maybe look at it, right? And maybe hold it sometimes? She could, right? And she could use her biggest, best puppy dog eyes to make this happen. So really, she had no reason to pout at all! And so she sucked her bottom lip back in and hurried over to Hassan, attaching herself to his leg, as Abey had his other side covered. They were a Botros family sundae and Alanna was the cherry on top!
"You'll take me to get my wand someday too, right Hassy?" Junia glanced up with hopeful eyes, her gaze traveling from her older cousin to her sister sitting on his shoulders. Maybe he'd even take 'Lanna and Aaron when they were old enough.
"But I just shined it, 'Lanna. Y'gotta be extra careful if I let you wear it." Which, because she was the best older sister in the entire wizarding world and universe, she would. The eight year old handed it over to Hassan who could hand it to Alanna, Junia's eyes watching all the while lest it should fall. "I don't have one for you, Abey, but you can hold my hand if you want." Because holding a princess's hand was just as good as a tiara, honestly. 'Reka could hold her hand too if she wanted.
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
"Bye, Rula, you'll do GREAT!" Eureka shouted after her cousin, then turned to the rest of them. Of course, Lana and Abey would want wands too. Junia was too busy with her tiara to demand one, besides she understood how things went. Nothing until she turned eleven.
Sooooo, now that the birthday girl Rula was in, all they had to do was wait here before they were allowed to go have some ice cream. Eureka, being the always active girl she was, kept pacing and jumping from a spot to another avoiding the crowd. She caught Junia giving up her tiara for Alanna then, and she approached them both. "You can have one of my pygmy puffs." She knew no one was as excited about them (or creatures, in general) as much as she was, but she relentlessly tried to force their presence on everyone. Because her daddy said she could.
Originally Posted by grangerfan8
"Good luck!" He unnecessarily shouted at Rula's departing figure. Getting your first wand was exciting, and having your little cousins around to brag about it to was even MORE exciting. It was a shame he didn't have this many cousins to brag about his first wand to, only Alice and Lilian.
Ever so gently he knocked his head against Alanna, his dark eyes on his little brother who's hand he held just as tightly. "You both can have a wand. They have sparkler ones in each Hogwarts house." Hassan was prepared to buy one for each of his cousins and a polish kit for Rula. Mostly for the holster but also because he wanted her to be able to take care of her wand.
He was going to spend a hell of a lot of money today on these kids, it helped that all their folks had chipped in when they heard what he was doing.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
SEE? Abey wanted a wand too! If they both asked nice enough and said please enough times then they would have to get one because that was how things worked. 'Please' and 'Thank You' were magic words, mhm, her Mummy always said so. Alanna looked down at him before turning her attention to Hassan again. He'd have to say yes now. It was magic.
So engrossed was she in everything Junia began to say about the tiara that she didn't notice Rula darting off to get her wand. Tiaras were serious business and you had to pay extra special attention when you were being allowed to wear one. The brightest of smiles flashed across the 4 year old's face once it was extended toward her and her little fingers wiggled about excitedly in a grabbing motion. "I'll take GOOD care of it, promise promise promise." That was a magic word too and you couldn't break it so Juni knew she meant serious business. Alanna wasted no time in plopping it on her head. "I look like a princess now?"
The little girl leaned forward a bit, nearly climbing a bit on Hassan's back as she did to get a better look at Reka's puffs. She wasn't sure if she wanted to TOUCH one but they were SO FLUFFY and CUTE. Alanna didn't take her eyes off them til she felt Hassan's head knock lightly against hers but it was what he said next that had her wiggling.
"Wow!" Immediately she shrunk into herself, only now aware of how loud she'd just been. It took her a moment to recover. "A wand? For me and Abey? Do they have pink?" She didn't know the houses but she DID want a wand anyway.
Rula was going, going, gooooone. Except not really gone because Abey could see her right over there, getting measured up for her wand. He kept his eyes on her a little longer, intending to watch her all the way up to the counter, but his attention was caught by someone else just a second later. Junia, offering to let him hold her hand. Abey nodded, still super shy even though he was in the presence of a whole ton of his family, and wasted not a moment in reaching out to hold onto his older cousin's hand.
