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Hermione_loves_Ron 06-11-2010 06:30 AM

Store Room

The Store Room doubles as both a place for extra stock and a place for employees to unwind after a stressful shift. Every corner of the room is filled to the brim with inventory and supplies for the Leaky Cauldron. However, the cluttered center is now filled with paintings, artistic endeavors, and a spare latter.

A spiral staircase in the middle of the room has been put in to lead to the upstairs of the Leaky Cauldron. This easy access allows Harley to reach their guests in the case of a last minute issue.

Because of the private nature of this room, only Lucy is granted access to this room. All others who try to enter, unless being personally invited by Lucy, are expelled from the area from the statue of the kitten outside the door. Any who try to pass without being admitted fall victim to the iron kitty and his wrath.

OOC: This is NOT an open thread and you must have permission from Lucy to post your character. Posting without permission will result in your posts being deleted.

Anna Banana 03-08-2011 01:08 AM

The Leaky Cauldron is currently closed in honor of Lord Berty Borr's party!

sweetpinkpixie 03-31-2011 10:17 PM

Ryoma made his way back from the party still feeling a bit dazed and confused about the entire thing. Seeing the sign that his boss had put up, Ryoma took is down.

The Leaky Cauldron is OPEN

spiral_star 04-10-2011 11:48 AM

Virgo went with Ryoma to the store room. Why should it be in there? isn't that like a small place with all the supplies inside? Well, Virgo was wrong. It was actually quite cozy inside. Yeah there were a lot of things going on but it's comfy.

Virgo stood still for a moment and still on her hand is the CD. "I met your father. And she thinks you're marrying me."

Yeah, that's probably the scariest thing Virgo can imagine her entire life---- marriage!

sweetpinkpixie 04-10-2011 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by spiral_star (Post 10263192)
Virgo went with Ryoma to the store room. Why should it be in there? isn't that like a small place with all the supplies inside? Well, Virgo was wrong. It was actually quite cozy inside. Yeah there were a lot of things going on but it's comfy.

Virgo stood still for a moment and still on her hand is the CD. "I met your father. And she thinks you're marrying me."

Yeah, that's probably the scariest thing Virgo can imagine her entire life---- marriage!

Ryoma closed the door to the store room and flopped down on one of the sofas and conjured a glass of tea to sip on while they discussed whatever it was Virgo wanted to discuss.

The moment he took a sip of his beverage and immediately spit it out.

"You...WHAT?!" Ryoma's eyes were bugging out of his head. So it was true. His old man was wandering the streets of Diagon Alley. He would probably be arriving at the Leaky Cauldron soon enough. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING ME!"

He was fuming like a dragon on Sunday.

"That man has eaten one too many chocolate frogs," he said pounding his fist into the arm of the sofa. "I swear, I didn't tell him that. I haven't owled that man in over 5 years."

That man really was trying to ruin his life.

spiral_star 04-10-2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10263227)

Ryoma closed the door to the store room and flopped down on one of the sofas and conjured a glass of tea to sip on while they discussed whatever it was Virgo wanted to discuss.

The moment he took a sip of his beverage and immediately spit it out.

"You...WHAT?!" Ryoma's eyes were bugging out of his head. So it was true. His old man was wandering the streets of Diagon Alley. He would probably be arriving at the Leaky Cauldron soon enough. "YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING ME!"

He was fuming like a dragon on Sunday.

"That man has eaten one too many chocolate frogs," he said pounding his fist into the arm of the sofa. "I swear, I didn't tell him that. I haven't owled that man in over 5 years."

That man really was trying to ruin his life.

Virgo stood in front to where Ryoma was sitting. She was going back and fort around the room. "Oh.. Oh.. Ryoma, that's not the funniest part." Virgo said while raising the CD for Ryoma to see. "He gave me this." Virgo referred to the CD. "He calls it our wedding gift."

Virgo got tired of walking she sat next to Ryoma. She looked at Ryoma for awhile "Ryoma you should talk to your dad. He actually looked happy when he thought i was your 'bride-to-be'" Virgo cringed. Was that even the appropriate term?

sweetpinkpixie 04-10-2011 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by spiral_star (Post 10263234)
Virgo stood in front to where Ryoma was sitting. She was going back and fort around the room. "Oh.. Oh.. Ryoma, that's not the funniest part." Virgo said while raising the CD for Ryoma to see. "He gave me this." Virgo referred to the CD. "He calls it our wedding gift."

Virgo got tired of walking she sat next to Ryoma. She looked at Ryoma for awhile "Ryoma you should talk to your dad. He actually looked happy when he thought i was your 'bride-to-be'" Virgo cringed. Was that even the appropriate term?

