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Old 09-23-2018, 06:00 PM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Slug and Jiggers Apothecary

Located on the north end of the street and beside Potage's Cauldron Shop, Slug and Jiggers Apothecary is conveniently there for all your potion-making needs. Whether your a first year just starting your brewing journey for school or someone who wants to stock up their collection of potions ingredients, this shop is right for you. Almost every ingredient can be found in here. And if you don’t see it, make sure to ask the shopkeeper. They will help you to the best of their ability.

For the most part the shop is almost as identical as it used to be. Multiples shelves lined with various item including jars of all shapes and sizes filled with ingredients of various natures and tools to make the process less likely to blow up in your face. And off to one side, several barrels that contain loose ingredients are on the floor beneath bundles of feathers, fangs and claws hang from the ceiling. There's also a beautiful leather-bound grimoire, predominately displayed, that contains recipes written by each of the previous shopkeepers to share with their customers. Be careful as you flip through it, though it is spell-protected after a nasty run in with an infestation of mutants escaped from the ministry.

The only thing that has change is the smell. Once you entered it doesn't smell as bad as it used to be. No rotten eggs smell anymore. You still have some subtle smell but it's not as unpleasant: a little trick of the new owner.

Text Cut: Inventory

Price List

Ingredients (5 oz. increments):
° Aconite: 1 galleon -------------------------------------------° Horned Slugs: 2 sickles
° Acromantula venom: 20 galleons (See Shopkeeper) -----° Horned toads: 2 sickles
° Armandillo bile: 5 sickles -----------------------------------° Jobberknoll feathers: 4 sickles
° Ashwinder’s Egg : 1 galleon --------------------------------° Knotgrass: 5 sickles
° Asphodel : 15 sickles ----------------------------------------° Lacewing flies: 2 sickles
° Belladonna : 4 sickles ---------------------------------------° Lavander: 4 sickles
° Bezoar : 2 galleons ------------------------------------------° Leeches: 2 sickles
° Bicorn horn : 1 galleon -------------------------------------° Lionfish spine: 5 sickles
° Billywig dried stings : 5 sickles ----------------------------° Lovage: 6 sickles
° Basic beetles : 1 sickle -------------------------------------° Monkshood: 4 sickles
° Black beetles : 2 sickles ------------------------------------° Murtlap essence: 4 sickles
° Boomslang skin [shredded] : 7 sickles --------------------° Nettles: 2 sickles
° Bubotuber : 12 sickles ---------------------------------------° Newt: 5 sickles
° Bundimun secretion : 5 sickles -----------------------------° Pomegranate: 2 sickles
° Cabbage: 5 sickles -------------------------------------------° Porcupine quills: 3 sickles
° Caterpillars : 3 sickles --------------------------------------° Puffer-Fish eyes: 3 sickles
° Daisy: 4 sickles -----------------------------------------------° Rat spleen: 1 sickle
° Doxy eggs: 5 sickles -----------------------------------------° Rat tail: 1 sickle
° Dragon blood: 3 galleons, 10 sickles ------------------------° Re’em blood: 2 galleons
° Dragon heart: upon request --------------------------------° Runespoor eggs: 1 galleon
° Dragon hide: 1 galleon, 10 sickles --------------------------° Salamander blood: 6 sickles
° Dragon horn: 1 galleon ---------------------------------------° Scurvy-Grass: 9 sickles
° Dragon liver: 2 galleons, 5 sickles --------------------------° Snake fang : 15 sickles
° Erumpent fluid: 3 galleons, 8 sickles -----------------------° Sneezewort: 9 sickles
° Erumpent horn: 1 galleon ------------------------------------° Scarab beetles: 7 sickles
° Erumpent tail: 1 galleon -------------------------------------° Sopophorous: 5 sickles
° Flubberworm mucus: 5 sickles ------------------------------° Tubeworms : 5 sickles
° Fluxweed: 12 sickles -----------------------------------------° Unicorn horn : 20 galleons (see ShopKeeper)
° Ginger: 4 sickles ----------------------------------------------° Unicorn tail hair : 12 galleons
° Glumbumble fluid : 4 sickles --------------------------------° Valerian: 7 sickles
° Graphorn horn : 4 sickles, 11 knuts -------------------------° Wormwood: 10 sickles
° Hellebore: 15 sickles

