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Situated on the South Side of the Street you can find a rather hip spot: the Shrunken Head Bowling Alley. You heard that right: shrunken heads. There are no muggle bowling balls here. The shrunken heads have opinions and aren't shy to taunt and tell you if you are rubbish. Be aware too that the bowling pins have a tendency to suddenly disappear, move or reappear when you least want them to. Whether you're part of one of the leagues or if you're a social player, come on in: this is the perfect place to kick back with your mates and have a laugh.
The first thing you notice upon entering the bowling alley is the flashing banner right above the counter indicating that this is where the most important person of this establishment is and where you should go first. The counter has the perfect spot, overseeing all the other areas of the bowling alley, so don't try to sneak your way past. A little further down the counter, you can find the Snack Bar, should you feel hungry. It is also overseen by the shopkeeper, which is why the two are directly connected to each other so they can easily offer assistance at both in just a few steps.
Beyond the counter and snack bar awaits the bowling lanes, divided up into three sectors: One to Four, Five to Eight and Nine to Twelve. Even from here you can hear distinct shouts from one of the bowling balls, telling whoever just threw it what a terrible player they are and that they are probably better off going home and knitting a pair of nice woolen socks. Should you not be that much into bowling, make sure to check out the Gaming Corner slightly to the left of the bowling lanes. A small variety of games have been set up, providing you and your friends with an alternative to bowling.
*The proprietor is not responsible for any injuries that may befall customers who drink/eat potentially hazardous items on the menu. If you don't know that the flames on the flaming chili cheese fries are real, and should be put out before consumption, then you shouldn't be eating them. You also shouldn't be drinking exploding lemonade or ordering biting nachos for that matter. Or Acid sauce. How is it you are capable of ordering for yourself?
This shop is NOT STAFFED and has a NPC shopkeeper.
Yasmina Payton hadn't known what to expect when she'd received the invitation to a "Ministry Orientation"-event at the Diagon Alley bowling alley. Was this something the Ministry did every year? It sounded like a good idea to her at the very least. So all the employees could get to know each other outside the regular work place environment. She hadn't been bowling in quite some time; discussing it with her husband earlier, they'd come to the conclusion that it had probably been for their son's 8th birthday party. But she was definitely willing to give it a go. Hopefully it would give her a chance to introduce herself to some of her co-workers.
Leaning against the counter to slip out of her heels and into the provided bowling shoes, Yasmine took her time, surveying the bowling alley and trying to find the only person she had met before: her department head, Eliora Dodderidge. Who apparently hadn't arrived yet or was busy elsewhere at the moment. Well, she would have to find her at a later time then. For now, Yasmina turned to have a closer look at the T-Shirts, which had different team names on them. Some of them were quite clever, weren't they? Smiling to herself, she ended up picking the black one, reading Striketumsempras.
After another quick look around, Yasmina eventually spotted someone who, too, appeared to have chosen the Striketumsempras-team and made her way over to him. "Hello. It appears we're on the same team." She said, once she was close enough for him to hear her, an easy smile playing around her lips. To prove her point, she then held up the shirt before quickly taking off her light jacket and putting the bowling shirt on.
"My name is Yasmina Payton. Which department do you work for?"
Lucien looked up when he heard someone close to him begin to speak. And apparently it was to him if the smile on her face and eye contact was any indicator. "Oh, hello." He gave the woman, slightly older than him a small smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Lucien Wright. I'm in Mysteries." He said with a cheeky grin. "What about yourself?"
SPOILER!!: Conley
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
Helping himself to a butterbeer, Conley wandered trying to decide what pair of lanes to join. His understanding was that he didn’t need to share a lane with other people on his ‘team,’ but maybe he’d find one or two to chat with for a few minutes. Instead he found one of his new hires. ”Miss Ainsley,” he said chipperly walking nearby, shoes still gripped in his hand. ”Glad you could make it. Bowl often?”
Mai jumped when she heard her name called, she hadn't been paying enough attention and was easily startled. "Mr. Phora! What a pleasure." She said as she recognized his face and gave him a large smile. "I have bowled before, but not here. The balls are...interesting." Mai grimaced. Although what should she really have expected with the name of the place."How are you sir?"
SPOILER!!: Louise
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
UM. YES. Bowling. This was WAY better than any formal function and especially at sight of the FRIED PICKLES. It was as if someone finally decided to cater to the Southern American Cuisine that she actually missed most about the United States. Taking a plate and a burger along with some fried pickles, she popped one into her mouth just as she saw her boss. Oops. Quickly swallowing the pickle, she grinned at him. "Mr Phora, hi, good break?" Wait. Was that?? Oh she'd met her last year at the World Cup. "Mai!!!!! You're an employee here now!! Oh don't tell me... are you ... International Cooperation too?!?" Finally, she'd have a sorta friend here. She assumed so, since Conley was talking to her. Other than Arabella, at least. She cracked a smile at the purple shirt. Right, she should get one of those and Guttergroit was obviously the team she was meant for.
She gave a small smile at the other girl (Mariana) with the purple shirt. "Hey there, I'm Louise. Looks like we'll be on the groit team together." Cause no gutters for her, hopefully and groit was just too funny of a name. Also, no she hadn't picked up a team shirt yet, but obviously she was going to be since that was the team Mai was on....
Mai jumped again - how does she keep getting surprised like this? But was that - Louise!? At least this is a pleasant surprise! "Louise!? Hi!!" Of course she was excited to see this girl. She was nice to connect with at the World Cup last year. "I am!! Foreign Relations Officer with Japan and France." She saw the look at the purple shirt and cracked a smile of her own, the name was pretty good, but that's off topic. "How are you!? It's been a while."
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Last edited by gritandgrace; 06-17-2019 at 11:34 PM.
Reason: spelling error
*drops James off and stalls in order to give Yassi an actual personality lol*
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Whose idea was this anyway? Because James had NOT been in favor of it. To , quite literally, no one's surprise. Like most things, James wasn't a fan of bowling. Having to wear shoes that had been worn countless times over. Sticking your fingers into shruken heads. Oil and grease particles clouding the air. There was nothing appealing about the sport, nor the venue.
Unfortunately, however, he had an obligation to show up. If he had thought he'd be able to get away with phoning in sick, he would have done it in a heartbeat. But he did have an example to uphold, and so he slipped inside (giving a nod to the Minister, but otherwise quickly hurry away-- as a single word with that man could go on for HOURS) and went straight for the counter. After switching out his shoes, he grabbed a BLACK (Striketumsempras) T-shirt and moved to a corner to lace up his shoes.
He sent a wave over towards Olly, though she was very clearly engaged in some conversation. Where was Eliora? At least they could be miserable together.
He didn't want to admit it, but he felt a little like a lost puppy without her.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by Lislchen
-ah, yes, she'd been meaning to speak with Lucy anyway.
Grey shirt still in hand, Olly quickly made her way over to her employee, a genuine smile on her lips. "Lucille, hello." Not really in the mood to bowl just yet either? "How was your winter break?" While waiting for an answer, she leaned against the table Lucy was sitting at a little and briefly glanced around the bowling alley again.
