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Con_Stripes 04-09-2010 02:03 AM

QQS Front Counter

Once you’ve found all the goods you wish to purchase, bring them along and make your way towards the counter which is alongside the broom displays on the left wall of the shop.

Behind the counter your shopkeeper will most likely be and if not, feel free to ring the bell on the counter and he shall report to your assistance as soon as he can. Do not abuse this bell. It is charmed in a way that it will only ring once every few minutes to avoid people who think this is a musical performance. If you are kept waiting for a few moments there are some mints and Bertie Botts Jelly Beans, in two separate bowls, on either side of the counter to keep you busy.

Please be polite when queuing and do not push in. If you need to look at the prices of your items then do so, on the wall behind the counter there is a list of all the items so you don’t have to go back scurrying around the shop. To the side of this list is a door which leads to the back room, please ask if you wish to enter.

We wish you well on your purchased goods, please return again soon.

Ooc: Please do not RP for the shopkeeper (Charely Potter). The Diagon Alley Rules apply at all times. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the Diagon Alley Questions thread.

TeamHermioneGranger 08-08-2010 03:29 PM

ZOMG. Maddie was officially old enough to own a broom! Well, maybe not a Twigger, which was what she really wanted, but a Moontrimmer would do just as well. Hopefully, anyway. Oh look, the shopkeeper was standing behind the counter
'Hello!' she said cheerfully - and why wouldn't she be cherrful, she was buying a new broom - and gestured towards the broom racks 'I'd like to buy a Moontrimmer, please. Oh, and a servicing kit as well'

saltandvinegarchips 08-08-2010 04:40 PM

Ainra entered Quality Quidditch Supplies excitedly. The fact that she had landed herself in detention the night of quidditch try outs last year and therefore couldn't attend was like a distant fact from the past that no longer affected her now. No this year she would be making the house Quidditch team, or at least she would actually manage to go to the tryouts. She rolled her eyes at the thought. She quickly composed herself and smiled at the attendant behind the counter.
"Could I get a Firebolt 600 please?" She asked, excited. "And... a copy Bludgers and Broomstick and a pair of quidditch gloves and a servicing kit?" She smiled politely at the shopkeeper.

eliza22 08-08-2010 10:56 PM

Eliza joined the queue behind the two other girls, one of whom she'd seen before in Flourish and Blotts, clutching a Quidditch Rule Book and a Broom Servicing Kit. She really, really wanted the Moontrimmer, but the allowance she'd had to buy a broom didn't quite cover it. She could, however, afford a Firebolt, and that was what she was going to get. She leafed through the book as she waited, stopping at the more interesing sections.

Lizasaurus 08-08-2010 11:58 PM

Heading directly to the counter with the broomstick servicing kit, JD sets it on the counter waiting for the shopkeeper to return the broomstick he had chosen. His eyes full of excitement of owning his own broomstick finally. He had saved up long enough for it, considering his father wouldn't buy one.

The young boy...Adam seemed to be an eager learner he thought. Perhaps, the boy would tryout for his house team...

LaFresita 08-09-2010 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by TeamHermioneGranger (Post 9643098)
ZOMG. Maddie was officially old enough to own a broom! Well, maybe not a Twigger, which was what she really wanted, but a Moontrimmer would do just as well. Hopefully, anyway. Oh look, the shopkeeper was standing behind the counter
'Hello!' she said cheerfully - and why wouldn't she be cherrful, she was buying a new broom - and gestured towards the broom racks 'I'd like to buy a Moontrimmer, please. Oh, and a servicing kit as well'

"Alrighty, I think that's in order," Maggie said with a polite smile as she summoned one of the Moontrimmer boxes and a servicing kit from the side and center shelves. "That's going to come to 8 Galleons, 15 Sickles," she added as she wrapped the broom.


Originally Posted by saltandvinegarchips (Post 9643266)
Ainra entered Quality Quidditch Supplies excitedly. The fact that she had landed herself in detention the night of quidditch try outs last year and therefore couldn't attend was like a distant fact from the past that no longer affected her now. No this year she would be making the house Quidditch team, or at least she would actually manage to go to the tryouts. She rolled her eyes at the thought. She quickly composed herself and smiled at the attendant behind the counter.
"Could I get a Firebolt 600 please?" She asked, excited. "And... a copy Bludgers and Broomstick and a pair of quidditch gloves and a servicing kit?" She smiled politely at the shopkeeper.