Premade Potions :
° Ageing Potion : 3 galleons, 4 sickles, 19 knuts
° Babbling Beverage : 3 galleons, 1 sickles, 20 knuts
° Beautifying Potion : 4 galleons, 3 sickles, 16 knuts
° Burn-healing paste : 2 galleons, 9 sickles, 3 knuts
° Cough Potion : 2 galleons, 3 sickles, 9 knuts
° Draught of Living Death : 4 galleons, 8 sickles, 2 knuts
° Euphoria: 3 galleons, 11 sickles, 8 knuts
° Felix Felicis: 14 galleons, 15 knuts
° Invigoration Draught: 3 galleons, 9 sickles, 16 knuts
° Memory Potions: 3 galleons, 1 sickles, 14 knuts
° Pepperup Potion: 2 galleons, 5 sickles, 21 knuts
° Quodpot solution: 2 galleons, 12 sickles, 3 knuts
° Skele-Gro: 3 galleons, 3 sickles, 2 knuts
° Sleeping Draught: 4 galleons, 11 knuts
° Wolfsbane potion: 3 galleons, 9 sickles

Equipment & Other Misc. Items:

° Pewter Cauldron : 12 galleons
° Copper Cauldron: 22 galleons
° Brass Cauldron: 18 galleons

**all standard cauldrons are size 2. Add 5 sickles for a size 3 or 8 sickles for a size 4**

° Moonstone : 6 sickles

° Brass scale : 3 galleons, 3 sickles
° Silver scale : 4 galleons, 5 sickles
° Gold scale : 6 galleons, 4 sickles

° Basic potion kit set: 3 galleons
° Advanced potion kit set: 4 galleons

° Set of glass phials: 1 galleons
° Set of crystals phials: 2 galleons
This shop is STAFFED by Gideon Gert (Holmesian Feline).
Old 06-07-2019, 09:16 PM   #26 (permalink)

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Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Originally Posted by Krel Ansell View Post
Adam tappity-tapped his way into the shop then paused to let his eyes adjust behind his big over-sized purple sunglasses. His support cane was clutched in his left hand and a small list of things he needed was in his right. He had taken the time to write it out before he left work and it had taken him a while to do. The handwriting wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great either and there might have been one or two things written in German as he tended to do when he forgot what the item was called in English.

While his eyesite was getting better – kind of – it wasn’t back to normal and Adam had his doubts that it ever would be normal again. His one concern was tapping around the shop and accidently bumping into things or whacking something with his support cane. He sighed. He probably should have asked someone to come along with him, but who would he have asked?

Over the usual apothecary smells, Adam could smell something…off…but he wasn’t sure what it was. Perhaps a potion brewing in the back room or next door. It smelled like the bubble over had burned. He also heard someone moving around. ”Hallo?” he called with his heavy German accident. Maybe the shop keeper was around and could help him with his list. Adam was sure taking a few minutes to help him would be preferable to Adam bumbling around the shop blindly.
Gideon heard the familiar tinkle of the bell above the door, signaling the entrance of a customer into the shop. His head and attention turned in response but he didn’t immediately rush over. Too many years and too many shopping trips dealing with over attentive shopkeepers kept him from shadowing potential buyers too much. But the further tip tip tapping that followed made him wonder and change his mind. He was just about to turn around the end of the nearest isle when a heavily accented greeting hit his ears.

“ello,” the shopkeeper returned, coming around and up to the man, his own brogue lightly present. It was then that he took notice of the cane his companion was holding as well as the glasses. Looks like he was right in looking into his entrance. “May I help you?”
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Old 06-10-2019, 05:18 PM   #27 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Gideon heard the familiar tinkle of the bell above the door, signaling the entrance of a customer into the shop. His head and attention turned in response but he didn’t immediately rush over. Too many years and too many shopping trips dealing with over attentive shopkeepers kept him from shadowing potential buyers too much. But the further tip tip tapping that followed made him wonder and change his mind. He was just about to turn around the end of the nearest isle when a heavily accented greeting hit his ears.

“ello,” the shopkeeper returned, coming around and up to the man, his own brogue lightly present. It was then that he took notice of the cane his companion was holding as well as the glasses. Looks like he was right in looking into his entrance. “May I help you?”
Adam’s head swiveled towards the sound of the returned ‘hello,’ but even with the sunglasses on, one could tell that his eyes did not focus onto the man. Adam put his friendliest smile on. He hated asking for help, but had become accustomed to it in the last few years. ”Hallo,” he repeated this time in a more friendly manner. ”I I need to reblenisch mein sdocks.” He held out the crumbled piece of paper in his right hand. ”I vrote vat I neeted dovn. Zought it might help. Somedimes beople can't hunderstand me.” He shrugged. Even after working in London for four years, his accent was still pretty strong and his command of English was still as bad as the day he met his friend Jory and thought Hufflepuff was a adverb for a nice person.

