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Tommehbell 11-30-2010 12:42 PM

Teller Window 3: Deposits and Withdrawls
Need access to your vault for a deposit or withdraw? Then queue up and the goblin with be right with you. Please have your wand and key ready for inspection.

PattyH. 12-06-2010 11:32 AM

Pandora decided that going all the way down to vault 711 was a tad of a waste of time, so changing cues she walked her way over to one of the tellers.

With her wand already in her hand, all she needed was her key, she plunging her hand in once again she withdrew the moon key that symbolised access to the Hudson vault. She had her wand in one hand, her key in the other and her bag hanging from the crook of her elbow, all she needed now was a goblin.....

Mell 12-06-2010 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by PattyH. (Post 9996554)
Pandora decided that going all the way down to vault 711 was a tad of a waste of time, so changing cues she walked her way over to one of the tellers.

With her wand already in her hand, all she needed was her key, she plunging her hand in once again she withdrew the moon key that symbolised access to the Hudson vault. She had her wand in one hand, her key in the other and her bag hanging from the crook of her elbow, all she needed now was a goblin.....

It was a rather quiet day at the bank today. It almost put Tarog in a good mood.


He watched the woman enter the bank and he could see that she was prepared. Both her wand and key already in hand. Which was good because then he didn't have to wait around all day while she dug around in her bag looking for it. He hated when the witches did that.

Giving a little sigh, he extended his long, thin finger and made a 'come here' motion towards the woman. Hopefully this will go quickly.

But he doubted it.

PattyH. 12-07-2010 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 9998534)
It was a rather quiet day at the bank today. It almost put Tarog in a good mood.


He watched the woman enter the bank and he could see that she was prepared. Both her wand and key already in hand. Which was good because then he didn't have to wait around all day while she dug around in her bag looking for it. He hated when the witches did that.

Giving a little sigh, he extended his long, thin finger and made a 'come here' motion towards the woman. Hopefully this will go quickly.

But he doubted it.

The way the Goblin had gestured, had not at all gone down well with Pandora, she was not one to waved at like an animal, she was French, and like most people preferred words.

However, Gringotts was their domain, she played along. Arriving at the teller window, Pandora placed the key on the bench, "I wish to withdraw some money from vault 712, The Hudson Family." She knew her wand would be necessary but for now, the key would suffice.

Mell 12-07-2010 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by PattyH. (Post 9998591)

The way the Goblin had gestured, had not at all gone down well with Pandora, she was not one to waved at like an animal, she was French, and like most people preferred words.

However, Gringotts was their domain, she played along. Arriving at the teller window, Pandora placed the key on the bench, "I wish to withdraw some money from vault 711, The Hudson Family." She knew her wand would be necessary but for now, the key would suffice.

The look on the woman's face almost brought a smile to Tarog's face. He did so enjoy annoying the humans. Especially when they were in his domain. He held their money so they had to be nice to him which is exactly how it should be.

His lip curling back ever so slightly as he placed his long fingers over her key and drew it towards him, Tarog eyed the woman. "And you should know the drill by now Mrs Hudson." He held out his other hand. "I need to see your wand." Did she really think he was going to fall for that?

PattyH. 12-07-2010 03:17 AM

A ripple of disgust flowed over Pandora's body, parting for her wand, was like cutting off her hand, a hand that could do serious magic.

"How silly of me," Pandora muttered as she placed her wand onto the bench, ensuring that the goblin had to work for the wand, she was not giving it to him. One would have thought that due to the Hudson family's constant dealing with Goblin, due to Pollux line of work, would have lessened Pandora's dislike of them, but alas no.

"I would like to withdrew, 40 Galleons, 30 Sickles and 10 Knuts" she stated, before adding "Please" albeit in a hushed undertone.

Mell 12-07-2010 03:30 AM

How silly indeed!

Tarog reached forward and snatched up her wand with an odd gleam in his beady little eyes. Ah what he would give to have one of his very own. He turned to the filing cabinet and pulled out the woman's file and compared her wand to the description that was written down.

Closing the drawer with a thud he turned back on his stool and faced Mrs Hudson again. "All seems to be in order." He said sliding the wand back over to her, his long fingers lingering on the wand a little longer then necessary.

He gave a little sneer at her. "Follow me to the carts...please." She didn't think that he was going to get her money for her, did she?

ooc: Please post in here.

Luna_Midnight 12-08-2010 04:07 AM

Her mum had told her she had to talk, her father went with her sister and of course she got stuck with her mum! She walked up to the tellar window since no one was there... she didnt know if she had to be told to come up or not. She then took a deep breath...and spoke to the goblin. Umm Hello Sir/Mam, My mum and I would like to go to our vault and withdraw some things. Our vault is 405. She turned to her mum cause she knew he would ask for the wand and key. Her mum walked over next to her and handed me the key she kept the wand...