Maggie nodded as the young second year rattled off everything she needed and then collected it all with a single summoning charm. She wrapped everything in brown paper and bagged it before adding, "That'll be 9 Galleons, 3 Sickles, 6 Knuts, if you please. She smiled.


Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9644978)
Eliza joined the queue behind the two other girls, one of whom she'd seen before in Flourish and Blotts, clutching a Quidditch Rule Book and a Broom Servicing Kit. She really, really wanted the Moontrimmer, but the allowance she'd had to buy a broom didn't quite cover it. She could, however, afford a Firebolt, and that was what she was going to get. She leafed through the book as she waited, stopping at the more interesing sections.

"Hello, dear," Maggie said to the girl waiting patiently at the counter for her attention. She eyed the items in her arms before they reached her face again; she smiled. "Is there something else I can get you?" she asked.


Originally Posted by Nymphadoraliz (Post 9645280)
Heading directly to the counter with the broomstick servicing kit, JD sets it on the counter waiting for the shopkeeper to return the broomstick he had chosen. His eyes full of excitement of owning his own broomstick finally. He had saved up long enough for it, considering his father wouldn't buy one.

The young boy...Adam seemed to be an eager learner he thought. Perhaps, the boy would tryout for his house team...

As she began wrapping everything and placing it together in the bag, Maggie mentally totaled everything together in her head. Okay. Altogether it makes 8 Galleons, 10 Sickles. She placed everything up on the counter and smiled at the seeker-hopeful.

Lizasaurus 08-09-2010 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Dee-Dee (Post 9645342)
As she began wrapping everything and placing it together in the bag, Maggie mentally totaled everything together in her head. Okay. Altogether it makes 8 Galleons, 10 Sickles. She placed everything up on the counter and smiled at the seeker-hopeful.

Having been seeker last term for both games, he was excited this term to try out for seeker with his new broomstick. A smile appearing on his face as the shopkeeper stepped up with his new firebolt, he nods not taking his eyes off the wrapped broomstick.

Taking out his money pouch, he counts out 9 galleons. "Thank you." he murmurs. He was so happy he almost forgot to get the change. He wanted to tip...but he knew he didn't have much more to spend, and leaves just one sickle for the woman.

eliza22 08-09-2010 12:16 AM

Eliza looked up from the book and smiled politely at the shopkeeper
'Um, yes, could I have a Firebolt, please?' she asked, looking over at the broomstick racks. She couldn't belive she was actually getting a BROOM. It was utterly amazing... and she was totally going to try out for the Slythie quidditch team.

saltandvinegarchips 08-09-2010 01:26 AM

Ainra smiled genuinely as she handed the shopkeeper the money needed. "Oh thanks so much." She said, still smiling. She took the package from the shopkeeper, and began to head out of the store, intent on reading the magazine she had purchased as soon as she got out when she found a place to sit.

Watson 08-09-2010 03:19 AM

Emma headed into her favourite shop. Yes she could finally buy her own broom. And she needed new practice robes, she had outgrown them. She went to the counter with a huge smile on her face. She brought all her stuff up to the counter. "Hello, I'd like to get a Moontrimmer 1500, a service kit, and a pair of practice robes, please!" exclaimed Emma. She pulled out her purse.

TeamHermioneGranger 08-09-2010 10:36 AM

Maddie took the broom excitedly and slid the money across the couter to the woman with a smile. Meep. She had a BROOM of her own!

Now she just neeed to learn to fly.

LaFresita 08-09-2010 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by Nymphadoraliz (Post 9645369)
Having been seeker last term for both games, he was excited this term to try out for seeker with his new broomstick. A smile appearing on his face as the shopkeeper stepped up with his new firebolt, he nods not taking his eyes off the wrapped broomstick.

Taking out his money pouch, he counts out 9 galleons. "Thank you." he murmurs. He was so happy he almost forgot to get the change. He wanted to tip...but he knew he didn't have much more to spend, and leaves just one sickle for the woman.

"Anytime at all, dear," Maggie said with a smile as she handed the boy his bags and his 7 sickle change. "And please, take a cookie," she added, her smile widening slightly as saw him leave her a small tip. Awwwww.


