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Front of the train getting full? No worries, there's plenty of room in the back cars. Mind your step and take small children by the hand. Kiss your Ma and your Pa, get the last jab in at your younger siblings, but don't dally!
The Hogwarts Express will be pulling out soon, headed to Hogwarts for another magical year. You may RP your character boarding the train here, saying their goodbyes, and meeting new Hogwarts students.
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori
Text Cut: Gemini & The Rider-Mae’s
Originally Posted by Optimist
Five years, that was how long she had been Marsha’s mother…well, officially speaking. Her daughter was heading back to school again and really, she didn’t know how exactly she felt about that. “Sha you look beautiful, okay?” She smiled softly and gave Eliot a soft smile as well. It was harder for him, she knew, seeing her off that is…she was his flesh and blood.
The look he gave her, she couldn’t help but smile as she thought about their little miracles. It was tough though, really, Sha had been such a blessing with everything over summer. Rhys was going to miss his older sister. “I’m going to owl you every chance I get sweety,” she told her and smiled…it wasn’t long after she had given those parting words that Eliot had pointed Suri out to Sha.
Those two were precious. “Eliot…did you hear from Thunder?” She asked as she craned her neck to see through the crowd of milling people. Where on earth was her little brother? Of course she wanted to show off Rhys and Alis to him as she always wanted to – she also wanted to hear about how he was doing…and well, seeing him bringing a kid here was kind of fun? Considering she never thought he would be one to attach himself to kids, especially with his additional siblings.
Originally Posted by Daemon
Suri Rider-Mae was here. With her entire family. Her much bigger than last year family. Benzi, Mum, Bernard and OZZIE.
Also her name was Suri Rider-Mae now. Still weird.
"Muuuuuuuum, let's go that way, she's not here!" she insisted, bouncy and impatient as she ran across the platform looking for her friend. Her THIRD YEAR friend. In case you didn't know, Suri Rider(-Mae) was very cool, she had OLDER friends. Like Maggie and Dante, who were fifth years. And of course, Hayley and Noel who were going to be SEVENTH YEARS. She glanced around behind her to see Benzi absentmindedly pick at his clothes as he waited for the Diggory's to show up and rolled her eyes. He was so obsessed with Hayley, it was starting to get very annoying. She liked Hayley and all.. but ugh. Seriously. They were literally joined at the hip. Other than his Auror things, she was all he talked about.
The twelve year old turned around just in time to see Marsha come RUNNING towards her and SQUEALED, enveloping her in a MAAAAASIVE hug as if she hadn't seen her in months. (It had been three days.) "HI MARSHA!" she laughed into the hug, but very discreetly continued looking around the platform for one blue eyed dark haired boy who was also supposed to show up. Ahem. Because he was also important. Extremely. You know. Her other best friend.
Grinning, Sha couldn’t help but smile at her mum. ”Thank you! Granda likes it when I wear tartan.” She beamed, thinking about Granda Hayden and his love for his country and nationality. ”He says that I’m embracing my Scottish side when I do.” Which always made her feel special, since Gemini and her whole family where her Step-family but they had adopted and taken her as one of their own… Which made her feel special and loved and incredibly thankful to be part of such a large, incredible family. Even if it was hard remembering how everyone was related.
”I’ll write to you as often as I can too! I’m excited to get to take Care of Magical Creatures this year though I’ll miss Chestnut again… It was amazing getting to ride her over the Summer and to help you with the stables.” As much as Marsha loved school, she also loved being at home and getting to help out with her Mum’s business… and her siblings. She was going to miss them more than anything. But she wasn’t going to think about that yet, she was going to find Suri and then she would worry about saying good bye.
Looking up as her Taddy tugged on her hand, she pouted at him. Didn’t he know she was tr- SURI!
Taking off, the red-head flew across the platform before she clung to Suri, arms wrapped around her waist. Laughing happily, she tried to welcome her friend but it came out a muffled, tangled mess due to laughing. When she finally pulled back though, she grinned at the brunette. ”Suri! Hi!” She grinned before looking up at Rachel and waving. ”Hi Mrs Rider-Mae.” HUGE smiles for you, and your hubbbby. She gave Benzi a quick wave before realising that he was too busy searching the platform for someone else that he wasn’t paying her any attention. OH WELL.
”Are you ready? I’m so excited!” The Welsh girl said to Marsha, her attention fully back on her best friend. Though, where WAS Melon? And AJ and Lance and Rusty? Mentally she made a note to try and find them when she was on the train - but if not, then she would find them at the Gryffindor table for the feast. Yes. Plan, sorted.
Eliot smiled at the reunion of Marsha and Suri and moved closer to Gemini, his hand resting on her waist as they moved at a much slower pace to join them with the Rider-Mae’s. He noted that Alis was looking curiously at the little one and tried to place how old she was, but unfortunately was drawing a blank. Figuring out children’s ages wasn’t his strongest point. He would ask if Gemini didn’t…
He gave a semi-awkward smile-nod-type greeting thing to both Rachel, Benzi and Bernard though he couldn’t really remember their names and then looked at his tiny little daughter who was looking more and more like his ex-fiance every day. At least those memories didn’t hurt anymore… and he had Gemini and their gorgeous children now… which he wouldn’t have had if life hadn’t turned out the way it did… Everything happened for a reason, unfortunate but true by his thoughts.
When Gemini spoke to him, he tilted his head to the side to look at her better. ”Didn’t he say that he was coming with India and Melbourne when he was visiting over the Summer?” Eliot was pretty sure that was the right name.. Or was it Amy, Melanie? Amelia...? No… Pretty sure it was Melbourne… ”I’m sure he is around here somewhere.” Standing up straight, Eliot began to look through the crowds for his brother-in-law this time.
Text Cut: Dia and Melon
Originally Posted by Jesse
Kings cross still looked the same to her, even though it had been so long since she had been there. India’s hand pressed against her little sister’s back as she guided her through the crowd. “Now remember hold on to your ticket” she informed and smiled to the short girl in front of her, really, even for her age and weight her sister was short.
Watching Mel glance around the train station only made her remember her first time here, it was here that she had met her best friend. Thunder was like a brother to her, heck, she was already so grateful to him for everything…helping her find a place that was better for Mel even though Mel preferred living with Finn…which stung a little but she got it.
Mel wasn’t a city girl. She was the girl that wanted to go rock climbing in a dragon reserve, which was probably why she was banned from that dragon reserve come to think of it. “Okay Mel, you need to promise me and Thunder that you’ll be good? Okay, you don’t want to upset Thor now do you?” She asked using the nickname that even Mel had started to use for him. “And please be good, don’t go adventuring and for the love of god avoid the forest” she told her, her tone stricter than it ever had been.
Everything about how she looked today was calculated. She knew from talking to Rorie and well to India and Mika too…but mainly from Rorie that people had to change into their uniforms before getting to the school. So, she was going to as well right before the train docked….good idea? Maybe that way she wouldn’t have to do something cray? Maybe she could sneak into the carriages Mika had told her about? The ones face licker Kaiden had said were pulled by winged creepy horses?
“Indiaaaaaaaaaaa come on I’m going to be fine” Mel groaned as her sister told her again to be good and follow the rules and to do all those booooring things. Gosh what was she seven? “I already told you that I won’t walk onto some ship if it appears or taunt spiders or try and climb the luggage racks” she groaned. “but I’m not going to not adventure because if I did that all I would have left is studying and I don’t want to do that” she frowned.
“I want to go on adventures with Ace and Sam and I wanna find out where my new friend Mason is housed…the one from the apothecary” she grinned remembering the conversation with the other girl. She liked her. She was cool. Yeah so she was being a bit uuugh but India was being even more ugh. Seriously. She was going to have as much fun as possible “I promise I’m going to make a point of introducing myself to the prefects” she nodded a little hint of a smirk falling into place…sure, the prefects would be able to help her get that innocent little look she was going for that was why she had brought a few outfits in her bag thanks to India’s shop. Yep. She’d never notice those mannequins were all stark naked until it was too late.
Thunder didn’t think that he would be making a trip to Kings Cross on September 1st for a long time yet as he didn’t have any children of his own, but as he had been helping India to raise Melbourne for the last few years… well, he was more attached to the over-confident eleven year old. Silently, he wondered if Hogwarts was ready and if Marsha would be able to keep her out of trouble.. but perhaps that was a big ask of his niece. Smiling at the thought though, he turned back to his best friend and her sister.