Ryoma rolled his eyes again when Virgo handed him the CD. He didn't even need to look at it. He knew what it was. "I can't believe he still hands these things out," he flicking his gaze towards the rubbish bin where he so wanted to toss it. "Supposed he referred to this CD as being part of the golden days." Ruddy rock star.

Ryoma narrowed his eyes and shorted through his nose. "I...WILL...NOT...TALK...TO...THAT...MAN," he said enunciating each word. Virgo had no idea what that man had done. It was all his fault and Ryoma would never forgive him. "He would. He was me to get married all because he failed his. I will not be his tool."

He didn't mean to shout at her. Virgo had done nothing wrong, but the very notion of communicating with THAT man made his blood boil.

spiral_star 04-10-2011 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10263265)

Ryoma rolled his eyes again when Virgo handed him the CD. He didn't even need to look at it. He knew what it was. "I can't believe he still hands these things out," he flicking his gaze towards the rubbish bin where he so wanted to toss it. "Supposed he referred to this CD as being part of the golden days." Ruddy rock star.

Ryoma narrowed his eyes and shorted through his nose. "I...WILL...NOT...TALK...TO...THAT...MAN," he said enunciating each word. Virgo had no idea what that man had done. It was all his fault and Ryoma would never forgive him. "He would. He was me to get married all because he failed his. I will not be his tool."

He didn't mean to shout at her. Virgo had done nothing wrong, but the very notion of communicating with THAT man made his blood boil.

Ryoma took the CD from her and she swore he's been eyeing the rubbish bin next to the door. Ryoma started talking about his dad for a moment. It was very much obvious that Ryoma is mad at his father. He was raising his voice a lot. He emphasizes each word that comes out of his mouth. He was not the same Ryoma that flirts around with girls and giving out winks to every customer at the bar. No, this Ryoma that Virgo saw was different.

Virgo didn't know how to actually react to these kind of situation. She was an only child and she was introvert back in high school. At first she tapped Ryoma's back lightly and smiled at him. "There, there" that was all she can say.

Ryoma still looked upset about the conversation and Virgo wanted to comfort him. So Virgo hugged him lightly. Was that was she suppose to do? Was that going to make Ryoma feel better? "Don't be mad." Virgo added.

sweetpinkpixie 04-10-2011 01:01 PM

and bed for me!

Originally Posted by spiral_star (Post 10263272)
Ryoma took the CD from her and she swore he's been eyeing the rubbish bin next to the door. Ryoma started talking about his dad for a moment. It was very much obvious that Ryoma is mad at his father. He was raising his voice a lot. He emphasizes each word that comes out of his mouth. He was not the same Ryoma that flirts around with girls and giving out winks to every customer at the bar. No, this Ryoma that Virgo saw was different.

Virgo didn't know how to actually react to these kind of situation. She was an only child and she was introvert back in high school. At first she tapped Ryoma's back lightly and smiled at him. "There, there" that was all she can say.

Ryoma still looked upset about the conversation and Virgo wanted to comfort him. So Virgo hugged him lightly. Was that was she suppose to do? Was that going to make Ryoma feel better? "Don't be mad." Virgo added.

Ryoma forcefully handed her back the CD. "Here, he gave it to you," he spat standing up and heading over to the door. Swinging it open, he looked over his shoulder at her. "We are done here," he said still with a hint of rage in his voice.

He would make it up to her later by leaving her fresh flowers on her pillow and an apology note. Right now, he didn't want to talk to anyone.

spiral_star 04-10-2011 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10263279)

Ryoma forcefully handed her back the CD. "Here, he gave it to you," he spat standing up and heading over to the door. Swinging it open, he looked over his shoulder at her. "We are done here," he said still with a hint of rage in his voice.

He would make it up to her later by leaving her fresh flowers on her pillow and an apology note. Right now, he didn't want to talk to anyone.

Virgo took the CD back. Guess he didn't want it. Before she could say anything, Ryoma was already at the door and ready to go out. Virgo could still see he is mad about it. Was it wrong for Virgo to tell him about his father? Virgo still had a confused looked on her face. Poor Ryoma, if only she knew how Ryoma really felt deep inside about his father then maybe she could've just leave it. Too late now.

As Ryoma left, Virgo still stayed for awhile. She sat still, still thinking about what just happened. Minutes later she shook her head and stood up, her face emotionless. She walked out of the tiny store room and went upstairs to her room and cool for awhile.

PandaGirl 06-04-2011 06:02 AM

That happened fast. In fact, Camellia, instead of feeling relieved, was a little dumbfounded hearing Ryoma agree to talk with her. she was half-expecting a flat no in her face and that was it, but here she was, in the store room, about to talk with him.