He held out his list, hoping the shopkeep could help him.
Text Cut: Shopping list
  • Aconite Fluid
  • Gurdyroot
  • Belladonna
  • Lavendel
  • Dittany
  • Octopus Powder & Ink
  • grüne Minze
  • Lionfish Spines
  • Silverinkpot.
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Old 06-19-2019, 02:15 AM   #28 (permalink)

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Marcus Briody Cole

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Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna

Originally Posted by Krel Ansell View Post
Adam’s head swiveled towards the sound of the returned ‘hello,’ but even with the sunglasses on, one could tell that his eyes did not focus onto the man. Adam put his friendliest smile on. He hated asking for help, but had become accustomed to it in the last few years. ”Hallo,” he repeated this time in a more friendly manner. ”I I need to reblenisch mein sdocks.” He held out the crumbled piece of paper in his right hand. ”I vrote vat I neeted dovn. Zought it might help. Somedimes beople can't hunderstand me.” He shrugged. Even after working in London for four years, his accent was still pretty strong and his command of English was still as bad as the day he met his friend Jory and thought Hufflepuff was a adverb for a nice person.

He held out his list, hoping the shopkeep could help him.
Text Cut: Shopping list
  • Aconite Fluid
  • Gurdyroot
  • Belladonna
  • Lavendel
  • Dittany
  • Octopus Powder & Ink
  • grüne Minze
  • Lionfish Spines
  • Silverinkpot.

Gideon paid careful attention to the man’s tone as well as his words to make sure he caught the gist even through the thick German accent he had. It reminded his of his grandfather who even after years abroad in Portugal, still retained the strong tongue of his Scottish ancestors. “Aye, that I certainly assist you with,” the potioner assured him, accepting the offered list with an approving nod. Made just a little less work for him in deciphering what to gather. His eyes gracing the parchment page as he wordlessly summoned a basket to make the gathering easier.

• Aconite Fluid
• Gurdyroot
• Belladonna
• Lavendel
• Dittany
• Octopus Powder & Ink
• grüne Minze
• Lionfish Spines
• Silverinkpot.
“The aconite, belladonna, dittany and lionfish spines are easy enough,” he replied, moving into the shelves to gather said items from stock and adding them to the basket along the way. The dittany being something he had so recently prepared. “I suppose the lavendel is meant to be lavender?” Gideon asked, turning to show the purple blooms in question to his customer before catching himself. Oh well. “Unfortunately, I do not stock any octopus powder or ink…and must admit I am unaware as to what grune minze is.” It didn’t readily look even as if it was something he was familiar with just spelled wrong.
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Old 08-12-2019, 02:42 AM   #29 (permalink)

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Default Summer 2099
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna


Some soapy water swished over the side of the bucket as Gideon set it down on the floor with a plop, a mop slung over his shoulder. Geez...the shop needed a clean and now was the perfect time to do it. "It'll be better in no time..." the shopkeeper mused as he looked around the shelves and barrels, counters and floors of the shop already straightened up for the summer season. Swinging the mop down from up high, accidentally hitting the light fixture and sending it swaying.

"Right! Might need to start up top first."

He reached up to stop the swinging as he debated if he needed some assistance before setting the mop aside and returning momentarily tp the back room for a ladder. Setting it up, he pulled a rag from his back pocket, dunked it in the bucket and climbed enough so he could properly wipe the lights.

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Old 08-13-2019, 02:45 PM   #30 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post

Some soapy water swished over the side of the bucket as Gideon set it down on the floor with a plop, a mop slung over his shoulder. Geez...the shop needed a clean and now was the perfect time to do it. "It'll be better in no time..." the shopkeeper mused as he looked around the shelves and barrels, counters and floors of the shop already straightened up for the summer season. Swinging the mop down from up high, accidentally hitting the light fixture and sending it swaying.

"Right! Might need to start up top first."

He reached up to stop the swinging as he debated if he needed some assistance before setting the mop aside and returning momentarily tp the back room for a ladder. Setting it up, he pulled a rag from his back pocket, dunked it in the bucket and climbed enough so he could properly wipe the lights.

The old saying was truer than anyone could imagine; if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself. This most reason mix up had made that all too clear and forced Emma up out of the comfort of Knockturn Alley. With a customer like that, you had to make the service worthwhile and if your workers couldn't, it was no excuse not to get it done at all.

The woman made her way into the apothecary, wondering if it had somehow been mistaken for the wrong sort of book and dropped off here.

Emma approached the man, already suspicious of his actions by nature and virtue of what she sought but just as willing to chalk it up as coincidence depending on what happened in the next few seconds.

"I'm looking for a book. One that by the looks of this place you may have seen."
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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Old 08-19-2019, 01:27 AM   #31 (permalink)

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Alexander was trying to be on his best behavior. He really was. He had tagged along with his sister to Diagon Alley with his school supplies list in his pocket, and he was really trying to stick to that but it was just so easy to get distracted. There was a sweet shop right there. But he had resisted (for now) and veered into the apothecary instead. He needed to stock up on a few potions ingredients for school. Maybe after he had gotten those he could go get some candy. Or a butterbeer. Or some ice cream. There were just so many possibilities and they were all much more exciting than his school supplies. Except, no, he needed to focus. Alexander shook his head briefly in an attempt to clear his mind and focus his thinking as he walked down the aisles, list in hand. The sooner he could get what he came for the sooner he could go shopping for more exciting things.
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Old 08-20-2019, 01:56 AM   #32 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
The old saying was truer than anyone could imagine; if you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself. This most reason mix up had made that all too clear and forced Emma up out of the comfort of Knockturn Alley. With a customer like that, you had to make the service worthwhile and if your workers couldn't, it was no excuse not to get it done at all.