The smile on his face widened as he saw Dia fretting over Melon. He moved closer to them, fitting in on the third side to make a triangle between them, their own private little unit. ”Come on Dia, you know that Mel won’t go near the forest. She knows that no amount of adventures are worth the forest.” Looking down at the eleven year old, he searched her face. ”Whatever you promise us, make sure you don’t go into the forest without adult supervision and protection.” But. Thunder was adding and saying nothing about adventuring; he was a writer, he loved adventure. Just not forests where everything could and probably would, try to kill you.
”Marsha will be there to help you too, though you know that as she told you over Summer.”. Thunder laughed, suddenly nervous about leaving Mel on the train while he and Dia stood, left behind on the platform. Hmm, would it feel like this if she was his daughter? Would it be worse? Hmmm… Weird.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Teddy had just been having a moment with his mum and dad. He didn't want to go back to Hogwarts, and the feeling of anxiety at being away from his home for so long had just peaked. Ava walked on, not realising, but his parents had realised soon after and had come back for him. After almost breaking down, they managed to prevent the attack. There were no tears this time, no hyperventilating, and he was glad. He didn't want to get on the train with red, blotchy eyes.
But he made them stay where they were so that he didn't have to say goodbye again. And before he knew it, he was at the south end of the platform. He looked around for a little bit to spot Ava, and there she was. Talking to... Oh, it was Henric! Teddy still held him in high regard for saving him for the potential danger of Knockturn Alley. He dragged his trunk behind him, his cat keeping pace with him. "HEY AVA! HENRIC!" he yelled, self-consciously. Slightly out of breath when he finally reached them again, he said "Hi, hi Henric. Sorry I... I just... I just had to... say goodbye... to... mum... and dad.." he was saying, still trying to catch his breath. The run had been longer than he thought.
"Hey! You're prefect!" he said to Henric, seeing the badge. He smiled at the older boy. "Congratulations."
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by Symphora
"Yep, that's the plan." Henric nodded at her comment about pushing the trolleys around. He rather had his hands free from all the luggage he brought along too. "Lock himself in the compartment? That's not good...because we have to share the compartment, Ava, don't make me barge in there using the 'Alohomora' spell on his door," he grinned. He realised how different these two were in terms of personalities and behaviour. He wouldn't believe it for one second they were twins if she hadn't told him.
"Don't insult the hair, Ava. "He warned back playfully as he patted his hair carefully. What, FAT?! Urgh. Not her too! Candice called him fat as well. Unbelievable. HELLO girls...this right here is called body muscle mass not fat. But if they want to go all technical and what not, they all have fats in their bodies not just him alone. Henric rolled his eyes and snorted, "And I'm sure you only have eyes on Adair, some bestfriend you are Ava..hmph." He pouted and crossed his arm in retaliation.
Heheh. She noticed the badge now, huh? He laughed when she squealed in surprise at his new status in the school now."Yup! Surprise! Haha! Thanks Ava but you need to stop poking me, it hurts..oww..ow..." he chuckled as he tried to avoid her poking attack. Henric nodded,"Yeah, she was the first to know about it before I told Adi next. I wondered how many would notice my badge until they realised it, good eye Ava. Pfft...after you treated me earlier, I'm not giving away passwords to anything, good luck trying to get it out from me, shortcake,"he winked.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Teddy had just been having a moment with his mum and dad. He didn't want to go back to Hogwarts, and the feeling of anxiety at being away from his home for so long had just peaked. Ava walked on, not realising, but his parents had realised soon after and had come back for him. After almost breaking down, they managed to prevent the attack. There were no tears this time, no hyperventilating, and he was glad. He didn't want to get on the train with red, blotchy eyes.
But he made them stay where they were so that he didn't have to say goodbye again. And before he knew it, he was at the south end of the platform. He looked around for a little bit to spot Ava, and there she was. Talking to... Oh, it was Henric! Teddy still held him in high regard for saving him for the potential danger of Knockturn Alley. He dragged his trunk behind him, his cat keeping pace with him. "HEY AVA! HENRIC!" he yelled, self-consciously. Slightly out of breath when he finally reached them again, he said "Hi, hi Henric. Sorry I... I just... I just had to... say goodbye... to... mum... and dad.." he was saying, still trying to catch his breath. The run had been longer than he thought.
"Hey! You're prefect!" he said to Henric, seeing the badge. He smiled at the older boy. "Congratulations."
Ava laughed at him. "Not really 'locking' himself though.... I'm sure that he wouldn't mind to share a compartment but that person wouldn't be that happy. He wouldn't talk to people easily and just gonna stay reading the book until we arrived at the station." Sometimes she really wonder if Teddy had ever felt lonely or so. But she couldn't force him to be sociable since he had social anxiety. "But... if that happened, your idea seems nice." And speaking of Teddy... There he was, shouting her name and Henric's. "Oh, were they already left? If not maybe I can ask dad to give me some galleons..." She grinned. But maybe not when her mom was around.
Why most guys were obsessed with hair? She didn't understand that. Maybe in a few years Teddy would do the same thing like him... Too busy grooming his hair. She tried to jump reaching his hair but she couldn't. Henric was soooo tall and she was short. Ugh! That's why she often poked him in ribs since it's still reachable for her. Hehehe. Her face turned red when Henric mentioned Zander again... Ugh! "What? Wha... Why you have to mention him?" It's kinda sad not to see him around the school again. "And stop pouting, you look uglier when you pout."
Okay, she stopped the poking since the NEW prefect had begged. "Ilia must be proud of youuuu... Just don't snog around the school, that's disgusting and you're a prefect makes it 200% more disgusting." Lucky that when she had to share compartment with that Slytherpuff couple they didn't snog or do any couple stuffs like the others. Ewww, just EW! "People will notice if you get the rid of your hideous Manchester United badge." Hehehe...
He just called her WHAT??? "DON'T CALL ME SHORTCAKE!!" She yelled at him and gave him the tickle attack! HAHAHAHA!!! She didn't forget that Teddy was here too watching both of them. Well, he wouldn't mind, right? "Just because you're tall like a bamboo it doesn't mean you can insult me like that. Plus, I gained one inch this summer..." Should she take growing potions? Maybe she should.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Teddy nodded, "Didn't you say goodbye at the entry?" Hmm... his thoughts were so scrambled, a meteor could have landed on earth and he wouldn't have realised. "But, here," he said, pulling out a little pouch from his pocket. There was some money in there. Teddy had one too. "Sorry I should have brought them with me." He felt bad now. He thought Ava had said goodbye, but what if she hadn't?
WHOA! Yeah, Henric, Ava was sensitive about her height. Not even Teddy, who was only about 5mm taller, if that, never mentioned her height. Although Zhenya was short anyway, but he was sure they would both be taller than her within a few years.
Ilia arrived a little behind what she had hoped to because her mother had to go through all of her parental check lists.....as well as decide to add more clothes into her daughters already heavy luggage. Having a mother that is a model seemed to mean more clothing than you would ever need.....Her mother insisted that she wear her new outfit today....heels included...and it was beyond her. Why was she wearing heels at a train station??? Ilia had already become 5'7" over the summer, did she really need to be taller on top of it? Oh well....Henric would like how she looked so long as she didn't break an ankle....
Making small talk with her mother, she spotted the puff in his newly appointed badge and she couldn't help but smile happily at him. Yup, that was her goofball talking to a few younger students. Oh hey it was little Ava! She waved at the girl as she was walking in. They were with her on the train ride back last term and ....well she made Ilia about choke and turn red when she asked why she liked Henric. Still, Ava was a pretty awesome little lady. She didn't know the little boy, but she smiled at him all the same. She was wondering if she could manage to get her mother to leave now so that no one accidently mentioned her and Henric dating in front of her.....that wouldn't be good.
Runa was excited to drop her daughter off at school today, she was glad that she had actually gotten time with her this summer and pranced her way into the train station. Here she was being a good mother and all, actually helping push the trolley in her heels and everything! Freya looked so adorable in her new things and Runa couldn't help but puff her chest out a little when showing off her child. Smart and adorable and perfect! Well....except for her choice in friends. She liked that Adi boy, he was very well to do.....but this other one.....oh....speak of the devil there it-erm-he was. She saw the way Freya smiled at him and held back an eye roll. Why this muggle child....really.....She was going to attempt being nice despite herself. "Yooohooo. Hello Henry!" She called out to the boy with her saccharine smile and a wave.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Garreth & Effie! <3
Originally Posted by Compootor
SPOILER!!: Rachel! <3
This just kept getting better and better. With every word that escaped Rachel's mouth, Garreth became more and more reassured that not part of the journey would see him sit by himself. Rachel was going to stick by him the whole way, and maybe she could even help him make MORE friends. "Of course, that sounds great!" He smiled brightly at her suggestion. He had completely forgotten about the boat ride, and while under normal circumstances, he probably would have found some silly way to worry about that too, Rachel's presence and the comforting thought of her being with him through the whole thing had a negating effect on any troubled thoughts that sprung up in his mind.