Lucy smiled at her employer. "Hello there. No, I can't stand such things. I much prefer being surrounded by my plants or doing something that relates to such things. My winter break was pretty good. My parents were actually civil towards me for a change. Definitely a Christmas miracle. How was your break?"
What an interesting event.
Yasmina Payton hadn't known what to expect when she'd received the invitation to a "Ministry Orientation"-event at the Diagon Alley bowling alley. Was this something the Ministry did every year? It sounded like a good idea to her at the very least. So all the employees could get to know each other outside the regular work place environment. She hadn't been bowling in quite some time; discussing it with her husband earlier, they'd come to the conclusion that it had probably been for their son's 8th birthday party. But she was definitely willing to give it a go. Hopefully it would give her a chance to introduce herself to some of her co-workers.
Leaning against the counter to slip out of her heels and into the provided bowling shoes, Yasmine took her time, surveying the bowling alley and trying to find the only person she had met before: her department head, Eliora Dodderidge. Who apparently hadn't arrived yet or was busy elsewhere at the moment. Well, she would have to find her at a later time then. For now, Yasmina turned to have a closer look at the T-Shirts, which had different team names on them. Some of them were quite clever, weren't they? Smiling to herself, she ended up picking the black one, reading Striketumsempras.
Ursula spotted a woman (Yasmina) who was also wearing a black shirt, talking to Department of Mysteries employee Lucian so Ursula decided to head over to her teammates and spoke to the woman. "Hey there. I don't think I've seen you around before. I'm Ursula Agan and I work in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes." She then turned to Lucian and smiled, "How was your break?"
Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
A bowling event? Mariana was here for it. The herbologist was all about friendly competition and she thought this was the perfect opportunity to mingle and meet some new people. After draping her coat over the back of a chair and slipping out of her ankle boots, she made her way over to the counter to get some bowling shoes and pick a team. Purple was a color she was drawn to, so it wasn't hard for her to settle on that one, the team name causing her laugh out loud. Clever. Now all she needed was some teammates and the fun could begin. She'd grab herself a drink while she waited.
She wasn't bowling. January was ALL for a bowling event for the Ministry because it was fun and lighthearted and relaxed, but she didn't really feel like switching out her heels for a pair of smelly bowling sneakers. Besides, she was the Senior Undersecretary and she felt totally comfortable just.. supervising. And watching other people have fun.
The Minister looked cheery, as usual, and January was pleased to see him. She gave him a smile as she passed, heading for a friend she spotted from a ways away grabbing a drink. "Hello, Mariana," the redhead greeted with a friendly smile, grabbing a drink for herself. "Team purple?"
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
"Hey, Espinosa! My holiday was great, how about you?" Visiting France was always a nice getaway, as was seeing those he'd left behind there. "Once, the balls are a real joy." Of course, that last bit was sarcastic. The balls were crude and insulting and he preferred muggle balls but he wasn't going to say as much out loud, not when the owner of the establishment could possibly hear.
The Minister got a friendly nod in return, though internally Ronan wondered where he got his ideas for orientation. At least it was less of a family thing this time.....?
His second teammate was a familiar face in the form of another fellow MLEer. "Hey, Ava," he replied. "Nice holiday?" They were soon joined by a older witch who seemed to feel like he did about the greasiness of the food. "Eh, I'm okay at it." Not an expert or anything, but good enough to not embarrass himself.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Lucy smiled at her employer. "Hello there. No, I can't stand such things. I much prefer being surrounded by my plants or doing something that relates to such things. My winter break was pretty good. My parents were actually civil towards me for a change. Definitely a Christmas miracle. How was your break?"
Olly could definitely relate to that but was aware enough that she probably shouldn't be sharing that sentiment out loud with her employee. The event had been organized by the Department Head team after all. So, instead, she just gave the young woman a polite nod. "I hope you'll enjoy the event anyway." There was food after all. And drinks. And other people.
If you liked that kind of thing.
Unsure of what to say to Lucille sharing personal information about her parents, Olly chose, again, to nod, a (hopefully) sympathetic smile on her lips. "That sounds nice. My break was good. Busy, though. I had a few people to interview." Speaking of, Olly chose that moment to quickly scan the alley again, hoping to catch a glimpse of exactly those people. Ah, Alberta was here already, good. She made a quick mental note to approach the woman later.
Also was Draper lost?
ANYWAY, back to Lucille, however. "I've been thinking and I think you should come by my office first thing tomorrow, please." She added another quick smile for good measure, trying to make sure Lucy didn't think she was in any kind of trouble.
Originally Posted by gritandgrace
Lucien looked up when he heard someone close to him begin to speak. And apparently it was to him if the smile on her face and eye contact was any indicator. "Oh, hello." He gave the woman, slightly older than him a small smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Lucien Wright. I'm in Mysteries." He said with a cheeky grin. "What about yourself?"
What a polite man, Yasmina thought while giving him another smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Mr. Wright. I work for the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes." She indicated one of the still empty chairs at his table with a nod of her head. "May I sit with you?" She had to start somewhere and while Mr. Wright wasn't in the same department as she was, Yasmina had decided that he appeared to be good company.
Besides, they were on the same bowling team.
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Ursula spotted a woman (Yasmina) who was also wearing a black shirt, talking to Department of Mysteries employee Lucian so Ursula decided to head over to her teammates and spoke to the woman. "Hey there. I don't think I've seen you around before. I'm Ursula Agan and I work in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes." She then turned to Lucian and smiled, "How was your break?"
Before Yasmina actually got the chance to sit down, she was approached by a younger woman who, apparently, worked in the same department! And was on their bowling team as well. It had been a long time since she'd had to meet so many new people and didn't know anyone beforehand but so far it appeared to be going well. "Hello. Nice to meet you, Ms. Agan. My name is Yasmina Payton. I work in the same department." She offered Ms. Agan a polite smile at that. "Which division do you work in?"
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Olly could definitely relate to that but was aware enough that she probably shouldn't be sharing that sentiment out loud with her employee. The event had been organized by the Department Head team after all. So, instead, she just gave the young woman a polite nod. "I hope you'll enjoy the event anyway." There was food after all. And drinks. And other people.
If you liked that kind of thing.
Unsure of what to say to Lucille sharing personal information about her parents, Olly chose, again, to nod, a (hopefully) sympathetic smile on her lips. "That sounds nice. My break was good. Busy, though. I had a few people to interview." Speaking of, Olly chose that moment to quickly scan the alley again, hoping to catch a glimpse of exactly those people. Ah, Alberta was here already, good. She made a quick mental note to approach the woman later.
Also was Draper lost?
ANYWAY, back to Lucille, however. "I've been thinking and I think you should come by my office first thing tomorrow, please." She added another quick smile for good measure, trying to make sure Lucy didn't think she was in any kind of trouble.
Lucy nodded at her boss. "I'll try my best to enjoy it. I mean, maybe it'll be fun." When Olly mentioned interviews, Lucy smiled. "I can't wait to meet any new employees that will be gracing our department."
Lucy was intrigued at the request to visit her employer's office the next morning. "Of course!"
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Before Yasmina actually got the chance to sit down, she was approached by a younger woman who, apparently, worked in the same department! And was on their bowling team as well. It had been a long time since she'd had to meet so many new people and didn't know anyone beforehand but so far it appeared to be going well. "Hello. Nice to meet you, Ms. Agan. My name is Yasmina Payton. I work in the same department." She offered Ms. Agan a polite smile at that. "Which division do you work in?"