The woman made her way into the apothecary, wondering if it had somehow been mistaken for the wrong sort of book and dropped off here.

Emma approached the man, already suspicious of his actions by nature and virtue of what she sought but just as willing to chalk it up as coincidence depending on what happened in the next few seconds.

"I'm looking for a book. One that by the looks of this place you may have seen."
Gideon had caught the sound of the bells on the door but only turned his attention from the lights when he was satisfied with their cleanliness. So, he was just climbing down when he was approached by a woman. A woman in search of a book. “Not exactly a book store here,” he remarked, curious as he looked at her through the ladder. A wipe…wipe…wipe of the wooden runs before he picked the ladder up moved it to the wall out of the way.

“And what would make you think I’ve seen what tome your looking for?” He tended to handle any book buying, usually special potions books, through channels so he hadn’t exactly been frequenting Flourish and Blotts lately to be spied on. If she had spied on him. That would be awkward and pretty wrong. Downright dirty even. Like something more he had to clean up...sort of speak.

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Alexander was trying to be on his best behavior. He really was. He had tagged along with his sister to Diagon Alley with his school supplies list in his pocket, and he was really trying to stick to that but it was just so easy to get distracted. There was a sweet shop right there. But he had resisted (for now) and veered into the apothecary instead. He needed to stock up on a few potions ingredients for school. Maybe after he had gotten those he could go get some candy. Or a butterbeer. Or some ice cream. There were just so many possibilities and they were all much more exciting than his school supplies. Except, no, he needed to focus. Alexander shook his head briefly in an attempt to clear his mind and focus his thinking as he walked down the aisles, list in hand. The sooner he could get what he came for the sooner he could go shopping for more exciting things.
Out...out darn spot.

Gideon scrubbed down the counter trying to get a few stubborn spots out of the old wood. He could only imagine just what had made the marks over the years. At the tinkling of the bell, the shopkeeper was alerted to a new customer which meant he had to stop scrubbing if the young man needed help.

But maybe not just yet.

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Old 03-03-2020, 10:25 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Well, this place was interesting.

And by interesting, he meant if one enjoyed the creepy-crawlies of pickled and dried…what-have-yous that lined the shelves. Personally? Jack had never been one for potions. In fact, he’d barely passed the class in school and that was mostly because he had been pretty damn good at copying what other people were doing, not because he had any skill with the cauldron. Nope. Jack possessed no skill with potions AT ALL.

He tapped on a jar. The thing inside didn’t move. That was at least good. He walked on, deeper into the shop. He picked up an item, only to put it back and pick up another. From one shelf to another he wandered. Anyone watching him would think him mad or that he clearly had no clue where to look for the ingredients on the list in his pocket. Sure, he could have gone to one of his contacts in Knockturn for this, gotten all the ingredients without much work on his part. But as the items he was asked to obtain weren’t black-market and he had been given the means to procure them in an honest manner, it was safer to get them through legal means. Whatever his client wanted with the items, well, that was their business not his.

He picked up a bottle of Nettles and gave them a shake. As it he put it back, the cover rattled. He moved one down the row, dragging a finger along the bottles as he went. AH! Here was one item he needed!

He grabbed the container of leeches and tucked it under an arm.
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Old 03-03-2020, 10:54 PM   #34 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Jack Roller View Post
Well, this place was interesting.

And by interesting, he meant if one enjoyed the creepy-crawlies of pickled and dried…what-have-yous that lined the shelves. Personally? Jack had never been one for potions. In fact, he’d barely passed the class in school and that was mostly because he had been pretty damn good at copying what other people were doing, not because he had any skill with the cauldron. Nope. Jack possessed no skill with potions AT ALL.

He tapped on a jar. The thing inside didn’t move. That was at least good. He walked on, deeper into the shop. He picked up an item, only to put it back and pick up another. From one shelf to another he wandered. Anyone watching him would think him mad or that he clearly had no clue where to look for the ingredients on the list in his pocket. Sure, he could have gone to one of his contacts in Knockturn for this, gotten all the ingredients without much work on his part. But as the items he was asked to obtain weren’t black-market and he had been given the means to procure them in an honest manner, it was safer to get them through legal means. Whatever his client wanted with the items, well, that was their business not his.