Didn't she want this? Why is she wanting to back out now? Because she was scared, that's why and she was trembling as she went in the storeroom and stood, waiting for say anything. Anything he wanted to tell her....wait a second...isn't she the one supposed to say something?

"R-Ryoma...I'm...I....I thought...I'd..." try to find the words Camellia, calm down for Merlin's sake. "I" she closed her eyes tight, so as to stop any urge for tears to appear. "I-I'm s-sorry....y-you trusted me...a-and i betrayed y-you......" her voice quivered as she said those words. Betrayed. Right.

she quieted down holding her breath for a few seconds and waited for Ryoma to speak.

sweetpinkpixie 06-04-2011 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by PandaGirl (Post 10380675)
That happened fast. In fact, Camellia, instead of feeling relieved, was a little dumbfounded hearing Ryoma agree to talk with her. she was half-expecting a flat no in her face and that was it, but here she was, in the store room, about to talk with him.

Didn't she want this? Why is she wanting to back out now? Because she was scared, that's why and she was trembling as she went in the storeroom and stood, waiting for say anything. Anything he wanted to tell her....wait a second...isn't she the one supposed to say something?

"R-Ryoma...I'm...I....I thought...I'd..." try to find the words Camellia, calm down for Merlin's sake. "I" she closed her eyes tight, so as to stop any urge for tears to appear. "I-I'm s-sorry....y-you trusted me...a-and i betrayed y-you......" her voice quivered as she said those words. Betrayed. Right.

she quieted down holding her breath for a few seconds and waited for Ryoma to speak.

Ryoma shut the door behind him and cast a silent Muffliato on the area. There was no telling what was going to be said, but he had a reputation to keep up if nothing else.

Leaning against a barrel, he studied her as she spoke and a boyish grin appeared on his lips. Was she trembling? It was rather adorable and he suddenly had the urge to wrap her up in his arms and whisk her away on some romantic date. But, something inside him made him stop his usual antics and remain with his feet planted firmly where he was.

"Kitten," he cooed softly. "How can you betray something that wasn't yours to begin with?"

Yeah...he knew it was harsh...but he had to be in this situation.

PandaGirl 06-04-2011 07:42 AM

*hangs self* i feel embarrassed..i really don't know how to answer. xD :">

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10380714)

Ryoma shut the door behind him and cast a silent Muffliato on the area. There was no telling what was going to be said, but he had a reputation to keep up if nothing else.

Leaning against a barrel, he studied her as she spoke and a boyish grin appeared on his lips. Was she trembling? It was rather adorable and he suddenly had the urge to wrap her up in his arms and whisk her away on some romantic date. But, something inside him made him stop his usual antics and remain with his feet planted firmly where he was.

"Kitten," he cooed softly. "How can you betray something that wasn't yours to begin with?"

Yeah...he knew it was harsh...but he had to be in this situation.

She looked down at her feet again, placing her hands behind her back, and hiding away the redness of her face from trying so hard to not cry.

he had a point. Ryoma wasn't hers. "I..." she opened her mouth again, to speak, but she had a feeling she would be saying something really stupid or what, but right now, she didn't care. She wanted to tell him the truth...of why she kissed Ryu...and how she felt when she saw him drop that bouquet on the table; that she ran after him-okay, leave that part out, she didn't want to let Ryoma know she twisted her ankle on that part.

"I want to....l-let you know..." stop, stop, stop. Do not not! "t-that...I...r-really didn't...m-mean to k-kiss R-Ryu..h-honest..." she silently took a deep breath, trying so hard to calm herself down. What was he going to say next? that he didn't care?

thoughts ran in her mind. Maybe she did deserve that. She was in the wrong.

sweetpinkpixie 06-04-2011 08:31 AM

Ug...there they were again. The sort of tears that he wasn't good in dealing with. Sure, he had made more than his fair share of women cry. Heck, some of them had even made him cry. While some of this was due to laughter - what? Some women made really ridiculous looking faces when they were angry! - there was one instance where he had actually cried the sort of tears that Camellia was trying to hold back now.

Those tears had come the day his mother had passed away.

"Funny, because it sure looked like you meant to," he scoffed as he adjusted his standing position. He raised an eyebrow for emphasis. "It's no injury to me you know. You are welcome to snog whoever you want. It's not like we were an actual couple or anything." He narrowed his eyes for a moment to focus on her and her body language, which suggested to him that she had INDEED thought that and he furrowed his brow for a moment before speaking again. "You can't catch smoke with your bare hands, Kitten."

PandaGirl 06-04-2011 09:05 AM

ella told me it's just like that song, Thinking of you by Katy Perry. :| WOW.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10380781)
Ug...there they were again. The sort of tears that he wasn't good in dealing with. Sure, he had made more than his fair share of women cry. Heck, some of them had even made him cry. While some of this was due to laughter - what? Some women made really ridiculous looking faces when they were angry! - there was one instance where he had actually cried the sort of tears that Camellia was trying to hold back now.