Was she one of "hers"?
Ursula smiled at Yasmina. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I work as a Memory Restoration Specialist. I look forward to working with you."
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
It had been a while since the ministry had done bowling for orientation. She had been with Charely at the time. As Victoria entered the alley she stopped at the door just looking around. She wasn't much of a bowler, but would for this event, though seeing the food area she thought maybe she could just slip back there for the time being.
It had been a busy break with quidditch and family, but she was happy that her girls were together for Christmas. Bart and his family coming over had topped it off for her. She was never alone with such great kids.
Forcing herself to leave the doorway she quietly made her way over to the crowd.
So this was a ministry shindig, Topanga felt she could easily fit right in. Bowling was one of her favorite things and she had been on a team for a bit. "Hello, Hello!" She waved at all the people around. 'So I'm Topanga, going to be in the transportation department. " Hello Boss if you were out there in the crowd.
"So how does this work, department against department, drawing straws for teams." She was ready for some fun.
Bowling. Jacob had thought he knew what to expect from the ministry orientations since he had now attended a few in his ministry career. A bowling alley though was not what he would have bet on them socializing around at, after the holidays. Minister Hollingberry must be a fan of muggle sports and greasy food.
The blond mid 20’s Games & Sports employee entered the bowling alley and surveyed the people that we’re already there. He couldn’t pick out one single department colleague from a first glance so he walked to the counter to pick up a black team shirt and to switch on a pair of weird looking bowling shoes.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
[COLOR="Navy"] So this was a ministry shindig, Topanga felt she could easily fit right in. Bowling was one of her favorite things and she had been on a team for a bit. "Hello, Hello!" She waved at all the people around. 'So I'm Topanga, going to be in the transportation department. " Hello Boss if you were out there in the crowd.
"So how does this work, department against department, drawing straws for teams." She was ready for some fun.
Heading for the nearest lane Jacob picked up a bowling ball, to feel it’s weight in his hands and spotted his boss Victoria enter the alley and waved to her. Overhearing a girl’s introduction near him he flashed a glance over in Topangas direction to answer her question. "If i understood correctly Topanga you just pick any team shirt you want and the other employees that pick the same shirt will be on your team. It’s not department against departments matches." Talking to Topanga he only had half a mind on the bowling ball in his hands and thus Jacob felt it slip out of his fingers grip and down on his left foot and yelped out loudly. "Ouch! Merlin’s quaffles why do the balls have to be so heavy?"
Bowling. Laurel like the brilliant seer that she was had already foreseen what Minister Hollingberry had cooked up for the oriention this time. She was immensely glad that they we’re outside the ministry walls. Bowling would be fun and snacking on greasy food wasn’t so bad either and if the company was right then it could become a nice night.
Turning to her husband in the entrance to the alley Laurel leaned closer to ask over the blasting disco music. "Aaron darling, do you want to bowl or snack first? You can pick the team we belong too, but the purple shirts do look pretty." Just saying. She wasn’t telling him what to pick she just wanted to provide a helpful opinion.
Grae couldn't believe that bowling was the chosen activity for orientation. She had imagined something more along the lines of sitting around in a conference room, listening to the department heads lecture, and going over basic rules. But she was working for the Ministry now, so she supposed that she should get used to expecting the unexpected.
Taking a deep breath and pushing open the doors to the bowling alley, the young woman surveyed the group of people that had arrived already. She spotted several little groups congregating based on shirt color, along with the Minister of Magic himself greeting each employee. At least the people looked relatively friendly.
Grae pulled a red t-shirt over her blouse (obviously the former Gryffindor had to pick the shirt with her house colors) and traded in her high heels for a mangy old pair of bowling shoes. Thank goodness she had remembered to bring socks!
SPOILER!!: Ava, Chloe, & Ronan
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
This ministry gathering today meant holiday was almost over, not that Ava minded because she had enough time with her family and boyfriend and she was ready to be back for work, yup. But first, let's having fun at this bowling center. Had she ever bowled? Yeah... and it was fun. The 22 year-old did mention about this gathering to Reed and he might be joining in once his work was done, but it's okay if he couldn't do that.
"Hi, everyone." She greeted her fellow MLE people who had arrived there (Emilia and Carter.) The minister of magic also got a small nod too from her. Oh look, a t-shirt. Looks like she's going to channel her inner Gryffindor by grabbing the red shirt.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Greasy food was definitely NOT Chloe Adara's forte. Neither was bowling, for that matter. But apparently after a decade at the Ministry - Merlin, time FLEW after Hogwarts - it was expected for her to be there. What did the Ministry even offer her for ten years of service? Bowling? The ability to show up wearing casual attire? Can she continue the casual attire on Fridays? A substantial pay raise? Private school tuition for her child? The only good thing actually was the red shirts, because even after graduating Hogwarts ten and a half years ago, Chloe was forever and always a Gryffindor.
Pulling on the red shirt over her own clothes, the ginger made her way over towards some other teammates, turning up her nose at the burgers. Perhaps if she was desperate she'd go for a meatless panini or a grilled cheese sandwich, the latter of which she'd grown used to since that was a staple in a six year old's diet. No other transportation employees were here yet, unless there were some new hires here she didn't know of?
"You any good at this?" she gestured at the young wizard and the alley.
Originally Posted by lazykitty
"Hey, Espinosa! My holiday was great, how about you?" Visiting France was always a nice getaway, as was seeing those he'd left behind there. "Once, the balls are a real joy." Of course, that last bit was sarcastic. The balls were crude and insulting and he preferred muggle balls but he wasn't going to say as much out loud, not when the owner of the establishment could possibly hear.
The Minister got a friendly nod in return, though internally Ronan wondered where he got his ideas for orientation. At least it was less of a family thing this time.....?
His second teammate was a familiar face in the form of another fellow MLEer. "Hey, Ava," he replied. "Nice holiday?" They were soon joined by a older witch who seemed to feel like he did about the greasiness of the food. "Eh, I'm okay at it." Not an expert or anything, but good enough to not embarrass himself.
She passed by the food table, a bit too nervous to eat at the moment (although she made a mental note to grab a soft pretzel later on), and made her way over the group donning red shirts, who seemed to be chatting already. "Hello!" she said cheerfully, giving them all a friendly smile and wave. "My name's Grae. I'm new here, in the transportation department! It's so nice to meet you all." Perhaps one of them also worked her department? Nevertheless, she was excited to meet her new coworkers.
Last edited by Fireheart; 06-19-2019 at 04:02 AM.
Reason: first ministry rpg post ever and i used the wrong post color i hate myself
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Anya Gonzales had been looking forward to this day. Her parents did, too, because this was her first unofficial day in her first real job. Definitions were usually subjective, but to Anya's parents, it meant more than just her usual odd jobs. It was nice to finally have her parents' approval. All familial feelings aside, the brunette was excited too, but she was also nervous. There were far too many people to impress in this alley, and she only personally knew Mr. Flamsteed. Everyone else was a stranger. Anya briefly wondered if she should have asked Orianne or Hei or Inès to come along with her, but she had waved away the urge to invite them earlier. She was...a little bit regretful.