It seemed that not a second later, Eureka was there, talking to Junia about pygmy puffs and offering her one. Abey thought those little things were cute, but he wasn't quite as interested in the creatures as Eureka, and so looked back to Hassan instead, just as he mentioned...
"A sparkler wand..." Abey repeated, whispering the words back to himself like Hassan had just offered to get him the greatest toy or the tastiest ice cream ever. A wand he could use to make sparks. This was the best day of his life. Abey glanced up at Alanna to check her reaction, and to make sure that he wasn't reacting wrong, then looked back to Hassan, a big giddy grin on his face.
"Can we really?" His eyes SHONE, full of WONDER. "Thank you Hassan!" Abey hugged his big brother's arm (with some difficulty, as he was still holding both Hassan and Junia's hands). "One for the house that you and Grandpa were in?" He knew they were in the same house, and probably at the same time too, because they were both old, right? But though he knew nothing else about the House or the House colours, Abey knew that that was the one he wanted. For definite.
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Colin was about to talk. He was. But the guy seemed a little... ... Colin didn't have the work for it. Anxious? Keen? It's not like Colin assumed that the guy was a serial shoe-stepper-onner. He was pretty sure, in fact, that nobody purposefully went out of their way to step on someone else's shoe.
"I'm sure they're both fine, thanks." he replied with a half raised eyebrow. "Unless you've been stepping in things I should be concerned about?"
In which case, radioactive spiders would be preferred. Being a superhero would sort of be cool. Or a ninja. But he was pretty sure you had to train to be one of those, they didn't just happen.
Fine? Okay, well... that was good.
Ahem. Jake nodded and, having noticed the raised eyebrow, realised he must have been acting a little... odd? Maybe? So, uh. Yeah. He made a decent attempt to reeeein that in a little, and sorta... fixed his jacket real casual like.
"I..." ... Apparently, Jake didn't know how to respond to that. He blinked at the man once, twice... three times... then tried to reeeeal subtly glance down at his own shoe, angling it as though to check the underside. This would be a real bad time to discover he HAD stepped in something concerning, wouldn't it? Like cruppy poop, or some exploding potion.
"Nope. I think you're good. Nothing concerning here." Jake looked back up again and gave a smile, like this was some real fantastic news to be imparting. Mystery dude may have gotten his foot stomped, but no feet were exploding today. Not because of Jake, at least.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Felixir
Fine? Okay, well... that was good.
Ahem. Jake nodded and, having noticed the raised eyebrow, realised he must have been acting a little... odd? Maybe? So, uh. Yeah. He made a decent attempt to reeeein that in a little, and sorta... fixed his jacket real casual like.
"I..." ... Apparently, Jake didn't know how to respond to that. He blinked at the man once, twice... three times... then tried to reeeeal subtly glance down at his own shoe, angling it as though to check the underside. This would be a real bad time to discover he HAD stepped in something concerning, wouldn't it? Like cruppy poop, or some exploding potion.
"Nope. I think you're good. Nothing concerning here." Jake looked back up again and gave a smile, like this was some real fantastic news to be imparting. Mystery dude may have gotten his foot stomped, but no feet were exploding today. Not because of Jake, at least.
Colin was amused. It seemed this guy had to try to be normal. It was... interesting. He glanced down following the guy's gaze. Was he checking his shoe? ... Ew. Did he really step in something?
Oh good. Crisis averted.
"That's..." Uh...? What do you say at a time like this? "A relief."
"At least I didn't step on your feet. I went down to see the dragons today." So he probably did have concerning material on his shoes. Awkward.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Colin was amused. It seemed this guy had to try to be normal. It was... interesting. He glanced down following the guy's gaze. Was he checking his shoe? ... Ew. Did he really step in something?
Oh good. Crisis averted.
"That's..." Uh...? What do you say at a time like this? "A relief."
"At least I didn't step on your feet. I went down to see the dragons today." So he probably did have concerning material on his shoes. Awkward.
