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Front of the train getting full? No worries, there's plenty of room in the back cars. Mind your step and take small children by the hand. Kiss your Ma and your Pa, get the last jab in at your younger siblings, but don't dally!
The Hogwarts Express will be pulling out soon, headed to Hogwarts for another magical year. You may RP your character boarding the train here, saying their goodbyes, and meeting new Hogwarts students.
Garreth, Haddie and Mason whom Rach hasn't seen as yet ;)
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
It was then Rachel realised that her friend would have been worrying about being alone. She knew how shy he could be and she suspected that he may not have enough confidence thanks to his father's oppression. Luckily, Garreth had her now and she would see to it that his confidence build no matter how long it took her.
"Garreth, you're surrounded by royalty! Effie is Queen and I'm Princess.'' The eleven year old giggled again. "Hogwarts is our Castle, literally.'' Too bad it wasn't a pink castle but it was a castle never the less and she would take it.
Rachel reached out to pat Garreth on an arm. "We'll still see each other. At meal times and during classes.'' She smiled. "But I do hope that I get into Ravenclaw too.'' She was so very confident still that Garreth belonged in that House. It also reminded her of something. "I have your tie in my trunk. I'll give it to you when we get on the train.''
"I've got all the traits for the Houses except Slytherin,'' she noted at the comparison her friend made. "She will, she's a clever kitty.'' Rachel was busily playing with Effie's paws when she heard her name being yelled by a voice she would recognise anywhere.
"Hello, Haddie.'' She reached to give her best friend a one armed hug since she was balancing Effie in the other. She needed to introduce her friends. "Haddie, this is Garreth, my best friend. Garreth, this is Haddie, my other best friend.''
Hady stopped walking right where she was. Riddick's cage was slipping from atop of where it was sat on her trunk which she had on a trolley. Stupid thing. Sighing quietly she walked around the side of the trolley and pushed the owls large cage back into place with a small bit of effort and gave the rope holding in place a hard tug. And then another hoping to keep it from slipping again. There. That should do it.
Now where was everyone she actually knew? The place was being overrun by first years it seemed. Was it this bad last term? Each year she returned it seemed more and more first years were here. Not that she had anything against them cause she didn't. At one time she had been one herself. Shifting from one foot to the other Hady leaned against her trunk, mindlessly fiddling with the flower necklace around her neck. Lightly sliding it from the left to the right and then repeating the motion as she bounced lightly on the balls of her feet humming a random tune under her breath. If someone she knew could suddenly appear and keep her entertained until the trains arrival that sure would be nice right now.
No, Hady, it wasn't just some random someone you know who had appeared to keep you entertained (or possibly the other way round) but it waaaasss....drumroll....the best person ever!! Aka Magdalena Natalie Traulton!
Yes, yes, thank you, thank you.
Beaming at her friend she gave her a quick yet tight hug. "Hiiii." Wasn't this just the most glorious day ever? They were FIFTH YEARS. Like. They were officially one of the cool kids now. Obviously they'd been part of that very special group before but now it was OFFICIAL. Fifth Years. Maggie had even dressed appropriately.
Please excuse my bad RP. It's late and I'm tired xD
I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open
SPOILER!!: Rachel, Haddie and Mason!
Originally Posted by Callie
Haddie followed along, beaming. Mr. Poppy was still held close, but no longer as tightly as she had been. She had found one of her friends finally, and was no longer alone. The security of Mr. Poppy wasn't needed as much now.
They reached the south end of the platform, and Haddie attempted to walk on her tiptoes in order to see over everyone. That didn't work. "Hold on, I got an idea." She vanished into the crowds, slipping and weaving between people with that uncanny skill of hers. A few seconds later her head popped up over the crowd of people against the wall. She scanned the crowded platform, and then grinned.
"I found her!" She yelled and her head vanished from view into the crowd as she hopped off the bench. "This way!" As soon as she was back to Mason and Mark she was gone again, leading the way, much slower, through the crowds, and checking every few steps to make sure they were keeping up.
There! Found her! "Rachel!" Haddie yelled, running the rest of the way to her best friend. "And boy I haven't met. Hi."
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
It was then Rachel realised that her friend would have been worrying about being alone. She knew how shy he could be and she suspected that he may not have enough confidence thanks to his father's oppression. Luckily, Garreth had her now and she would see to it that his confidence build no matter how long it took her.
"Garreth, you're surrounded by royalty! Effie is Queen and I'm Princess.'' The eleven year old giggled again. "Hogwarts is our Castle, literally.'' Too bad it wasn't a pink castle but it was a castle never the less and she would take it.
Rachel reached out to pat Garreth on an arm. "We'll still see each other. At meal times and during classes.'' She smiled. "But I do hope that I get into Ravenclaw too.'' She was so very confident still that Garreth belonged in that House. It also reminded her of something. "I have your tie in my trunk. I'll give it to you when we get on the train.''
"I've got all the traits for the Houses except Slytherin,'' she noted at the comparison her friend made. "She will, she's a clever kitty.'' Rachel was busily playing with Effie's paws when she heard her name being yelled by a voice she would recognise anywhere.
"Hello, Haddie.'' She reached to give her best friend a one armed hug since she was balancing Effie in the other. She needed to introduce her friends. "Haddie, this is Garreth, my best friend. Garreth, this is Haddie, my other best friend.''
Garreth had hitherto not made the connection of Effie the Queen, Rachel the Princess and Hogwarts the Castle, and it amused him thoroughly. It occurred to him that if Effie and Rachel had titles all worked out, couldn't he have a title as well? A Prince maybe? Well, a boy can dream. He'd likely just be the court jester. "Hah, that's true!" he giggled. Hogwarts isn't very princess-esque, but I think it will have to do." he teased, scratching Effie behind the ear.
Rachel was hoping for Ravenclaw? "Really?! I'm sure you'll get in!" this was fantastic news. More and more, Garreth had begun to wish Rachel would end up in Ravenclaw, as if he too made it into the house he so aspired to join, they could not only be together, but be Ravenclaw buddies as well! Could it get any better than that? Scarcely, according to Garreth. Rachel had all the traits that anyone could ever want in a Ravenclaw, or any other sort of Hogwarts student, and if he wasn't mistaken; "I hear your own preference can influence what house you get placed in." he recalled and smiled with glee at the mention of the Ravenclaw tie she had been holding for him for a while. "Did I already thank you enough for the tie thing? Well, thank you again anyway." he was truly ecstatic that Rachel had done him such a huge favor. The way he saw it, she'd practically saved his life!
The boy had taken to teasingly play with Effie's ears, nodding in agreement when Rachel complimented her intellect. Clever as she was, the cat was too busy being pampered and cuddled and teased to notice the other girl that was fast approaching. Rachel seemed to notice her first, followed by Effie, and finally Garreth, the oblivious dork that he sometimes was. He looked up away from the cat and was slightly startled by the presence of someone new, but quickly regained his composure."Hi, Haddie!" he beamed, stretching out a hand toward the stranger. Shy and lacking in confidence as he perhaps was, he was nothing if not polite.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki
Nodding his head, Jasper gave Azura a lopsided grin. "One person is definitely better than none," he agreed with her. Especially someone he got along with, so he was rather glad that she had approached him. He dreaded to think the possibility of facing the next 7 years alone.
A melodramatic thought, but still terrifying.
Her smile seemed rather encouraging, and at that he felt a lot better about meeting other people. Azura had already mentioned she'd made a few friends, and if they were anything like her he was sure that he'd get along with them! "That would be awesome," he finally said as she mentioned that she'd show him around Diagon Alley next year. "What is it like? What was your favourite store? Do they have a lolly shop?" All the questions that he had been saving for actually seeing Diagon Alley for himself had suddenly blurted out of his mouth. But he was still too excited to actually care about that. Instead his mind was already racing on what other questions he could ask her!
Jasper listened as the purple eyed girl spoke about how she had gone shopping by herself. "It sounds like it would've been a lot of fun though," he commented, trying to imagine what that must be like. "Dad probably felt the same as your parents, but my mum's a muggle so..." he didn't know how to finish that. He assumed that she felt scared for him. Scared to let him go somewhere where she herself hadn't been and wasn't sure whether it was safe or not.
The boy was trying his hardest to keep a straight face as she spoke so seriously of hiding behind him if they came across a snake. Somehow, he even seemed to have managed to! Nodding in response he smiled warmly, figuring it would comfort her.
The compliments weren't awkward!!!! They had managed to compliment one another!!!! Mentally, Jasper did a little dance of excitement that he hadn't once again made an encounter awkward. He had a feeling he was the reason all of their compliments so far had been awkward! Jasper did however freeze, his head tilting to the side as she began talking about her own eyes.
"Someone called you an alien?" he asked disbelievingly, green eyes wide.