Those tears had come the day his mother had passed away.

"Funny, because it sure looked like you meant to," he scoffed as he adjusted his standing position. He raised an eyebrow for emphasis. "It's no injury to me you know. You are welcome to snog whoever you want. It's not like we were an actual couple or anything." He narrowed his eyes for a moment to focus on her and her body language, which suggested to him that she had INDEED thought that and he furrowed his brow for a moment before speaking again. "You can't catch smoke with your bare hands, Kitten."

Excuse me? meant to? She didn't! Camellia could only sigh...and she hurt even more when he said she was free to snog anyone-she didn't want to!

seems that Ryoma had no intention to do this, Camellia wrapped herself in her own arms, and looked somewhere else, to her left maybe. Be strong, she told herself in her mind.

"I don't want to." she firmly said, her hands gripping her own shoulders tightly. "p-please...i never really have d-done that...and to my own friend as well...and to you...but..." she supposed she should ask why he dropped that bouquet on the table...why he seemed less than pleased at what just happened, but something else came out of her mouth. "when that happened...i was...thinking of you...believe me or not, but I...I'm telling you the truth..." she sighed. It doesn't matter now, does it? "Personally...i don't think you wold believe me now...still...I would want to tell you that, and be relieved to have told you...that's what i came here for." She finished, trying to shake her thoughts of wanting to say something else.

that something else she wanted to say as well happened to be 'i still love you' but...Ryoma probably wouldn't take that after what he told her.

Snog anyone? Psh.

Taking one deep breath, Camellia faced him, but with her eyes closed. It looked silly. It was very silly, but she wanted to face him, yet not see him at the same time, so it was worth a shot, right? At least her eyes were closed, concealing and stopping her tears.

"i messed up..." she said her heart beat running. "...but please don't tell me this is a permanent good-bye."

sweetpinkpixie 06-06-2011 04:45 AM

Ryoma laughed silently when he saw her hug herself. She looked even more like a lost wandering kitten than she had when they had first met. He still found the innocent blush in her cheeks and the softness of her skin – both literally and figuratively – refreshing. He could tell that she wanted to cry right then and there on the spot.

So…why wasn’t she? Usually, women in this situation threw things, hexed him, called him a Son of a Banshee and stormed out. Yet…she wasn’t…Why?

His eyes narrowed for a moment when she spoke again, but his gave remained soft. Curious even.

I… believe you, Kitten,” he said smugly as he bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying something further. Some snide comment that would make him look like some sort of jerk – well, more so than he already was. Still, there was the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. The fact that Mizuki was pushing him to talk and forgive his Kitten. He didn’t like it…and, right now, he didn’t want to associate himself with THAT woman.

Still, seeing Camellia standing there looking as though she were on the brink of collapsing with the slightest breeze, he tried to ignore these other thoughts.

You don’t have to act so strong around me, you know,” he smirked closing the distance between the two of them and resting his knuckles of his right hand on her cheek. “They say that women are most beautiful when they feel they are at their weakest. The moment right before they are about to cry. There is a glimmer there. A burst of emotion that is capable of melting a man’s very soul.” That that he was that sort of man. Not at the moment yet. Alright, he DID feel a little tinge of something somewhere, but he wasn’t going to melt. “Not all tears are evil…Camellia.

He grinned at his own slip up of using her name. He really ought not to do that. It’s like when one finds a stray kitten that you have no intention of keeping. You don’t give it a proper name because when you do, you cannot part with them. It was why he often gave out nicknames to women. Those were not proper names. They were a way of distancing himself.

He had slipped up.

PandaGirl 06-06-2011 04:06 PM

LOL-ing like mad crazy in here, and i don't know why, i'm just so happy. xD

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10383747)
Ryoma laughed silently when he saw her hug herself. She looked even more like a lost wandering kitten than she had when they had first met. He still found the innocent blush in her cheeks and the softness of her skin – both literally and figuratively – refreshing. He could tell that she wanted to cry right then and there on the spot.

So…why wasn’t she? Usually, women in this situation threw things, hexed him, called him a Son of a Banshee and stormed out. Yet…she wasn’t…Why?

His eyes narrowed for a moment when she spoke again, but his gave remained soft. Curious even.

I… believe you, Kitten,” he said smugly as he bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying something further. Some snide comment that would make him look like some sort of jerk – well, more so than he already was. Still, there was the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. The fact that Mizuki was pushing him to talk and forgive his Kitten. He didn’t like it…and, right now, he didn’t want to associate himself with THAT woman.