Ooc:I have fixed the vault number
Ooc2:Fixed it to the right one :D

BanaBatGirl 12-08-2010 05:00 AM

What does a Bunz do when a Bunz needs to go shopping?

Why she makes a stop at Gringott's Wizarding Bank, of course. Stepping inside the entrance hall of the famous goblin haven, Anastasia Bunbury slowly removed her sunglasses from her face and folded them into her purse. She looked around for only a moment before recalling which teller to go to and quickly moved in that direction.

Annie had her wand ready, now she just had to decide which vault to withdraw from today.

top94a 12-08-2010 02:40 PM

Raven is ready to save some magical world money, he purposely ready his wand, and when his turn happen.

"Good Morning Mr...?, I'm here to deposit some Galleons, will you help me, please, and my vault is 015"

Raven purposely show his key

ThePastelBookworm 12-10-2010 03:44 AM

jamie holding here key with her wand, Valut 494 i would like to withdraw 2,000 gallons she smiled knowing she had to pay for a trip for the family.

Mell 12-10-2010 05:17 AM


Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight (Post 10002058)
Her mum had told her she had to talk, her father went with her sister and of course she got stuck with her mum! She walked up to the tellar window since no one was there... she didnt know if she had to be told to come up or not. She then took a deep breath...and spoke to the goblin. Umm Hello Sir/Mam, My mum and I would like to go to our vault and withdraw some things. Our vault is 405. She turned to her mum cause she knew he would ask for the wand and key. Her mum walked over next to her and handed me the key she kept the wand...

Ooc:I have fixed the vault number
Ooc2:Fixed it to the right one :D

Tarog lent forward on his stool, his long fingers tapping on the counter. The humans were so protective of their wands. What did they think, that he was going to run off with it? “And what is the name on the vault?” He glanced between mother and daughter for a moment. “And I will need to see your wand.”


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 10002186)
What does a Bunz do when a Bunz needs to go shopping?

Why she makes a stop at Gringott's Wizarding Bank, of course. Stepping inside the entrance hall of the famous goblin haven, Anastasia Bunbury slowly removed her sunglasses from her face and folded them into her purse. She looked around for only a moment before recalling which teller to go to and quickly moved in that direction.

Annie had her wand ready, now she just had to decide which vault to withdraw from today.

For some unknown reason, someone high up in the bank did not like him. That’s why he was being sent all the socialite wannabe’s. Just to make his day that little more torturous. His beady eyes watched as the red head approached his teller and it took all his effort to smile.

“How may I help you today?”


Originally Posted by top94a (Post 10002796)
Raven is ready to save some magical world money, he purposely ready his wand, and when his turn happen.

"Good Morning Mr...?, I'm here to deposit some Galleons, will you help me, please, and my vault is 015"

Raven purposely show his key

It was good to see that the humans were coming prepared but they all seemed to be forgetting one little thing. “And may I have your name?” Tarog asked with a small smirk.


Originally Posted by gothicravenclaw (Post 10007747)
jamie holding here key with her wand, Valut 494 i would like to withdraw 2,000 gallons she smiled knowing she had to pay for a trip for the family.

Reaching out with his long fingers, Tarog took hold of the girl's wand and key. "And what name is the vault under?"

top94a 12-10-2010 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl
It was good to see that the humans were coming prepared but they all seemed to be forgetting one little thing. “And may I have your name?” Tarog asked with a small smirk.

"ah, yes, yes, Revellius Perevell; vault 015" Raven snappy answer the Goblin

"I will add 85 galleon, 25 sickles, 15 knuts in my account"

*Raven stare at the Goblin bankers*

PattyH. 12-10-2010 02:51 PM

With her heels clacking as she crossed the hall, Pandora followed the Goblin back to the window they had began at, her purse definately heavier.

With a flourish of her hand, Pandora pulled the scarf from her head, and paused for a moment to check her hair in the relfection, before turning her attention to the Goblin, "Where would you like me to sign?" she asked, magicing a quill out of thin air.

ThePastelBookworm 12-10-2010 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 10008015)
Tarog lent forward on his stool, his long fingers tapping on the counter. The humans were so protective of their wands. What did they think, that he was going to run off with it? “And what is the name on the vault?” He glanced between mother and daughter for a moment. “And I will need to see your wand.”

For some unknown reason, someone high up in the bank did not like him. That’s why he was being sent all the socialite wannabe’s. Just to make his day that little more torturous. His beady eyes watched as the red head approached his teller and it took all his effort to smile.

“How may I help you today?”

It was good to see that the humans were coming prepared but they all seemed to be forgetting one little thing. “And may I have your name?” Tarog asked with a small smirk.