"She's the queen of the world, as far as she's concerned." he teased. It had taken him slightly by surprise when the kitty bolted from her perch on top of the train to the tops of Rachel's feet in what seemed like a split second. Visibly impressed, he continued to glance back and forth between the cat and the girl. "Unusually so." He replied, scratching his head.
"Well, I can't say I blame her." He smirked at Rachel's remark. Of course Effie would want to spend her time with Rachel. She was so sweet, and gave plenty of cuddles. Besides, Garreth was obviously a big fan of her, and any friend of Garreth's was a friend of hers. The Burman reached up for Rachel's nose and clasped it firmly between her paws, meowing in contentment. "You girls need to spend some quality time together anyway."
Rachel had no idea just how happy Garreth was about her saying she would stick by his side. Truth be told, she was relieved too, that she had someone to stay with. If Haddie were there, she'd feel even better but she had to find her other best friend first. "I sure am glad you agreed to that. Won't it be fun? The train journey, the boats, the Sorting?'' She did an excited jump, making her ponytail bounce against her shoulders. She was that excited.
The girl giggled. "She can be that too. Queen Effie. It sounds rather good, doesn't it? Right, Effie?'' She always loved playing with the cat. It was so cute and cuddly. Rachel smiled at Garreth. "She's full of surprises it seems.''
''She's welcome to keep me company in my dorm, which ever one it may be.'' Hopefully either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. The eleven year old often found herself recently hoping that she was in the same House as Garreth and Haddie or at least in the same one as either of them. Suddenly, she found herself or her nose, more precisely, caught between soft and furry paws. This sent her into another bout of giggles. "Are you trying to steal my nose, darling? Garreth, she seems to like my nose over yours.'' She gently rubbed the cat's nose again.
Rachel had no idea just how happy Garreth was about her saying she would stick by his side. Truth be told, she was relieved too, that she had someone to stay with. If Haddie were there, she'd feel even better but she had to find her other best friend first. "I sure am glad you agreed to that. Won't it be fun? The train journey, the boats, the Sorting?'' She did an excited jump, making her ponytail bounce against her shoulders. She was that excited.
The girl giggled. "She can be that too. Queen Effie. It sounds rather good, doesn't it? Right, Effie?'' She always loved playing with the cat. It was so cute and cuddly. Rachel smiled at Garreth. "She's full of surprises it seems.''
''She's welcome to keep me company in my dorm, which ever one it may be.'' Hopefully either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. The eleven year old often found herself recently hoping that she was in the same House as Garreth and Haddie or at least in the same one as either of them. Suddenly, she found herself or her nose, more precisely, caught between soft and furry paws. This sent her into another bout of giggles. "Are you trying to steal my nose, darling? Garreth, she seems to like my nose over yours.'' She gently rubbed the cat's nose again.
"You know, I'm glad you asked." Garreth admitted. "I was starting to think I'd have to spend the whole trip all by myself." He gave a mock frown and shot a glance up at one of the train's many windows. He looked back at Rachel when she bounced with excitement, agreeing wholeheartedly with her sentiment. Despite all his worries and fears about how it would all turn out, he was very much looking forward to Hogwarts. "I know, right? It's so exciting!"
He snickered when Rachel gave Effie her prefix. "If you saw the way she acts at home, you'd know why we already gave her that title years ago!" He ruffled the fur on the top of Effie's royal head. The cat seemed not to mind, but did make an effort to fix her lovely beige hairdo.
"But what if we end up in completely different houses?" Garreth asked, concerned. "You're so sweet and helpful, you might be a Hufflepuff. And you're not afraid to stand up to father, so you're brave enough for Gryffindor!" The boy genuinely wanted to be in the same house as Rachel, even if that meant he had to muster up Gryffindor levels of courage. His father had always told him he had everything he needed to get into Gryffindor, he just had to want it. On the other hand, he really wanted to get into Ravenclaw. Indeed, he was rather conflicted on the whole situation. Effie looked up at Garreth and meowed in protest, as if she understood completely.
"Well.. On the other hand, you're certainly clever enough for Ravenclaw, and Effie will probably find her way back, no matter how far she has to walk to get from dorm to dorm."
Grinning, Sha couldn’t help but smile at her mum. ”Thank you! Granda likes it when I wear tartan.” She beamed, thinking about Granda Hayden and his love for his country and nationality. ”He says that I’m embracing my Scottish side when I do.” Which always made her feel special, since Gemini and her whole family where her Step-family but they had adopted and taken her as one of their own… Which made her feel special and loved and incredibly thankful to be part of such a large, incredible family. Even if it was hard remembering how everyone was related.
”I’ll write to you as often as I can too! I’m excited to get to take Care of Magical Creatures this year though I’ll miss Chestnut again… It was amazing getting to ride her over the Summer and to help you with the stables.” As much as Marsha loved school, she also loved being at home and getting to help out with her Mum’s business… and her siblings. She was going to miss them more than anything. But she wasn’t going to think about that yet, she was going to find Suri and then she would worry about saying good bye.
Looking up as her Taddy tugged on her hand, she pouted at him. Didn’t he know she was tr- SURI!
Taking off, the red-head flew across the platform before she clung to Suri, arms wrapped around her waist. Laughing happily, she tried to welcome her friend but it came out a muffled, tangled mess due to laughing. When she finally pulled back though, she grinned at the brunette. ”Suri! Hi!” She grinned before looking up at Rachel and waving. ”Hi Mrs Rider-Mae.” HUGE smiles for you, and your hubbbby. She gave Benzi a quick wave before realising that he was too busy searching the platform for someone else that he wasn’t paying her any attention. OH WELL.
”Are you ready? I’m so excited!” The Welsh girl said to Marsha, her attention fully back on her best friend. Though, where WAS Melon? And AJ and Lance and Rusty? Mentally she made a note to try and find them when she was on the train - but if not, then she would find them at the Gryffindor table for the feast. Yes. Plan, sorted.
Eliot smiled at the reunion of Marsha and Suri and moved closer to Gemini, his hand resting on her waist as they moved at a much slower pace to join them with the Rider-Mae’s. He noted that Alis was looking curiously at the little one and tried to place how old she was, but unfortunately was drawing a blank. Figuring out children’s ages wasn’t his strongest point. He would ask if Gemini didn’t…
He gave a semi-awkward smile-nod-type greeting thing to both Rachel, Benzi and Bernard though he couldn’t really remember their names and then looked at his tiny little daughter who was looking more and more like his ex-fiance every day. At least those memories didn’t hurt anymore… and he had Gemini and their gorgeous children now… which he wouldn’t have had if life hadn’t turned out the way it did… Everything happened for a reason, unfortunate but true by his thoughts.
When Gemini spoke to him, he tilted his head to the side to look at her better. ”Didn’t he say that he was coming with India and Melbourne when he was visiting over the Summer?” Eliot was pretty sure that was the right name.. Or was it Amy, Melanie? Amelia...? No… Pretty sure it was Melbourne… ”I’m sure he is around here somewhere.” Standing up straight, Eliot began to look through the crowds for his brother-in-law this time.
Thunder didn’t think that he would be making a trip to Kings Cross on September 1st for a long time yet as he didn’t have any children of his own, but as he had been helping India to raise Melbourne for the last few years… well, he was more attached to the over-confident eleven year old. Silently, he wondered if Hogwarts was ready and if Marsha would be able to keep her out of trouble.. but perhaps that was a big ask of his niece. Smiling at the thought though, he turned back to his best friend and her sister.
The smile on his face widened as he saw Dia fretting over Melon. He moved closer to them, fitting in on the third side to make a triangle between them, their own private little unit. ”Come on Dia, you know that Mel won’t go near the forest. She knows that no amount of adventures are worth the forest.” Looking down at the eleven year old, he searched her face. ”Whatever you promise us, make sure you don’t go into the forest without adult supervision and protection.” But. Thunder was adding and saying nothing about adventuring; he was a writer, he loved adventure. Just not forests where everything could and probably would, try to kill you.