He picked up a bottle of Nettles and gave them a shake. As it he put it back, the cover rattled. He moved one down the row, dragging a finger along the bottles as he went. AH! Here was one item he needed!

He grabbed the container of leeches and tucked it under an arm.
Gideon had just come out from the back storage room with a pile of stock in his grasp when the door of the shop gave a little tinkle as it was opened. The shopkeeper couldn’t readily see the person who had entered with his load, opting to move behind the counter to place the items there for the time being to go in search. He finally happened upon a man seemingly searching through the shelves off to one side.

May I help you with anything?” he offered, figuring to be polite and be proactive since it wasn’t like there was anyone else in shop to help. It was a quiet moment in the course of the day which suited Gideon just fine. Busy seasons were soon enough.
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Old 03-05-2020, 02:34 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Gideon had just come out from the back storage room with a pile of stock in his grasp when the door of the shop gave a little tinkle as it was opened. The shopkeeper couldn’t readily see the person who had entered with his load, opting to move behind the counter to place the items there for the time being to go in search. He finally happened upon a man seemingly searching through the shelves off to one side.

May I help you with anything?” he offered, figuring to be polite and be proactive since it wasn’t like there was anyone else in shop to help. It was a quiet moment in the course of the day which suited Gideon just fine. Busy seasons were soon enough.
The jar of leeches sloshed under his arm as he turned. Help? Did he want help? would make this go quicker. The quicker he was out of here, the quicker he could get a drink at Moribund’s. Maybe he could send this guy to find a few of the items on his list – you know, the ones he had no idea what they were or looked like. ”Sure,” he said. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his list of ingredients. He gave it a quick once over. ”I need…a pound of horned slugs, 3 pounds of fluxweed and boomslang skin.” He made a hmmm-ing noise and then made a face. ”Oh blargghhh… and about 10 ounces of rat spleen.” That was gross. Yep – no way he was going to go near that. What was wrong with potion people? Why would anyone want rat spleen? He tucked the paper away, sure he could gather up the rest of the ingredients on his own. In fact…behind the shopkeep’s head was another ingredient he needed; long braided strand of knot grass.
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Old 03-09-2020, 02:26 AM   #36 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Jack Roller View Post
The jar of leeches sloshed under his arm as he turned. Help? Did he want help? would make this go quicker. The quicker he was out of here, the quicker he could get a drink at Moribund’s. Maybe he could send this guy to find a few of the items on his list – you know, the ones he had no idea what they were or looked like. ”Sure,” he said. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out his list of ingredients. He gave it a quick once over. ”I need…a pound of horned slugs, 3 pounds of fluxweed and boomslang skin.” He made a hmmm-ing noise and then made a face. ”Oh blargghhh… and about 10 ounces of rat spleen.” That was gross. Yep – no way he was going to go near that. What was wrong with potion people? Why would anyone want rat spleen? He tucked the paper away, sure he could gather up the rest of the ingredients on his own. In fact…behind the shopkeep’s head was another ingredient he needed; long braided strand of knot grass.
Ah…a list.

A man on a mission. One that he seemed uncomfortable with. He certainly wasn’t a familiar face in this shop in recent times. Gideon almost asked for said list but settled on doing his best to keep a mental one of his own. Best not to make the man more awkward than he appeared by asking for it in case he was possessive of the knowledge on the list. “Right…” he answered with a nod to show he was indeed listening. Then the first thing he did was summon a basket from the pile kept by the door, the better to gather a bunch of items without trying to juggle them.

“Well you were close to the slugs,” he mused, putting a few in a container that allowed them to remain fresh. Leeches and slugs were kept near as they were similar in properties. Putting the container in the basket, Gideon moved onto the next closest item, his familiarization with the exact shop layout a plus. “Boomslang skin…” he identified as he picked up the item, adding it as well. A turn around the corner and up the next aisle got the rat spleen already in a jar which was added to the basket. "I'll weigh that at the counter to make sure its enough," he assured the man.
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Old 03-12-2020, 11:05 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Ah…a list.

A man on a mission. One that he seemed uncomfortable with. He certainly wasn’t a familiar face in this shop in recent times. Gideon almost asked for said list but settled on doing his best to keep a mental one of his own. Best not to make the man more awkward than he appeared by asking for it in case he was possessive of the knowledge on the list. “Right…” he answered with a nod to show he was indeed listening. Then the first thing he did was summon a basket from the pile kept by the door, the better to gather a bunch of items without trying to juggle them.