Jake grinned, and allowed himself to laugh. Initial awkwardness starting to pass and all that. It was always good when that happened.
"Yeah," he said. "That's-" Wait a second.
"Dragons?" For a moment, Jake's eyes had widened, though not in fear or anything. It was just... the guy... the guy had mentioned one of his favourite things in the entire world. For someone who had a lowkey (okay... highkey) obsession with the creatures, it was like MUSIC to his ears. He grinned even wider. "I love dragons!"Wait, no. Jake. Play it coooool, you are a suave and sophisticated adult. Control yourself. "I... I mean..." *ahem* "Dragons? As in the Gringotts dragons?" As they were the only ones he knew of where you had to go DOWN somewhere to see them, mhm. Very close by, too.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Felixir
Jake grinned, and allowed himself to laugh. Initial awkwardness starting to pass and all that. It was always good when that happened.
"Yeah," he said. "That's-" Wait a second.
"Dragons?" For a moment, Jake's eyes had widened, though not in fear or anything. It was just... the guy... the guy had mentioned one of his favourite things in the entire world. For someone who had a lowkey (okay... highkey) obsession with the creatures, it was like MUSIC to his ears. He grinned even wider. "I love dragons!"Wait, no. Jake. Play it coooool, you are a suave and sophisticated adult. Control yourself. "I... I mean..." *ahem* "Dragons? As in the Gringotts dragons?" As they were the only ones he knew of where you had to go DOWN somewhere to see them, mhm. Very close by, too.
Colin sported an amused grin. He was used to this reaction. He loved this reaction. It was pretty much the best thing about knowing dragons. Working with dragons? Whatever. Being in proximity to the giant things.
"Yeah. Those dragons." he said with a smirk and a nod. Those were the only dragons around here. And it was no secret that Gringotts had them.
"So. You love dragons?" Yup. Colin caught onto that slip of maturity. And, in typical Colin fashion, he was going to point it out AND poke fun at the guy for it.
Because. Colin was mature too. Totally.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Colin sported an amused grin. He was used to this reaction. He loved this reaction. It was pretty much the best thing about knowing dragons. Working with dragons? Whatever. Being in proximity to the giant things.
"Yeah. Those dragons." he said with a smirk and a nod. Those were the only dragons around here. And it was no secret that Gringotts had them.
"So. You love dragons?" Yup. Colin caught onto that slip of maturity. And, in typical Colin fashion, he was going to point it out AND poke fun at the guy for it.
Because. Colin was mature too. Totally.
Cooool. Jake had never seen those dragons before, never been down there or anything, and he'd always felt like he was missing OUT. It wasn't fair, really, except deep down he knew it was. Kinda.
"Nice," he replied, attempting to look casual and play it cool, and probably failing miserably. "I..." He faltered, unsure if he was being mocked or something here. It was never very easy to tell, but at least these days he didn't take things so personally. That kind of stuff wasn't viewed too favourably in his last job. SO... he mentally shrugged it off and carried on. "Yeah, I do. Actually worked with them for a while, y'know? Romania." Jake was... yeah, he was boasting. It was just a natural thing, and he only realised immediately after saying it that it was pretty impossible to employ bragging rights at someone who... could basically do the same thing right back. Uhhh. Aha. Awk. "That... that was a long time ago, though." Ahem. He let his eyes sort of... stray off to the nearby shelf laden with wand holsters, before... "Dragons, man."
Way to go, Jake.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Felixir
Cooool. Jake had never seen those dragons before, never been down there or anything, and he'd always felt like he was missing OUT. It wasn't fair, really, except deep down he knew it was. Kinda.
"Nice," he replied, attempting to look casual and play it cool, and probably failing miserably. "I..." He faltered, unsure if he was being mocked or something here. It was never very easy to tell, but at least these days he didn't take things so personally. That kind of stuff wasn't viewed too favourably in his last job. SO... he mentally shrugged it off and carried on. "Yeah, I do. Actually worked with them for a while, y'know? Romania." Jake was... yeah, he was boasting. It was just a natural thing, and he only realised immediately after saying it that it was pretty impossible to employ bragging rights at someone who... could basically do the same thing right back. Uhhh. Aha. Awk. "That... that was a long time ago, though." Ahem. He let his eyes sort of... stray off to the nearby shelf laden with wand holsters, before... "Dragons, man."