”Marsha will be there to help you too, though you know that as she told you over Summer.”. Thunder laughed, suddenly nervous about leaving Mel on the train while he and Dia stood, left behind on the platform. Hmm, would it feel like this if she was his daughter? Would it be worse? Hmmm… Weird.
Sha was making her smile, “Well Granda Hayden has great taste then” she grinned over to her. “I will send you loads of photographs of Chestnut and if you let us maybe we can have some of the cousins ride Chestnut just so that he gets his exercise” she offered with a grin. “If not I’ll just ride him for you and even read the letters you write to him” she smiled a bit when she saw how excited she was to see Suri.
“Those two are going to have such adventures” of course she sent smiles to Rachel, Bernard and Benzi who looked extremely distracted, glancing over to Eliot she just smiled softly. “She would be very proud of her,” she practically whispered and smiled a sad smile but that was just how she was. Marsha had grown up without a mom for the longest time without a mom she was sure as a mom herself that Sha’s mom would have wanted Marsha to be happy and have her life filled with joy.
“Yeah I just never expected to see him with a kid” she added with a laugh, looking around she just grinned when she saw the trio. “He looks like a confused tad” she smiled. That was it. Her brother needed to have a kid.
Mel just looked over to Thunder as India was giving more of her stay safe speech and huffed. “Thor she’s going to make me live in the library…you have to tell her that adventures are what make stories worth it” she nodded. When he said she wouldn’t go near the forest she just raised an eyebrow – but the forest was full of creatures and maybe there were dragons in there?
When he added not to go in alone she just grinned. “Of course.” She nodded. “is the forest really that bad? I mean I’ve been in other forest…what’s such a big deal about this one?” She asked her eyes wide with excitement and wonder.
“Ooooh I wonder if I’ll see a lot of Marsha? What if she can’t help me out because were not in the same house?” She asked and raised an eyebrow.
India just gave Thunder a little grin when he moved to Mel’s other side. “You’ve got this Thor,” she added with a grin. “Thor come on I told you that I caught her trying to put frogs on our neighbors chicken eggs?” She asked a little panic in her tone. Yes. Her sister had tried to become the mistress of the deadly basilisk.
“We caught it in time though,” she added, “okay fine…adventuring is aloud but as Thunder said no forest without supervision or better yet not at all…you know those spiders Mika told you about?” She asked, and watched as Mel’s eyes widened, “they live there. That is their realm. You don’t want to upset those spiders do you?” Yes she was scaring her sister but that was what she had to do in order for this to work to her advantage.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki
He nodded understandingly at what she was saying. It was probably the same thing that he was thinking about that was bugging her. Whether or not they'd be hat stalls. Whether or not they'd actually get sorted, or whether they'd be kicked out of Hogwarts for not fitting in anywhere.
"Huh," was the intelligent answer he came up with when she gave her reasoning for what house she'd want to be in. "House parties in the kitchens? that sounded pretty weird. But then again, why not?
"I think my dad was a Gryffindor... but I don't really think that I'd want to be in that house," he was pretty sure he wouldn't fit in there. "Slytherin wouldn't be bad, the tie would match my eyes." he joked, though he shrugged his shoulders at that. He wasn't certain that felt right either.
Did any of the houses really feel right though?
"Sounds good," he commented, though he didn't have any slang words that he could throw in now. Instead he found himself containing his laughter from how Azura had spoke. Spiffing? That was an interesting word.
He couldn't help but laugh at what she next said, shaking his head in amusement once he'd stopped laughing. "How thoughtful of you to ensure my comfort," he answered, voice laced with amusement while a grin played on his face. But this blushing and being awkward thing. It really had to end. He didn't dignify the last thing with a response before HE scared her off with compliments!
That was her secret? Seemed like a weird secret seeing that everyone would notice/find out sooner or later. He shrugged, still grinning at the purple haired girl.
"Then I should probably warn you I get lost in my thoughts a lot," he told her seriously, and it was very true. He had a tendency to zone out, get caught up in his thoughts about what it might be like in another world, on another planet. Or just in another country. Anywhere really. "If you talk to me when I'm drawing I might never notice you."
Azura nodded her raven hair moving back and forth as she looked at Jasper, "Well that is just according to someone I met in Diagon Alley, apparently Gryffindors had a moving Lion Topiary as well." She shrugged a bit as she looked up at her, her purple eyes wide.
The tie WOULD match his eyes, pretty well. They were actually really pretty.. But of course she wasn't going to say that! Compliments and all that. "I've heard that Slytherin has a snake for a mascot." Her words were horrified.. "I hate snakes." They terrified her! "None of the ties would match my eyes." She joked back with him.. Yup.. Purple eyes had some benefits.. "Though the might clash with Red, so no Gryffindor!" She said with a soft laugh..
Listen to them picking house based on their colors!
She giggled a little.. "Pip Pip, Cheerio and all that!" But she couldn't contain her laughter any more and she burst into giggles.. "Well, now that we have established that how each other's talk is perfect.. It's still super fun to make fun of extreme accents." She said shaking her head a little as she smiled up at Jasper.
"Mmmhmm, so I'll never give you another compliment again.. which might be sad.. But that's how it is." She said as she looked at him with a teasing grin.. Hopefully now they had moved back the awkward stuff!!
Azura nodded seriously as he spoke but then her purple eyes lit up.. "You Draw? That's super cool! I've always wanted to draw, but I'm terrible at it.. I write.. sort of..and I play piano."
This platform was too SMALL. Look, Matt was already on the OTHER side of it. That, and also the fact he was a super fast RUNNER made the place feel quite short. Plus the fact that it was very crowded too. So. Many. PEOPLE!!!
So he ran around some more. Could he see anyone he knew yet? Who did he know? WHO DID HE KNOW THERE??? He looked around frantically. Come on, now, he'd seen LOTS of people in Diagon Alley. But there were lots more THERE now!! ASKFJNSKFNS
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Mark managed to keep their own cart from crashing over, but Wimple the boobook owl was none too happy. Haddie on the other hand looked relieved. "Oh Mason, finally! I've been looking for anyone I knew for 20 minutes!" Behind her, Mark flashed all 5 fingers of a hand, as if to tell Mason it had only been 5 minute.
"Oh, this is my brother, Mark. He's sometimes not a butthead."
"Gee, thanks," Mark replied. "If she gets on your nerves, Mason, you have my permission to hit her. Ooof!" Haddie elbowed him in the side.
"Have you seen anyone else? I'm trying to find Rachel. Do you know her? We were supposed to meet up outside the barrier but my parents were a bit preoccupied with the whole running at a wall thing..." She helped Mason pick up her cart and put her owl securely back on the cart. "We were just about to check the other end of the platform."
Mason chuckled at the over exaggerating Haddie as she elbowed her brother. "I don't think that that would be a good idea," she said and gestured towards hiss elbowed side, "I don't want that to happen to me."
"Yeah I know her, we were going to meet up in the train though." she told Haddie, "Maybe she hasn't arrived yet . . . but knowing her, she'd be the first one here. Lets go find her then, shall we?"
Once she had made sure that her that the owl was alright and that her path was free of hittable people, she, Haddie and Mark set off towards the other end of the platform.
Haddie followed along, beaming. Mr. Poppy was still held close, but no longer as tightly as he had been. She had found one of her friends finally, and was no longer alone. The security of Mr. Poppy wasn't needed as much now.
They reached the south end of the platform, and Haddie attempted to walk on her tiptoes in order to see over everyone. That didn't work. "Hold on, I got an idea." She vanished into the crowds, slipping and weaving between people with that uncanny skill of hers. A few seconds later her head popped up over the crowd of people against the wall. She scanned the crowded platform, and then grinned.
"I found her!" She yelled and her head vanished from view into the crowd as she hopped off the bench. "This way!" As soon as she was back to Mason and Mark she was gone again, leading the way, much slower, through the crowds, and checking every few steps to make sure they were keeping up.
There! Found her! "Rachel!" Haddie yelled, running the rest of the way to her best friend. "And boy I haven't met. Hi."
Azura nodded her raven hair moving back and forth as she looked at Jasper, "Well that is just according to someone I met in Diagon Alley, apparently Gryffindors had a moving Lion Topiary as well." She shrugged a bit as she looked up at her, her purple eyes wide.