Walking in with a smile (a very practiced one from her years as a model), Anya greeted the people she came across with a polite hello. It took her a moment to decide what coloured shirt she wanted, biting her lower lip as she had an interla debate with herself. She didn't mind which team she ended up in because she literally knew no one. This time, she based it off what colour would look best in her denim jeans. She had momentarily considered the white one just like her top now but the polka dot design was a deal breaker, so she opted for the black one (Striketumsempras) instead. Looking around for someone from the black team to introduce herself to, she put on another smile as she approached a woman around her age (Angelica). "Hello. Looks like we're team mates."
This wasn't the ministry orientation Kat had expected. She had usually preferred a much more formal setting, wearing her formal attires all hung inside her wardrobe at home. However, considering that this was a bowling event (with shrunken heads, mind you), a slightly casual get-up was more suited. And that was the problem. She was lucky enough to have found a top that didn't have to go with a coat. Kat made it a point to go through her wardrobe again. She might need to do some shopping. Most of her clothes were still small for her since she had just had her twins a few months ago. Her sister was a delight to have volunteered to watch over her four little rascals while she was gone.
Kat wasn't a fan of bowling either. Sure, she could strike pins in one go. It wasn't like she'd lost all her Quidditch skills from her Hogwarts years. It had its perks, playing for the school team. But it no longer appealed to her thirty-x self anymore. It used to, but she had other interests too. Her teenaged self would call herself boring for knowing how drastically the family life changed her. Even the greasy food options didn't appeal to her at the moment. She would usually save those for mums' night with Elise. Today was obviously not one of those nights. She was a team player, though, so Kat snagged the first shirt she saw (Spareialis Revelio) and went off to find her colleagues.
...She'd prefer wine over butter beer at the moment, and on any other day. And yes, Kat casually eyed the food table again. The pretzels were probably the only other appealing food she could see and manage today.
"Minister, Mariana, Lucille, Alexander, Olly," the blond greeted those she knew and came across. She went to join them, especially the ones from her department. Aside from the people she went to school with years ago, they were the only ones she knew from the ministry. "I trust that you all had an enjoyable break." She kind of did, if you didn't count the numerous times her twin boys woke her up in the middle of the night.
Reed had made no promises to Ava about being her date to the ministry's bowling event, but he said he would try depending on how chaotic today's work at the Prophet would be. In fact, he may have raised an eyebrow at the idea of the ministry holding such an event rather than an orientation for employees, which was usually the case for most (if not all) workplaces. Perhaps a change in routine was their ideal way of kicking off the new year. He had no complaints.
Inside the bowling alley, his instinct made him look for his girlfriend first. That was his priority for the day. He hoped he wouldn't miss the opportunity to join in the mingling. He still was a bit hesitant about possibly joining the game. This wasn't his event, and he preferred being a mere spectator. He'd cheer on his girlfriend instead. Once he'd found Ava in the crowd, he slipped his arm around her waist and quickly kissed the side of her head. "Hey, there. I hope I wasn't too late," he said. Then he looked at her companions (Emilia and Ronan), and Reed assumed they were her colleagues from the auror office. "Hello to you both, as well," the twenty-six year old greeted them with a polite smile too.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Last edited by Kimothy; 06-19-2019 at 04:35 PM.
Reason: i found out i made typos HOURS after i posted this smh
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Text Cut: Louise
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
[COLOR="deeppink"][...] UM. YES. Bowling. This was WAY better than any formal function and especially at sight of the FRIED PICKLES. It was as if someone finally decided to cater to the Southern American Cuisine that she actually missed most about the United States. Taking a plate and a burger along with some fried pickles, she popped one into her mouth just as she saw her boss. Oops. Quickly swallowing the pickle, she grinned at him. "Mr Phora, hi, good break?" Wait. Was that?? Oh she'd met her last year at the World Cup. "Mai!!!!! You're an employee here now!! Oh don't tell me... are you ... International Cooperation too?!?" Finally, she'd have a sorta friend here. She assumed so, since Conley was talking to her. Other than Arabella, at least. She cracked a smile at the purple shirt. Right, she should get one of those and Guttergroit was obviously the team she was meant for.
She gave a small smile at the other girl (Mariana) with the purple shirt. "Hey there, I'm Louise. Looks like we'll be on the groit team together." Cause no gutters for her, hopefully and groit was just too funny of a name. Also, no she hadn't picked up a team shirt yet, but obviously she was going to be since that was the team Mai was on....
Text Cut: Mai
Originally Posted by gritandgrace
[..]Mai jumped when she heard her name called, she hadn't been paying enough attention and was easily startled. "Mr. Phora! What a pleasure." She said as she recognized his face and gave him a large smile. "I have bowled before, but not here. The balls are...interesting." Mai grimaced. Although what should she really have expected with the name of the place."How are you sir?"
Mai jumped again - how does she keep getting surprised like this? But was that - Louise!? At least this is a pleasant surprise! "Louise!? Hi!!" Of course she was excited to see this girl. She was nice to connect with at the World Cup last year. "I am!! Foreign Relations Officer with Japan and France." She saw the look at the purple shirt and cracked a smile of her own, the name was pretty good, but that's off topic. "How are you!? It's been a while."
It appeared he had startled her. He gave her a slightly sheepish smile as way of an apology. ”Aye,” he said swinging his bowling shoes a little. ”That they are.” He glanced over at one. ”Hopefully they don’t bite,” He chuckled perhaps a bit nervously. "Certainly isn't the type of equipment I'm used to using myself. Should present an interesting challenge."
He was about to ask what lane she was going to bowl on, when another one of his employees walked up. ”Ms. Hamilton,” he said inclining his head with a smile. ”It seems you know each other?” he teased. ”I had an excellent break.” Perhaps he sounded a bit too, ah, happy. In fact, he had been rather disappointed that it had ended. ”Enjoyed some sunshine, and relaxed. I hope yours was well.”
Adam has sent an owl to Zita a few days after their date at the Leaky Cauldron asking her if she would like to meet again. He had left the cataloguing of the meeting vague. If she wanted it to be a second date, it would be. If she just wanted to spent time as friends, he was happy with that too. Although, he would be lying a little if he wasn’t hoping it was going to be a date. He had found her to be a little uptight, but interesting. He hoped she had just been as nervous about going on a blind date as he had been. Sure the fact that her blind date had actually been, well mostly blind, was probably enough to put anyone on edge. When she had wrote back that she would meet, he had offered up the annual Ministry orientation outing as an option for their outing. He wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to bowl or if he even should try, but he thought he could at least spend time with her while she bowled. He was sure there was something else they could do if she didn’t feel like throwing around balls. He’d recently found he’d become rather good at pinball – perhaps there was a gaming center here.
He walked into the alley, support cane tappity-tapping, although the sound was lost amidst the thunder of pins being knocked down. He pushed his over-sized purple sunglasses up into his hair and looking around. It pretty dark in here and he really couldn’t see anything with his sight-impaired eyes. He pushed his sunglasses back down. No need to strain his eyes if he wasn’t going to be able to see anything always. He wasn’t sure if Zita was here already or not either. Hopefully, she would find him, because he wasn’t sure if he’d find her.