Still, seeing Camellia standing there looking as though she were on the brink of collapsing with the slightest breeze, he tried to ignore these other thoughts.

You don’t have to act so strong around me, you know,” he smirked closing the distance between the two of them and resting his knuckles of his right hand on her cheek. “They say that women are most beautiful when they feel they are at their weakest. The moment right before they are about to cry. There is a glimmer there. A burst of emotion that is capable of melting a man’s very soul.” That that he was that sort of man. Not at the moment yet. Alright, he DID feel a little tinge of something somewhere, but he wasn’t going to melt. “Not all tears are evil…Camellia.

He grinned at his own slip up of using her name. He really ought not to do that. It’s like when one finds a stray kitten that you have no intention of keeping. You don’t give it a proper name because when you do, you cannot part with them. It was why he often gave out nicknames to women. Those were not proper names. They were a way of distancing himself.

He had slipped up.

He what? Camellia's eyes opened wide in surprise. He believed her? She was half-expecting he wouldn't...but then was the truth she just said; she should feel relieved he believed her, and she did.

You don’t have to act so strong around me, you know He noticed? She tried to relax, but she still wouldn't be calm with a heart beat like hers, driving her ears mad; as she watched Ryoma come closer towards her. Her blush turned redder when she touched her cheeks, making her want to look away from her eyes because she felt silly; but still, her eyes were glued to his.

He still captivates her with his charm. women are most beautiful when they feel they are at their weakest She felt her cheeks get hotter at the term 'beautiful' and 'weakest', definitely. A burst of emotion that is capable of melting a man’s very soul. It felt like she's the one melting, actually.

“Not all tears are evil…Camellia.”

Hearing that, Camellia's tears effortlessly flowed down from her eyes to her cheeks. He did say tears are not evil...but she can't define what these tears really are. Tears of relief, or of happiness perhaps, but they just flowed down, without her knowing any idea why.

and her lips quivered as she softly spoke in a whisper. "Do you forgive me, Ryoma?"

sweetpinkpixie 06-09-2011 01:58 AM

don't faint after reading this *pets you* you have been warned!
Ryoma brushed a few strands of her silky hair behind her ears and allowed his fingers to lay there for a few moments, softly caressing her earlobe. They were so small and delicate, just like she was. The smirk on his face softened still and he had to give himself a few mental slaps across the face to prevent himself for treading dangerous waters. He was still mentally beating himself up for calling her by her real name and not her nickname. He already had his toes dipped into those dangerous tides, he couldn’t allow himself to get swept away – that would be giving his old man and Mizuki the satisfaction of knowing they were right. Of course, his old man being right bothered him more than the latter, but that still didn’t numb the feeling.

His eyes widened a bit when she spoke again. Forgive? Ryoma was more than a bit taken aback. He had never been asked for forgiveness before. How did one even do that? “I can forgive, but I cannot forget,” he said calmly making sure his voice was steady. “But, I suppose that is only another way of saying, I will not forgive.” He chucked a bit as his hand moved from her ear and back to her cheek. “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future…” He allowed that thought to trail off for a moment before he closed whatever remaining gap there was between the two of them, pressing his lips softly to hers before turning the kiss a little more forceful.

MERLIN’S FUZZY SCARF! What was he doing? He gave himself another mental slap across the face. Wasn’t he supposed to be making her feel worse about what had happened and not better? Was he losing his touch or was he…nope…wasn’t even going to think about THAT notion.

Pulling away, but not removing his hand, Ryoma whispered – his lips still close enough to brush against hers as he spoke. “Was that what it was like? When you kissed him?

PandaGirl 06-09-2011 08:22 AM

OMG, did i type this stuff down? Did i type this down? D: Cams, you're so cheesy!! D:
SPOILER!!: Ryoma! <3 <3 <3 *fangirls*

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10389220)
Ryoma brushed a few strands of her silky hair behind her ears and allowed his fingers to lay there for a few moments, softly caressing her earlobe. They were so small and delicate, just like she was. The smirk on his face softened still and he had to give himself a few mental slaps across the face to prevent himself for treading dangerous waters. He was still mentally beating himself up for calling her by her real name and not her nickname. He already had his toes dipped into those dangerous tides, he couldn’t allow himself to get swept away – that would be giving his old man and Mizuki the satisfaction of knowing they were right. Of course, his old man being right bothered him more than the latter, but that still didn’t numb the feeling.

His eyes widened a bit when she spoke again. Forgive? Ryoma was more than a bit taken aback. He had never been asked for forgiveness before. How did one even do that? “I can forgive, but I cannot forget,” he said calmly making sure his voice was steady. “But, I suppose that is only another way of saying, I will not forgive.” He chucked a bit as his hand moved from her ear and back to her cheek. “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future…” He allowed that thought to trail off for a moment before he closed whatever remaining gap there was between the two of them, pressing his lips softly to hers before turning the kiss a little more forceful.