“Well you were close to the slugs,” he mused, putting a few in a container that allowed them to remain fresh. Leeches and slugs were kept near as they were similar in properties. Putting the container in the basket, Gideon moved onto the next closest item, his familiarization with the exact shop layout a plus. “Boomslang skin…” he identified as he picked up the item, adding it as well. A turn around the corner and up the next aisle got the rat spleen already in a jar which was added to the basket. "I'll weigh that at the counter to make sure its enough," he assured the man.
Jack eyed the basket summoned by the shopkeeper and then promptly plopped the jar of leeches into it. His hand shot out and grabbed the knotgrass as the man reached for the slugs and it too was added to the basket. It occurred to Jack that if he had sent the shopkeeper to get all the ingredients it would be fairly easy to pocket a few things. He just wasn’t really sure what exactly in here would be worth…

Oooooo! His eyes landed on something shiny. And Long. Both good things. He could probably get a decent price for that to the right buyer –

”What?” he said as the shopkeeper said something about skin. ”Skin. Right right.” He needed to focus. What else was on the list? He glanced down at it…
  • 3 lbs- fluxweed
  • 1 lb - knotgrass
  • 15 oz - lacewing flies
  • 6 oz - leeches
  • 1 lb - horned slugs
  • 15 oz- powdered Bicorn horn
  • 10 oz- Rat Spleen
  • 3 bls - shredded Boomslang skin

Mmm…He glanced into the shopkeeper’s basket. ”I also need 15 ounces of powdered Bicorn horn.” And while the guy was getting that – he’d find the lacewing flies.
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Old 03-28-2020, 10:17 PM   #38 (permalink)

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As he went through the verbal list he had been given to check what else was needed, Gideon couldn’t help but notice the other two items that had been added to the basket by the other man. Leeches and knotgrass. That, with what he himself had gathered, plus the bicorn horn that was just mentioned and the fluxweed he’d nearly forgotten, might seem like random items. Until you put them together into a rather potent potion.


“Interesting brewing you're working on, “ he mused absently as he headed away around another aisle abstentiously to grab the missing ingredients in a different corner of the shop. The shopkeeper wasn’t quite sure what to do about the information he had just figured out.
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Old 03-29-2020, 10:48 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
As he went through the verbal list he had been given to check what else was needed, Gideon couldn’t help but notice the other two items that had been added to the basket by the other man. Leeches and knotgrass. That, with what he himself had gathered, plus the bicorn horn that was just mentioned and the fluxweed he’d nearly forgotten, might seem like random items. Until you put them together into a rather potent potion.


“Interesting brewing you're working on, “ he mused absently as he headed away around another aisle abstentiously to grab the missing ingredients in a different corner of the shop. The shopkeeper wasn’t quite sure what to do about the information he had just figured out.
Was it interesting? Jack wouldn’t know. He was rubbish at potions. He couldn’t tell you what half these ingredients were used for, nor did he care. So long as he was paid for his time. What he was good at wasn’t something you’d find in this store. He eyed up the shiny long strands that registered galleon signs in his brain and then reached out and grabbed a ration of the unicorn hair which he tossed into the shopkeeper’s basket as well. ”I’m just running some errands for my sister.” He gave the shopkeeper a smile before walking away.

He took his time looking over the shelves and eventually found the lacewing flies. For the heck of it, he grabbed a bottle of beetles as well. He brought both up to the counter. The bottles landed on the counter with a loud clink. ”So,” he asked leaning on the counter. ”What’s the damage?” He was certain he had enough money to cover everything including the few extra ingredients he had tossed into the basket.
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Old 04-13-2020, 11:36 PM   #40 (permalink)

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So, the man was definitely giving off the vibe that he had no clue to the significance of what he was collecting. Unless he was a really good actor. For his sister…right. That would fit the bill and explain why he wasn’t recognizing some of the more well-known ingredients when he was right near them. And the fact that the shopkeeper had never seen him before in the shop. He was usually pretty aware of faces.

On second thought, even if they were for him, Gideon wasn’t sure he could restrict since none of the ingredients individually for forbidden or restricted despite the complicated relationship they could have together. Surely his brother, and maybe dad would chide him for always looking out for the bad on matters when it didn’t have to be that way. And if Nigel heard he had caused trouble and potential buyers without exact provocation…

Coming up behind the counter after grabbing the last of the items, the shopkeeper looked everything over, actually needing the antiquated machine to keep it all straight. “That would be 19 galleons and 6 sickles all total,” he informed the man, briefly wondering if he was prepared for that total. A decent sale for sure and not the average take that he usually dealt with.
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Old 04-14-2020, 12:14 AM   #41 (permalink)

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The shopkeeper was probably tired of seeing her in here.

Pfft. Her own mother was probably tired of giving her money she would just spend on potions supplies and not things she needed for school. But Babs would just guilt her about the divorce and be on her merry way towards Diagon Alley. Thankfully, she no longer had to bring her siblings along, only to babysit. But her older sister, Timila, had to come along and make sure she didn't buy anything dangerous. Though the Slytherin girl was still only sixteen. BUT ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER. Then she would be almost free to do as she pleases.