The brown haired boy let out a breath he didn't even realise that he'd been holding when she said she was still willing to teach him, beaming at her. "Definitely," he promised, referring to paying attention. Her comments about guitar made him think for a second, "I could probably teach you in return? Only if you wanted of course."
He was just hoping she'd never ask him to play a sport.
Azura smiled at Jasper as he gave her a rather cute lopsided grin and she nodded, "Exactly they are better than none! And hey.. I'm not so bad ehh?" She said with a warm smile as she looked over at him and she tugged on her black hair a little bit. She was really glad that she had walked over to him! Whatever bravery spell had come over her, she was extremely grateful to it.
"I'm so glad you think so!" She said with a smile before she paused a bit in thought.. What WAS her favorite part? She wasn't sure! "Well, It was super crowded, that's for sure. So that was rather scary, but there are loads of stores! And I'm not fully sure what my favorite part was.. Maybe getting my wand! I loved that part! Or the book shop.. That was super fun as well!" She really loved books, so being in there, she was like a kid in a candy store!
"Well, they do have a candy shop! But I didn't go into it, I didn't have a whole lot of time." She explained to him as she nodded a bit.
"It was fun and scary all at the same time, if you know what I mean.. but yeah, for the most part it was rather fun." She had been so brave! She was so proud of herself!
Ohh a muggle mother! That was interesting! She was from a family of witches and wizards, but she was super curious as to how it worked if one parents wasn't a witch or wizard! She didn't want to bring it up though, because she didn't want to seem like she had blood purity issues.. which she didn't! So instead she just nodded and smiled at him. "She was probably scared a bit huh?" That was all she said as she looked up at him.
"Mmmmm, apparently no one is allowed to have strange colored eyes on earth.. it was.. quite odd and I wasn't exactly sure what to do." She said with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked at him.
"Good! I'll just need to find a piano and we can start!" She said with a nod before smiling excitedly. "I would love to learn actually!! That would be great!"
She looked up at him for a moment, her fingers twisting her hair around her finger a bit nervously.. "Assuming we make it onto the right train and all.. would you like to sit with me?" Hopefully that was all right?
SPOILER!!: Something witty about Rachel, Garreth and Mason
Originally Posted by Compootor
SPOILER!!: Rachel, Haddie and Mason!
Garreth had hitherto not made the connection of Effie the Queen, Rachel the Princess and Hogwarts the Castle, and it amused him thoroughly. It occurred to him that if Effie and Rachel had titles all worked out, couldn't he have a title as well? A Prince maybe? Well, a boy can dream. He'd likely just be the court jester. "Hah, that's true!" he giggled. Hogwarts isn't very princess-esque, but I think it will have to do." he teased, scratching Effie behind the ear.
Rachel was hoping for Ravenclaw? "Really?! I'm sure you'll get in!" this was fantastic news. More and more, Garreth had begun to wish Rachel would end up in Ravenclaw, as if he too made it into the house he so aspired to join, they could not only be together, but be Ravenclaw buddies as well! Could it get any better than that? Scarcely, according to Garreth. Rachel had all the traits that anyone could ever want in a Ravenclaw, or any other sort of Hogwarts student, and if he wasn't mistaken; "I hear your own preference can influence what house you get placed in." he recalled and smiled with glee at the mention of the Ravenclaw tie she had been holding for him for a while. "Did I already thank you enough for the tie thing? Well, thank you again anyway." he was truly ecstatic that Rachel had done him such a huge favor. The way he saw it, she'd practically saved his life!
The boy had taken to teasingly play with Effie's ears, nodding in agreement when Rachel complimented her intellect. Clever as she was, the cat was too busy being pampered and cuddled and teased to notice the other girl that was fast approaching. Rachel seemed to notice her first, followed by Effie, and finally Garreth, the oblivious dork that he sometimes was. He looked up away from the cat and was slightly startled by the presence of someone new, but quickly regained his composure."Hi, Haddie!" he beamed, stretching out a hand toward the stranger. Shy and lacking in confidence as he perhaps was, he was nothing if not polite.
Hadley looked at Garreth's hand, and then up at Garreth. Then back at his hand. How old did he think they were?
Haddie rolled her eyes and smirked to herself. She grabbed his wrist and started to reposition his arm and hand so that his hand was about face high, vertically facing outward. And gave him a high five.
That's more like it.
"So you're the best friend Rachel's been cheating on me with?" she grinned. "We're all sitting together, right? Oh!" Haddie gestured to the girl their age and the boy, about 15, that was pushing her cart. "This is Mason, another firstie like us. Are you a first year, Garreth? You look like you're a first year... And this is my sometimes not a jerk big brother, Mark."
"Okay, you really need to stop introducing me that way."
Azura smiled at Jasper as he gave her a rather cute lopsided grin and she nodded, "Exactly they are better than none! And hey.. I'm not so bad ehh?" She said with a warm smile as she looked over at him and she tugged on her black hair a little bit. She was really glad that she had walked over to him! Whatever bravery spell had come over her, she was extremely grateful to it.
"I'm so glad you think so!" She said with a smile before she paused a bit in thought.. What WAS her favorite part? She wasn't sure! "Well, It was super crowded, that's for sure. So that was rather scary, but there are loads of stores! And I'm not fully sure what my favorite part was.. Maybe getting my wand! I loved that part! Or the book shop.. That was super fun as well!" She really loved books, so being in there, she was like a kid in a candy store!
"Well, they do have a candy shop! But I didn't go into it, I didn't have a whole lot of time." She explained to him as she nodded a bit.
"It was fun and scary all at the same time, if you know what I mean.. but yeah, for the most part it was rather fun." She had been so brave! She was so proud of herself!
Ohh a muggle mother! That was interesting! She was from a family of witches and wizards, but she was super curious as to how it worked if one parents wasn't a witch or wizard! She didn't want to bring it up though, because she didn't want to seem like she had blood purity issues.. which she didn't! So instead she just nodded and smiled at him. "She was probably scared a bit huh?" That was all she said as she looked up at him.
"Mmmmm, apparently no one is allowed to have strange colored eyes on earth.. it was.. quite odd and I wasn't exactly sure what to do." She said with a shrug of her shoulders as she looked at him.
"Good! I'll just need to find a piano and we can start!" She said with a nod before smiling excitedly. "I would love to learn actually!! That would be great!"
She looked up at him for a moment, her fingers twisting her hair around her finger a bit nervously.. "Assuming we make it onto the right train and all.. would you like to sit with me?" Hopefully that was all right?
The smile on her face was causing Jasper to smile, though he pretended to have to think about her question. Figuring she might actually get nervous though, especially based on her tugging of her hair, he grinned at her. "You're definitely not too bad," he remembered to keep the grin on his face. He didn't want her thinking that he didn't like her! That would be terrible.
Jasper nodded as she spoke. "Yeah... getting my wand was probably my favourite part of doing the shopping," his father had gone slowly so that Jasper could look around but... doing it with his father, and only meeting people that were staying in Australia had been a bit disappointing. "Next year we're going to the 'candy shop'," he told her, mimicking her name for the lolly shop. It was going to happen. She would have to have more time, and he definitely had a sweet tooth.
"Terrified," he responded thinking about how his mother had reacted. "Dad had to tell her a bit about Hogwarts, and what happens after school to try to calm her down. Not that she's scared of magic or anything, she's known that I'm a wizard for years," he explained leaving out how she had found out about magic. His feats of accidental magic were something that he probably wouldn't share himself.
His smile had twisted into a frown as she spoke of her eye colour once again. Hadn't these people ever seen coloured contacts or a metamorphmagus before? He could bring up the first though, unsure whether or not she'd spent a lot of time in the muggle world. He guessed she hadn't. "You know a lot of muggles wear contact lenses that are just coloured so that they look like their eyes are purple, or red, or have specific patterns?" he smiled at her when he explained that. Maybe that would make her feel better? Knowing others wanted that..."Besides, what's so great about being like everyone else?"
"Well I brought my guitar with me," he commented. "So it'll be a bit easier to start with that, but I'm sure they'll have a piano somewhere in the castle." They had to, didn't they? Or were wizards not as into music? He beamed at the thought though, both of them learning to play another instrument!
Then Azura asked if he would like to sit with her. He looked at her completely dumbfounded for a second. Firstly wondering why she thought he wouldn't, and partially already having thought they'd sit together anyway. Still, given that she was asking, it meant that she also had to actually like him! That was a good start!
"Of course I'd like to sit with you, why wouldn't I?" the second had slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it, leading to him ending up turning a light shade of pink once again.
She was still looking around for her brother when she felt someone was tapping her shoulder. "Teddd....Colt! Hi." She thought its her big brother but apparently she's wrong. "Yes, we didn't hang out much this summer." She blame everything on the timing. Yes, timing. But she was glad that they still owled each other during summer. And those last letter from Colt didn't sound so good. She hoped he's not still moping after Kate.
What she think going happen this term? "Awesome think my friend. Awesome think." Grin. "Because you're looking at the new Gryffindor Prefect!" That's why this term going to be EPIC!