Reaching out with his long fingers, Tarog took hold of the girl's wand and key. "And what name is the vault under?"

Jamie Riddle she said with a smile.

Luna_Midnight 12-11-2010 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 10008015)
Tarog lent forward on his stool, his long fingers tapping on the counter. The humans were so protective of their wands. What did they think, that he was going to run off with it? “And what is the name on the vault?” He glanced between mother and daughter for a moment. “And I will need to see your wand.”

Nerida noticed how her mum imediatly closed her mouth...hehe afraid of goblins are we?...instead of asking she kept it to herself...and said Its m mums, Nyx Celebrian Eventide She looked at her mum who was still frozen stiff and tired to get the wand from her mums grasp, she finally got it out and when she did her mums hands were still in the shape like they were holding the wand still she turned back to the goblin and said Here you go sirHanding him the wand, and smiling.

BanaBatGirl 12-11-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 10008015)
For some unknown reason, someone high up in the bank did not like him. That’s why he was being sent all the socialite wannabe’s. Just to make his day that little more torturous. His beady eyes watched as the red head approached his teller and it took all his effort to smile.

“How may I help you today?”

The Bunzinator was not a socialite wannabe. She already was a socialite, one that just... did not like socializing with most of society. Plants > People. Always.

"Good day," she greeted the goblin, stepping up to the counter and flicking her icy eyes toward him ever so briefly. She pursed her lips for a second, wondering what had happened to Gremlok and who his replacement was. He had always been the most polite little creature, so very helpful and eager to take her to whichever vault she felt like using....

Alas, to business. "I would like to make a withdrawal from Vault 1010, belonging to the Bunbury family." Annie set her bag on the counter and pulled out her wand, not about to hand it over until he asked for it.

Mell 12-12-2010 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by PattyH. (Post 10008562)
With her heels clacking as she crossed the hall, Pandora followed the Goblin back to the window they had began at, her purse definately heavier.

With a flourish of her hand, Pandora pulled the scarf from her head, and paused for a moment to check her hair in the relfection, before turning her attention to the Goblin, "Where would you like me to sign?" she asked, magicing a quill out of thin air.

Slipping back onto his stool, Tarog pulled out a huge ledger and found the page for vault 711. He wrote in the date and then turned the ledger around and pushed it towards the woman. "Right beside the date...please."


Originally Posted by top94a (Post 10008366)
"ah, yes, yes, Revellius Perevell; vault 015" Raven snappy answer the Goblin

"I will add 85 galleon, 25 sickles, 15 knuts in my account"

*Raven stare at the Goblin bankers*

Tarog stared at the young lad for a moment and then mumbling under his breath, he pulled out the file and made sure everything was in order before handing back his wand and key. "Just make your way to the carts and one of the goblins will take you down to your vault.

ooc: Please post here.


Originally Posted by gothicravenclaw (Post 10008572)
Jamie Riddle she said with a smile.

Pulling out the girls file, Tarog checked it over as well as her wand and key when he was satisfied all was in order, he slipped her key and wand back across the counter. "Everything checks out. head over to the carts and a goblin will be with you shortly.

ooc: Please post here.


Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight (Post 10011055)
Nerida noticed how her mum imediatly closed her mouth...hehe afraid of goblins are we?...instead of asking she kept it to herself...and said Its m mums, Nyx Celebrian Eventide She looked at her mum who was still frozen stiff and tired to get the wand from her mums grasp, she finally got it out and when she did her mums hands were still in the shape like they were holding the wand still she turned back to the goblin and said Here you go sirHanding him the wand, and smiling.

Tarog was almost tempted to roll his eyes at the mother's reaction. You would think that she would be used to goblins by now. He took the wand and the key and compared them with what was on the file before handing them back. "Make your way over to the carts. Someone will be with you in a moment to take you to your vault."

ooc: Please post here.


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 10011969)
The Bunzinator was not a socialite wannabe. She already was a socialite, one that just... did not like socializing with most of society. Plants > People. Always.

"Good day," she greeted the goblin, stepping up to the counter and flicking her icy eyes toward him ever so briefly. She pursed her lips for a second, wondering what had happened to Gremlok and who his replacement was. He had always been the most polite little creature, so very helpful and eager to take her to whichever vault she felt like using....

Alas, to business. "I would like to make a withdrawal from Vault 1010, belonging to the Bunbury family." Annie set her bag on the counter and pulled out her wand, not about to hand it over until he asked for it.

Tarog merely inclined his head at the woman. He was not about to get into any small talk. The line at his counter was growing longer by the minute.

He sighed with slight exasperation when she pulled out her wand but didn't hand it over. It seemed the humans all knew the rules of getting into their vaults but yet they just couldn't seem to abide by them. "May I please have your wand and your key for verification."