The tie WOULD match his eyes, pretty well. They were actually really pretty.. But of course she wasn't going to say that! Compliments and all that. "I've heard that Slytherin has a snake for a mascot." Her words were horrified.. "I hate snakes." They terrified her! "None of the ties would match my eyes." She joked back with him.. Yup.. Purple eyes had some benefits.. "Though the might clash with Red, so no Gryffindor!" She said with a soft laugh..
Listen to them picking house based on their colors!
She giggled a little.. "Pip Pip, Cheerio and all that!" But she couldn't contain her laughter any more and she burst into giggles.. "Well, now that we have established that how each other's talk is perfect.. It's still super fun to make fun of extreme accents." She said shaking her head a little as she smiled up at Jasper.
"Mmmhmm, so I'll never give you another compliment again.. which might be sad.. But that's how it is." She said as she looked at him with a teasing grin.. Hopefully now they had moved back the awkward stuff!!
Azura nodded seriously as he spoke but then her purple eyes lit up.. "You Draw? That's super cool! I've always wanted to draw, but I'm terrible at it.. I write.. sort of..and I play piano."
A house party in the kitchens and now a moving lion topiary? Hogwarts sounded really weird. Weirder than his father had made it seem. He couldn't help the grin that crossed his face. This would be perfect! This was the type of school that he had been dreaming of going to for most of his life! "I never went to Diagon Alley," Japser told her, partially to explain how he didn't know any of the things she was talking about. "My dad took me to another wizarding world shopping district back in Australia..."
Though now he wished that he had convinced his father to go to Diagon Alley. Not only could he have met people who knew stuff about Hogwarts, but it would've also been interesting to see!
He laughed at her reaction to snakes. "They don't bother me," was all he said though. He didn't want to scare her by telling her that there were a lot of different kind of snakes where he lived. Or the fact that he'd even once found one in his own backyard! Then there were all the wildlife parks where you could hold them for photos....
"Maybe I should be in Hufflepuff, green and yellow would make me a patriotic Australian," he joked before he ended up caught up in thought. "I don't think it's possible for my eyes to clash with any of the house colours," in fact, he was certain that they didn't.
In that moment his mind had just gone crazy imagining random eye colours that would clash with certain houses. Shrugging it off he smiled at her, "Blue would look nice with your eyes?"
Jasper thought that would look nice anyway, with the shade of purple that her eyes were. It was probably the one benefit of drawing, he actually had some clue about colours. Maybe he wasn't always right but... that was a completely different matter....
Again he broke into laughter, the accent still hadn't lost it's humour. "At least we agree the extreme accents aren't what's perfect? Though I agree it's still great."
He hummed in agreement with her, an amused smile playing on his face as he looked at her. "Maybe I should never give you a compliment again either," he teased. "You take them just as well as I do."
Please understand the humour? That was the first thought to fly through his mind, but so far she'd understood him. So he felt a bit more relaxed.
Jasper shrugged at her reaction to his ability to draw. To him, it was just... something he did. "We all can do different things. Like... I'm terrible on a piano?" that much was true. His mother had tried to teach him, and he just didn't want to practice so he'd never improved.
Maybe he should've put an effort in, then they could've played a duet. Or, considering he had his guitar in his trunk, maybe they could still play together that way.
It was nice knowing someone else here liked music and could play an instrument!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki
A house party in the kitchens and now a moving lion topiary? Hogwarts sounded really weird. Weirder than his father had made it seem. He couldn't help the grin that crossed his face. This would be perfect! This was the type of school that he had been dreaming of going to for most of his life! "I never went to Diagon Alley," Japser told her, partially to explain how he didn't know any of the things she was talking about. "My dad took me to another wizarding world shopping district back in Australia..."
Though now he wished that he had convinced his father to go to Diagon Alley. Not only could he have met people who knew stuff about Hogwarts, but it would've also been interesting to see!
He laughed at her reaction to snakes. "They don't bother me," was all he said though. He didn't want to scare her by telling her that there were a lot of different kind of snakes where he lived. Or the fact that he'd even once found one in his own backyard! Then there were all the wildlife parks where you could hold them for photos....
"Maybe I should be in Hufflepuff, green and yellow would make me a patriotic Australian," he joked before he ended up caught up in thought. "I don't think it's possible for my eyes to clash with any of the house colours," in fact, he was certain that they didn't.
In that moment his mind had just gone crazy imagining random eye colours that would clash with certain houses. Shrugging it off he smiled at her, "Blue would look nice with your eyes?"
Jasper thought that would look nice anyway, with the shade of purple that her eyes were. It was probably the one benefit of drawing, he actually had some clue about colours. Maybe he wasn't always right but... that was a completely different matter....
Again he broke into laughter, the accent still hadn't lost it's humour. "At least we agree the extreme accents aren't what's perfect? Though I agree it's still great."
He hummed in agreement with her, an amused smile playing on his face as he looked at her. "Maybe I should never give you a compliment again either," he teased. "You take them just as well as I do."
Please understand the humour? That was the first thought to fly through his mind, but so far she'd understood him. So he felt a bit more relaxed.
Jasper shrugged at her reaction to his ability to draw. To him, it was just... something he did. "We all can do different things. Like... I'm terrible on a piano?" that much was true. His mother had tried to teach him, and he just didn't want to practice so he'd never improved.
Maybe he should've put an effort in, then they could've played a duet. Or, considering he had his guitar in his trunk, maybe they could still play together that way.
It was nice knowing someone else here liked music and could play an instrument!
Azura made a bit of a sad face as he said that he hadn't gone to Diagon Alley! "Ohh, it would have been awesome if you had! Maybe we could have met there? I met all sorts of people and made a few friends I hope." She bit her lip, her purple eyes slightly worried..before she remembered that perhaps Jasper didn't know what Diagon Alley WAS..
But then he spoke and she knew he probably did. "Ahh, I see, it would have been fun, but at least you got all your shopping done. My parents made me go alone." She said with a sigh, she had gotten all of her shopping done, but just barely! And she had tripped in front of many boys.. it was terrible, but she was feeling better now that she was somewhat normal in front of Jasper!
She smiled up at him as he said that snakes didn't bother him and she just shrugged.. "So I guess that means I can hide behind you when I see one and freak out?" She said with a soft laugh. Though, the idea of seeing a snake terrified her really. She had been bitten by a rattlesnake one time while on vacation with her parents to the American southwest.. It was highly scary and she still got nightmares about it to this day!
She looked up and regarded him for a moment, looking at his eyes thoughtfully.. they were such a pretty shade of green! Almost like the quill she had bought at the ink shop! "No, I don't think it is possible for your eyes to clash with any of the houses.. The would look perfect with anything, because they are such a pretty color."
Ohhh!! Had she complimented him again? Nuts!! She just smiled though and tried to play it off like it was nothing.
"It probably would! I'll be hoping for Ravenclaw then!" She said with a soft laugh, as she giggled up at him, really this conversation was silly, but she was enjoying more than anything!
She giggled a bit at his next words and she nodded, "Mmm, they aren't what is perfect and we do agree, I just wish I knew some more posh English phrases for you.. but I can't seem to think of any at the moment!" She said with a smile.. before shaking her head a little at his next words..
"Oh no! Here we are.. never complimenting the other!" She teased him back as she giggled at him more, he was right, she took them just as well as he did! She wondered if this was going to be a thing now between them.. Trying NOT to complement the other.. Heh.. Too bad she had already slipped up once! She couldn't help it!!
She nodded at him, "Well, I could help teach you if you want.. but i'll understand if you don't! But yeah, My grandparents wanted me to learn how to play, and so I did.. I'm all right at it."
Truth was, she was currently learning how to write music as well as play it! That was tricky, but she was still getting the hang of it!
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Anyone can Claim c:
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hady stopped walking right where she was. Riddick's cage was slipping from atop of where it was sat on her trunk which she had on a trolley. Stupid thing. Sighing quietly she walked around the side of the trolley and pushed the owls large cage back into place with a small bit of effort and gave the rope holding in place a hard tug. And then another hoping to keep it from slipping again. There. That should do it.
Now where was everyone she actually knew? The place was being overrun by first years it seemed. Was it this bad last term? Each year she returned it seemed more and more first years were here. Not that she had anything against them cause she didn't. At one time she had been one herself. Shifting from one foot to the other Hady leaned against her trunk, mindlessly fiddling with the flower necklace around her neck. Lightly sliding it from the left to the right and then repeating the motion as she bounced lightly on the balls of her feet humming a random tune under her breath. If someone she knew could suddenly appear and keep her entertained until the trains arrival that sure would be nice right now.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Azura made a bit of a sad face as he said that he hadn't gone to Diagon Alley! "Ohh, it would have been awesome if you had! Maybe we could have met there? I met all sorts of people and made a few friends I hope." She bit her lip, her purple eyes slightly worried..before she remembered that perhaps Jasper didn't know what Diagon Alley WAS..