Colt scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and asked, "Who in the bloody merlin is Tedd? I mean is that someone I should know?" I mean he was being protective of his friend is all. He was joking with her of course. "I know we didn't hang out I mean why is that? Well I can give you my excuse for being at sports camps" and then trying to keep his mind off things. Awesome....why was it gonna be awe-
AAaahhhhh his friend was Gryffindor Prefect!? He grinned and nodded in impressment. "Well congrats dude. Now I can bend some rules with ya." he winked and nudged her. "You better not be going too hard on me ya hear? Don't let the power get to your head." he advised her. "I am proud of ya.." he chuckled and gave her a honary nuggie and messed her hair up a little bit. Seemed only fitting.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Pucki
The smile on her face was causing Jasper to smile, though he pretended to have to think about her question. Figuring she might actually get nervous though, especially based on her tugging of her hair, he grinned at her. "You're definitely not too bad," he remembered to keep the grin on his face. He didn't want her thinking that he didn't like her! That would be terrible.
Jasper nodded as she spoke. "Yeah... getting my wand was probably my favourite part of doing the shopping," his father had gone slowly so that Jasper could look around but... doing it with his father, and only meeting people that were staying in Australia had been a bit disappointing. "Next year we're going to the 'candy shop'," he told her, mimicking her name for the lolly shop. It was going to happen. She would have to have more time, and he definitely had a sweet tooth.
"Terrified," he responded thinking about how his mother had reacted. "Dad had to tell her a bit about Hogwarts, and what happens after school to try to calm her down. Not that she's scared of magic or anything, she's known that I'm a wizard for years," he explained leaving out how she had found out about magic. His feats of accidental magic were something that he probably wouldn't share himself.
His smile had twisted into a frown as she spoke of her eye colour once again. Hadn't these people ever seen coloured contacts or a metamorphmagus before? He could bring up the first though, unsure whether or not she'd spent a lot of time in the muggle world. He guessed she hadn't. "You know a lot of muggles wear contact lenses that are just coloured so that they look like their eyes are purple, or red, or have specific patterns?" he smiled at her when he explained that. Maybe that would make her feel better? Knowing others wanted that..."Besides, what's so great about being like everyone else?"
"Well I brought my guitar with me," he commented. "So it'll be a bit easier to start with that, but I'm sure they'll have a piano somewhere in the castle." They had to, didn't they? Or were wizards not as into music? He beamed at the thought though, both of them learning to play another instrument!
Then Azura asked if he would like to sit with her. He looked at her completely dumbfounded for a second. Firstly wondering why she thought he wouldn't, and partially already having thought they'd sit together anyway. Still, given that she was asking, it meant that she also had to actually like him! That was a good start!
"Of course I'd like to sit with you, why wouldn't I?" the second had slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it, leading to him ending up turning a light shade of pink once again.
At least she'd know he meant it?
Azura let out a sigh of relief as Jasper said that she wasn't too bad and she gave him a warm smile as she slowly let the strands of her hair slip through her fingers. She didn't know why his opinion mattered so much to her, but it really did! "Well, I can take not too bad." She said with a nod up at him, "You aren't so bad yourself." She said with a nod before she shook her head a bit, they were complimenting each other again, but at least they were taking it well, so she wasn't sweating it! She was thankful he was still smiling at her.. Whew! Dodged a bullet there!
She nodded as he spoke, "Very well, we are going to the Candy shop!" She almost said that it was a date.. but that might be awkward right? So.. this was the next best thing she could come up with! A non date.. date.. though would a date really be so bad??
Whoa now!!
She shook that thought from her mind as he spoke about his mother and she nodded sympathetically. "Well I hope she will be okay. I know it can be scary, my own parents weren't thrilled about me going away and they are both wizards.." She hoped he took that in a good soothing way, for that was how she meant up. "I can understand it might be scary though." She said with a nod! She would be terrified if she had to go to a muggle school for some reason!
She looked up at him as he spoke.."Really? I didn't actually know that, so they used contacts so their eyes will look like mine?" That thought made her smile a bit.. They had to make their eyes look like hers! Maybe they were special after all? She grinned at him, "Other than the fact that you might fit in.. nothing! But I suppose if you have at least one good friends, that's all you need right?"
That was all she needed, and perhaps she might have found hers? She wasn't sure.. but she totally wanted to spend more time with Jasper! Hopefully he would be in the same house that she was!
Ohh he had brought his guitar with him? That was super cool. "Oh I'm sure they will have one." Despite her confident reply, she wasn't sure at all that they would have one, but she hoped they would! She didn't want to slack on her piano lessons just because she was at school!
She bit her lip at his expression wondering if she had overstepped at all, her hair was moving back into her fingers when he spoke and she let out another sigh of relief and she smiled warmly at him..
Yeah, why wouldn't he? "Great! I'm glad to hear it!" She said as she looked up at him and noticed he was flushing slightly pink.. That was adorable! But she didn't comment on it.. and instead just smiled. "I don't know, we have just met and all, but.. It's fun talking to you.."
Clad in his Hogwarts robes, all proper like a sir, Cornelius strolled along the platform. It wasn't his first time here. He was here when we he was still in diapers, back when Kennedy was Head Boy. Also when Peyton attended Hogwarts after him. Then that one time Beverly had no dad for a while, Cornelius was here too.
THIS time was different. This time his family here for HIM.
Checking the inside pocket of his robes, he froze on spot, not caring who had been walking behind him.
Where. Was. His. Money?????
His sweets money! This was terrible. A DISASTER. What was he to dooo?!
Henric blinked. Oops, did he say something wrong? "Oh no Teddy, don't think we're speaking ill of you. We think you're already onboard the train and we want to find you once we're done unloading our things at the luggage compartment area. Come on, lets do that before it gets too full over there," he suggested. He knew plenty of students and family members would be arriving soon, thank goodness they were the first few to reach the platform. Or else, it could get pretty crowded over there. He nodded, "Yes she has, your sister has come to the right person, I'm a prefect now so its my duty to help you lot find your way around here. I expect a lot of first years this year, can't wait to meet them all."
Oooh, Ava was growing mad by the second but he couldn't help it. She looked like an adorable cub when she was being teased by him again. He playfully tapped his chin, "Hmm I think you're right, I don't think any healer can cure this. Perhaps....someone else will," he wiggled his eyebrows, no need to mention the name again. Hehehe. "Kissing someone you really liked isn't gross, cake, its pretty amazing actually... but I'm a prefect so no kissing boys or girls when I'm around at school, that includes you two. " He made a feigned stern look at the twins. He chuckled, "Narh I'm only playing with you...just no fighting and breaking the rules, alright? That's all I'm asking for." They wouldn't want to land themselves in detention like he did last term, now would they?
"NO! I will not, Ava. This Man United badge is precious to me. Leave it alone...you being mean to it. There.. there...don't listen to that blue Chelsea fan." He patted his badge once again.
"Oh right, I know the current prefects though. I'll be working with Norah mostly, our Hufflepuff prefect. Not sure about the rest, why do you ask?" Henric felt suddenly uneasy. Wait...it couldn't be Messer right? No way...no freaking way...please no. He would hate...he meant it... HATE....to see her made into a prefect too. Please great heavens above...NO!
Henric smiled back at llia. Their eyes connected for a moment more before she turned to face her mother again so she could say her goodbyes. "It's alright, Mrs.Valke...it happens..."he replied with a small smile or tried to. He stepped back and let them two have their mother-daughter exchange moment. "I'm sure lli-Freya will do just fine on her own, Mrs.Valke. I always know her to be independent and brilliant at school," he told the older Valke truthfully. "I'm her bestfriend after all and I'm grateful she's here with us, she's really great, Mrs Valke." Henric admitted.
That was a first. Mrs. Valke usually wasn't too concern about his well-being as much as the others. "I'm great as well, thank you for asking." He felt awkward saying this too. Umm...
Azura let out a sigh of relief as Jasper said that she wasn't too bad and she gave him a warm smile as she slowly let the strands of her hair slip through her fingers. She didn't know why his opinion mattered so much to her, but it really did! "Well, I can take not too bad." She said with a nod up at him, "You aren't so bad yourself." She said with a nod before she shook her head a bit, they were complimenting each other again, but at least they were taking it well, so she wasn't sweating it! She was thankful he was still smiling at her.. Whew! Dodged a bullet there!
She nodded as he spoke, "Very well, we are going to the Candy shop!" She almost said that it was a date.. but that might be awkward right? So.. this was the next best thing she could come up with! A non date.. date.. though would a date really be so bad??
Whoa now!!
She shook that thought from her mind as he spoke about his mother and she nodded sympathetically. "Well I hope she will be okay. I know it can be scary, my own parents weren't thrilled about me going away and they are both wizards.." She hoped he took that in a good soothing way, for that was how she meant up. "I can understand it might be scary though." She said with a nod! She would be terrified if she had to go to a muggle school for some reason!