Really! Was that so hard?

BanaBatGirl 12-12-2010 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 10012838)
Tarog merely inclined his head at the woman. He was not about to get into any small talk. The line at his counter was growing longer by the minute.

He sighed with slight exasperation when she pulled out her wand but didn't hand it over. It seemed the humans all knew the rules of getting into their vaults but yet they just couldn't seem to abide by them. "May I please have your wand and your key for verification."

Really! Was that so hard?

"You may," Anastasia slowly pried her fingers off her wand, one at a time, and gently nudged it across the counter toward the goblin. She was still rather hesitant to let it out of her sight, particularly after that one term where wands had disappeared left and right...

She waited for the goblin who was CLEARLY not Gremlok to clear her, merely blinking at his request for her key. "Vault 1010 does not have a key," she informed with a superior sniff. "It is goblin access only, I believe?"

Her tone implied that she knew she was not mistaken. What game was this goblin playing? Was he even a certified, authorized personnel that could take her to her family's vault that had been buried deep beneath Diagon Alley for ages?!

ThePastelBookworm 12-12-2010 06:14 PM

Thank joey said with a smile.thanks you sir she said kindly.

PattyH. 12-13-2010 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 10012838)
Slipping back onto his stool, Tarog pulled out a huge ledger and found the page for vault 712. He wrote in the date and then turned the ledger around and pushed it towards the woman. "Right beside the date...please."

Taking the ledger from the goblin, Pandora quickly scanned to see everyhting was in order, that the details were correct and that the vault had the proper security. Happy with what she saw, Mrs Hudson placed her quill to the page and signed and dated her name.

"Thank you, for all your help." Though she didn't quite see eye to eye, well more like eye to knee with the goblins, didn't mean she didn't appreciate the tasks they performed. "Good Day." Turning Pandora, headed towards the doors and the street outside, the sun was now much higher than it was when she arrived.

Ruddy Vaults.

Mell 12-13-2010 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl (Post 10014774)
"You may," Anastasia slowly pried her fingers off her wand, one at a time, and gently nudged it across the counter toward the goblin. She was still rather hesitant to let it out of her sight, particularly after that one term where wands had disappeared left and right...

She waited for the goblin who was CLEARLY not Gremlok to clear her, merely blinking at his request for her key. "Vault 1010 does not have a key," she informed with a superior sniff. "It is goblin access only, I believe?"

Her tone implied that she knew she was not mistaken. What game was this goblin playing? Was he even a certified, authorized personnel that could take her to her family's vault that had been buried deep beneath Diagon Alley for ages?!

His long fingers curled around the woman's wand and pulled it towards himself. Tarog took out the woman's file and compared the description of her wand to the one in his hand.

Making sure to scrutinize every inch of it, Tarog looked up at the woman when he had finished, her words finally registering. Perhaps he should take the time to listen a little more carefully. "Ah yes." He said pushing her wand back towards her. "You are correct. Well everything is in order, you may head over to the carts and a goblin will escort you to your vault."

ooc: You know where to post lol.


Originally Posted by PattyH. (Post 10016395)

Taking the ledger from the goblin, Pandora quickly scanned to see everyhting was in order, that the details were correct and that the vault had the proper security. Happy with what she saw, Mrs Hudson placed her quill to the page and signed and dated her name.

"Thank you, for all your help." Though she didn't quite see eye to eye, well more like eye to knee with the goblins, didn't mean she didn't appreciate the tasks they performed. "Good Day." Turning Pandora, headed towards the doors and the street outside, the sun was now much higher than it was when she arrived.

Ruddy Vaults.

"It was my pleasure." Tarog replied even though his tone implied that it wasn't. Stupid humans. "Yes. Yes, good day to you to." He called after her.

Beth 12-13-2010 06:48 PM

Elnesiel walked up to Teller Window 3. "I need to withdraw 40 galleons, twenty sickles, and 30 knuts," she said. "My vault number is 483." She was already holding the key in her hand.

Mell 12-13-2010 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Beth (Post 10017651)
Elnesiel walked up to Teller Window 3. "I need to withdraw 40 galleons, twenty sickles, and 30 knuts," she said. "My vault number is 483." She was already holding the key in her hand.

Tarog glanced at the girl in front of him and gave a slight sneer. "What is the name of the vault? And I will also need to see your wand for verification." He said holding his hand out towards her.

Beth 12-13-2010 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by aussiegirl (Post 10018294)
Tarog glanced at the girl in front of him and gave a slight sneer. "What is the name of the vault? And I will also need to see your wand for verification." He said holding his hand out towards her.

Elnesiel stared at him for a minute, confused. The name of the vault? Then she realized that he probably meant the name on the vault. "Anjelean Ursella is the name on the vault," Elnesiel said, holding out the wand.

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