But then he spoke and she knew he probably did. "Ahh, I see, it would have been fun, but at least you got all your shopping done. My parents made me go alone." She said with a sigh, she had gotten all of her shopping done, but just barely! And she had tripped in front of many boys.. it was terrible, but she was feeling better now that she was somewhat normal in front of Jasper!
She smiled up at him as he said that snakes didn't bother him and she just shrugged.. "So I guess that means I can hide behind you when I see one and freak out?" She said with a soft laugh. Though, the idea of seeing a snake terrified her really. She had been bitten by a rattlesnake one time while on vacation with her parents to the American southwest.. It was highly scary and she still got nightmares about it to this day!
She looked up and regarded him for a moment, looking at his eyes thoughtfully.. they were such a pretty shade of green! Almost like the quill she had bought at the ink shop! "No, I don't think it is possible for your eyes to clash with any of the houses.. The would look perfect with anything, because they are such a pretty color."
Ohhh!! Had she complimented him again? Nuts!! She just smiled though and tried to play it off like it was nothing.
"It probably would! I'll be hoping for Ravenclaw then!" She said with a soft laugh, as she giggled up at him, really this conversation was silly, but she was enjoying more than anything!
She giggled a bit at his next words and she nodded, "Mmm, they aren't what is perfect and we do agree, I just wish I knew some more posh English phrases for you.. but I can't seem to think of any at the moment!" She said with a smile.. before shaking her head a little at his next words..
"Oh no! Here we are.. never complimenting the other!" She teased him back as she giggled at him more, he was right, she took them just as well as he did! She wondered if this was going to be a thing now between them.. Trying NOT to complement the other.. Heh.. Too bad she had already slipped up once! She couldn't help it!!
She nodded at him, "Well, I could help teach you if you want.. but i'll understand if you don't! But yeah, My grandparents wanted me to learn how to play, and so I did.. I'm all right at it."
Truth was, she was currently learning how to write music as well as play it! That was tricky, but she was still getting the hang of it!
Jasper tilted his head slightly as he thought for a moment. "It would've been nice to meet you or other people starting at Hogwarts before coming here," he admitted. That had been another one of his worries, that he wouldn't actually meet anyone that he liked or make friends.
It was a stupid worry, but being so far from home he felt that it kind of made sense...
Not that he'd ever admit it.
"But I'll have a chance to meet them when we're at Hogwarts," he grinned once again at the thought of actually being there. "Maybe next year I'll join you in Diagon Alley," he added on, noticing how she seemed sad he didn't get a chance to see Diagon Alley. Besides, she should know a few places there now considering she had already been there!
"I think Dad was going to send me alone... Mum threw a bit of a fit though and made him take me and make sure I actually got everything," she had taken the whole wizarding school thing pretty well for a muggle. But it didn't change the fact that she was NOT willing to have her 11 year old son running around a place she didn't even know without his father. At least not until right now, where he was on his way to school.
Jasper couldn't help but laugh at her plan if they ever encountered. "You can if we see one, but I don't think they're that common in Great Britain."
He flushed slightly at the next compliment. Didn't they agree that they'd avoid compliments? And pretty? That was the first time anyone had used the world pretty when describing any part of him. This time, he was determined to avoid another awkward situation. "Thanks," he said with a smile. Now how to move on? He could compliment her eyes and say they were nicer? Or he could comment how his own weren't that great? Maybe both.
Yes both was good.
"They're just green," he commented with a shrug, though the smile was still on his face. "Yours are nicer because they're different, its something not everyone has."
For once he was proud of himself. And then he blushed again, scratching his neck as he second guessed whether he actually did the right thing.
"Hmmm.... I don't really know any more phrases... just a few different words we often use," he admitted with a shrug.
"Of course," Jasper grinned, not willing to admit that BOTH of them had already failed at their not complimenting one another attempt. At least they were even?
She wanted to teach him how to play piano? That might actually be cool! Then he could surprise his mother when he returned home! "I think my mother would love that, she tried to teach me once but I... didn't pay attention?" he cringed as he realised what he said. That definitely didn't say that he'd be willing to try.
"Like... I was more focussed on learning to play my guitar." There, Jasper had been able to give his reasoning on why he never learnt!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jasper
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper tilted his head slightly as he thought for a moment. "It would've been nice to meet you or other people starting at Hogwarts before coming here," he admitted. That had been another one of his worries, that he wouldn't actually meet anyone that he liked or make friends.
It was a stupid worry, but being so far from home he felt that it kind of made sense...
Not that he'd ever admit it.
"But I'll have a chance to meet them when we're at Hogwarts," he grinned once again at the thought of actually being there. "Maybe next year I'll join you in Diagon Alley," he added on, noticing how she seemed sad he didn't get a chance to see Diagon Alley. Besides, she should know a few places there now considering she had already been there!
"I think Dad was going to send me alone... Mum threw a bit of a fit though and made him take me and make sure I actually got everything," she had taken the whole wizarding school thing pretty well for a muggle. But it didn't change the fact that she was NOT willing to have her 11 year old son running around a place she didn't even know without his father. At least not until right now, where he was on his way to school.
Jasper couldn't help but laugh at her plan if they ever encountered. "You can if we see one, but I don't think they're that common in Great Britain."
He flushed slightly at the next compliment. Didn't they agree that they'd avoid compliments? And pretty? That was the first time anyone had used the world pretty when describing any part of him. This time, he was determined to avoid another awkward situation. "Thanks," he said with a smile. Now how to move on? He could compliment her eyes and say they were nicer? Or he could comment how his own weren't that great? Maybe both.
Yes both was good.
"They're just green," he commented with a shrug, though the smile was still on his face. "Yours are nicer because they're different, its something not everyone has."
For once he was proud of himself. And then he blushed again, scratching his neck as he second guessed whether he actually did the right thing.
"Hmmm.... I don't really know any more phrases... just a few different words we often use," he admitted with a shrug.
"Of course," Jasper grinned, not willing to admit that BOTH of them had already failed at their not complimenting one another attempt. At least they were even?
She wanted to teach him how to play piano? That might actually be cool! Then he could surprise his mother when he returned home! "I think my mother would love that, she tried to teach me once but I... didn't pay attention?" he cringed as he realised what he said. That definitely didn't say that he'd be willing to try.
"Like... I was more focussed on learning to play my guitar." There, Jasper had been able to give his reasoning on why he never learnt!
Maybe she'd still consider teaching him now...
Azura nodded her head sympathetically at Jasper's words, she could fully understand why he thought that! She herself thought that as well, hence why she was glad she had run into so many people! But.. if she was honest with herself.. the person she had enjoyed meeting the most was right in front of her! "Well, despite not going to Diagon Alley, you know one person, Me! And that is better than none right?" She said with a happy smile over at him as she nodded.
"Exactly! We can meet all sorts of people once we get to school." Though.. what if he found someone he wanted to hang out with more than Her?? What was wrong with her? They had only just met!! Why was she feeling sad at something that hadn't happened yet? She was slightly confused now.. though she didn't show it! She just shot him a warm smile as he spoke next. "That sounds like a good idea, I can show you around, since I've been there before!"
She nodded as he spoke of his parents.. "I wasn't so sure I liked being alone, but I got everything done that I needed too and I had few incidents.So that's a plus.. I guess they were trying to help me get braver?" She said with a shrug as she pulled her hair over her shoulder and started to play with it a bit. Though the look on her parents faces when she had arrived on time to their meeting spot, with all of her school supplies and a pet in hand, had made her trip worth it! They were so proud! And she felt better going off alone to school after that!
She nodded seriously as he said she could hide behind him if she saw a snake. "Thank you, I appreciate that, and we might not see one, but it's good to have a plan in place.. just in case." Better to be prepared right? One never knew where these things might show up! Also she KNEW there was one in the castle!
Ohh.. so he noticed her compliment? Whoops! She just couldn't help it! His eyes WERE a nice shade of green, so she HAD to tell him! "You're welcome." She said with a warm genuine smile up at him.. only to blush slightly herself as he spoke back to her..
She wanted to elaborate on his eye color.. but she decided not too! She just shrugged as he spoke about her eyes, "Thanks, at least you haven't called me an alien, or moved in super super close to see them." Yeah, she had gotten some interesting reactions to those shining purple orbs.. His was the chillest, and she liked that!