She looked up at him as he spoke.."Really? I didn't actually know that, so they used contacts so their eyes will look like mine?" That thought made her smile a bit.. They had to make their eyes look like hers! Maybe they were special after all? She grinned at him, "Other than the fact that you might fit in.. nothing! But I suppose if you have at least one good friends, that's all you need right?"
That was all she needed, and perhaps she might have found hers? She wasn't sure.. but she totally wanted to spend more time with Jasper! Hopefully he would be in the same house that she was!
Ohh he had brought his guitar with him? That was super cool. "Oh I'm sure they will have one." Despite her confident reply, she wasn't sure at all that they would have one, but she hoped they would! She didn't want to slack on her piano lessons just because she was at school!
She bit her lip at his expression wondering if she had overstepped at all, her hair was moving back into her fingers when he spoke and she let out another sigh of relief and she smiled warmly at him..
Yeah, why wouldn't he? "Great! I'm glad to hear it!" She said as she looked up at him and noticed he was flushing slightly pink.. That was adorable! But she didn't comment on it.. and instead just smiled. "I don't know, we have just met and all, but.. It's fun talking to you.."
Oy with the compliments again!
Jasper grinned at her response to him, especially her comment on him also not being 'too bad'. To him it was amusing on how they had gone from complimenting each other awkwardly, to not exactly insulting each other as an attempt to avoid complimenting one another because it was awkward. The good thing was, at least it seemed they both liked each other's company!
He beamed at the thought of going to the candy shop in Diagon Alley with her. For one, he'd be shown around and then he was going to be able to indulge his sweet tooth. "Great, I can't wait," and he was already really excited! It would be so much fun. Of course he'd also allow her to take him to any stores she wanted to go to.
It was only fair.
"She's still got my sister to fuss over so I think she'll be fine," Jasper commented with a shrug, though it was nice to see that Azura kind of understood where she was coming from. He didn't need to mention that his mum had said he needed to send them letters once a week. "Huh... I thought in families where both parents had gone to Hogwarts they'd be a lot more comfortable sending their kids there..."
Did he sound like he wasn't trying to be empathetic now? He was trying to understand it... but his own father hadn't seemed too concerned or worried about sending him to Hogwarts. Though that could've been because his mother was... Jasper wasn't even sure anymore.
He couldn't help but grin as he made her smile about her eyes! It seemed to be the first time that she had actually smiled when talking about the colour of her eyes! "They do," he confirmed, smiling at her warmly. His face fell slightly at the mention of 'fitting in'. He understood feeling like he didn't belong. He grew up around muggles after all. His mind immediately jumped to something his mum, who had an obsession with Dr. Seuss, had always told him. It also happened to be on a canvas in his room. With a soft smile on his face he looked straight at her and simply said, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
He assumed she wouldn't have heard it before, but it was possible she would surprise him. For him at least, it was something that had stuck. Either way if she believed all she needed was one friend, then he'd definitely be that! And if she wanted more, he'd be glad to be one of many!
"I enjoy talking to you as well," he said with a grin. She was funny! And she understood him! And she didn't mind that he could get pretty awkward.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
It was hers? "Oh, thank you!" The young lioness said to her twin brother and put them in her pocket. Wasn't he the nicest brother? Ava was sure if he's not nice probably he's gonna use her money all by himself. Nah, Teddy wouldn't do that. He's such a soft boy with soft heart... like cotton candy. "I was looking for you and we thought that you're already on board. I'm not gonna bad talk about you, Teddy bear. What kind of sister am I?" She forgot that he was quite sensitive and for now, she didn't want the incident at the apothecary would happen again anymore. Nope...
PLEAAAAAAAAAASE. DON'T MENTION ZANDER'S NAME IN FRONT OF TEDDY!! She tried to hide her flaming red cheeks by covering her face with her fedora hat. Ugggggghhhhh.... But the former Head Boy wouldn't be here. Well, why would he? He's already graduated which was sad.. and relieved at the same time because she wouldn't blush like this anymore when she saw him around. And kissing is amazing? Fwww... Henric, you're talking with twelve year-old students here! The young lioness couldn't help but make a face. "Ew, I'm not gonna snog anyone's face... NEVER! And I'm not gonna cause any trouble, pinky promise...." Hehehe. "Yeah, I know Norah.. I'm waiting for the new prefects from Gryffindor. I think one of them might be Zeke? Or Yoongi... No, it can't be him. He's not that good..." Oops. But she had no idea about the girl one.
Ilia said that she's adorable? Ava couldn't help but giggle sheepishly. "Thank you.... Oh, my family is great. I finally have more time to hang out with Zhenya.." And... she might not know about Teddy, right? "And this is my twin brother, Teddy." She introduced him to the Slytherin girl.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Last edited by RandomRaven; 12-26-2015 at 04:49 PM.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
SPOILER!!: Thank you Haddle-Pop
Hadley looked at Garreth's hand, and then up at Garreth. Then back at his hand. How old did he think they were?
Haddie rolled her eyes and smirked to herself. She grabbed his wrist and started to reposition his arm and hand so that his hand was about face high, vertically facing outward. And gave him a high five.
That's more like it.
"So you're the best friend Rachel's been cheating on me with?" she grinned. "We're all sitting together, right? Oh!" Haddie gestured to the girl their age and the boy, about 15, that was pushing her cart. "This is Mason, another firstie like us. Are you a first year, Garreth? You look like you're a first year... And this is my sometimes not a jerk big brother, Mark."
"Okay, you really need to stop introducing me that way."
Hadley ignored him. "He's a muggy."
Mason laughed as Haddie readjusted Garreth's hand and gave him a high-five. Seriously, this girl was hilarious.
She extended her own hand in greeting to the boy, "I'm Mason. You're a firstie right?" she said and shook the hand that wasn't entangled in the cutest cat ever, "Don't take Haddie to seriously mate or else you'll wander around as if you were Confundus'ed all day long."
Mason turned towards Rachel and engulfed her in a hug, "Hello there my lovely," she smiled at Rachel as she released her, "You ready for the Acromantula? And of course we have to sit together."
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Maggie
No, Hady, it wasn't just some random someone you know who had appeared to keep you entertained (or possibly the other way round) but it waaaasss....drumroll....the best person ever!! Aka Magdalena Natalie Traulton!
Yes, yes, thank you, thank you.
Beaming at her friend she gave her a quick yet tight hug. "Hiiii." Wasn't this just the most glorious day ever? They were FIFTH YEARS. Like. They were officially one of the cool kids now. Obviously they'd been part of that very special group before but now it was OFFICIAL. Fifth Years. Maggie had even dressed appropriately.
Her continued bouncing and humming was brought to a complete halt at the shout of her name. YES! Entertainment!!!
A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as Hady turned around to match the voice she already knew with the face of the blonde that went with it. Not entertainment in the form of young ones screaming but someone she knew and would talk to.
"Hey!," She greeted with her usual smirk as she looked at her. "Either we both like red and black or we're secretly supporting our Gryffindor boys," Hady joked lightly referring to both girls dresses and footwear.
And yes Maggie your eyes aren't deceiving you today. Hady had chosen to wear a dress. On her own. No persuasion needed today.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper grinned at her response to him, especially her comment on him also not being 'too bad'. To him it was amusing on how they had gone from complimenting each other awkwardly, to not exactly insulting each other as an attempt to avoid complimenting one another because it was awkward. The good thing was, at least it seemed they both liked each other's company!
He beamed at the thought of going to the candy shop in Diagon Alley with her. For one, he'd be shown around and then he was going to be able to indulge his sweet tooth. "Great, I can't wait," and he was already really excited! It would be so much fun. Of course he'd also allow her to take him to any stores she wanted to go to.
It was only fair.
"She's still got my sister to fuss over so I think she'll be fine," Jasper commented with a shrug, though it was nice to see that Azura kind of understood where she was coming from. He didn't need to mention that his mum had said he needed to send them letters once a week. "Huh... I thought in families where both parents had gone to Hogwarts they'd be a lot more comfortable sending their kids there..."
Did he sound like he wasn't trying to be empathetic now? He was trying to understand it... but his own father hadn't seemed too concerned or worried about sending him to Hogwarts. Though that could've been because his mother was... Jasper wasn't even sure anymore.
He couldn't help but grin as he made her smile about her eyes! It seemed to be the first time that she had actually smiled when talking about the colour of her eyes! "They do," he confirmed, smiling at her warmly. His face fell slightly at the mention of 'fitting in'. He understood feeling like he didn't belong. He grew up around muggles after all. His mind immediately jumped to something his mum, who had an obsession with Dr. Seuss, had always told him. It also happened to be on a canvas in his room. With a soft smile on his face he looked straight at her and simply said, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"
He assumed she wouldn't have heard it before, but it was possible she would surprise him. For him at least, it was something that had stuck. Either way if she believed all she needed was one friend, then he'd definitely be that! And if she wanted more, he'd be glad to be one of many!