Way to go, Jake.
Colin raised an eyebrow. "Romania, huh?" He considered this for a second. "Caretaker there?" For the dragons. Unless, of course, his work in Romania wasn't directly with the dragons. That was also an option.
"So what do you do now?" It obviously had nothing to do with dragons. And he was curious. Depending on the job, maybe Colin would find an excuse to show this guy the dragons. Could be fun.
Especially if he kept getting overexcited and then embarrassed by it. It was kind of endearing.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Colin raised an eyebrow. "Romania, huh?" He considered this for a second. "Caretaker there?" For the dragons. Unless, of course, his work in Romania wasn't directly with the dragons. That was also an option.
"So what do you do now?" It obviously had nothing to do with dragons. And he was curious. Depending on the job, maybe Colin would find an excuse to show this guy the dragons. Could be fun.
Especially if he kept getting overexcited and then embarrassed by it. It was kind of endearing.
Jake nodded impressively. "Yep. Back in the day." Of course, he'd only just turned 30, so... back in the day was only really about ten years ago. "Interned there for a while, got some qualifications. Then went back to volunteer from time to time. Offered a proper job but..." He grinned and shrugged. It was difficult to not end up sounding like he was bragging, considering he knew this other guy did actual proper work with dragons and all, but luckily his enthusiasm about the topic helped to mask it. Though he still tried to... mask that, somehwat.
As for now... uh, well. Less exciting stuff, actually. "I... well, I was a Hit Wizard 'til recently, actually," starting with that might make the rest of it sound a little less, um... boring, to some people. "But I quit to go back to university. Trying to get my teaching licence. To homeschool, all that fun stuff." It was a weird journey and a long story as to how he'd made that decision but it suddenly occurred to Jake that this was more information than the guy wanted or needed to know anyway. He paused for a moment, clicked his tongue, and then... "I miss the dragons, though. Easiest thing since I left school by far. I love 'em."
Was that... obvious? It was probably obvious. But worth saying again. Ahem.
He was talking a lot. Okay. Chill, Jake. Chill. Be chill. Do you have sunglasses? No? Well... try to look chill without them.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Felixir
Jake nodded impressively. "Yep. Back in the day." Of course, he'd only just turned 30, so... back in the day was only really about ten years ago. "Interned there for a while, got some qualifications. Then went back to volunteer from time to time. Offered a proper job but..." He grinned and shrugged. It was difficult to not end up sounding like he was bragging, considering he knew this other guy did actual proper work with dragons and all, but luckily his enthusiasm about the topic helped to mask it. Though he still tried to... mask that, somehwat.
As for now... uh, well. Less exciting stuff, actually. "I... well, I was a Hit Wizard 'til recently, actually," starting with that might make the rest of it sound a little less, um... boring, to some people. "But I quit to go back to university. Trying to get my teaching licence. To homeschool, all that fun stuff." It was a weird journey and a long story as to how he'd made that decision but it suddenly occurred to Jake that this was more information than the guy wanted or needed to know anyway. He paused for a moment, clicked his tongue, and then... "I miss the dragons, though. Easiest thing since I left school by far. I love 'em."
Was that... obvious? It was probably obvious. But worth saying again. Ahem.
He was talking a lot. Okay. Chill, Jake. Chill. Be chill. Do you have sunglasses? No? Well... try to look chill without them.
Colin nodded thoughtfully. "So you're pretty good with them, then?" he asked. He assumed so if the guy was offered a proper job.
It was interesting that he quit doing something he was so enthusiastic about though. There had to be more to it. Was it rude to pry? Probably. Was he going to do it anyway? Probably.
Hit wizard to teacher? That was an interesting jump. "So dragons to being a hit wizard to... the quiet homeschool life?" Yeah, apparently he was just going to jump right out and ask about it. "Seems like a pretty... big life change.
Casual comment. Not too prying. That was socially fine.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You