She smiled at him as he scratched at his neck and she just played with her hair a bit.. despite the fact that they both had just complimented the other.. She liked it, and they had both manage to take it well!
Baby steps??
She giggled a little, "Didn't really pay attention hmm? Well maybe you can when I'm teaching you?" She asked him before a wide smile came over her face..
"You can play guitar? That is so cool! I've always wanted to learn how to play that!
She let her brother to drag her trunk because seriously why you have to drag your trunk by yourself when you have a brother? Not Candice Messer of course. The only thing she's carrying by herself was her backpack. She was walking ahead her brother to the point she lost the guy. Where's he anyway? And she had to abroad the train soon. If she didn't find him soon she might abroad the train without all her stuffs. Her brother could be a slowpoke sometime.
Time to go back to Hogwarts. Man his summer went by wayy too fast. He was kind of bummed Kate wasn't coming back this term. He got the owl from her stating the news. He was still gonna move on. He was going to write her to no doubt about it. As he made his way through the wall and he went to the south end of the platform because there was less people, he noticed a familiar face.
He grinned and saw Candice was there. He made his way over to his friend and tapped her shoulder, "Hey there. Too bad we didn't hang out as much this summer." He put his trunk away and gave to the conductor. He remembered telling Candice the news about Kate this summer. "What do you think is gonna happen this term?"
Helena laaaaughed. "Even if Elliot was a Ravenclaw?" she asked, standing up straight and pulling up Valerie with her, resting the toddler on her hip. Valerie lay her head on her mother's shoulder, closing her eyes. "Green would look nice...but you know...any color would, Alice." She just didn't want Alice to be upset if she didn't get a house that she wanted.
That little voice! It was so cute and Helena was going to miss her soooo much ;__; "Well...you should make little reminders..." she kept one hand on top of Alice's head, gently stroking her. "I just don't want you to forget and then feel bad..but...I have faith in you, Alice." She smiled and glanced around. She wished Jack were here. She felt emotional..and like a wreck, a tiny bit.
Valerie began to whine, squirming around a lot, and Helena put her down. The child took Alice's hand and hugged her again.
"Yes, even if Smelliot was a ravenclaw." She grinned a bit about the mean name. She was pretty sure she was clever. "I'm sure i'll look good in any color." She watched her little sister and then looked back at Helen. She would miss her family so much...even though she was totally excited about Hogwarts.
"I'll be sure to write it on my calendar or something!" She bounced a little and then suddenly Valerie was on the ground and hugging her. Alice hugged her back and just felt...sad. She would miss this little booger. The Firstie even felt a few tears.
"I'll miss you, Vally..don't let Ollie get bored without me.. Make him read your stories."
Eager with anticipation but feeling those all to familiar butterflies, butterflies which it seemed had been drinking all night and were simiultaneously fluttering while throwing up. Alexander stood patientally waiting for his turn to breach the wall and board the train.
Lost in thought he pondered of future friendships, past passings and his pocket full of presents. His father had packed his left coat pocket with "presents" before he left that morning. His father's definition of presents was loose at the best of times and so the shoddily wrapped package most likely consisted of stale something or other. Alex gave the "presents" only half a thought before throwing it away.
His attention turning to happier thoughts Alex looked around him at all the other people saying goodbye to their families. It warmed his heart that even though his own parents were not there to see him off, love was the prevailling theme of the afternoon.
With a quirky smile, subttle but uplifting. Alex nodded towards Aries (his owl) and started off with haste. Within the blink of an eye he was gone, off to begin another year of the unknown. And oh how he loved the unknown.
"Yeah, if that happens Ava, you just follow my lead and I have your twin brother in no time." Henric replied confidently. It wasn't hard of a spell to unlock compartment doors anyway, besides he was sure Teddy would come around and talked to them soon. Minor spells but incredibly useful for hijacking into someone's car as well. Heheh....oh uhh... he meant that was a bad prefect thought! Very bad indeed. Ehem.
Suddenly, there was someone calling their names from behind. He glanced back and was delighted to see it was only Teddy! He supposed there was no need for barging into his compartment doors anymore since he hadn't board onto the train yet! "Hey Teddy, woah...you okay mate? Breathe...yes..that's right...catch your breath slowly...." Henric chuckled and patted the boy's shoulder. "We were just talking about you, Ava been looking all over for you too. Ain't she a good sister? Haha! But its great to see you again, Teddy!" he beamed. Oh he noticed the badge, eh? He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "Thank you, that means a lot."
Henric expected her reaction whenever he mentioned Zander. Mwahaha. He found her weak spot! "Oh what's this? Did I spot two red blotches on your cheeks? Do we need to call a healer? I think her temperature is going up! Quick Teddy, go get help!"he teased as he put a hand on her forehead. She found snogging disgusting? Pfft...wait until she grew a few inches taller. "I'm sure one day you'll understand, sweet Ava, but don't worry...I won't...especially not in front of you younger years," he shrugged and winked. "Excuse me, my Man U badge is not hideous...in fact, it suit perfectly right under my prefect badge. Just cleaned them both thoroughly this morning. See how bright and shiny it is!" he tapped his badges proudly.
Henric laughed so hard when he got tickled by Ava. "I'm not insulting you, Ava. Don't ever think that! Alright-alright, I won't call you shortcake. Maybe just 'cake'? How about that?" he chuckled.*Hehehe*
Hmm? Henric turned around again. His eyes widened at the sight of llia's mother he came to dread. Oh bloody merlin....not now! "Mrs Valke, happy to see you ...again,"he drawled as he tried hard to smile back. "And its Hen-ric...." Great Dragons, he didn't know how many times he had corrected the woman on his name. He saw his beautiful girlfriend trailing behind and he couldn't help but gawked at her new outfit she worn today. Wow....*cough* His smile got a little more brighter now that she was here. How he wished he could lift her up and snog her at that very moment but...instead, he calmly walked right up to llia and gave her a huge bear hug in front of everyone. He whispered against her ears,"Glad you're here...I miss you," before stepping away as quickly as he came. He didn't want to let Mrs.Valke think they were anything else but bestfriends. It was meant to keep it as a secret between them two. Well...atleast until they had graduated.
"How are you, Mrs. Valke?" he asked, just to be polite.
Azura nodded her head sympathetically at Jasper's words, she could fully understand why he thought that! She herself thought that as well, hence why she was glad she had run into so many people! But.. if she was honest with herself.. the person she had enjoyed meeting the most was right in front of her! "Well, despite not going to Diagon Alley, you know one person, Me! And that is better than none right?" She said with a happy smile over at him as she nodded.
"Exactly! We can meet all sorts of people once we get to school." Though.. what if he found someone he wanted to hang out with more than Her?? What was wrong with her? They had only just met!! Why was she feeling sad at something that hadn't happened yet? She was slightly confused now.. though she didn't show it! She just shot him a warm smile as he spoke next. "That sounds like a good idea, I can show you around, since I've been there before!"
She nodded as he spoke of his parents.. "I wasn't so sure I liked being alone, but I got everything done that I needed too and I had few incidents.So that's a plus.. I guess they were trying to help me get braver?" She said with a shrug as she pulled her hair over her shoulder and started to play with it a bit. Though the look on her parents faces when she had arrived on time to their meeting spot, with all of her school supplies and a pet in hand, had made her trip worth it! They were so proud! And she felt better going off alone to school after that!
She nodded seriously as he said she could hide behind him if she saw a snake. "Thank you, I appreciate that, and we might not see one, but it's good to have a plan in place.. just in case." Better to be prepared right? One never knew where these things might show up! Also she KNEW there was one in the castle!
Ohh.. so he noticed her compliment? Whoops! She just couldn't help it! His eyes WERE a nice shade of green, so she HAD to tell him! "You're welcome." She said with a warm genuine smile up at him.. only to blush slightly herself as he spoke back to her..
She wanted to elaborate on his eye color.. but she decided not too! She just shrugged as he spoke about her eyes, "Thanks, at least you haven't called me an alien, or moved in super super close to see them." Yeah, she had gotten some interesting reactions to those shining purple orbs.. His was the chillest, and she liked that!
She smiled at him as he scratched at his neck and she just played with her hair a bit.. despite the fact that they both had just complimented the other.. She liked it, and they had both manage to take it well!
Baby steps??
She giggled a little, "Didn't really pay attention hmm? Well maybe you can when I'm teaching you?" She asked him before a wide smile came over her face..