"I enjoy talking to you as well," he said with a grin. She was funny! And she understood him! And she didn't mind that he could get pretty awkward.
Azura smiled warmly at Jasper as said he couldn't wait until next year! Neither could she actually! And it was a whole year away! "I'll be sure to remind you throughout the year!" She said with a soft giggle as she looked up at him, her purple eyes shining happily. "And after The Candy Shoppe, I'll take you to the bookstore." Because she loved books! And she loved the smell of books and magical books were even better!
"Ohh you have a little sister? Is she magical as well? Do you have any other siblings?" She asked him rather curiously. Siblings were a fun concept to her seeing as she didn't have any! She was pretty much a miracle and after her mom managed to have her, she couldn't have any more! So.. It was just Azura! She sighed inwardly, wondering what it would be like to have a brother or a sister!
"Well, I think they are fine with me being at Hogwarts, but it's still hard for them! We are a super close family, it's just my mom and dad and I.. so They were having a hard time with letting me go." Mmmmhmmm, all three of them had cried before they had left for the station! Even her Dad! Azura hadn't wanted to go either! But now.. she was sort of glad she had!
She smiled up at him as he grinned at her.. He had a really nice smile and Azura.. kinda wanted to keep it there! She studied him a bit more, only to find herself feeling a bit sad as his face fell! No!! What has she said that made him look like that? She was wracking her brain a bit.. when he looked her in the eyes and said something that made her heart flutter..
Ohhh.. that was new!
Though.. that was probably some saying... it sounded like it.. but still Azura's little heart was racing a bit.. "I.. guess you have a point there." She paused for a moment.. almost not wanting to test out her theory.. "Where is that saying from?" She asked him as she smiled again at him.
"Oh good! It would be awful if we didn't like talking to each other!" She said with a warm smile as she looked up at him happily.
"Yes, even if Smelliot was a ravenclaw." She grinned a bit about the mean name. She was pretty sure she was clever. "I'm sure i'll look good in any color." She watched her little sister and then looked back at Helen. She would miss her family so much...even though she was totally excited about Hogwarts.
"I'll be sure to write it on my calendar or something!" She bounced a little and then suddenly Valerie was on the ground and hugging her. Alice hugged her back and just felt...sad. She would miss this little booger. The Firstie even felt a few tears.
"I'll miss you, Vally..don't let Ollie get bored without me.. Make him read your stories."
Helena just laughed. Alice was so confident in herself...she would do well because of it. She just hoped her ego didn't inflate her head more at this school. Her ego was right at the right size. And thinking of Alice's little ego made her...miss her already ;___;
She was going to be a basket case when she got home to Jack.
"I'm sure Ollie would love to read you stories, too, Valerie." She stroked the back of her younger daughter's head. The toddler nodded and took Helen's hand. "All right, Alice...should you...should you go? Or..?" She didn't WANT ALICE TO GO. HER BABY. This was her first child to go to Hogwarts and wifuhretfherifghiehg. And Having gone to Beauxbatons herself, she...wasn't familiar with Hogwarts things.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"We'll just have to make do with what we have and try to make it look as royal as possible.'' That included putting her potted cactus in her dorm. It did come in a pink pot, after all.
"Then we'll Ravenclaw best friends!'' Rachel giggled, hoping really now for Ravenclaw. She would follow in her parents footsteps and be with her best friend at the same time. One of them, at least because she saw Haddie as more of a Gryffindor. "Yes, I heard that too. Maybe if I think 'Put me in Ravenclaw with Garreth, please' the Hat will listen to me.'' She couldn't help but smile again at the look of happiness on her friend's face. "You did. This is what friends are for. Boy, I can't wait to find out what your father thinks when you're not placed in Gryffindor.'' Rachel was banking on the Sorting Hat to pick any House but Gryffindor for Garreth just so that his father could be wrong.
Princess looked from one best friend to the other. It amazed her that she had picked two completely different persons in terms of personalities to be her closest friends. Garreth, shy and polite, had offered a hand to Haddie while Haddie opted for a high five by repositioning Garreth's hand.
"Haddie!'' Rachel admonished with a giggle. "I'm not cheating on anyone.'' Even though technically she had been friends with Garreth longer. "Yes, we are but I'll have to split my time among you all and some others.'' Corn and Henric had already asked her to sit with them too. "Hello again, Mark.'' Having spent time at Haddie's over the summer, she had met her friend's family.
Now was when Rach noticed Mason. Her face lit up in a smile again. She barely had time to get a 'hello' out when she was swept into a hug. "Mason!'' She giggled. "Mind the cat.'' She was still clutching Effie. She did return the hug but then pouted. "I am not going close to an acromantula for any reason,'' she stated firmly. "You just wait until I find your fear...'' Rachel broke into a smile again. She wasn't mad at Mason. On contrary, she was used to the teasing about spiders.
Azura smiled warmly at Jasper as said he couldn't wait until next year! Neither could she actually! And it was a whole year away! "I'll be sure to remind you throughout the year!" She said with a soft giggle as she looked up at him, her purple eyes shining happily. "And after The Candy Shoppe, I'll take you to the bookstore." Because she loved books! And she loved the smell of books and magical books were even better!
"Ohh you have a little sister? Is she magical as well? Do you have any other siblings?" She asked him rather curiously. Siblings were a fun concept to her seeing as she didn't have any! She was pretty much a miracle and after her mom managed to have her, she couldn't have any more! So.. It was just Azura! She sighed inwardly, wondering what it would be like to have a brother or a sister!
"Well, I think they are fine with me being at Hogwarts, but it's still hard for them! We are a super close family, it's just my mom and dad and I.. so They were having a hard time with letting me go." Mmmmhmmm, all three of them had cried before they had left for the station! Even her Dad! Azura hadn't wanted to go either! But now.. she was sort of glad she had!
She smiled up at him as he grinned at her.. He had a really nice smile and Azura.. kinda wanted to keep it there! She studied him a bit more, only to find herself feeling a bit sad as his face fell! No!! What has she said that made him look like that? She was wracking her brain a bit.. when he looked her in the eyes and said something that made her heart flutter..
Ohhh.. that was new!
Though.. that was probably some saying... it sounded like it.. but still Azura's little heart was racing a bit.. "I.. guess you have a point there." She paused for a moment.. almost not wanting to test out her theory.. "Where is that saying from?" She asked him as she smiled again at him.
"Oh good! It would be awful if we didn't like talking to each other!" She said with a warm smile as she looked up at him happily.
Jasper grinned at the thought. It was probably a good thing that she planned to remind him, otherwise there would be a small chance he'd forget. Not even purposely, he'd just be lost in thought. "Alright... so we'll go to the candy shop and then the bookstore," he agreed, nodding at the plan.
He'd have to include this in an owl to his mother actually, she'd remind him to go and make sure he got there on time!
"Just my little sister, Fliss" Jasper said with a smile as he thought about Felicity, though he was glad it was just her. He might love her and want to protect her, but sometimes she really bugged him. "She's also a witch," something they'd found out when Jasper got his Hogwarts letter. At that point she'd thrown a fit that she wanted to go to magic school and in her tantrum had used magic for the first time.
Oh. That made sense. He hadn't thought about that aspect of it all too much. It left him unsure of how to respond to that. "Well... you'll see them during holidays and you can write them lots of letters to let them know everything is going well?" there that was a solution to them missing her. Wasn't it? He kept a soft smile on his face to try to tell her he meant well.
Success! She was smiling again! And yes, yes he did have a point! "A muggle author wrote it, Dr Seuss," he said with a smile. Although, he was wondering if she'd think that made it less special or relevant to herself. Perhaps she would...
Should he tell her it's significance to him?
Why not? "Dr Seuss is my mum's favourite author. She often told us quotes and sayings if we weren't sure. When I was upset about being a wizard, mum always told me what I just told you." He looked straight at her as he explained himself slowly, though one he was done he looked away from the girl in front of him, kind of unsure what to do having told her that. Something quite personal actually.
"Well... we're still talking to each other so it would be bad if we didn't like talking to each other," he returned, also smiling once again.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper grinned at the thought. It was probably a good thing that she planned to remind him, otherwise there would be a small chance he'd forget. Not even purposely, he'd just be lost in thought. "Alright... so we'll go to the candy shop and then the bookstore," he agreed, nodding at the plan.
He'd have to include this in an owl to his mother actually, she'd remind him to go and make sure he got there on time!
"Just my little sister, Fliss" Jasper said with a smile as he thought about Felicity, though he was glad it was just her. He might love her and want to protect her, but sometimes she really bugged him. "She's also a witch," something they'd found out when Jasper got his Hogwarts letter. At that point she'd thrown a fit that she wanted to go to magic school and in her tantrum had used magic for the first time.