Originally Posted by eliza22 (Post 9645371)
Eliza looked up from the book and smiled politely at the shopkeeper
'Um, yes, could I have a Firebolt, please?' she asked, looking over at the broomstick racks. She couldn't belive she was actually getting a BROOM. It was utterly amazing... and she was totally going to try out for the Slythie quidditch team.

"Certainly," said Maggie, noting mentally as she summoned the broom that Firebolts seemed to be extremely popular this year and she may have to order more before long. "If that's all, it'll be 9 Galleons, 1 Sickle, and 3 Knuts, she added helpfully as she wrapped up the broom.


Originally Posted by Emms (Post 9646189)
Emma headed into her favourite shop. Yes she could finally buy her own broom. And she needed new practice robes, she had outgrown them. She went to the counter with a huge smile on her face. She brought all her stuff up to the counter. "Hello, I'd like to get a Moontrimmer 1500, a service kit, and a pair of practice robes, please!" exclaimed Emma. She pulled out her purse.

Maggie quickly summoned the three things that the girl rattled off and was wrapping them up. "Alright. That's going to come to 10 Galleons, 10 Sickles - and the cookies are free, she added with a smile, motioning to the fresh-baked cookies on the counter as she bagged everything up.


Originally Posted by shadyboo1 (Post 9653103)
"Thanks. I'll take one of these. I'm guessing that I'll meet you at the counter?" Izzy asked. 'Finally, my own snitch!' Izabella thought excitedly. 'I'll be able to practice now!' Her mom wouldn't get her one so she had to practice with enchanted golf balls. Let's just say that it wasn't that fun.

As Maggie wrapped up the box for the little girl, she said, "If that's all, it'll be 1 Galleon and 7 Sickles, please." She bagged the wrapped box and slid it across the counter for the little girl to take, hoping it would serve her well.


Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 (Post 9653948)
Savannah nodded her head, smiling a friendly smile at the girl. "We will take THAT one then."Cause like, Orlando was a Conrad and Conrads needed the best things possible. Conrads were just that awesome. "How much is it ?"she asked, her eyes darting towards the broom which looked oddly enough like all the other brooms in the shop.

As Maggie reached the front of the shop, she began wrapping the broom. "Feel free to help yourself to a cookie while you're waiting," she said with a smile to the two girls as she proceeded to bag the newly-wrapped broom.

leridanusws 08-11-2010 12:01 AM

Lila's second errand was to pick up a new broom for her brother. Her parents had given her just enough money to get a magazine for herself too. "Hi," she said softly while stepping up to the counter.

shadyboo1 08-11-2010 01:23 AM

"I'm buying a snitch. How much will that be?" Izabella asked as she reached the counter.

LaFresita 08-11-2010 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by leridanusws (Post 9655041)
Lila's second errand was to pick up a new broom for her brother. Her parents had given her just enough money to get a magazine for herself too. "Hi," she said softly while stepping up to the counter.

Maggie turned around to find another girl in front of her. Where was all the teenage-guy-Quidditch-interest going, eh? Hello, dear, what can I help you with? she asked brightly nonetheless.

Calezilla 08-11-2010 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Dee-Dee (Post 9648191)

As Maggie reached the front of the shop, she began wrapping the broom. "Feel free to help yourself to a cookie while you're waiting," she said with a smile to the two girls as she proceeded to bag the newly-wrapped broom.

Uhmmm...? Cookie, yes please. Hehh. She grabbed a cookie and nodded to the shop keeper, "Thank you."Free cookies meant awesomeness. She liked this store even if like...she would never come in here again well...unless there were bunches of hot guys, like Aiden hot in here. THEN that would change some things, hehe. Maybe she should learn about quidditch....? Eh, nah. Too boring. She stood in line waiting to pay, nimbling on the cookie.

leridanusws 08-11-2010 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dee-Dee (Post 9655339)
Maggie turned around to find another girl in front of her. Where was all the teenage-guy-Quidditch-interest going, eh? Hello, dear, what can I help you with? she asked brightly nonetheless.

Taking a deep breath, "I'ld like to purchase a Nimbus 7003 and a Snitch: The Magazine," she responded slowly. Lila hoped she remembered the broom model number correctly. Her mind always seemed to work a little sluggish and less effectively when she was nervous.