"You can play guitar? That is so cool! I've always wanted to learn how to play that!
Nodding his head, Jasper gave Azura a lopsided grin. "One person is definitely better than none," he agreed with her. Especially someone he got along with, so he was rather glad that she had approached him. He dreaded to think the possibility of facing the next 7 years alone.
A melodramatic thought, but still terrifying.
Her smile seemed rather encouraging, and at that he felt a lot better about meeting other people. Azura had already mentioned she'd made a few friends, and if they were anything like her he was sure that he'd get along with them! "That would be awesome," he finally said as she mentioned that she'd show him around Diagon Alley next year. "What is it like? What was your favourite store? Do they have a lolly shop?" All the questions that he had been saving for actually seeing Diagon Alley for himself had suddenly blurted out of his mouth. But he was still too excited to actually care about that. Instead his mind was already racing on what other questions he could ask her!
Jasper listened as the purple eyed girl spoke about how she had gone shopping by herself. "It sounds like it would've been a lot of fun though," he commented, trying to imagine what that must be like. "Dad probably felt the same as your parents, but my mum's a muggle so..." he didn't know how to finish that. He assumed that she felt scared for him. Scared to let him go somewhere where she herself hadn't been and wasn't sure whether it was safe or not.
The boy was trying his hardest to keep a straight face as she spoke so seriously of hiding behind him if they came across a snake. Somehow, he even seemed to have managed to! Nodding in response he smiled warmly, figuring it would comfort her.
The compliments weren't awkward!!!! They had managed to compliment one another!!!! Mentally, Jasper did a little dance of excitement that he hadn't once again made an encounter awkward. He had a feeling he was the reason all of their compliments so far had been awkward! Jasper did however freeze, his head tilting to the side as she began talking about her own eyes.
"Someone called you an alien?" he asked disbelievingly, green eyes wide.
The brown haired boy let out a breath he didn't even realise that he'd been holding when she said she was still willing to teach him, beaming at her. "Definitely," he promised, referring to paying attention. Her comments about guitar made him think for a second, "I could probably teach you in return? Only if you wanted of course."
He was just hoping she'd never ask him to play a sport.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
"I have, but just... you know. I just forgot to ask him money." The young lioness grinned at her twin brother, but she refused to take his money. "Nah, you keep it. I still have some on my wallet." At least it's enough until the Christmas break or Hogsmeade weekend. Ava just grinned when Henric mentioned that she's a good twin sister for him. Huh, if only he knew that they both often had a silly little argument (but there's a big one when she blurted out about he had a crush on Lux in front of her).
STOP TALKING ABOUT ZANDER ADAIR!!! Ugh, she should've worn her hoodie so she could cover her flaming red warm cheeks fight now. "I'm fiiiiiine, I don't need a healer!" The young lioness snapped at the Puff boy. Oh, and Teddy was here. This sounded like karma. Yeah! But at least Zander wasn't here. So... Ehem. She's gonna understand about what? Snogging? EWWW!!!! "Oh, good that you wouldn't do that. It's GROSS!" Again, she mentioned that. "But seriously, mate. Take off that badge so people could notice the Prefect one." This was a nice suggestion, Nicolei. "Have you heard about the other prefects? Especially from Gryffindor?"
Then, Ava spotted another person came toward her. Oh, it was Ilia! She waved at the veela girl and put on her sweetest smile. "Hey, Ilia! You look so pretty today!" And Tall. Ugh, why everybody had to be TALLER than her? She really wanted to owl her dad and sent her height-growing potions so she could be tall like them. Being short sucks, yo! Like, really.... sucks. But the woman who was with her (maybe she was her mother) seemed not very nice to Henric. Did she not like him? Why? Henric was a very nice boy!! But well, she was still twelve and young, no need to be involved on that kind of adult business.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Teddy didn't put it back in his pocket. That would be stealing. "No, this is yours. Dad gave me two money pouches for snacks on the train." Like he would let them get on the train without money. It was unlikely that their mother would give them a packed lunch.
Henric was a good prefect, looking out for the younger students, making sure they didn't faint from hyperventilation. Exercise-induced hyperventilation, but still. Teddy understood that people fainted when they hyperventilated to regulate the oxygen in the blood, from the body being horizontal. He didn't want to faint. Not here. And then... Teddy looked up frowning. "Me? What were you saying?" he asked. He didn't like it when people spoke about him behind his back. He'd heard what people sometimes said about him behind his back and it wasn't nice. "She has?" he gave a smile to Ava. She had his back, yeah, he knew that. They had each other's backs, for different things. They were a team!
He was glad that Henric had appreciated his compliment. But it was true. Teddy was curious about who the Ravenclaw prefects were.
Teddy had no idea what Henric and Ava were bickering about. Healer? What? No, she was fine apparently. What?
And there was another girl that Teddy hadn't really met before, and someone else. The girl smiled at him, so Teddy smiled back. He wasn't sure what else he was supposed to do.
Her mother did not....she just did not.....ugh she did. Ilia wanted to palm her face as she heard her call him Henry again. "Mom, be nice......" She hissed it just loud enough for only her mother to hear, but she looked like a snake that had been poked with her sharp bright eyes aimed warningly. That was her boy, no messing with him except out of love nuh uh. At least Henric was trying to be nice to her.....she knew it could be hard...
Ava was such a cute little girl, though she would never refer to her that way in front of her, she could tell that she was a proud girl. She smiled a little brighter at the younger lioness's compliment. "Thank you Miss Ava, you look adorable today." She really did...Ilia kind of wanted to hug her. "How is your family?" She sort of missed Zhenya...she was a very nice snake to look up to. Was she related to the little boy? He looked like they might be, though she wasn't sure how and she didn't remember seeing him before.
Henric had just gotten so darn tall....she wasn't taller than him even in heels. He scooped her up into a bear hug and her smile got so bright that she may as well have been glowing. She wanted to just kiss him but she squeezed him tight and whispered back. "I miss you too love." When they released she still had a beamy smiled but took a few steps back........time to try to gently shake her mother. Smiling up at her mom, her eyes entreating...."I'll see you for the holidays Ma-ma?" She gestured as if she would like to hug her in the parting sort of way. Oh why did you initiate more conversation with her Henric? That isn't how you get rid of her!
When Runa heard her daughter get on to her about her greeting, she nearly wanted to pout. She was trying to be so nice about it too....the being mean to him....He seemed to....actually take it rather well much to her surprise and a bit to her chagrin. "Ooops, sorry Enric. My accent makes me mistake it sometimes. Its harder when its not your first language, yes?" Really that she said in truth, not the oops....and that isn't 'why' she mispronounced it....but it could make that sort of thing harder and English was like her fifth language....although that name was like so Russian or something.
How was she? I'd be better if you weren't so close to my child ragamuffin. Although he was starting to look considerably less scruffy, maybe Freya was starting to rub some class off on him.....She smiled saccharin sweet again. "I'm sad that my Freya is leaving me for months again, but otherwise I'm managing." She pouted at Freya and did give her the hug that she was requesting. "How are you Hen-riiicccc?" She then looked down at her daughter, a genuine look of sadness on her face....she really felt it was harder for her baby bird to leave every time. One more year and she was all grown up and fledged, then she'd probably leave for college and Runa just didn't want to think about her impending empty nest. "Yes, holidays baby girl." She hugged her a little tighter and really did not want to be shaken off or let her child go.
Time to go back to Hogwarts. Man his summer went by wayy too fast. He was kind of bummed Kate wasn't coming back this term. He got the owl from her stating the news. He was still gonna move on. He was going to write her to no doubt about it. As he made his way through the wall and he went to the south end of the platform because there was less people, he noticed a familiar face.
He grinned and saw Candice was there. He made his way over to his friend and tapped her shoulder, "Hey there. Too bad we didn't hang out as much this summer." He put his trunk away and gave to the conductor. He remembered telling Candice the news about Kate this summer. "What do you think is gonna happen this term?"
She was still looking around for her brother when she felt someone was tapping her shoulder. "Teddd....Colt! Hi." She thought its her big brother but apparently she's wrong. "Yes, we didn't hang out much this summer." She blame everything on the timing. Yes, timing. But she was glad that they still owled each other during summer. And those last letter from Colt didn't sound so good. She hoped he's not still moping after Kate.
What she think going happen this term? "Awesome think my friend. Awesome think." Grin. "Because you're looking at the new Gryffindor Prefect!" That's why this term going to be EPIC!
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known