Oh. That made sense. He hadn't thought about that aspect of it all too much. It left him unsure of how to respond to that. "Well... you'll see them during holidays and you can write them lots of letters to let them know everything is going well?" there that was a solution to them missing her. Wasn't it? He kept a soft smile on his face to try to tell her he meant well.
Success! She was smiling again! And yes, yes he did have a point! "A muggle author wrote it, Dr Seuss," he said with a smile. Although, he was wondering if she'd think that made it less special or relevant to herself. Perhaps she would...
Should he tell her it's significance to him?
Why not? "Dr Seuss is my mum's favourite author. She often told us quotes and sayings if we weren't sure. When I was upset about being a wizard, mum always told me what I just told you." He looked straight at her as he explained himself slowly, though one he was done he looked away from the girl in front of him, kind of unsure what to do having told her that. Something quite personal actually.
"Well... we're still talking to each other so it would be bad if we didn't like talking to each other," he returned, also smiling once again.
Azura nodded as Jasper repeated the plan back to her. "Mmmhmmm and after those two places we will go anywhere else you would like.. we might have to do some actual school shopping you know." She said with a warm smile up at him. This sounded like so much fun! And she was totally going to remind him about it!
Awww, just one little sister.. "Fliss?" That was a cool name, though she wondered if it was short for anything? "Oh that's so great, so she'll be at Hogwarts soon I take it?" She asked him with a warm smile as she looked up at him. She was always so curious about bigger families! Part of her wished she had a sibling so her parents wouldn't be so lonely!
Azura nodded as he spoke.. the gentle smile on his face calming her to her. "Yeah, I am going to do that and we've already planned out our Christmas, since my birthday is close to it, we always have a big celebration. But, it's just going to be them two, what are they going to do without me?" Her poor parents.. left with nothing to do!
Ahh, it was from someone saying it! Not from himself, though..that was still cool! "I've heard of Dr.Suess." She said softly as she thought about what he said.. her heart flutters had lessened though.. It was a feeling she couldn't quite describe.. but whatever it was.. it was slowly leaving.
Though, at his next words the heart fluttery feeling came back in full force as he told her what it meant to him! It was personal, and for him to share that with her.. it felt like a great honor! Suddenly the phrase seemed much more important than it had been before!
"Your mom sounds like a great person.. and I'm sorry you were upset at being a wizard, but I know I would be very unhappy if you weren't here." She told him truthfully, before she bowed her head a little and looked at the ground for just a moment, before looking back up at Jasper with a smile. "Thank you for telling me that." She said softly.
"You have a point there!" She said with a soft laugh.. "But we do like each other, so we like hanging out!" Though her purple eyes went wide as she spoke..
Azura nodded as Jasper repeated the plan back to her. "Mmmhmmm and after those two places we will go anywhere else you would like.. we might have to do some actual school shopping you know." She said with a warm smile up at him. This sounded like so much fun! And she was totally going to remind him about it!
Awww, just one little sister.. "Fliss?" That was a cool name, though she wondered if it was short for anything? "Oh that's so great, so she'll be at Hogwarts soon I take it?" She asked him with a warm smile as she looked up at him. She was always so curious about bigger families! Part of her wished she had a sibling so her parents wouldn't be so lonely!
Azura nodded as he spoke.. the gentle smile on his face calming her to her. "Yeah, I am going to do that and we've already planned out our Christmas, since my birthday is close to it, we always have a big celebration. But, it's just going to be them two, what are they going to do without me?" Her poor parents.. left with nothing to do!
Ahh, it was from someone saying it! Not from himself, though..that was still cool! "I've heard of Dr.Suess." She said softly as she thought about what he said.. her heart flutters had lessened though.. It was a feeling she couldn't quite describe.. but whatever it was.. it was slowly leaving.
Though, at his next words the heart fluttery feeling came back in full force as he told her what it meant to him! It was personal, and for him to share that with her.. it felt like a great honor! Suddenly the phrase seemed much more important than it had been before!
"Your mom sounds like a great person.. and I'm sorry you were upset at being a wizard, but I know I would be very unhappy if you weren't here." She told him truthfully, before she bowed her head a little and looked at the ground for just a moment, before looking back up at Jasper with a smile. "Thank you for telling me that." She said softly.
"You have a point there!" She said with a soft laugh.. "But we do like each other, so we like hanging out!" Though her purple eyes went wide as she spoke..
"I mean.. we do like talking to each other!"
Blazing Basilisks! What a time to forget a word!
Jasper thought about it before nodding. "We probably would have to do some school shopping, but at least if we go to the book store then we'll be able to get some of it done there as well?" There was the positive thing about the stores that they'd mentioned so far. Of course, there'd probably be some other supplies they'd have to buy.
"Yeah, her full name is Felicity... but we always call her Fliss," he explained, noticing the way that she said it almost questioningly. It was like his whole family had started to call him Jazz. Though that was Felicity's fault. She always called him Jazz when she started learning to speak, now it stuck. "She's nine, so she's got to wait another two years... and then she also can choose whether she wants to come to Hogwarts or whether she wants to stay in Australia."
So far, Jasper wasn't really sure whether or not he wanted her to join him at Hogwarts. On one hand he did. She was his little sister and if his parents couldn't, it was his job to protect her. On another, he enjoyed being away from her.
"That sounds like fun," he said with a smile, trying to imagine the celebration they must have. He was unsure with the second part though. "Uh... well I'm sure they'll be alright? Like they'll miss you of course, but they'll probably think of something? Kind of like you'll be alright without them. I mean you'll miss them too. But at Hogwarts you can make friends and stuff! And school will also keep you busy. And..."
He was rambling. Again. He paused. Shutting his mouth and scratching the back of his neck, giving her a sheepish smile.
A grin crossed his face as she mentioned that she'd heard of Dr Seuss. Azura had surprised him once again! As she spoke about his mother he smiled. "She is great... very understanding and always knows what to say." Unlike him. As Azura went on Jasper shrugged, remembering when he used accidental magic at school. Even if the muggle kids didn't know what it was they blamed him for it. Even when it wasn't his fault. But that was over now! Now he was with other witches and wizards! He smiled at Azura, shrugging his shoulders. "I was upset about magic at first, but I'm also really glad I'm going to Hogwarts!" he blushed slightly at her words, and also the unsaid words of 'I'm glad I got to meet you'.
He laughed along with her, though looked at her in confusion as she froze up, before correcting herself. Did she say something she didn't mean? Or did she just not mean to say it?
Either way he shrugged it off, just grinning at his first friend.
Clad in his Hogwarts robes, all proper like a sir, Cornelius strolled along the platform. It wasn't his first time here. He was here when we he was still in diapers, back when Kennedy was Head Boy. Also when Peyton attended Hogwarts after him. Then that one time Beverly had no dad for a while, Cornelius was here too.
THIS time was different. This time his family here for HIM.
Checking the inside pocket of his robes, he froze on spot, not caring who had been walking behind him.
Where. Was. His. Money?????
His sweets money! This was terrible. A DISASTER. What was he to dooo?!
Kat had lost her family.... AGAIN. And the whole gang was there. So one would think that she could find at least one of them. Did they even know that she was MISSING? Problaly not. It was hers and Livy's first time to Hogwarts and everyone had gone completely nuts.
Not that Kat was worried her trunk was on the train already so that was taken care of she just needed to find her family and tell them bye.
Her blue eyes were scanning the crowds for them. When she clearly wasn't paying attention to what or who was in front of her. She basically plowed right over someone and she was laying on the floor. Merlin! Someone could have stepped on her.
"Oh no. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to what was in front of me." Honest. She wasn't paying attention. She stood up before she got squished. She turned and looked at who she had nearly trampled.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper thought about it before nodding. "We probably would have to do some school shopping, but at least if we go to the book store then we'll be able to get some of it done there as well?" There was the positive thing about the stores that they'd mentioned so far. Of course, there'd probably be some other supplies they'd have to buy.
"Yeah, her full name is Felicity... but we always call her Fliss," he explained, noticing the way that she said it almost questioningly. It was like his whole family had started to call him Jazz. Though that was Felicity's fault. She always called him Jazz when she started learning to speak, now it stuck. "She's nine, so she's got to wait another two years... and then she also can choose whether she wants to come to Hogwarts or whether she wants to stay in Australia."
So far, Jasper wasn't really sure whether or not he wanted her to join him at Hogwarts. On one hand he did. She was his little sister and if his parents couldn't, it was his job to protect her. On another, he enjoyed being away from her.
"That sounds like fun," he said with a smile, trying to imagine the celebration they must have. He was unsure with the second part though. "Uh... well I'm sure they'll be alright? Like they'll miss you of course, but they'll probably think of something? Kind of like you'll be alright without them. I mean you'll miss them too. But at Hogwarts you can make friends and stuff! And school will also keep you busy. And..."
He was rambling. Again. He paused. Shutting his mouth and scratching the back of his neck, giving her a sheepish smile.