LaFresita 08-11-2010 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 (Post 9655349)
Uhmmm...? Cookie, yes please. Hehh. She grabbed a cookie and nodded to the shop keeper, "Thank you."Free cookies meant awesomeness. She liked this store even if like...she would never come in here again well...unless there were bunches of hot guys, like Aiden hot in here. THEN that would change some things, hehe. Maybe she should learn about quidditch....? Eh, nah. Too boring. She stood in line waiting to pay, nimbling on the cookie.

Maggie finally placed the magnificent broom in the bag carefully and slid it across the counter. "12 Galleons flat," she said with a smile.


Originally Posted by leridanusws (Post 9655464)
Taking a deep breath, "I'ld like to purchase a Nimbus 7003 and a Snitch: The Magazine," she responded slowly. Lila hoped she remembered the broom model number correctly. Her mind always seemed to work a little sluggish and less effectively when she was nervous.

"Of course, dear," Maggie said, before pausing and adding, "And how old are you?" just as a precaution. She didn't want to go selling some first year a broom and getting the slack for it. "Altogether it'll be 7 Galleons, 10 Sickles, and 25 Knuts."

Calezilla 08-11-2010 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dee-Dee (Post 9655511)
Maggie finally placed the magnificent broom in the bag carefully and slid it across the counter. "12 Galleons flat," she said with a smile.

"Of course, dear," Maggie said, before pausing and adding, "And how old are you?" just as a precaution. She didn't want to go selling some first year a broom and getting the slack for it. "Altogether it'll be 7 Galleons, 10 Sickles, and 25 Knuts."

Savannah took out her Chanel purse, fishing 12 gallons out of her purse.


She had like 1 gallon left after she paid for the broom, this was kind of depressing. Savvy handed the store keeper the money, still smiling.

LaFresita 08-11-2010 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by CaleyShoutCaley<3 (Post 9655535)
Savannah took out her Chanel purse, fishing 12 gallons out of her purse.


She had like 1 gallon left after she paid for the broom, this was kind of depressing. Savvy handed the store keeper the money, still smiling.

Maggie could somewhat understand the girl's frustration - almost 38 pounds for a broom! - but it was the best on the market, so she should be happy enough. Hmph. "Have a great day," Maggie said with a smile as she put the money in the till and handed the girl her bag.

shadyboo1 08-11-2010 02:41 AM

As Maggie wrapped up the box for the little girl, she said, "If that's all, it'll be 1 Galleon and 7 Sickles, please." She bagged the wrapped box and slid it across the counter for the little girl to take, hoping it would serve her well.
"Yes, thank you!" She put a galleon and seven sickles down on the counter from her pouch. Izzy also pulled out a red rose with a medium-short stem and held it out for the saleswoman to take. "It's a Matthew's family tradition. It's enchanted to never die, so do whatever you like with it." She smiled a bit.

LaFresita 08-11-2010 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by shadyboo1 (Post 9655656)
"Yes, thank you!" She put a galleon and seven sickles down on the counter from her pouch. Izzy also pulled out a red rose with a medium-short stem and held it out for the saleswoman to take. "It's a Matthew's family tradition. It's enchanted to never die, so do whatever you like with it." She smiled a bit.

Maggie was very taken aback by rose but also very appreciative of it. "Thank you very much - have a great day," she said with a grin as she headed to the back to get a vase and some water for the lovely rose... even though it wouldn't need it.

shadyboo1 08-11-2010 02:50 AM

"You too!" Izabella called as she left the shop. "Thanks for everything!"

leridanusws 08-11-2010 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Dee-Dee (Post 9655511)
"Of course, dear," Maggie said, before pausing and adding, "And how old are you?" just as a precaution. She didn't want to go selling some first year a broom and getting the slack for it. "Altogether it'll be 7 Galleons, 10 Sickles, and 25 Knuts."

"12," Lila responded while digging through her coin purse. She hated having to hunt for more than ten of a coin type. "7 Galleons and 11 Sickles," she said handing over the money.

LaFresita 08-11-2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by leridanusws (Post 9658038)
"12," Lila responded while digging through her coin purse. She hated having to hunt for more than ten of a coin type. "7 Galleons and 11 Sickles," she said handing over the money.

Maggie nodded, feeling relieved that she didn't have to smother anymore dreams than she had so far today. "Alrighty," she said, putting the money in the till and handing the girl back... "4 Knuts is your change. Thanks for stopping in," she said with a smile.

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