MERLIN’S FUZZY SCARF! What was he doing? He gave himself another mental slap across the face. Wasn’t he supposed to be making her feel worse about what had happened and not better? Was he losing his touch or was he…nope…wasn’t even going to think about THAT notion.

Pulling away, but not removing his hand, Ryoma whispered – his lips still close enough to brush against hers as he spoke. “Was that what it was like? When you kissed him?

His touch was warm...enough to really melt her on the spot; why does she feel so every time he comes near her? It was just.

forgive, forget...true, he cannot forget...and even more so...maybe not be able to forgive because one cannot forget. It all makes sense to her now, and she wanted to look away, but he was too close...she can't take her eyes off his chocolate ones and when he closed the gap, she instinctively closed her eyes, to feel better, what she had been longing, waiting for.

She was in a haze. Everything she had been worried of, her mother and her father's diaries, her father's condition, Mizuki as her half sister, the drama with Ryu and Ryoma...everything spun in her head, but was instantly forgotten. This is what she wants it to be like...and to be with Ryoma.

She loves him. (but Camellia knows she still needs to find out why she loves him. There is a reason to everything after all.)

When he pulled away, her eyes half-opened and she heard him ask. What was she supposed to answer? She was often told by friends to never kiss and tell, if in case, that comes up or happens to her...but she can't just stare at him; nor should she lie...and she doesn't have the heart to say 'no'. True, what she had with Ryu wasn't anything like Ryoma's-they're different, but it's really bad to compare such, and she made it clear to Ryoma before, she doesn't like to compare things like this. she'd just have to be honest with him, just as always, and now, it might contradict what she had told the man before.

"No..." she answered in a whisper as well, feeling her voice was getting weak to even speak out. "..i don't compare...but...I...y-yours is...yours is what matters most..." she found her hand had gripped his arm; she was nervous to say it, but she still went on. "'re important. To me." That's her way of saying that Ryoma, everything about Ryoma, is special to her; that when he holds her, she could just met, that when he kisses her, she could feel a spark, that when she hears his voice, so close to her ear, was like a gentle breeze, blowing past her.

If only time could stop and allow her to stay like this, she would be in an unimaginable bliss.

sweetpinkpixie 06-10-2011 12:27 PM

Ryoma's finger trailed across her lower lip and left it there for a moment as his eyes locked first on her lips before slowly moving up to looking into her amber eyes that were sparkling in the dim light with tears. Tears that were all for him. Tears that were not from anger...but from something that he hadn't expected to happen to him ever again. It was the sort of glimmer he had seen in his own mother's eyes the moment...the moment before she had left this world and gone to the next.

Ryoma felt like someone were tightening a thick leather belt around his heart as he continued to look into those amber pools. What was it his old man and mother had always said? Eyes are the window to the soul. "You look like you have a beautiful soul..." he suddenly without really thinking it through.

What was he doing? Had he been around Bubotuber pus or something? The smell of that always had made him a little loopy. Not allowing himself to think more, Ryoma brought his lips to hers again but this time there was a hunger...a yearning for something that not even he was aware of underneath the kiss.

Suddenly, he pulled back and rested both of his strong hands on her shoulders. "Cam--- Kitten," he said, catching himself before he repeated his mistake from earlier. "I-I think you should get going...before..." I say something stupid. "...Marshmallow gets too lonely and I have a line of customers outside the door."

PandaGirl 06-12-2011 09:39 AM

after the umpth time reading the amazing post, i gave back a lame one. xD SORRY!
SPOILER!!: <3 <3 <3 took me....umpth times reading before giving a reply. Still cannot get over it!

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10391745)
Ryoma's finger trailed across her lower lip and left it there for a moment as his eyes locked first on her lips before slowly moving up to looking into her amber eyes that were sparkling in the dim light with tears. Tears that were all for him. Tears that were not from anger...but from something that he hadn't expected to happen to him ever again. It was the sort of glimmer he had seen in his own mother's eyes the moment...the moment before she had left this world and gone to the next.

Ryoma felt like someone were tightening a thick leather belt around his heart as he continued to look into those amber pools. What was it his old man and mother had always said? Eyes are the window to the soul. "You look like you have a beautiful soul..." he suddenly without really thinking it through.

What was he doing? Had he been around Bubotuber pus or something? The smell of that always had made him a little loopy. Not allowing himself to think more, Ryoma brought his lips to hers again but this time there was a hunger...a yearning for something that not even he was aware of underneath the kiss.