Walking into the shop, Babs looked down at her list and walked around the aisles for some vials. Hers kept blowing up when working on things back home, or selling them to curious folks. Either way, her stock was currently running low.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

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Old 04-14-2020, 02:43 AM   #42 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
The shopkeeper was probably tired of seeing her in here.

Pfft. Her own mother was probably tired of giving her money she would just spend on potions supplies and not things she needed for school. But Babs would just guilt her about the divorce and be on her merry way towards Diagon Alley. Thankfully, she no longer had to bring her siblings along, only to babysit. But her older sister, Timila, had to come along and make sure she didn't buy anything dangerous. Though the Slytherin girl was still only sixteen. BUT ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER. Then she would be almost free to do as she pleases.

Walking into the shop, Babs looked down at her list and walked around the aisles for some vials. Hers kept blowing up when working on things back home, or selling them to curious folks. Either way, her stock was currently running low.
Ahhhh.. he loved being in this store. It was very familiar and almost home like.. potion ingredients, vials, bins full of this and that.. even the smell of it was like home. Potion making had been his safe place for such a long time..

And even though now he had more safe places.. coming here to this store still made him feel safe.

He was running low on vials and a few basic ingredients that he needed for his sleeping potions, so he moved down the aisles, his black jacket over his gray shirt.. his hair a bit of a mess..

He turned the corner and smiled as he saw who was in front of him..

“Fancy meeting you here. ” He said with a half smirk..
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Old 04-14-2020, 03:35 AM   #43 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
So, the man was definitely giving off the vibe that he had no clue to the significance of what he was collecting. Unless he was a really good actor. For his sister…right. That would fit the bill and explain why he wasn’t recognizing some of the more well-known ingredients when he was right near them. And the fact that the shopkeeper had never seen him before in the shop. He was usually pretty aware of faces.

On second thought, even if they were for him, Gideon wasn’t sure he could restrict since none of the ingredients individually for forbidden or restricted despite the complicated relationship they could have together. Surely his brother, and maybe dad would chide him for always looking out for the bad on matters when it didn’t have to be that way. And if Nigel heard he had caused trouble and potential buyers without exact provocation…

Coming up behind the counter after grabbing the last of the items, the shopkeeper looked everything over, actually needing the antiquated machine to keep it all straight. “That would be 19 galleons and 6 sickles all total,” he informed the man, briefly wondering if he was prepared for that total. A decent sale for sure and not the average take that he usually dealt with.
Only 20 Galleons? If Jack was a comic book villain, he would have been rubbing his hands together excitedly. He’d been given more than enough to cover the cost and his client needn’t know that he hadn’t used all the money he was given. Call it a bonus.

Despite his excitement, he put on a thoughtful look as if he was thinking over his finances. ”Right. Thanks,” he pulled out the coins and handed them over. ”I’m sure I’ll be back sometime. We just moved here and my sister doesn’t like crowds.” He gave the shopkeeper a slightly abashed looking smile, hoping it gave the impression of a caring brother who was slightly embarrassed by a sibling. It was best to lay some sort of story in case he had to come back and the short explanation should be enough to explain the odd quantities he was buying.

He was glad that he was finishing up, because the shop was getting busy. ”Thanks again dude,” Jack said emphasizing the strong Brooklyn accent he’d been using. And grabbing his packages his left.
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Old 04-14-2020, 08:38 PM   #44 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles View Post
Ahhhh.. he loved being in this store. It was very familiar and almost home like.. potion ingredients, vials, bins full of this and that.. even the smell of it was like home. Potion making had been his safe place for such a long time..

And even though now he had more safe places.. coming here to this store still made him feel safe.

He was running low on vials and a few basic ingredients that he needed for his sleeping potions, so he moved down the aisles, his black jacket over his gray shirt.. his hair a bit of a mess..

He turned the corner and smiled as he saw who was in front of him..

“Fancy meeting you here. ” He said with a half smirk..
Her basket was already half full. But that wasn't surprising to Babs either. She figured she'd get the ingredients she needed once the equipment was in her basket. As she kept walking, Babs heard someone speak, but didn't think it was towards her. Except there weren't many people inside and the voice was directly behind her. The girl turned around to see Orion and gave him a small smile.

"Oh? Didn't we bump into each other before already?" She gave him a small laugh before picking up another vial, examining it, and setting it into her basket.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

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Old 04-15-2020, 02:05 AM   #45 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
Her basket was already half full. But that wasn't surprising to Babs either. She figured she'd get the ingredients she needed once the equipment was in her basket. As she kept walking, Babs heard someone speak, but didn't think it was towards her. Except there weren't many people inside and the voice was directly behind her. The girl turned around to see Orion and gave him a small smile.