Guttergroit (Purple!) and Striketumsempras (Black!)
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
It would be a lie to say that you couldn’t hear Theophilus coming before he arrived. His laugh echoed the whole way from the entrance and his bowling shoes (his ones from home and not those disgusting provided ones) were heavy heeled so he clicked and clacked his way across to his Ministry colleagues. Of course, he would not be himself if he hadn’t grabbed a bunch of food for himself and carried it over.
In fact, there were already greasy fingerprints smeared across his PURPLE shirt. Man, whoever came up with these team names was… well, they were a COMEDIAN. SO FUNNY. HAH HAH HAH. GUTTERGROIT. HAHAHAHAOOOHHOHOHO. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, Theophilus GRINNED at those sporting purple shirts also.
”Theophilus Darcy, ladies and gents. Almost professional bowler. Semi professional ballroom dancer. Oh, and absolutely professional and Olympic champion at eating.”
They were welcome.
Another year, another work orientation that Eliora was probably going to regret. Being in this role meant that she had to attend with a smile on her face. However, this time she was in ridiculous bowling shoes that made her legs look shorter. At least she was able to wear jeans to a work thing this year. And not a gown or pack a bloody picnic basket. And she hadn’t had to bring her kids and pretend she was a family friendly parent! Excellent.
Grabbing herself a black shirt, Eliora immediately looked for the coffee and was immediately annoyed to not find a coffee machine to hand. WHAT REAL ESTABLISHMENT DIDN’T HAVE A COFFEE MACHINE AVAILABLE INSTANTLY FOR HER WITH THE GOOD COFFEE?!?! HAD THEY NOT PUT THIS ON THE LIST OF NON-NEGOTIABLES WHEN FINDING A VENUE!??!?!!?!!!!! FuUUuuUUUUUUuuuuuuuume.
Quickly (and absolutely annoyed), Eliora stormed her way towards the corner that James was lacing his shoes up in and made sure he knew that she was annoyed by getting as close as humanly possible and whining. Attention please. ”Did you see a coffee machine? I didn’t. I don’t get paid enough for that.” New work husband. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase.
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,086
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
just getting Airey here for now :3 Charles replies will come next post <3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Having been sitting off to the side for the past half hour or so before employees were expected to arrive at the bowling alley. What was the resident astronut busying himself with exactly? Sterilizing is bowling shoes, of course. Naturally, Airey Flamsteed had debated simply purchasing himself a pair of shoes as it would guarantee that he wouldn't catch some deadly foot disease but it seemed entirely impractical to own a pair of shoes he was only likely to wear once and then again on raaaaaaaaaaare occasions. It was his daughter who had talked him out of the purchase, actually.
His bowling shoes now a reflective surface, Airey tugged down on his red team shirt with a mighty chuckle and strolled towards the lanes like it was no big deal. Him. In a red shirt. He sincerely hoped that those he taught at Hogwarts who were among the participants this evening appreciated the tongue-in-cheek humor.
"Ah, Mr. Carter. Good to see you again," he greeted the young man with a chipper grin as he sized up the ...... heads. Sweet solstice. There was no surprise that Miss Burton had selected a red shirt as well. And then he quickly averted his eyes because there was PDA going on between his former pupil and that young man [Kimothy]. Abort abort abort. "Oi! Conley!" he beckoned his colleague over to the lane. Saved by the appearance of another red shirt.
"Good or bad," he mused while passing behind Miss Adara. And a spoiler alert for all present, the Mysteries department head was absolutely dreadful at bowling. It was more his limbs refusing to listen to what his brain was instructing it to do. "None of us will accomplish anything by just standing around so let us all select our ... heads ... and get this show on the roll."
Ha. Dad humor at its finest right there. His appreciation for the team names this event was astronomical.
His arms went out wide - but sweet solstice do NOT hug him - to greet the young woman [Fireheart] who had just introduced herself as being new to the Ministry. "Welcome. Airey Flamsteed. Department head for Mysteries."
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 06-19-2019 at 11:02 PM.
Reason: sleep deprived mistake DONT MIND ME
Léopold was more than excited to start his new job at the Ministry. Of course this meant he was going to partake in any and all events that had to do with the his new job. This included the pre-job bowling get together thing that the Ministry was throwing. Honestly the man was thrilled he always loved bowling and had taken Avery several times when they were dating. He had considered bringing her, but that was still a mountain of feelings that Léo did not want to deal with right now.
So here he was. At a work function. Alone. Not knowing a single person. His worst nightmare. He never was really good at introducing himself at these things. Oh and he was supposed to pick a team. How would he decided which one? His anxiety was already starting to get the best of him. Maybe he should have stayed home and just waited until work. Less awkward way to make introductions.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Originally Posted by Shanners
Another year, another work orientation that Eliora was probably going to regret. Being in this role meant that she had to attend with a smile on her face. However, this time she was in ridiculous bowling shoes that made her legs look shorter. At least she was able to wear jeans to a work thing this year. And not a gown or pack a bloody picnic basket. And she hadn’t had to bring her kids and pretend she was a family friendly parent! Excellent.
Grabbing herself a black shirt, Eliora immediately looked for the coffee and was immediately annoyed to not find a coffee machine to hand. WHAT REAL ESTABLISHMENT DIDN’T HAVE A COFFEE MACHINE AVAILABLE INSTANTLY FOR HER WITH THE GOOD COFFEE?!?! HAD THEY NOT PUT THIS ON THE LIST OF NON-NEGOTIABLES WHEN FINDING A VENUE!??!?!!?!!!!! FuUUuuUUUUUUuuuuuuuume.
Quickly (and absolutely annoyed), Eliora stormed her way towards the corner that James was lacing his shoes up in and made sure he knew that she was annoyed by getting as close as humanly possible and whining. Attention please. ”Did you see a coffee machine? I didn’t. I don’t get paid enough for that.” New work husband. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase.
No he wasn't lost, Ollie. Just AVOIDING people. And FUN.
James had, for the record, heard Eliora storming over before she had reached him. He even had the audacity to casually look up, see her coming over, and STILL went right back to tying his shoes. And yes, he was wearing a subtle, amused sort of grin whilst doing so. Because THAT was funny.
He did turn to give her his full attention once she reached, but only after he had finished lacing up the clown shoes. Which meant he was only looking at her for the tail end of her whinging, though he did hear the whole thing. Loud and clear. She was quite good at that. Whinging. "You should complain to the minister, I'm sure he'd take the suggestion very seriously." Did he also want coffee? Yes. Absolutely. He had been a casual coffee drinker before, but Eliora had hooked him.
Consider this karma, Dodderidge.
He also knew she would be enjoying this bowling event just as much as he would be. And quite honestly? She would be the only reason why he'd stay. So he knew to keep his teasing at a tolerable medium. He, admittedly, needed her. He had also noticed the person who would be a new employee in his department this year. Léopold, was it? Yes. That one. Though honestly, James was quite happy in this corner talking to no one else, but Eliora. Perhaps he'd come out to play later and say a quick hello. Meeting his employees in an unprofessional capacity such as this one was entirely humiliating.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,087
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Originally Posted by GrapehSarah
Léopold was more than excited to start his new job at the Ministry. Of course this meant he was going to partake in any and all events that had to do with the his new job. This included the pre-job bowling get together thing that the Ministry was throwing. Honestly the man was thrilled he always loved bowling and had taken Avery several times when they were dating. He had considered bringing her, but that was still a mountain of feelings that Léo did not want to deal with right now.