Suddenly, he pulled back and rested both of his strong hands on her shoulders. "Cam--- Kitten," he said, catching himself before he repeated his mistake from earlier. "I-I think you should get going...before..." I say something stupid. "...Marshmallow gets too lonely and I have a line of customers outside the door."

She has ....a....beautiful soul?

Camellia watched and felt his every move as he trailed his fingers on her lower lip; and with their faces just CENTIMETERS apart, her amber teary eyes looking intently at him.

That was a complement. It was and a beautiful one at that...and it sounded strange yet wonderful to hear him tell her she has a beautiful soul. It was more than the complement of 'you're beautiful' in physical terms, she knows it. Soul was something deeper.

And before everything else, he had strongly pressed his lips against hers once more; but this felt different. This had something else, she can't put her finger on it. She knew it was more than just that.

But before she could even diverge into thinking what it is, he pulled away all of a sudden...and gave out an excuse, one she wanted to laugh at, but decided not to. Still, she did pout a bit when they stopped. "Do I have to?" she said out loud, but then blushed and covered her mouth. what was she thinking? Of course she has to go, Ryoma's busy at work, and yeah, she wouldn't want such a cute kitty like marshmallow get lonely. But...yeah...she didn't want to go.

She wanted time to freeze and stay...but it still goes on.

"I...I..." she looked at the ground, her face still red; Camellia was rather embarrassed at that. "I guess...i should...uhm...get going." her eyes looked up at him and she tried to smile, but she was biting her lip. She then walked to the door and opened it, but she looked back at him. "Ryoma..." she said, feeling her face was going back to its original color, and her heart very light from when she first came. "...thanks...and...see you around then?" Or soon?

that would be lovely.

sweetpinkpixie 06-13-2011 02:45 AM

wrapping up
SPOILER!!: <3<3<3<3 luffles you to pieces <3<3<3

Originally Posted by PandaGirl (Post 10395422)
She has ....a....beautiful soul?

Camellia watched and felt his every move as he trailed his fingers on her lower lip; and with their faces just CENTIMETERS apart, her amber teary eyes looking intently at him.

That was a complement. It was and a beautiful one at that...and it sounded strange yet wonderful to hear him tell her she has a beautiful soul. It was more than the complement of 'you're beautiful' in physical terms, she knows it. Soul was something deeper.

And before everything else, he had strongly pressed his lips against hers once more; but this felt different. This had something else, she can't put her finger on it. She knew it was more than just that.

But before she could even diverge into thinking what it is, he pulled away all of a sudden...and gave out an excuse, one she wanted to laugh at, but decided not to. Still, she did pout a bit when they stopped. "Do I have to?" she said out loud, but then blushed and covered her mouth. what was she thinking? Of course she has to go, Ryoma's busy at work, and yeah, she wouldn't want such a cute kitty like marshmallow get lonely. But...yeah...she didn't want to go.

She wanted time to freeze and stay...but it still goes on.

"I...I..." she looked at the ground, her face still red; Camellia was rather embarrassed at that. "I guess...i should...uhm...get going." her eyes looked up at him and she tried to smile, but she was biting her lip. She then walked to the door and opened it, but she looked back at him. "Ryoma..." she said, feeling her face was going back to its original color, and her heart very light from when she first came. "...thanks...and...see you around then?" Or soon?

that would be lovely.

Merlin help him. Someone needed to get into his head and rattling things around a bit seeing as he was clearly losing the the composure and smugness that he always had, always prided on himself. It was her, Came---Kitten. She was casting a spell over him. Perhaps it was even his first taste of one of those potions...

No, looking into her amber eyes he knew that she was far too innocent to even so much as think of doing that to him.

He suddenly remembered the other day, the one he had spent with Ayumi and he was once again mentally slapping himself across the face with a large leather belt. Why did he suddenly feel so...guilty? Whenever he was around her, Camellia that is, he felt the whole world change quicker than the flick of a wand. He felt as though he had starting living a fantasy world of his own ever since she had walked into the Leaky Cauldron and spoken to the little girl who hadn't actually ordered the strawberry milk she had wanted. This wold, the one he found himself in now, couldn't be defined scientifically, but only through emotions the colors of love can be sketched.

MERLIN! Had he really just thought THAT?


This time, he literally slapped himself across the face with his bare hand and the room echoed with the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

"I'll escort you out," he smiled.

He then turned his attention back to her and rested his hand on her lower back as he began leading her out of the storeroom.

"We were given all given two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But only one heart," he said as he steadied his breathing and his usual charm and charisma returned. "You know why that is? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."

He let that thought linger there for a moment. He needed a drink and a vacation...and an audience with his father so he could punch his lights out and make all his hair fall out.

"Good day, Camellia," he said leaning in and kissing her on the forehead this time. He then winked at her and made his way back to the bar.