"Oh? Didn't we bump into each other before already?" She gave him a small laugh before picking up another vial, examining it, and setting it into her basket.
Orion grinned at her a bit.. glad his greeting was a bit better than the last time they had met.. ‘Oh it’s you.’ Hadn’t done much for his self esteem or his new resolution to try and find some friends..

Meh.. Dungeon creature life was easier for sure. But he needed to try.

“Yeah, we did. I guess we both just keep needing potion supplies. ” He said as he too picked up a vial and looked around. He grinned at her.. “What are you making this time? ” He asked curiously as he examined the vial carefully.
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Old 04-15-2020, 02:54 AM   #46 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles View Post
Orion grinned at her a bit.. glad his greeting was a bit better than the last time they had met.. ‘Oh it’s you.’ Hadn’t done much for his self esteem or his new resolution to try and find some friends..

Meh.. Dungeon creature life was easier for sure. But he needed to try.

“Yeah, we did. I guess we both just keep needing potion supplies. ” He said as he too picked up a vial and looked around. He grinned at her.. “What are you making this time? ” He asked curiously as he examined the vial carefully.
"I've made a few vials blow up at home, mum banned me from using her potions lab for two weeks. So I'm stocking up for when I'm allowed in again," Which if she started ignoring her mum, should be a few days. That always worked. Especially when she took away her knarl, but her dad had gotten him back. Oh! She should also buy him some food on her way back.

"Are you making anything besides the sleeping potions?" Babs returned his question, since she didn't have an answer herself.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
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Old 04-16-2020, 09:57 PM   #47 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
"I've made a few vials blow up at home, mum banned me from using her potions lab for two weeks. So I'm stocking up for when I'm allowed in again," Which if she started ignoring her mum, should be a few days. That always worked. Especially when she took away her knarl, but her dad had gotten him back. Oh! She should also buy him some food on her way back.

"Are you making anything besides the sleeping potions?" Babs returned his question, since she didn't have an answer herself.
Orion let out a soft laugh as she spoke.. “How did you make them blow up? ” He asked as he shifted his weight a bit.. his gangly arms resting at his sides as he looked at her. He hadn’t had a potion blow up on him in awhile. But he was very careful.. especially since his potions lab was very close to where he slept..

Ahh the joys of having a very small flat.

“Yeah, I’ve been making a few different things.. mainly trying to challenge myself and see what I’m capable of. ” He said with a grin at her.
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Old 04-18-2020, 01:52 AM   #48 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Jack Roller View Post
Only 20 Galleons? If Jack was a comic book villain, he would have been rubbing his hands together excitedly. He’d been given more than enough to cover the cost and his client needn’t know that he hadn’t used all the money he was given. Call it a bonus.

Despite his excitement, he put on a thoughtful look as if he was thinking over his finances. ”Right. Thanks,” he pulled out the coins and handed them over. ”I’m sure I’ll be back sometime. We just moved here and my sister doesn’t like crowds.” He gave the shopkeeper a slightly abashed looking smile, hoping it gave the impression of a caring brother who was slightly embarrassed by a sibling. It was best to lay some sort of story in case he had to come back and the short explanation should be enough to explain the odd quantities he was buying.

He was glad that he was finishing up, because the shop was getting busy. ”Thanks again dude,” Jack said emphasizing the strong Brooklyn accent he’d been using. And grabbing his packages his left.
Apparently, the man was expecting it to cost a bit more given the upbeat mood Gideon was greeted with upon giving the amount needed. Oh well, if what he said was true, the sister would be the one more aware of the cheaper ingredients versus the ones worth a fortune, only a couple included in today’s purchase. “You’re welcome,” he said, accepting the coins and depositing them in the register before wrapping up each of the items.

The bell on the door signaling other customers distracted the shopkeeper slightly from the notion of more visits and embarrassed sisters. Instead Gideon simply handling over the wrapped purchases to the man as they were grabbed for and nodding at the added thanks. Right…it was the busy season. The man wiping the counter before moving from around it, debating checking on the others.
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Old 08-18-2020, 01:25 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Ashley only needed a few things. A basic potion kit, a set of brass scales, and a set of crystal phials. She wondered how much that came out to in total.... and also where to find them. She looked around anxiously, trying to find one of the items on her list.

Last edited by Holmesian Feline; 08-20-2020 at 01:29 AM. Reason: Helping fix code
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Old 08-20-2020, 01:28 AM   #50 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by astrocat View Post

Ashley only needed a few things. A basic potion kit, a set of brass scales, and a set of crystal phials. She wondered how much that came out to in total.... and also where to find them. She looked around anxiously, trying to find one of the items on her list.
Ah yes, the busy summer season was upon Slug and Jiggers. And Diagon Alley in general. Gideon had to already restock a few items from the back today and was just coming from the storeroom when he spotted a young girl looking around. "Hello...may I help you with anything?" the shopkeeper asked as he unloaded what he had in his arms.
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