So here he was. At a work function. Alone. Not knowing a single person. His worst nightmare. He never was really good at introducing himself at these things. Oh and he was supposed to pick a team. How would he decided which one? His anxiety was already starting to get the best of him. Maybe he should have stayed home and just waited until work. Less awkward way to make introductions.
Bowling. Such a strange orientation to Darej as he decided to join in on the fun. Company parties were a great chance to wallflower and all, but with bowling everyone was meant to join together. It was so obvious to him. But he didn't mind, it was a welcome change to do something for fun.
Darej spotted his boss and gave him a sup nod. James wasn't the social type and he respected that. The wallflower ahead of him though looked like he could use a distraction. "You're new here, aren't you?" Darej felt that had to get out. "Interesting orientation, right?" Even though he arrived a few minutes ago.
Bowling. Such a strange orientation to Darej as he decided to join in on the fun. Company parties were a great chance to wallflower and all, but with bowling everyone was meant to join together. It was so obvious to him. But he didn't mind, it was a welcome change to do something for fun.
Darej spotted his boss and gave him a sup nod. James wasn't the social type and he respected that. The wallflower ahead of him though looked like he could use a distraction. "You're new here, aren't you?" Darej felt that had to get out. "Interesting orientation, right?" Even though he arrived a few minutes ago.
Léo looked away from the table of shirts as he heard someone addressing him. He gave a bit of a nervous laugh towards the man, his anxiety still getting the best of him. "That obvious huh?" His French accent dripping over every word. Of course it was. He was just standing there staring at everything and not doing much. "Definitely. I do enjoy bowling a lot myself but having to pick a team without knowing anyone seems a little difficult." Way to let the guy know you're a ball of anxiety Léopold.
Anya Gonzales had been looking forward to this day. Her parents did, too, because this was her first unofficial day in her first real job. Definitions were usually subjective, but to Anya's parents, it meant more than just her usual odd jobs. It was nice to finally have her parents' approval. All familial feelings aside, the brunette was excited too, but she was also nervous. There were far too many people to impress in this alley, and she only personally knew Mr. Flamsteed. Everyone else was a stranger. Anya briefly wondered if she should have asked Orianne or Hei or Inès to come along with her, but she had waved away the urge to invite them earlier. She was...a little bit regretful.
Walking in with a smile (a very practiced one from her years as a model), Anya greeted the people she came across with a polite hello. It took her a moment to decide what coloured shirt she wanted, biting her lower lip as she had an interla debate with herself. She didn't mind which team she ended up in because she literally knew no one. This time, she based it off what colour would look best in her denim jeans. She had momentarily considered the white one just like her top now but the polka dot design was a deal breaker, so she opted for the black one (Striketumsempras) instead. Looking around for someone from the black team to introduce herself to, she put on another smile as she approached a woman around her age (Angelica). "Hello. Looks like we're team mates."
She had just picked up the t shirt and honestly you cant go wrong with black and the pun was as said within her range of humor. Still she didnt really want to wear it considering she liked what she was wearing more. Even if it was just a nice black blouse and jeans. She would have worn a skirt. Still how was she going to participate if she didnt actually know how to bowl. Parents never took her and she never cared enough to go herself. Maybe she could just hang in the background after saying hello to her boss and the minister.
Oh someone was talking to her. She brought her attention from the shirt to the woman who wasn't much older or younger really than her.
Smiling Angelica said.
"Team Black is the coolest here i think. You ever think this would be in a bowling alley?"
She thought orientations were supposed to be formal.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Bowling. Jacob had thought he knew what to expect from the ministry orientations since he had now attended a few in his ministry career. A bowling alley though was not what he would have bet on them socializing around at, after the holidays. Minister Hollingberry must be a fan of muggle sports and greasy food.
The blond mid 20’s Games & Sports employee entered the bowling alley and surveyed the people that we’re already there. He couldn’t pick out one single department colleague from a first glance so he walked to the counter to pick up a black team shirt and to switch on a pair of weird looking bowling shoes.
Heading for the nearest lane Jacob picked up a bowling ball, to feel it’s weight in his hands and spotted his boss Victoria enter the alley and waved to her. Overhearing a girl’s introduction near him he flashed a glance over in Topangas direction to answer her question. "If i understood correctly Topanga you just pick any team shirt you want and the other employees that pick the same shirt will be on your team. It’s not department against departments matches." Talking to Topanga he only had half a mind on the bowling ball in his hands and thus Jacob felt it slip out of his fingers grip and down on his left foot and yelped out loudly. "Ouch! Merlin’s quaffles why do the balls have to be so heavy?"
Now there was someone jumping right in to help her. She beamed at the guy who stepped up to the plate to let her know what was going on. She might have missed the memo of how this thing worked or she might have just left it on her messy dresser and forgot it was there after the owl had brought her things. Either way, someone was always willing to jump in and help.
"So I need to grab a shirt and that is my team. hmmm..." She looked around, "So who here are the best palyers?" Topanga laughed, but not for long, "Ouch bud, you okay?" That had to hurt, maybe even broke a toe. 'We got a healer on standby?" Bowling was dangerous didn't people know?
'So what color shirt do you have, I'll just grab that one." Might need to help him walk up to throw the ball down though...
Originally Posted by Krel Ansell
It appeared he had startled her. He gave her a slightly sheepish smile as way of an apology. ”Aye,” he said swinging his bowling shoes a little. ”That they are.” He glanced over at one. ”Hopefully they don’t bite,” He chuckled perhaps a bit nervously. "Certainly isn't the type of equipment I'm used to using myself. Should present an interesting challenge."
He was about to ask what lane she was going to bowl on, when another one of his employees walked up. ”Ms. Hamilton,” he said inclining his head with a smile. ”It seems you know each other?” he teased. ”I had an excellent break.” Perhaps he sounded a bit too, ah, happy. In fact, he had been rather disappointed that it had ended. ”Enjoyed some sunshine, and relaxed. I hope yours was well.”
Adam has sent an owl to Zita a few days after their date at the Leaky Cauldron asking her if she would like to meet again. He had left the cataloguing of the meeting vague. If she wanted it to be a second date, it would be. If she just wanted to spent time as friends, he was happy with that too. Although, he would be lying a little if he wasn’t hoping it was going to be a date. He had found her to be a little uptight, but interesting. He hoped she had just been as nervous about going on a blind date as he had been. Sure the fact that her blind date had actually been, well mostly blind, was probably enough to put anyone on edge. When she had wrote back that she would meet, he had offered up the annual Ministry orientation outing as an option for their outing. He wasn’t exactly sure how he was going to bowl or if he even should try, but he thought he could at least spend time with her while she bowled. He was sure there was something else they could do if she didn’t feel like throwing around balls. He’d recently found he’d become rather good at pinball – perhaps there was a gaming center here.