PandaGirl 06-14-2011 06:05 AM

*sigh* dreamy eyes*
SPOILER!!: I luffles you to pieces too! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 10397159)

Merlin help him. Someone needed to get into his head and rattling things around a bit seeing as he was clearly losing the the composure and smugness that he always had, always prided on himself. It was her, Came---Kitten. She was casting a spell over him. Perhaps it was even his first taste of one of those potions...

No, looking into her amber eyes he knew that she was far too innocent to even so much as think of doing that to him.

He suddenly remembered the other day, the one he had spent with Ayumi and he was once again mentally slapping himself across the face with a large leather belt. Why did he suddenly feel so...guilty? Whenever he was around her, Camellia that is, he felt the whole world change quicker than the flick of a wand. He felt as though he had starting living a fantasy world of his own ever since she had walked into the Leaky Cauldron and spoken to the little girl who hadn't actually ordered the strawberry milk she had wanted. This wold, the one he found himself in now, couldn't be defined scientifically, but only through emotions the colors of love can be sketched.

MERLIN! Had he really just thought THAT?


This time, he literally slapped himself across the face with his bare hand and the room echoed with the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

"I'll escort you out," he smiled.

He then turned his attention back to her and rested his hand on her lower back as he began leading her out of the storeroom.

"We were all given two hands to hold. Two legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But only one heart," he said as he steadied his breathing and his usual charm and charisma returned. "You know why that is? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find."

He let that thought linger there for a moment. He needed a drink and a vacation...and an audience with his father so he could punch his lights out and make all his hair fall out.

"Good day, Camellia," he said leaning in and kissing her on the forehead this time. He then winked at her and made his way back to the bar.

From the door, Camellia heard something, but as she looked back at Ryoma, he was smiling at her, telling her he'd escort her out. She blushed once more."A-alright..." she said as he lead her out; she felt his hand at her lower back and she looked at him as he spoke.

was he giving her a riddle? But..somehow, she had gotten an idea to what he was meaning to. Her cheeks blushed pink again, but she was smiling, feeling quite light on her toes.

Before she could say anything about that, he cut her off, kissing her forehead, winking at her and making his way towards the bar. She was in trance, and her hand made a small wave; an extremely red blush was crawling up her cheeks and she absent-mindedly said. "g-good day...Ryoma" and turned around to leave, unable to keep the wide smile off her face.

Turns out today was good after all.

pundantic 07-03-2011 02:40 PM

Harley looked blankly at the man as he opened the door for her. She still didn't know his name, and for a potential employer that should be something that she knew. But as of right now Harley was taking in everything around her at the moment. The one thing that Harley could pull off quite well was her ability to be observant. Her mother had always told her that it was the most unique quality about people. She could read them and know a lot about them by the little things they did.

Case and point- the Asian Man. He had a seriously annoying twitch in his eye which she only assumed he thought was a wink. Honestly, he tried way to hard, then again maybe that was just Harley's assumption. But from that one wink she could tell that he was trying to compensate for something. Maybe he had been hurt by a woman before so mindlessly hitting on woman after woman made it easier. Maybe he had lost someone. Or maybe he was just trying to prove the world that he could never be hurt. Either way that wink was fake and Harley was curious to know why. However, she did not know him nearly well enough yet. If she got the job, which she hoped she did, then after a time of getting to know him she could maybe pose her question. As of right now... she had just met him.

Her eyes glazed over the room and she saw a beautiful and understated spiral staircase. If she got the job the entire place would need a nice feminine touch, maybe pink. Pink was always good. But seeing that it was the only place to sit she climbed up to the second stair and sat down. She crossed her legs and placed her hands on her lap.

Finally she spoke in her rich and raspy voice, "Sorry, sir. But I'm afraid I don't know your name."

sweetpinkpixie 07-06-2011 06:24 AM

Ryoma felt like throwing his arms up in the air triumphantly when she FINALLY spoke. He was beginning to think she was mute or something – which certainly would have made her previous profession as a translator difficult. Grinning from ear to ear with confidence, because clearly his charm had been what had made her speak, Ryoma bowed his head.

Names Ryoma Shiradou,” he replied. “That little guy who is now watching the counter is my best mate, Marshmallow.” She would be properly introduced to the cat after she cleared the initial screen interview. But, truth be told, she was already on her way to passing it based on her picture, her appearance now, and that fantastic voice of hers. He had to wonder why she was choosing to be so quiet right now. She was…intriguing to say the least. “So, Harley,” he said as he flopped himself down casually on one of the dusty sofas. “Why do you want to work in the Leaky Cauldron? This certainly seems like a step down from your previous position.

She could always lie and say that she wanted to come and work for someone as handsome and charismatic as him – he wouldn’t complain.

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