A grin crossed his face as she mentioned that she'd heard of Dr Seuss. Azura had surprised him once again! As she spoke about his mother he smiled. "She is great... very understanding and always knows what to say." Unlike him. As Azura went on Jasper shrugged, remembering when he used accidental magic at school. Even if the muggle kids didn't know what it was they blamed him for it. Even when it wasn't his fault. But that was over now! Now he was with other witches and wizards! He smiled at Azura, shrugging his shoulders. "I was upset about magic at first, but I'm also really glad I'm going to Hogwarts!" he blushed slightly at her words, and also the unsaid words of 'I'm glad I got to meet you'.
He laughed along with her, though looked at her in confusion as she froze up, before correcting herself. Did she say something she didn't mean? Or did she just not mean to say it?
Either way he shrugged it off, just grinning at his first friend.
Azura nodded as he spoke, "Yeah, that is true, we will be able to get our books at the book shop and I know my way around the ink shop, so Quills and parchment and ink will be no problem to get." She had to thank Blaise for leading her around and helping her get all of those supplies, otherwise she would have been lost forever and heaven help her if she tripped in there! Ink everywhere!
Thankfully that hadn't happened!
"Felicity! That makes sense now, and that's such a cute name. I bet she is adorable." Jasper was pretty cute himself so his sister was probably pretty! But she wasn't going to say that out loud! Nope! A horde of Flying Fwoopers wouldn't get it out of her!
She nodded as he explained how old she was. "And how do you feel about her coming here? He probably had some complicated thoughts about the potential arrival at Hogwarts. She knew her cousin did! She still didn't think he was thrilled about it.
"Yeah it's pretty fun and thankfully I get presents for my birthday and for Christmas." Even though her birthday was three days before Christmas! She nodded thoughtfully as he rambled on a bit.. and she watched him.. It was rather cute.. But again, she wasn't going to say that! She needed to stop complimenting him! They had agreed and she was still doing it! But she couldn't help it!
Merlin something must be wrong with her! Maybe the Fwoopers had gotten to her?
"Yeah, I am sure they will be all right now that I think of it.. They really love each other, they go on dates all the time! Now they can go on more dates." She said with a nod of her head.. They were adorable! Oh her parents! She missed them already! But she wouldn't trade talking to Jasper for anything!
"She sounds great!" Azura said with a warm smile up at Jasper, she could tell he loved his mom and that was super cool as well! She sounded a lot like her own mother, except for the freaking out at going to a wizarding district thing, but she could totally understand that!
She nodded as he spoke and she smiled up at him again, her purple eyes shining.. Well, at least he was glad he was going to Hogwarts!
Whew! She was glad he hadn't caught that.. Goodness what was wrong with her mouth lately? She wasn't sure.. but thankfully he hadn't brought it up! Good!
She hoped he liked meeting her as well! Though as he said.. he wouldn't be here talking to her if he didn't want to.. right?
So she needed to calm down! "I hope we are in the same house, that would be super awesome!"
"We'll just have to make do with what we have and try to make it look as royal as possible.'' That included putting her potted cactus in her dorm. It did come in a pink pot, after all. "Then we'll Ravenclaw best friends!'' Rachel giggled, hoping really now for Ravenclaw. She would follow in her parents footsteps and be with her best friend at the same time. One of them, at least because she saw Haddie as more of a Gryffindor. "Yes, I heard that too. Maybe if I think 'Put me in Ravenclaw with Garreth, please' the Hat will listen to me.'' She couldn't help but smile again at the look of happiness on her friend's face. "You did. This is what friends are for. Boy, I can't wait to find out what your father thinks when you're not placed in Gryffindor.'' Rachel was banking on the Sorting Hat to pick any House but Gryffindor for Garreth just so that his father could be wrong.
"Does that mean you want to make the whole castle pink and frilly?" Garreth smirked at Rachel's comment, still petting Effie. He had heard of her Cactus, but he certainly had no idea it came in a pink pot. Then again, if he thought about it, he could probably guess the color, knowing Rachel.
"I would love that so much! That'd be fantastic!" He clapped his hands together, really quite excited about having Rachel in Ravenclaw with him. He truly appreciated how confident she was that he'd make it into Ravenclaw. Her confidence was rather infectious, and it was beginning to show. He gritted his teeth when she mentioned his father, but brushed it off soon after. "He's just going to have to deal with it!" he smiled.
SPOILER!!: Haddie and Mark!
Originally Posted by Callie
Hadley looked at Garreth's hand, and then up at Garreth. Then back at his hand. How old did he think they were?
Haddie rolled her eyes and smirked to herself. She grabbed his wrist and started to reposition his arm and hand so that his hand was about face high, vertically facing outward. And gave him a high five.
That's more like it.
"So you're the best friend Rachel's been cheating on me with?" she grinned. "We're all sitting together, right? Oh!" Haddie gestured to the girl their age and the boy, about 15, that was pushing her cart. "This is Mason, another firstie like us. Are you a first year, Garreth? You look like you're a first year... And this is my sometimes not a jerk big brother, Mark."
"Okay, you really need to stop introducing me that way."
Hadley ignored him. "He's a muggy."
What an emotional rollercoaster that handshake had been for poor, shy little Garreth. Just the act of extending a hand was risk enough for someone as shy as he was, and the relief at finding his handshake had been accepted was very short lived, as he discovered his hand had been grabbed, not as a return of his greeting, but as a corrective measure. To then have it suddenly slapped was an even bigger blow to his senses.
Typically for Garreth, he of course had to overanalyze the situation. He wasn't sure whether to be upset that he'd apparently broken some sort of social custom in opting for a handshake rather than a high-five, or be appreciative of the fact that despite his apparent faux pas, he'd still been accepted. Luckily, he opted to go with the latter, something he might not have done, had his social skills not already begun to develop thanks to his friendship with Rachel. The boy stood still for a moment in stunned silence, looking at the open palm of his hand, which still stung, before nodding at the girl's question. "Yes, I think that's me." he replied, his smile returning to his face. He nodded again when she asked if he was a first year, and while he would normally reach out to shake Mark's hand, given Haddie's earlier reaction, he decided that probably wouldn't end well. Instead he focused on Haddie's comment, raising an eyebrow. "A Muggy?"
SPOILER!!: Mason!
Originally Posted by Nc.Ap.
Mason laughed as Haddie readjusted Garreth's hand and gave him a high-five. Seriously, this girl was hilarious.
She extended her own hand in greeting to the boy, "I'm Mason. You're a firstie right?" she said and shook the hand that wasn't entangled in the cutest cat ever, "Don't take Haddie to seriously mate or else you'll wander around as if you were Confundus'ed all day long."
Mason turned towards Rachel and engulfed her in a hug, "Hello there my lovely," she smiled at Rachel as she released her, "You ready for the Acromantula? And of course we have to sit together."
There was little time to await an answer from Haddie, however, as the other girl their age that she had pointed to was already addressing him. This one reached a hand out in greeting, and Garreth, enticed by the return to the familiar pleasantries he had been raised to always uphold, instinctively returned the gesture, shaking the girl's hand with a polite smile, an introduction, and a nod at her question. "Alright, maybe I won't." he grinned at her comment. Maybe he shouldn't take Haddie too seriously. Maybe she was just being funny! Garreth was so used to everyone being so serious, he really hadn't been certain. Now that he thought about it, it had been kind of funny. "What's this I'm hearing about an Acromantula?" he asked, intrigued, and wanting to be part of the conversation.
SPOILER!!: Haddie's rolling her eyes at Garreth and Mason.
Originally Posted by Nc.Ap.
SPOILER!!: Thank you Haddle-Pop
Hadley looked at Garreth's hand, and then up at Garreth. Then back at his hand. How old did he think they were?
Haddie rolled her eyes and smirked to herself. She grabbed his wrist and started to reposition his arm and hand so that his hand was about face high, vertically facing outward. And gave him a high five.
That's more like it.
"So you're the best friend Rachel's been cheating on me with?" she grinned. "We're all sitting together, right? Oh!" Haddie gestured to the girl their age and the boy, about 15, that was pushing her cart. "This is Mason, another firstie like us. Are you a first year, Garreth? You look like you're a first year... And this is my sometimes not a jerk big brother, Mark."
"Okay, you really need to stop introducing me that way."
Hadley ignored him. "He's a muggy."
Mason laughed as Haddie readjusted Garreth's hand and gave him a high-five. Seriously, this girl was hilarious.
She extended her own hand in greeting to the boy, "I'm Mason. You're a firstie right?" she said and shook the hand that wasn't entangled in the cutest cat ever, "Don't take Haddie to seriously mate or else you'll wander around as if you were Confundus'ed all day long."
Mason turned towards Rachel and engulfed her in a hug, "Hello there my lovely," she smiled at Rachel as she released her, "You ready for the Acromantula? And of course we have to sit together."