He walked into the alley, support cane tappity-tapping, although the sound was lost amidst the thunder of pins being knocked down. He pushed his over-sized purple sunglasses up into his hair and looking around. It pretty dark in here and he really couldn’t see anything with his sight-impaired eyes. He pushed his sunglasses back down. No need to strain his eyes if he wasn’t going to be able to see anything always. He wasn’t sure if Zita was here already or not either. Hopefully, she would find him, because he wasn’t sure if he’d find her.
Zita hadn't gotten there yet, but she got there shortly after. Bowling wasn't a shocking second date, but she was shocked at the number of people that were there when she got there. Was this place always so busy?
No worries though, she was there for one person not a crowd. She liked a crowd though, so of course, she had to look down to make sure she was dressed accordingly... No, no this wasn't how she wanted to be now. She had a nice outfit on, but one that went well with bowling and she didn't care if anyone looked at her.
Her eyes scanning the area, she saw him in front of her and headed that way. "Adam" getting his attention so she wouldn't scare him as she let her hand rest on his arm, "You weren't waiting long were you?" She had hoped he wasn't at least. "It is really busy in here tonight, the ministry has a lot of employees." She knew it was big, but having all in one building became overly aware of how big.
It would be a lie to say that you couldn’t hear Theophilus coming before he arrived. His laugh echoed the whole way from the entrance and his bowling shoes (his ones from home and not those disgusting provided ones) were heavy heeled so he clicked and clacked his way across to his Ministry colleagues. Of course, he would not be himself if he hadn’t grabbed a bunch of food for himself and carried it over.
In fact, there were already greasy fingerprints smeared across his PURPLE shirt. Man, whoever came up with these team names was… well, they were a COMEDIAN. SO FUNNY. HAH HAH HAH. GUTTERGROIT. HAHAHAHAOOOHHOHOHO. Wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, Theophilus GRINNED at those sporting purple shirts also.
”Theophilus Darcy, ladies and gents. Almost professional bowler. Semi professional ballroom dancer. Oh, and absolutely professional and Olympic champion at eating.”
They were welcome.
Kendra couldn't say she was exactly an avid bowler. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she went bowling. Before Noémi was in school, probably. But she was all for having the new year orientation at the bowling alley even if it wasn't really her thing. It was nice and casual for new people to feel comfortable. She probably just wouldn't do any actual bowling as she wouldn't be able to add much to her team's score. Still, she chose one of the purple team shirts and looked for those she'd be joining.
Oh Merlin, people really were all over the place. It was difficult to tell who was on what team even with the shirts as not everyone had grouped up yet and were still mingling. But the first person she came across with a purple shirt was making himself known.
"Well, Theophilius Darcy, it appears that we're on the same team," she said with a perfectly polite smile. "And I'm sure your almost professional score will balance out my paltry occasional bowler score. Kendra Jordan-Durand," she added in way of introduction. But he probably already knew that. Everyone knew who the department heads were, didn't they? Well, if they didn't, they should. And she was doing her best not to look too long at the greasy stains on his shirt because they were disgusting and she was really trying not to be rude.
Originally Posted by Alberta Bowman
Bowling. Bowling was fun if you were a fool or a child, but Alberta was neither and so it wasn't. Yet here she was. In the spirit of meeting her coworkers, or something along those lines. Or because it would most likely be frowned upon, not showing up as the new employee.
Three cheers for socialising with new coworkers you did not care about in the slightest and what looked like terribly greasy food. If this was their way of saying "welcome to the Ministry of Magic", Alberta wasn't sure she was at the right place.
But bowling it was. Not one for bright colours and deciding it would work least awful best with the black dress she was wearing, Bertie chose the black shirt, giving herself a quick reminder not to hex anyone who thought it might be hilarious to suggest she join the polka-dotted Bertie Bott team. The joke had stopped being funny about 28 years ago.
Now that that had been taken care of she supposed she should figure out who exactly was on her team or who her new coworkers were. Yay...
Yes! Bowling! This was his game! Well, Gobstones was Milo's game, really, but there were many parallels between gobstones and bowling for him to enjoy the strategy and gameplay of it all. Or at least that's what he told himself. He pulled on a black shirt because the pun was hilarious and because he planned on getting strikes, so the choice was obvious.
And the first person he saw in the same shirt was a woman who appeared about his age, maybe a few years younger. "Heyyy, same shirt, same team!" he said with a grin, giving her finger guns. Might as well get to know his teammates. "I'm Milo, by the way."
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,086
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
lots and lots direct nods of nods and indirect charles for everyone :3
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Continuing his jovial greetings, Charles was pleased that the ugly bowling t-shirts were being (mostly) embarrassed without much question. It was part of the charm of the whole bowling mentality. Now they just needed participants to start bowling. Or was everyone waiting for him to perform the first toss? Had that been something discussed among his department heads? There had been a bit too much on the Minister's mind, too many checks and balances, to keep track of all that. January could remind him if it was necessary. For now, Charles was more than content assisting with shoes and shirt and being one of the first faces Ministry employees received.
"Ah, Shang Wu," he greeted with a wide smile as he easily recognized the man from his resume. "Welcome to our Ministry! I look forward to seeing what you add to the Minister's Office." And then the man gave the hem of his shirt a bit of a tug to admire it. "Rather befitting of Bertie Bott's, wouldn't you agree?"
Olivia Olly was certainly in a hurry and is PLEASED the man GREATLY to see such enthusiasm from the Environmental head. She hadn't seem as excited during their planning meetings but he would atone this shift to seeing everything in motion and becoming engrossed in the experience. LOVELY!
His eyes briefly met those belonging to Conley and he felt himself feel just a bit on edge with the man and whom he may have brought as a plus one. There were concerns and the man was not oblivious, but so far it seemed that the Minister need not say anything. May it STAY that way.
And then there was one James Draper and, honestly, the Creatures head should know what the Minister was going to say by now. "Look alive, James," he chuckled as he gave the man a HEARTY slap on the back once he received his black t-shirt. "Just because you are wearing black doesn't mean you are at a funeral."
And it was ALWAYS lovely to see January. He offered her a playful little bout of finger wiggling before his attention was back to passing out t-shirts to the next employee.
And Ronan, young man, was missing the point in that this was most certainly not an orientation. The party planning committee was quite good at their jobs for these functions. And Charles would have happily explained the difference were such thoughts voiced, but alas.
"Victoria, join the Beans team?" he mused while wiggling a shirt towards her dreary disposition. And he would have answered the other young woman's questions, but it seemed the one fellow from Transportation was giving it a go and Charles would be a proper wingman and not intervene...until he utterly confused her. Should it come to that.
Chuckling at Eliora and her consistent need for a coffee IV and leaned over the counter to shout at her. Let it not be said that Charles knew how to, mostly, take care of his employees. "I GOT YOU A FRESH BREW HERE BEHIND THE COUNTER, ELIORA!" In a quaint looking tumbler too. Eco friendly and such. Be proud of the man, Olivia Olly.
And, to be fair to the establishment, if a coffee machine had been in demand it SHOULD have been added to their lists of necessity.