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"We'll just have to make do with what we have and try to make it look as royal as possible.'' That included putting her potted cactus in her dorm. It did come in a pink pot, after all.
"Then we'll Ravenclaw best friends!'' Rachel giggled, hoping really now for Ravenclaw. She would follow in her parents footsteps and be with her best friend at the same time. One of them, at least because she saw Haddie as more of a Gryffindor. "Yes, I heard that too. Maybe if I think 'Put me in Ravenclaw with Garreth, please' the Hat will listen to me.'' She couldn't help but smile again at the look of happiness on her friend's face. "You did. This is what friends are for. Boy, I can't wait to find out what your father thinks when you're not placed in Gryffindor.'' Rachel was banking on the Sorting Hat to pick any House but Gryffindor for Garreth just so that his father could be wrong.
Princess looked from one best friend to the other. It amazed her that she had picked two completely different persons in terms of personalities to be her closest friends. Garreth, shy and polite, had offered a hand to Haddie while Haddie opted for a high five by repositioning Garreth's hand.
"Haddie!'' Rachel admonished with a giggle. "I'm not cheating on anyone.'' Even though technically she had been friends with Garreth longer. "Yes, we are but I'll have to split my time among you all and some others.'' Corn and Henric had already asked her to sit with them too. "Hello again, Mark.'' Having spent time at Haddie's over the summer, she had met her friend's family.
Now was when Rach noticed Mason. Her face lit up in a smile again. She barely had time to get a 'hello' out when she was swept into a hug. "Mason!'' She giggled. "Mind the cat.'' She was still clutching Effie. She did return the hug but then pouted. "I am not going close to an acromantula for any reason,'' she stated firmly. "You just wait until I find your fear...'' Rachel broke into a smile again. She wasn't mad at Mason. On contrary, she was used to the teasing about spiders.
Originally Posted by Compootor
SPOILER!!: Rachel being cute
"Does that mean you want to make the whole castle pink and frilly?" Garreth smirked at Rachel's comment, still petting Effie. He had heard of her Cactus, but he certainly had no idea it came in a pink pot. Then again, if he thought about it, he could probably guess the color, knowing Rachel.
"I would love that so much! That'd be fantastic!" He clapped his hands together, really quite excited about having Rachel in Ravenclaw with him. He truly appreciated how confident she was that he'd make it into Ravenclaw. Her confidence was rather infectious, and it was beginning to show. He gritted his teeth when she mentioned his father, but brushed it off soon after. "He's just going to have to deal with it!" he smiled.
SPOILER!!: Haddie and Mark!
What an emotional rollercoaster that handshake had been for poor, shy little Garreth. Just the act of extending a hand was risk enough for someone as shy as he was, and the relief at finding his handshake had been accepted was very short lived, as he discovered his hand had been grabbed, not as a return of his greeting, but as a corrective measure. To then have it suddenly slapped was an even bigger blow to his senses.
Typically for Garreth, he of course had to overanalyze the situation. He wasn't sure whether to be upset that he'd apparently broken some sort of social custom in opting for a handshake rather than a high-five, or be appreciative of the fact that despite his apparent faux pas, he'd still been accepted. Luckily, he opted to go with the latter, something he might not have done, had his social skills not already begun to develop thanks to his friendship with Rachel. The boy stood still for a moment in stunned silence, looking at the open palm of his hand, which still stung, before nodding at the girl's question. "Yes, I think that's me." he replied, his smile returning to his face. He nodded again when she asked if he was a first year, and while he would normally reach out to shake Mark's hand, given Haddie's earlier reaction, he decided that probably wouldn't end well. Instead he focused on Haddie's comment, raising an eyebrow. "A Muggy?"
There was little time to await an answer from Haddie, however, as the other girl their age that she had pointed to was already addressing him. This one reached a hand out in greeting, and Garreth, enticed by the return to the familiar pleasantries he had been raised to always uphold, instinctively returned the gesture, shaking the girl's hand with a polite smile, an introduction, and a nod at her question. "Alright, maybe I won't." he grinned at her comment. Maybe he shouldn't take Haddie too seriously. Maybe she was just being funny! Garreth was so used to everyone being so serious, he really hadn't been certain. Now that he thought about it, it had been kind of funny. "What's this I'm hearing about an Acromantula?" he asked, intrigued, and wanting to be part of the conversation.
Haddie grinned. "I can elbow you too, Mase, if you want." She turned back to Garreth "It's Rachel's and my word for Muggles. An inside joke."
"Hey, Rach. Excited about starting your magic school, thingy...?" Mark asked, looking bored as a 15 year old watching his 12 year old sister while she waited to be shipped off to school would be.
Hadley rolled her eyes at Mason and Garreth. "Unbelievable. Guys, you're eleven! Eleven year olds don't shake hands. That's a boring adult thing!" Her expression was easy to read and said something along the lines of, How do you not know this? and You both need my help so much! But she didn't say either of that. Instead she proudly announced, "Well, lucky for me, I'm not scared of anything."
"I'm not!" Haddie protested.
Mark smirked and held up his hands in surrender. "If you say so, Little mouse." Haddie grumbled to herself at his use of that nickname. "I'm going to go find Dad and let him know where we are." He backed away defensively into the crowd.
Hadley huffed annoyed and turned back to her friends. "And he's back to being Jerkface McGee." She folded her arms in an overexaggerated pout.
Azura nodded as he spoke, "Yeah, that is true, we will be able to get our books at the book shop and I know my way around the ink shop, so Quills and parchment and ink will be no problem to get." She had to thank Blaise for leading her around and helping her get all of those supplies, otherwise she would have been lost forever and heaven help her if she tripped in there! Ink everywhere!
Thankfully that hadn't happened!
"Felicity! That makes sense now, and that's such a cute name. I bet she is adorable." Jasper was pretty cute himself so his sister was probably pretty! But she wasn't going to say that out loud! Nope! A horde of Flying Fwoopers wouldn't get it out of her!
She nodded as he explained how old she was. "And how do you feel about her coming here? He probably had some complicated thoughts about the potential arrival at Hogwarts. She knew her cousin did! She still didn't think he was thrilled about it.
"Yeah it's pretty fun and thankfully I get presents for my birthday and for Christmas." Even though her birthday was three days before Christmas! She nodded thoughtfully as he rambled on a bit.. and she watched him.. It was rather cute.. But again, she wasn't going to say that! She needed to stop complimenting him! They had agreed and she was still doing it! But she couldn't help it!
Merlin something must be wrong with her! Maybe the Fwoopers had gotten to her?
"Yeah, I am sure they will be all right now that I think of it.. They really love each other, they go on dates all the time! Now they can go on more dates." She said with a nod of her head.. They were adorable! Oh her parents! She missed them already! But she wouldn't trade talking to Jasper for anything!
"She sounds great!" Azura said with a warm smile up at Jasper, she could tell he loved his mom and that was super cool as well! She sounded a lot like her own mother, except for the freaking out at going to a wizarding district thing, but she could totally understand that!
She nodded as he spoke and she smiled up at him again, her purple eyes shining.. Well, at least he was glad he was going to Hogwarts!
Whew! She was glad he hadn't caught that.. Goodness what was wrong with her mouth lately? She wasn't sure.. but thankfully he hadn't brought it up! Good!
She hoped he liked meeting her as well! Though as he said.. he wouldn't be here talking to her if he didn't want to.. right?
So she needed to calm down! "I hope we are in the same house, that would be super awesome!"
"So there won't be too much that we have to worry about buying..." they'd have bought all the essentials this year, right? So all they'd need would be the books for their next year, and more quills and parchment. Though honestly, Jasper was still unsure about using a quill. It's why he had back up pens!
Jasper couldn't help but smile at how she mentioned his sister was adorable, for the simple reason that she could be the cutest kid he had ever seen. Could be. Not always. "She is," was all that he said on that matter.
How did he feel about his sister coming to Hogwarts? He tilted his head to the side for a second as he thought about it. The conflicting thoughts were once again going through his head. "I'd prefer her to come to Hogwarts," he admitted after a few moments. "She'd be alone if she stayed in Australia..." there was that protective older brother side of him coming out. It was probably obvious that he wasn't overly thrilled at the idea though.
He grinned at the thought. That would be great! Having presents 3 days before christmas and then also celebrating christmas and getting more presents! "That'd be cool," he said, thinking about his own birthday. His was Valentine's day...
His nose scrunched up at that thought alone. Every year his mother joked that Jasper was her ongoing gift to her husband.
Jasper couldn't help but smile at the way she spoke about her parents, glad that she was now feeling a bit better. "That sounds very nice," he commented. His parents tried to have a 'date night' once a week, which was a few hours they were able to have alone. It didn't always happen though!
"Being in the same house would be awesome," he said to her, a grin on his face. Before it fell slightly, thinking that maybe they wouldn't be in the same house.... "Even if we aren't, we'll still be able to see each other all the time though!"