Charles then noticed Adam and it reminded the Ministry that he needed to poke and prod Airey about giving that man a much over due bonus for his work in Mysteries. Well over a decade now, hadn't it been? Charles would need to consult the paperwork there. And then he was joined by a charming young woman. "Oh Adam! Lovely of you to bring your daughter to the function," he smiled BROADLY. He hadn't even known that Adam had married! This was a problem that did occasionally arise with Unspeakable records but no matter. "What color will it be then?" he asked as his hands waved over the t-shirt options.
Ah and there was Kendra! He wanted to have a chat with her later for some further follow up about what had happened at the World Cup. Very peculiar. He offered her a warm smile and wave as she moved on with her purple shirt.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Last edited by sweetpinkpixie; 06-21-2019 at 01:49 AM.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
SPOILER!!: Charles
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Continuing his jovial greetings, Charles was pleased that the ugly bowling t-shirts were being (mostly) embarrassed without much question. It was part of the charm of the whole bowling mentality. Now they just needed participants to start bowling. Or was everyone waiting for him to perform the first toss? Had that been something discussed among his department heads? There had been a bit too much on the Minister's mind, too many checks and balances, to keep track of all that. January could remind him if it was necessary. For now, Charles was more than content assisting with shoes and shirt and being one of the first faces Ministry employees received.
"Ah, Shang Wu," he greeted with a wide smile as he easily recognized the man from his resume. "Welcome to our Ministry! I look forward to seeing what you add to the Minister's Office." And then the man gave the hem of his shirt a bit of a tug to admire it. "Rather befitting of Bertie Bott's, wouldn't you agree?"
Olivia Olly was certainly in a hurry and is PLEASED the man GREATLY to see such enthusiasm from the Environmental head. She hadn't seem as excited during their planning meetings but he would atone this shift to seeing everything in motion and becoming engrossed in the experience. LOVELY!
His eyes briefly met those belonging to Conley and he felt himself feel just a bit on edge with the man and whom he may have brought as a plus one. There were concerns and the man was not oblivious, but so far it seemed that the Minister need not say anything. May it STAY that way.
And then there was one James Draper and, honestly, the Creatures head should know what the Minister was going to say by now. "Look alive, James," he chuckled as he gave the man a HEARTY slap on the back once he received his black t-shirt. "Just because you are wearing black doesn't mean you are at a funeral."
And it was ALWAYS lovely to see January. He offered her a playful little bout of finger wiggling before his attention was back to passing out t-shirts to the next employee.
And Ronan, young man, was missing the point in that this was most certainly not an orientation. The party planning committee was quite good at their jobs for these functions. And Charles would have happily explained the difference were such thoughts voiced, but alas.
"Victoria, join the Beans team?" he mused while wiggling a shirt towards her dreary disposition. And he would have answered the other young woman's questions, but it seemed the one fellow from Transportation was giving it a go and Charles would be a proper wingman and not intervene...until he utterly confused her. Should it come to that.
Chuckling at Eliora and her consistent need for a coffee IV and leaned over the counter to shout at her. Let it not be said that Charles knew how to, mostly, take care of his employees. "I GOT YOU A FRESH BREW HERE BEHIND THE COUNTER, ELIORA!" In a quaint looking tumbler too. Eco friendly and such. Be proud of the man, Olivia Olly.
And, to be fair to the establishment, if a coffee machine had been in demand it SHOULD have been added to their lists of necessity.
Charles then noticed Adam and it reminded the Ministry that he needed to poke and prod Airey about giving that man a much over due bonus for his work in Mysteries. Well over a decade now, hadn't it been? Charles would need to consult the paperwork there. And then he was joined by a charming young woman. "Oh Adam! Lovely of you to bring your daughter to the function," he smiled BROADLY. He hadn't even known that Adam had married! This was a problem that did occasionally arise with Unspeakable records but no matter. "What color will it be then?" he asked as his hands waved over the t-shirt options.
Ah and there was Kendra! He wanted to have a chat with her later for some further follow up about what had happened at the World Cup. Very peculiar. He offered her a warm smile and wave as she moved on with her purple shirt.
Victoria was lost in her own thoughts, thoughts that truly made her smile and want to leave at the same time. Placing the thoughts with how rubbish she was at bowling and this was starting off great. Her eyes lifted as she saw a familiar face and she gave Jacob a wave, she'd speak to her department employee soon, but he seemed to have jumped right in with all the bowling and helping new employees, but her face did cringe as he dropped the ball on his foot.
Her features softened a bit as she heard a very familiar voice, "Oh I don't know, I was hoping to blend into the background and just watch everyone else. I could help with the food if needed." As a department head she assumed the minister of magic wasn't going to let her off the hook that easy. "Do you think I'll be good on the... Beans?" What color were they again, she did fancy purple though, maybe she could be on that team.
Lucy nodded at her boss. "I'll try my best to enjoy it. I mean, maybe it'll be fun." When Olly mentioned interviews, Lucy smiled. "I can't wait to meet any new employees that will be gracing our department."
Lucy was intrigued at the request to visit her employer's office the next morning. "Of course!"
"Maybe..." Olly echoed, looking around for a brief moment before realizing what she'd just said. "I mean, I'm sure you'll have a great time, yeah?" That had a more optimistic touch. Besides, bowling could be fun...right? Yes?
Who had talked her into agreeing to this again?
ANYWAY, new employees. "Good. I've hired three new people for the Botany Division so I hope you'll be able to get to know them very soon." Seeing as they'd be working together quite closely and would hopefully be able to help each other out. That was the point of having a team right?
Originally Posted by Kimothy
"Minister, Mariana, Lucille, Alexander, Olly," the blond greeted those she knew and came across. She went to join them, especially the ones from her department. Aside from the people she went to school with years ago, they were the only ones she knew from the ministry. "I trust that you all had an enjoyable break." She kind of did, if you didn't count the numerous times her twin boys woke her up in the middle of the night.
Speaking of team...
"Kat, hello." She gave the blonde a small smile before FINALLY putting on her Spareialis Revelio bowling T-Shirt. At least she felt comfortable in this. Could have most definitely been a whole lot worse. "Yes, thanks. How was yours?"
Originally Posted by Ginevra
Ursula smiled at Yasmina. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I work as a Memory Restoration Specialist. I look forward to working with you."
Ah, not one of "hers" then.
Yasmina smiled at Ms. Agan anyway. "That sounds very interesting. How long have you been working there?" Hopefully there would be an official introduction through their department head? She'd seen her enter the bowling alley a little earlier out of the corner of her eye.
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Originally Posted by Lislchen
ANYWAY, new employees. "Good. I've hired three new people for the Botany Division so I hope you'll be able to get to know them very soon." Seeing as they'd be working together quite closely and would hopefully be able to help each other out. That was the point of having a team right?
"Three new botanists? That sounds pretty amazing. I will do my best to make them feel welcome." Lucy said to Olly with a grin written on her ruby red lips.
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Ah, not one of "hers" then.
Yasmina smiled at Ms. Agan anyway. "That sounds very interesting. How long have you been working there?" Hopefully there would be an official introduction through their department head? She'd seen her enter the bowling alley a little earlier out of the corner of her eye.
She should go say hello soon.
"I've been working here for about two years. I joined when the current Minister of Magic began his tenure. It is definitely not a boring job which suits me fine." Ursula replied.